• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 2,196 Views, 46 Comments

Here be too much Dragon. - Golden Paw

Every pony saw this coming, Spikes a dragon with his cute baby years behind him and Twilight is at her wits end as to what to do with her 'little' brother. But help's at hoof when Luna calls in an old favour to aid her

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Fire and Fears

Fire and Fears

Ponyville was home to many different creatures now; but the sight of not one but two dragons making their steady way down the main street caused even the most jaded inhabitant to take note. Spike was a common sight in Ponyville it was true, but this new dragon was a massive change: For one thing it doubled the dragon population in the town.

"I do not like the way they are all staring at us," Warden muttered under his breath.

Spike blinked in surprise before looking around the crowded streets, only then did he register the attention the pair drew, "Oh yeah I guess that was bound to happen as you're new here, don't worry about it," Spike brushed off Wardens concerns casually.

“Worry? Where did you get the idea I was worried,” Warden replied in a confident manner. Because they are all staring at you with curiosity that’s why. Warden was used to fear and awe, but the inhabitants of Ponyville were looking at the drake in a politely 'interested' way. To be looked upon with simple curiosity rattled Warden's sense of the world. How could we have become so, mundane?

He snuck a quick glance at Spike fearing the younger dragon had picked up on his unease, but he seemed blissfully unaware of Warden’s growing agitation. Very soon the rising spire of their destination came into view and it almost came as a relief when they passed through the decorated metal fence surrounding Twilight’s research centre.

Warden observed the growing tower with no small amount of envy, in all his years dragons had never made anything to compare with it. Dragons weren't builders, they didn't assemble homes: Instead they made home where they could, using their size and strength to carve out their own domains.

He studied the completed foundations along with the strange collection of machines dotting the compound and shook his head in dismay. The world I grew up in is quickly vanishing. Warden watched as Creatures representing the whole spread of sentient life were present, all working towards a common goal and Warden had the creeping sense of being overshadowed' as if he were a small speck in some far larger design.

The general hubbub hushed as those present caught site of the drakes and felt the old surge of pride once again. This was more like it. His confidence returning Warden glanced around the compound and spread his wings for effect only to hear the voice of Twilight from behind him.

"Hi boys, you're right on time. Let me be the first to welcome you to our research centre," Warden spun around just as Twilight landed and he felt his annoyance rise once more as discovered the real reason for the respectful hush.

Warden gave a forced smile and quickly folded his wings once more, "Thank you Princess."

She nodded before ushering the dragons to follow her, "You're going to be the first dragon other than Spike to come here Warden and I really hope you enjoy yourself."

"I'm sure it will be very 'Instructive,'" Warden muttered, allowing Twilight to lead them forward with a small bow.

"It'll be fine I promise you, Twilight is just obsessed with this stuff," Spike whispered to Warden as they crossed the threshold of a large rectangular door way. The opening was more akin to the cave mouth than something pony-made, easily able to admit both dragons into the darker interior with room to spare.

Twilight continued to point out various creations and designs as Spike and Warden pressed further inside from the cold sunshine outside. Everywhere Warden looked he saw evidence of magical construction: Lamps with no flames, wheels that turned themselves and he could only guess as to the purpose of some of the stranger contraptions lurking within the confines of the workshop.

As with the outside the test bay's inhabitants were not exclusively ponies, but Warden did note there was a far larger number of unicorns present than any other race; evidently this new science still needed a lot of magical direction even if open to less inclined races. There were Buffalo, zebra even a couple of griffins, all moving about the area with a sense of excited urgency; their tasks given as much import as any unicorn's.

"I see you're attracting many followers Princess," Warden commented politely as his mind attempted to take in the amazing number of differences that must have been set aside to allow such a mix to work together. Even through his unease Warden could recognise the importance of what was happening here: To have so many races all working together was no mean feat.

Twilight continued on unabashed, "I know isn't it astonishing! I never would have thought that we could work together so well and each race brings something different to the project."

Warden was sure a slight glow radiated from Twilight as she happily looked to each of those under her command, "Every body is working together, sending their best and brightest to help here and I am certain we can create wonders that will make lives better for all."

"Almost every one," Warden muttered under his breath and Spike glared at his suspicious teacher.

Twilight was far too happy to register the negative mood of Warden and called out with no sign of anything being amiss, "And here we have what I need your help with." She stopped before a large crystal set into a supporting brass framework, its bluish/white glow that made Warden's eyes itch, “That is a lot arcane power princess,” Warden commented in a cautious tone.

"I know, our main problem we had was power storage; normally we relied on powerful unicorns taking shifts to maintain such energy levels, but the crystal fiefdom (Celestia bless them) discovered these," Twilight beamed with excitement. “With these new storage crystals we can free up space and weight that can be used for other things,” Twilight pressed on, completely missing Warden’s disquiet.

He studied the assembly and saw that lengths of metallic cord ran from contact points along the crystal to a small rounded dome mounted on a pole. Warden's gaze was also drawn to a yellow pony who fussed over the confusing assembly like a mother hen over her chicks.

"Um Twi, what is it you need us to do then?" Spike gently pulled the Princess away from her own personal world of science and his sister refocused on the dragons before her.

"Oh yes sorry, I did get a little carried away," Twilight grinned sheepishly before clearing her throat. After taking a few moments to order her thoughts she explained what was expected of the two drakes, "It's very simple really, I need to burn that target over there."

Both Warden and Spike followed Twilight's hoof as the yellow earth pony carried the mysterious pole to an open space marked out in red paint; once there she began to screw the object down, taking great care and double checking that everything was in order. The dragon couldn't fail to notice that the whole area around the mounting was covered in dents, scorch marks and what looked like some sort of corrosion that had eaten away at the metal floor panels.

"Just that?" Spike beamed, he had only been explaining to Warden that morning that he seldom got a chance to use his dragon's breath for anything these days. Warden grinned and shared the contagious enthusiasm in Spike's eyes.

"Yes Spike,” Twilight confirmed before lifting off with steady beats of her wings. She hovered in the air and surveyed the crowd, “Okay places everyone.” As the call echoed from above the hustle and bustle in the workshop changed its tone instantly. Warden observed that every one present donned a pair of goggles as the heavy rumble of machinery began.

He had a sudden fear that this had all been a trap: The floor began to tilt upward in several places, but his suspicious glare melted as Twilight held out a pair of goggles for him along with Spike with her magic. He gingerly accepted the proffered item, holding it between thumb and fore claw as the morphing floor ceased its activity.

Where the workshop had once been a smooth surface, it was now neatly divided into multiple sections. A number of sturdy looking metal panels now separated the red circled area away from the rest of the ground in its own square area. Further panels provided near by cover radiating from the central target zone, each one have small slits cut in them at roughly eye level. Warden peered at the small vision slits with a curious gaze. Evidently Twilight took safety very seriously here: Warden found himself wondering just what would need so much magical power along with protective barriers?

He lifted the goggles and glanced through the tinted lenses before snorting, "Miss Twilight I can assure you I need no such protection, I have been in lava flows and as much as I have grown to respect Spike I do doubt his fire will be too much for me to handle," Warden explained before handing them back to Twilight who looked crest fallen.

"But it's the rules; everyone needs to wear protection during a test," Twilight tried to explain and Warden felt the anger growing. Who did Twilight think he was; some weak pony or griffin?

"Come on Twilight he does have a point,” Spike cut in seeing the rising fury of his mentor, “Plus don't the rules say every employee needs to where them: Neither of us works here, plus I don’t think the rules say anything about dragons?"

Spike winked to Warden as the older drake reigned in his rising temper, “I’m sure Twilight meant no insult Warden.”

"Well I er...." Twilight conjured up the list of safety protocols for the research centre and began flicking through them while muttering to herself. After a quick browse she nodded in conformation.

Twilight’s face scrunched up in confusion, "Hmmm it seems you're right Spike. That is odd, I was sure I would have worked something in for when you come to visit." She shrugged before resuming, "Well I guess that means you don't have to wear them after all Mr. Warden, but I warn you: It's your own fault if you get hurt." Twilight cautioned as she attached her own set of safety goggles.

Warden laughed at this, even as small current of unease blossomed again in his stomach. The large power crystal was enclosed round about in its own partition and Warden could feel the magic emanating from it even now. He wasn't going to be showed up by a bunch of weaker creatures and so remained defiant, "I can assure you princess that I will be fine."

Twilight held up a pair of resigned hooves at his insistence before Spike lent in close, his own goggles resting on his forehead. "Don't take it personally Warden she's had a thing for protection for years now: One too many accidents where her spells went a bit off track. I've never had any trouble though so when I was writing down that list she's checking I didn't think to add dragons."

Warden cocked a scaly eyebrow at Spike, "But you're still wearing them, do you know something I don't?"

Spike grinned with embarrassment, "Well it pays to keep Twilight happy, I do have to liv.....did live with her." Spike's grin evaporated and Warden didn't need magic to guess why.

There was no further time to discuss the matter as Twilight circled once before calling out, "All clear and correct?" The Princess was met by a number of affirmations from the ground and satisfied she swooped back down to the waiting dragons, "Okay my number one assistant, we have done all scale tests already so no need to hold back," Twilight encouraged, “Give it all you've got Spike!"

Warden watched in interest despite his misgivings, Twilight’s enthusiasm was infectious. Various workers made way for Spike as he lumbered up to the enclosed target zone before rearing up and resting both fore claws on the metal barrier. He gave Twilight one more confirming glance before peering down at the metal pole and the dome it supported.

Twilight began counting down, "Commencing ultimate elemental endurance test in three, two....The workshop was suddenly filled with green light as Spike did as instructed and gave it his all. The green fire pouring from the dragon's mouth filled the target zone with roiling flames and many of the watching workers were forced to duck back from the resulting fire storm despite the containments placed.

Warden grinned as he saw the weeks of training hadn't been wasted: Spike was in far better shape than ever and the strength of his flame was testament to that fact. The metal panels surrounding the test zone began to glow with heat and he couldn't help but chuckle as a number of the watchers began to murmur with concern, but still Spike didn't let up.

He glanced at Twilight, a small part of him proud to show this little winged pony that dragon's were still a force to be reckoned with. Warden had no doubt that whatever this little test was meant to prove that it wouldn't stand up to the natural power of his kin, but to his dismay her face was still bright with hope, despite Warden's certainty that nothing bar another dragon or one of the royal sisters could have survived that inferno.

The older dragon looked back to the test bed where Spike's claws were slowly starting to sink into the weakened defence barriers he was resting on and the abused barrier began to bow. Then as suddenly as the fire had begun it was snuffed out: Spike took a huge breath of air, his fury finally spent.

After the roaring sound of a dragon in full release the workshop sounded deathly quiet for the first time that day, the only sound was the 'plink plink' of rapidly cooling metal. No not the only sound Warden realised: There was a background hum that had been absent before, so gentle that it took the absence of all other sound to make it heard.

Warden's confident stare turned to one of disbelief as he saw what was left of Twilight's little display: Where there should have been a blackened and charred pile of whatever the princess had built, there was instead a perfect circle of untouched ground. Warden felt his own mouth drop open as he saw the small pole and its domed top were completely unscathed. The only evidence of anything amiss was a small wisp of smoke where the linking cable had met the wall to the target area along with the glowing walls.

"That was...." Warden began before the sound of shattering glass echoed around the workshop and everyone present snapped around to see its source. The air was suddenly filled with flying crystal sparkles and Warden just had time to see a number of deformed impressions bulging from the protective barrier around the power crystal before the lethal rain began to fall with a beautiful tinkling sound.

"Applebloom," Twilight shouted in horror as crystal slivers shattered all around like lethal hail stones and without a seconds thought she spread her wings. Twilight would have leaped into air had Spike's powerful purple arm not shot out to block her.

Spike hauled Twilight in close and huddled over her, using his own body as a barrier from the deluge of sharp knives crashing all around. Warden looked about to see the rest of the work force taking similar steps before he too was forced to cover his head when a shard bounced off his cheek, leaving a slight nick in his tough skin and just narrowly missing his eye. After a few muffled curses from Twilight the tinkling finished and this time silence truly reigned supreme.

The quiet was eventually broken when everyone present heard angry shouting, "Tarnsarnet Spike, yer could have warned me yer had that much puff in yer!” Applebloom, looking far more angry than hurt, emerged from behind the screen she had been using for cover and glared at the large reptile that blinked at her in confusion.

"Now we're gonna have ter get the back-ups out n they ain't cheap," This 'Applebloom' continued to shout as she advanced on Spike, her two amber eyes furiously leading the way.

"But...." Was all Spike was able to muster before a muffled squeak from down by his chest resolved itself into an alicorn fighting to breath. Spike loosened his grip on his sister and Twilight dropped to the ground with a grumbling moan.

"Twi yer should have warned me bout his capacity! I didn't facter in it needin ter run fer that long," Applebloom's anger refocused on Twilight as she completely ignored spike and the gathering crowd of worried faces.

"Sorry A.B but I have never seen Spike release for that long, I thought I had done all the calculations and....." Twilight began before she saw that Applebloom had turned to look at the target zone, her muzzle breaking into a massive grin.

"It worked," She whispered and suddenly her whole persona changed, "It really worked! Yehaaw," Applebloom began to dance a little hoe down jig with excitement. "Did yer see that Princess? It really worked," To every creature's astonishment Applebloom spun around, grabbed Spike's snout in both hooves and planted a massive kiss on his scaly lips. "Oh Spike it worked, did yer see it!"

He eyes quickly turned from joy to disgust, "Caw Spike yer taste awful, 'pheefler'" Applebloom began wiping her muzzle just as Spike began to blush in confusion at this sudden turn of events.

Warden just looked on in mounting amazement, "On second thoughts if we're going to do that again, I will wear the goggles Miss Sparkle," A short pause followed this statement before Twilight chuckled and soon the whole workshop burst into laughter.

"So yeah, that's our final fire elemental test and yer did a fine job spike," Applebloom's mood had switched quickly after it became apparent that despite the slight 'hick-up' on the power crystal the test had been an amazing success. Applebloom had been animatedly discussing things through with Twilight nonstop since they had left the test area.

After leaving the cleanup crew to their duties; Applebloom, Spike, Twilight and Warden had made their way to one of Ponyville's parks as no eating establishments catered for the two dragons. Evidently it was going to be sometime until a replacement power crystal could be installed and so twilight had offered to take the three of them out to lunch while they waited; enjoying the refreshing breeze of an autumn’s early afternoon.

"So it seems that I put too much power in too quick princess, strainin the crystal n well yer'al know the rest," Twilight's chief engineer went on. “Weren't Spike fault at all n I'm right sorry fer blamin yer big fella. Yer just caught me by surprise,” Applebloom grinned up at Spike with respect, “I really didn’t know yer had it in yer."

Applebloom raised a glass of home grown cider to the dragon, "If there's more folk as strong as yer out there I'm gonna have ter rethink my designs proper quick," Applebloom continued to grin at the embarrassed Spike.

Spike sat with the others as Applebloom rambled off the technical parts of the day's test. It had been so long since he could relax, unwind and enjoy the simple fun of spending time with his friends and family once again. Now that he'd had some time away Spike had gained a renewed appreciation for his pony friends.

The frustration at being cooped in a house that was too small for him evaporated and Spike savoured the great blessings to be had in living in Equestria. Oh the wonders of hindsight, if only I could know before I did something stupid.

Warden however shared none of Spike's easy going manner and held himself stiffly as if at a royal inspection. Spike was worried about his tutor who had been very quiet since the test, Warden had kept peering at Twilight with concern all the way to the park.

Shaking himself down Spike replied to Applebloom, "Thanks A.B, I've been getting lessons from a pro." Spike smiled at Warden, but found he wouldn't be shifted from his sulking. “Warden’s been a great help since he arrived and I have discovered a lot about myself,” Spike tried to draw Warden out of his mood, but once again the older dragon didn’t seem to hear him.

"Yeah right, so what's he doin here anyhow," Applebloom asked without guile. "I heard that Big.D was bringing some guest along ter the test. I thought it would be Luna or maybe Celestia and I have ter admit I was right surprised when yer walked in Mr. Warden.”

The drake in question finally seemed to return to the here and now, "Pardon? Oh sorry Miss Bloom. I have been sent to educate Spike in the ways of dragons.”

Spike smiled as Twilight practically vibrated with uncontrolled excitement, "So what did you think Warden? It's a very simple idea, my brother uses barrier spells all the time and this just happens to be an artificial means of doing the same thing."

“This would be your other brother then?” Warden asked eyeing Spike in a confused way.

“Yep ‘Shining Armour’, he lives with my sister in Law ‘Cadence’ at the crystal fiefdom,” Twilight explained, “She’s the one who helped me develop the storage crystals.”

Warden Hesitated before replying, evidently taking his time to form his next sentence with care, "Well princess, I don't pretend to understand the technical part of all this, which I might add is very impressive, but one has to wonder why? Why this sudden obsession with advancement and what are you planning to do that could possibly be so dangerous that needs a barrier spell of such power to protect you?"

It was Twilight's turn to stop and think. Spike who had been following this conversation found he dearly wanted to know that answer as well. Under the curious gaze of both dragons Twilight shared a brief glance at her chief engineer who nodded before taking a deep breath, "Well you see....." The explanation was cut short as another voice that Spike knew well shouted angrily from across the park at them.

"There you are Missy, that's it I've had it up ter here with yer silly tinkering," All four of the creatures along a large number of park goers turned to see a furious Applejack stomping her way up the pathway with murder in her eyes. "I told yer that there 'technowhatnot' was dangerous but would yer listen ter me? Noooo!"

Twilight's ears flattened as her friend finished the short journey up to the group, leaving small craters in the soft grass as she planted each hoof step with determination, "Yer are comin home right now Applebloom and leaving these crazy and downright dangerous 'tinkerins' behind! What would Granny say if yer got hurt?" Applejack was trembling with rage and Applebloom arose to her hooves only to give as good as she got.

"Well if it ain't the stubborn farm mare, ter scared to try summit new," Spike winced at the venom in Applebloom's voice as she countered her older sister.

Applejack yelled back, "I ain't backward yer hear, I just reckon there ain't nothin wrong with how we been doin things fer years without all this dangerous who-ha. I heard about what happened in that labtery, yer could have been hurt or even killed! Well I have been patient lil sis, but this stops now!" Spike glanced around, seeing the whole park was watching the exchange now.

"Well yer a fine one ter talk," Applebloom responded with a yell of her own, "Yer were always runnin off ter save the day with yer other fancy friends, now when I try ter do summit useful yer just tellin me ter run home n hide!"

Applejack snorted before shouting one again, "Well that was different yer hear, we didn't have a choice when we were the Element Bearers. It was our job and we were doin what the Royal pony Sisters needed!"

Applebloom glared back, "Well I'm doing what a royal pony is askin now! I work fer Twilight n she's a princess yer know!"

Twilight sank down and flattened her ears as she was drawn into another argument that had been brewing for far too long. Just when life was starting to pick up with Spike, Twilight's other dear friends were tearing into each other.

She tired to intervene but was swiftly cut off by Applejack once again who gave Twilight a warning stare, "Nope, nuthin from you Twi, I respect yer as a princess n a friend, but I can't stand by while yer put ma family in harm's way fer no good reason!"

Spike saw how much it was cutting up Applejack to say those words to her dear friend, but family ties were deeper than friendship. He winced once again as Applebloom yelled right back at her sister:

"I reckon yer just worried that the world won't need ponies like you when we have all the inventions that Twi is comin up with: That our farm will be a thing of the past," Applebloom roared at least as fiercely as Spike had done only half an hour ago, only without the raging flames, but only just! Spike was certain if Applebloom could breath fire then her older sister would have been a pile of ash by now.

There was terrible silence as both mares glared at each other while Twilight’s eyes welled with tears behind them. Applejack was first to break the cold silence that had settled on the pair. "Our farm," Slipped out quietly from the now dangerously subdued Applejack. "Yer ain't been on our farm fer years now, you ain't working n sweatin ter keep it goin. No yer too busy with yer toys that blow up and try n kill yer along with every other pony."

Spike was amazed the world kept going as those words faded; Applejack may as well have been announcing the apocalypse. He paused in the awkward silence before looking around, but the sounds of distant Ponyville went on despite terrible disharmony unfolding in its centre.

The three ponies and Spike all had tears in their eyes now and even Warden seemed moved by such a scene, "Well maybe I don't ever wanna go back to yer farm, if that's how yer feel about all I have been trin ter do," Applebloom responded in a dark whisper. Twilight and Applejack both went wide eyed at this; their mouths dropping open in disbelief. Spike wanted to say something, anything to stop this before it went too far but Applejack beat him to it.

"Fine,” Applejack snorted as the anger overtook her again, “Glad we finally got ter the truth of things.” Applejack’s face grew grim and her voice dropped to a low whisper, “Maybe we don't want yer back at my farm anyhow."

There was a tiny moment of silence where Spike fervently prayed one of the Apple sisters would calm down enough to see sense, but it was all for nothing as Applebloom simply turned her head and folded her forelegs.

Applejack narrowed her eyes before doing the same, leaving both mares glaring off in different directions, “Go on go, get yerself blown up or eaten, but don't say I didner warn yer." With a cold fury that was far more frightening than the previous outburst Applejack slowly arose and began trotting back the way she came, leaving a line of tears behind her.

Applebloom glared at her retreating sister before giving out a huge sniffle. She turned to the assembled on lookers with water running freely down her cheeks, "I'm right sorry yer had ter see that, I-I better get goin..... Don’t really feel like testin any more terday." She briefly made her slow way along the pathway in opposite direction before stopping for a moment.

Spike watched as Twilight raised a hoof and opened her mouth, but before she could say anything Applebloom broke into a full gallop. She barged aside park goers and pressed on, not heeding their surprised shouts and wailing all the way as Spike felt his heart sink into his feet.