• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 2,195 Views, 46 Comments

Here be too much Dragon. - Golden Paw

Every pony saw this coming, Spikes a dragon with his cute baby years behind him and Twilight is at her wits end as to what to do with her 'little' brother. But help's at hoof when Luna calls in an old favour to aid her

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Calming Calamities

Calming Calamities

Twilight paced back and forth in front of Celestia's audience chamber, the state of her mane and ruffled feathers clearly evidenced of the stress she was under. What am I going to do? It’s all gone to Tartarus!

After the confrontation between Applejack and Applebloom a few days ago things had gone from bad to worse. Applejack had plain refused to even see Twilight, avoiding her estranged friend as if she had a deadly plague; while Applebloom had become terse and more reclusive than usual.

Twilight found herself in yet another impossible position; whichever choice she made would end up alienating Twilight from one of her friends. Should she side with Applejack? Were all these advancements too much for Equestria’s well being after all? They were making a lot of ponies and other nations worried or angry.

Honestly though, Twilight felt she couldn't stop now, there were so many wonders they were creating. Whole new branches of the Equestrian medical profession had been set up, giving disabled ponies a new lease of life: With Twilight’s assistance ponies were now building a variety of mechanical aids; ranging from simple magical supports to whole new limbs.

Then there was the air ship and its connected projects, they were so close to having the vessel ready for its maiden voyage, heralding a new era of exploration and safety. With such a machine they could fly aid missions to disaster areas, move supplies and ponies in far greater numbers and....and.... Twilight had internally reviewed all the arguments for and against this new level of technology and found her certainty wavering. The inventions now spreading over Equestria had always been more of a hobby than an end goal for Twilight, but now it seemed that her friendships may be the cost of that advancement and she wasn't sure it was worth the cost.

On the other hoof Twilight felt deep down that Applebloom would never forgive her if she pulled the 'plug' on all this science and new discoveries. Applebloom had been a faithful supporter of mage/tech for years now, assisting Twilight with the countless problems both practical and theoretical which they faced. To put a stop to all that now felt like a massive betrayal of her trust also.

All these thoughts spun around Twilight's mind, leaving no answer and causing her to spiral further and further into an emotional prison. Twilight continued her pacing; completely failing to notice that one of Celestia's staff was now patiently waiting for her. The newcomer watched Twilight circle Celestia’s anteroom once more before making up his mind and giving a little cough to interrupt her agonising.

"Erm Princess, Celestia can see you now," the grey earth stallion spoke in a cautious voice.

Twilight snapped around to focus on the pony who had disturbed her spiraling worries. He was forced to lean back at the power of her intense stare. "What? Oh-I-Thank you, sorry," Twilight quickly composed herself; blinking a few times before affixing a brittle smile to reassure the stallion all was well.

"Its fine Princess, you look like you have a lot on your mind; but cheer up it may never happen right?" Twilight relaxed as the grey pony gave her a big grin and she returned far more genuine smile in exchange.

"Oh thanks um Mr?..." Twilight asked politely, long weeks away from Canterlot had eroded Twilight’s grip on the staffing details around the palace.

"It’s 'Punctuality' Princess, I'm a big fan of your work and it’s an honour to finally meet you your highness," Punctuality bowed and Twilight studied the pony for any signs of pretence. At this moment she found it hard to believe anything good could come of her recent delving into magical sciences.

Twilight continued to earnestly study the blue eyed stallion, but felt nothing except honest admiration as he held out a hoof to her. "Um thank you, I..." Twilight trailed off as a fresh wave of uncertainty washed over her.

Punctuality simply grinned with reassurance, "You’re most welcome princess, I would love to chat sometime but best not keep Celestia waiting huh?"

Twilight managed to return the smile and allowed herself to be lead through the decorated doors to Celestia’s office. Punctuality bowed to the regent of the Sun as Celestia sat behind an embellished desk, "Princess Twilight Sparkle, your majesty."

Celestia looked up from a letter she was reading and carefully placed it among a number of others before rising to welcome her guest, "Twilight so wonderful to see you again." The white pony appeared as dazzling as ever, and her gentle smile helped reassure Twilight that everything would be okay.

Celestia inclined her head to her aid, "Thank you Punctuality, I'll call if I need you."

Punctuality bowed respectfully once more before closing the door behind himself and left Twilight staring at the chamber floor. As the sounds of approaching hoof steps drew closer, Twilight managed to raise her head to look at Celestia who embraced Twilight in a loving hug, "Oh Twilight, I'm so glad you could come to see me. I know you're very busy these days with your research and duties."

There was no accusation in Celestia's tone and as far as Twilight could tell she meant every word. The guilt and confusion warring in Twilight's heart made it hard to tell. When Twilight finally managed to meet Celestia's gentle eyes, she knew at once that the other pony understood everything. Twilight threw her fore legs around her former mentor to return the warm embrace.

"Oh Celestia, I've made such a mess of things! First Spike, now Applejack, Applebloom and heaven knows how many other ponies I’ve upset! I’ve been trying to keep everyone happy, but oh Princess what am I going to do?" Twilight broke down and sobbed into the soft hair of Celestia's shoulder.

"Twilight," Celestia spoke sternly as she pushed Twilight back and looked into her tear rimmed eyes, "Now that's just nonsense, from what I hear Spike is doing great."

Twilight still couldn’t shake the dark dread that gripped her, "But-but-bu..."

Celestia's face softened and a little reminiscent smile formed, "Still my dear Twilight, even after all these years." Celestia gave Twilight another squeeze before her horn glowed and a number of scrolls floated over, carefully cradled in Celestia's magic. With a knowing look, Celestia unrolled the first scroll, grinned before clearing her throat and began reading in an upbeat manner:

Dear Princess Celestia,

I am writing to inform you that the new water purification machine is working wonders. We thought it would take months to sift out the foul mess left by that hydra, but with your fellow ruler's creation we have gotten it done in days! Please pass on our most sincere thanks to Princess Sparkle for her ingenuous designs!
Your faithful subject,

‘Avalanche’ Sanitation Overseer of Trottingham

Twilight's heart gave a little flip of hope, but Celestia wasn't done and unrolled another scroll from amongst the many floating overhead:

Dearest Celestia,

I am personally writing to express my appreciation for the latest shipment of arcane lamps, as you know in this remote land good lights are hard to come by and we have been on rationed candles for the last three weeks. I feared that we would have to close the mines and I would lose my business. Such a simple thing, but it has made all the difference to my family....

Twilight listened intently as Celestia produced yet another letter,

To your Royal Highness,

My daughter can walk once again, I will be forever grateful to you and your former student Princess Twilight! Thank you ever so much for the gift of the new leg for her, I do not know how we could ever repay your kindness, but I for one wanted you to know that we here at......

Celestia smiled at Twilight who still clung to her as if she would never let go, "I don't get friendship reports from you any more Twilight, so I had to find other ways of passing an evening." She chuckled to herself, "You always make me proud of you Twilight, especially when you can't see the good you are doing."

Twilight didn't know what to say, "Princess I..."

Celestia's face took on a grave look however, as she lifted another set of scrolls with her magic.

To her most Royal Highness Princess Celestia,

I am writing to ask for your help in a matter that has come to my attention, it seems there has been another rally at the 'Fern-Right' farming community. Rumours of yet another 'harvesting machine' have thrown the locals into a panic over how it may cost them their jobs and their land. We have done our best to assure them that their concerns will be brought to your attention and that they have nothing to fear.....

Twilight's eyes drifted from hope to fear once more, before settling in mild confusion, "But we never created any kind of harvesting machine? I have personal overview on all our designs and I would have remembered anything like that." Twilight looked to Celestia who nodded sadly before reading out another scroll.

To the rulers of the Equestrian kingdom,

Celestia, I have received troubling news from one of our boarder units: My guards needed to drive off a number of earth ponies armed with what can only be described as 'magical sticks that threw metal balls'. Now I know you are a peaceful nation and the idea that Equestria may be developing advanced arms was laughable to me. Yet I cannot dismiss the reports that I have read from trusted officers within my own forces.

I write to you at this time to put these insane ideas to rest and look forward to your reply,

High Marshal of the Emperor's Griffon Battalions.

Twilight's ears pressed down against her head and her mouth dropped open, "But Celestia I can assure you we have made nothing of the sort...."

Celestia 'shushed' Twilight before she loosened the embrace and trotted back over to her desk. The co-ruler of Equestria rested her elbows on the polished wood and tapped her fore hooves together gently, "I know Twilight, I know. The matter of technological advancement is not a new one, our ponies feared when we invented the first swords and tools that they would destroy our way of life."

Celestia gave a deep sigh, "There was always going to come a day when we opened a new 'box of wonders' as it were, I have been around long enough to know that this is the way of things. I was there Twilight when the first stone pick was created and I was there when the first arrow was forged." Celestia shook her head sadly and Twilight was keenly reminded of the gulf of centuries that separated them.

"I have done my best to keep things as simple as possible, for once released there are some things that can never be ‘put back’ and this is another of those times Twilight," Despite her serious tone, Twilight saw Celestia smile. "But do you know what Twilight? For the first time I wasn't scared, because I had a pony who I could trust completely leading the way," Celestia explained.

Twilight felt her world lurch for a moment as the impact of what Celestia had just said sunk in. Twilight had never thought of her work in such grand terms. She would see a problem and feel compelled to fix it, but now the whole scope of what she was doing had been pointed out to her Twilight felt incredibly small. Could she ever live up to such a responsibility? Twilight was struggling to enable two sisters to get along, let alone direct a whole nation’s technological progress.

Celestia hadn't finished however, "I have seen you grow into your role Twilight, not every pony has it within themselves to achieve what you have become." Celestia spread her wings dramatically to illustrate the point, "You may not be a full royal alicorn like Luna and I, but you are still something very special Twilight, and your kind only appears in times of great change."

Twilight blinked in astonishment, it had been so many years since she had gotten wings that she almost took them for granted these days. Her former mentor had deemed it right to remind her that something great and special was expected of her. Celestia had entrusted Twilight with nothing short of correctly guiding the technological advancement of Equestria. It was humbling and scary, but oddly comforting at the same time. Celestia believes in me, what better endorsement do I need?

"Now Twilight, leave the bigger worries to Luna and I, that's our role to play. I want you to focus on a few things much closer to home," Celestia lifted another scroll, but this time offered it to Twilight herself.

The confident expression forming on Twilight’s muzzle faded once more as with trepidation she unrolled the parchment and stared down at the much smudged writing. Twilight instantly recognised the style despite its poor state:

Dear Princess Celestia,

I know I ain't written to you in a long time, what with the farm being so busy and all, and you being busy ruling as you do, but I really need your help: It's my little sister you see, she's working with Twilight in that new 'techno-whoee’ building and I am right scared for her safety.

Now I know Twi Princess Twilight would never intend to cause harm, but I fear this whole 'machines' idea has gone to her head and she's dragging my little sister Applebloom along with her. I don't know who else to turn to, but I know you have some influence on Twilight and I was hoping you could talk some sense into her. I know this is something big to ask when you are so busy and all, but it would mean the world to me if you could at least try.

Your faithful subject, Applejack.

Twilight's eyes filled with tears as she looked back up to Celestia who smiled, “I think you know who needs your help first Twilight.”

Celestia placed her hooves flat on the desk and looked Twilight in the eye, “I think your friend could do with reminding that you still care for her despite all the machines and ‘techno-whoee’ as Applejack puts it. Listen to your ponies’ worries and fears Twilight and let Applejack know she hasn’t been forgotten. Ponies don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

The sun Princess nodded as she saw fresh determination return to Twilight's eyes once more, "We can make all the wonders in the world Twilight, but if we lose sight of the core principles of Equestria it will be for nothing."

Twilight nodded before smartly about facing and trotting out of Celestia's office. Celestia watched Twilight go before turning her own gaze down to a scroll she hadn’t shown Twilight, one that bore the emblem of the dragon empires.

"One thing at a time my faithful Twilight," Celestia reassured herself as the pony headed out the door and onto her next assignment.

"Is she still out there?" Applejack asked already knowing the answer but speaking was better than the deafening silence that had settled on the family home.

"Sure is ma, yer can’t keep avoidin her like this," 'Evening Glade' cautioned over his shoulder as he and his sister 'Sky Petal' continued to wash the dishes. Applejack turned to regard her second son, her green eyes shining in challenge as she glared at the black coated colt. Evening Glade's own yellow slits met his mother's stare with no hint of backing down.

"Yer just watch me Evenin, I reckon I can out last Twi any day; Plus I'm showin her that I'm still right angry at her fer puttin yer aunt in such danger. That n I need ter make her understand all this 'techno' nonsense has gotta stop," Applejack snorted before returned to her sewing.

"By hidin in the house from her," ‘Star Oak’ asked from the rafters. Applejack’s eldest son peered down at the assembled ponies below, while hanging upside-down from the central cross beam of family home.

The latest generation of the Apple family had finally settled down for the evening, with the fire burning gently in the hearth and with the lamps set low it looked like a perfect scene from a story book. The only thing dampening the atmosphere was Applejack's frosty mood which cast its gloom over the otherwise happy assembly.

"Star, I ain't hiding; I'm just keepin ma distance from Twilight until she sees some sense," Applejack glared up at her oldest and snorted. "I won't have it bein said I was hiding in ma own house from one of ma best friends."

Sky Petal gave Applejack a disbelieving look, "Then what do ya call it ma? Twi’s been sittin out there since early this mornin sayin she needs ter talk to yer. Why don't yer just see what she wants and yer can go back ter bein friends again?" Applejack’s ears rose in anger as she glared at her only daughter.

At least Sky should have sided with her"Oh don't ya go startin in on me too 'missy', I am making ma point in a calm n reasonable way," Applejack retorted.

Despite her insistence that she was in the right Applejack shifted uncomfortably in her chair as she looked out once again to see Twilight still sitting calmly on the grass outside in the fading light. Even as Applejack watched, Twilight produced a small reading lamp and a blanket which caused Applejack to curse inwardly. It seemed Twilight was being her efficient self and had prepared for the long haul.

There was the small 'plink plink' of raindrops beginning to fall on the rooftop outside and Applejack grinned, "Well that’ll see her off," Applejack announced, more to convince herself than those gathered around.

There was a brief moment where only the gentle pattering could be heard before Star Oak chimed up again, "Don't think so ma, she's got an umbrella." The bat pony added helpfully from above and visibly Applejack cringed. "Oh n it looks like pa is flyin in too," The bat pony commented in a level way.

Applejack heard the door latch clatter, which was quickly followed by the sounds of stamping hooves and the rustle of damp leathery wings. "I'm home every pony," ‘Shadow Guard’ called as he trotted into the living room.

Applejack's husband smiled warmly at the assembled herd before him with a slightly puzzled expression on his playful muzzle, "Just one quick question, why is there a princess camped out on our front lawn?"

"Ma's hidin from Twilight pa," Sky informed Shadow before leaping the short distance across the room to hug her father and was quickly followed by the diving form of Star Oak from the rafters above. Shadow chuckled as he was rolled onto his back when Evening Glade completed the set, three near-grown children proving too much for him. There was a tangle of limbs and wings before Shadow was able to free his head and look to Applejack with a questioning stare in his cat like blue eyes.

"Is this true my dear?" Shadow flashed Applejack another smile, but his wife merely snorted in return.

"Shadow, yer need ter teach our foals some proper respect, they have been harassin me all day." Applejack's weary voice carried the woes of a greatly put upon mother.

"From what I understand we taught them to be honest dearest," Shadow replied in a level tone that only made Applejack to snort for a third time. She wished Shadow would just be unreasonable, It was far easier to be angry at the stallion if he was acting stupid.

Applejack ground her teeth, "Shadow, Twi nearly got Applebloom killed the other day with her crazy 'doo-hickies', yer can't be tellin me that's right?"

"Well have you actually talked to her about it," Shadow asked in return.

The matriarch's ears flattened against her head with embarrassment. "Well no.....I haven't," Applejack was forced to admit.

"Well might I suggest that you try that first my dear, that way you can be fully informed and have a proper argument to get her to change her ways. I don’t know her well, but from what I hear she's a reasonable mare and I'm sure you could come to some understanding?" Applejack glared at her husband for once again suggesting a sensible course of action.

Applejack took in the tired eyes of her husband, the weary expression of her children and knew she had lost this round, "Fine..." Applejack finally conceded the point, "I'll talk with her but only ter make sure she don't get no more crazy ideas."

With further grumblings Applejack put down her needlework and headed for the front door. She paused for a moment to give Shadow and her tangled children a warm hug. She then grabbed a hat, an umbrella for herself and headed out into the rain.

Twilight's ears pricked up as she heard the squelching hoof steps coming closer. She looked up to see Applejack's disapproving gaze bearing down at her, "Well Twi I'm here, so get on with it."

Twilight smiled happily from beneath the large purple umbrella suspended in her magical grip before gently tapping the blanket next to her, "Thanks A.J. I know it was hard for you to come and talk." With a flick of her magic Twilight stored the books along with the other items in a small saddle bag that Applejack could have sworn wasn’t there a moment ago. Shuffling across Twilight made room for her friend within the warm glow of the lantern light.

Applejack sat herself down and stared at her home along with the three pairs of peering eyes watching through the window, "So?"

Twilight smiled weakly before beginning, "A.J we have known each other for years, do you really think I would do something to hurt or upset any pony?"

"Not on purpose no," Applejack admitted.

Twilight shrugged, "I take all the precautions I can think of A.J, It's as safe as I can make it in the workshops and labs. No pony has ever gotten seriously hurt and we're doing so much good......."

Applejack just shook her head, "Awww Twi come on, spare me the stuff Trixie keeps putting out, I know all about that. I know yer doin good things, but do yer stop ter think about what all this 'progress' might lead ter?"

Twilight saw that Applejack was trembling and put out one wing to rest on her friend’s shoulder as she explained further, "Yer know what nearly happened the last time some pony came by these parts with some new contraption. We Apples nearly lost our farm to those rouges," Applejack seemed to shrink, "I’ve been hearing stories from other Apples all over Equestria, how these new machines are puttin them out-a business."

Applejack looked at Twilight with tired eyes, full of worry and hurt, "I know you’re doing these things all fer the right reasons Twi, that some future pony-bot came back ter us and we found out that there's this whole big happnin of magical robots and what not. But does it really have ter happen? Can't things just stay the way they were? Equestria been doin fine this far without it!"

Twilight saw her friend finally break down into floods of tears and nuzzled in close as she let it all come out; how Applejack was so scared of losing Applebloom, how granny was not getting any younger and neither was she. How Applejack feared terribly that her place in the world along with other farm folk could all be swept away by the march of ‘progress’. All of it tumbled out in a tide of fears and tears, with Twilight crying along with right along with her.

Twilight listened in attentive silence; giving Applejack a gentle tap or a tight squeeze to show she was still with her friend and looked up to the windows of the family house where the four distorted faces of Applejack's family watched the unfolding scene. Drying her own tears, Twilight gave them a little encouraging nod along with a small smile.

"Oh Applejack, I'm so sorry. I should have been more considerate, I mean I knew you didn't like the inventions we were making. I had no idea it was this much of a worry to you," Twilight gave Applejack another sisterly hug. Applejack took a gasping breath as she calmed herself once more and even managed to show Twilight a fragile smile.

Twilight looked Applejack squarely in the eye, "Right, now we've gotten all that out in open maybe we can talk about it. The reason I am putting so much effort into this research, is not just out of curiosity." Applejack sniffled before cocking a disbelieving eyebrow at her friend.

Twilight chuckled, "Okay well maybe a little, but that's not the main reason. Celestia explained to me that progress is going to happen, it always does. We use things that our ancestors thought were miraculous; for example hot air balloons, there was a time when earth ponies and unicorns never thought they could fly up so high in the sky. Now we practically take it for granted."

Twilight's eyes had lit up once again as she recalled the fond memory, "Most of what we have created has made lives better, but not every pony wants what's best for us. They want bits, fame and so forth. Plus it’s not just ponies, boars, griffins and most other races are working on advancing their knowledge."

"Yer ain't makin me feel better about this thing Twi," Applejack cautioned before Twilight drifted onto one of her infamous tangents.

Twilight coughed, "Sorry A.J, well Celestia has tasked me with making sure our progress heads in the right direction. I know it sounds a little arrogant, but Celestia and Luna manage the sun and moon: Huge events that affect every creature in the world, a world that looks to Equestria as a source of hope and direction. If we can help steer this new development in a positive way imagine what the world could achieve."

"All sounds fine and dandy, but Twi what's that gotta do with ma farm. If your 'wonderful progress' makes the hard working pony a thing of the past then what's it for?" Applejack sounded angry again and Twilight bit her lip. She had seemed so certain when Celestia had spoken to her, but now with her friend's concerns before her Twilight could see why Applejack was so worried.

Twilight tried again, "Look at it this way Applejack, you saw how well Flim and Flam's efforts went. Yeah they talked a good talk and put on a good show, but in the end it was good old honest Apple family values that won the day right?"

Applejack gave a morose chuckle, "Yeah I guess that did turn out okay huh?"

Twilight nodded, "I for one know that Apple family produce is the best around and I've had meals with Celestia. You don't have any of those harvesting machines you have been hearing about and yet you're still practically a house hold name Applejack. I can't see that changing any time soon." Then Twilight knew what to tell her friend, it had been staring her in the face the whole time, only she'd been too blind to see it.

"Applejack, no matter how good any machine claims to be, it will never replace an earth pony when it comes to taking care of things that grow. You have a way with plants and trees that no unicorn could match, no matter how clever or skilled or how much magic we have in them," Twilight felt fresh confidence surface as she assured Applejack.

Applejack nodded at the praise but Twilight wasn't done, "I promise you that while I am in charge we will never make anything intended to replace any pony or creature at what they do best." Twilight thought for a bit longer, "Plus you know all my best inventions are built by an Apple of course."

Twilight saw Applejack's face fall at the mention of her younger sister, only to be replaced with a certain amount of grudging pride. "Yer know what Twi, yer right. We Apples don't give up that easy and it's gonna take more than a few fancy rust buckets ter keep us down."

Twilight smiled with relief, "That's the spirit Applejack, if there is one thing I have learnt these last few weeks is that things change. Time moves on, but there will always be a place for us.”

Twilight spread her wings as she arose to her hooves, “I never imagined I would be a princess, now look at me. While I do sometimes miss being that little unicorn with her head in a book and my number one assistant by my side;” She thrust her hoof into the air as if addressing an assembled herd, “We all have our roles to play and they are all equally important."

Applejack chuckled at Twilight’s theatrics before replying, "Alright Twi, yer convinced me ter help sugar cube."

Twilight grinned, “Okay Applejack, time we went to see your sister!”

Applejack glanced up the deluge that was now pouring from the sky, “Now hold yer horses there Twi, I owe yer summit fer making yer sit out here all day; it’s late so you are going ter come and have dinner with the rest of us yer hear?”

Twilight stared up as the thick storm clouds and the cold wind robbed her of some enthusiasm, “Fair enough A.J, but first thing tomorrow we go and patch things up with Applebloom.” Feeling a lot better, Twilight followed Applejack into her home, greeting the awaiting family who welcomed her with open hooves.