• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 2,195 Views, 46 Comments

Here be too much Dragon. - Golden Paw

Every pony saw this coming, Spikes a dragon with his cute baby years behind him and Twilight is at her wits end as to what to do with her 'little' brother. But help's at hoof when Luna calls in an old favour to aid her

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Fighting Fears

Fighting Fears

"Dewy?" Spike hissed, but it was no good: Night Dew had disappeared into the thick trees surrounding him. Peering around the forest, Spike caught brief glimpses of their pursuers darting between the moss-covered trunks all around him.

"What's going on?" Stand Fast asked in a nervous tone.

"Nothing," Spike replied in mounting concern, trying watch the surrounding ponies but unable keep them all in sight at once.

A nasty peal of laughter sounded out behind him, "Well this is a turn up for the books, an adolescent dragon has pony napped one of my boys."

Spike spun around to face the speaker and caught the impression of a gruff-looking earth mare regarding him along the barrel of a long shot. She was half concealed within the shadows cast by the forest, but as he locked gazes with her pale pink eyes, he saw only cruel merriment there.

"Boss is that you? Thank heavens you came!" Stand Fast called out turning his head this way and that trying to get a look at his 'saviour'.

"Shut it Stand, we're here for the dragon and his bat pony friend," 'Pink Eyes' explained in a contemptuous tone, "Seems you winged friend has scarpered and left you all alone scaly. Shame really, but we work with what we've got."

She came forward now, a ray of sunlight glinting off a gold tooth, "I know a good number of towns folk who would pay handsomely for fresh dragon hide: This close to the border dragon raids are a real nuisance."

"You're in trouble now; Boss will sort you right out lizard lips," Stand Fast said smugly and Spike couldn't fault him. Everywhere he looked, Spike saw long shots aimed at him through the trees.

Spike simply growled in response, rolling his shoulders before Stand called out in a much more nervous tone, "Don't shoot Boss, I'm tied to his back!"

"I told yer to shut it Stand, if you're stupid enough to get yourself caught then it's on your own head," Pink Eyes snapped in response before grinning at Spike once more, "Now dragon, are you going to make this easy for us?"

The unicorn on his back produced as small choking sound as Spike glared at the surrounding bandits. Pink Eyes chuckled, "Alright then, can't say I blame you."

There was a flash, followed by a cracking sound, before Spike felt a sharp pain in his side, like he'd been kicked by Bigmac and he slid a few inches to the side as Stand Fast began sobbing uncontrollably overhead. He didn't wait around for more and drew in a deep breath before unleashing a torrent of green fire in the direction of the first flash.

His aim was high and the tree tops overhead ignited, casting dancing shadows across the whole scene as bandit ponies dived left and right to avoid Spike's unleashed fury. The crackling of timber mixed with the flashes of weapon's discharge as a second impact from Spike's right rewarded him with and sharp pain in his left hind leg.

Now thoroughly enraged; Spike swivelled about and roared a deep throated challenge before straight charging ahead. He smashed trees and trampled undergrowth in his wake as he bore down on the pony responsible for this latest assault.

Even as Spike chased the fleeing bandit, further flashes lit up the forest behind him and he felt a series of impacts along his rear before Stand Fast called out in pain. Ignoring this Spike continued to run-down the stallion ahead of him, who had thrown away his long shot and was galloping as fast as his legs could carry him.

The pony may have been faster than Spike flat out, but was forced to side step the various hazards ahead, whereas Spike simply smashed his way through. The brown pony snatched a quick look back at the chasing Spike, which proved to be his undoing as he stumbled and fell.

Spike was on the pony in an instant, lifted the terrified equine in a claw and was about to incinerate the pony before Spike caught sight of his terrified blue eyes. The moment seemed to stretch out before Spike as the fearful tears ran down the pony's muzzle and his panicked eyes screwed tightly shut.

Spike would be well within his rights to do away with this criminal, they were trying to kill him for Celestia's sake, but one look at the tiny trembling equine before him and Spike knew he just didn't have it in him, as all the smiling and happy faces from his past played across his mind's eye.

With an angered grunt Spike lowered the shaking pony and held him pinned to the ground with one claw. Wincing as further stinging rounds stabbed across his back, Spike reached up and broke off an overhanging tree branch and delicately trapped the snivelling pony beneath it.

This done Spike rounded on his attackers once more just as a dark comet swooped down from the forest canopy and knocked one surprised unicorn clean off his hooves. Spike's face set in a grim scowl as he saw Night Dew leap back into the air, now bearing one of the long shots the bandits carried. Spike didn't have time to see if her unicorn prey was unharmed as flashes heralded further rounds zipping past his head and another sharp pain in his right shoulder.

Looking down Spike saw the scales there were chipped and suspected there would be 'one hay' of a bruise later, but thanked Whisper for his thick hide. Stand Fast continued to wail in fear and pain as Spike took in the scene ahead. The forest trees were burning brightly, throwing the unfolding fight into stark contrast.

Spike saw Night Dew wielding her stolen long shot like a club; stunning another pony even as their own weapon flashed, launching a projectile which missed her by inches. This round then proceeded to blow a chunk out of the solid oak over her shoulder, showing the combatant with a deluge splinters. The final three ponies,Pink Eyes, a unicorn mare and another earth stallion were now backing off and frantically reloading their weapons.

Once again Spike locked gazes with Pink Eyes, who with a wicked grin pointed the long shot directly at his face. Time seemed to slow as the power crystal energised the kinetic enchantment with a flash. Spike's eyes followed the small metal sphere as it was propelled forward, rocketing towards him encased in a white magical aura.

With dread certainty Spike realised the round was heading right for his eyes and in a vain effort, attempted to raise his claw to block the incoming missile. The sounds all around him became distorted and Spike heard the frantic warning from Night Dew as if through water.

The metal slug closed the distance with an eerie slowness and Spike's clawed hand slowly rose into his vision but even with this, suddenly new found clarity the dragon understood it wouldn't be fast enough. The small ball slipped between two of his talons and travelled on with inevitable purpose until it filled the whole of Spike's vision. He just had time hold onto the image of Twilight's smiling face looking down on him as a baby when the metal ball stopped...

Spike blinked in confusion as the world around him snapped back into focus, The metal round was just hanging in midair before his startled face. Very cautiously Spike moved his head to one side, but the bullet still hung there as if gripped by invisible hooves.

In mounting befuddlement Spike looked back over to the bandits, Night Dew and the roaring flames of the burning trees. The ponies all stared in astonishment at the now still round held in the air, the only sound to be heard were the continued destruction of the trees as Spike's fire did it's work. The green flames now turning a natural golden yellow as the magical essence of the dragon fire exhausted itself.

The deafening quiet lasted for only a few more moments before a raging hurricane engulfed the burning tree tops and as suddenly as the fire had begun, it was snuffed out. The tree canopy peeled back to reveal an avenging angel and all below were forced to shield their eyes from the bright light shining above.

Mane aflame, wings beating slowly and her eyes glowing with a red inner fire Twilight Sparkle glared down at the battle scene below. Around her a number of pegasi and bat pony guards were keeping a safe distance from their enraged princess. The bandits who were still upright quailed in fear as the darkness of the forest was banished and Spike understood who had saved him.

The alicorn dropped lower, her eyes never leaving the now terrified bandits that were huddling together. Spike saw one of them raise a long shot towards Twilight, only for it to crumple into a mangled mess before his astonished eyes. Twilight's decent halted a few feet from the forest floor, but even this close proximity caused the ground foliage to smoulder and burn away to ash.

"How-dare-you," The voice of Spike's sister was low, calm and frankly the most terrifying sound he had ever heard. "How dare you try to hurt my family? How dare you turn my good intentions into weapons of slavery and pain?" Twilight's tone remained cold and level despite the roaring fury surrounding her. Spike was amazed the cowering bandits before her didn't themselves burst into flames.

The rest of the soldiers held formation in the air, not daring to interfere with their princess' wrath. Twilight finally touched down, but kept her wings outstretched in a menacing fashion. The ground she stood upon glowed with heat and as the princess advanced she left flaming hoof prints in her wake.

With a whimper Pink Eyes was lifted from the ground and flailed in terror as Twilight brought her nose to nose. Spike was astounded despite his horror. The bandit leader should have been incinerated by the heat pouring off Twilight, but showed no sign of being singed at all. On some level Twilight was very much in total control of herself, focusing the immense power and anger into a cutting edge precision.

"Why-Why would you do this?" Twilight's voice was almost pleading, "What could drive my fellow ponies to act in such a way?" The bandit leader stared wild-eyed at Twilight, and Spike could smell the terror pouring off the captive mare who was unable to hold the burning glare of the princess.

Twilight cast her eyes across the other bandits who all curled up into small balls of fear as her attention passed over them. She turned to look at Spike, "Are you okay my number one assistant?" Her tone was slightly distant and Spike felt a renewed sense of fear.

"Um yes Twilight, a few bruises but I'll soon be right as rain," Spike managed to stammer out.

Twilight nodded slowly before refocusing on the pony held in her magical grip. Pink Eyes was still thrashing and the sounds of frantic pleading escaped her lips as Twilight's face hardened, "You are very fortunate I came when I did, if Spike had been...."

The unspoken threat hung in the air like an unexploded bomb and bandit leader went limp with fear, ears firmly flattened against her skull. Twilight slowly lowered the terrified pony to the ground and as she released her magical grip the mare flopped down before curling up into a mewling ball of terror.

It was several moments before Spike dared say anything, all the while bandits the cowered and cried as Twilight stood over them and stared in an almost detached fashion. Finally finding his own courage Spike approached Twilight before raising a hesitant claw, "Um Twi it's okay, could you please calm down before the whole forest burns down?"

Twilight blinked a couple of times before she focused on Spike and her eyes went wide with horror. She looked about the cowering ponies along with the still flaming hoof prints she had left and raised a hoof to her mouth, "Oh no, I'm so sorry I...."

Twilight's mane snuffed out, the glaring glow within her died down and Spike was once again standing next to the purple alicorn her knew and loved. He reached out and placed a gentle claw around her shoulders, "It's okay Twi."

The now purple eyes of Twilight met Spike's green slits and the dragon saw tears welling up there, "It's not okay Spike; they hurt you and they nearly.......I let you go off on this stupid hunting game and and and....."

"But they didn't" Spike assured her, but Twilight wasn't done.

"I would have..." Twilight glanced at the still cowering ponies, "If they had...."

Spike embraced his sister in warm hug, "But you didn't"

"He's right you know princess, I doubt I would have shown the same restraint," Everyone looked up to see Warden perched in the remains of a blackened tree. "And might I add my congratulations on a very well caught ball," They all turned to see the small projectile was still hanging in mid air where Spike had left it.

Twilight's face broke into an embarrassed smile, "Well I couldn't let my dear Spike get hurt now could I?"

Warden swooped down to study the object more closely as the rest of the guards drifted down and went about securing the bandits. The fight had completely gone out of them, Pink Eyes was still mumbling to herself in an unfocused manner as they hefted the mare and clapped her in irons.

"Though I technically didn't catch the metal projectile, I just slowed it down," Twilight explained and Warden cocked an eyebrow.

"So it's still moving then?" Warden asked in fascination.

"Yes, I just slowed down time around it slightly," Twilight commented in an off hoof way.

"I never knew you could do that Twi!" Spike looked down at Twilight his eyes full of amazement.

"Well I have never needed to before and it's only in very small area," Twilight replied in an abashed way, blushing under Warden's intense scrutiny.

Spike let loose snort of smoke and glared at the older dragon, who quickly coughed before looking around the trees in sudden fascination at the local foliage. Twilight rolled her eyes at the pair and Night Dew couldn't help but snigger at Warden's embarrassment. Spike could almost 'see' the tension unwinding from Twilight.

"Well princess, what's the plan now?" Warden addressed the nearest bush, most definitely not looking her in the eye.

Twilight scrunched up her nose as the guards finished rounding up the bandits, "Well it's great we managed to stop these raiders, but we still need to know who sold them the long shots and where their camp is."

Night Dew shared a quick glance with Spike who grinned in return, "Well princess, I think Spike may have stumbled upon it by accident during our hunting game."

Night Dew leaned nonchalantly against one of the smouldering trees and she gifted Twilight a toothy grin. "On that subject Twilight, how did you find us or even know we were in trouble?"

Spike gazed at Twilight as her face broke into a brittle smile, if he was any judge Twilight was still rattled by this whole event and he didn't blame her. He noted the slight tremble in her legs and the nervous shiver running up and down her back. Twilight was scared, far more than she let on.

"Our friends from Baltimare finally pinned down the rough area that the bandits were hiding in, and to my horror we saw it was where we had dropped Spike and you Dewy," Twilight's ears flattened and the haunted look returned to her eyes. "And to be honest Warden did most of the work, he tracked Spike from the drop off point and this led us through the forest."

Twilight's smile regained it's warmth as she looked to her brother. "But then suddenly the forest lit up and all we had to do was follow the green fire and smoke."

"And quite a merry dance you led my student on Miss Dew," Warden commented with interest, "You put up a far better show than I expected."

Night Dew let out a low laugh, "Well we aim to impre....." The rest of the sentence was cut off as the magic surrounding the metal ball finally lost it's grip and with a cracking sound time snapped back into focus. The bullet completed it's journey, slamming heavily into another abused tree and sending a shower of bark plus embers flying in all directions.

All present jumped and to everyone's mounting confusion a startled squeak sounded from Spike, Twilight stared at him in confusion as a tiny voice emanated from his mid rift. "Don't mean to be rude or anything, but could I please be untied now?"

Every eye looked to Spike's stomach for a moment before he waved his hands in explanation, "Hey don't look at me like that, and he’s only tied to my back okay!" Spike looked to Night Dew who had once again burst into a fit of giggles as she rolled on the floor.

Spike reached around and lifted Stand Fast off his back, severing a few cords with his talons. The dishevelled pony hung upside down by his tail. Stand had a nasty looking piece of wood shrapnel sticking out of his shoulder along a number of other cuts and scrapes.

He glanced about in confusion and pain at the assembled group, his eyes going wide when he caught site of Twilight, "Your highness, oh hay seed! Don't put me in jail please!"

Twilight grinned wickedly, "I see you have a bit of a story to tell yourselves, but that will have to wait. I want to talk to the ponies responsible for all this." Twilight's face hardened again as she watched the bandits being firmly secured together and turning her attention to Stand, smiled in a predatory way, "I don't suppose you know who was in charge of this band by any chance?"

"It was her, I-I'll tell you everything! Just don't hurt me!" Stand Fast gibbered before anyone else could answer as he frantically pointed to Pink Eyes who still stared at the ground in shock.

The grin that blossomed on Twilight's face caused even Night Dew to shudder as Stand Fast pointed out the pony that had nearly killed Spike, "Um your highness, I think it might be better if I talked to this one," Dewy pony cautioned.

Twilight's eyes flashed for a moment before she nodded her head slowly in acceptance, "Thank you Night Dew that may be for the best."

"Don't worry Twi, I'll have her singing like a humming bird before the day is out," Night Dew saluted as Spike handed Stand Fast over to the waiting soldiers, who quickly placed him with his fellows.

Spike lumbered over to Warden who was now studying the large chunk blown out of the tree, "Once again the inventiveness of ponies frightens me hatchling. Thank Whisper that Twilight doesn't harbour any inclinations to weaponise her inventions." Spike was forced to agree as he gingerly tested the various bruises the fight had left him with.

The image of that round metal sphere drifting slowly towards his face caused Spike to shudder once again, It was a none too gentle reminder that they had to tread carefully, even as dragons. "Do you think there will be much more fighting to stop these rogues? I mean you saw what Twilight did back there, maybe they will all just surrender?" Spike slowly mused out loud.

Warden didn't pull his eyes away from the whole scooped out of the tree trunk before him and for a moment Spike feared the older dragon hadn't heard him, "These are just the toys peddled to the small fry hatchling, it would be reasonable to guess that those who make weapons keep the best ones for themselves."

Spike watched as the Twilight's soldiers stacked the confiscated arms in a rough pile and felt his blood run cold again. If these were just the basic knockoffs that whoever was supplying weapons would sell to anyone, what more would they have to face when they attempted to bring down the 'big game'?

Twilight trotted over to Spike and hugged him tighter than the before and whispered in his ear, "Oh Spike, I was so worried." She sniffled before gazing up at the large snout of her brother. "I don't think I can do this again, I-I don't know how the royal pony sisters cope with all this."

Twilight waved a hoof at the general scene of devastation the forest had become and Spike felt her trembling more than ever. "They put on a brave face every day, facing down dangers and keeping Equestria safe. I'm a princess now, but I'm not like them Spike. I don't think I can do this."

He smiled down at Twilight, "Well you certainly showed your stuff today Twi, I don't think they stood a chance against you."

Twilight's ears pressed down once again and her eyes filled with fear, "Oh Spike, I was so angry and scared. I would have done almost anything to keep you safe.Anything."

Spike frowned in confusion, "I would do anything to keep you safe Twi, I don't understand...."

Twilight shook her head, "I was scared of losing you Spike, but I was scared of me too," The pony in Spike's arms trembled once again and his heart skipped a beat as he finally understood what Twilight was getting at.

The previous events rushed back to Spike's mind and he saw them in the new light of understanding. Tears welled and trickled down his scaly cheeks as he hugged Twilight all the harder, "Oh Twi, it's okay. I know you and you're not going to hurt anypony unless you have too."

They broke apart and Twilight opened her mouth to protest, but Spike placed a large claw over her lips, "I trust you Twilight, Celestia and Luna trust you." He smiled with understanding, "I know what it's like to be a big fish in a little pony pond, huh?"

Twilight grimaced; "No matter how much my friends tell me I'll always be different now, set apart from them by status and these," Twilight flexed her wings to prove the point.

Spike just shook his head, "For once Twi, you listen to me, I know what it's like to grow up different from those around you. The only dragon who is an Equestrian citizen? Trust yourself Twilight, everyone else does."

Twilight smiled weakly before straightening up, "Thanks Spike, what would I do without you?"

The dragon grinned, "Worry a lot less?"

The fear and tension they had both been feeling burst out in flood of laughter. It was a poor joke, but they both needed some release after the fight, and laughing was better than crying. Everyone else in the glade watched the pair in mounting confusion even as they went about their assigned tasks.

Once Twilight could breathe again she forced her face into a stern expression once more, "Right, now let’s find out where the rest of these bandits are."