• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 2,195 Views, 46 Comments

Here be too much Dragon. - Golden Paw

Every pony saw this coming, Spikes a dragon with his cute baby years behind him and Twilight is at her wits end as to what to do with her 'little' brother. But help's at hoof when Luna calls in an old favour to aid her

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Jagged Justice

Jagged Justice

‘Rough n Tumble’ Yawned as he lent on his long shot and watched the prisoners with a bored expression. The Boss had gone off chasing some young dragon and left the rest of the gang to oversee the mining operations.

'Rough' glanced about the surrounding tree line and fought back another yawn. He was always stuck with the dull jobs. With nothing much else to do the earth pony made use of the only source of amusement to him, “Come on slugs, put your backs into it!”

A few forced labourers glared up at the Rough, the anger in their faces clear despite the failing light. The sun had sunk below the forest’s overshadowing canopy an hour ago and yet the prisoners worked on. Rough grinned to his fellows surrounding the quarry before scowling at the diggers below.

Three stinking weeks they had been working at this place with very little to show for it. The supposedly rich seam of jewels had proven disappointingly fruitless and the Boss already had plans for their next dig site. Nevertheless Rough along with his small band, forced the ‘recruits’ to keep digging, far easier to keep an eye on them that way and any booty was better than none.

When that dragon and his friend had turned up Rough hopped he would finally see some action, but sadly he was stuck with guard duty again. Why did ‘Bright Spark’ always land him with watching the prisoners huh?

Rough lost more ground in his ongoing war against boredom, beginning to yawn a third time when there was a bright flash from behind him and the rhythmic sounds of digging suddenly stopped. Lifting his head Rough saw that the prisoners had all just vanished!.

Blinking in confusion Rough looked to the other ponies on duty and saw they were equally puzzled. Peering over the lip of the quarry Rough saw that all the prisoners had simply disappeared; leaving their picks, shovels and manacles behind.

He caught site of something moving off to his left, but when he turned to look there was nothing there, “’Rusty’ did you....”

Glancing to his fellow guard Rough found that he too had gone and felt his knees begin to tremble, only Rusty’s long shot was left and there was no sign of his fellow bandit anywhere.

Rough felt a gust of wind and saw a shadowy something out of the corner of his eye. A muffled cry forced Rough to spin round, but only the bouncing shape of ‘Stride’s weapon tumbling into the excavation greeted him as he stared in mounting terror. Each thud of the long shot’s tumbling decent sounding like thunder in Rough’s ears.

Rough n Tumble raised his long shot and waved it around wildly as another of his fellow guards disappeared with a cut off scream, the dark shape of their attacker swooping past. He frantically let off a panicked round, but his only reward was the crack of a splintering tree off in the distance.

Finally Rough’s nerves failed him completely and he threw down his weapon before bolting through the forest. His disordered flight led Rough in a blundering path through bracken and bush before culminating in an ungraceful tumble into a small gully.

He lay sprawled in a heap, his eyes screwed shut, his lungs heaving. For several moments his ears frantically swivelled this way and that as he sought out the tiniest clue to his pursuer. After several longer moments where darkness failed to spirit him away Rough opened his eyes and peered around the depression he found himself in.

The autumn leaves had piled deep here and with a sudden flash of inspiration Rough busied himself in covering his sweating body in the forest’s cast offs. After only a short time Rough was buried in the fallen leaves with only his eyes visible, staring out of his shelter with unmasked terror.

Several long panicked filled minutes passed and Rough dared not move as he tried to bring his breathing back under control. His heart hammered in his ears while his heavy breathing sounded like bellows pumping.

As the minutes dragged on Rough’s terror lessened, maybe he really had escaped? This brief candle of hope was snuffed out as a sudden wooden ‘snap’ sounded from somewhere outside Rough’s leafy blanket. Oh sweet Celestia, it’s out there.

Rough trembled as his terrified eyes looked this way and that to see if he could spot the source of the sound, but the forest was still. Once again Rough felt his heart begin race until he thought his chest was going to explode, but nothing else happened.

Hardly daring to hope Rough strained his ears for any further evidence of pursuit, but the forest was quiet. Had it gone? Cold dread settled upon Rough as he caught sight of a pair of slitted purple eyes watching from a darker patch of shadows among the trees and he felt his limbs freeze as that cold gaze passed over him.

He shook once more, certain that he was going to be 'vanished' like the others. He screwed his eyes tightly shut and held his breath until the cold fire in his lungs could be denied no longer. Rough released a hesitant breath before sucking in again, sure this smallest action would give him away, but still nothing.

Rough risked opening one eye slowly scanning the tree line, but the predatory gaze he had noticed before was gone and the pony felt his thumping heart skip a beat. As scary as those eyes had been, at least when he could see them Rough knew where his pursuer was. Now it could be anywhere.

Rough had never signed up for ‘this’, he’d only joined up with ‘Bright Spark’ and her crew because it seemed easier work than the rock farm life had promised him. They’d said nothing about strange shadows whisking away his comrades.

He waited for several more agonizing minutes before he felt a hot gust of air brush his leafy cocoon as a shadow fell over him. Rough felt his limbs lock up as clawed hands settled either side of his vision, sinking into the leaves silently before a low rumble sounded from above.

“You know this land has been quite amusing so far, ponies are fascinating creatures,” the voice was deep but quiet and had a condescending air to it, as if the speaker was addressing a young foal.

Rough didn’t dare move, even as the elongated ‘V’ shaped shadow drifted this way and that in front of his trembling face, “It’s been too long since I had a proper hunt you know; out of respect to my hosts I have refrained from doing such, but a dragon has needs.”

The leaves all around Rough suddenly fountained up into the air and the hapless pony felt himself being dragged along with them. Rough squealed as he felt powerful talons encircle his neck and he was turned to face his tormenter.

Once again those cold purple eyes confronted Rough and the pony shuddered, “Should I finish this now little pony? From what I understand you and your band have earned punishment for your crimes.”

Rough’s pupils shrunk to pin points as the pressure on his neck increased slightly and he gasped out, “please I....”

The dragon sneered, “Not so much fun is it, now you’re the one who’s being threatened?”

Rough felt his windpipe being slowly crushed even as the reptile before him talked on in a casual manner, “We’re alone little pony, no one would know, and I personally feel the world would be a better place without the likes of you.”

The eyes grew to fill Rough’s entire world and he felt his vision begin to grey as darkness closed in around him, but just as he was resigned to his fate Rough felt the grip on his neck loosen and the stallion drank in great gasps of air.

“It falls to me to be the better creature though,” Rough watched as the drake’s face screwed up in disgust, “If I have learnt one thing during my time in Equestria is that everyone can change, even a snivelling bully like you.”

With a final sneer the dragon spread his wings out wide and, still clutching the dumfounded Rough in his fore claws, Warden leapt upwards into the air, the stallion wailing in fear all the way.

“How can we ever thank you Princess? I was sure we were going to rot in that quarry,” Twilight grinned sheepishly as yet another freed prisoner thanked her for the rescue.

Twilight along with the others had sneaked up to the mine; Spike and Night Dew were only too happy to point the way. Her brother hadn’t been the same since Twilight, along with her guards, had found him and now she knew why.

The prisoners were in a terrible state, malnourished, beaten and bruised. The very thought of ponies acting this way mad her blood boil and only the reassuring claw of Spike had calmed Twilight enough to begin formulating a plan.

Warden had eagerly volunteered to distract the lurking bandits while Twilight devised a spell to whisk them all to safety. It had been some tricky magic even for Twilight, but once the flash of teleportation had died away the ragged band was quickly surrounded by equestrian soldiers who formed a ring of steel to protect them.

It turned out there was no need for such measures; none of their former captors were in any position to attack and Twilight eyed the treeline for signs of Warden. Even as she watched the trembling shape of the first of many bandits tumbled to the forest floor at Twilights hooves, begging for mercy and his eyes rolling in terror.

The collection of shaking equines multiplied as one after another they were deposited in the tangled heap; Twilight only catching the vaguest hint of the shadowy Warden as he went about his work. Then the dragon had disappeared and Twilight felt her stomach twist with unease. What if something had happened to him? Or more likely 'he' had happened to some pony.

“So Twi, now we have the prisoners safe and sound what’s the next step?” Night Dew’s cheery tones drew Twilight from watching out for Warden.

“Well with them safe we can begin searching for the source of this trouble; one of these ponies is bound to know where they got the weapons from.” Twilight’s eyes had fire in them again, but Night Dew didn’t seem phased by it.

“Fair enough Princess, want me to talk to them?” Twilight caught the flash of fangs in the bat pony’s smile and her own anger cooled once more. This needs a clear head Twilight, now just take some calming breaths.

“No Dew, I want to speak with myself, but feel free to accompany me and I’m open to any suggestions as to which ones to ask,” Twilight studied the still-stunned pile of bandits as Night Dew gave a small chuckle.

“Well not these small fry, I heard ‘Stand’ mention a leader,” Night Dew explained.

Twilight nodded, “The unicorn tied to Spike’s back right?”

Night Dew grinned even wider, “That’s the one Princess, he says that his boss is the one who buys these long shots and I think you have already met her. She’s the one who took a pot shot at Spike you see.”

Twilight felt the small mound of calm she had been building begin to crumble once more at the mention of Spike’s near miss. Twilight’s nostrils flared and she snorted in irritation before closing her eyes and taking a deeper breath, “Very good Lieutenant, I will speak with this pony and finally get some answers.”

A new sound pricked Twilight’s ears and once again she turned her attention to the surrounding trees. Night dew followed her Princess’ gaze and they both heard the echoing cry that resounded through the forest. Both mares spared each other a worried glance as the assembled guards shuffled uncertainly.

Night Dew was the first pony to see the incoming form of Warden and the dishevelled stallion in his claws before pointing at the approaching pair, “Looks like Warden caught the last of them Twi.”

Warden flared his wings, landing nonchalantly before Twilight and deposited the badly shaken pony at the hooves with a courtly bow, “A gift your highness, the last of the bandits for you to do with as you please.” Warden bowed as Twilight watched her ‘gift’ with a cold stare, the colt before her was half-mad with terror as he looked from Twilight to the other guards with darting eyes.

A tense quiet settled on the assembled Equestrians as Twilight peered down at the shaken pony, “What’s your name stallion,” Twilight asked in a low tone.

“’R-Rough n Tumble’, your highness,” Rough replied. Gone was the cocksure arrogance that Twilight had observed previously and she felt her anger returning. Twilight looked to the rescued prisoners who were all glaring at Rough, some with murder in their eyes.

She looked back to Rough and to her surprise felt her anger draining away; this pony had been accomplice to ponynapping, slavery and Celestia knew how many other crimes: Yet as she saw him lying there so frightened her anger cooled.

Twilight fixed the pony with a disappointed gaze, “Rough n Tumble, you along with your fellow criminals, are guilty of banditry, slavery and possession of dangerous weapons with the intent to cause harm. Seldom has Equestria seen such acts in modern times and there is little precedent as to your punishments.”

Twilight dug deep in her memory and didn’t like what she found, “That last recorded incident of this nature saw all those guilty were hung for their crimes.”

A mixture of cheers and astonished gasps came from the assembled crowd. Twilight felt all of their eyes on her and suddenly felt sick to her stomach. Rough and the other ponies in his band shrank back in fear from her as the nature of their predicament sunk in.

Twilight looked to Night Dew who had gone paler than usual, then to Warden who watched proceedings with a blank expression. Finally she turned to see Spike who was lurking at the rear of the group, his face full of worry. The Princess took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she frantically sought for the right course of action to take.

The law was clear, but so old it felt out of place here and now. She couldn’t let these ponies go unpunished for their crimes, but execution? Equestria hadn’t used such methods for many years. Then again such a thing hadn’t occurred for nearly as long either. This is what Celestia was getting at wasn’t it. However well intentioned we were in making machines and making progress, there will always be those who will twist it to darker uses.

Twilight felt a shiver run down her spine. I opened the door for this, I gave these ponies the means to become tyrants even if in just a small way. Twilight felt the fear and panic welling in her heart and looked to Night Dew with remorseful eyes, but the bat pony only watched Twilight with an expectant expression; all trace of her normal easy going manner gone. What I decide here will set the example for the future, will I be seen as weak for showing mercy, or as the cold ruler who enforced an outdated law?

Twilight burrowed deep into herself as she weighed the options: She had no desire to enforce capital punishment, but that’s what the law demanded. ‘A world that looks to Equestria as a source of hope and direction’. The words so easily spoken to Applejack only a few weeks ago came back to taunt Twilight now. Oh sweet Celestia, what have I gotten myself into?

Closing her eyes, Twilight steadied her breathing and came to a decision, “I will not decide the punishment of these ponies; that is not my remit to enforce alone.”

There was a murmur of disappointed grumbling from the liberated captives, but Twilight held up a hoof for silence, “That however does not mean there will be no consequences for their actions, as such they are placed under arrest and will be escorted back to Baltimare and then on to Canterlot where they will face trial and final judgement.”

Twilight’s face was grim and her normally gentle eyes studied the criminals with a hardness that caused all who looked on her to shudder, “However, if at any during any point their journey, the guilty parties should attempt to escape or cause further harm, my soldiers are hereby ordered to enforce the full weight of the law.”

Spike watched Twilight and saw not the unicorn he had grown up with, but the alicorn princess she had become. There was that steel about her that had often come to the fore when needed and Spike was more proud of Twilight at that moment than he had ever been before.

She addressed Night Dew in the same definite voice, “Lieutenant, I want you to choose those among your number which can be trusted with this assignment. I want these ponies to reach Canterlot unharmed and ready to stand trial.”

Twilight turned to watch the freed prisoners, “Rest assured that I intend these ponynappers to be dealt with justly.” Yet again she was met with a mixed response along with some glares from the freed slaves but pressed on anyway, “They will pay for their crimes, but it will be done in the proper way; not by some angry mob dispensing marshal law, is that understood?”

Night Dew saluted, visibly relieved, “As you command your highness, I will see to it personally that they are escorted with all haste.”

Twilight shook her head slowly, “No Lieutenant, I want you to have your soldiers escort them: I need you to assist me in talking with their leader. She holds the answers I need about where these weapons have come from.”

Night Dew gave Twilight a concerned glance, “I thought we agreed that I would interrogate her Princess?”

Twilight stood for a moment before replying, “Now that I have had some time to calm down I want to speak with her myself.” Twilight motioned for Night Dew to come closer before speaking quietly into the bat pony’s tufted ear, “I need you there to keep an eye on me okay?”

Night Dew locked eyes with Twilight and saw the lingering fear in them. She gave the smallest of nods before saluting once again and leading her Princess back to the temporary camp a little way from the dig site.

The bandit leader ‘Bright Spark’ sat at the base of a charred tree and stared mutely at the ground. Twilight coldly regarded Bright’s soot-blackened almond coat, her dark orange mane, which resembled a nest of twigs, and felt little pity for the pony. This mare had earned Twilight’s ire on so many levels that the Princess had to fight the urge to lash out in reprisal

“I understand your name is Bright Spark, is that correct?” Twilight inquired and the earth mare blinked a few times before staring past the alicorn’s shoulder. Twilight was about to ask once again before Bright screwed her eyes shut and nodded slowly.

“Well Bright Spark, I want you to tell me where you got the long shots from,” Twilight’s manner didn’t waver as she spoke in a deceptively calm voice, but the bandit leader simply shook her head in response.

Twilight’s eyes narrowed, “You understand just how much trouble you’re in right? For crimes of this nature the punishments are execution. You have murdered, plundered and enslaved Equestrians: Never in hundreds of years have we seen such abuse of our laws by our own, Bright Spark.”

It was true, Twilight remembered the dusty old scrolls that described the last time Equestria had enforced capital punishment. It had been a case where whole a town had been sacked by raiders: Murders, theft and all manner of evils had occurred. These actions, leftover from a darker age that Twilight couldn’t imagine happening ever again, yet here they were.

Bright Spark’s gaze slowly travelled from the ground to meet Twilight’s cold stare and she saw a sly glint in the bandit’s pink eyes, “Well the way I see it princess is that I have what you need and you’re hung up about enforcing an old law.” Bright Spark grinned, "I don’t think either one of us wants me hung right?”

Twilight felt her anger raising once more, this mare wasn’t even sorry for what she’d done. Bright Spark glanced at Night Dew who simply watched the interrogation with an impassively. Bright licked her lips and fixed Twilight with another cocky smile, “So here’s the deal, you let me go and I give you the info you’re after?”

Twilight bit her tongue before an angry retort escaped and Night Dew came to Twilight’s aid, “Not going to happen Bright; you’re guilty as Tartarus, we have the witnesses, and evidence enough to bury you and your little band for what they have done.”

Bright Spark raised a confident eyebrow as she regarded Night Dew, “Well the mutant speaks I see, hasn’t the princess trained you well.” The bandit sneered at the bat pony. “Does it do tricks as well?”

Night Dew Hissed, revealing her fangs in a snarl as Twilight felt a fresh surge of revulsion for the earth pony. She knew there were some ponies that still held the ridiculous view that some of creatures and some pony breeds weren’t welcome in Equestria; that the land was for the original founding species of unicorns, earth ponies and pegasi. It seemed that Bright Spark was one of these.

Bright Spark’s grin only widened, “Touched a nerve? Oh well it doesn’t change the fact I'm right: You need what I know, so let’s talk business. I want free passage out of Equestria, and enough jewels from what we dug up to set me up nice and proper.”

Twilight motioned for Night Dew to follow her and the pair trudged a little way through the leafy carpet of the forest floor before engaging in a whispered debate, “I don’t know Dew, we need to get going soonor we will miss the dragon migration. Maybe we should just make the deal?”

Night Dew’s cat-like eyes thinned with fury before she mastered herself and leaned in close to Twilight, “We don’t need to make any deals with her Twi, I can get her talking just say the word." Twilight watched Night Dew carefully and was sorely tempted to accede to the lieutenant’s request, but finally shook her head.

“I’m not going to condone anything illegal Dewy, despite the fact I believe that ignorant monster deserves it,” Twilight glared back at Bright Spark who sat at the base of the tree with a smug expression on her face. Twilight felt a fresh surge of anger course through her and little wisps of smoke began to waver from the pony’s mane.

“I won’t leave any mark on her Princess and as you said we need to wrap this up quickly,” Night Dew’s eagerness unsettled Twilight a little, but she put that down to the soldier being a bat pony. From what Twilight had read about them, the bat ponies or ‘Negasi’ as they called themselves were decedents from corrupted ponies of the ‘Nightmare Wars’ over a thousand of years ago.

It was said there was still a little bit of dark magic left in them and though Twilight had never given it credence, the look in Night Dew’s eyes began to cast some doubts there. No, she had known Night Dew for years and it wasn’t time to start second guessing her own soldiers. With a force of will Twilight drew her attention back to the here and now.

“I can promise you that none of the others know the next meeting place for my contacts, so don’t bother asking them. If you want your information, you're going to have to get it from me,” Bright Spark continued to call even as Twilight shook her head once more to Night Dew’s suggestion.

Twilight continued to whisper, “No lieutenant we need to be better than her, otherwise we will loose the very thing that sets us apart from the likes of Bright Spark’s and her thugs.” Twilight’s mind was made up they would take the deal, even if it made her feel sick to her stomach, “We have little choice Dewy, I’m sorry.”

Not breaking eye contact with the bat pony, Twilight was about to reply to Bright Spark’s demands when she felt an enclosing darkness envelope her, “Princess if I may? I couldn’t help but overhear your little conundrum and I think I have a solution.” Both Twilight and Night Dew looked up to see the shadowy form of Warden standing behind them, his burning eyes brightly lit with confidence.