• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 2,195 Views, 46 Comments

Here be too much Dragon. - Golden Paw

Every pony saw this coming, Spikes a dragon with his cute baby years behind him and Twilight is at her wits end as to what to do with her 'little' brother. But help's at hoof when Luna calls in an old favour to aid her

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Honest Hunting

Honest Hunting

The Bloomberg floated serenely above the rain-swept town of Ponyville, and despite the bad weather many had gathered to see the ship begin its maiden voyage. Twilight was standing on the main bridge and had a clear view of the sea of umbrellas below through the glass windows. She appreciated the support of those below, the rain wasn't heavy but it was persistent with water running in rivulets down the Bloomberg's windscreen in an unending torrent.

Twilight understood the importance of this last batch of tests before they were properly underway, and as such the Bloomberg was being drenched by local weather teams. It was one thing to plan for harsh conditions, but quite another to actually put the airship through them and Twilight was happy to note that everything appeared to be in order so far.

The sturdy ship had been roasted by dragon fire, struck by lightning a number of times and placed within a small, contained whirlwind by the eager pegasi of Ponyville. Twilight was confident they were giving it their all; having promised a reward of one hundred bits to the team if they could cause the Bloomberg crew to submit first, as such 'he' was now enduring a drawn out and heavy rain barrage. Twilight looked to a clock on the wall and noted they were nearly through this last weather test and felt vindicated. Secure in the knowledge that no money would be changing hooves today, she beamed at the bridge crew.

"Well done team, I think we can safely say that he's ready to go," Twilight felt a fresh surge of pride as the whole crew cheered and the alarm chimed to indicate the final 'weathering' of the new craft was completed. There was another cheer as the rain began to ease-off and the clouds began to disperse; allowing the weak sunshine to bathe the now thoroughly drenched Bloomberg.

"Okay, I need to check off all the crew and supplies on the manifests: Have a free drink on me when I get back, Mr. Blerio you have command until I return."

The grey and white griffin in question saluted with a simple "Oui Princesse" before turning his yellow eyes back to the controls. Satisfied everything was in order, Twilight trotted off the bridge and made her way along the walkways to the cargo holds.

The ship once empty, was now busy with crew making their way on errands of their own and Twilight was forced to stand aside for crates and shipping travelling to their appointed places. It was a far cry from the empty shell that she had come to associate with the craft. Now the airship was 'alive', he had his life blood flowing through him and purred gently like a sleeping cat. Twilight got the impression that Bloomberg was almost as eager to get going as she was.

Twilight found herself thinking back to Buzzbot and chuckled. Come on Twi we're a long way off from making machines that think for themselves, the Bloomberg isn't sentient so don't be getting ahead of yourself now. Twilight shook her head and smiled to herself as she approached the main cargo bay doors.

"Hey don't....that's delicate. No-no-no not that way!" Twilight pushed open the heavy bulkhead door to be greeted by the angry sounds of Applebloom in full swing.

She took in the largest room on the Bloomberg and saw to her disappointment that things were more than a little chaotic: Applebloom had risen to Twilight's challenge with typical Apple family 'can do' spirit and was sitting on a suspended platform alongside the 'Dragon Box' as she called it.

Applebloom had a welding mask safely attached to her face and was busy applying the finishing touches to Spike and Warden's compartments with determination. Twilight saw that unlike the rest of the ship, the panels covering the dragon's quarters were made of what looked like some kind of ceramic rather than metal and Applebloom was actually finishing off the holding framework keeping the large sheets in place as Twilight cleared her throat below.

"Well done A,B I knew you could do it: Interesting design, I would have just enchanted the wall to be fire proof myself," Twilight commented.

She was greeted by a muffled snort from above, "Well magic is fine n dandy n all, but I wanted summit that could be relied on fer years ter come Big.D. No offence boss, but 'Obstinite' don't need as much maintenance."

Applebloom switched off the welding torch and knocked on the wall with the back of her hoof. "We ain't all got yer skills Twi n have ter make do with more practical solutions. It ain't fancy but it should do the job n last longer than any spell yer could would put on it."

As always Applebloom had come up with a simple solution to their 'dragon problem', one that Twilight wouldn't have even considered before and she conceded the earth pony was right. Twilight had heard of the material, even considered it for the outer hull of the Bloomberg as Obstinite's best property was being unbelievably fire proof, invaluable against dragons. Sadly it was also incredibly heavy along with being far too brittle and therefore making it a poor choice for the outer hull: Thus they had gone for the barrier solution instead.

Thankfully Applebloom didn't need it to stop a dragon, only contain any possible fires that might be caused and so she had found a suitable solution in the short-time frame given to her by Twilight, "Well Big.D, if yer planning on taking any more fire breathin lizards on yer cruses these should do the trick."

Twilight nodded at Applebloom's foresight as the engineer winched herself down to floor level, "That's great A.B." The princess paused, "And how are our guests finding the new quarters?"

Applebloom lifted her mask to see Twilight clearly, "Well: Spike has already cracked one sheet with his clumsy tail, and Warden is being a big foal over being 'caged in' as he put it, but I reckon they will be okay with it all in the end." Applebloom’s face filled with worry, "Are yer completely sure about this Twi, I mean this will stop em burnin Bloomberg ter a crisp by accident, but if they start another ruckus on board it won't hold em anytime at all."

Twilight glared at Applebloom for even thinking that before her expression softened; Spike and Warden had fought before and being cooped up in a small box probably wouldn't help things either. Dragons just weren't meant to be confined to 'small' places it seemed, especially not two in one room.

"I have Spike and Warden's oaths that they will behave A.B and I trust them," Twilight watched Applebloom's face for any signs she did too, but was disappointed.

"I know Big.D n sorry ter bring it up again, but yer hired me to point these kinda things out to yer. I'll go along with this, but I also have ter let yer know, if they do fight I don't reckon there would be much we could do ter stop em," Applebloom's amber eyes were almost pleading for Twilight to rethink things.

"Sorry A.B, we have a long way to go and can't wait for Spike. You know he can't fly yet, but at least Warden can; he can keep pace and ease the strain on the Bloomberg, he hates being cooped up in here anyway," Twilight reassured Applebloom and the mare nodded in defeat.

Applebloom flipped her welding mask back down again before pulling on the ropes to ascend the wall once again,"Fine boss, but don't say I didn'er warn yer."

"Wings hatchling, you are going to learn to fly and that will catch that overconfident pony off guard," Warden announced definitely and Spike stared at Warden in utter disbelief as the pair of dragons sat on a small hill on the lower slopes of Spike's mountain.

"Warden, you know my wings are too small for me right now, plus Night Dew promised not to use hers!" Spike was horrified that Warden would even suggest flying at a time like this. "We agreed on no wings Warden," Spike reaffirmed.

"She promised not to use hers if I remember correctly hatchling, we never said anything about you not using yours," Warden had a mischievous glint in his eye that Spike didn't like one bit.

"That's not the point warden, she made that promise in good faith, knowing as I do that I can't fly," Spike retorted.

Warden folded his arms, "Hatchling listen, they are not ready to face dragons; they need to be shown not to underestimate us. You could mix things up a bit, give them a wake-up call."

Spike grunted a small cloud of smoke which drifted off in the breeze before he responded to that suggestion, "What happened to being a noble dragon and sticking to the dragon code Warden?" Spike countered in a low voice.

Warden blinked a few times before going on in an angered tone, "You're quoting my lessons back at me now huh?" But Spike was undaunted.

"Either all those lessons were just a big way of dressing up that you're a bunch of big pillaging bullies, or you really do believe that dragons can be noble protectors. I don't think that cheating in a good natured game with my friends is really in the spirit of what you have been teaching me?" Spike growled despite Warden's rising ire, "What's gotten into you Warden, are you scared that I might lose despite your lessons?"

Warden opened and closed his mouth a few times as he attempted to come up with some way to counter that last statement and Spike pressed on, "I want to win, but not by cheating Warden. Besides that, I still can't fly anyhow. You told me my wings were too small to lift me."

Warden drummed his fingers on a nearby rock, leaving small dents in the stone, "Fine Spike, I'll be on the level with you. I don't like the idea of you or I being stuck in that floating tin can of theirs."

Spike's snout twitched and he began to smile. "You worried about being stuck inside with me?"

Warden shuffled uncomfortably as he studied his claws, "Well yes and no, two dragons in such a small space is asking for trouble, but I gave my word to Miss Sparkle that we wouldn't fight on board and I plan to keep it," He raised his gaze to lock it with Spike's once again.

"I may not have been completely honest when it came to you being able to fly yet, It's very true that your wings alone are not capable of carrying a dragon of your size, but you should have been flying years ago if I am any judge," Warden's face was as impassive as the bolder he was sitting next to.

Spike just sat there as the words washed over him before he growled a second time, "Is this some kind of joke Warden?"

"No Spike it isn't, once a dragon flies he is ready to start carving out his own lands: They are most aggressive at that point and I didn't know it you were ready for that kind of pressure," Warden watched his fellow reptile carefully for any signs that Spike would make a move against him.

"Plus if I did need to 'contain' you; your not being to fly would have made that much easier to do," Warden's voice had taken on a teacher's note again, "A flying enemy is far more dangerous than a grounded one."

Spike felt his spines stand on end as anger filled him, Warden had been holding out on him and though his explanation made sense, Spike still felt bad that Warden had lied to him. He felt the hot rush fill his head and practically had to clench his mouth shut to prevent a stream of green fire engulfing Warden.

There was a moment when Spike felt like he was going to explode before Warden smiled warmly, "That's enough hatchling, I know I can trust you now: I needed to see if you would keep your noble spirit in the face of temptation and you passed admirably."

Spike deflated as the anger drained away to be replaced with a certain amount of well earned pride. Then the realisation of Warden's words truly sank in, "You mean I still can't fly then?"

Warden studied Spike for a while longer, "Now I didn't say that hatchling, but that's not what we need to focus on now. If you're going to catch this Night Dew fairly then there are a few things I still need to teach you."

"Princesse, we're well beyond the town's limits now, would you like me to inform Dame Dew that we are a sufficient distance for the match to begin with Homme Spike?" The griffin helmsman gently reminded Twilight who was busy studying a large collection of scrolls at her main desk on the bridge.

"Ah yes thank you Mr. Blerio, but I believe they are already aware," Twilight indicated the main window and as Blerio looked forward once more he saw the floating form of Night Dew hovering just head of the ships prow. The bat pony was pulling a rather rude face and Blerio muttered a number of choice words in his native griffin that Twilight gratefully didn't understand before regaining his composure.

Twilight chuckled, "Same old Dewy."

The bat pony gave a brief wave Twilight and she noted Dew was wearing a large number of non-standard items instead of her normal armour: A criss-crossed bandoleer, holding various tools was wrapped about her chest and flanks, while local foliage was in much evidence about her person. It seemed Dew planned to make a long job of this hunt and Twilight couldn't help fell a little worried as they were on a reasonably tight schedule.

Oblivious to Twilight's worries, Night Dew adjusted the green head wrap so that only the 'day goggles' she wore along with her tufted ears were visible. Night Dew treated them to a final cheeky salute before sweeping down and vanishing into the forests below; instantly concealed by the greenery.

Waving back Twilight was reminded of the farewell from Ponyville where Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie had all managed to come to see Twilight along with the Bloomberg get away safely. Only Rainbow Dash hadn't been able to get time away from her duties but was sure to send a message on ahead wishing Twilight and her crew of 'egg heads' all the best.

Twilight snapped back to the here and now as the Bloomberg turned it's course away from the forest. All things considered they seemed to be making good progress and soon the fields and familiar landmarks began to recede into the distance. Twilight was almost bursting with excitement: They were away and wouldn't be back for several weeks if all went to plan. The journey was going to take the Bloomberg south west, far beyond Equestria's boards and deep into dragon lands, however they weren't making a direct route that way.

In order to keep things moving swiftly it was decided that Night Dew would effectively scout ahead of the airship, with the plan to meet up again at the south eastern boarder of Equestria. This rally point was in an unpleasant area simply known as 'Sinking Hoof Swamp'. If she could reach the southern border of that unwelcoming place before Spike caught her then Night Dew would be the winner. Should Spike catch the mare before then he would be declared victorious. The rules were set and the most important one was no flying; both of them had to journey by hoof or claw.

The airship had released Night Dew down in the centre of Hayseed Forest and planned to double back again so that they could set down and release Spike about half an hour later. With this accomplished the Bloomberg was to head further east and meet up with a griffin contact in Horseshoe Bay.

The famous land mark was just south of Baltimare, the closest city to the strange reports the princesses had received concerning ponies armed with dangerous weapons and Twilight was determined to discover the truth behind such claims.

The first duty of the expedition was to investigate the reports of ponies using "magical sticks that threw metal." This particular missive was currently held in Twilight's hooves as she felt the Bloomberg begin its decent. Taking her chance to read over the distressing message from the High Marshal of the Emperor's Griffon Battalions one more time, Twilight felt a chill of unease pass through her..

She could almost picture the concept in her mind and had poured over it while the ship had made its was over the Everfree Forest. You could store a magical charge that in theory would launch the object along a guided barrel when released, but the only purpose Twilight could think of for such a device would be to cause harm and that was one of the things she vowed never to make.

Her pondering was interrupted by Blerio, "Princesse, we are ready to let the dragon off now."

Twilight quickly re-rolled the scroll and stowed it away safely before smiling at the griffon, "Thank you monsieur, I will be right there."

"Now you be careful okay? Remember it's just a bit of fun and you're both to meet back with us safely once again. That's most important point right?" Twilight explained to Spike for the third time.

"Twilight, we're still in Equestria and I'm a big strong dragon now, what could go wrong huh?" Spike warmly embraced his adoptive sister while Steel and Warden looked on.

"We should be at the pickup point in about a week, if you're not there we can wait a day, maybe two, but no more." Steel informed the still hugging pair.

"They will be there captain, Spike maybe even before us," Twilight assured Steel and Spike was grateful for her praise.

With this done Spike stepped off the ramp onto the grassy lands and glanced at the distant forest. Warden gave his student a knowing look. He hadn't said one word to Spike since they had returned to the Bloomberg but as far as Twilight could tell they hadn't fallen out or anything. When she'd pressed Spike about Warden's odd behaviour he was very tight lipped about it himself and Twilight was a little taken aback.

"Well you're not trying to burn down the ship so that's okay I guess: Good hunting Spike and show her what you can do!" Twilight called back as the airship began to lift off once more and the cargo bay doors clanged shut.

Spike watched the Bloomberg climb into the air as the first few stars began to peek through the cloud above. Dusk was falling and Spike knew he'd best hurry up. The gathering dark was briefly lit by a twinkling flare launched from the airship, signalling to Nigh Dew that Spike was down and the chase on.

Turning his attention back to the trees Spike began his lumbering but steady progress forward. Warden's training became evident as he picked up and kept a good pace, eating up the distance far faster than he had ever done before. The tall trees loomed closer and closer and soon the Bloomberg was out of sight as Twilight ordered it on-wards to Horseshoe Bay.

"Keep safe Twi, see you at the finish," Spike called out softly as the airship disappeared.

His steady run soon brought Spike to the edge of the trees, which he examined warily: Under the canopy all was dark and the night noises calling out caused Spike to pause. He shook his head, he was a big and powerful dragon now and not afraid of a few trees and strange noises. With one last glance upwards Spike prepared to cross the threshold of the forest.

Only then as the moon began to rise did his eyes catch the slightest glint a few trees along. His curiosity peaked, Spike lumbered over to the plant and reared upwards. There was something tied to the branches just within his reach and with only the slightest effort Spike plucked the object down.

Nestled within his claw was a small white flower attached to a simple note and small emerald. His confusion mounting Spike carefully unrolled the scroll and read it:

Hey big guy,

Wish you all the best and no hard feelings when I win okay?


Spike grinned and his teeth glinted in the moonlight, "Oh Dewy it is on." He quickly crunched down the emerald before plunging into the shrouded world below the canopy with a hearty chuckle.

He was instantly engulfed in shadows and stumbled before his eyes adjusted to the darkness. Grumbling Spike slowed his pace; tackling the collection of roots and branches at a far more sensible pace. There was no further sign of Night Dew and Spike hadn't expected there to be so. She was too skilled for that.

This didn't stop Spike though, Warden had taught him one or two small tricks of the trade when it came to hunting. Closing his eyes Spike took a deep breath and picked up the faint traces of Night Dew's 'magical spoor'. Spike had never known about these special dragon senses before Warden had explained he could also use them find gems on his own: Apparently the precious jewels buried in the ground each held their own little bit of magical charge and a trained dragon was able to sniff them out.

Ponies were of course magical beings in themselves and that made it easier to sense them in turn. Within Spike's mind's eye he could 'see' the trail left by Night Dew as she had moved through the forest and his grin returned. "Coming Dewy, ready or not," Spike whispered and followed the trail deeper into the trees.

He'd only been moving for about ten minutes when the strangest thing happened, the trail bent around to the left before heading off in a direction at right angles to the original path. With mounting confusion Spike followed this new line until it veered around again so that he was heading back towards the forest's edge.

Spike's confusion only grew when the path was suddenly crossed by a further trail of the kind he had come to associate with Night Dew forming an almost exact cross. As his dismay grew Spike discovered that additional lines were drawn across further afield and he sat down in utter confusion.

If what his senses were telling him were true then Night Dew had been criss-crossing this part of the forest for some considerable time and Spike was completely baffled, it was almost as if she was trying to.....

"No way," Spike said under his breath, It would take him forever to follow this path. Did Night Dew know about his arcane tracking? How could she?

"Okay round one to you Night Dew," Spike muttered as he laboriously followed the trail along its twisting paths unaware that a shadowed figure with turquoise eyes studied him from above and fought to suppress her giggles.