• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 2,195 Views, 46 Comments

Here be too much Dragon. - Golden Paw

Every pony saw this coming, Spikes a dragon with his cute baby years behind him and Twilight is at her wits end as to what to do with her 'little' brother. But help's at hoof when Luna calls in an old favour to aid her

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Rekindling Kinship

Rekindling Kinship

"Okay, this has got to stop you two! Applebloom is refitting the Bloomberg even as we speak and I promised her there would be no fights from you two while we're on board," Twilight snorted as the pair of dragons glared at each other over a crackling fire pit. She had arrived, weary after another long day at the test centre only to find Warden and Spike were still at odds with each other.

Despite Warden's words, Twilight believed his interests in her went deeper than the older dragon dared admit. There was still an undercurrent of unrest between Spike and himself; a problem that needed to be resolved. She sat down, folded her hooves and glared as Spike and Warden continued to eye each other warily.

"I have already explained to Spike that I have no romantic intentions towards you Miss Sparkle; even if I did beat him according to dragon customs in a fair duel and would be completely within my rights to pursue you Princess." Warden coughed as Spike's eyes narrowed, "Had I any intention of doing so of course," He finished as Twilight rolled her eyes.

"As you keep reminding us Warden, I'm flattered and everything, but one dragon in my life is enough for the moment thank you very much. The point is I need to know that I can trust you two not to wreck the ship we have just completed with any more silly quarrels?" Twilight looked angrily from one scaled face to the other and found that neither could meet her eye.

"Well? She insisted.

Spike bowed his head in submission, "Sorry Twi, I'll control my temper better I promise."

"I promise that I shall take greater care not to impose on what you perceive as yours Spike," Warden agreed.

Twilight studied the pair for a while longer before unfolding her fore legs and arising once more, "Good enough I guess, but if I hear of any more of such behaviour I will have the guilty parties jettisoned and you can make your own ways to the migration."

Both dragons nodded in compliance before Twilight's mood brightened, "Now that we have some ground rules settled, it's time for the next part of the plan," Twilight produced a pen and scroll before cheerfully striking out 'Get the two dragon's to make up' and moved to the next item on her checklist.

"Warden had a very good suggestion as to how we could discover if you have any living relatives Spike," Twilight announced, ignoring Warden even as his eyes burned with passion. She she finally glanced sternly at him and with a couple of blinks Warden's expression returned to normal before he addressed Spike:

"Indeed you have learnt all I need to teach you so far, as such I have been working on a solution to your 'origins' question. I do believe I have a spell that may help in your search," He reached in the fire pit and grabbed a smouldering ember before beginning to trace symbols on the stone floor.

"There is a rite that dragons sometimes use to prove their entitlement to challenge another flight member, seldom used these days as we keep far better records now," Warden became fully engrossed in his work, falling into his well worn habits of teaching, "When two dragons both claimed the right to leadership on any issue and found themselves too closely matched to settle in the normal way, they would sometimes revert to the 'rite of linage'."

Despite his personal feelings about Warden, Spike found himself drawn in and followed Warden's sketching with interest, "The concept is that the dragon with closer blood ties to the flight would have the support of their fellows and therefore be a more efficient leader. Both dragons would place one of their own scales within a specially wrought magical symbol: The scale which glowed the brightest in the presence of the oldest member of the flight would prove its owner held the closest ties."

Warden completed his work and with delicate care removed a scale from the back of his fore arm before placing it in the centre of the ring of magical symbols. Both Spike and Twilight gasped as the scale began to glow a dark red, "As I said it wasn't a popular method of choosing a leader, but it got me thinking."

Warden beckoned Spike closer and the scale grew perceptively brighter as he approached. Spike's eyes went wide in surprise, "Does this mean I am closely related to you Warden?"

His hopes were dashed as Warden in question shook his head slowly, "No more than any other dragon hatchling, you see we all have a common ancestor in Whisper and as such the scale will glow near any dragon other than its owner. Only when it changes from red to yellow do we know they are of the same flight and should it shine white then it indicates a direct family member."

Spike's enthusiasm dimmed along with the scale as he lent away from it, "So how does that help me then?"

This time it was Twilight who responded excitedly, "Well I believe I could alter the spell so that it would be placed upon an item such as amulet or ring and then we could add one of your own scales Spike. Think about it, you could wear it and when you came near a dragon you're closely related to it would let us know." Twilight's eyes reflected the shining scale as they went wide with wonder, "Just think Spike, we can find your flight!"

Spike began to catch the essence of what Warden and Twilight were getting at, "You mean we really could find out who I am?" Twilight nodded eagerly and even though Warden's eyes had taken on that hungry look again Spike was too happy to care.

Warden blinked furiously as he refocused on Spike once more, "I hope this will go some way to my regaining of your trust once more Spike; also as another sign of good faith I can teach you a few tricks should you need to settle any other disagreements with fellow dragons."

Spike was taken aback by such an offer, it was true he hadn't been able to lay a claw on Warden during their last bout and it showed a huge amount of contrition on Warden's part to teach a potential rival how to be more dangerous, "You mean you can teach my dragon magic?" Spike's astonishment was once again replaced by excitement at the idea of using magic himself.

Warden looked uncomfortable, "Spike I don't want to disappoint you, but I can't teach you magic. Dragon's are a bit like pony breeds in that regard, we each have special traits or 'aspects' inherited from Whisper that make us unique." Warden indicated his own pair of swept back horns. "Similar to a unicorn I channel my spells through my horns, as for yourself...."

Spike nodded sadly, as he rubbed the spines adorning his own head, "That's not my trait right?

Warden nodded in return, "Your magic is undoubtedly more akin to say earth ponies, and as such manifests itself in more subtle ways than mine; but is no less powerful for being so. For one thing I would have almost no chance of directly attacking you with a spell." The older dragon's teaching demeanour reasserted itself once more, "But I have taught many drakes Spike and most of them were of a different aspect to my self. I'm confident you can learn a few worth while tricks that don't require such talents."

Twilight had a confused look in her eyes as she listened to Warden's explanation, "Warden that doesn't make sense to me, you're implying Spike is highly magically resistant, then how was I able to cast spells on him so easily?"

The older reptile smiled in a besotted way towards Twilight before shaking his head clear, "Well for one thing my dear you are an alicorn and thus have far stronger magic than most creatures; plus dragons toughen up as they get older, I am assuming that you were able to perform a number of spells on Spike during his early years," Warden grinned, "I think you would find it far harder now, even with your considerable abilities."

Twilight tried to recall the last time she had successfully cast a spell to affect Spike and found she couldn't, well apart from maybe 'number twenty-five'. She smiled to herself as Twilight recalled the eager little assistant of yesteryear and her eyes filled with nostalgia as she looked at the impressive dragon before now.

"you know, he's right Spike there were a number of times I could have zapped you silly when you were being a real pain," Twilight agreed as she mentally reviewed the various times she had truly been tempted to blast Spike for his latest disaster.

Spike wrung his claws in embarrassment and Warden let out a genuine laugh, "Well we're solving that problem now huh? We have all done some foolish things in our time."

With a renewed sense of comradeship, Warden put his taloned hands around his friend's shoulders, "So as I was saying, now that I have taught you how to use this," Warden tapped Spike's head with a claw, "I can show you the proper way to use these." Warden firmly took Spike's hand and indicated the sharp claws found there.

"Okay, now we need to adjust the magical lines to become attuned with the dragon in question," Warden cautioned as Twilight bent arcane forces to the desired form: The spell was proving far more difficult to adapt than the princess had first anticipated.

"I can see where it's meant to go, but it's proving reluctant," Twilight responded as a small trickle of sweat rolled down her muzzle. It wasn't that the magic was too powerful for her to control; (she had dealt with far stronger spells in the past) it was the nature of magic itself that was the problem Twilight realised.

Though similar to unicorn magic, the source of dragon spells that bore the greatest difference. Whereas pony spell casters drew their power from the basic magical fields in the air, dragon magic came up from the ground. It was sturdier and far more resilient to being shaped and crafted. It wanted to flow naturally, strongly, objecting to being drawn or altered; but Twilight was dedicated, skilled and above all a very quick study.

So with no small effort and following the continuing directions of Warden, the magical spell was woven. The charm was embedded in simple flat stone which had been threaded through with a strong metal cord. The newly formed amulet bore a round hole in its centre which now held one of Spike's purple scales suspended in a invisible force. Twilight snorted with success and as the enchantment was completed the scale began to glow a dull red.

"Marvellous princess, I'm greatly impressed," Warden beamed with pride even as he watched Spike nodding in agreement. "As far as I'm aware there has never been a pony who could cast a dragon spell with so little practice."

Twilight smiled at the praise, but looked slightly worn from the effort. "That's a lot harder than number sixteen huh Spike?" She grinned at her large brother who couldn't help but chuckle in reply. Twilight floated the completed talisman over to Spike who took it gently before examining it closely.

"I can't thank you both enough for this," His eyes were rimmed with tears. With great care Spike lifted the gift and lowered it around his thick neck before he felt a gentle warmth spreading from the talisman. It was hard for Spike to describe the feeling, but the closest approximation was that it felt like home.

"It may be Spike that your blood line has died out," Warden cautioned with some solemnity, "But at least this will give you the best chance of finding out the truth one way or another."

Spike was annoyed that Warden would have to put a dampener on their happy mood, but when he saw the earnest expression in the older reptile's eyes this feeling vanished. The his tutor looked genuinely dismayed at the thought.

"Thanks Warden, I know you mean well and I really do appreciate all your help," Spike bowed to Warden and when he looked up again saw a renewed smile adorning his face.

Twilight beamed as her world had returned to harmony: The Apples were working together again, Spike and Warden were friends again, (for the moment it at least) The Bloomberg was almost ready to depart and Twilight had high hopes for a successful journey to the dragon migration in a few weeks time. Mustn't get complacent she reminded herself.

"Right, I hope you two can play nicely while I leave you to visit with Princess Celestia. I need to finalise the details of our journey. From what I understand, the Royal Sisters we will need us to make a couple of stops along the way and I want to know all I can before we set out," Twilight gave Spike a loving hug before (much to Warden's surprise) bestowing a strong embrace for him also.

"Don't give me reasons to regret my trust in you, if one scale of Spike's hide is out of place when I visit next time I'll banish you myself. Spike's not the only one who can be very protective of those they care about," Twilight whispered into Warden's ear even as she smiled at Spike in a warm way. Warden chuckled before he saw the serious expression on Twilight's face and a shiver snaked down his back.

"I understand princess, I'll have Spike ready for anything in no time," Warden fought to keep his voice level in the face of Twilight's gaze and visibly relaxed when she turned to wish Spike a fond goodbye.

Twilight galloped right off the edge of the plateau before flying out into the dusk in the direction of Ponyville and Warden glanced at Spike who was waving her off sadly. It was a scene that had been repeated every day since Warden's arrival, but for the first time the dragon tutor felt more than a little out of his depth.

"So, what about these fighting moves you were going to show me huh?" Spike grinned as he turned to Warden, an expression of expectation plastered across his face and Warden felt his stomach lurch.

"Yes, yes that's the plan, but I think it can wait until tomorrow Spike; I have some further planning in light of more recent developments. I think you should get some rest and we can start bright and early," To Warden's relief Spike seemed at ease with this plan and with a simple good night, made his way further into the his cave.

This left Warden sitting alone on the grassy verge, giving him some quiet time to contemplate what had just happened. As the moon slowly rose, Warden reviewed the events that had taken him from a small hatchling, to the powerful and important drake he was today before ultimately leading him to this moment.

In his core the dragon was confused, Twilight was simply fascinating and the more time he spent with her and Spike the stronger his desire for Twilight grew. It wasn't a physical attraction, but more a longing for who she was: That Twilight had accomplished in one evening a spell it had taken Warden years to learn was simply amazing.

Now he was seeing that she was just as fierce and protective of Spike as any she drake would be for their own kin and that caused stirring within his old heart once more. Oh that you had been born a dragon.....

He began it quietly; a haunting tune and had any other creature heard it they would have been utterly astonished to hear such a soft sound coming from a dragon. Warden was singing, he hadn't planned to do so, but the feelings in his heart needed to find expression in some manner.

It built in feeling if not volume, for a dragon to sing was a rare thing indeed and Warden didn't want others to hear. He sung in ancient dragon tongue, no longer spoken these days and Warden filled the sky about him with the melancholy sounds of a drake denied.

That no one else understood him was no matter, he needed to voice his feelings: How a pony could win the heart of one such as he and how Warden so wished that things could have been different. He weaved the song borne of hopes for his people, that one day they could live as Whisper had intended and how that then would never fall into war and strife once again. Most of all Warden sung, for it was to sing or cry.

As the melody concluded the dragon heard a small sniffle from above, "That was simply beautiful Warden."

Embarrassed, Warden winced before looking upwards to see Luna sitting on a small cloud. He took a number of deep breaths before flapping his wings to bring himself level with his 'eaves dropper' and saw there were small tears in her turquoise eyes.

"Your highness, may I assume you have been observing this whole time?" Warden asked in a resigned tone.

"Well I was just passing by and thought I would drop in and see how you're all getting on, I however didn't mean to intrude on such a personal moment." Luna smiled, clearly moved by the song before continuing, "If I may: We all have unfulfilled hopes and dreams Warden, it's part of life to overcome and learn from the disappointment. That with each dream we miss, another happy possibility comes to be."

"You understood it?" Warden asked in shock, there weren't many dragons alive that could have understood the old dragon speech, let alone a pony; even one as old as Luna.

The princess chuckled softly, "Warden, I've been great friends with Thortax for many, many years and he isn't the first dragon I have befriended. You forget I was there with Whisper.

Warden just floated there in shocked silence for a time, before cursing himself as a fool. It was one thing to know your history, but completely another to be reminded that it was talking to you, "Of course princess, I just always assumed that it was a private language for us dragons. I should not be surprised that one such as yourself would know it."

Luna smiled warmly, "No offence taken I assure you my young dragon."

Now it was time for Warden to laugh, it had been some time since anyone had called him young. His embarrassment only grew as he realised that Luna must have heard his every longing and secret spoken in verse, "Princess, I humbly ask that you do not repeat any of what you now know." He looked to her with pleading.

Luna gently put her hoof to his snout, "Of course Warden, I would never repeat something so personal. I've had lots of practice you know."

Warden titled his head, "So it is true then? I had heard that you guarded ponies dreams while they slept, I had always thought it was rumour and nothing more."

Luna smiled mischievously, "That and a few other things I have seen and heard in my time. The night tends to be very quiet and one hears many things if one was to listen carefully."

Warden nodded as quiet fell once more, the whisper of the wind and his slowly beating wings the only sounds to be heard. Luna looked up at the dark sky as the last of Celestia's rays fled with their sun and felt the gentle breeze ruffle her star strewn mane, "Be careful warden, I more than most know how an obsession can drive one to do things they will forever regret."

"I know princess, I am just afraid of what is to become of us....dragons I mean. The world is moving and many dragons are abandoning the old ways for far more selfish ones: I have studied our past, our legends and they tell us that Celestia and yourself saved us from ourselves," Warden felt there was no point in hiding his fears from the princess, she'd heard enough already in his lament. Luna simply nodded and beckoned for Warden to continue.

"I have seen the patterns of the past, that we are well due for a time of strife as the younger drakes turn from their noble heritage. I fear we will not weather another internal war and should that spill over to other lands......." Warden didn't have to finish as Luna gently shushed him once again.

"Dear Warden we have not forgotten our promises to Whisper, even after all this time. Celestia and I will do all we can to help. Why do you think we agreed to have our newest princess come to represent Equestria in the next great migration? That we commissioned an air ship of such splendour to carry her there?" Luna's face was serious and Warden felt his heart skip a beat.

"You did make it to confront us then? If Equestria understands the rising threat of us dragons then the more warlike races must have also," Warden's fears were being realised before his eyes and he buried his head in his claws, Luna placed her hoof under the reptile's chin and lifted to look hin to his tearful eyes.

"Do not fear or despair noble Warden, The ship is not to fight your people, but to show them what can be achieved when creatures of all kinds work together. Yes we may have dreamed up the idea, but every sentient race we know of had a hoof or claw in its making; apart from dragons sadly, but that by their own choice." Luna explained.

"I knew nothing of this!" Warden was stunned, "Lord Thorax said nothing of dragons being invited to share in Equestria's discoveries."

Luna looked at Warden with an ancient gaze, far older than her youthful face would suggest, "He's one of the few dragons who even responded to our invitation, almost all other the flights didn't even acknowledge the missive."

Warden gulped in apprehension, "What was his reply?"