• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 2,195 Views, 46 Comments

Here be too much Dragon. - Golden Paw

Every pony saw this coming, Spikes a dragon with his cute baby years behind him and Twilight is at her wits end as to what to do with her 'little' brother. But help's at hoof when Luna calls in an old favour to aid her

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“We really did it Twilight, I just can’t believe that worked,” Spike spoke as if in a daze.

Twilight and Spike sat on the dusty plain surrounding the Citadel of the Dragon Empires and watched the Bloomberg slowly powering its engines for the trip home. The crew busied themselves loading various items of cargo while in the air all around dragons filled the skies, their multi hued scales reflecting the early morning sun.

“I know Spike, I thought they were going to roast me alive when I lost my temper back there but here we are,” Twilight carefully lifted the freshly signed treaty of nonaggression in her hoof and smiled in a relieved manner.

“What I don’t get is why the Burning Canyon flight agreed to sign, I thought they hated Equestria and ponies?” Spike scratched his head while trying to ignore all the punishment he’d taken over the last few days. Spike had never considered himself a violent creature, but within the space of two short weeks he’d fought a slew of fellow dragons and even came close to trying to kill a few.

That stirring nature within Spike rejoiced at emerging alive and victorious, but the more he thought about the fights the less he liked the idea of having to do more. Once the initial euphoria had died down Spike realised just how many times he came to being seriously hurt, or more importantly that Twilight or others could have been.

“I know Spike, that’s what truly astounded me. That Canyon Master is a sly one, maybe he just saw which way the wind was blowing and chose the winning side?” Twilight shook her head with uncertainty.

Spike grunted as he shifted his weight, the dull throb from the many bandaged wounds making it hard to find a comfortable position. As with Warden, Spike’s natural resistance to magic was playing against him. Spike had to rely on the good old fashioned method of resting up and being treated with a tender hoof.

“With them voting yes we managed to win four to one on the peace treaty and to be honest I don’t care why they voted for Equestria, I’m just glad they did,” Spike replied as he rubbed the deep wound in his side. That last claw punch from Charis had left its mark and Twilight guessed it would leave a scar.

She chuckled softly, “Me too, but we didn’t get everything we hoped for Spike. The flights agreed to sign the nonaggression pact, but they turned down the offer of a formal alliance.”

“These things take time Miss Sparkle, but you have already achieved the near impossible,” Pony and dragon both turned to see Warden striding purposefully towards them.

Twilight sighed, “I know and I should be happy, but I had really hoped to have gotten the flights fully on board.”

Spike recalled the decisions of each flight, how unsurprisingly Dust Peak had flatly refused any peaceful overtures whereas Thortax and his Ash Wind had been all for full integration of the two nations. Spike as sole member of the World Guard flight had of course followed suit, but this was where division crept in.

Largash and her fellows welcomed the idea of a pact of peace, but were unwilling to commit to a full alliance until they had learnt more of Twilight’s Mage-Tech inventions and what their true purpose was. This was quickly seconded by Burning Canyon much to the surprise of Twilight and Spike.

Warden grinned wryly as he settled down next to the pair, “Well Largash is living up to her reputation of being cautious and I’m in no way surprised.” Warden rubbed his chin in thought, “I am however taken aback by the Canyon Master’s choice, but then again they keep their options open this way.”

The grin on Warden’s snout widened, “The look on Skalancha’s face when you entered with the guards; that is going to keep me warm on cold nights.”

Twilight scrunched up her muzzle, “You’re sure there is no way of proving she ordered the attempts on Spike and me?”

Spike frowned as Warden shook his head in resignation, “To be honest your highness I don’t think there is. Skalancha is too clever for that. She will weave a tale of hurt pride on behalf of Charis and his brother, that they let their tempers get the better of them despite her direct orders not to attack you both.”

The fire in Spike’s heart flared again: He was convinced that Skalancha was behind the assassin’s actions, stooping so low as to order Twilight and Spike's death just because it hindered some scheme. He snorted out a sooty cloud of frustration before Warden patted him on the shoulder.

“Do not worry Lord Spike. The other flights no doubt share your concerns over Skalancha’s activities, in fact I would not be at all surprised if the actions of Dusk Peak flight didn’t convince the others to side with us,” Warden explained.

Spike stared at him in disbelief, “You just called me Lord?”

Warden chuckled, “Well officially you are a Lord and so I should address you as such.”

Spike smiled, “I guess I could get used to that.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, “Okay, okay Spike let’s not get ahead of ourselves alright? As you said so well you’re only one dragon,” Spike’s face coloured and he grinned sheepishly at Twilight before Warden cut in.

“True Miss Sparkle, a ‘Lord’ in name is not the same as a ‘Lord’ in action or power,” Warden gave Spike’s shoulder a final tap before smiling at Twilight in a longing way. “I think many congratulations are in order your highness, the wheels are in motion to bring our two nations together and you played an instrumental part in that achievement.”

Spike laughed as Twilight’s muzzle began to turn red and she took her turn to smile with embarrassment before Warden produced a scroll, “You have also helped my Lord Thortax, his flight and myself achieve our ends. As such I have been commanded to present you with a gift.”

Twilight and Spike eyed the proffered scroll, which looked weather beaten and tattered. Gingerly Twilight accepted the parchment and with care unrolled it. Spike watched on in mute anticipation as she read the contents before glancing at Warden in confusion, “Is this what I think it is?”

Spike could hold his curiosity in no longer and tried to peer over Twilight’s shoulder: The scroll was covered in arcane script and diagrams which completely baffled him. He looked to Warden who was grinning slyly.

“I hoped that your journey here would have opened your eyes somewhat to the perils of the world and how naive your ideals are,” Warden commented before Twilight’s pouted. “I must admit that I have come to think that you may not have been entirely wrong however and so took the liberty of composing those for you.”

Spike stared back and forth between Warden and Twilight, his impatience growing, “Well what is it?”

Twilight’s eyes never left Warden’s and she spoke carefully, “These Spike, are designs for spells that will immobilise a target or send them into a deep sleep.” She watched Warden who didn’t flinch from her scrutiny, “Not only that but they contain far more recent notations of how to make a magical weapon to launch such enchantments.

Spike’s eyes went wide and he stared at Warden in utter disbelief, “You designed a cannon for the Bloomberg?”

Warden continued to smile as Twilight nodded distractedly, “It would appear so Spike.”

“You cannot expect to travel the world in a new airship with no weapons Princess, it is foolhardy in the extreme and I do not want any harm to come to you,” Warden finally broke his silence and explained further, “But I know you would never condone weapons that are designed to kill or even injure and so I thought of these,” Warden pointed at the scroll.

“Non-lethal arms for our airship, we could defend ourselves without having to hurt those we fought,” Twilight’s voice had taken on a pensive tone, “That is very thoughtful of you Warden.”

Spike actually felt ill as Warden’s expression of rapture caused Twilight to blush again. Warden pressed on, “I’m glad you are willing to consider it. I know how much you value the peaceful reputation of your ponies and I would hate for you to lose that or anyone because of the lack of proper armaments.”

Twilight continued to study the designs uncertainly, “I’ll consider this Warden, thank you for the gift.”

“So we’re heading home then?” Pipsqueak voiced the question buzzing around everyone’s mind as he calibrated a bank of arcane regulators.

He was lying on his back, his head only inches from Applebloom’s as both ponies tinkered with the guts of the Bloomberg’s engine room. The airship was in good working order, but Applebloom was determined to have no surprises for the journey home.

She was also flat on her back, aligned polar opposite to Pip so that their heads rested next to each other, but upside down in regards to their fellow, “Well Pip that seems ter be the case, Twi has finalised all this treaty stuff n so we’re pretty much finished here.”

Applebloom reached past Pipsqueak to ‘readjust’ the flow settings he’d just finished with, “So er what yer plannin ter do when yer get back Pip?” Applebloom’s normally boisterous manner was curiously absent and Pipsqueak was instantly on guard.

“Well I thought I could apply properly to Twilight’s academy. I’ve only been here on a trial basis so far,” Pip replied and to his surprise Applebloom was very quiet. Concerned he glanced to see Applebloom’s ears had flattened and a frown crept over her face.

“Oh,” Applebloom said quietly and Pip felt like he’d missed something.

Trying to cheer her up Pipsqueak smiled encouragingly, “How about you chief, what plans do you have?”

To his puzzlement Applebloom’s face began to redden, “I er was hopin ter spend some time away from all this tech stuff, maybe visit the farm and catch up on all the family.” Pip nodded, that seemed sensible.

“That’s a good idea, family is important and you should take the time to have fun with them,” Pip added.

There was a long silence as both ponies continued to pull and prod at the exposed wires. Tweaking a setting here and double checking a cable there. Something seemed odd to Pip: He’d been adjusting this assembly for ages now at Applebloom’s request but they seemed no closer to finishing than when they started almost an hour ago.

Every time they seemed to be winding the maintenance up Applebloom found some other power line or capacitor that she wasn’t happy with, which Pip would then check only to find nothing amiss. It was as if Applebloom was stalling.

“Yeah family n what not,” Applebloom finally replied and to Pip’s confusion she flushed again.

“You okay Boss? It is a little warm in here, I can open the vents to let some more airflow through?” Pipsqueak asked with concern.

“Yeah um hot, right, yeah Pip you do that,” Applebloom replied, turning her face away and focusing on a cable Pip had already checked only five minutes ago, “Pip this here wire is um...”

“Er Boss, we checked that one already,” Pip said flatly, “It’s fine.” He cocked an eyebrow at Applebloom who was acting very strangely.

Yet again Applebloom seemed distracted, “Yeah, but I wanna make sure everything is in tip-top order fer the journey home Pip.”

Another silence stretched out as Pip vainly tried to find what was wrong this time: He pulled the cable and found it was all present and correct. Pip double checked the linkages, no, they were all in order. “Boss I can’t see what you’re getting at, there is nothing wrong with this,” Pipsqueak said with mounting frustration.

Applebloom pouted, “Yer really have no idea what I’m tryin to tell yer do yer Pip?” She reached past and pushed Pip’s hoof away from the cable, her face screwing up in annoyance as she refitted the covering.

Pip’s puzzlement only increased, “But boss there is nothing wrong with this section I........”

“Rusty horseshoes and prickly hay Pipsqueak! Do I have ter spell it out for yer, I want yer to come to the farm with me and meet my family,” Applebloom snorted before sliding herself out of the confined space leaving Pip blinking in astonishment.

He quickly shuffled himself out of the access space and stared at Applebloom in utter bewilderment, “Why would you want me to meet your folks?” Pip watched as she smiled condescendingly at him.

“Yer know Pip, yer have a good head when it comes ter technical stuff,” Applebloom said sadly, “But yer ain’t got no clue when it comes to ponies.”

Pipsqueak just stared blankly at Applebloom who rolled her eyes before leaning down and kissing him on the muzzle. Pip’s eyes widened in shocked surprise and as Applebloom pulled back as confused smile formed on his face, “What was....oh.....”

Applebloom nodded as Pip finally began to understand, “It’s like that is it?” Suddenly all the previous strangeness made a lot more sense. He smiled up at her and allowed himself the delight of looking Applebloom over, “I think I’d like that too Boss.”

Pipsqueak grinned happily as Applebloom looked into his eyes with contentment, “Well glad we got that sorted out Pip, I need ter have my crew knowing the lay of the land and be up ter speed with current developments n what-not.” She returned his grin before affixing the access panel, “So do you think you’re up to the task colt?”

Pip paused for only a moment and chuckled playfully, “Yes mam, Pipsqueak reporting for duty!” There was a wonderful moment where the two kissed properly before Applebloom broke away, leaving Pip bemused on the floor.

“If we’re gonna do this Pip I want it done right yer hear. So we are gonna be professional, no gettin ahead of ourselves n no ‘chargin ma power cell’ until we’re proper married understand?” Applebloom announced sternly.

Pipsqueak nodded with a dreamy look on his muzzle, “Anything you say boss,” He paused for a moment as what Applebloom had just said sunk in, “Ma-married? You’ve thought that far ahead?” Pip had a sudden fear blossoming in his eyes.

Applebloom nodded seriously, “Of course. I’m an engineer, I think about the big picture.”

“Do I get any say in this Boss?” Pipsqueak asked timidly.

Applebloom smiled genuinely, “Of course yer do Pip. I’m countin on yer to tell me what yer think every hoof step of the way. I can’t promise I’ll always agree, but I will listen.”

Pip’s expression morphed from mild terror to affronted annoyance, he glanced up at Applebloom whose own face had softened, “Did it ever occur to you Boss that I might say no, that you’re just not the pony for me?”

The question seemed to take Applebloom aback, “I hadn’t Pip,” She cocked an eyebrow, “Yer changing yer mind then?”

Pipsqueak scrunched up his nose before smiling slyly, “Well no, just wanted to be completely clear about the situation,” He took a deep breath before rising to one knee, “Miss Bloom, will you marry me?”

Applebloom was stunned for the second time, “Yer just gonna come on out and ask me, just like that?”

Pipsqueak laughed, “Well here we both are, surrounded by the work which is our passion, I love you Applebloom and have done for a long time: When better to ask?” He grinned up at her astonished face, “As you said let’s do this right huh?”

Applebloom laughed in return, “Eyup Pip, that’s what I said.” She leaned down and hugged Pipsqueak who warmly returned the embrace, “Yes, I’ll marry yer Pip.”

Steel watched as the last members of their expedition filed aboard the Bloomberg and pondered the results of their journey. Princess Twilight had ratified the dragon treaty with her typical efficiency, dealing with all the minor points and legal jargon like a pro. This left Steel with little to do apart from watch as the makeshift camp was disassembled.

It was a blessing after the tense events of the previous week and Steel felt his bones ache as a cold wind swept across the plains. Even this close to all the lava and fire within the caldera the biting winds of winter were making their presence known: No doubt when they returned to Equestria there would be snow covering the ground and frost on the windows.

“You know, I think I’m going to miss this place,” Night Dew commented. Having with typical style appeared next to him with barely a sound.

“You’ll miss the fire and dragons? Assassination attempts against our princess and constant fighting against dangers from without and within?” Steel replied in a level tone.

Night Dew laughed softly as she brushed her black mane from the goggles she wore, “Yes I will, it’s been one of the most exciting trips I have ever been on.”

Steel shook his head, “Well I’ll be happy to get back home, knowing that we did what was needed and made it back in one piece is enough for me.”

The two guards watched as the last tent was taken down, the last evidence that their party had ever stopped in this hostile land being bundled up and carried towards the awaiting Bloomberg. Turning his gaze further afield Steel saw that where once the plain was teeming with dragons it was almost empty. The vast space returning to its empty and desolate state.

The Great Meet had concluded and with it any reason for most dragons to remain. It had been a humbling moment for Steel when the leaders of the great flights had all left the metal mountain at once: Their enormous forms circling around the citadel’s peak before they broke off and headed their respective ways.

To think that such creatures existed these days gave the proud Captain pause. He recognised Warden’s taunts and subtle jibes for what they were; not an insult to himself or his soldiers, but a warning about the powers they faced.

Night Dew piped up and pointed a hoof, “Well it looks like somepony has made a new friend.”

Steel followed Dew’s foreleg and saw instantly what she meant: Tender Wood was talking animatedly with Vex, while Scratches cowered behind his master. The dragoness wore an expression of acute curiosity on her snout. Peering at the tiny pony as if she’d never seen one before.

“I imagine that this will be a massive change for us all,” Steel commented, “With the treaty signed it is now officially against dragon law to eat ponies or any other sentient from Equestria. We’ll have a lot of excitement to look forward to in the coming years.”

Steel sighed with weariness, “I’m glad to be out of it.”

Night Dew chuckled wryly, “Well that doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun. Vex has agreed to go on some hunts with me after I've recovered.” Steel peered at his fellow soldier before she continued, “Seems that she’s eager to prove dragon’s superiority in the art of stealth and cunning.”

“’Each to their own I’ guess,” Steel replied noncommittally before Night Dew playfully tapped him on the shoulder.”

“Hey come on. We did it, we’re heading home and Spike’s now a dragon Lord. Lighten up Steel,” Night Dew reprimanded.

Steel felt his mouth twitch before a slow smile played across it. He watched as Vex held out a claw to Tender Wood who was examining it with every sign of enjoyment. What made Steel smile was the look of growing interest on Vex’s face also, “If you had asked me what I thought of a colt playing with a strange dragon only a few days ago well....”

Night Dew watched as Vex allowed Tender to examine her eyes and ears, lowering her head down to be level with the young stallion and his now excited timber wolf cub. Steel chuckled as Vex sniffed Tender’s mane, pulling the strands of hair out of place with a great intake of air. Scratch’s exited barking could be heard from here, the cub racing round and round Tender who simply stood there with a now tangled mess of chestnut curls.

“Huge events often start with small acts, “Night Dew commented and Steel gave her a sidelong glance.

“Don’t tell me you’re going to get all deep and symbolic on me lieutenant, I don’t think I could cope with such a drastic change in the world,” Steel smiled as the dragon and pony continued to talk in the distance. The officers stood in silence for a while, watching two so very different creatures exploring each other and Steel’s face became sombre, “Do you honestly think that peace can last Lieutenant?”

Night Dew looked uncertain, “Probably not Captain, but that’s why we all need to be prepared to do what is needed to restore it again.” She stretched her wings and flapped them experimentally, lifting a few inches off the ground before settling down once more, “On a brighter note I can fly again. I plan to enjoy myself, not mope about what may happen.”

Steel nodded in agreement, the melancholy expression being replaced by a determined smile, “As you were Lieutenant, as you were.”

The last of the baggage was finally loaded onto the Bloomberg and the crew began boarding in earnest. Steel and Night Dew shared a look before heading off to their assigned tasks before departure.

Months later, deep within the Ash Wind flight’s stronghold Thortax brooded on the most recent changes to the Dragon Empires. News was trickling in that Equestrian caravans were now braving the journey across the borders, bringing new inventions, music, art and medicines for the dragons to sample. In return envoys and forward thinking dragons had gone to Equestria, telling stories and lending their services in a variety of tasks suited to them.

It stirred his ancient heart to see his people begin to shrug off the prejudices and superior attitudes of time uncounted. There had been a dramatic influx of aspirants who wanted to join the Citadel Guard, who in turn had spread their operations beyond the caldera’s bounds.

New laws required new enforcers to administer them, but with the backing of over half the flights in the Empire there were plenty of recruits for the task. Dragons wearing the darkened armour of the Guard were now a common sight throughout the lands.

The flights had not been so organised, nor united for more years than Thortax cared to count. Things were changing and it was happening faster every day. A new sense of purpose had gripped the dragons, one that overshadowed their normal tendencies.

Thortax picked up a tiny device from an Equestrian supply crate with great care and marvelled at its complexity: the object was a dragon sized headset, containing a built in ‘send and receive’ communications enchantment. It was a common place device in Equestria these days, but unheard of in dragon lands. With these new communicators dragons could speak with each other far more easily over large distances. Such a simple idea yet so useful and oh so very pony.

The dragon lands were filling with such technological creations allowing the newly expanded Citadel Guard to keep close tabs on what was going on and quickly respond to any troubles which..... Thortax’s examination of the device was interrupted by a sudden shift in the air.

Slowly lifting his head he took a deep breath of sooty air before smiling, “It’s good to see you again Lulu.” Thortax watched Princess Luna flew into the cavern. She circled around the dominating magma pool in its centre and gently touched down before Thortax with a wide smile on her face.

“Well met Lord, I trust the latest shipments are proving useful?” Luna asked in a serious voice before she laughed happily, “Oh isn’t this all exciting Thory? For the first time in well over a thousand years the dragons are beginning to come together.”

Thortax nodded in support, “Very much so Lulu and it’s thanks to you and your little hatchling. The fact that a dragon was raised by ponies and then went on to become the master of his own flight is the talk of the Empire.” The enormous dragon tilted his head slowly to one side, “Speaking of which how is Lord Spike doing?”

Luna folded her wings and sat companionably next to the mighty drake, “From what I hear his new home is almost built. You should see it Thortax, precious gems and clever carvings adorn the new tower. It’s almost as tall as Twilight’s own research centre, leaving plenty of room for him to grow into it.”

Thortax cocked a giant eyebrow, “He still continues to increase in size, how very Interesting.” He drummed his claws on the rocky ground while deep in thought.

The Princess of the Night matched Thortax’s expression, “Indeed, I wouldn’t be surprised if he would match, say your stature one day?” Her reply hinted at an unspoken question.

Thortax didn’t reply at once and he continued to study the comparatively tiny device in his claws, “It has been said that most important dragons, those that have a mighty work or task to achieve are gifted with a far greater portion of Whisper’s own power.”

The smile on Luna’s face curled slyly, “I have heard that too Thory, but the bigger question is has Spike already done what mighty deed which is required of him or is that still to be discovered?”

Rubbing a massive claw across his chin Throtax shook his head, “I can’t say with a certainty, but being instrumental in the creation of this treaty was certainly a world changing event.” He peered at Luna with a curious expression, “A dragon hatched by a future Princess of Equestria, is raised by equines and who then goes on to help change the course of the Dragon Empires: That’s a pretty impressive tale in its own right don’t you think without adding more to it?”

Luna laughed, “I guess you’re right Thortax.” She produced a small box which was intricately carved and bore the seal of Princess Twilight, “I was asked to pass this gift along to Warden. It’s a special thank you from her for all he did.”

Throtax nodded before clearing his throat and calling out, “Warden, attend me.”

It took only a few moments for a winged figure to swoop into the cave and Luna smiled at his approach, “I’m glad to see your injuries have mostly healed.”

Warden landed neatly before the pair and bowed low, “You called me Lord?”

Luna levitated the small box to Warden as Thortax explained its significance, “A gift for you, from Princess Twilight no less.” Warden received the object and with a delicate claw undid the latch securing its lid before pausing for a moment, his single eye studying its contents with astonishment.

He slowly lifted out a bound scroll addressed to him and upon further study saw a small device nestled within a bed of silken padding. Both his Lord and Luna watched as Warden lifted the delicate creation. Turning it over in his hand before reading the attached note, his expression was unreadable.

“I trust all is in order warden?” Thortax asked his patience thinning.

Warden looked up at his Lord and without speaking a word lifted the gift to his scarred face, there was a tiny flash of purple magic. As he lowered his hand both alicorn Princess and Dragon Lord saw that a new Mage-Tech eye patch covered Warden’s missing one. The detail and care gone into its construction were breath taking: Small arcane runes glowed with power and the frame was crafted to fit precisely around Warden’s ravaged cheek.

The centrepiece of the gift was the glowing eye lens, which emitted a purple hued aura that mimicked a slitted dragon’s pupil. Warden blinked a few times, the new replacement eye copying the actions of his flesh and blood one before Warden smiled with satisfaction, “Yes my Lord, everything is in perfect working order.”

Warden studied the message again, his eyes bright with excitement and just a hint of longing. With the utmost care he rewound the scroll and with a sigh placed it back within its box. Warden stroked the case before taking a deep breath, resolution clear on his face.

Luna beamed with pride, “I’m glad this meets with your approval Warden and I want to take this chance to thank you personally for all your help with Lord Spike.” She bowed before addressing Thortax once again, “Speaking of which, is there any of the World Guard flight’s holdings or treasures which remain?”

Warden felt around his new prosthetic and seemed pleased with the results before responding, “Sadly no your highness, there is no lands or riches left on that front. All have been absorbed or claimed by other flights.”

Warden blinked his own eye and then the replacement in turn. Testing out the quality of his restored vision while continuing, “If Spike wishes to come to dragon lands and carve out his own little piece of territory then he is of course well within his rights to do so.” He smiled before going on, “However from what I hear, he is finally getting settled in Equestria and we could do with an official embassy for your lands, if Spike agrees of course?”

Thortax grinned, his massive face creasing up with pleasure, “And should he accept such an offer the flights would of course be happy to send some compensation, most likely this would take the form of gold and gems which once belonged to the World Guard’s old hoard.”

All three of them were grinning now and Luna tapped her chin thoughtfully, “I can see the merit in such an action, I will speak with Lord Spike and suggest such to him.”

Twilight and Spike sat at the mouth of the cave within his mountain and watched the snow covered vista of Equestria spread out before them. The Sun was setting on another winter day, dipping down between the rising spires of Twilight’s academy and Spike’s almost completed home. Both structures easily dominated the town of Ponyville: One a shimmering lance of glass and metal, the other a blocky monster of carved rock and glittering jewels.

The offer for this new home to become the dragon embassy within Equestria had been happily taken up by Spike who could only stare in wonder as precious gems of all shapes and sizes were ‘donated’ by the other flights.

Spike’s massive frame which had once easily fitted into the cave he called home for nearly a year now, only just squeezed between the enclosing walls. He was going to have to move yet again, but this time he was happy about the arrangements. Spike now completely overshadowed his older sister Twilight who snuggled up against his forearm and watched the sun slowly dip a little lower towards the horizon.

“It’s beautiful Twi, you must be so proud,” Spike said, his voice deep and resonant. Twilight smiled up at him and Spike thought she looked so small now. All his pony friends did, but inside Spike still felt like that little dragon who used to ride on Twilight’s back despite his now towering stature.

“Thanks Spike, but I am.....” Twilight said sleepily before a yawn cut her off mid sentence. Recovering her composure she finished, “I’m...more....proud....of....you.” Twilight's voice was distant and heavy with sleep.

Spike felt his heart burn with pride and chuckled to himself, the sounds and power of even this small act caused Twilight to stir, blinking up happily at him. Even after all this time he still longed for Twilight’s approval and doubted that would ever change. Spike glanced down at his sister who was resting her head against his thick scales, her eyes slowly closing as sleep crept up on her again.

It dawned on Spike that just for this moment everything was right, he didn’t have a care in the world and could relish the simple joys of being alive. Spike knew who he was, where he’d came from and had plans for a bright future which seemed finally within his grasp.

With incredible care Spike reached down with one of his claws, which was easily the size of the pony sound asleep next to him and gently brushed Twilight’s mane. She looked so peaceful, her side slowly rising and falling, her ear twitching as the cold breeze ruffled Twilight’s feathers. It was a scene that Spike would always cherish no matter what the world may throw at them.

For the first time in many years, Spike felt like he belonged. He had a proper home here, he had friends here and most important of all he had his family. Compared to all the riches that glittered on Spike’s new home; that was the best jewel he could ask for.

Spike looked out at the glittering lights of Ponyville and thought of Warden's parting words to him, "Endurance Hatchling. I think that's your aspect. Through this all you've stayed strong and weathered the challenges before you. Never faltering or giving up. Keep that in mind for the times to come, the world needs more dragons like you. It needs a dependable rock to anchor it."

Endurance huh? Well there were worse things to have as a defining aspect. It made greater sense the more Spike thought about his life. If he was going to be Lord over a flight then that would certainly be a good trait to have.

Twilight shifted and Spike did his best not to disturb her sleeping form. Carefully spreading one of his massive wings to form a protective awning over her, " I can be endure for you Twi, that's no sacrifice." The tiny fire they had built glowed merrily as Spike lent his scaly head down and with exceptional precision gently touched his snout to Twilight’s cheek, “love you sis, thanks for everything.”

The End.

Comments ( 8 )

I need to say this. Great chapter. I loved this story.



Another story comes to an end. This was awesome, and now it ends. I hope another story is done in this universe some time. If, so I'll be here to read it. Thanks for a wonderful story.

Well that was nice.:derpytongue2:

"Spikey ?":duck:
"What are you doing here?":moustache:
"Of all the worst possible mistakes , I made the WORST POSSIBLE mistake":raritydespair: I caught my ex-husband selling drugs to colt scouts during his alcohol powered orgy in the old church of the holy pony.":scootangel:

"EX you say?":moustache:"You know I'm a Lord of Dragons?"

You -Me-Bed- HOW?":raritystarry:

RARITY !:facehoof:

5323342 :pinkiehappy: Glad to have you along for the ride! Thanks for your support and feed bad it means a lot to me. I continue to build on this universe. Pretty much all my stories have links or are intermingled within it (barring one of the Pinkie shorts).

5323344 Well that's one way things could go.... :pinkiecrazy:

5323342 You took the words out of my keyboard lol

7585906 Thanks for the feed back, glad it's making you think :twilightsmile:

This was really a great story and I liked it. The grammar could be better though and I think Apple Blooms accent is a bit too much I was confused by the fact that she said summit instead of something. Summit is after all an actual word with a very different meaning the Great Meet could be called a summit of dragons for instance.

7588305 Glad you enjoyed it :twilightsmile:

Yeah Grammar and I are old foes, I have had some great people who's helped my with editing in some of my later stories.

Getting the balance right accents is always a tricky one too, thanks for the feed back :pinkiehappy:

Just got done reading your story, and I'm so glad I gave it look. This great story for Spike and Twilight you deserve all the praise:moustache::heart:

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