• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 2,195 Views, 46 Comments

Here be too much Dragon. - Golden Paw

Every pony saw this coming, Spikes a dragon with his cute baby years behind him and Twilight is at her wits end as to what to do with her 'little' brother. But help's at hoof when Luna calls in an old favour to aid her

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Rings and Rumbles

Rings and Rumbles.

Many years later:

“Spike you open this door at once!” Twilight shouted her voice laced with annoyance. Any hopes of Spike complying were dashed as all she received in return was a low growl. The alicorn princess snorted in frustration and stomped her hooves at the dragon’s unwilling behaviour.

“If you don't hurry up we're going to be late Spike. I've tried being reasonable and kind but my patience is at an end Mr” Twilight glared at the wooden door as she seriously considered forcing it open with her magic.

“I’m not going” The sullen response was accompanied by a small cloud of smoke leaking out around the door. Twilight rolled her eyes before taking a deep breath. Why couldn’t the dragon just be reasonable about this? Spike had been brooding all week and now the big day had arrived the dragon had shut himself up in his room.

Twilight closed her eyes and took a second calming breath, just the way her sister in law had taught her before attempting to reason with Spike in a much calmer tone. “Spike, Rarity asked especially for you to be there, in fact she insisted it wouldn’t be right without you.”

A second more dangerous rumble was heard from within: “I’m-not-going”

Twilight ached for Spike, she knew this day was going to be hard for him, but he needed to get over his hurt pride and be present at the ceremony. Twilight would never forgive herself if she left him moping like this. She taped her hoof trying to think of any argument that could persuade her ‘little’ adoptive brother to come out of his sulk.

Twilight rested her head on the wooden frame as she silently prayed for a miracle, the pony was at her wits end and the scorch marks besmirching the walls around their home were testament to how tough things had gotten. Twilight stared at the gashes rent in the floor and deeply missed the little purple baby she once knew. It had only seemed a few years ago they were celebrating Spike’s fifteenth birthday and Twilight still couldn't believe how time had flown or how the ‘little’ dragon had grown.

“Please Spike if you really love Rarity you will be there for her today of all days, you know she asked for you especially to present the rings.” Twilight began, her anger evaporating as her eyes filled with tears.

For the first time since this latest confrontation had begun there was only silence from within and Twilight feared she may have completely ruined any chance of the dragon coming out. “Spike?” Twilight lifted her head from the door frame and pressed her ear to the door itself before whispering again, “Spike?”

“That was low Twilight.” Spike’s gruff reply came out in a dangerous manner.

“Well you left me little choice you big ‘lunk’ head” Twilight smiled despite her tears, “Please come out and we can talk about this.” There was another moment's pause before Twilight breathed a sigh of relief; she heard stirrings from behind the door. The portal opened the tiniest fraction and Twilight was confronted by a large green, cat like eye that looked at her with trepidation.

“She really wants me to present the rings?” Spike’s deep voice replied with small hints of hope.

Twilight leaped on this life line and hung on for dear life, “Yes Spike, in fact Rarity insisted, saying it would ruin her day if you didn’t come.”

There was a long pause as the reptile mulled it all over, “Okay, I’ll come and do it for Rarity.” Twilight began to thank Spike when the dragon cut her off; “But only for Rarity and certainly not for him

If words could kill then Twilight suspected that a pony not so far away would be a smouldering crater by now. Spikes response wasn't everything she'd hoped for but at least it was a start. “Thank you Spike, this means a lot to her and me.”

There was further scraping along with slithering sounds as Spike closed the door before Twilight turned to head up stairs, but she had only gotten a few paces when Spike called out to her again. “Um, Twilight?”

“Yes Spike?” Twilight glanced back to see the door had been opened a crack once again and the dragon’s large eye was looking at her with embarrassment.

“Um....It happened again, could you?” Twilight smiled in a knowing way and nodded slowly. Her horn glowed as she began to unscrew the hinges to the door: This was the second time this month that the dragon had gotten stuck and they really needed to finish the new home for her adopted brother. Even the ex-town hall of Ponyville was just too small for Spike now and that was the largest building in town.

The last screw came undone and door was gently lifted away by Twilight’s magic to reveal a highly contorted dragon squeezed into room far too small for him. The pony had to stifle a small giggle; He really did look so ridiculous. This only earned another cross look from Spike who snorted another cloud of smoke.

“Well if you insist on hiding in your room whenever you want to sulk then it’s bound to happen Spike,” Twilight smiled again to cover her unease.

Spike grunted as Twilight helped him extricate himself from the cramped space he was wedged into; after an uncomfortable minute of huffing and scraping the dragon was finally freed. Spike stretched up and out to his full impressive height before peering down at Twilight.

As far as Twilight could gather Spike was nowhere near fully grown, yet he already towered over the rest of the inhabitants of Ponyville and moving to the ex-town hall was the latest logical choice for him. Sadly this stop-gap was quickly proving inadequate and Twilight was running out of ideas of where to house her brother. The only other options meant moving him out of Ponyville, an idea that she wasn't ready to consider.

“Now go and finish getting ready, Rarity and the others are waiting on us,” Twilight gently patted a hoof on Spike’s haunch as the dragon looked down on her with his green eyes full of uncertainty.

Spike looked like he was about to ask something before giving another ‘huff’ and Twilight winced as another cloud of smoke floated up to the already soot stained ceiling. Ignoring her discomfort, Spike very carefully poked his head along with his large fore claws back into the room he only just managed to escape and began rummaging.

Twilight once again turned around and headed for the stairs , there were still a good number of things to get organised and it had been a long time since Spike had stopped making check lists for her. Once again Twilight missed the little helper she had come to rely on.

Twilight stepped out into the sunshine of a slightly chilled Ponyville day and took a deep breath, revelling in air free of dragon. She inwardly felt guilty about that fact, she loved Spike dearly but the big guy was getting to be a real hoof full. After her long days at the research centre the last thing the princess needed was to come home to a sulking reptile that was absent mindedly trashing their latest home.

She took a moment to look over the much changed Ponyville and still wondered at the progress they had made in the last few years. Her eyes took in the subtle effects of her ongoing delving into magical technology. Since the visit from ‘Buzzbot’ and that whole fiasco a number of years back, Twilight's mind had been taken up with the potential wonders of machines.

Twilight found it funny that she had never thought of such applications before then, magic had always been an integral part of pony life; the very day and night being moved by such, but since the visit from the shape changing pony-bot from the future Twilight’s obsessive mind couldn’t let go of the fascination with blending that magic with mechanical items.

Oh she had dabbled in a few ideas before then, but there was a vast gulf between the simple propeller for Rainbow’s pet ‘Tank’ along with the few items in her old laboratory under the Golden Oak’s Library compared the ideas filling her head now. Twilight put it down to the pony-bot’s influence. Buzzbot had told Twilight and her six friends very little about the future ‘she’ came from, having only been sent to study the Element bearers of the robot's past.

Buzzbot had stoically answered any questions about the future with cryptic replies and that was if she gave any answer at all. The ‘Spoilers’ excuse had grown very old with Twilight and she'd given up asking Buzzbot a full week before the pony-bot returned to her own time.

The alicorn shook her head with a little grin, remembering the crazy fun a time travelling robot coming to visit had caused. If there was one thing Twilight had taken from the whole event was that the future would have to take care of itself. She simply needed focused on what was important now: Rarity’s wedding.

Oh Twilight didn’t blame Spike for his reaction at all, every pony knew he had a thing for Rarity even after all these years. That she had chosen to marry ‘Honest Buck’ from the Crystal Empire had been a terribly hard blow for the dragon. Having Rarity insisting on the him presenting the ring's in the ceremony must have been like pouring salt in the wound for the ‘little’ guy.

Twilight smiled sadly once more, she would always see Spike as that little purple ball of scales even when he would tower over their former home at the library, which she firmly believed he would one day at the rate he was growing.

She understood that it showed how much Spike meant to Rarity; having him present the rings at her wedding was such a sign of love an trust on Rarity's part, even if Spike didn’t see it that way. That was another change Twilight would need to learn to live with; Rarity getting married.

The years had brought so many changes to Ponyville, Twilight and her friends. She looked about the town Ponyville had become and smiled proudly at the subtle improvements Twilight had instigated.

At first glance there was nothing very different for the casual observer in the look of Ponyville, but that was just what Twilight had hoped for. Ponies and other creatures were going about their normal business and most would even nod her way in a mark of respect so Twilight guessed she must be doing something right.

Twilight smiled warmly in return, proudly seeing how the inhabitants didn't give a second look at the subtle improvements she had caused to be installed throughout the growing settlement. She remembered coming up with the design for magical lanterns, their power lines and many other inventions had been carefully put in place while preserving the traditional look of Ponyville.

The princess was particularly proud of those lamps, being far more efficient that the old ones, while still appearing to be same classic candle style. These were not the only changes she was pioneering either: Twilight glanced towards the growing centre for other interested creatures to study the potential application of blending magic with machines. It was a whole new science, one Twilight had dubbed ‘magical technology' or simply mage-tech’.

She was pulled from her thoughts by a call from further down the street and looking up she saw a pair of ponies she knew well approaching. “Hey Twi, ain’t yer meant to be at the ceremony by now?” Twilight smiled happily to see ‘Star Oak’ trotting slowly towards her, his bat wings folded by his sides and a pair of ‘day vision goggles’ resting over the bat pony’s sensitive turquoise eyes. Star's muddled accent always caused Twilight smile. The brown stallion took after both parents, a little of Applejack and Shadow Guard being heard in his words.

Twilight then turned her attention to the orange pegasus filly walking along side Star Oak, She had orange coat, dark red mane and a pair complimenting yellow eyes. “Hi Star, hi ‘Breezy’.” Twilight’s smile had become a little fixed, “Yeah I know I’m running late, Spike...”

‘Forest Breeze’ held up a hoof to forestall any further explanation, “It’s okay Twilight, I understand, mum always says 'dealing with non-pony creatures is always a trial for many equines'.” The pegasus' tone put Twilight in mind of a well meaning tutor from her school days and she felt a little pang of annoyance at being 'talked to' like that by a young filly.

Then again Breezy’s mother was Fluttershy and so Twilight was forced to grudgingly admit the pegasus was coming from a position of authority on that matter. Gosh I hope I never sounded like that when I was her age Twilight thought to herself.

Forest Breeze’s tone softened a little as she gave a meaningful look at her cousin, “And we’re running late now, so why don’t we all go together, that is once Spike is ready to go that is?” Star Oak ears flattened as his cousin eyed him with an accusatory stare.

As if by the very mention of his name Spike appeared, wriggled his way out of the front door before stretching outwards and upwards; the span of his arms nearly as wide as the town hall. There were few ‘clicks’ as long strained muscles were given release before Spike gave a contented sigh, looking just as happy as Twilight to be out of the house.

The mass of purple scales proceeded to extend the relatively ‘small’ wings that had begun to grow in above his shoulders. Though far larger than any pony’s except maybe Celestia’s, these were nowhere near the size needed to carry the dragon just yet and Spike was itching to put them t proper use. The sight of those unfurled pinions caused Twilight to grimace as memories of various previous his crashes came flooding back.

The spectacle of a growing dragon unfolding itself in the central square had become a fairly common event in Ponyville, but despite this Spike never failed to draw attention. Every pony knew when Spike was about these days, it was getting pretty hard to miss him.

His stretching done Spike turned to look down at the assembled ponies before him and his elongated snout smiled at the sight of his friends. “Ah hello you two, trust you've been keeping out of trouble?” Twilight heard the doubtful tone in Spikes voice and chuckled as both Apple family members to flatten their ears in embarrassment.

“Ma says that we’re not to lie, so I won’t say nothin.” Star said in a non-committal way before Breeze snorted.

“Yer such a ‘muma’s’ boy Star” the Breezy teased before looking Spike right in the eye; “I wasn’t doing anything, just trotting to the wedding and minding my own business when some pony decided it would be a good idea to call by on Granny and see if she was ready.”

Both Twilight and Spike winced internally; Granny Smith had gotten more than a little ‘odd’ in her older age. No pony would say it to her face of course, but she did tend to get even more easily confused these days. Twilight was in little doubt that the pair of foals had spent a long time trying to help Granny Smith find various things again, again and again.

Twilight was still amazed at how foals could be so different from their parents. Forest Breeze had two the shyest ponies Twilight had ever met as parents and yet was almost as forceful as Rainbow Dash sometimes. Star Oak had Applejack for a mother and Shadow as a Farther, yet was timid as can be when outside the family home.

“I see, so where is Granny Smith now?” Twilight asked in a suspicious voice.

Breeze bowed her head and mumbled something that Twilight didn’t catch before Star took a turn to explain. “Uncle Bigmac stepped in and told us just to go.” Twilight narrowed her eyes, sure there was more to this whole tale, but if one thing was true, they were all now running late.

Sparing a quick glance at her brother who shrugged his huge shoulders before Twilight trotted ahead, leading the way towards Carousel Boutique with the lumbering Spike and two foals in tow.

Twilight noted how much the Boutique had changed as well; Rarity had finally been 'recognised' in the fashion world, her designs capturing the imagination of ponies far and wide. As such she had needed to expand her business and although she vowed never to change the original shop itself Rarity had invested in extensions all around it.

The unicorn was hosting the ceremony along with the official reception on the grounds of her own personal mini-empire and as Twilight trotted past the bunting strewn fence she had a chance to take in the arrangements: The whole compound consisting of sewing halls along with storage rooms had been transformed into a scene not unlike the splendour of Cloudsdale. It was all a bit showy in Twilight's opinion, but if Rarity couldn't splash out for her own wedding then when could she?

The Light blue and white awnings were hung from various points around the compound, inter-spaced with more bunting; turning the whole space into one impressive tent. Twilight also saw how there were stencil style holes removed from the coverings which let beams of light slip through to granted the illusion of natural shapes on the floor. If she didn’t know better, Twilight could have mistaken the area for being overshadowed by a forest canopy by the careful patterns formed on the ground.

Her ears pricked up as she heard the sounds of a small musical band tuning up off to one side, being admired by some thoroughly impressed guests of all shapes and sizes who were finding their seats. The central focal point was of course the small archway which the lucky couple would stand when they took their vows.

Carved from wood and painted a pearly white, the frame of the archway resembled a shrine from pony history. (Twilight guessed was the whole point) The arch consisted of two square hollow posts with an intricate pattern of upright fans cut out so that a pony could see right through to the other side. The whole assembly was crowned with decorated fresco depicting the insignia of a united Equestria.

Twilight found her attention drawn back to the crowds once again, there sure was a massive turn out and to the princess's dismay she didn't recognise even half of them. Once again Twilight was reminded just how much Ponyville had grown from the small village to the bustling town it now was.

At one point, Twilight could have named every inhabitant, but now she politely smiled back at hundreds of new faces about her and not all of them were ponies. There were a good number of zebra, griffons and Twilight was sure she caught site of at least a couple of buffalo also: When one of the former Element bearers got married it seemed the world took notice.

Twilight mused how Fame had come to each of her friends and how they had all responded differently. There wasn't a mare or stallion that didn’t know of their exploits in Equestria and if what Twilight heard was true, beyond the boarders as well. A small part of her missed those simple days of just being simple ponies and having simple lives, but it was only a passing thought as a pink blur rushed her from out of the crowd.

“Twilight there you are! Silly Miss ‘Mctardy pants’, we can’t get the ceremony over without you and Spike and therefore can’t get to the after party!” If there was one thing Twilight could rely on to stay the same then it was Pinkie Pie. (although the only thing that did stay the same was that you had no clue what she would come out with next)

“Hi Pinkie, sorry; ran into a bit of trouble on the way, but we’re here now,” Twilight replied as she hugged her hyper pink friend. Even after having two foals with her husband ‘Happy Harvest’ Pinkie was still bouncing around like a mare half her age.

Pinkie took on a seldom used serious look before going on, “Spike?” was all she needed to ask before Twilight nodded in agreement: It was no secret that Spike was becoming difficult, with Rarity getting married many feared the dragon wouldn’t have attended the ceremony.

“So you managed to talk little grumpy ‘grumperton’ into coming then, you honestly think he will be okay presenting the rings?” Well maybe Pinkie Pie had had mellowed a tiny bit Twilight reminded herself, but you had to know her well to see it.

“I think so, but what do your knees tell you?” Twilight grinned in an indulgent way, she had long given up trying to understand or even catalogue the ‘Pinkie Sense’. Every time she attempted to do so Pinkie had mysteriously mixed up all the signals leaving Twilight to invent a simple 'cover all eventualities' phrase.

Pinkie looked down at the joints in question, “Well they're tell me I’m getting older, but apart from that they are quiet today.” She grinned and Twilight honestly thought she had gotten a straight answer out of the mare before she continued on, “But my left eye is hinting that we could be in for some rough seas today, better not go sailing.” Twilight didn't find that last addition reassuring in the least.

She glanced over her shoulder once again to see Spike sulking in a corner of the festivities, the other guests giving the dragon a wide berth as he tried to make himself look as small as possible. Twilight grimaced, he was failing miserably and making everyone feel even more uncomfortable. “May be I should talk with Rarity just in case?” Twilight asked to no one in particular and earned a frantic full body shake from Pinkie. She glanced back to Pinkie who had not looked so serious since the ‘Forever incident’.

“Or then again I could just let things lie huh?” Twilight said in a hopeful tone and Pinkie was back to her cheery self instantly.

“I’m sure you know best Mc-princess pants.” Pinkie beamed.

It was only then that Twilight felt a gentle pressure on her hind leg and looking around saw no pony there, confused she let her gaze travel downwards to a pair of glowing green eyes in a wooden face and the small mouth locked around her hoof.

Twilight started before jumping back, the small timber wolf lost its grip on her ankle and tumbled to the ground with a growl. Twilight gave a little screech, causing a number of on lookers to turn and stare at the unfolding commotion. She stared in confused panic as the small wooden canine squatted and prepared to pounce once again.

“’Scratches’ no! I told you not to bother the guests or I will have to take you home!” The deep voice of a stallion called out before a pale brown colt loomed up behind the tiny timber wolf cub. The little creature’s eyes rearranged their angle to one of submission as the new pony trotted up to the startled princess.

“Sorry you highness, I'm still breaking 'Scratches' in and he does get a little excitable.” Twilight took a moment to calm her rapid breathing before looking at the apologetic face of Fluttershy’s middle foal: ‘Tender Wood’. The young stallion was only a little shorter than Bigmac these days and he had certainly inherited his mother’s love of animals too. (although he seemed to have an inclination for the more dangerous beasts found in Equestria)

“That’s okay Tender, I am sure he’s a lovely um..... ‘puppy’ once you get to know him.” Twilight felt her heart pounding in her chest before telling herself it was all the stress of the coming wedding making me jumpy that's all that and Spike. No, Twilight mused: She was worried about Spike that was true, but hidden under that concern Twilight knew what was really wrong today: With Rarity hitched that just leaves me.

Every Pony had been talking about how Twilight had fallen for ‘Flash Sentry’ a few years back, how they would have made a ‘great couple’ and so forth, but it hadn’t lasted: Oh she liked Flash and they were still friends but she knew deep down in her soul that he wasn’t the pony for her. Since then there had seemed to be endless speculations over who she might marry one day and it was driving Twilight crazy.

Then one by one her friends had found love and that attention was drawn away again leaving her with some peace. Now that Rarity was 'tying the knot', it would leave Twilight as the last famous 'heroines of Equestria' and she greatly feared it would all start up again.

Twilight realised she had zoned out and as she returned to the here now she saw Tender Wood looking at her in an expectant way. “I er, thank you Tender I am sure I’ll be fine thank you and um take care of Scratches okay?” The princess forced another smile as she went to pat the small wood creature, drawing back as he snapped at her with its toothless jaws.

Tender Wood gave the little monster a not so ‘tender’ look before he bowed to Twilight and headed off into the crowd. Twilight gritted her teeth; even now some ponies just didn’t take the hint that she didn’t want to be 'bowed at'. Twilight took another calming breath; Come on Twi, this is Rarity’s special day and don’t you be the one to mess it up okay?

“Uh oh, I reckon I know that there face when I sees it. Come on princess what’s eatin yer?” Twilight looked around to see the green eyes of Applejack staring at her from the entrance to the pavilion.

“A.J, it’s great to see you!” Twilight called out as the orange mare trotted up to her and they shared a warm embrace.

Twilight noted that Applejack looked a little rough herself; seeing her frayed mane and weary expression as she led the trembling form of Granny Smith by a steadying hoof. The elderly mare seemed to be sleep walking as Applejack directed her gently forward with care while A.J’s husband Shadow Guard was only a few steps behind her and talking animatedly with Bigmac. Both ponies looked up and smiled when they heard Twilight’s "hello".

“I feel like I never see yer Twi, always shut up in that there research lab thingy.” Applejack said in a much quieter tone as she shook the her hoof and Twilight felt the air grow a tense. Applejack had not been happy with Twilight recently; she didn’t say anything but Twilight knew she wasn’t all that happy about the new ‘inventions and what not’ as Applejack would put it.

Twilight could see where the farm pony was coming from; A growing moment among some ponies fearedthat all these new machines were taking work away from the average hard working pony and making Equestria lazy. Though Twilight assured them such an outcome could never happen, she knew Applejack wasn’t convinced, but wouldn't oppose Twilight openly.....yet.

One day they were going to have to have a long talk about things, but Twilight knew that this wasn’t the time or place. So she smiled happily and with a shared look of understanding both mares decided to set their worries aside for Rarity’s happy day.

"Aww yeah the girls are all back in town!" Both ponies turned to see their cyan friend trot boldly into the pavilion accompanied by the last of the famous ponies. Rainbow Dash was surrounded by a number of awed onlookers and was sporting the Wonderbolt's latest outfit with pride.

Twilight saw that Fluttershy was only a little way behind, happily letting Rainbow soak up all the attention and Twilight smiled as the timid pegasus was greeted by her middle son. She was still amazed at Fluttershy's powers over animals even after all these years, watching as the pegasus gently patted Scratches who responded happily to the attention, a far cry from its hostile response to Twilight. As Fluttershy gave Tender a loving hug she caught site of Fluttershy's youngest foal 'Daisy Chain' who was staring with awe at Rainbow Dash and the blue pony's crowd of admirers.

Twilight watched her age long friends mingle with creatures old and new and the whole event seemed to blur for her as the alicorn did her best to smile warmly despite the worries eating at her heart. Surely everything would be okay right?

The guests continued to arrive and very soon every seat was filled, in fact many in attendance were forced to stand. This was a big event and everyone wanted some of the action it seemed. Twilight along with the others had been reserved special seats fairly close to the front group and was therefore one of the last to hear the approach of the pony who would be presiding over the event.

Twilight's first clue of their arrival was hushed awe that spread from the rear of the audience and turning her head Twilight saw princess Celestia trotting slowly up the central walkway with Luna at her side. The silence spread as the regal forms of the two royal alicorns made their stately way forward, flanked by an honour guard from both the Day and Night watches.

Twilight was ecstatic to see her good friend and former tutor again, but she found her eyes drawn to Luna’s face. The dark blue pony was watching Twilight with an unreadable expression and as Luna noticed Twilight’s attention upon her she quickly stared forward again, leaving Twilight's mind race.

What’s that all about? Twilight wondered to herself. She had seldom seen Luna so unsettled a long time, but before she could ponder it further Princess Celestia reached the end of the hall and about faced to address the assembled on lookers. She offered a small nod to the waiting ‘Honest Buck’; the stallion of the hour before speaking out in a formal tone.

“Dear friends and families, guests and dignitaries; I thank you all for coming this day to witness the marriage of two of my dear subjects!” On cue the band in the corner struck up a suitable tune and all present gazed towards to the main entrance way.

Twilight finally caught site of the revealed Rarity and her breath caught in her throat. The gown (as was to be expected) was inspiring. The white unicorn had chosen a striking blue design with a slight purple undertone which was only revealed as the fabric caught the light. Twilight thought most ponies would look gaudy in such a dress, but Rarity as ever had pulled it off with her usual flair.

The dress consisted of layers of fabric woven one over the other in a fashion of corrugated clam shell, each layer’s edge picked out with strings of tiny diamonds; this along with other impressive embellishments was topped off with a delicate set of sapphires woven into a length of delicate thread that lay across Rarity’s forehead. These in turn were hung with a number of tear drop shaped amethysts, hanging down in the style of the Saddle Arabian ponies.

Twilight whistled under her breath. Rarity had gone full out this time and Twilight smiled happily, it was Rarity's own wedding day after all. Twilight watched along with the rest of the audience as Rarity made her stately way towards the waiting princess Celestia and her groom; the smiles of the crowd following Rarity like a devoted cult.