• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 2,195 Views, 46 Comments

Here be too much Dragon. - Golden Paw

Every pony saw this coming, Spikes a dragon with his cute baby years behind him and Twilight is at her wits end as to what to do with her 'little' brother. But help's at hoof when Luna calls in an old favour to aid her

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The Dangers of Diplomacy.

The Dangers of Diplomacy.

“They’re just staring at us Twi, what do we do now?” Spike whispered, his unease matched only by his darting eyes. Four enormous dragons coiled equidistant apart. Each accompanied by their own entourage of lesser dragons all studying Twilight and Spike like some specimen on a dissecting table.

As the sun was setting on the second day since their arrival, Twilight and Spike had been ushered into a monolithic chamber. Situated within the 'metal mountain' where they had first met with Thortax. Dragons escorted them along winding passageways, across rock bridges which transversed lava lakes and down vast shafts that sank deep into the bedrock.

Armoured dragons of the 'Citadel Guard' never let Spike or Twilight out from under their watchful gaze. Always six dragons. Three ahead and one either side and one bringing up the rear. A single guard would peel off as they arrived at what appeared to be checkpoints throughout the mountain, their former escort being replaced by a fresh soldier each in subsequent chamber. It made Spike feel a like a baton being passed on in a relay race, each fresh dragon leading the way through another part of the cavernous tunnels.

The only consistent member of their escort was the deep brown dragon, who had first presented himself before the Bloomberg several hours ago. He was a heavy set male, not too dissimilar in shape to Spike, but of a much larger build. Resembling a collection of warty mounds forced into a dragon's shape, his fierce blue eyes still held a gleam of cunning quite at odds with his stature. Those same eyes had watched Twilight with an impassive stare right from the moment they’d met, giving away nothing of the drakes intentions.

Spike had felt a deep sense of foreboding when their the 'guide' had turned up at their camp, not saying a word and simply offering a scroll to Captain Steel upon which was written the summons. Spike’s disquiet only deepened as their companion remained wordless throughout the journey to this, their final meeting place. The other dragon guards splitting off or falling in the same silent manner.

Now he and Twilight found themselves in this cavernous hall. The only light coming from the trickling lava falls that surrounded the gathering where they drained slowly from above into deep fissures all around the meeting space. The area had been arranged into seven sections, with each area dominated by a different symbol carved into the floor. These were arranged to form a ring around a central circle. The same circle that Twilight and Spike found themselves standing in.

Spike glanced at Twilight and had seldom felt so proud of her. She was adorned in her full royal attire, the crown on her brow worked into a helm of resplendent gold which matched the armour which clothed her body.

The armour bore intricately crafted symbols of the 'United Equestria': Stylised profiles of Celestia and Luna back to back, each one presenting an outstretched wing while the Heart of the Crystal Fiefdom took centre stage. This was crowned with Twilight’s own star placed above. Twilight’s own personal heraldry worked into the armour’s flanks, mimicking the covered cutie mark underneath.

She caught Spike watching her and smiled weakly. She’d helped him get ‘spruced up' for this meeting too. Spike wore the talisman Twilight had made for him, the scale within glowing brightly in the presence of so many dragons. His spines had been polished while his claws had been sharpened, both now gleaming in the ruddy light from the molten rock surrounding them.

The Citadel Guard were omnipresent here, dividing each flight from one another and standing sentinel at every entrance. Their cold glances regarded everyone and everything with equal reserve.

Thortax dominated one division of the ring. The Ash Wind's flight mark, a smoke obscured peak etched into the rock below, was concealed beneath his imposing coiled form. Warden was standing on his hind legs just off to Thortax's left almost lost among the others dragons. All of them shared a family resemblance with Thortax, each displaying hides of black or grey hues complimented with dark undertones.

As Spike cast his eyes around the stalagmite-scattered floor he studied the other flights. First was a huge deep crimson dragoness almost the equal in stature to Thortax. Her scales so pitted and aged that Spike marvelled she was actually alive. Precious metals and massive jewels adorned her aged figure. They were fastened to her scales and covered the many spines that lined her tail, rose up her back and even bisected her forehead. The powerful horns that jutted from her brow were lost in a coating of glimmering gold.

Her flight were all similarly adorned, only to a far more humble degree than their grand matriarch. lesser metals such as silver or bronze bedecked the dragons whom Spike understood to be the Lava Flow Flight. Spike caught sight of the proud emblem the flight beneath her, a lava fall just like those lining the cavern, before the ancient dragoness fixed him with a penetrating stare. Spike found he couldn’t match those seasoned amber eyes. ‘Largash’s’ gaze seemed to burn its way into Spikes soul and he quickly turned his attention to the next group.

Where as Largash’s stare was calculating the next mighty dragon’s was full of venom. That look of utter contempt could only belong to ‘Skalancha’ of 'Dusk Peak' Spike decided. He could feel the utter disdain that this dark green female held for Twilight and himself from here. She was lithe, almost snake like in her shape. Like a giant venomous lizard from one of Daring Do's books. Largash's poisonous gaze was shared by her kin who were all varying shades of dark green or blue.

They all held themselves as if ready to pounce at a moment’s notice, prepared to spring and attack at the least provocation or weakness from their foe. Their mark was depicted by a crescent moon imposed on a mountain peak, carefully caved into the stone below Skalancha who tracing a lazy talon across its lines in an absentminded manner.

Spike tore his gaze away from the Dusk Peak Flight, half expecting to get a claw in the back and moved on to who he assumed must have been Vex’s own Burning Canyon Flight. A mixed collection of reptiles, the only common factor of their hides and manner being that they were all different. The largest of their number was a yellow-hued beast. He wasn't equal in size to the elders from the other flights, but then again there were a far greater number of lesser dragons crowed into his area. Spike reckoned they outnumbered the combined population of all the other flights by at least two to one.

This yellow drake, who Spike understood didn't go by his own name but bore the title of “Canyon Master”, watched the pair in the centre with a vaguely amused expression. His prominent jaw reminded Spike of some giant winged alligator, long and very adapt at forming the smirk that seemed to mirror the flight’s own symbol. A cracked precipice lit by a backdrop of fire. The Canyon Master's red eyes held a humour that Spike felt boded no good for himself or Twilight. As he looked closer Spike saw how the Canyon Master's yellow scales shimmered with a metallic lustre, drawing envious stares from the dragons all around.

Of the other three positions there wasn’t much to tell: One looked to have been actively defaced. The stone had been scratched and rent so deeply that not a single piece of smooth rock was left and only the lingering outline of a flight symbol could be made out. Its details and what it once stood for being practically obliterated.

The next position was in good order and well maintained. It was however empty of anyone apart from a small contingent of the Citadel Guard who stood around the flight insignia of a black crack in the earth held within a circle. If Warden’s explanations were correct then this place was being held for ‘Mardoc’ and his decidedly absent flight. Spike didn’t care to dwell further on them or why they failed to attend the meet, his attention drawn to the final flight’s position.

This area showed signs of abandonment. A thick pall of ash covered it and the only resident present was a huge dragon’s skeleton. It was laid-out with reverence and care so that it coiled about the carved symbol of a pair of dragon wings stretched out either side of a circle. Among all the splendour of the cavern this place seemed to be shrouded in a cloak of melancholy with only the armoured dragons of the Citadel standing vigil over its deceased occupant.

Spike glanced to Twilight who stood undaunted in her magical barrier. The heat of this place bent around the pony’s shield and distorted her image. She looked outwardly calm, but Spike suspected Twilight was just as nervous as he was. The continued scrutiny of the surrounding dragons bored into Spike and he had to fight the inborn urge to bear his fangs in challenge.

This stand-off was finally broken as their earlier guide approached the pair. He nodded to them before turning and bowing to each flight in turn. In a voice that was only just an audible he officially commenced the Great Meet, “We are come to discuss the matter of the Equestrian Envoy and the proposed relationship between our kingdom and their's.”

Even though the dragon’s speech was barely more than a hiss, it carried across the suddenly silent cavern, thousands of dragons stood with perfect stillness, their attention fixed on the Citadel Guard before them, “Who will be first to state their position on this matter?”

Spike surveyed the other dragons who glanced at each other, it seemed none were willing to stick their necks out and begin. This impasse was finally broken when Twilight spoke up first, “I, am Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria. I have come with my fellow citizens to present an offer of peaceful alliance between our two nations. We can provide you with technology and assistance to....”

The cave rang with deep throated laughter as dragons from all around bellowed in uproar. Spike snarled protectively as Twilight’s ears flattened in concern. As the cacophony died down Skalancha spoke up her deep voice laden with amazement, “The ‘food’ speaks as if she was our equal in someway. I would have thought that Equestria would have at least had their only native dragon speak for them here.”

Skalancha glanced about her with a sneering derision, “If that’s all these pitiful creatures have to offer then I motion to have them removed at once.”

There were multiple grunts and nods of approval at this suggestion and Spike felt his anger rise. Before he could shout out his rage Largash called calmly over the hubbub, “That’s enough Skalancha, you should at least give the pony a chance to state her case before refusing.”

“Yes, yes let’s get this farce over and done with, let the little thing speak its piece and then we can ignore its proposals.” The Canyon Master sniped before the armoured Citadel Guards all stamped their clawed feet in unison and the bickering dragon flights fell silent.

“You all know the rules here, all dragons have the right to speak their mind without interruption.” ‘Brown Scales’ hissed in a dangerous manner.

To Spike’s astonishment Thortax spoke up next, “But this pony is no dragon is she?” The dragon’s lips had curled up with delight. “How can you enforce such rules when we attempt to talk with creatures not of our kind?”

Brown Scales paused with uncertainty at this point and Thortax grinned even wider, “I suggest for this meeting at least that we treat the Envoy as a dragon for the purposes of this discussion.”

“Ridiculous!” Skalancha roared incredulously, quickly followed by a cry of “Outrageous!” from Largash. The Canyon Master simply cocked an eyebrow before Thortax held up a claw in mock defeat.

“I wasn’t suggesting that we make her an honorary dragon or anything like that,” Thortax stated.

Largash narrowed her eyes and peered at him, “We all know you have a soft spot for these equines Thortax, why don’t you just come out with whatever it is you want and we can get on with this.”

Spike glanced from one dragon to the other, his hopes of a simple solution to the problem fast evaporating. Twilight simply stood and let the dragons debate. To his surprise she had a small smile on her muzzle.

Thortax smiled a slow smile, “Thank you Largash, I was simply going to suggest that these two prove themselves worthy of your time and attention: I propose you put them through the 'Trials'.”

There was a grumbling sound from Skalancha, “The trials are only for dragons, ones that have been disgraced at that Thortax,” She sneered at Twilight and Spike, “These are neither.”

The Canyon Master spoke up, “Do you even think a pony could pass such a test?”

Largash nodded in agreement, “We certainly couldn’t have her swimming the lava field for example.”

Thortax smiled at Largash, “Your humour is always a delight to me matriarch of the Lava Flow Flight, I was in fact suggesting that you choose one of your most cunning disciples to engage her in a contest of skill and wit. After all your flight is renowned for such traits and I believe that the Princess will surprise you.”

Spike saw the old female’s brow furrow in consideration, “Well if what you say about these humble equines being smarter than they look is true, I would indeed want to know about it. If she can outwit one of my court then she may have something of value to say after all.”

Thortax grinned, “I would suggest you put forward your best thinker your ladyship, you will of course need to be sure.”

Largash’s expression was uncertain, “You’re that confident in this pony Thortax?”

The master of the Ash Wind flight nodded to Warden who produced a glowing gem from a heavy looking box. Thortax smiled cunningly at Largash explaining, “I am so certain that Twilight Sparkle can win that I put forward the 'Argent Stone', it will be yours lady should the Princess fail.”

The entire cavern was muted at this and Spike felt a shiver run down his back despite the heat. The gem before him radiated a pale blue glow and he suddenly knew he simply had to have it. It was so beautiful and Spike easily believed he could get lost for years just gazing at such a prized gem.....the desire faded as the box closed and Spike could feel the whole nature of this meeting had shifted.

The Canyon Master spoke up next, “You would wager a gift from the great Whisper herself in this matter Thortax?”

Disorientated, Spike shook his head as did many other dragons from all parties present. The lure of that jewel seemed to have a deep power that called to his soul. Almost willing him to try and take it. Now that he’d seen it Spike felt its tug even when the box was closed. It finally hit him as to what Thortax had suggested as a grand gesture to gain the other flight’s attention dawned on him.

Largash stared wide eyed at Thortax, “You are a bold one Lord and I see the cunning in your actions. long I have sought that stone from your flight, I do believe you are trying to manipulate me.”

“Does it matter if I am?” Thortax asked levelly.

The ancient dragoness smiled, “I must admit it does not. Should this pony win then I have lost nothing by hearing her proposal on ‘equal’ terms as it were and if she loses I gain the crowning jewel of your horde.”

The dragons all around had lost their mocking manner. Even as Largash deliberated this new opportunity placed before her Skalancha roared in outrage, “You cannot be seriously considering this? Don’t be duped by a simple gem.”

Largash raised a stern eyebrow, “You would presume to tell me what I can and cannot do Skalancha?” Spike watched in growing anxiety as the flame-coloured dragons of Lava Flow Flight bared their teeth and released a collection of angered growls. Brown Scales and the other Citadel Guard responded in kind as the Dusk Peak dragons also tensed in anger.

“Enough, we will not have senseless blood spilt here,” Brown Scales spoke quietly, even in his wrath the dragon didn’t elevate his voice above a hiss. He raised a metal encased claw upwards and a crackling sphere of light appeared at the ceiling’s summit. The orb grew in size and intensity, a jagged writhing ball of magical power that swelled and bulged before striking out in multiple directions. Spike didn’t even have time to shield his eyes from the sudden glare before lances of magical lightning arced down from the roof and struck each of the armoured dragons.

The power enveloped each of them and they stood as an incandescent figures. Forming a stormy wall between the different flights and surrounding the central space where Spike and Twilight stood in a cage of lightning. Brown Scales pointed his wreathed claws at both flight leaders before whispering his warning, “You know of the old vows that protect this place, violate them and suffer the consequences.”

For a moment Spike feared none would back down, but eventually both leaders bowed in submission. The guards remained fixed for a moment before, with a dismissive gesture, Brown Scales banished the raging storm-light. It left burning after images in Spike’s eyes and set his limbs trembling at the astonishing power he’d just witnessed. Spike made a mental note to never 'tick' these dragons off.

Turning to Twilight he saw that she’d gone pale, her mouth pulled in a tense grimace. He moved to comfort his sister, only to have Twilight subtly shake her head with determination, “Remember the plan Spike. We can’t show weakness.” Spike gave her a tiny nod before refocusing on the dragons around them again.

Skalancha glared at Largash, “Of course I would never presume to tell you what to do with your flight oh oldest of us, but I merely wished to council against being....”

Largash snorted, “Don’t bother lady Skalancha, I have made my decision,” She bowed to Thortax, "I accept your wager Lord. the Princess will face my best puzzle-keeper and if she can best them then I will give all due attention to this Envoy’s proposal.

Spike was just about to relax when the Canyon Master called out, “What about the hatchling? He has no flight of his own, if we’re going to play this your way Thortax then he needs to show his worth too does he not?”

The shock of suddenly being forced into the 'limelight' as it were, played up and down Spike’s spine. Now it was time to discover what was in store for him. He tried to control the sudden armada of butterflies that filled his stomach as Thortax regarded Spike as if for the first time, “Well he’s already a dragon, so it’s a simpler matter for him to go through the traditional Trials.”

Skalancha dived in, “He’s never been disgraced, well apart from being raised by ponies. I would say that counts well enough.” Spike felt his temper rise despite the fear rattling his bones. Most of the dragons surrounding him chuckled or laughed at the poorly veiled insult.

Largash didn’t laugh however and to Spike’s surprise even commented in his favour, “We cannot help where or to whom we a borne to. It’s our own actions that prove us. He has just as much right to prove his worth here as any of us.” She regarded Spike with interest, “You have no flight hatchling, by all rights you should have died long before now, yet you are here.”

The Canyon Master that spoke up next, “Well our flight has the most diversity; chances are he’s got someone with blood in common within our lands.” The yellow drake sneered at him, “However we don’t just accept any drake who wanders in.”

Skalancha snorted, “That’s a first Canyon Master. I thought you took in all the pitiful waifs and strays you could get your claws on?”

Spike feared another outburst, but to his relief the Canyon Master didn't rise to the bait, “Well if you think my fellow brothers and sisters are such a sorry lot then why don’t you test the hatchling yourselves?”

Skalancha sneered, “You would have one of my drakes do your dirty work for you? I think not.”

The Canyon Master shrugged, “Very well if you don’t think your flight is up to the task of putting down a hatching raised by ponies then I guess I will have to.”

The green dragoness snarled, “I know my drakes are up to the task you little whelp, I just don’t want to sully their claws with such trivial tasks.”

It was at this point that Thortax interceded, “I would be happy to have one of my flight put the hatchling through the Trial.”

An uneasy quiet settled on the pair of squabbling elders before Skalancha spoke up, “I don’t trust you Thortax. You want this little whelp to pass so you can advance whatever insane scheme you've cooked up for your favourite equines.”

Thortax smiled innocently, “Very well then if you’re so set on him failing then why not have a drake you can trust to test him?”

The head of the Dusk Peak flight seethed with anger as the Canyon Master, Largash and Thortax all smiled grimly at her, “Very well, one of my flight will put this upstart down and show you all that a dragon who becomes too friendly with his food becomes soft.”

Spike leaned back as the swiping claw of his opponent raked the air. The talons of his foe missing his snout by mere inches. Sweat dripped from his chin and he sported a number of shallow cuts where the challenger had nicked him. Maybe I should have just stayed in Ponyville? Spike mused as his opponent snarled before lunging forward once more.

This bout had been going on for almost half an hour now and Spike was feeling the ache in his muscles along with the sting where the other dragon had cut him. It slowly wearing him down. But it wasn’t all one sided, the other drake had his own share of cuts and bruises from where Spike had given as good as he got.

The other dragon who had introduced himself as ‘Charis’ was slightly smaller than Spike, but had quickly shown that what he lacked in size was easily made up in spite. Charis prowled the edge of the central circle where Spike and Twilight had been standing. The ground once used for discussion was now stage to a far more direct conflict.

Spike fervently hoped that it would not have come down to such, but in the end it seemed the only way to get respected was to fight. Therefore Spike found himself here, surrounded by jeering and cheering dragons while he fought for his life against a drake who had a mean streak a mile wide.

“Let him fight a dragon about his age and size, then we will be in no doubt as to this hatchling’s potential,” Skalancha had said almost mockingly when Spike’s opponent was selected.

What she’d failed to mention was that Spike was in no way equal to Charis’ viciousness and within the first few moments of the fight he had taken several wicked slashes to his arms and side. Only by landing a tooth rattling blow to the skull of his attacker had Spike brought himself some breathing room.

Charis shook his head even as his turquoise eyes gleamed, “Not bad hatchling, guess you’re not a pony after all.” Spike had been about to thank him for the compliment when Charis lunged forward again and coming close to scratching Spike’s eye out. Flinging his arm up to take the hit left Spike with another angry gash, the wickedly sharp talons of the other drake slicing his tough hide as if it were paper.

Spike grimaced, he was bleeding from several cuts and although it was nothing telling they hurt all the same. The other dragon seemed less intent on winning and more on causing him pain. That grated at Spike’s values as much as the cuts pained his flesh and he let that anger drive home his own blows. His balled fists catching Charis a number of heavy strikes that cracked scales and snapped spines. Spike was in no mood for a drawn out struggle, eager to get the fight over.

The sound of the surrounding dragons filled Spike’s ears, so many fellow drakes filling his blood with fire and setting his heart pumping with excitement. Despite his situation, Spike felt more alive than he had for years. Angry, but alive and in a tiny part of his soul elated. He was no pony; he was a dragon, a born fighter, a predator and he was in his element. That scared Spike more than the prospect of those sharp claws.

Yet in a far larger part of his soul Spike felt the sadness of this. All the times of fun and happiness from back home forced themselves into his mind even as he parried another strike from Charis and returned the favour with a low swipe from his tail. Sweeping the claws out from under the other dragon so that he landed heavily on the stone ground.

In a way it was a re-enactment of the constant struggle that was Spike’s life. To be such a beast among a civilization of peaceful equines, to be a powerful long-lived creature with such drives and instincts had been the on going war in Spike’s heart for so many years now. His blood called him to fight and impose his will on those around him, to be the strongest and the most powerful there. But his soul longed for the peace and good times he’d had as a baby growing up with Twilight.

Charis didn’t stay down for long, almost hurling himself upwards to lunge at Spike his fangs bared and claws outstretched. Spike grimaced as he felt those sharp teeth sink into his forearm before bringing his other fist down on Charis' skull. This drove the teeth deeper into Spike’s already smarting arm but also rewarded him with the pained flailing of his opponent’s body. Take the pain, end it quickly so no one needs be hurt more than needed.

Before Charis could remove his teeth from his foe’s arm, Spike embraced Charis in a bear-hug. Using his larger frame to overpower the other dirty blue dragon before bringing his free arm around Charis’ neck and pinning him in place. Charis squirmed, his claws raking Spike and gouging further cuts in his hide. Despite Charis' efforts Spike held on with grim determination. Bearing down with all his strength and crushing the other dragon’s throat. Forcing his jaw even tighter around his own arm and feeling the fangs grate against the bone within. Do what was needed to get the job done, no matter the suffering it may cause myself.

It was that same stubborn mentality that drove him to count every blade of grass at Sweet Apple Acres for Applejack, to be a pin cushion for Rarity. Oh Rarity, it was the defining drive that caused Spike to pursue Rarity’s affections even though it was never returned in like manner. Faithfully attending to her whims in the hopes that one day... Spike used that same drive here; taking the pain from the Charis' attacks with stoicism and determination as he crushed the fight out of his opponent.

Spike felt Charis weaken and a sense of triumph filled him. He was going to win, he was powerful and strong! He should kill this dragon and show to the others that he was a true drake, one to be reckoned with and not mocked as some pony’s pet. If he couldn't live as a pony then he could at least be something here. A dragon of position and power having proved his worth beyond any doubt. He could see in his mind’s eye the showering praises he would have, they would listen to him and Twilight.....

Spike’s thoughts snapped back as he remembered why he was even here. With a snarling roar he threw the feebly twitching Charis away from him who rolled, bouncing on the hard ground before heaving a great lung full of burning air. Yes he'd won, he'd proven his point. Spike wasn't a monster, he was.....he was.... It was only then that Spike realised that vast cavern had gone silent, the cheering and shouting had died, leaving only a tiny clinking sound.

Confused Spike looked about to see all the dragons were staring past him. The metal scraping continued and Spike turned to see what could hold the cavern's focused so: Spike’s talisman, the one that Twilight had made for him, was skittering across the ground. Spike felt around his neck as he understood what must have happened. When Charis had performed that final lunge at Spike he had broken the wire that held his enchanted talisman and sent it spinning off into the crowd. No not the crowd, but right towards one of the empty flight’s positions.

Even as Charis had fought for air, inevitably squeezed by Spike’s powerful arms, the small trinket had slid across the uneven rock of the cavern. Skidding and bouncing until it came to a stop only a short way from the giant dragon skeleton guarded by its imposing armoured sentinels.

As the necklace drew closer its deep red glow had flared from orange to yellow before culminating with a brilliant dazzling white. This continued to burn brightly even as a Citadel Guard scooped up the trinket in his armoured talons, the glare only failing as it was lifted away from the dead dragon’s bones.

The only sound in the cave was the slow bubbling of lava and the expectant hush of thousands of frozen dragons all watching the scene in mute astonishment. Spike reached to his neck, checking that the necklace was indeed missing from around his throat. The guard slowly held the trinket closer to the massive skeleton which dominated the otherwise empty territory.

Spike's scale held within the talisman flared brightly once more as the pendent touched the bones, glowing like a star trapped in the dragon's claw. The light waned again as the fascinated drake drew the talisman away. It took a few moments for Spike to understand the full implications of what he was seeing and when his mind caught up Spike’s eyes went wide with shock.

“It’s a trick, a pony trick!” Skalancha bellowed in anger, her frill snapping up to match her temper. The sudden silence descended into roars and shouts from all sides with only Spike remaining perfectly still. He looked upon the huge dead dragon and his heart trembled. Twilight’s charm had just shown him what he’d longed to know for his whole life, his origins.

Spike stepped slowly forward all thoughts of the fight, the cave and even Twilight vanished from his mind as he stared at the long dead dragon posed with such care and reverence before him. As he approached the skeleton the some of the Citadel Guard moved to block his path while others stood dumbfounded by the revelations now being brought to light. Spike felt his heart leap and squirm within his chest. like a snake writhing it fought to make sense of this new flow emotion. He had a flight, he had a family..... he had a family. The massive bones before him looked ancient, the place at the Great Meet long vacant by the looks of it.

Why were they absent? Why was this skeleton laid out with such care and dedication, almost like a monument. Were they all dead?... Without thinking Spike stretched out his arm to touch the bones to check they were real....

“That is close enough hatchling, until the veracity of this situation has been decided none may enter the territory of ‘World Guard’ flight apart from us,” Spike felt a claw on his shoulder and glancing back with fire in his eyes as he saw Brown Scales watching him carefully. “I know the fighting urge is still on you young one, but do not challenge me on this,” Brown Scales whispered in warning. He had a gentle melancholy in his blue eyes, but that simply made Spike all the angrier. Who was he to stand in the way of what Spike had longed for all his life? But as he glared at the sorrowful expression of the Citadel Guard's eyes he saw the truth.

All would become clear, this dragon wasn't challenging him out of malice but out of caution. With a great effort Spike bowed his head in submission allowing Brown Scales to usher him back to the central circle. Chris was glaring at him with utter astonishment and rage but Spike simply didn't care anymore. He'd won and more than that Spike had at least part of an answer that had haunted him since birth.

Brown Scales nodded before addressing the rest of the cavern in his quiet manner which despite its volume cut across the arguing dragons like a knife, “This challenge is over, the hatchling has bested his foe and shown that he is worthy of our respect. I call this session of the Great Meet to a close while we review the new information presented to us.”

“Twilight you’re okay!” Spike rushed forward and hugged her tight as she entered the small room set aside for them within the spire. Twilight laughed breathlessly before pushing him away.

Twilight let the magical barrier protecting her fall, as the door to the chamber slammed shut behind. These rooms were thankfully warded at Thortax’s request and held a refreshing atmosphere after the stifling heat of the meeting hall. Living in a protective bubble of magic so long was not without its own drawbacks and Twilight drew in great drafts like a tonic, letting the cool air settle in her lungs like nectar.

“Okay, okay Spike, yes I’m okay. In fact it was really interesting to spend some time with the Lava Flow Flight. They have some very interesting volumes of history and literature engraved on the peaks of their lands, so much I could spend months just reading,” Twilight’s smile fell as she took in the sorry state of her brother, “What about you? Looks like you had a run in with a timber wolf pack.”

Spike shrugged only to wince as his wounds pulled taught, “Yeah they put me in the ring with a ball of malice wrapped in dragon form, but that’s not what I need to tell you Twi!” Spike’s tone was brimming with excitement, “Did you hear the news, the charm you gave me worked. I have found out who my flight are!”

Twilight’s face was awash with conflicting emotions, “Yes Spike I heard about that. The other flights are performing their own spells now to confirm what mine showed.”

Spike looked confused, “I thought you'd be happy your spell worked.”

She looked Spike right in the eye, “Spike, first of all we need to be sure that what we saw was true. It’s the first time I tried to cast a spell like that so I wouldn’t get your hopes up until we're certain,” Twilight stared at her hooves, unable to look Spike in the eye for what she had to say next, “Spike if it’s true then I’m sorry for you.”

It took a moment before Spike processed what Twilight just said, “What? Why? You know something about that dead dragon back there?”

Twilight sighed as the lead weight in her mind rolled about her head, “Spike, from what I understand the World Guard Flight has been wiped out....” She watched Spike carefully as these words sunk in, “Your flight is dead Spike....I.....” Twilight’s eyes teared up as she saw Spike’s own face fall. She felt dreadful breaking such news to him, but believed he deserved the truth.

Spike stood still for a moment before a pained growl escaped his throat. He ground his fangs and stared at the smooth stone floor for a time before Twilight lifted a hoof and paced it gently on his shaking shoulder, “I’m so sorry Spike, I never wanted.....”

Spike sniffled as a tear ran down his cheek, “It’s alright Twi. I never knew them anyway, I had already guessed that may be the case. Besides you’re my family.”

Twilight gently rubbed her hoof up and down his powerful arm, “Oh Spike, I...” She trailed off as he studied his hands absently. Desperately trying to understand what Spike was going through, dismayed that all she could do was be there to support him.

“I guess I have lost nothing Twi, I mean I am still the same dragon as before. I still have you and the pony gang,” Spike’s voice was cold and Twilight hugged him tenderly, “You’ve always been there for me Twi and that’s what counts. ”He shook himself down, “So your challenge went okay then?”

Grateful, Twilight moved to happier thoughts, “Ah that yes, it went fine. Some tricky riddles and a couple of puzzle games, over all it was really good fun.” The Lava Flow Flight are good company for a pony as well read as me.”

Spike smiled sadly, “So you won then?”

Twilight blushed, “Well yes, but it was a close call a few times. ‘Melca’ is a very clever dragon.”

Spike actually chuckled, “Sounds like a great guy, I’m assuming he’s a guy by the way you talk about him?”

The blush on Twilight’s muzzle only grew, “Yes he is,” Twilight snorted before continuing hurriedly, “He’s a guy I mean, a dragon guy.”

Spike snorted, “Well don’t let Warden know or you’ll have another fight on your hooves.”

Twilight frowned and folded her hooves, “Spike, you know Warden and I are just friends, the same is now true of Melca.”

Spike didn’t look convinced, “Anyway, Thortax gets to keep his prize jewel then?”

Twilight nodded, “I’m glad to say he does, plus Melca wants me to come and teach some of the other dragons in his flight about pony lore once this is all sorted.”

Spike cocked an eye brow before retorting sullenly, “Yeah right Twi, teach them a few things about ponies just as you say.”

Her normally friendly face became stern, “Spike I’m appalled at you; I thought I made it very clear that I have no romantic attachments to any dragon and so I’ll assume it’s the disappointment talking now.” She watched Spike who sighed and bowed in contrition.

“Sorry Twi, but it’s just like a kick in the teeth. I finally find out where I came from and then on the same day find out there is nothing to go back to,” Spike explained and Twilight felt her heart twist.

“We always knew it was a possibility that it would turn out like that Spike, but look at it this way, you’re alpha being the oldest." She smiled encouragingly, "While you are alive the flight isn’t gone,” Twilight said in an effort to cheer him up.

Spike snorted before smiling gratefully, “Thanks Twi. I’m sorry, it’s just a lot to take in all at once and I’m still working it all out.”

Twilight nuzzled his arm and smiled sadly, “It’s okay Spike, we’ve been through a lot already. I should have been more sensitive.” She found her eyes settling on the cuts and scrapes covering Spikes body, “You’re so brave, I don’t know what I’d do without you,” Twilight grinned, “So you need to stop getting yourself all battered alright?”

He returned the smile and Twilight felt her anxiety lift, “I really am happy you discovered your flight Spike, Warden has been telling me about them and they sounded like the best dragons had to offer.”

Spike’s face lit up, “Really? So I’m descended from some pretty awesome ancestors right?”

Twilight nodded with excitement, “Yeah they were the flight closest to Whisper during the dragon civil wars and fought at her side to hold off the other feral drakes as she united your people once again. They earned the title of ‘World Guard’ after Whisper gave up her life to repair the damage done to the world.”

Spike’s eyes shone with pride as Twilight told the story, “After Whisper was gone, they took it upon themselves to protect the lands and help carry on Whisper’s noble work. It was they who established the first dragon code, which was remarkably similar to your own Spike.”

She smiled up at her ‘little’ brother, “See you really are a noble dragon and have been from birth.” Twilight could almost have laughed as Spike preened himself and struck a heroic pose, “The bones in the meeting chamber are the remains of the last known member of that flight: ‘Orinarr’.”

“And so did ‘Orinarr’, one of the most dedicated students of Whisper and last of his flight come to the great meeting place, dictating the laws and means for the flights come together and discuss important matters under a flag of truce,” The confident tones of Warden’s voice spoke as if reading from an ancient scroll.

Twilight turned her head to see Warden entering the chamber as Spike quickly returned his stance to normal. Warden smiled triumphantly, “If the history is true, then your flight hatchling were responsible for this whole edifice and the Great Meet being what it is today.”

Twilight pricked up her ears and felt her fears lessen, “So it’s confirmed, Spike really is from the World Guard Flight?”

Warden smiled, showing off his fangs, “The other flights concur with your original findings Miss Sparkle, Spike is indeed World Guard.” He fixed Spike with a level stare, “This changes the terrain of our negotiations greatly and for the better.”

Twilight smiled at Spike only to see his face screw up in confusion, “How Warden? I mean it’s great to know all this, but just because I’m a descendant of a flight everyone thought was extinct doesn't mean I can do anything. I’m still just one dragon.”

The grin on Warden’s face broadened, “You carry more sway than you could possibly believe hatchling, the peace treaty and possible alliance we hope to forge with Equestria requires us to have the support of the majority of the flights.”

Warden watched Spike who still looked lost, “And?”

Twilight chuckled, “Well how many flights are there at the great meet Spike?”

Spike held up his hand showing his three fingers and thumb, “Four of course: Lava Flow, Dust Peak, Ash Wind and....” he trailed off as the situation finally dawned on him.

Warden tapped Spike on the shoulder, “Indeed hatchling; even though you are young and only one dragon, you are the eldest dragon of the World Guard Flight here at the Great Meet.”

Twilight felt her excitement growing, “Where as Thortax would have needed to convince two other flights to side with him. If you support the treaty then we only need one more.” She smiled triumphantly, “And I have it on fairly good authority that Lava Flow will vote for the treaty.”

It was Warden’s turn to be surprised, “Indeed Miss Sparkle, how did you come by this information?”

Twilight felt justifiably proud, “Well it seems I impressed my opponent so much during my test that they were prepared to put in a good word to Largash about ponies potential value to dragons.”

Spike roared with laughter at this point, “That’s my Twi, I have yet to see a test she couldn’t ace!”

Warden treated Twilight with a longing glance, “Indeed,” His lips twitched as a slow smile formed, “I am hesitant to say so, but we may be on the verge of something miraculous.” His manner became stern again, “Still, we best not count our offspring before they have hatched, the meet will resume within the hour and you two had best make yourselves ready.” With another bow Warden showed himself out, leaving Spike and Twilight to prepare themselves.

Twilight and Spike left their room before shutting the door behind them, “Come on Spike, we don’t want to be late!” Twilight insisted and Spike rolled his eyes in annoyance as he lumbered after her along the empty tunnel.

“Well if you didn’t insist on me putting all this on I could have been ready half an hour ago,” Spike retorted, tugging at the smart medallion Twilight had made for him. Ever since it had been confirmed that Spike was now the representative of the World Guard Flight she’d been on 'organisation overdrive.'

Twilight had whittled away the time before the recommencement of talks in planning every little detail of what they would say and do. It didn’t matter to her that the checklists were slowly curling in the heat, or that the ink was drying before she could put it to parchment: When Twilight was determined nothing seemed to stop her.

This journey was case in point as despite Spike’s efforts, his sister disappeared around another corner of the winding tunnels leading down to the meeting cavern. The hopeful mood was infectious and Spike couldn’t help but smile at her excitement, even if it did ware on his nerves a little.

“Twilight wait for me alright!” Spike called as he rounded the corner and saw her tearing down the empty corridor at a full gallop. Twilight smiled back at him and it made Spike’s heart burn. They were going to do it, they were going to finally achieve a peace with the Dragon Empires and....

He smelt trouble a moment before it happened. It was something indefinable at first, that started as an itch at the back of his neck. Spike glanced around in sudden apprehension and it dawned on him as to what was wrong:

Both he and Twilight were alone; the Citadel Guard had been an ever-present feature of life since they came here. Their unexplained absence sent a lance of fear down Spike’s spine, “Twilight wait I think....!” Spike shouted and she glanced back to him with a playful smile.

“Oh Spike what no.....” Her call was cut off as a heavy dark metal door slammed down between them, completely blocking Spike’s way forward. He slid to a stop and pounded on the portal but to no avail. No doubt it had been made with dragons in mind and did an impressive job of barring Spike’s entry. Almost mocking in its solid resistance.

“I would save your strength hatchling, you’re going to need it,” The sneering voice called out from behind Spike and as he turned about, the trapped drake saw two others behind him. The first was Charis, Spike’s battered opponent from the earlier trial. The smaller dragon licked his fangs, which snapped up like a cobra’s even as his lips curled in a menacing grin.

The second was to Spike’s dismay one of the Citadel Guards. Similar in hue to Charis and whom shared the same turquoise eyes as the gloating foe.

“If you hurt Twilight in any way I will kill you,” Spike snarled and Charis roared with laughter.

“Oh you really are World Guard aren’t you: Looking out for others with such determination. No wonder your flight died out centuries ago,” Charis chuckled and his companion did the same, their mirth filling the confined space as if ten dragons were laughing.

“We don’t care about your little ‘minder’ hatchling, she’s just a pony and we have little to fear from her kind,” Charis explained, “What we don’t like is a new dragon turning up and sticking his snout where it doesn’t belong.”

Spike glared at the Citadel Guard, “And you, what happened to your oaths of loyalty to the Citadel huh?”

Charis’ fellow removed his helmet before whispering, “What would a pony’s pet know about such, beyond fetching a stick like a good boy?” As Spike studied the revealed features of the dragon he instantly saw the resemblance to Charis and understood.

“Blood runs deeper than words huh?” Spike hissed and the guard nodded.

Charis’ face darkened, “We were happy to let you live hatchling. You and your pony friend would have put on a good show, said some nice words and maybe turned a few heads. My flight and Burning Canyon would never have gone along with your insane ideas of a ‘United front with the Dragon Empires’.”

The two dragons began to advance slowly, “But then you had to go and pull that stunt with the bones, messing up the careful balance we have made here. We could have kept all this ticking over for another thirty or so years; giving us plenty of time to talk Darkened Chasm around to our way of thinking.”

Spike tensed as the pair closed, “And so you’re going to remove the tie breaker huh?”

Charis sneered, “Something like that.”

Spike lowered himself into a fighting crouch just like Warden had instructed him to do and eyed the pair warily. There was no way out, save past the pair of attackers and with the door behind him Spike didn’t have much space to manoeuvre.

It was Charis who made the first move and darted forward. Both clawed hands raking the air before Spike as he leaned back, but even as he did Spike felt his own spines brush to door. The other dragon didn’t wait and with his claws outstretched he gave Spike a jab to his head that sent stars dancing across his vision. This was bad, but Spike would be dead if he didn’t at least try.

He snarled in anger and struck out with his own fists, feeling the satisfying thump as he connected with Charis’ shoulder and chin. His foe staggered back as the powerful blows shattered a few fangs, but listed only for a moment. Spitting teeth both Charis and his ally tore into Spike, wicked talons parting scales and cutting fresh lines in Spike’s hide.

Spike roared through the pain and barrelled into the small dragons, using his greater size to bowl them over, all thoughts of fighting fair feeling from his mind; these two were out to kill him and if he didn’t use every trick he knew they would.

Charis bowed under the assault, as Spike landed several punishing blows with hand, foot and even tail. However his friend’s armour was made from the same metal as the doors and all Spike got from hitting it was bloodied fists.

No matter how angry and desperate Spike was he was still a hatchling and outnumbered at that. Even as he was about to pound Charis’ skull against the wall the other dragon slipped a jab into Spike’s side and he was forced to back off, holding his ribs in pain.

Charis shook his head and slowly got to his feet, while his fellow kept Spike at bay, “Well I’ll give you this much World Guard,” Charis wiped his chin and spat a clot of blood to the floor, “You put up a good fight for one so young, shame you had to be on the wrong side.”

The two dragons came at Spike again; he blocked and stopped all jabs along with as many wild swings he could; but with two foes and no room to avoid them Spike was forced to absorb the attacks with his own body. Just as his vision began to cloud Spike thought he felt the floor tremble. It was hard to tell amidst the pain, but it seemed the world was growing brighter.

All Spike could do now was pull his arms in close and buy time, the blows continued until they merged into one mass of pain. Spike forced open his straining eyes to see the two attackers stooped over him. Their claws rising then falling falling and their faces drawn back in leering expressions of triumph. The thought struck him that he was going to die here and felt strangely calm. All he could think of were the good times he'd had with his friends. The impressive number of noble deeds he'd done in his short life. Hopefully it would be enough...

As his vision hazed Spike thought he saw another dragon, at once majestic and terrible hovering behind his attackers. Its was wreathed in magical power. Their wings beating slowly and though it was hard to make them out clearly, the anger burning in their blue eyes caused Spike to shrink back in fear before his world swam and darkness enveloped him.

“Lord?” The question was spoken in a low whisper, full more of impassive indifference than concern, “Lord can you hear me?”

Just as Spike’s swimming world began to take in the new voice another joined in, “Spike, please wake up Spike......Spike!” Unlike the first, this voice was shaking with emotion.

The sounds all around began to drift into focus and Spike winced as the sensations of his battered body quickly joined them. He hurt and Spike wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. It hurt to breath, it hurt to move and as he tried to raise his head Spike confirmed that yes his skull ached too.

“Spike!” The trembling shout sounded in his ear as he felt something striking his chest repeatedly. In his world of pain it was a tiny thing, but made all the worse by its incessant nature, “Spike don’t you dare go out on me, I need you!”

Wincing Spike drew in a breath, feeling his muscles screaming at him before simply snarling, “Oww.”

The pounding stopped and Spike heard a sharp gasp, before the pounding redoubled, “You-stupid-stupid-stupid-brave-stupid...”

“Enough Princess,” came the first voice, cutting off the tirade and giving Spike a moment’s peace from the assault.

Spike finally managed to push open one eye and look around himself. He was still in the tunnel, propped up against the wall of the rounded passage. The moving blur before him resolved itself into a frantic Twilight, her small frame resting on his large chest with eyes running freely with tears.

As Spike watched he saw the blood on her hooves; his blood and that his chest was covered in messy hoof prints. “Twi?” He managed to groan and she dived forward to give him a crushing hug. Spike tried to bring his arms up to return the gesture, but they felt so heavy.

Spike glanced around the scene and saw his two attackers, well what was left of them any way. Charis’ neck was at an impossible angle and the other dragon....well.

The first voice spoke again, its tone never raising above a hiss, “The pact of power within the Citadel Guard works both ways. It fills us with strength to do our duty, but if we violate that charge it consumes us utterly.”

Spike turned away from the smouldering corpse encased in the dark armour. The dark metal was completely whole and undamaged, unlike the dragon it once contained. Feeling as if his head was full of cotton wool Spike heaved his suddenly very heavy head to look at twilight, “Boy am I glad to see you Twi.....”

Twilight shushed him with a hoof to his snout, “No Spike don’t talk, it’s okay just rest.”

Spike couldn’t help but chuckle despite the pain it caused, “First you buck me until I say something and now you want me to shut up, make up your mind sis.” Spike screwed up his eyes even as he felt Twilight snuggle in close, her wings tickling his nose.

“You stupid dragon; why did I ever bring you here?” Twilight cried and Spike felt her hugging him all the tighter. Spike wanted to give some further witty comment, but his head chose that moment to spin and he let it rest against the wall.

“Your brother is a tough one Princess. I’ve seen larger dragons than him die from such wounds,” The second voice whispered again and Spike finally got a look at its owner.

Brown Scales, the Citadel Captain watched Spike with a pained expression, “I am deeply shamed and sorry Lord. I have failed you and your flight in this matter.”

Spike scrunched up his face in confusion, “Sorry they must have hit me harder than I thought, did you just call me Lord?”

Twilight found a tiny smile creeping onto her face, “Yes Spike, as the oldest dragon of the World Guard Flight, you’re now Lord over it.”

Spike blinked slowly, “Twi, I’m the only dragon of that flight.”

Twilight smiled sadly, “That doesn’t change the fact, Lord.”

“And makes my failure all the more serious. I have let one of the ruling drakes be victim of an attempted assassination and not only that, by one of my own soldiers,” Spike could feel the remorse pouring off the Captain.

He looked back to the two bodies on the ground and stared, “What happened? One moment I was ready to see what comes after this life, then there was a bright light....”

“I used my magic Spike,” Twilight explained, "I couldn’t do anything to get through that door so I just used as much magic as I could to make every Citadel Guard come running.

"When Envoy Sparkle used her magic, every guard in the Citadel converged here, I found these two attacking you Lord and dealt with them," Brown Scales added.

Spike nodded slightly, "Then Captain I owe you my life, you too Twilight," His face grew concerned, “But you know that they could have killed you for that, no magic allowed within the Citadel.”

Twilight’s ears flattened, “I....I thought it was worth the risk plus these two weren’t the only dragons to cause us trouble,” Her eyes strayed to beyond the now open door and Spike saw the crushed claw of a dragon sticking out from under a massive heap of fallen stone. It slowly dawned on Spike that while he was fighting for his life, Twilight had been in danger despite Charis' words. The holes where chunks of the tunnel had been forcibly ripped away were clear evidence of that.

“Quite clever Princess, dragons are highly resistant to magic, but the rock of this place is not,” Brown Scales commented levelly. Spike looked into Twilight’s eyes, he saw the fear and pain held there, Twilight would only use her magic to hurt anyone as an absolute last resort.

“He just wouldn’t stop Spike. I tried to reason with him, push him away even, but that dragon was going to kill me,” Twilight was shaking visibly now and Spike wanted nothing more that to hold her and tell Twilight everything was going to be alright. He glared at the buried dragon, hoping that all that fallen stone had really hurt.

Brown Scales cocked an eyebrow, “Well Princess you showed far more restraint than I would have, as it is he's are only knocked out,” The Captain glared at the buried dragon, “For now.”

Twilight’s tremors died back somewhat, but she was still shivering all over by the time Spike managed to gather the strength to embrace her, “It’s okay Twilight.” He gently stroked her mane and the shivering subsided.

She looked deeply into Spike’s eyes, “Captain is the next stage of the meeting going ahead?”

Brown Scales watched Twilight carefully, “Your highness, you have both been attacked and Lord Spike is wounded to my eternal shame. I would strongly recommend that you both return to your room unti.....”

Twilight’s eyes burned red for a moment and her mane shimmered with heat, “Captain, someone has just tried to kill us both. They have gone to a lot of trouble to make sure Spike and I don’t attend,” Twilight continued to stare at Spike as she spoke, “We are both in danger until that vote is done and I don’t want to give our opponents the chance to try again, right Spike?”

Spike paused for a moment before nodding and with a heave pushed himself upright. He gingerly pressed his weight down on his feet and winced. Twilight stepped up and braced her back against his shoulder. She was of little physical help, but Spike appreciated the gesture all the same.

“Please don’t Lord, I would....” Brown Scales tried again but Twilight silenced him with another glare.

“I wouldn’t get on the wrong side of her Captain, I know that look,” Spike said between grunts. Suitably chastened the Captain bowed in acceptance before Twilight and Spike made their slow way towards the main cavern.

“It seems that our new flight master is too afraid to appear,” Skalancha said triumphantly as the assembled dragons stirred impatiently, “I move that we proceed with the vote in their absence.” She grinned smugly.

Her fellow dragons murmured accent and Skalancha was just about to speak again when the doors to the chamber were encased with a purple glow and slammed open with such force that they finished their journey hanging off their hinges.

“I do not approve of your methods of negotiation,” Twilight bellowed, her voice magically enhanced so that it carried across the vast space and caused the stalactites to tremble. Small rocks rained down from the ceiling and shattered across the expanse.

Every dragon and dragoness in the cavern turned to watch as Twilight led Spike into the room along with a number Citadel Guards. The nature of the murmurs changed when it became clear that a further dragon was being dragged in between the soldiers.

Skalancha faltered, the dragon being carried was clearly of her flight own and this fact obviously wasn’t lost on the attending dragons. Twilight and her procession continued until stopping within the central area.

“I am the envoy of Equestria, I came to your nation in good faith with my friends to see if you could see reason,” Twilight shouted, her eyes burning with anger and her mane dancing with flames. She glanced to the captive dragon, “Now both Lord Spike and I have been attacked.”

The assembled dragons shouted angrily at Twilight’s words, while many shouted curses at the Dusk Peak Flight. Skalancha was taken aback, her huge form shrinking from the accusations of the other dragons in the room.

The roaring continued before Brown Scales stepped forward and removed his helmet, “It is true my Lord and Ladies: Much to my disgrace they were indeed attacked, by a member of the Dusk Peak Flight and by one of my own soldiers.”

The gasps of shock and disbelief cut through the angry shouts before Twilight spoke once more, “I am sure that Lady Skalancha will have a good explanation for this, but quiet honestly I-don’t-care. I simply want to get the voting done with and get back to my own Lands where some sanity reigns.” Twilight was tall and proud as she stared down the various dragon dignitaries.

“Any dragon who wishes to see sense and avoid being ruled by those who would stoop so low as to allow the violation of your own laws is welcome to join us in friendship and peace.”

Twilight snorted with anger, her hooves leaving burning prints in the stone below her, “I warn the dragons of this kingdom that the world is growing up, that we are making technological wonders that you could only dream of.”

“Is that a threat Princess?” A dragon called out and Twilight’s eyes narrowed.

She glared into the surrounding mass of reptiles, “I do not make threats often and when I do I fully intend to follow up on them,” Twilight replied her wings outstretched, “The world will leave you all behind as we move forward to better things; but I offer you a chance, a chance to be part of this better world.”

Twilight took a deep breath and Spike had never been so proud of her than at this moment, “The younger races of the world have progressed and found that we are strong: We do not want to fight you, but if you force us then we will.”

The fire in her eyes lessened and Twilight’s mane lost it’s incandescence, “Please, please see reason and vote if not for yourselves then for those who will come after.” Twilight’s voice dropped until it was barely audible “Please allow Whisper’s dream to become a reality.”

The silence that followed was deafening, no dragon moved. Finally Brown Scales stepped forward and hissed out to them all, “The Citadel Guard formally recognises that Spike, last of the World Guard Flight is now ready to take his place.”

Spike braced himself and with great effort began his slow way to the appointed space for his flight. The distance seemed to stretch out before him and he even faltered once or twice before he found himself at the foot of the mighty skeleton.

He paused and looked up to the long dead dragon before motioning for the attendant guards to step aside. This they did with bows to Spike, and with a determined finality he stepped onto the flight marking before turning to face the other dragons.

Every creature in the room was staring at him, the cave alive with slitted eyes that watched him with looks of anger, respect and in some cases amazement. Spike steadied himself and drew his shoulders back to strike the most imposing stance he could, “I Spike,” he began and looked to Twilight who nodded with pride, “I Spike, Lord of the World Guard Flight accept my place within the Great Meet.”

The various armoured dragons around his platform all stood to attention while many dragons throughout the crowd even applauded Spike. He did his best to look regal and worthy despite the weariness that began to overpower his already taxed frame. Among the celebrating dragons Spike saw Warden smiling with pride and even Thortax granted him the tiniest of nods.

The Captain raised his armoured claws towards the ceiling and announced the next order of business in his whispering hiss, “Let the votes be cast: It has been put forward that the nation of Equestria wishes to create a treaty of non-aggression with the dragon nations. You are to now cast your votes for this proposal.”