• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 2,200 Views, 46 Comments

Here be too much Dragon. - Golden Paw

Every pony saw this coming, Spikes a dragon with his cute baby years behind him and Twilight is at her wits end as to what to do with her 'little' brother. But help's at hoof when Luna calls in an old favour to aid her

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Boarding for the Borders

Boarding for the Borders

"My fellow citizens of Equestria, this day we make a mark in our history! We are about to set forth on a new era of discovery and progress. It is with a firm hope that with this new airship we can show the world what all races can achieve when we put aside our differences and work in harmony!" Celestia proclaimed to the awaiting crowds below as the Bloomberg floated serenely above Ponyville's central square.

It seemed like the whole town had come out to witness the first public appearance of Equestria's most advanced technological creation to date: Ponies, griffons and zebra were present along with other more far flung races; all gathered for this special occasion. The white alicorn was standing alongside Cadence, Luna and Twilight along with their assorted personal staff as the frosty air of the first official day of winter rang with the praises and adulation of the assembled onlookers.

"The regent of the Sun is a very skilled orator, I can see why your people follow her so easily Miss Bloom," Warden commented to the other occupants of his platform, "Ah and that must be 'Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, " He quickly pointed out the pink alicorn he had never seen before.

"Yep." Applebloom's response was curt and distracted.

Spike nodded helpfully, "Yep that's Twilight's sister in law and ruler of the crystal fiefdom," no small amount of pride in his voice.

Warden, Applebloom and Spike were watching the celebrations from a covered tower set high above the crowds below. This tower had been set up especially for the event and gave the chief engineer a clear view of proceedings. Warden thought the celebration was all too 'cheery' himself, but understood the need for inspiration among the masses.

The two dragons watched closely as Twilight made her way across the small stage which had been erected just outside the former town hall. Warden raised a surprised scaly eye brow: Twilight carefully took some notes from the waiting Trixie and placed them on the small podium before her.

"She mastered the basics of dragon magic in an afternoon, yet Twilight needs notes for a simple speech?" Warden was incredulous.

"Yep that's our Twi, always prepared even if she don't need ter be," Applebloom said in an offhoof way, head still buried in her work.

Warden watched Applebloom as she continued to fiddle with a number of gauges and knobs on a strange device she had set up. It was all lenses and wires and Warden couldn't for the life of him guess what it was for. Spike on the other claw had his eyes riveted on the four royal ponies below.

"May I inquire as to what you are doing Miss Bloom, you're missing the important aspects of the princess' address?" Warden pressed as Applebloom continued to fuss about the contraption before her.

"I'm tryin ter get a proper etheric readin, still gotta few kinks ter iron out in Bloomberg's power systems...." Applebloom's eyes squinted at the floating ship as her tongue stuck out of the corner of her mouth.

Spike finally tore his gaze away from the platform below, "But don't you need to be inside the Bloomberg for that sort of thing?

Applebloom snorted in irritation, "Nope"

"Then how can you..." Spike began once again before Applebloom finally lost her temper and rounded on him.

"I ain't had no chance ter test the magic collection arrays right? How else do yer think we charge the power crystals huh? We don't just plug a unicorn in n suck em dry!" Applebloom glared at Spike who lent his head back, alarmed by the rising anger the Apple mechanic.

"I'm checkin the background arcane levels if yer must know and with four alicorns down there it's making it mighty hard ter get proper readins so will yer please stop yer silly questions," She snorted before returning to her work, while both Warden and Spike blinked at each other in bemusement as Applebloom continued to mutter under her breath.

With the localised commotion dying down, both dragons were able to hear the speech Twilight was giving, "..we couldn't have done this project by ourselves of course and so I would like to take this time to thank all of the support staff: Many, many hours have gone into building this creation and even more time has been promised to support the project as we set out to distant lands."

As Twilight concluded a number of citizens, all wearing matching green uniforms made their way into the town square. Warden was not at all surprised that, peoples of every kind made up the crew of the Bloomberg. As the they marched past, he noted a number of soldiers mixed in with the ground crews: Elements of both the Night and Day guards had sent representatives to accompany the maiden voyage by the looks of things.

All the assembled staff below turned around and as one saluted the princesses who bowed their heads in return, "We the princesses of Equestria thank you all for your help and continued service!" Twilight beamed as the crowd cheered once again.

"I see you have only ponies in your guard," Warden said in a dour tone as his snout formed a frown.

"And what's wrong with that? They're just here to keep the Bloomberg safe. I think it's great that the Princesses lent us some troops," Spike retorted.

Warden grinned and his eyes flashed, "Racial equality aside; just how good do you think those twenty ponies would be against a fully grown dragon, hatchling?"

Spike shifted uncomfortably, "There are others too: We have a griffon as a pilot for example, plus the security staff from the crew, they could fight if needed and there's us..."

Warden was nodding once again in a slow way, "So you would fight other dragons to protect these ponies hmm?"

Spike paused for a moment before coming to a conclusion, "Of course, I would fight to defend my friends and family."

"So you would expect me to fight for them too?" Warden's question forced Spike's cheery expression for fall.

Warden glanced once more to the Bloomberg, "I find it hard to credit that they would only have twenty ponies defending such a machine. It would make sense for other systems (beyond the barriers we tested) to be in place no? Warden's voice had become hard. "Why, if I were going into potentially hostile lands and were planning to tangle with dragons I would take something a bit more dangerous than just twenty ponies."

"Well I er...." Spike stuttered, evidently he hadn't even considered there could be any weapons aboard the Bloomberg.

"Well that's why yer a dragon n we ain't," Both drakes turned to see Applebloom glaring at them again, "We don't plan ter pick a fight, but we do plan ter make it through one if we need ter. I know that there ship, like my own front hooves n I can tell yer there ain't no weapons on it."

Warden chuckled sceptically, "Miss Bloom, I am sure you would not tell us even if there were."

Applebloom's eyes narrowed dangerously, "Are you callin me a liar Mr Warden? Cause if yer are yer don't know half as much about ponies as yer think yer do"

She abandoned her machine and stomped up close to Warden before staring him right in the eye. Despite her rising ire the dragon didn't flinch, "Miss Bloom I only have your word on this, I was simply stating what I would have done."

"Well you ain't us and we ain't you, we solve our troubles with things other than fightin!" Applebloom wasn't cowed by Warden's haughty resistance and kept up her steely gaze even as he matched it with an impassive one of his own.

"I take you as a being of your word Miss Bloom, I don't believe you would lie to me," Warden's eyes flicked to the assembled alicorns on the stage below and Applebloom snorted before heading back to her magical sensor, grumbling all the while.

"Confident, naive or just plain foolish, I can't decide which," Warden commented to the retreating back of Applebloom and Spike glared at his fellow dragon.

"Oh come on Warden, you were greatly impressed by their progress: You said so yourself," Spike asked in bemusement.

"Yes I did, but don't confuse knowledge with wisdom hatchling. I do believe Applebloom knows of no weapons on the Bloomberg, Twilight too I trust. Not everyone has the integrity of your friends and rulers Spike, just as not all dragons are trustworthy either," Warden's gaze swept over the crowd and he released a sigh.

Warden and Spike watched the ongoing celebrations with less enthusiasm and even Applebloom felt her ears droop at Warden's unsettling suspicions.

It was just then that a clear note rang out across the town square, causing the three subdued watchers to focus on the stage once more: A sudden cloud-cover had spread over the square, blotting the sunlight (weak as it was) entirely and the whole scene was suddenly shrouded in shadow.

"Ah, I thought she was back in town!" Applebloom's mood swung upwards as she eagerly trotted to the guardrail before placing her fore hooves in her mouth and whistling out into the sudden night.

Warden looked quizzically at Spike who simply shrugged before they both heard the melodic singing at the same time: The tune was the Equestrian national anthem, nothing amazing about that. What was so inspiring was the singer who drew the two dragons to Applebloom's side by the rail. The dragons saw a white unicorn with a purple mane had taken the stage and was illuminated by the single remaining shaft of sunlight peeking through the covering clouds.

"Who is that?" Warden asked in wonder as the mare continued glide through the verses with a skill that caused his jaw to drop.

Spike grinned, "Oh of course, I didn't know 'Sweetie Bell' had finished her tour," Warden just stood there in mounting confusion, but this was totally eclipsed by the wonder filling his ears.

"Sweetie Bell is one of the most famous singers in Equestria n one of my bestest friends!" Applebloom was practically bouncing with excitement. "She's one of the foundin members of the 'C.M.C' charity," Applebloom announced proudly as if this would make things any clearer to Warden.

Sweetie Bell had her mane woven with golden thread along with a small crown, not unlike those borne by the princesses. Her hooves had an equally dazzling set of golden shoes and the only word Warden could conjure was 'regal'. The pony was singing with a small smile and looking around at the assembled crowds with every sign of enjoyment.

The song finished and there was a brief moment of quiet before the crowds exploded into thunderous stomping and clapping along with whistles and cheering. Spike turned back to Warden and was surprised to see a small tear running down his scaled cheek as he heartily applauded along with the rest of them.

"Magnificent..." Was all he was able to whisper.

Sweetie Bell gave a modest bow before the clouds above were cleared away and the normal light levels resumed' removing the fake night which had descended upon the scene. She then made her steady way through the backdrop curtain, pausing only to give Twilight a brief hug before the red curtains swallowed her.

After a few moments Warden's brows knotted in confusion, "The what?"

Spike grinned, "'The Cutie Mark Crusaders', a long story Warden: Applebloom, Sweetie Bell, a pegasus call 'Scootaloo' along with another earth pony called 'Babseed' were the founding members for a charity group called the C.M.C."

Luna then trotted up to the vacant podium, "Thank you ladies and gentlemen and a special thank you to Miss Sweetie Bell! It's always a wonder to hear you perform for us." Luna smiled patiently as the crowd finally quieted down.

"As you should all be aware, this shall be the first journey officially undertaken to the dragon empires by other than myself or Celestia. I want you to all be assured that we will not leave this mission without leadership, as such we are directing the Princess Twilight Sparkle along with other advisers to be our envoy for this momentous occasion!" Luna smiled confidently at Twilight who seemed to be taking things in her stride.

"With her at the helm we can all be assured that their mission will be a success, so I thank you all for coming to celebrate with us as we embark on a hopeful time where we can be friends with all races in our world!" Luna's smile widened as another cheer erupted from the crowd and she looked back to Celestia who gave a tiny nod of approval.

Spike couldn't help but notice a slight tightening of Warden's jaw as Luna recited these words, but he was too happy to let the old drake spoil his good mood. With the announcements completed Spike followed Applebloom down the tower to greet their mutually returned friend. Warden followed soon after, his brow creased deep in thought.

After the main presentation concluded the four princesses took time to mingle among the eager crowds in a prepared reception where a band, tables and simple refreshments were provided. The princesses mixed freely with the guests while taking time to answer questions and reassure doubts. Despite all this, Twilight eagerly took the opportunity to meet with Sweetie Bell along with the excited Applebloom. The pair finally located the famous singer near the refreshment stand.

"Sweetie it's been ages, how was Manehatten, did yer see Babs?" Twilight grinned as Applebloom rushed up to Sweetie Bell and the pair embraced in a warm hug.

"Applebloom, It really has been far too long," Even when she wasn't singing Sweetie Bell's voice carried a slight tinkle to it and Twilight once again reminisced. She was drawn back to that talent night, oh so many years ago where three little fillies were still discovering their special talents and waiting for their cutie marks. Twilight couldn't help but smile widely as the two long time friends caught up.

"Manehatten was bustling A.B, you would not believe how much the city has grown, and 'Babs' was her typical self, I got to see her working. It was so cute to see, the foals practically cried when she had to step away to spend some time with me." Twilight felt a surge of pride as Sweetie described the positive effect Babs was having on those she worked with.

With the ceremony concluded and the Bloomberg officially introduced to Equestria as a whole, Twilight's duties were to mingle and chat; so as she cast her eyes about the reception area Twilight noticed Spike along with Warden lurking off to one side with everyone giving them a wide berth and let out a small sigh.

She politely excusing herself from the totally absorbed Sweetie and Applebloom and navigated her way through the throng, pausing to thank various creatures here and answer a few simple questions. It took her some time, but finally she managed to reach the secluded drakes and Twilight greeted them warmly, "So what do you think, did it go well?"

Spike grinned as she came into view, "It went brilliantly Twi."

Twilight smiled at Spike's support before turning to study Warden, "And for yourself Mr Warden? I hope you found it entertaining as well as informative?"

Warden turned his head slowly and blinked a few times before answering her, "Well it was very impressive and the Royal pony Sisters talk a good talk." To Twilight's annoyance her couldn't have sounded more glum. "Very informative, but this 'mingling' doesn't suit me one bit," Warden comment morosely.

Twilight couldn't help but let out a little giggle, "Oh Warden I know what you mean, give me a set of blueprints and problem to solve any day, but duties are duties huh?"

Warden cracked a tiny smile, "I.." He paused and looked past Twilight's shoulder: She caught his shifting attention and turned to see a white earth stallion and a dark coated bat pony mare approaching. They were both dressed in their respective formal get up and Twilight smiled to see them.

The stallion was first to speak, his storm grey eyes filled with a calm reassurance, "Princess it's an honour to be serving by your side once again."

"Ah Captain 'Steel', thank you for volunteering for this little adventure," Twilight waved a hoof as she introduced the new comers to her dragon friends, "Warden this is 'Steel Resolve', he's been on my personal guard before and is very able."

"Thank you for the praise your highness, but I was just doing my job," The white pony showed no hint of emotion as he stood at 'parade ground' attention.

Warden cocked an eyebrow at earth pony, seemingly impressed, "Indeed, may I assume you will be leading the guards on the Bloomberg?"

"Not by himself he won’t," The bat pony added with a grin that showed off her sharp fangs.

"Yes sorry this is 'Night Dew'," Twilight hurriedly indicated the dark grey mare with a black mare peeking out of the silvered helmet she wore. Night Dew simply smiled with no trace of offence in her turquoise cat's eyes.

Steel chuckled; the first sign he wasn't made of the metal he was named after and his muzzle sprouted a small smile, "Of course Night Dew, where would I be if you weren't there to throw the occasion 'unorthodox' plan our way?"

He refocused his steady eyes on the dragons once more, "And to answer your question, yes we will be in charge of the soldiers aboard the Bloomberg." Night Dew winked at Twilight and she couldn't help but giggle as Steel's cold demeanour reasserted itself.

"Oh Steel, still the same huh? You always were such a serious one," Twilight grinned at Steel who's face remained hard as stone.

"They pay me to keep you safe princess, not to make you laugh." Steel informed the assembled trio. "No princess has ever gotten hurt on my shift I don't plan to break that record."

Night Dew rolled her eyes, "Steel we're at a party, loosen up huh?" She grinned again, "I doubt anyone will try anything here and now, certainly not with all four princesses present. They would be crazy to even try."

Twilight was about to agree when Warden jumped in ahead of her, "I think that Steel's point is valid Miss Dew, if you wanted to cause the most amount of damage where better than when all the Equestrian royalty are gathered together?"

Steel gave Warden a cold glance, "Indeed, not all the potential dangers are as far away as one might think," The dark dragon resolutely met the Steel's steady gaze.

"Now, now Steel, Warden is a guest here, having been invited personally by princess Luna," Twilight cautioned, "It would do you good to show proper respect for Spike's tutor. After all, this whole journey is to help build relationships with the Dragon Empires right?"

Steel nodded, but never took his eyes off Warden even as Night Dew playfully tapped Spike's shoulder, "Hey big guy, I'm sure you've gotten taller since I last saw you. Twilight's been taking good care of you then?"

"I see you have also met before?" Warden asked Night Dew politely, his eyes still locked with Steel's. Twilight wouldn't have been surprised if a small beam of power didn't dance back and forth between the pair as they each tried to outlast the other.

"Yep Spike and I have done some hunts together, never did catch me though," Night Dew treated them all to another fanged grin.

Twilight went on to explain, "Night Dew was on my first personal guard when I had just become a princess. Although she didn't stay as long as Steel, 'Dewy' moved on to bigger and better things." She treated the now embarrassed Night Dew to another smile.

"Well, you may think being princess Luna's replacement for Night Blade is more important Twilight, but I still miss the fun times Spike and I had together," Night Dew put a friendly hoof around Spike's arm (unable to reach his shoulder as she had once done). "Remember 'Terror Thicket' and the timber wolves we ran into?"

"You mean the ones you lead me into?" Spike corrected and Night Dew laughed out loud.

"True but they ran when they saw what a big strong dragon you are and it worked; I got away." Night Dew responded playfully as she gave Spike another playful tap on the arm.

Warden was the first to break the staring match, turning to Spike once again. "Is this true hatchling, you never managed to catch this she pony?"

Spike, finding himself placed on the spot coughed awkwardly, "Well no Warden, she was always one hoof ahead of me and was very good at hiding."

Warden's gloomy face broke into a grin, "Well that will never do," His eyes regained some of their former flair, "I have been training Spike as you may know for the last month or so, it's always good to see how well my methods are working."

Night Dew caught his meaning and her playful eyes lit up, "Oh that would be great fun, it's been ages since I was able to have a good game of hide and seek," She beamed up at Spike who looked uncomfortable, "How about it Spike, fancy another hunt?"

Spike looked from the grinning Warden to the smiling Night Dew and then at Twilight, "Well I don't know, I'm not as light on my claws as I once was." It was true, though Spike was fitter than he had been for years now. He had grown immensely since the last time he and Night Dew had stalked each other.

Twilight watched the unfolding challenge and suspected that a competition like this wouldn't end well either way: On one hoof Spike would let Warden down if Night Dew got away. On the other; if he caught her then it would be showing up the guards stationed on the Bloomberg. Then again maybe she was thinking too deeply about this all. It was all just a bit of fun right? Twilight knew Spike missed the old games he played with Dewy.

"Well hatchling, are you up for a little demonstration then?" Warden was watching Steel carefully.

Twilight found Spike looking to her for guidance and she shrugged, "Up to you Spike, I'll support you either way."

Spike thought for a moment before coming to a decision, "Sure Dewy you're on, but you won't use your wings okay?" Spike flexed his own wings which, despite their size had never been able to carry the dragon yet.

"Deal big guy," Night Dew laughed as she offered him a hoof bump which he gladly returned with one claw.

Steel interrupted, "As long as it doesn't get in the way of your normal duties Lieutenant and I would feel more comfortable if you delayed this little challenge until we were out in the countryside alright? I don't want any more tales of dragons rampaging through the town," Steel gave a meaningful glance to Twilight who blushed with embarrassment.

"That seems fair enough Steel, I look forward to seeing how one your soldiers performs," Warden's face was impassive, but Twilight thought she recognised the old fire in his eyes again.

Steel nodded, before escorting Night Dew away. Twilight grinned up at the pair of drakes feeling the excitement building in her. They were really going to the dragon lands! "Well I wish you luck Spike: Dewy was trained by Night Blade, Luna's own personal agent and rumoured to be the best scouts in the forces."

"Yeah Twi I know," Spike replied in a concerned way.

Twilight gave the dragon another hug, "Hey don't worry it's all a bit of fun right?"

Spike looked to Warden once again to see the older dragon's eyes were full of determination. "Yeah Twilight all just a bit of fun....."