• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 2,195 Views, 46 Comments

Here be too much Dragon. - Golden Paw

Every pony saw this coming, Spikes a dragon with his cute baby years behind him and Twilight is at her wits end as to what to do with her 'little' brother. But help's at hoof when Luna calls in an old favour to aid her

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Fights and Friends.

Fights and Friends.

“That’s the third attempt today; don’t they ever get the message?” Night Dew remarked as the line of fire played across the crackling energy shield. The light from this latest dragon attack surged through the view screen and caused her to squint even through her protective goggles.

The bat pony was resting in a small observation dome atop the Bloomberg, her legs tucked under as she watched the unfolding conflict outside. Nor was she alone, Captain Steel Resolve had joined his fellow guard in watching the spectacle.

“They’re dragons Lieutenant; it’s their nature to fight things,” Steel said as the large shadows passed overhead, locked in combat, beams of weak sunlight filtering through the hazy smoke and fire above.

If she was being honest, Night Dew was inclined to agree for the most part: Since the Bloomberg had crossed the border it had become common place for the territorial dragons to challenge the airship. But when she compared that to what she knew of Spike it just didn’t seem to fit.

“That’s a bit of a general observation Steel, that’s like saying all earth ponies are farmers,” Night countered and to Dew’s delight Steel Resolve snorted.

The pale earth pony chuckled in acceptance, “Of course Lieutenant; in our defence a lot of earth ponies are.”

Night Dew smiled, “But that’s not all you are right?”

Steel actually gifted Dew with a rare smile, “You, Lieutenant Dew, you can be a royal pain in the flank sometimes, but every so often you’re quite insightful.”

The barrier overhead crackled again as a heavy impact sent further ripples of energy dancing across its surface. Night Dew observed that Spike had pinned the opponent against the Bloomberg by the neck and was clearly snarling some warning if she was any judge. It was a scene that had been played out a number of times since the first dragon attack.

“But they do have a talent for it,” Night Dew added as Spike released the captive drake and flung him away with contempt. The pale green dragon vented another roar of flame before fleeing, leaving the triumphant Spike hovering protectively alongside the airship.

Steel’s face became stony, the brief glimpse of humour vanishing behind his trademark impassive face, “These are only the first trials that our young master Spike will have to deal with. There are bound to be bigger and tougher dragons the further we penetrate their lands.

Night Dew smiled, “He’ll have to deal with that when the time comes I guess, but Warden has taught Spike well and I think the ‘hatchling’ will surprise us all before the end of this journey.”

Steel snorted, “I take it back Dew, most of the time you do talk absolute drivel.”

She laughed genuinely, “That too Steel, but you know I’m right Captain. These little skirmishes are just the beginning.” Night Dew watched as Spike punched the air and did a barrel roll in celebration, she then turned her attention further afield. There were hundreds of smaller outcrops in their path and Dew's ears flattened in concern.

Steel followed her gaze and nodded solemnly, “Well we’re hoping that the older dragons will be in more of a mood to talk, plus once we enter the Ash Flight territory Warden should be able to ensure a much smoother passage.”

Night Dew cocked an eyebrow at this, “You’re actually putting your faith in Warden? That’s very forgiving of you after what happened before.”

The old Captain snorted in irritation, “If I had my way Lieutenant, then that duplicitous snake would be off this ship and limping home.” Steel took a deep breath before continuing, “But the Princess has assured me that there will be no more trouble from him and I obey orders Night Dew.” Steel’s face hardened, “Even if I don’t like them.”

An uncomfortable silence stretched out and Night Dew felt Steel was justified in his reservations: Warden had put them all in danger with his half-baked scheme, and though it had worked out she doubted if any of the crew trusted Warden at all now.

Twilight had assured them all that Warden was acting in what he thought was their best interests and she’d had a stern word with the dragon. Nevertheless Steel had doubled Warden’s guard and Applebloom just plain refused to speak to him. She only just tolerated being in the same room without attempting to make good on her threat to buck the drake’s teeth down his throat.

Nope, trust is hard to earn and even harder to regain, Night Dew feared that Warden had really blown it with that last stunt. She watched Steel who was staring out of the view port with an unreadable expression. In all the years they had worked together Dew could never tell what the earth pony was thinking, and now was no different.

“How’s the wing?” Steel asked in a distracted way.

Night Dew tested her muscles and felt a bite of pain, “I'm getting there captain, just don’t expect me to be flying any time soon.” Her wings had been wrapped in protective gauze and pinned in place to Dew’s sides; leaving the mare grounded for the time being. That was nothing compared to the ache in her hind leg which was still troubling Night Dew despite the pain killers from the medics.

In days gone by such injuries would have put Night Dew out of commission for months, but medical treatment had greatly improved and now it was commonplace to only be in recovery for a few weeks. This didn’t make Dew feel any better, she felt stupid for having been caught out in the first place by a pair of swindlers like Flim and Flam.

Evidently Steel was far better at reading Night Dew than she was him, “Don’t beat yourself up Lieutenant, these inventions are all new to us. I certainly wouldn’t have predicted what happened in your report.”

Night Dew had never thought to ask Steel’s opinion on all these new gadgets and suddenly found herself curious, “You don’t like this tech stuff do you?” It was a fishing question and Dew honestly didn’t expect it to work.

Steel paused for a while before answering, “What makes you say that Night Dew?”

“Just get the feeling you’re not a happy pony Steel,” Night dew brushed off the question, she knew had been a long shot.

Steel continued to watch out of the view screen, his cloudy grey eyes giving away nothing. Night Dew had almost given up on the impulse when the captain spoke again, “I understand spears, arrows and magic Dewy, they have well established laws and workings.” His tone was melancholy, “I can plan for such things and do my job.”

Steel finally turned to look at Night Dew with a sad smile, “But this,” he waved a hoof to indicate the Bloomberg, “This is taking us far beyond what I know, the world is moving Lieutenant and we have two choices: We can be left behind or we can grow with it.”

The older pony sighed and a sense of resignation broke through his impassive expression, “I’ve done a lot of growing in my time and I don’t think I have much more to do.” Steel chuckled, “Certainly not enough to keep pace with this progress.”

Night Dew was stunned by such a frank answer, “Don’t be silly captain, you’ve got plenty of fight left in you.”

Steel smiled again, “Don’t flatter me lieutenant, I don’t begrudge this. It’s the nature of life for new things to have their turn and for old ways to step aside.” Steel looked back to the scenes outside of the observation dome, “As long as the core principles of Equestria remain I don’t think it matters what we invent or create.”

For a tiny moment Night Dew saw an elderly pony before her, not the immovable Captain Steel she’d come to respect. It was only there for an instance before it was gone, but Dew had seen it and didn’t know quite what her feelings were on such a reverlation.

The restored Steel continued to watch the terrain move past below and Night Dew felt a fresh surge of respect for the captain. True to his name, Steel Resolve was bearing his lot in life without complaint or compromise, “This will probably be my last mission as a guard, Lieutenant; I’ve been at this whole 'soldier gig' for long enough: Time to settle down and put my hooves up.”

Night Dew laughed heartily, “Good one captain, pull the other...” She saw that Steel wasn’t joining in a trailed off. After a further moment of silence Night Dew forced herself to her hooves, only grunting a little as her leg hampered the attempt.

“Captain, I want you to know that I wouldn’t have any other officer than yourself on this mission,” Night Dew stated before giving a crisp salute, “Despite your reservations I still believe you’re of great value and that will never change.”

Steel stood stock still, only the movements of his eyes and steady breathing showing he wasn’t a statue before replying, “I appreciate your candour Lieutenant,” Steel chuckled again, “You have always said what you thought anyhow, but I thank you especially for it now.”

Night Dew maintained the salute as he continued on, “Look at us Lieutenant, both stuck in this ship while others do the fighting that needs to be done.” Dew grinned mischievously and finally dropped the salute and returned to her rest.

“There are more ways to protect than just with a spear or an arrow captain,” Night Dew said wryly.

Steel nodded slowly, “Yes Lieutenant, a lot more talking and a lot less hoof-work. I fear that’s what’s ahead of me.”

Both ponies watched the lands outside for a while, which were slowly climbing and becoming steeper as they passed. The smaller outcrops of rock were slowly being replaced with genuine mountain peaks and the scrublands became more barren. What was also on the increase was the haze of smoke from the unsettled mountains and the Bloomberg was heading straight for the closest rise.

“Well it looks like the ‘hatchling’ will be needed once again, you’re right Lieutenant; dragons really don’t know when to quit.” Steel observed and Night Dew instantly saw what he was referring to. Another dragon; this one was a bright blue, elongated beast. Easily the same size as Spike and it closing on the ship with slow measured beats of its wings.

“Okay hatchling, tell me what you see,” Warden’s voice resounded tinnily in Spike’s ear. The small device ‘borrowed’ from Night Dew was amazingly useful; far faster than scrolls.

“Looks like a big one this time Warden, bigger than the previous ones,” Spike replied as he watched the other dragon carefully. This one didn’t move like the others had, the earlier dragons they had met had been brash and direct; whereas this bright blue one circled slowly.

“Colour, Shape?” Warden pressed.

“It's big Warden, but built more like you and bright blue,” Spike paused before describing further, “It smell odd too.”

Spike continued to explain even as he watched the other dragon pivot in mid air, wings outstretched, revealing the lighter cream coloured undertones to their hide. This matched the leathery frill that ran along his opposite's back, neck and head.

The other dragon changed tactics and suddenly darted right for Spike. The move caught him completely off guard and he tumbled backwards as the blue dragon passed. The impact drove the air from his lungs and left Spike coughing.

"It's....very fast....Warden,” Spike wheezed and glanced around as the other drake circled at a distance once again.

“Are you alright hatchling?” Warden asked levelly.

Spike shook his head and growled, “Yeah, they just moved much faster than I expected.

The other dragon swept in once again, but this time Spike was ready: Waiting until the last moment he veered off and let the other dragon sail past him. Spike was just about congratulate himself when he felt a knock to the side of his head.

‘Blue Scales’ had struck Spike with its studded tail as they swept past, before laughing mockingly. It was then Spike realised what smelt different from the other dragon. It was a ‘she’ and the female dragon continued to laugh as she sailed past.

“Warden, what do I do?” Spike called as he was forced to evade another diving strike, this female was really fast.

There was a momentary pause before Warden replied, “Okay Spike, she’s faster than you, play to your own strengths: You’re probably stronger than her.”

Oddly that didn’t make Spike feel any better, “Thanks Warden, I think.”

Spike braced himself as Blue Scales swept around for a third strike, but barely had time to react. The female drake spiralled towards him, ducked low and before Spike knew was happening had hold of his tail.

Frantically Spike beat his wings even as he felt himself swung about bodily, managing to curl his own bulky frame around so that he could grasp at the other dragon. Placing his hands around the smaller wrists of his opponent Spike heaved, releasing her grip on his tail and forcing Blue Scales up face to face.

To his astonishment the other dragon was grinning despite his success and Spike looked into her red eyes with confusion as Warden called into his ear, “Good hatchling now I must warn you, females tend to rely on cunning rather than power.” This point was aptly proven as the other dragon winked at him and Spike felt a sharp pain in his nether regions.

Winching Spike lost his grip and the female shot upwards, still laughing mockingly and delivering a quick whack to his mid-rift with her tail. Spike screwed up his eyes in pain before replying in a slightly higher tone, “Thanks Warden, you could have warned me sooner.”

To Spike’s annoyance he was sure that Warden was chuckling in his ear as Blue Scales flitted and darted back and forth above Spike almost playfully. Okay Spike get it together, your friends are relying on you.

Grimacing, Spike sought out the foe once more and watched as Blue Scales spun lazily in the air above him; her red eyes full of amusement. Forcing down the bile that threatened to come out of his stomach, Spike powered upwards towards the laughing dragon who continued taunted him.

Spike frantically thought what to do and sought to buy time, “Right you, whoever you are, give it a break. We’re just passing through and don’t want any trouble!”

The other dragon almost giggled as she easily avoided Spike’s lumbering flight, “Oh you speak? Hear I was thinking you were just a big dumb brute from the way you treated the others.” The female’s voice was slightly melodic, with a sing song quality that reminded Spike of Night Dew somehow.

She dived and looped in a dizzying display of arcs and rolls which Spike could hardly follow. He felt his head spin as Blue Scales circled him, “Well I’m not, okay.” Spike snapped back, only just avoiding another swipe from her tail. It dawned on him that Blue Scales was speaking in words he understood and Spike’s mind raced, “Hey you speak Equestrian, so you’re not a dumb brute yourself.”

Blue Scale laughed and continued to display her aerial acrobatics with more vigour, Spike would have been first to admit it wasn’t a great comeback. But her reaction had at least given him an idea, “In fact you’re a very good flier and I’m deeply impressed good lady.”

The other dragon paused mid-loop before smiling back, “Why thank you, it’s nice to meet a hatchling with some manners at least.” Her red eyes sparkled with mirth as she zipped around again, swiping at him with her tail, but this time it was in an almost playful manner.

Spike felt like he was getting somewhere now and pressed onwards, “Indeed fair lady, I’m particularly impressed with the way the sun glints off your scales as you roll.”

Instead of darting forwards, Blue Scales drifted forwards slowly with steady beats of her wings until the female dragon was only a couple of meters away, “Oh, you have a silvery tongue in that purple mouth of yours,” She grinned in manner that made Spike very uneasy.

Blue Scale’s rubbed her chin while holding her elbow with the other hand as she peered at the Bloomberg, “It’s interesting company you keep hatchling, by the smell of them I’d wager ponies?” She sniffed theatrically, “Along with others under all that metal and magic.”

Spike watched Blue Scales carefully, not sure what she’d do next and replied with a weary tone, “What if I am?”

The female laughed again, “Oh let’s not play around the subject, you’re protecting the floating larder like it was your own kin: For an airship like that to fly so boldly into dragon lands with its own dragon escort, well that just doesn’t happen.”

She drifted forwards again with a curious expression forming on her snout before Spike backed off, keeping a safe distance from the other dragon. “Well it’s happening now and we don’t want any trouble, just to get to where we’re going with the least amount of fuss,” Spike explained.

The other dragon’s eyebrows rose, “Seems you’re doing a fine job of that...so far, but I don’t let just anyone fly through my territory without my say so.”

“Well can we have your permission please?” Spike asked, never taking his eyes of the dragon before him.

Blue Scales grinned before giving a thoughtful sound, “Well I may be convinced to allow that, since you asked so nicely.” She tilted her head to regard the Bloomberg once again, “Let’s say for a tribute of.....five ponies. It’s been so long since I tasted pony flesh and from what I remember it’s very tender.”

Spike felt the colour drain out of his face and his stomach heave, “What? No way am I going to agree to that!”

The other dragon studied her claws carefully as Spike fumed in disgust and anger. The grin she wore only grew wider as his temper flared, “Well I could just beat you and then take all of them for myself. I just thought this would save time and effort.”

Spike growled, “They are not food to be bartered, I take back what I said: You’re vile.”

Blue Scales actually looked surprised, “Oh here I was thinking you were outraged by the price,” She grinned even wider, “You actually care for them is that it, playthings for you are they hatchling?”

Spike felt the fire growing in his head as this female mocked him and made little of his family and friends. His claws twitched while Spike felt his tail snap back and forth to match his rising anger, “Look I don’t care what you think, they are important and I am escorting them through these lands. Now I’m done talking, either you let us through or I’ll fight you until you do.”

Blue Scales laughter slowly died down and was replaced by a look of mock fear, “Oh dear, whatever shall I do. The bold youngster is going to fight me.” She snorted in derision, “You’re no fighter hatchling; oh you can beat a few young headstrong brutes from the outlands. But further on in you’re going to be leftovers.”

Spike wouldn’t be swayed however, “Well I’ll just have to learn quickly then won’t I?”

“That’s quite enough of that, now back off Miss or you will have to deal with all of us,” The voice sounded out behind Spike and his heart filled with relief and dread in equal measure. That was Twilight.

Risking a quick glance backwards Spike saw that his sister was hovering with a number of pegasi and griffons in formation around her. Twilight was looking sternly at the other dragon who didn’t flinch at the arrival of several other fliers.

Blue Scales leaned forward as she watched the newcomers, “Well, well, who’s this that seeks to challenge me in my own territory?”

Spike watched uncertainly as Twilight answered, “I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, Emissary of Equestria to the Dragon Kingdoms and I am asking you nicely to back off and let us pass.”

The other dragon bowed in mocking deference, “A princess hmmm? Well that’s a very important position you hold there....for a prey creature.” Blue Scales expression became serious along with her tone, “You’re not in Equestria now little one.”

Twilight didn’t back down either and Spike felt the charge of magic begin to build as she spoke levelly, “No, we are here at the request of Thortax from the Ash Wind dragon flight to attend the Great Meeting.” Twilight’s horn began to glow as the power built and Spike gazed at Blue Scales to gauge her reaction.

The female dragon didn’t seem to be swayed, “Well Ash Wind is far from here little princess, and its reach is not as powerful as some would obviously have you believe.” She looked thoughtful for a moment, “There are only two ways you’re going to pass through my territory: Either you defeat me, or by paying tribute.”

Spike took advantage of the distraction to ask his tutor’s advice, “Warden, what do we do now?” As the debate drew on he waited for a reply, but to Spike’s annoyance none came.

“The law is simple princess, but before you answer I would have you know that this is no longer the outlands, we have standards here,” Blue Scales smiled wolfishly, “Should you wish to fight me it must be a one on one challenge, otherwise it will be seen as an act of war and you will have all the other dragons from across the kingdoms to contend with.”

Spike felt his heart sink, he really didn’t think he could take this dragon on, but there was no way he was going to offer up some of the crew as payment for passage. He tried again to raise warden on the small communicator, but he still didn’t answer.

Twilight’s eyes narrowed, “Well then I will fight you, if I must.”

Her opponent’s eyes went wide with astonishment before she burst out into laughter again, “You? You would fight in place of that one?” She indicated Spike with a talon and roared with mirth.

“If I must,” Twilight stated coldly and Blue Scale’ laughter died once again.

“Well I have never fought a ‘princess’ before, this should be interesting at least,” Blue Scales announced and Spike’s heart froze as he realised what Twilight intended.

Twilight motioned for her guards to break off as magical power continued to build around her horn. Spike saw her glance at him and recognised the look of determination he’d come to dread, there was no way he was going to talk Twilight out of this one.

The female dragon began to stretch her arms and legs, flexing her long talons in anticipation when another voice joined the situation, “Now, now, ‘Vex’ that’s enough posturing, stop playing around and tell me why you’re here?” Warden’s called sounded from speakers adorning the Bloomberg and caused both combatants to freeze.

To Spike’s surprise, ‘Vex’ peered at the ship with an expression of total amazement, “No, it can’t be. Is that you Warden?” All humour had vanished from her tone.

“Yes Vex it’s me you whippet, now stop this foolery and behave in front of my friends,” Warden’s reply was like a school master who had caught a foal hiding a tack on her teacher’s seat.

Spike’s mouth hung open as Vex’s manner changed instantly and she assumed a pose of total contrition, “A thousand apologies Princess Sparkle, I had no idea you were in such respected company. Please forgive my inappropriate behaviour, had I known you really were here at the request of the Ash Wind flight I would have never.....”

Spike could have laughed himself at the radical change of the dragon before them and one look at Twilight showed him that she was just as taken aback. He looked to his sister who wore the same expression of bemusement on her face as Spike’s.

“It’s quite alright Vex, you weren’t to know. Now would you be so good as to show us your lair and we can talk further,” Warden’s tone softened, “It’s good to see you again my dear.”