• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 2,195 Views, 46 Comments

Here be too much Dragon. - Golden Paw

Every pony saw this coming, Spikes a dragon with his cute baby years behind him and Twilight is at her wits end as to what to do with her 'little' brother. But help's at hoof when Luna calls in an old favour to aid her

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Roots and Reminders

Roots and Reminders

Spike watched the other dragon with a curious stare, Warden having jumped down from his rocky perch proceeded to circled Spike while taking in his every detail. Every so often the black dragon would give a disappointed 'tut' or a small shake of his head, "Well I would say you're in reasonable health all things taken into accoun,." Warden even raised his claws up to Spike's mouth and lifted his lips to reveal the gums and fangs underneath.

"Shoo you mind telling whasht you're looking for?" Spike mumbled as Warden knocked his knuckle against Spike's prominent canine fangs and finally gave a small nod.

Warden moved his examination from Spike's mouth by yanking down the larger dragon's head and pulling one of the purple reptile's green eyes wide open. Spike quickly tired of these intrusions and pulled back with a grunt.

"Well I must say you're in better condition than I would have first thought," Warden explained again, but his face fell as he looked at his charge's disproportionately small wings, "But still flightless I see, guess we have some work to do there."

"Okay mister Warden, how did you find me?" Spike's curiosity was caught; he hadn't told any pony where he was going, (Mostly because he didn't know himself) so how hard Warden found him?

"Oh I have been Ash Mountain's 'hunts master' for the last two hundred years; you were no trouble to follow hatchling," Warden replied in a casual way as once again he took to examining the larger dragon with pokes and prods.

Spike felt his temper beginning to simmer once again before what Warden had said sunk in and his eyes went wide with disbelief, "Two-hundred-years?" He asked slowly, taking care pronounce each word clearly to confirm what he had heard was correct. Warden merely nodded before testing the claws on Spike's right hand one after the other, "How old are you?" Spike asked in wonder.

"I’m three hundred and thirty seven by pony reckoning in fact," Warden explained in a causal way and Spike's eyes boggled. He couldn't imagine being thirty, let alone three hundred. He shook his head rejecting the vast difference in ages.

"But how come you're so small?" Spike aksed, his mind still struggling to grasp the age of the drake before him.

Warden paused and his purple eyes took on an angry look, "You're young and don't know anything so I will let that comment pass. It's not becoming for a hatchling to ask his elders such questions so directly." The black scaled dragon took a deep breath before his eyes became impassive once again, "We are really are going to have to start with the basics aren't we."

Warden took a few steps away from Spike and turned his attention to the soot covered stone surrounding the pair which still gently 'plinked' as it cooled after Spike's fire storm. He theatrically extended one claw and began to scratch the blackened rock of the cave floor.

"Dragons are the eldest mortal species; we were before all others save the 'Appointed Ones'." Warden's voice had taken on a story teller’s tone, heavy with solemnity as if reading from a venerated book or scroll. His words carried the dust of ages as he began to tell the history of dragons while his claw traced shapes in the soot.

"We trace our heritage all the way back to 'Whisper' the first and greatest dragon: She, like your first princesses was an 'Appointed Ones', created at the dawn of this world to ensure its proper running." Spike listened in awe as Warden weaved his tale, the young dragon had never heard any of this before and some small part of his mind thought that Twilight would love to hear this.

"The royal alicorns were made to keep the balance and harmony in the world; as such they were the two aspects of celestial order: The sun and moon. There were others created with purposes in the grand scheme of creation, but I will focus on 'Whisper'; guardian of the earth, Silent but supporting and ever reliable." Warden's voice had taken on a reverential tone now and Spike felt his heart moved with the passion in Warden's words.

"Whisper, oh what a dragon. She was said to be the size of mountains and her eyes as wondrous as the starry sky and a heart as hot as the sun's fire. She protected earth with a motherly care and did so without complaint and she never lifted her voice in case her power would shatter the delicate world which had being created."

Spike realised that Warden had drawn a collection of very stylized symbols on the ground. Two were easily seen to be Celestia's and Luna's cutie marks, but the others were totally unknown to the young dragon. As Warden described this 'Whisper' he indicated the picture of an egg.

"While all was new and fresh the Appointed Ones maintained order while assisting in the direction of the world, but soon their main tasks were completed," Warden drew a large circle about the first collection of symbols and then began a new set below: Spike watched attentively as Warden drew what was clearly a dragon.

"With her first tasks done, Whisper wondered what to do and soon found herself lonely. The other Appointed had others that sang to them, Luna her stars, Celestia her sun along with many others, but for Whisper the land was silent as it was steady, dependable but mute and it spoke not to her. Whisper dared not call to the other Appointed for aid as to do so would raise her voice and cause the world to tremble. So she came upon a plan for company and she took of herself and made the first dragons: her children.

Spike found himself totally taken in by the narrative that Warden was weaving and his green eyes studied the markings on the floor with rapt attention. His heart devouring and filling with the knowledge denied him for so long: Who he was. Even as he watched Warden continued to draw further dragons on the soot and the black dragon's expression turned from one of respect to sadness.

"But it was not the roll of the Appointed to fill the world with life, but to care for what was made, so that it would be ready for when creation deemed the time right. As such Whisper's children were not as intended: Sadly, in them Whisper had poured her longing for company and to have all things around her," Warden’s eyes rimmed with tears.

“As such the children of Whisper were covetous and greedy and so instead of guarding the world's wealth along with the precious things of the ground they hoarded them. Instead of protecting the lands as intended, they coveted their territory from all comers with a selfishness born of great desire," Spike felt his heart fill with a sorrow as he recognised such traits in himself.

Warden's face was a mask of regret and sadness, "These first dragons fought each other for what the world offered, their wars causing damage and destruction across the newly formed lands. Whisper was pained and for the first time cried out in sorrow as she saw her children fighting one another. The land was racked with earth quakes along with further disaster until finally the other Appointed saw Whisper's plight," The story teller's eyes suddenly held a glimmer of hope once again.

"The sisters of harmony, examples of balance with their night and day in balance came to our great mother's aid: They taught Whisper the ways of restoring order where once it was lost and with their help Whisper was able to call her children to order. With their help she was able to teach her children better way,” Warden's face shone with pride and Spike could almost see the great dragon nurturing her offspring in the ways of light and truth.

Warden wasn't finished however, “But Whisper knew she had caused creation to become disrupted, the land was ruined by the dragon wars and her own cries. With a heavy heart our great mother rededicated herself to the role as guardian of the earth and laid herself to rest; supporting the world and healing the damage done with her very own body," Warden's purple eyes glistened as a thin rivulet of tears ran down his ebony cheeks.

Spike couldn't help but be moved in kind and felt his heart ache also as Warden continued on his recounting of dragon history. He was eager for Warden to continue his tale, but to Spike's dismay the black dragon had stopped suddenly. Warden lifted his head to sniff the air while Spike followed suit, instantly recognising a familiar scent, one he had known all his life and reminded him of happy days gone by: Twilight.

"This story is not for pony ear's Miss Sparkle and is a private matter: I told you to await our return Princess." Warden spoke in a reproachful tone.

Twilight seeing she was discovered came out from her hiding place at the cave's mouth. "Well you'd been so long and I was starting to worry," Her ears were pressed flat as she made her way to the edge of the ring of blackened stone.

"You should leave, as I said this is a private matter for dragons only Princess," Warden informed, but Twilight stood her ground.

"Spike is family and you informed me it was the plan to teach us both right?" Twilight's voice was firm despite the slight tremble in her legs. Spike could smell her fear and unease, but saw that determined look in her eyes he had come to dread.

"If this is going to work then I need to be here," Twilight assured once again, but Warden's expression didn't change. The older dragon would not be moved it seemed.

Spike yearned to hear the rest of his history, but he also knew that he didn't want to leave Twilight or his other pony family, there had to be some way of resolving this impasse? In a flash of inspiration Spike realised the way to fix this situation. "Warden, anything you tell me I will share with Twilight, she's my sister and I trust her."

Spike couldn't help but notice the pained look Twilight gave him at these words. If Spike knew Twilight at all, she would be still beating herself up about the wedding where her trust in him had been proved lacking.

Warden looked to Spike before gazing back to Twilight his eyes full of annoyance, "I promised to my Lord I would teach you Spike, not give away our treasured history to younger races that are too young to understand. It is not the dragon way." Warden was obviously caught between his 'honour' and what his task now required.

Twilight seemed to catch onto Spike's plan and smiled weakly, "I promise I won't tell another soul what is said here, plus I am sure Celestia and Luna know the tale already, I could always ask them, so you may as well tell it me now." Twilight urged with a sincere look.

Warden drummed his talons on a nearby rock as he considered the proposal before Spike pressed on with his advantage, "If you don't go on I'm going back with Twilight to Ponyville right now and you will have to tell your Lord that you failed."

For a moment Warden looked like he might just do that, but after a moment he shrugged his shoulders in defeat, "I need your solemn promise Miss Twilight that what you hear will not go further than you. There are reasons other races do not know our history and why it is not written down."

Twilight nodded as she settled herself down and gave Spike a little wink, "I promise: Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Warden just stared blankly at Twilight in utter incomprehension before Spike came to his aid, "I'll tell you about it later, but trust me, Twilight won't tell any pony about what she hears here."

"Indeed," Warden replied before picking up his story where he left off, "Whisper became one with the earth and used her own body to repair the damage her cry had caused. She left the dragons with a charge to continue their watch over the land in her stead." Warden paused once again, to see Twilight had produced a small note pad and was busily scribbling down everything he was saying, "Princess you may remain, but your paper may not."

With a small flash of purple fire the note pad was incinerated and Twilight was forced to leap back in alarm. Spike seeing his sister in danger rose with a deep growl in his throat before Warden held up a claw, "Fortunately I have more control over my fire than you hatchling, but I will not be moved on this point. Books and written word cannot be trusted to keep a promise."

Twilight wasn't hurt or even singed, but still stared at Warden in alarm, "But this is amazing, what if I forget something you have told me?"

Warden smiled, "All the better if you do. I'm allowing you hear under sufferance Princess; don't think that means I am happy you will know some of our historical secrets. I'm treading very close to violating a number of our sacred oaths by you even being here and to be frank; if you of all ponies can't remember a simple story then you're not the gifted student I have heard about." Twilight sufficiently chastised nodded and settled down once again, but this time a just little further from Warden.

The ebony dragon cleared his throat once more and began again, “We dragons all have some aspect of our first mother; be it magic, physical strength or mental power. Each one of us typifies some part of Whisper's whole. With this variety we keep the world in balance. We watch the world and each other on behalf of our first mother. Though we may not have been perfect stewards in our time the world still stands. It is the duty of every dragon of good conscience to protect the land. The elders have stated this purpose and so we are to obey," Warden finished his story with a small bow and both Spike and Twilight were moved to applaud.

The dragon despite his previous misgivings smiled at the praise, "So the answer to your question hatchling is that for me knowledge and history is my realm. Not for me the size and power of many other dragons, I keep our histories and legends safe and teach upcoming generations of our legacy. No doubt that was why I was given the task of teaching you."

Spike tore his gaze from Warden to Twilight, "So what does that make me then?"

"That is for each dragon to discover for themselves. But from what I have seen wisdom isn't your area of expertise," Spike let another growling rumble.

"As tact isn't yours." Twilight snipped at Warden.

"No disrespect meant I assure you, it's all part of a dragon's time of isolation and the process of discovering their role in this world. All kinds are needed if the world is to thrive," Warden had taken on a conciliatory tone in the face of Spike and Twilight's anger.

Spike nodded, that kind of made sense and was reminiscent of a pony discovering their cutie mark. He turned to Twilight to say just that when he saw her brow was furrowed.

"That doesn’t sound like any of the dragon's we have met before; they have all seemed to be just big greedy bullies," Twilight coughed at her forthrightness, but to her surprise Warden wasn't angry and just smiled sadly.

"There are those dragons who don't accept the rules of the elders, who never get over their young fiery days and choose a life of hoarding and domination. We of course rein them in where possible, but the dragon flight's rule only stretches so far. "We have no say in Equestria for example and so those who are out cast will inevitably be found in your lands or other distant places."

Warden looked at spike with a curious expression, "Most of the rouge dragons have greed overtake them and grow in to power hungry brutes that were completely out of control without other dragons to keep them in check. I am frankly glad I came before Spike became such: Most hatchlings when they begin to mature show the signs of hoarding and greed growth and I am very surprised to see Spike is comparatively in control of himself."

Both Spike and Twilight coughed in unison and couldn't meet each other’s eyes, "We may have seen some of that if were honest, Spike did have a little episode of what you describe," Twilight replied with an uneasy smile.

"Really? I guess Celestia or Luna brought in another dragon to counter him?" Warden asked in a confident way.

Twilight looked at her adopted brother proudly, "Spike sorted himself out."

Warden looked astonished and stared at Spike with wide purple eyes, his opinion of the purple dragon seeming to be on the increase, "You mastered yourself? I see I miss judged you once again hatchling."

It was Spike's turn to puff up with no small amount of pride before Twilight gave him another 'look', "Well we helped a little but it was mostly Rarity who snapped Spike out of it."

"Really? Well that is a turn up for the tales, a pony pacifying a greed crazed dragon," Warden couldn't hide the amazement in his voice, before he coughed and straightened up once more. His appearance of superiority returning to cover his surprise.

Once again Twilight felt she needed to remind Warden that ponies had a lot more about them than dragons seemed to believe, but before she could Spike spoke up again.

"So that's it, I just need to figure out what kind of dragon I am and then I can go home again?" The note of pleading was back in his voice.

Warden laughed at this, "Of course not Spike, we're only just beginning to start your teaching. You have a long way to go before I think you're ready to be trusted by yourself. Also I believe that you should stay somewhere other than Ponyville for the time being."

Spike's shoulders sank, "You're sending me away?"

Warden smiled and shook his head. "No I promised Princess Sparkle that I would never do that, but you will need your own space for a while and I understand that your current home is not all that 'fireproof' for one thing."

Twilight looked into Spike's sad green eyes and her heart melted, "Well we know this place is big enough for a fully grown dragon, it's not too far from Ponyville and you already seem to have made yourself at home." Little tears began to form in Twilight's eyes, "I will come and visit you every day Spike as it's only a short flight for me and I'm sure the girls will want to come in and check in on you too."

Spike's eyes also filled with tears as he lent forward to hug Twilight in his massive embrace. "Thanks Twilight, I'm so sorry I ever gave you a reason to doubt me."

"Oh Spike you never did, you will always be my brother and we will get through this I promise you," Twilight returned the hug as she threw her hooves tightly around Spike's snout, in a loving rather than fearful embrace.

The tender moment went on for a while before the polite cough of Warden drew the pair's attention back to Spike's new teacher, "Well I am glad that's sorted. It's far into Luna's night now and I think it would be best for us all to get some rest."

Twilight nodded as she pushed herself free of Spike's large claws and wiped a tear away with her hoof, "Is there anything you want me to bring you, your covers or maybe....."

Spike watched Warden who seemed to be smirking behind his outward calm expression, "No Twilight I think I've got this one, I'll be fine honest" He really wished Twilight would stay, but that aggravated feeling of others intruding on his space was creeping back once more and he didn't want to give Warden any other reason to think of him as a baby.

Twilight nodded again before turning to stare at Warden, "I'll not breathe a word of your story to any other pony. Just take care of Spike; I would never forgive myself if any harm comes to him."

Warden paused a moment before replying, "I will not promise that which I cannot assure Miss Sparkle, the world is a dangerous place even for such as us, but I give you my oath that I will do all in my power to teach Spike all he needs to know and steer him away from the many pitfalls of a growing dragon." Warden smiled again and Twilight felt reassured as she gave one last wave to her adopted brother before she spread her wings and soared out of the cave once again.

Spike turned back to look at the other occupant of the cave who watched Twilight fly away, "You know I have never had a proper chance to speak with ponies before, they are quite amusing little creatures and I see my time here will be an informative one. I almost find myself impressed by them." Warden commented, his eyes never leaving the retreating form of Twilight.

"That's my Twilight" Spike said proudly even as the dragon's heart felt lighter for there being one less intruder in his cave.

"She had better be something special, we have a lot to get through hatchling and not all of it will be 'pleasant',” Warden cautioned.

Spike went to growl at Warden, "Twilight is amazing and she will show you....." The other dragon had vanished just as quietly as he had first arrived. Truly alone once more, the young dragon studied his new home for the time being. It was far removed from the warmth and happiness of his old little bed in the Golden Oak's library, but it would just have to do.

Spike drew in a deep breath to confirm that he really was alone and finding the scent of Warden quickly fading busied himself getting comfortable in his new home away from home. There wasn't much to work with and Spike didn't have a great idea about what a dragon in his position would need, but with a fresh determination in his eyes the dragon set to work making a new home for himself.