What does Private/Public/Unlisted mean?

Views: 5,071, Added: Jul 22nd, 2011, Last updated: Jun 19th, 2017

There are 3 possible privacy settings for bookshelves.

  • Private - A bookshelf marked ‘Private’ is just that: private. Only you will be able to see that bookshelf, and authors won’t be notified if you add one of their stories to it.
  • Public - Public bookshelves are the opposite. Other users will be able to see that bookshelf, and the stories you’ve added to it, from your user page, and authors will receive a notification whenever you add one of their stories to a public bookshelf.
  • Unlisted - Unlisted bookshelves are much the same as private bookshelves, with the primary difference being that other users can access an unlisted bookshelf—so long as they already have the link to it.

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