• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 2,195 Views, 46 Comments

Here be too much Dragon. - Golden Paw

Every pony saw this coming, Spikes a dragon with his cute baby years behind him and Twilight is at her wits end as to what to do with her 'little' brother. But help's at hoof when Luna calls in an old favour to aid her

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Worries and Wonders

Worries and Wonders

Twilight released a contented sigh as she surveyed her home, for the first time in months the house shone with order and cleanliness and she tried to ignore the small twang of guilt: It took Spike moving out to achieve Twilight’s dreams of order once again and she reminded herself it was only for a little while. Twilight looked about the ordered shelves with their neat and tidy books before reassuring herself: She had made the right choice in leaving Spike alone with Warden right?

The chiming clock drew Twilight her from these worries, time waited for no pony and so she collected the final elements of Spike's care package and triple checked that everything within was as it should be. Finally satisfied, Twilight threw open the front door with her magic and stepped out into a crisp Ponyville morning.

Equestria's seasons were moving on and the first hints of winter were making themselves felt. Twilight shivered as the brisk wind ruffled her feathers and she felt her gaze drifting to the distant peak which was Spike's new abode. She fervently hoped Spike was keeping himself warm and whispered a quick plea; "Take care of yourself my number one assistant, I'll see you soon."

Shivering as the chill breeze tugged at her mane, Twilight shook herself down and pulled the door shut before setting off at a brisk trot towards the main 'construction site'. The research centre was coming along apace with several of the core sections and lower levels already in use as like minded creatures were drawn to the wonders of progress.

With Celestia and Luna's blessing Twilight had begun to lay the foundations for a new research college of sorts. It wasn't dissimilar to Celestia's school for gifted unicorns but with a much greater focus on blending the natural magic of the world with potential constructs.

The edifice promised to be an impressive glass lined tower which would grace the expanding Ponyville skyline, but for now it more closely resembled a giant jagged tooth rising off in the distance. Twilight smiled as she observed the steady flow of traffic coming and going from the project. It was a start.

Despite being less than a quarter of the planned size, the 'tower be' brought in fresh researchers and workers along with construction materials; hungrily absorbing them into itself as it grew. The research college was drawing in the best and brightest from the world at large and Twilight’s heart sang as she noticed all sorts flocking towards her new centre.

Celestia's school was for unicorns and other 'actively' magical creatures, where Twilight's endeavour was open for all kinds. Inspired technical knowhow was needed along with practical on hoof construction for this new science. Magical theory mixed with down to earth engineering to make something far more impressive than the sum of its parts and any creature with the skills and temperament was needed, weather mage, builder of designer.

The official title for the new place of learning was still up for debate, with a number of potential titles being put forward, but if she was being honest Twilight didn’t mind all that much right now. Names and titles were of far less import in her mind than what was actually being achieved. What really stirred her heart was the number of fascinating inventions which had already been produced.

She had overseen the production of everything from the magic lanterns lining the roads of Ponyville to the rudimentary prosthetics being created for disabled ponies. The princess would be first to admit that the latter were still in very early stages, but all signs were promising and from Twilight could see no reason for the quality of life to continue to improve for everyone.

The ponies of Equestria were still coming to terms with the flood of new ideas resulting from recent discoveries, mixed views ranged from unrestrained enthusiasm to frightened predictions of terrible times to come. Well the future will be bright and happy if I have any say in it Twilight promised herself.

She would also be the first to admit she was still amazed that they had never considered such applications for magic and machines before hoof. Equestria had seen very little progress technologically, having an abundance of arcane powers to solve most problems, but now that Twilight had a 'taste' for what could be achieved, she was totally hooked on the ideas of 'mage-tech'.

Twilight had become magical-technology's fanatical champion and supported its development on every side. Oh Buzz, did you know what your visit would cause? She mused to herself as she remembered the pony-bot's visit. Twilight remembered how Buzzbot had been so tight lipped about what was going to happen, frustrated by the robot pony's determination to keep the future a mystery.

Shaking her head, Twilight grinned as she made her steady way past street vendors, merging with the flow of creatures all drawn to support her big project. Of course Buzz knew, Twilight told herself. It was just like the pony-bot to keep secrets under the pretence of protecting the future. The mechanical pony had been a real mischief despite her noble intentions.

Twilight pulled out of the past to the here and now as a mare's familiar voice called Twilight’s name excitedly, "Twilight! Twilight there you are! The ‘Great and Useful’ Trixie has been looking for you everywhere! Where have you been!" Twilight smiled warmly, the Princess knew of only one unicorn that couldn't help but refer to herself in the third pony and Twilight turned around to see her blue 'Pony Relations Specialist' galloping up behind her. Ah dear Trixie

Trixie had never really forgiven herself for the events all those years ago, despite Twilight's assurances that it was all behind them. The mare had aged along with the rest of the world and now took to wearing a pair of professional looking black glasses while setting her mane in a tight bow. Trixie’s famous cloak and hat had been replaced by a neat grey suit with small a star speckled tie.

"Hi Trix I had some personal matters to attend to, but all sorted now. I trust things are moving along as normal?" She watched as Trixie produced a small clip board with her magic along with a 'pen'. Twilight once again found her mind drifting back to the day Applebloom had shown her the design for ‘quills that carry their ink with them’.

Applebloom had been one of the first of many surprises for Twilight, the young farm filly had shown a great knack for building machines and had soon become an indispensable member of Twilight’s growing crew or arcane mechanics. With determination and insight Applebloom had fully earned the rank of Twilight’s chief engineer and she consulted with her on construction matters frequently.

Twilight suddenly realised she had zoned out yet again and smiled apologetically to Trixie who had been waiting patiently for her 'director' to come out of her latest day dream, "Yes director, test rooms three through six are almost completed, the workshops in the lower levels are running at an estimated sixty four percent along with....."

Twilight nodded indulgently as Trixie rattled off numbers and important figures; all pointing to a general improvement and expansion. Twilight saw a little of herself in the pony next to her, with such a focus on exact facts. Since Trixie had joined Twilight’s research group the unicorn had an almost obsessive in her need to please.

Twilight was once again reminded of a far younger Spike and her gaze drifted to the distant mountain. After a short while Trixie's report trailed off, the unicorn’s eyes filling with concern, "Director are you alright?"

"Hmm?" Twilight shook herself and refocused on the mare next to her, " Oh yes? I'm fine thank you Trixie, thank you for the update. So what's on my appointments list for today?"

Trixie took a moment to adjust her glasses before replying, "Well firstly there is the zebra rep. who requested a meeting; something about potential pollution on the boarders," Trixie levitated her pen down the list as she continued to read, "There's then the visiting Manehattan rep. who is inquiring about the new lamps for his city...."

Again Twilight struggled to keep her concentration and as the day filled with meetings, her mind drifted back to Spike despite Twilight's best efforts. Was he okay, what was Warden teaching him? With a huge effort Twilight managed to refocus on the tasks at hoof and smiled gently, seeing the younger filly Twilight had been emulated by Trixie. Even though of similar age, Twilight’s duties and experiences had now led her down a very different path from your average pony. I’ve had to grow up so much these past few years, the Twilight I remember almost seems like a stranger to me now.

"Thank you Trixie I'll get on these right away, but I need to extend my lunch break. I have to visit Spike sometime today and so I hope you can rework things to let that happen?" Trixie looked at her director with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course director, I'll see what I can do," She failed to hide her anxiety and clearly wanted to say more to Twilight, but settled for chewing the pen with a furrowed brow in a way Twilight had become used to.

"Come on Trix I know that face, what's on your mind?" Twilight smiled back to Trixie reassuringly as the pair were forced into single file as the road ahead narrowed. The pair's gentle pace had brought Twilight and Trixie to the main gates of the research centre and creatures of all sorts lined up waiting to pass onto the growing edifice.

Trixie shuffled her hooves uncomfortably, "Well Trixie 'heard' that Spike went 'berserk' during the wedding and was banished from town. She can't help but wonder how it would look if you were to go visit a dangerous criminal?"

Twilight stopped so suddenly that Trixie nearly walked into her, "Where did you hear such a tale?" Twilight's voice held ice in it and Trixie flinched back at the sudden change in her friend. Every pony knew that Spike was a sensitive subject for the Princess and Trixie's eyes filled with fear as subtle wisps of smoke began to curl from Twilight's mane.

Trixie's ears pressed down as the heat haze began to ripple above Twilight, "I er...I Oh just some idle talk Trixie overheard, but she never believed it for one moment of course." There was almost pleading in her voice, "But you did hire Trixie to keep an ear to the ground about these sorts of things."

The smell of smoke permeated the air as the surrounding ponies took a few steps back from the rising anger of their princess, "Well first of all Spike did no such thing, I want it totally clear that I got a bit over excited that's all, as for him being banished that-is-complete-fabrication. Spike has taken a short holiday and has done so with my support and blessing. Is that understood?"

Trixie shied away as Twilight's mane began to curl and showed hints of turning an angry orange,. "And even if he did do anything of the sort I would never just brush him aside for anything, I hope I have made that all very clear?"

Trixie swallowed before nodding and much to every onlooker's relief, the distortion above Twilight faded. Her eyes filled with sorrow as she bowed her head in shame, "Sorry Trix I know you're only doing your job and yes I would like it known that I still freely go to see Spike while he is on his holiday." Twilight mumbled before Trixie wrote down exactly what she had been instructed. With this little drama coming to a close the line of ponies and other creatures continued their journey into the research centre.

Twilight was greeted by a distracted "Oh howdy Director!" as she pushed open the doors to the lower workshops. The call filtered it way through the spider's web of entwined cables and winches that held an imposing creation suspended a few feet above the room's metallic floor.

Twilight studied the large mixture of canvas and metal framework that dominated the work space; listening as the sounds of hammering resounded from within and caused the prototype airship to tremble. Twilight was suddenly forced to duck as the whole assemblage visibly swayed the yellow earth pony disentangled herself from prototype before landed with clang on the metal floor.

Smiling at her chief engineer, Twilight watched as Applebloom brushed a lock maroon mane out her amber eyes and met Twilight grin with a grin of their own. She took a moment to secure the offending lock under her striking pink sash adorning her head and snapped off a hasty salute before darting forward to give Twilight a sisterly hug.

"'A.B'! Glad to see you still hard at work as ever, how's it going?" Twilight indicated with a glance up at the half built airship before the pair broke apart.

"Well, the basic frame is comin tergether fine, those lighter metals seem ter be holdin okay. The trick is findin stuff that ain't too heavy, but strong enough fer what we need," With the simple pleasantries all done, Applebloom launched right into talking shop and Twilight watched the fellow enthusiast with a knowing smile.

"These here new alloys, are just the ticket Twi, where'd yer find em?" Twilight smile grew wider as she watched the young mare deep in her element. Applebloom was taller than Twilight had been at the same age, but had lost none of the enthusiasm of her foal hood and Twilight couldn't help but be swept up in the eager filly’s excitement.

For a moment she recalled the little yellow pony staring up at her alongside her two friends Scootaloo and Sweetie bell. The three foals proudly showing her the award for best comedy act from all those years ago. Oh how things have changed.

"Well we've got some great minds working on that problem for us from the Crystal fiefdom and coupled with their discoveries in magical power storage I'm certain we're on to a winner," Twilight explained as she slowly trotter about the airship's beginnings. The Princess was deeply proud of their work here, all aimed at making life in Equestria better.

Applebloom hardly waited for the reply before she produced a wrench, gripped it firmly in her teeth and delved under the airship once more. Before long the sounds of metal on metal could be heard and Twilight sat on her haunches watching with keen interest.

"So you see no reason for the planned test launch in two months then?" Twilight addressed Applebloom's back hooves, the half apple and crossed tools cutie mark partially obscured by the grime that covered the young mare.

"Eyup" Applebloom assured the princess in between clangs and squeaks as she continued to tinker.

Twilight dipped her head lower to peer under the airship, "You know we could have things done much faster with some more technicians, we have lots of applicants and....." The princess was cut off mid flow by a clang and muffled curse from within the shady depths of the construction. There was more grumbling and clattering as Applebloom once again extricated herself from the task at hoof. Twilight was greeted by a pair of angry amber eyes glaring at her from the darkness.

"With respect 'Big.D', yer ask me that every time yer come ter see me n every time I give ya the same answer. I work alone, so what in the name of Celestia makes yer think I'd have changed ma mind this time?" The oil stained face of Twilight's chief engineer studied her employer with an impatient expression from the shadowy depths under the airship.

"Well I know Bigmac and....." Twilight tired once again, but Applebloom just snorted. Twilight had a brief sight of her back hooves disappearing as Applebloom hefted herself up into the guts of the air ship.

"Yer know right well what A.J thinks of all this 'techno-mumbojumbo' as she puts it," The muffled voice of Applebloom was punctuated by more aggressive hammering. The frame work and cables shuddered in accordance with Applebloom’s rising temper. "Why....yer...insist on tryin ter rope her in is beyond me," Applebloom almost snarled in response as the sound of shearing metal resounded around the workshop, causing Twilight to wince.

"Well I thought if you could at least talk.." She was shot down a second time. Twilight hated that ponies were becoming so divided over the new advancements being made, the Apple family being a prime example.

"Oh A.J made it right clear the last time, now if yer don't mind Big.D I got some nuts ter replace," Twilight was forced to look up as Applebloom's head poked out of the mass of cabling above her.

The earth pony's expression softened slightly before she went on. "It's mighty fine of yer comin down here to make sure I'm doing okay. I really do appreciate the effort n all Director.”

Twilight wanted to say more, but one look at the sad grease stained face of Applebloom above the alicorn told her that she had pushed it far enough already. “I know yer will have some meetins ter be gettin ter and I don’t wouldn't want ter make yer late Big D." Twilight nodded in defeat before Applebloom dived once more into the air ship and the sounds of industry began anew.

Twilight sighed sadly, with things picking up with Spike she had hoped to help Applebloom work things out with Applejack as well, but it seemed that some problems still needed a gentle hoof and patience. Shaking her head in dismay Twilight caught sight of Trixie waving a hoof frantically through the small windows in the workshop’s doors. Twilight was keenly reminded of her tight schedule and with one last look at the progressing airship, she push open the doors before trotting after the concerned Trixie.

"Spike, are you listening?" The purple dragon pulled his gaze away from the cave mouth and looked at Warden. Spike's new teacher had spent the best part of the morning attempting to drill the linage and history of the dragon flights into the younger drake's head. To Spike's despair the interesting lore of Whisper had given away to hundreds of names, titles and the social standing of main dragon flights. Of course Warden had assured his charge that it was all immensely important to understand how all the dragons interacted with each other, but Spike just didn't see it himself.

He gave a huge sigh, "To be honest Warden I'm not, we've been at this for hours and I don't see how knowing what some great great great dragon Lord decided to have for breakfast has to do with me?" Spike didn't even attempt to hide the boredom in his voice.

The older drake raised a scaly eyebrow, "Korthaplast gave us the proper protocols on which sentient creatures are deemed appropriate to be eaten and under what circumstances they are to be consumed." Warden's tone was deadly serious, "There would be far less ponies in the world for example should it not been deemed they were worthy of preservation."

Spike felt his stomach lurch at the very idea of having to 'eat' a pony. Yes he'd hunted before, but the idea had never entered his head of ponies being remotely edible; it made him feel 'queasy' at the whole concept.

"You need to know your history Spike or you will never learn from it" Warden cautioned.

"My history began in Canterlot," Spike mumbled under his breath, but suddenly a long buried thought struck him, "Which family line am I from?" Spike asked Warden, causing the other dragon to stop mid sentence.

"Pardon?" Warden replied in confusion.

"What dragon line am I descended from?" Spike asked once again, "Surely you can figure out who my ancestors were or perhaps if they're still alive?"

Warden blinked a few times, "I would have thought that you would have discussed all this with Princess Twilight?"

Spike recalled his previous attempts at looking into his own history, sadly every line of research the pair pursued had all amounted to nothing. Spike's egg had been acquired by a travelling trader caravan hundreds of years ago, long before any pony alive other than Celestia could remember. She'd only been able to tell spike that he was donated from a noble pony's private collection. "We tried, but it didn't come too much. Ponies know almost nothing about dragons and even less about where I came from."

"Well, that could be problematic," Warden cautioned, "If no one even knows how old your egg was then that give us a huge scope to work with. Dragon eggs are tough and can last for centuries if need be. There is any number of potential family lines you could be from hatchling." Spike's shoulders slumped, of course the one thing Warden didn't know had to be the one thing Spike desperately longed to do so.

He clapped Spike on his bulky shoulder and to the younger dragon's surprise smiled, "I say problematic, not impossible and if you pay more attention to my lessons, one day I may help you find out." Spike's heart filled with hope once more and he resolved to be more attentive to Warden's lessons in the future.

"Now where were we? Ah yes the second cousin of she drake 'Methest' the spined...." The flow of Warden thoughts were interrupted yet again as to his mounting frustration another voice chimed in.

"Spike, Warden it's me!" Twilight's cheerful voice echoed around the cave and the black dragon bunched his claws into fists as a small trail of smoke curled from his snout.

"Twilight, I was worried that work would have kept you too busy again!" Spike rushed forward and embraced her in a crushing hug as she glided into the cave, not even giving Twilight a chance to touch down.

"Whoa big guy, I'm happy to see you too and I did promise I would come by," Twilight hugged the dragon in return before producing a small bag which Spike eyed hungrily.

"I thought you would both be hungry and so I raided the cupboards to celebrate our new working partnership!" Twilight triumphantly opened the small satchel and number of gleaming gems tumbled out. Spike's eyes went wide with delight and even Warden's frustrated face broke into a grin.

"Ah Princess, now I understand why Spike was kept in such good health all these years......" His expression froze as Twilight also produced a number of small grey spheres which he eyed suspiciously, "What pray tell are those?" Warden's clawed finger pointed at the small balls of what looked to be grey stone.

Twilight held up one of the objects before nonchalantly tossing it to Warden who sniffed it cautiously. "Supplements, they give Spike the extra nutrition he would normally get from eating meat," Twilight explained as she also levitated couple of daisy sandwiches from the bottom of the bag for herself.

Warden stared at the small orb as if it had been dredged up from a midden, "You mean Spike doesn't hunt? He doesn't stalk or chase his prey?" Both Spike and Twilight watched Warden's face crease up further in disgust, "But what happens when he feels the need?"

"Oh Twilight and I figured that out, I can still hunt just have to let the catch go unharmed, in fact some of the ponies and I make a game of it sometimes," Spike chatted away in between crunching precious stones.

Warden fumed, "You turned one of our most important traditions into....a game?" Spike and Twilight both looked at each other in mounting worry, they had obviously broken some unknown dragon law or something. The dark dragon seemed to grow in size as the shadows surrounding him expanded menacingly.

"Whoa what's the big deal, no one gets hurt and I still get the exercise I need?" Spike looked deeply shocked at hit tutor's reaction.

Warden swelled with fury and just looked like he might explode, but Twilight was well used to dragon tantrums and as Warden opened his mouth to snarl out a curse she hefted a number gems and pitched them expertly into the dragon's maw with her magic.

Warden's eyes went wide for a moment before he began chewing. The rage died in his eyes and before long he was humming to himself in a contented way. Twilight grinned at Spike who couldn't help but snigger, "Well it seems I do know something about dragons after all," Twilight commented sweetly.

After a blissful moment Warden's eye's refocused and he glared once more at Twilight. "That was..."

"You're welcome grumpy scales, you knew that there would be some odd things Spike and I would have figured out. Now please go on in a calm and reasonable manner why our solution to his hunting needs are so terrible?" Twilight had slipped into diplomat mode easily, having had a number of years of practice. She was nowhere near as accomplished as Celestia or Luna of course, but she was learning every day.

Warden took a moment to clear his throat, "You know how Whisper became part of the earth correct?"

"In dragon lore?" Twilight confirmed and Warden's eyes spoke volumes of what he thought of Twilight referring to Whisper a merely 'lore'.

Despite their differences Warden was a great story teller and as The senior dragon cleared his throat the pair once more settled down for a dramatic history lesson, "When Whisper laid herself down into the earth she blessed all creatures in it and so the hunt became a solemn remembrance of her sacrifice. When we devour another, we take a bit of her back into our selves and Whisper rewards her children as we are forced work for our survival. Thus dragons avoid the trap of becoming fat and lazy."

The older dragon spread his wings and thrust out his clawed hands with great enthusiasm and Twilight had to suppress a giggle as the dark drake did a very good impression of a fat lazy beast. Warden was obviously well practiced in theatrics and Twilight could almost see the elder drake telling stories to baby dragons, making them gasp and cheer with each flourish of his claws and tail.

It was a gentle image of Spike’s tutor that had never occurred to her before and Twilight was coming to believe that despite his outward gruff and stern demeanour Warden could be really be a big softy under all those scales.

Pushing these musings aside, Twilight was drawn into Warden’s tale as he enlightened them as to why their solution was such a problem, "By turning that act into a 'game' you're cheapening the very reasons for the hunt and failing to appreciate the sacrifice Whisper made for us all," Warden finished triumphantly. "Now do you understand?"

Twilight considered this information for a short while before responding, "But Spike still does work, and he helps out in Ponyville all the time." Spike smiled as Twilight defended him, "Plus these supplements come from the ground too, so doesn't that kind of mean that he is still taking a bit of Whisper into himself and thus fulfilling both reasons for the hunt in his own way?"

Warden paused as he weighed this new concept, and to Twilight’s relief dragon's face soften a somewhat, "Well I can honestly say I didn't consider that." He peered at Twilight and clicked his tongue in a thoughtful way, "One again you ponies manage to surprise me."

Twilight beamed as she swallowed the last of her sandwich, "Well that's part of this whole arrangement isn't it? We learn from you, you learn from us and we discover the best way for Spike to fit in both our worlds," She looked to her brother as her face took on a melancholy expression, "Wherever that ends up being."

There was another uncomfortable moment before Twilight arose and dusted herself down with her wings. Spike’s eyes filled with sadness as he guessed what that action meant and Twilight returned the glance, "Well this has been fascinating as ever and I would love to stay, but I have other commitments sadly."

Spike made a small whimper, "You're not going already Twi? I mean you only just got here?"

Twilight moved closer to Spike and muzzled his snout gently, "Aww come on Spike, you know that I have responsibilities." She turned to study the sun before going on, "I wish I could stay longer, but I'm already running late as it is."

Spike embraced his sister tightly, hesitant to let go. They eventually broke apart and Twilight made her slow way back to the cave mouth. "I'll see you tomorrow Spike, be good and listen carefully to Warden okay?" Giving Spike a sad smile, she spread her wings once again and with a last wave goodbye Twilight was gone; soaring out into the pale sunshine.

Spike’s face fixed in a determined expression as he turned his scaly head back around to look right at Warden, "Well you were telling me about family lines?

Warden didn't reply and Spike was forced to repeat himself. After a moment he pulled his gaze away from the retreating silhouette of Twilight. "Pardon?"

Spike shook his head, "You were telling me about 'Methest the Spined'"

Warden shook himself down, "Of course, Methest..."

Spike had the distinct suspicion that his sister had impressed the old dragon and whispered to himself, "That's my girl." before settling down to his still dull lesson.