• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 2,195 Views, 46 Comments

Here be too much Dragon. - Golden Paw

Every pony saw this coming, Spikes a dragon with his cute baby years behind him and Twilight is at her wits end as to what to do with her 'little' brother. But help's at hoof when Luna calls in an old favour to aid her

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Wrath and Weapons

Wrath and Weapons

Warden prowled the cargo hold of the Bloomberg feeling like a caged beast and noting it seemed apt description to the dragon. Since Spike had left the airship and the mysterious creature had begun causing havoc on board, Steel Resolve had posted two guards outside the special area created by Applebloom, effectively isolating Warden.

Once it was apparent there was a problem, Warden had of course offered his assistance, but to the drakes annoyance the guards had politely declined his aid, assuring the dragon that all was in hoof. Warden was under no illusions that Steel didn’t trust him and the constant presence of soldiers outside, supported this idea greatly.

If he was being honest, Warden would have done the same himself had the situation been reversed and bore the earth pony no ill will. What did hurt was that Twilight hadn’t come to see him once since Spike had departed: His contact with the outside world had ceased and he had effectively been confined to quarters for two days now.

Frustration mounting, Warden completed yet another lap of his room and resolved to do something about his situation. There was only so much ‘polite’ imprisonment that any dragon could cope with. His decision made, Warden spun around and marched up the door and knocked smartly.

“As emissary from the Ash Wind dragon flight I demand to speak with Princess Twilight, I want to know what is going on and why I am being treated as a prisoner,” Warden’s normally calm tone failed to hide his rising anger.

After a few moments the door was opened and grey coated unicorn peered in with a nervous expression, “Sorry Mr Warden, captain has the whole ship in lock down until the crisis has been resolved.“

Warden’s slitted eyes narrowed, “Indeed, well that doesn’t explain why no pony has come to question me about my believed involvement. If I am a suspect then allow me to prove my innocence, if not then I should be allowed to walk free and assist in your capturing of the stowaway on board this ship.”

The guard face paled as Warden’s shadow seemed to grow around him, “I’m sorry sir, but I have my orders.”

Warden’s mouth curled into a grin, “Do you really think you could keep me in here against my will little pony? I have been nothing but cooperative since I came on board, but my patience is coming to an end. Is this really how Equestria treats it’s guests?”

To the unicorn’s credit he didn’t back down, “Mr Warden; I have no doubt that you are powerful dragon, but I would like to believe you’re also a noble and civilised creature too. I hope you understand that I would be remiss in my duty if I were to disobey my captain and allow any unauthorised creature to walk the Bloomberg.”

The guard’s eyes had lost their previous uncertainty, “Please Mr Warden, do not put me in the difficult situation of failing to contain you in your quarters.”

The dragon found himself impressed by the ponies surrounding him, had he spoken that way to another dragon it would surely have ended in a fight, but guard before him had managed to help Warden feel respect for the small equine and tugged at the drakes own sense of duty.

Heaving a resigned sigh, Warden bowed his head in a contrite way, “Very well good sir, but I still chafe at this confinement. I would greatly appreciate if you would get a message to princess Sparkle that I wish to speak with her.”

The soldier nodded in a grateful way, “Thank you Warden, I will do my best to pass that information onto my superiors as soon as possible. If it’s any consolation Mr Warden I don’t believe you are behind the current troubles.”

“Thank you,” Warden managed to reply in a level manner, resuming his pacing.

“Right that should stop him from being able to sneak off again,” Twilight announced in a triumphant voice as she looked down as at the small wooden wolf.

She had busied herself making good on her word to help Tender Wood be able to stay on board the temporarily grounded Bloomberg. The foolish stallion’s pet had caused significant damage to the airship’s power lines during the couple of days pursuit and Twilight was determined not to allow such to happen again.

“And you’re sure it won’t hurt him Princess? I mean I don’t want any harm to come to the little guy,” Tender’s worried eyes looked to Twilight with pleading in them.

Twilight smiled ruefully at the big pony. Reaching up to pat his massive shoulder Twilight did her best to reassure Fluttershy’s middle foal, “I can promise you it won’t hurt him.”

Both ponies watched as the timber wolf cub rolled around on the floor, doing it’s upmost to remove the new collar Twilight had firmly attached. Scratched had taken one look at the new fashion item and dived for the nearest air vent, but Twilight had been quicker and with a simple ‘click’ of the collar snapping shut the wolf wouldn’t be causing such troubles again.

“It has a built in tracking tracking spell first of all, linked to this mirror,” Twilight levitated a small hoof mirror before Tender’s eyes, “It will show you where Scratches is at all times within a mile’s radius.” She explained proudly while Scratches continued to rub the new collar against riveted stanchion in a vain attempt break the trinket.

“Secondly I placed an immobilisation enchantment should Scratches prove too elusive,” Twilight indicated a small dial on the back of the enchanted mirror, “All you have to do is turn that and Scratches will be encased in a barrier orb preventing him from running away.”

Twilight demonstrated and the small cub was suddenly floating in an encapsulating magical ball a few feet off the ground. Tender’s ears flattened as the bemused timber wolf looked around his prison and released a small whimper, revolving slowly until he was upside down.

“Seems a bit harsh princess, is there no other way of......” Tender saw Twilight’s expression and trailed off. Twilight pony was scowling at him.

“Listen Tender, it was all I could manage to prevent your aunt from having the little guy incinerated. Applebloom is furious with you for sneaking on board, but more so for putting the whole ship in danger by bringing Scratches with you,” Twilight’s reprimanding tone was edged with sorrow.

Tender Wood winced at the mention of his fellow Apple and large colt suddenly looked very small and timid, “Aunty Applebloom wouldn’t do that to Scratches would she? Oh sweet Celestia what’s she gonna do to me!”

Twilight grinned, “I’ll take care of A.B, just focus on keeping this little pest in order okay?”

“Thank you princess, I promise he won’t be any more trouble,” Tender assured Twilight and she nodded in agreement.

“That doesn’t mean you’re not still in big trouble tender and I expect you to give a proper apology to Applebloom for all the damage you have caused,” She explained further and the colour drained out of Tender’s face. Twilight smiled in a comforting way, “Once she’s had a chance to calm down a bit that is.”

No one on board the Bloomberg could have missed the foul mood Applebloom was in after it was discovered who was behind the damage to her beloved airship. Twilight had only left the enraged mare to her repairs once she had a firm promise that the earth pony would let Twilight deal with Tender.

“You will also have to answer to your mother and father when we get back, but for now I want you to pull your weight around here you got that?” Twilight’s voice was stern and Tender simply nodded in acceptance of his punishment.

“Very good, now as for what to do with you....?” Twilight tapped her muzzle theatrically, if she was honest she was just relived it was all a simple misunderstanding about Scratches and Tender Wood. He really was in a load of trouble, but the whole thing could have been far worse.

Twilight passed the control mirror to Tender and showed him how to shut off the barrier spell. Soon afterwards the grateful Scratches was rubbing up against the stallion’s leg making contented grating sounds.

The princess smiled, she had never seen a timber wolf happy before and raised an eyebrow as the strange wood on wood sound emerged from the small creature’s throat. Twilight face fell however as she wondered what to do with Tender.

Just at that moment they all heard a knock on the cabin door. After a brief pause the armoured head of one of the night guard looked in and cleared his throat, “Ehm, Princess you’re needed in the cargo bays. It seems that the dragon is getting restless and wants to speak with you.”

Twilight nodded to the dark blue earth pony mare in a distracted way, “Thank you miss; I’ll be along shortly.”

The pony guard lingered for a moment, “There was also another urgent matter that needs you attention. The griffon sergeant Flash Point from before informed us that they have some further news about the bandit problem."

Twilight’s ears pricked up as she regarded the pony with her full attention, “Oh good new I hope?”

The guard continued to stare at the now agitated form of Scratches. The little timber wolf had dropped it’s happy demeanour the instant the soldier had announced herself and was backed up against Tender, growling at the intruder. “Well the griffon did seem pleased with himself, that’s all I can tell you mam.” Without further ado the soldier disappeared and closed the door behind her

Twilight Smiled back at Tender who was doing his best to calm down the irate wolf cub, "Well tender it seems you're gonna get to see a native dragon sooner than you thought."

“Right this way your highness,” Warden’s head snapped up as he heard the guard’s announcment.

He had spent another frustrated hour coiled in the corner of his ‘cell’ before the long awaited words of action filtered through the door and stirred Warden once more. He uncoiled himself and was sitting attentively when the door was unbarred.

“Well Princess I was beginning to think you had forgotten me, did you catch the stowaway?” Warden’s mood took another nose dive as he saw the expression on Twilight's muzzle; looked furious and a little bit scared.

Warden also took in the accompanying griffon and earth pony. All bore the same grim expression and his jovial tone evaporated. “What has happened?”

“They have made weapons! They took my ideas and turned them into objects for killing and slavery!” Twilight rage was mixed with desperation however, “And I have stupidly sent Spike and Night Dew right into the hornet's nest!”

Warden leaned back as the rippling heat haze surrounded the incensed pony, “Twilight please explain what’s wrong, who’s made weapons?”

Twilight ground her teeth and Warden felt the full force of her angry gaze fall upon him, “You and your stupid competitions! I should never have let you talk Spike into going off on a hunt and now he’s in terrible danger!”

There hints of fire dancing around Twilight’s mane and tail now, causing the other the pony and griffon by her sides to shrink back from the alicorn’s wrath. Warden also had the briefest impression of a timber wolf cub hiding behind the earth pony stallion before his focus was riveted on Twilight once more.

“If he’s hurt in anyway Warden then I will personally bury you under a mountain and crash the stars into your grave!” Twilight was yelling at the top of her lungs at him and suddenly Warden felt, for the first time in years, that he was a small, weak and in very real danger.

“Princess, I don’t understand and how can I be held responsible for something I know nothing about?” Warden held up his claws to shield his face from the light now pouring off Twilight who was raving at the world in general now.

“I only let him wander off into a forest full of bandits armed with new and deadly weapons based on my inventions; I should never let him out of my sight!” It was clear to Warden that Twilight’s anger was being fed by fears for her brother’s safety.

“Twilight, stop ranting this moment and tell us what’s going on!” Warden bellowed back with a flash of purple fire and to the relief of everyone present, Twilight finally stopped.

She blinked a few times as the fire behind her eyes began to fade and was replaced by pain. “Oh Warden it’s terrible, Flash Point here has just informed me that the main bandit camps are suspected to be in the very forest we dropped off Night Dew and Spike. That's not the worst of it; the reports of new weapons are true.”

Twilight looked to be on the verge of breaking down as tears welled up in her eyes and Warden finally understood what was wrong. She levitated as strange length of metal adorned with harnesses and a very familiar looking crystal core at one end.

“We recovered this ‘long shot’ from the last skirmish with the raiders plaguing this area; It’s reported to have enough force behind it to easily kill a pony,” This explanation came from Flash Point who eyed the object wearily. “I am inclined to believe it too having seen the battle field this was obtained from and the mess of the soldiers who won’t be coming home.”

Warden looked from the grim eagle eyes of Flash Point, to Twilight before turning to the weapon held in the princess’s magic. “And you say these bandits are in the forest we dropped off Spike in?”

Twilight sniffled before nodding in the affirmative, “I can’t lose him again Warden, but the Bloomberg is grounded and I don’t want to endanger any other lives.” Her face hardened and a steely resolve formed in Twilight's gentle eyes. “I’m not going to let this happen, it’s my fault for being too naive and now Equestrians have been killed. Well not anymore.”

Twilight rose the long shot so that her gaze followed it’s length before lifting the gun into the air once again, “This stops here and now, no more weapons being made. "With a surge of magic Twilight crumpled the long shot into a mangled heap of scrap metal before flinging it away.

With fresh determination Twilight looked to the assembled guards, “We’re going to dig out these bandits and call them to account for their crimes.” The soldiers all saluted as the princess stared at Warden once more, “I know it’s not in my power to order you Warden but I would you please help us?”

Warden's rugged lips peeled back to show his impressive fangs, “Of course your majesty, no one threatens one of my students and fellow dragon.”

Twilight gave a small nod of thanks before turning to the guards, “Inform captain Steel that I will need all of his best fliers,” She then fixed her gaze on Flash Point, “Sergeant I would ask the same from you if possible?”

Flash Point saluted eagerly, “It would be an honour your highness and my boys would jump at the chance for some pay back.”

Twilight’s eyes narrowed, “I know you have lost good soldiers Flash, but this is to stop a threat, not for a personal vendetta. I don’t want vengeance or killing, if you can promise me that I will let you come too.”

The griffon released an angry growl, “But your highness, they killed....”

Twilight’s glare could have incinerated the griffin where he stood, “That doesn’t give us the right to become like them Flash Point. I want no killing unless there is no other choice is that understood?”

Suitably chastened Flash bowed his head, even as his feather’s ruffled in anger. Flash’s tail snaked back and forth but the griffon saluted despite his temper, “Of course princess, please forgive me for speaking out of turn.”

“I know you’re hurting Flash, I would be too, but we have to be the better person, or what is the point?” Twilight’s face softened along with Flash's. With another salute Flash Point about faced and headed out of the cargo bay.

This resolved Twilight dismissed her soldiers and finally turned to Tender Wood who had been standing quietly through the whole interchange. “Tender, just..... Just keep out of trouble okay?”

Warden chose that moment to clear his throat before cautioning, “Twilight, it may come down to killing.”

Her ears pressed flat against her head, “I know. Oh by the heavens I wish it wouldn’t, but we can’t let this continue.”

Warden bowed before the Princess, “Don’t worry Twilight, Spike will be fine and if what I have heard of your Miss Night Dew then she will be also.”

Once again Twilight’s eyes filled with concern, “Thanks Warden, I’m sorry about earlier.”

The dragon waved his claw dismissively, “As you said, you’re hurting and if it were my family I believe I would have acted in a similar fashion,” Warden grinned again and Twilight couldn’t help but notice the predatory gaze in his eyes, “I could do with some fresh air after being cooped up in this ship of yours for so long.”

Twilight’s face became hard, “You won’t hurt anyone unless you have to right?”

“Upon my honour and oath to Thortax, I will do my upmost to avoid causing any more harm than necessary,” Twilight stared at Warden's sincere expression and hopped she was making the right call with all this.

Twilight took a moment to centre herself, “Okay Warden, I need you to track down Spike. Time to put all of those skills you’re always talking of to use and hopefully we can find him before he gets into any trouble.

“I think I’m going to be sick, can’t we stop for a little while?” Stand Fast’s queasy moan called out, but Spike simply grunted in annoyance as he lumbered forward through the bracken with Night Dew hovering just above him.

“At least let me walk by myself, I promise I won’t be any trouble,” This grumble was quickly followed by an uncomfortable ‘gurh’ sound as the unicorn swallowed his breakfast for the second time.

Spike continued to ignore the complaining Stand who was tied face up to the dragon’s shoulders and trudged resolutely onwards. By Dew’s reckoning they would have to keep this pace for at least two more days before they broke free of the forest and only four hours in Spike was already fed up of their prisoner.

“Well we can’t have you slowing us down Stand, plus it’s a lot simpler to keep an eye on you in this position,” Night Dew tapped the bound pony’s muzzle with a grey hoof as she flapped upside down over the grumpy dragon with his ‘cargo’.

Spike ‘humphed’ as he strode on, pushing his way through the enclosing bushes and weaving his way around the close set trunks surrounding them, “Speak for yourself Dew; you’re not carrying the stallion in question.”

The pony wasn’t heavy if Spike was being honest, but his constant squirming was like an itch Spike couldn’t scratch on his back. Keeping his eyes fixed on the terrain ahead Spike did his best to ignore the struggling unicorn and think of how much better things would be when he saw Twilight once again.

“Well since you’re in a talkative mood, why not start by telling us where you got this from?” Night Dew asked in the same sing song tone that Stand Fast was coming to dread as she unslung the ‘long shot’ from off her back, “I can see you’re a clever stallion, but I doubt you came up with this thing all by yourself.”

Spike felt the Stand Fast go still for a moment before he responded, “If I tell you all I know will you let me go?”

Spike winced, he could almost hear Night Dew’s grin growing wider, “Well that depends on what you tell us. You came very close to hurting my dear friend below you, not to mention the appalling state of your work force back at the dig site. What were you unearthing there by the way?”

“Untie me and I’ll answer that question, sounds fair?” Stand Fast responded and Spike felt the rush of wind as Night Dew flitted past and hovered before his face.

“What do you think Spiky, Can we trust him?” Spike rolled his eyes before releasing a small cloud of smoke. He hated being drawn into the bat pony’s methods of interrogation; she always made him out to be the bad cop.

Night Dew flapped back over Spike’s shoulder to address Stand Fast once more, “I for one would let you go, but Spike here has a temper on him. You know how dragon’s can be,” Spike nodded to himself, yep here she goes

“I may be able to convince him that you didn’t truly mean him any harm and were just scared that’s all, but if you don’t give me something to work with I will find it awfully hard to stop the big guy toasting you,” Night Dew commented in a suggestive way and though Spike couldn’t see her face, he could picture the simpering look Dewy must have been giving their captive.

Spike felt a tremble go through the pony laced to his back, “Well, I er....” He knew what was expected of him and let out a low rumble that vibrated his chest along with the captive bound to him.

“We were digging up gems okay! Boss wanted more long shots and other tech so we were gathering gems to sell to our supplier alright!” Stand Fast squeaked as he failed to live up to his name.

Spike felt Dewy at his ear once more before she whispered to him, “See now that wasn’t so hard now was it?” Night Dew commented, “All it took was a little dragon purr.” Spike grunted and Stand Fast gave another little whimper. He had no intention of hurting Stand Fast, but sadly the he didn't know that.

“And who is your supplier then? Give me that and we can talk about letting you ride sat up at least,” Night Dew had an opening now and was intent of forcing it as wide as it would go.

There was another pause as Spike side stepped a dilapidated oak tree with cobwebs and large beards of moss hanging from it. “I don’t know honestly: We always traded through a contact. Some earth pony that boss has ties with.”

“And what’s his name then?” Night Dew pressed.

The reply was lost on Spike; he suddenly had the feeling they weren’t alone here and as his scaled nostrils flared he caught the scent of more than just the unicorn and bat pony with him, “Er Dew...”

Night Dew flitted over again before responding in a hushed whisper, “I know big guy, just keep walking. I don’t want them to know we’re on to them.”

“It seems my friend here is willing to stop a little way ahead for you Stand Fast, we can look into your seating arrangements then,” Night Dew commented, showing no sign of unease before leaning in close to Spike’s head once more.

“There are at least six, all ponies by the shape of them, I guess we didn’t slip away as quietly as we hopped huh?” Her tone was calm but Spike was sure he caught the slightest hint of stain on Night Dew’s face out of the corner of his eye.

“Yep you’re right Spike that clearing up ahead seems a good place to me.” Night Dew’s voice called out, “I’ll just fly ahead to check it out.”

Spike felt his heart quicken as Night Dew Whispered once more into his ear, “I’m gonna make a break for it and circle around to see if I can draw some of them away. When you hear the signal; you start running.”

“What signal?” Spike hissed back, but Night Dew was already soaring ahead, nimbly darting from tree to tree like a darker shadow among the shady forest.