What are groups, and why are they so awesome?

Views: 3,781, Added: Jul 22nd, 2011, Last updated: Jun 19th, 2017

Groups are one of the coolest parts of the Fimfiction community, and we hope you'll take a minute to check them out and see why we like them so much.

Groups combine the functionality of some of the raddest bits of Fimfiction's infrastructure. For one, they can be used to find stories that interest you; groups exist for all types of stories. So, if you like adventure stories, enjoy tales of humans in Equestria, or just want to read about cute pony pairings (shipping), there's a group for you - especially useful if you want to get updates any time a story is added to a group with an idea you particularly like.

Groups are also the site's de facto forum interface - in most groups, any user can create a thread, and you can get notifications sent to you when a new one is created, as well as seeing thread activity on your dashboard.

Finally, groups are just an awesome place to meet members of the community - they're a whole subsection of Fimfiction's functionality, where users can run events, organize contests, or just hang out.

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