• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 2,195 Views, 46 Comments

Here be too much Dragon. - Golden Paw

Every pony saw this coming, Spikes a dragon with his cute baby years behind him and Twilight is at her wits end as to what to do with her 'little' brother. But help's at hoof when Luna calls in an old favour to aid her

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Fighting the Flam brothers.

Fighting the Flam brothers.

Night Dew crept along the edge of the ruined tower, crawling like a spider as she clung to the crumbling brickwork. Warden had been right; the Flim Flam brothers were exactly where the dragon said they would be.

The sun was making its gentle way down and in the deepening darkness Night Dew’s sharp eyes watched the pair of unicorns with riveted attention through a hole in the aged stones. She shifted her weight and settle into a better position; gripping tightly with all four hooves to watch her prey below.

Taking a moment to ensure the Flam brothers were oblivious to her, Night Dew crested the jagged edge of the dilapidated tower and began crawling her way along the inside of the wall. She paused in the deeper shadows of the tower’s interior and checked on the brothers below.

Both ponies were sitting either side of a small fire, rummaging and fussing over various boxes and small containers as a cooking pot bubbled eagerly between them. As Dew cast her keen eyes over the scene she saw two large objects covered in canvas sharing the space below..

A number of barred windows let in what little daylight which was left, the weak rays filtering around the rotten and perishing wooden beams and planks of the tower’s interior. A large metal door was securely bolted from the inside, while rubble and other cast of rubbish were heaped about the confined space.

The old guard post had long since been abandoned, being replaced by mobile observation nests of which Night Dew thoroughly approved. The lessons of her mentor Night Blade drifting back to now: Best way to watch somepony is if they don’t know you are. Night Dew grinned, the nature of security for Equestria was changing along with other developments in technology: With the return of Luna a more subtle era of law enforcement was becoming common place and Dew was right there in the middle of it.

She rummaged in her survival pack before producing one such invention and cradled the tiny object in the crook of her hoof. It resembled a tiny black gem mounted in dulled metal, delicately woven into crescent moon patterns. The device was so small it could easily be mistaken for a fly or small spot of dirt.

Night Dew quietly whispered an activation charm as she carefully attached the curious object to a weathered support beam holding up what was left of the wooden floor above her. The device clung to the crumbling wood and was enveloped by a fizzy haze before vanishing from sight completely.

She peered down and checked that the unicorns below were unaware of Dew's intrusion. Both wearing heavy overcoats which covered most of their bodies, but despite this Night Dew was sure she caught brief glimpses of metal dotted about their bodies. Both brothers looked the worse for wear; several scars and old burns colouring their naturally pale coats. Night Dew recognised mage tech replacements under their coverings, at least one of the pair supported a replacement hoof. Having seen enough, Night Dew made her careful way back along the uneven brickwork only to freeze as an angered voice called out from below.

“Hey you what are you doing!” The voice was nasal and irritating and Night Dew instantly took a disliking to it. Turning her head very slowly she looked down and confirmed her earlier suspicions as one pony turned a green glowing replacement eye on his fellow, half his face covered with metal.

“What you do you mean? I’m just dividing the provision in a fair manner Flam,” the second unicorn retorted. Night Dew felt her pounding heart slow; The two brothers were only arguing with each other. Still best best not push my luck. Night Dew waited, as the disagreement escalated below her.

“It’s my turn; you always save the best bits for yourself Flim,” Flam shouted angrily. Night Dew let out a controlled sigh of relief. Confident she remained undetected, Night Dew began slowly crawling her way down the wall. She wanted a better look at the mysterious objects under their coverings.

“What of it brother? You do the same when it’s your turn to divide dinner,” Flim snapped as he stirred the contents of the cooking pot with his magic.

Flam glared at Flim before crossing his hooves in a sulking manner and Night Dew had to suppress an urge to giggle despite their unnerving appearance. These two were the master minds behind the new weapons? It hardly seemed believable. Then again those long shots were no laughing matter Dewy, she reminded herself and refocused on the task at hoof.

Her steady progress took Night Dew to the tower’s base, where heaps of rubble and broken timbers had been shifted aside to make room for the canvas covered mounds. She quickly made use of such cover and made her way towards the large veiled objects. The smells of machine oil and and the faint tingle of magic began to creep over Dew as she drew closer, what ever these things may be, they were evidently powerful.

Night Dew drew close to the first bulky object. This one was big; at least the size of Spike Night Dew noted as she approached the bulky mass under its canvas shroud. Sparing a quick glance at the arguing brothers and confident they were still in heated debate, Night Dew pressed close to the first object.

She cautiously prodded the canvas and felt something hard and angular underneath. Night Dew’s curiosity peaked she traced the outline of whatever it was under the cloth. Some sort of fighting machine? Her questing hoof followed the shape until it lead down to the floor and the edge of the canvas. Dew carefully lifted the covering and the odour of machine oil and lubricants only increased.

Night Dew peered at a large metal wheel, similar to a train’s but intsteal of an inlaid guide rim it bore heavy duty treads lining its circumference. Dew was used to Twilight's inventions; sleek, shiny and pleasing to the eye: This ugly construct was mostly covered in battered sheet metal plating which was lined with rivets. No efforts had been made to hide its grim and oppressive nature.

Inquiring further Night Dew got the impression of a blocky-armoured cart, all sharp edges and graceless practicality. It would have been almost comical apart from the number of weapon mounts adorning the machine’s surfaces. These were bolted on haphazardly, taking little though for balance, like unpleasant growths bulging out of the frame. Dew saw clusters of long shots along with other stranger looking protrusions. These weapons were paired, tripled and even arranged in circular batteries, but that was nothing compared to the monstrous looking main barrel poking out the front of the machine.

Night Dew was just inspecting a much wider muzzle (more akin to a cannon which she could easily fit her whole head in) when suddenly her world filled with sound and light: A large lamp flashed on right in front of her face as a blaring horn sounded beside her sensitive ears. Dazzled and her head ringing from the sound, Night Dew bolted up wards her wings pumping as she sought to get away from this sudden assault.

As Night Dew shook her head and watched the dancing colours fade from her eyes, she was rewarded by the pair of unicorn brothers staring at her. Their faces wearing looks of shocked surprise; before turning to angered glares.

“Get her Flim!” Flam yelled over the din of blaring alarms. Both unicorns lit their horns and soon the air was filled with bright flashes of green energy. The startled Night Dew only just managed to duck and weave the first volley, her world still spinning from the shock initial shock.

Regaining her bearings, Night Dew continued to weave and dance her way through the sudden spray of magical bolts. Desperately Dew launched herself at the hole in the wall she had climbed in through before, only to see a green barrier envelope it and throw her back with little arcs of power causing her coat to stand on end.

“Well, well looks like we have a little 'night bird' sneaking about the place Flim,” Flam said in an ugly voice, obviously enjoying the sudden turn in situation.

“Indeed brother, we can’t be having her tell others of our little hide out now can we?” Flim responded in a mocking tone.

Night Dew continued to avoid the sizzling bolts coming her way, a few nicking her and leaving stinging welts on her wings and side. Thinking fast, Night Dew pressed a hoof into her pack and produced a number of small spheres before throwing them towards the fire in the centre of the room.

With a ‘pock-pock’ only just heard over the continued blaring horn, the room quickly filled with dense grey smoke and coughing from the unicorns below. Right that should buy me some... Night Dew thought to herself before a truly aimed bolt of magic struck her dead in the wing.

Wincing with pain, Night Dew felt herself tumble down, landing heavily on something hard and bouncing with a crack that sent a shooting pain along her already wounded wing. The world spun for a moment and Night Dew blearily glanced about, only to see the ominous green glow through the smoky haze.

Gritting her teeth tightly through the fiery agony her wing had become Night Dew watched the green glow approach through the haze. Mercifully the angry alarms shut off, but Night Dew was then treated to the unpleasant laughter of Flim and Flam, “See brother, every loss turned into an opportunity”.

Wincing Night Dew saw Flim tapping his metal face plate through the smoke as he drew closer, a look of zealous mockery in his one good eye while the replacement regarded the fallen bat pony coldly.

As the smoke slowly cleared Night Dew was keenly aware that she was trouble now and silently cursed her over confidence. her captor's wicked grins only widened as Flam produced a length of rope. With smug certainty the unicorn bound Night Dew’s hooves, chuckling the whole time.

“Well little ‘birdie’, what brings you all the way out here hmmm?” Flim asked in a gloating manner. Night Dew gritted her teeth, butand simply glared at the pair.

Flim studied Night Dew with a grin, “Perhaps you wanted to see our marvelous inventions?”

Flim nodded to his brother, who with another flash of magic unveiled the two machines proudly. Night Dew took the moment of distraction to whisper something very quietly and the small device she had planted on the ceiling briefly glowed...

“Okay, so what you’re telling me is that all dragons use magic to fly and not just their wings?” Twilight concluded and Warden clapped enthusiastically.

“That is correct princess, using similar properties to say a pegasus whose natural magic allows them to control weather. They can do it easily, once shown how,” Warden explained.

Twilight nodded in understanding, “And there have been no willing dragons to come and teach Spike until now?” She turned and grimaced at Spike who was gathering the last few branches. He arranged them to form a simple campfire and Twilight grinned sheepishly as she watched, “I’m so sorry Spike; I should have thought to ask about your wings sooner. All this time you could have been....”

Warden waved a dismissive claw, “Trust me Miss Sparkle, it would have been far harder to convince another dragon to teach Spike to fly than you think. I am only here because you have friends in some very high places.”

Twilight made a mental note to thank princess Luna once again and beamed at Spike who was completing the finishing touches to their camp fire. He studied the collection critically for a moment before with the tiniest of effort set it ablaze.

Twilight gratefully huddled in close as the dwindling day made way for the colder night. The smell of frost was heavy in the air and Twilight felt her nose 'burn' as the cold air flowed into her lungs. Spike laid down on his stomach, resting his head on his hands and watched the fire burn merrily while Warden lounged opposite.

“What do you think Dewy will find?” Spike asked the question bouncing around Twilights head.

“I don’t know Spike, but I’m sure it’s nothing she can’t cope with,” Twilight assured him. He watched the fire with a distracted gaze and Twilight noted the change that had come over younger brother, he held himself differently now. Out in the wilds, away from the hustle and bustle of pony lands he seemed more at home. Calmer and more confident. A very different dragon from the embarrassed Spike who always seemed so out of place around the tiny ponies Ponyville.

All three of them sat in silence for a while, only the sounds of the crackling fire along with the gentle breeze to be heard. Twilight felt her thoughts shift. She could very easily imagine a number of bad things that could be made by a pony with the right know how and questionable morality. Images of Night Dew being hurt in a variety of unpleasant ways flashed through her mind.

Ever since she had first seen those long shots Twilight had a sinking sense in her stomach that there was worse to come. Warden’s doom mongering didn't help at all. It was like magic she realised, or any power for that matter. It could be used for good or ill, it depended on who was using it.

Twilight thought back to her encounter with the bandits before, how angry she had been. What would she have done if Spike had been hurt? The question wouldn’t leave Twilight in peace and she had another flash of respect for the Royal Pony sisters. For all intents and purposes they were god like, wielding the very powers of the sun and moon respectively. How hard it must be for beings such as them to know when and when not to use their magic? The temptation must be enormous.

Twilight glanced at Warden, who from the stories of Whisper and the history of dragons seemed to be battling with the very same problem. Dragons were mighty beasts, massively long lived and powerful enough to crush whole towns by themselves.

She looked back to Spike and understood he was growing into a powerful being himself, would any of them stand the tests of time? Would they be remembered for the good or the bad they did? These were all questions that Twilight simply didn’t have answers to.

It was all too easy to see the potential disasters waiting to happen, Luna's time as Nightmare Moon being a prime example. Twilight shuddered and not just with the cold air as night fell properly, the sun sinking below the horizon. “I think that....” Twilight began when a tinny voice caused them all to jump:

“Okay little night bird, you are going to tell us who sent you and why,” Twilight looked about in confusion, quickly followed by Spike and Warden who looked just as surprised.

“Bright Spark sent me, she was worried you would back out of our deal,” Twilight’s brow creased as Night Dew’s strained voice sounded out, still bearing the distorted quality as the first speaker.

Tilting her ears this way and that Twilight listening carefully, there was quiet once more. She was just about to believe that the stress was getting to her when the first voice called again, “I see, you hear that brother? Our business partner doesn’t trust us.”

To their mounting befuddlement the voices seemed to be coming from Spike who looked over his shoulder as Night Dew’s pained tones sounded out, “Well why should she? Those weapons you sold her were defective! One blew up last week when one of the colts tried to fire it.”

The sounds of snorting laughter emanated from Spike was now spinning around and around like a dog chasing its tail. Twilight could have laughed at the sight, if Night Dew’s next words didn’t fill her with dread, “Spark said it was the last time she would deal with the Flim Flam brothers.

Twilight didn’t know how Night Dew was doing this, but somehow they were hearing a conversation between the Night Guard and the Flim Flam brothers. The strange sound of the arms dealers laughing resounded arounf the clearing, only this time Warden pounced on the frantic Spike and with delicate care removed a small black something from Spike’s shoulder.

Warden held it up between two claws as the voices of Flim or Flam called out, “And where else will your boss get her weapons from? We’re the only ponies who make such fine quality devices. Plus Bright Spark knew the risks when we sold them to her, did she get cold hooves huh?” The scorn was evident even from here.

“Well holding me here in this ruined tower isn’t going to cheer her up either,” Night Dew said and Twilight began to understand the situation. Anger blossomed like an exploding firework in her core: Flim and Flam had captured Night Dew, she was in trouble.

Night Dew replied and Twilight could her the edge of pain in her tone, “Bright wants the real deal this time, Bright sent me to see what other wears you have: like that big armoured cart, the one the size of a dragon or that flying thing you have here, they look the business.”

The amused laughter of Flim and Flam replied from the little black gem in Warden’s claws, “Oh they are not for sale I’m afraid bat pony.”

Twilight’s eyes burned with fire, “We need to go, now.” Taking a moment to douse the fire she gave both Warden and Spike a determined look, “In fact we need to be there now: I’ll go on ahead, meet me there.”

Without even waiting for a response, Twilight’s horn glowed and she spread her wings, a glaring fire surrounded Twilight and then she was gone. The two dragons were left staring at a circular scorch mark on the ground where she had been.

“Well you heard the Princess hatchling, we’d best be on our way,” Warden said with relish. Spike paused for a moment as Warden unfurled his own wings and with a few steady beats lifted off the ground and soared into the night sky.

Spike looked to the burnt ring and smouldering embers of the fire before launching himself into the air and quickly chased after the older dragon.

Night Dew glared at the Flam brothers as they continued to gloat, and explain every detail of their war machines. Flim had triumphantly unveiled the armoured cart, showing off the various design points, while Flam seemed just as eager to show Dew his flying machine. Both contraptions were bedecked with weapons and gizmos of ridiculous sizes, and Night Dew was struck once again at how silly the brothers were. They were busy bragging about how stupendous (Their words, not Dew’s) these weapons were.

Flim's cart was a slab sided beast, all angular metal plates bolted on at slanting angles which enclosed the main body of the creation. A large bore cannon was mounted on a turret atop the cart, while a number of weapon batteries adorned almost every free surface. It seemed Flim favoured durability.

Flam's craft was just as overly flamboyant at his brothers, but was focused on speed instead. The whole machine seemed to be a collection a large engines surrounding a central caged balloon. This wasn't to say that the airship lacked weapons of its own and Night Dew could clearly make out clusters of long shot barrels covering almost any free space as well.

If Night Dew had been in charge she wouldn’t still be breathing right now, thinking like the criminal was one of her strong points and she almost cringed at how careless these two were being. Every moment she was alive and listening to their prattle Night Dew was drawing conclusion and weaknesses in the designs. True they didn’t know that every word they were saying was being fed back to Spike and more importantly Twilight. Thank Luna these two aren’t as good strategists as builders.

“Now you see how the pivot mounts here hold the impressive collections of weapons and how the main barrel of the cannon can spin right around on the turret,” Flim explained excitedly.

Flam not to be out done it seemed, fought for Night Dew’s attention, “That’s all fine and dandy brother of mine, but where the real edge comes from is being able to soar above your enemy! See how my machine carries these bomb clusters, along with enough shot to fill the sky with metal to counter any other flier out there!”

Night Dew seemed to be completely forgotten by this point as both unicorns seemed determined to prove their creation was superior to the others. She sat quietly and let them argue, all the while working at her bonds. If there was one thing the Flam brothers were good at it was knots.

So absorbed were the pair in their argument that both failed to notice the bright flash which shone around the door for a moment. They were still into debating the finer details of power distribution when the door began to glow red hot at its centre and Night Dew grinned. Help had arrived.

The incandescent form of an enraged Twilight Sparkle was soon framed by the rapidly melting door before finally Flim and Flam turned about. It was a memory Night Dew would cherish as both ponies paled before the wrath of the Princess.

“Flim, Flam, you are hereby under arrest for illegal arms trading,” Twilight announced her mane aflame and her eyes glowing a furious red.

The two unicorns glanced at each other and as one shouted, “Blow that!” With a turn of speed borne of terror both ponies bolted for their respective machines. Twilight hurled a magical beam at the fleeing pair and to Night Dew’s amazement it crackled off a green barrier surrounding the two armoured constructs.

Flim and Flam hadn’t been completely boasting about their weapons it seemed and both the vehicles growled into angry life as Twilight sent further bolts of magic, only for them to crackle off the green barrier which shook under the impacts. The side mounted long shots either side of Flim’s armoured cart swiveled to point at Twilight before with a further glow of power began spitting a rapid hail of metal slugs directly at the princess.

Twilight narrowed her eyes and a glowing purple barrier of her own arose, causing the projectiles to melt on contact with tiny flashes. Not waiting for further rounds to strike, Twilight hurled another bolt of arcane power at the machines, only to have it absorbed by a glowing green energy field.

The weapons continued to unleash a torrent of slugs from their barrels, all the while the crazed laughter of Flim was projected from loud hailers mounted on the cart’s roof. Night Dew watched as Twilight took a step back under the punishing volley, her barrier crackling and shimmering as her eyes became fiery slits in her angry face.

With this distraction, Flam was able to get his ship airborne. The small airship floated ponderously for a moment before it angled a large calibre turret at the wall ahead of it. With a flash, a ball of magical force slammed into what was left of the ruined wall and caused it to explode outwards in a shower of masonry.

Night Dew was forced to roll (hooves still bound) to avoid the tumbling stones and in the brief moment of confusion she lost sight of Twilight. As the rain of rock ceased, Dew lifted her head to peer over a block and saw that Twilight was forced to re-angle her own barrier to deflect the lethal rain.

As a result the constant churning rounds from Flim’s weapons found a few weak points, passing through Twilight’s magic to zip past the alicorn’s head. Flam’s flying machine sailed out into the night air and began circling back around to line up another shot with its main weapon.

Twilight’s glowing form vanished as another crackling ball of emerald energy was unleashed, this time from Flim’s armoured cart and Night Dew feared the worst. As the smoke from the ensuing explosion cleared all that was left was a steaming crater surrounded by blackened grass and Night Dew’s heart twisted.

The demented laughter of both brothers resounded about the battle scene as they congratulated themselves on a job well done. It was then to Dew’s relief that further fiery purple projectiles began to rain down upon both vehicles.

Night Dew turned her stinging eyes skyward where a new miniature sun had appeared. Twilight was safe and vented her anger by hurling searing bolts of power down on both machines. Yet again the green barriers flared with the impacts, but Flam’s protection blinked before winking out. Several molten spears hammered into his flying machine which began to glow red hot around the points of impact.

The fight wasn’t over yet though as Flim once again tracked Twilight with his long shot batteries. Solid rounds filled the air and peppered the magical globe the Princess had surrounded herself with. Night Dew watched as Flam’s flying machine limped away, smoke leak from its sides. She had never seen Twilight ever fight with such ferocity before.

Flim’s cart burst from the disintegrating watch tower, its heavy metal wheels grinding the fallen stone as it heaved itself out into the world outside and Night Dew found herself alone in the rapidly collapsing tower which shuddered and tumbled all around her.

She was forced to roll aside as splintering wood and cracked stone fell before crying out as a chunk struck her flank. Really not my day today, Night Dew thought as she gritted her teeth against the pain.

She looked up to see Twilight rolling and diving to avoid the continual shot flying past her before she focused a continuous lance of magical power that hammered Flim’s shield causing it to tremble. To Night Dew’s satisfaction the barrier surrounding Flim’s cart stuttered and then winked out with a snap.

The concentrated flow of power then proceeded to slice through the barrel of the main cannon on the cart which exploded with a ball of green fire. Night Dew just had time to cheer, when the much abused roof of the tower finally gave way and an unavoidable avalanche of rock and splintering timber fell down towards the valiant pony.

Dew saw it coming and closed her eyes, not wishing to see the end as it rushed down towards her. She felt a heavy thud shake the floor, but to her astonishment Night Dew was alive. The pony opened one streaming eye and saw the massive form of Spike looming over her. The dragon had caught the falling rock and now had it braced upon his mighty shoulders.

Night Dew smiled up at Spike, thankfulness plastered across her muzzle, “Wow big guy I owe you one.” Spike’s own snout sprouted a smile of his own.

“Well let’s just call it even huh?” His muscles stood out on his huge arms as Spike took a grunting step to the side and let the weight fall off his shoulders. This done he reached down and carefully picked up Night Dew in his large claws, who winced as her wing and rear leg reminded her just how she was hurt.

Night Dew let herself be carried from the tower which completed its final stages of dissolution in a spreading cloud of dust and debris, before resting her head against Spike’s barrel chest, “Thanks Spike, you’re my hero you know that?” Even though her tone was jovial, Night Dew meant every word. Spike blushed and Night Dew couldn’t hold in a laugh as the crimson warmth spread across his scaled snout before wincing once again, feeling her side ache.

The concerned face of Spike drifted in and out of focus as Night Dew felt the events of the last hour catching up with her, “Just going to have a little rest, think you can handle it from here?”

It was Spike’s turn to chuckle and Night Dew blearily looked back to Twilight who was still lighting up the night sky like a star that had fallen from orbit, “Way to go Princess...”

Night Dew grinned, but as her world began to darken a she saw Flam’s flying machine heading right for Twilight. Dew wanted to call out a warning, but her mouth felt like it was full of dough. The last image she saw was of a dark comet streaked up out of the surrounding trees and slam Twilight out of the way. Warden sent Twilight spiralling away as the heavy, smoking form of Flam’s fighting machine collided with the noble dragon and engulfed him in an expanding ball of green fire.