• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 2,195 Views, 46 Comments

Here be too much Dragon. - Golden Paw

Every pony saw this coming, Spikes a dragon with his cute baby years behind him and Twilight is at her wits end as to what to do with her 'little' brother. But help's at hoof when Luna calls in an old favour to aid her

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Wings and Warriors.

Wings and Warriors.

Twilight had listened to Warden’s suggestion and had reluctantly gone for it. He had explained that magically inclined dragons could impose their will on others, a bit like a hypnotic stare. The very idea curled Twilight’s tail, but Warden had assured her he’d never used such powers on Twilight or any other pony since he'd arrived in Equestria. Warden also promised that once used the effects would fade with time.

Night Dew had been dubious about the whole idea right from the start, but Twilight had overruled her. This didn’t stop the bat pony from complaining loudly once they had left Warden to his work.

“I still think you should have let me deal with her Twi, that ignorant fungus-rain deserved more than a good bucking for what she did,” Night Dew grumbled angrily. She trotted beside Twilight through the autumn leaves which drifted around the pair; stirred up by the light breeze passing through the surrounding trees.

“Well we are short on time and Warden promised he would get results fast,” Twilight countered, her hooves kicking up the great drifts of golden/brown.

“I could have gotten results Twi,” Night Dew responded tetchily

Twilight was forced to take another calming breath and noted that she’d been doing that a lot lately: So many problems in such a short time and they hadn’t even left Equestria yet.

“Look Night Dew I have said it before; we’re not going down that road okay? No matter how much we feel they deserve it,” Twilight said, her heart crumbling under the pressures she was being placed under. “I will not condone physical interrogation of a subject.”

Night Dew gave Twilight a look she’d come to dread, “Oh so it’s alright for a dragon to do it, but not a pony?”

Twilight’s ears flattened, “That’s not it at all Dewy; Warden promised he wouldn’t hurt Bright Spark and his magic would leave no lasting effects either.”

The bat pony just snorted as their progress led them out of the forest surrounding the pair. They reached the charred clearing of Spike’s previous battle with the bandits. Twilight noted the damage done and felt another lead weight in her over burdened heart.

The ground was blackened, the trees ashen and cracked; while the air itself carried the taint of smoke. It was like a scene of an old battle field that Twilight had read about in many a history book, so forlorn and sad. What surprised her most however was how quiet it was.

For the aftermath of such destruction Twilight felt there should be something, but instead there was just the slow sigh of the wind and the rattling of dead wood. Its atmosphere seemed to mirror her own thoughts as what had begun as a hope filled journey was quickly turning in to an oppressive burden.

It pulled at Twilight’s soul to see such... evil and cruelty committed by ponies. Oh there had been many dark and monstrous creatures thwarted in her life time: King Sombra and his domination of the crystal empire, the tyrannical but brief rule of Nightmare Moon had both been ancient threats that tried to rear their ugly again heads and drag her home back into darkness.

But this...this was just your every day Equestrian choosing to abandon light and knowledge and revert back to barbarism. It chilled Twilight to her core that even after all that the royalty of Equestria had tried to do; evil kept creeping back into the world.

Twilight turned to watch Night Dew prodding at a mangled something sticking out of an ash pile in an absent minded way and she was sure she caught a remark along the lines of, “I wouldn’t leave any lasting damage that would show...”

Twilight shook her head sadly once more. Bat ponies were a legacy of the Nightmare wars, all dark and creepy-looking with their dragon eyes and sharp teeth. Twilight remembered when she had seen her first bat pony oh so many years ago and had hidden behind her mother’s legs. The memory brought a ray of light to Twilight’s heavy heart:

”What’s wrong with that pegasus mummy, is he sick?”, the far younger voice of Twilight Sparkle drifted up to tap her on the ears.

Even the gentle memory of ‘Twilight Velvet’s’ voice managed to reassure her daughter even now, “Oh my little candle, that’s a Night Guard pony: They keep the city safe while we sleep and no he’s not ill: He's just different looking that’s all.”

Young Twilight watched as the bat pony stallion, huge and scary looking with his odd wings furled at his side, turned to look right at her with its pale yellow eyes. She shrunk back as the guard smiled as if hearing every word being said through a crowded street of a Canterlot evening.

To Twilight’s horror the bat pony nimbly crossed the street in a few moments before bowing to ‘Velvet’ and herself.

“Good evening Twilight Velvet, I hope you’re having a pleasant night,” his voice was deep and resonant reminding Twilight of some of the boring opera singers her dad liked to listen to. The stallion’s eyes went wide with surprise when he caught site of the trembling Twilight Sparkle. “And who is this little one with you tonight?”

Twilight pressed herself even further behind her mother’s protective legs and Velvet gave a little chuckle, “This is my daughter; ‘Twilight Sparkle’ and she’s very happy to meet you ‘Star Guard’.” Velvet glanced down at Twilight, whose eyes said she was anything but happy.

Star Guard smiled even wider before he spoke up again, “I see, so this is the little bookworm I have been hearing all about?”

Twilight scrunched up her nose before she answered his inaccuracy, “I’m not a worm; I am a unicorn.” A look of total fascination crossed Twilight’s young face, “But I do like books, they tell you ‘everything’.”

Her tiny face then morphed to one of horror, “There are worms that eat books?”

Star Guard chuckled and Twilight’s brief mote of courage winked out, “Only if I’m late to my shift.” ‘Star’ winked at Velvet who was beaming with pride.

Twilight’s persona changed instantly, and she almost leaped out from behind Velvet’s legs; excitement pouring off her, “You keep books safe!”

It was Star’s turn to be caught off balance and he looked to Twilight Velvet for assurance, which she promptly gave with a slight nod. “Yes Miss Sparkle, I make sure the books up in the castle are kept safe, from any pony,” Star Guard winked at Velvet once again: “Or ‘worm’ that tries to get to them.”

Twilight’s eyes went wide with wonder as Star Guard indicated the looming silhouette of Canterlot Castle, its tallest towers bracketing the rising moon. “You work for Celestia!” Twilight was bouncing around the now laughing bat pony, her horn giving off little flashes in her excitement.

“That’s enough little miss, now say good evening to the nice pony and let him get back to his work alright,” Twilight Velvet said in a mock stern tone.

Twilight Sparkle’s ears drooped and she looked pleadingly into her mother’s smiling face, “Awww but mum he Guards books, that’s like the most important job in the world!”

Velvet shared a knowing look with Star Guard before both ponies broke into laughter. The little foal glanced between both adults in confusion as Star Guard shook his head, saluted and then headed back off towards his 'important' duties.

Velvet leaned down close and muzzled Twilight who was watching the departing bat pony like a search light, all traces of fear gone, “See my dear, he’s fine.” Twilight nodded, her eyes never leaving the retreating form of Star Guard until he was swallowed up in the crowds once again.

Twilight blinked a few times as the memory faded, she was surrounded by the blackened clearing in the forest where Night Dew had just finished unearthing the object of her attention: A mangled long shot. Yes there was evil in the world, more dangerous one which tried appear as something useful and was all the more sinister for it.

“You did a real number on this Twilight,” Night Dew commented in a distracted way.

Twilight was about to agree when the air shifted and suddenly Warden was crouched before her, all fours down like a giant cat ready to pounce. The image was so at odds with how Warden normally behaved that Twilight was taken aback and shied away from him. With an overly theatrical gesture Warden folded his wings before straightening up to his normal more reserved pose.

“It is done princess and I have the information you require,” Warden announced with a touch of pride.

Twilight watched Warden carefully for a moment, but the brief glimpse of the feral had vanished a quickly as it had come: Before her now was the controlled and cultured Warden she had come to respect.

Warden matched her quizzical gaze with an expression as impassive as stone and Twilight could gain nothing from his manner. The moment drew out as the unanswered question hung in the air between them, “Thank you Warden, I hope that Bright Spark is unhurt?”

Warden’s face remained the same as he answered calmly, “She will suffer no lasting effects from my spell Princess and as I informed you I know who has been supplying weapons to the bandit groups around here.” Warden’s eyes softened slightly, “I am sorry to say that they are ponies as we suspected; a unicorn pair of some infamy from what I understand.

Twilight’s heart plummeted, deep down she had hoped that some other party was providing weapons, but now that idea was banished. She felt the anger bubbling up again, but clamped down on it, “Don’t suppose these ponies have names?” Twilight muttered through gritted teeth.

Warden replied, there was a brief moment of silence before the clearing filled with a burning light and caused both Night Dew with Warden to shield their eyes from the furious alicorn, “Yes princess; the Flim Flam brothers.”

The glaring flame enveloped Twilight and her eyes glowed an angry red, “Those two charlatans, I should have known.”

The old con-ponies Flim and Flam hadn’t been seen nor heard of for years (their constant scams and rip-offs had finally gotten them banished from Equestria) and Twilight hoped they'd stay that way. But now here they were again; causing trouble of a much more dangerous nature.

Flim and Flam had even applied to Twilight’s research centre before their banishment. Despite Twilight’s best efforts they had even managed to turn this opportunity into a disaster. She ground her teeth at the mere thought of them as her flash of rage simmered down to normal anger. The flames swirling around Twilight winked out, but the hot fury still burned in her eyes.

“Where are they to be found Warden? Twilight asked in a trembling tone, I’m going to put a stop to this nonsense once and for all.”

Warden’s lips curled upwards in a grin, “A ruined watchtower south of here your hig...”

Twilight didn’t even wait for Warden to finish, rearing up and kicking her fore hooves in fury, she set off at a full gallop in the direction Warden indicated.

Night Dew glared at Warden, “Why did you have to go and tell her that now, you could see how angry she is.”

Warden smiled wider, “I know, isn’t she marvellous: So forceful and direct.”

Night Dew’s anger turned to astonishment as her princess passed through the tree line and onwards beyond the devastation of the previous fire. She rubbed her stinging eyes before fixing Warden with a penetrating stare which carried power even through her day vision goggles. “We’ll discuss this later,” With that Night Dew tore off after the charging Twilight.

It didn’t take Dew long to catch up with Twilight, “You’re highness; I really don’t think this is a good plan.” Night Dew cautioned in vain as Twilight galloped through the forest leaving smoking hoof prints in her wake. To the bat pony’s surprise the alicorn sped up.

“Twilight! You can’t just charge in like this: If you do they will just go to ground and it will take weeks to find them; a delay we cannot afford right now,” Night Dew tried again, only just keeping pace with the princess, both of them throwing up clods of mud with their pounding hooves.

Night Dew was fit and healthy, having spent many years in the guard, but she suspected Twilight was channelling her magical might into herself: Fuelling her progress with arcane power. Even as Night Dew watched Twilight’s horn, already glowing, shone even brighter and Twilight accelerated before drawing ahead rapidly. In desperation Night Dew loosed her wings and leaped into the air.

The added freedom allowed Night Dew to close the gap once more, “Princess Twilight Sparkle, it is my...” Her renewed attempts were cut off as she was forced to duck and weave the low lying branches, “It is my duty to inform you that I hereby order you to stop in the name of your fellow rulers. I believe you have taken leave of your senses and are endangering our mission.”

Twilight paid the straining Night Dew no heed. Her horn flashed once again and with a ‘crack’ she appeared the other side of a blocking tree, not bothering to go around it. Night Dew was forced to furl her wings and perform a barrel roll to pass between the blocking branches of the same tree.

Having done this she snapped her wings open once again and saw that Twilight was gaining ground ahead. Pumping her wings furiously Night Dew slowly closed on Twilight once more, throwing all her strength into catching up with her friend and charge. Come on Dewy, how are you going to snap her out of this?

Twilight’s horn glowed all the brighter and to Night Dew’s dismay she continued accelerate, every so often teleporting herself beyond those trees which barred her path: Despite Night Dew’s every effort Twilight was getting away from her.

Night Dew called out as Twilight’s glowing form was lost among the intervening forest, with only the still glowing hoof prints indicating where she had gone. Night Dew cursed colourfully just as she slowed down and even this trail began to wink out.

She let out another curse just before a large shape soared past her. Dew caught the brief impression of a dragon shaped missile obscure the shafts of sunlight piercing the forest canopy: The draconic silhouette past over Night Dew and left her rolling its wake.

Steadying her flight, she shouted in frustration at the speeding drake, “Warden you big...” but to Night Dew’s astonishment the dragon wasn’t Warden, it was far bulkier than the dragon envoy and it took a few moments for her to realise just what she was seeing: It was Spike and he was... flying.

Night Dew just hung there with her mouth open, wings beating slowly as the enormity of what she had just seen sunk in. Spike was flying. The distant Twilight momentarily forgotten Night Dew watched the formally ground-bound Spike weave his way through the tangled assortment of branches, avoiding the larger boughs while smashing right through the small ones in his determined effort to catch up with his sister.

Night Dew’s mouth slowly morphed from a look of astonishment to a grin of pride, “Well done big guy, you go get her.” She hovered for a few more moments, watching as Spike was swallowed by the encompassing foliage before she grinned wider. Well this will make future hunts more interesting.

With a small chuckle Night Dew powered upwards and followed in Spike’s wake, his large frame having carved a wide path through the trees for Night Dew to follow.

The fire in Twilight’s mind was burning fiercely, all the weeks of worry over who was responsible for new weapons in Equestria had come to the boil and Twilight was angry, no, more than angry, she was furious.

She vaguely heard Night Dew calling something behind her, but Twilight didn’t care. She now knew who along with where the problem was and she was going to deal with it. No more risks to her family, no more tales of exploitation. Twilight was putting her hoof down and.....

“Twi stop! This isn’t the way to deal with this,” The voice broke through the rage boiling around inside Twilight’s head and for the first time since Warden had told her about Flim and Flam the princess paused.

Tilting her head back, Twilight shouted up to spike who was soaring above her, “Spike I thought I.....told....you..” She trailed off as she saw Spike grinning at her, his wings flapping lazily. Twilight slowed down to a canter and Spike overtook her with a few casual beats of his wings before dropping down to land before Twilight with a heavy thump.

Twilight slowed to a stop and stared at Spike, who smiled back with a proudly. She blinked as the anger within her heart was replaced with astonishment and joy, “Spike how? When?”

Spike laughed out loud, his massive chest shaking along with the surrounding trees, “Well Warden taught me of course Twi.” Spike looked immensely pleased with himself and Twilight felt her annoyance returning.

She furrowed her brow, “But I spent months trying to teach you to fly; I thought your wings weren’t large enough yet?” It was true: Twilight recalled all the fruitless attempts at flight from Spike and the long lectures she had given him about lift to weight ratios. By all sense of order Spike still shouldn’t be able to fly, yet here was the evidence before her.

“It’s magic Miss Sparkle, you of all ponies should understand that,” Twilight’s attention snapped around to see Warden perched in a tree once more. “As you so rightly put, beings such as dragons should be too heavy to fly so we use our own kind of magic to aid us,” Warden explained in a patient voice before grinning at Spike.

“I had only finished teaching Spike the final points of dragon flight before we rounded up the last of those bandits and we wanted to make a grand show of his first flight,” Warden cast his besotted gaze over to Twilight. “But it seems your eagerness to see this Flim and Flam pair dealt with has caused us to show you a little early.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes once more at the mention of Flim and Flam; but it was easier to fetter her rising temper as it mixed with fascination. She breathed deeply as she let the anger settle down, “Alright: Good call Spike in catching my attention before I did something foalish and congratulations on your first flight.”

Twilight really was proud of Spike for such an achievement, remembering her own first flight and the difficulties she had come across. She gave Spike a tiny smile and he seemed to swell with happiness, “I am sure it will be an intriguing lesson about how it all works, but right now we need to deal with matters at hoof.”

Warden was next to feel Twilight’s attention, “Thank you for bringing the important details of the situation to my notice Warden.” She coughed before going on, “Let’s decide together the best course of action we should take against the Flam brothers.”

“Here, here!” Night Dew called from another tree and Twilight along with the two dragons turned to see her hanging upside down from a branch. Twilight felt her stomach tighten with anxiety as she recalled the mad dash that had left Night Dew behind.

“Sorry Dewy, I just...” Twilight began, only for Dew to wave a dismissive hoof.

“Hey don’t worry princess: No harm done, plus I got to see Spike flying for the first time! You’re really something Spike.” Night Dew replied excitedly.”

Twilight watched Spike carefully as he basked in the praise and rolled her eyes, “Okay Dewy; don’t overdo it.”

Spike’s wings drooped and a look of contrite embarrassment crossed his scaly snout. Twilight felt the last of her anger draining away once more. She was still concerned of course, but seeing Spike achieving his ambition of flight was too special to let other worries spoil it.

“Welcome to the club of the flyers Spike, I’m really proud of you,” Twilight said as she fought to keep a stern face, but failed miserably. Soon a huge grin was adorning her face and she trotted forward to hug Spike tenderly who returned the embrace with a small tear in his eye.

“Just glad we got through to you Twi,” Spike said and Twilight felt the blush forming. She peered up at his large face and before rubbing her muzzle in close, not caring that his scales roughed up her coat. His chest was warm and Twilight could hear his beating heart as she pressed her ear close.

Warden coughed gently before addressing the gathering, “As lovely as this is, we still need to work out how we’re going to do deal with thees arms dealers.” Warden waited until all those present gave him their full attention. “As I informed Spike before, I suspect that they will have saved their best ‘tools’ for themselves.”

Twilight felt a shiver of apprehension crawl down her spine at these words. The long shots had been bad enough, what else could the dubious unicorn brothers have cooked up? Her face grew grave once again as she looked back to Spike who was still embracing her in his massive arms.

“He’s right Spike we have no idea what’s we will be dealing with,” Twilight said in a wavering voice. She remembered how worried she’d been when Spike had nearly gotten badly hurt in the brief skirmish with the bandits. Twilight didn’t think she could go through that again.

With eyes full of concern Twilight turned to look at Night Dew who was still hanging from the tree, her face impassive, “Night Dew I want you to scout out the area for us: We need to know what we’re up against.”

Night Dew saluted as Twilight turned to Warden, “Warden, I thank you for your help so far in this matter. I would ask more of you but I understand if you wish to decline.”

Warden simply grinned, “Miss Twilight, how could I pass up a chance to see you in action once again? Plus if these ponies are making weapons that can harm dragons I want to know more about it.”

Twilight nodded thankfully before turning to Spike, “Spike; you are to wait with the other soldiers until the Bloomberg comes to collect you I......”

Spike snorted before letting go of Twilight and folding his arms, “Oh no Twilight, I’m not sitting this one out.”

Twilight’s ears droop, “Spike it could be dangerous and you could get hurt.”

Spike cocked an eyebrow, “And you’re untouchable yourself? What about Warden, or Night Dew for that matter? You’re going to let them go?”

Twilight felt her stomach lurch; Spike had a point even if she didn’t want to admit it. “Warden is a seasoned fighter and Night Dew is a professional soldier Spike, they know what they are doing.”

Spike narrowed his eyes, “I’m not a baby any more Twilight, I can help and Warden has been teaching me some tricks too.”

Twilight blinked, for a moment she saw the little dragon in her mind’s eye pouting about not being able to eat all the ice cream he wanted. As she opened her eyes once more Twilight realised just how dated that image was: Here was Spike before her nearly twice the size of warden, covered in natural armour and with natural weapons and she was worried about his safety.

But the chilling image of that metal round heading right for Spike’s eye loomed up once more and Twilight felt her blood run cold. He would always be her little ‘Spikey-Wikey’ no matter how big he got. She tried again with pleading in her voice, “Spike please I don’t want you to get hurt.”

Spike growled in reply, “And I don’t want you getting hurt either, but you’re still going.”

Twilight watched as Spike erected the spines along his back and head, a sure sign that he wasn’t going to back down and she felt her resolve crumble. Twilight felt the tiny voice of reason struggled to be heard. You can’t keep him locked away forever Twilight. As much as you want to keep him safe from all the bad things in the world, some day he’s going to have to stand on his own two feet.

Twilight felt deep down that this was the right thing to do, she just wished it hadn’t been today of all days. She took a deep breath before bowing her head in defeat, “Alright Spike, you’re right. It’s probably going to be dangerous, but it would be wrong of me to deny you the chance to help.”

Spike pouted, “No two ways about it Twi I’m....what?” His eyes went wide with astonishment and Twilight smiled sadly.

“Yes Spike, you can come, in fact we will probably need your help,” Twilight said in weary tone before looking sidelong at Warden. “I want you to keep him safe Warden,” She said, her voice heavy with worry.

Warden stared right back at Twilight before nodding his head in understanding, “Of course your highness, I will do my up most to see that the hatchling is safe.”

Satisfied Twilight turned back to Night Dew, or rather where Night Dew had been: The bat pony was gone. Twilight wasn’t surprised at all, knowing that Night Dew would already be carring out her orders. With nothing else for it she forced a smile, “Okay you two; while we wait for Dewy to return please tell me how come Spike can fly now?”