• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 2,195 Views, 46 Comments

Here be too much Dragon. - Golden Paw

Every pony saw this coming, Spikes a dragon with his cute baby years behind him and Twilight is at her wits end as to what to do with her 'little' brother. But help's at hoof when Luna calls in an old favour to aid her

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Shocks and Shields

Shocks and Shields.

The first indication that something was amiss were the alarms sounding throughout the Bloomberg and Spike snapped his head up as Warden strode into the cargo bay.

Spike had been busy peering out of the small portholes that lined the bay’s sides when the intercom announced that they were crossing the border. It had been so many years since he’d trekked across these plains as a toddler and Spike was eager to see if things had changed in his absence.

The narrow view of scenery below only made him more frustrated rather than satisfying his curiosity. The limited view of rocky spires and patches of scrub didn’t really tell Spike anything and his efforts to press his snout up against the glass only rewarded the dragon with fogging of the view port.

Warden approached Spike with a stony faced expression, “Hatchling we have company: Two dragons are approaching.”

Spike’s stomach lurched as he understood Warden’s implications; in their lessons Warden had taught Spike the basic protocol when one dragon wished to enter another’s territory. At best there would be a great amount of posturing and threats, at worst a full blown fight.

Neither prospect filled Spike with confidence as he watched how Warden still carried himself with an injured gait, “Warden you’re in no shape to confront two other dragons right now.....” Spike realised what he was saying and expected the other dragon to snarl in rage, but to his astonishment Warden simply smiled.

“I’m not so proud as to deny that Hatchling, but if things turn ugly we’re going to need another dragon to stand up to them,” Warden’s smile held very little humour.

Spike felt a chill run down his spine, “Warden no, I’m not ready, I have never had to do anything like this before. You can’t seriously expect me to know what to do?”

Warden folded his arms and drummed the claws of his good hand on the upper arm of his other deep in thought, “Well as loath as I am to admit it Spike, I think Night Dew may be able to help us on that point.”

An expression of confusion covered Spike’s face as Warden proceeded to explain his plan to the younger dragon.

“This is the Bloomberg of the royal Equestrian navy, we are expected and have assurances of safe passage!” The poor communications pony shrank back as Twilight yelled down the microphone mere inches from his face.

All that came in response was another rush of fire that danced across the Bloomberg’s shields. It would have been a beautiful sight, had Twilight and the other crew not been the target of the attack.

The defence barrier was living up to its reputation as the Bloomberg had been bathed in dragon fire several times over the last few minutes and showed no sign of yielding. The pair of dragons, a dark red serpentine monster along with a heavy set brown brute gave no indication they were going to stop their assault any time soon.

Twilight had spent most of that time angrily shouting through the broadcasters dotting the hull for the dragon’s to call off their attack, but they didn’t even acknowledge the hails. Smoke was starting curl from Twilight’s mane and tail as her frustrations made themselves known.

Why did they have to be so unreasonable? All we want to do is attend a meeting which the dragons invited us too? An exasperated groan escaped Twilight’s throat as the various means of diplomatic arguments she knew of fell on deaf ears.

In desperation Twilight had even tried invoking some of the ancient dragon threats that Warden had talked about, (the cryptic dragon had left the bridge shortly after the attack had begun, saying something about buying him a little time) these threats only caused the pair of drakes outside to assail them with even more vigour.

Nothing she’d tried had worked and Twilight was on the verge of ordering the flight crews to attempt to drive the dragons off when Belario called out to her, “Princesse; the cargo bay doors are opening and part of the shield array is going off line.”

“What!” Twilight shouted in dismay as she checked the readouts for herself. It was indeed true, the keel emitters were off line and the main doors were creeping open.

Twilight hammered the communication station in alarm, causing the officer present to wince, “Warden what in Celestia’s name do you think you’re doing! You’re in no shape to take on two dragons right now!”

When no reply came Twilight snorted, before rushing over to the main view screen. From this angle she still couldn’t see what was happening below and jumped back as yet another jet of fire washed over the shields. Even though Twilight had tested them herself and knew they would hold; the urge duck was instinctive. Testing the barriers was one thing; depending on them to keep you alive was another.

Pulling herself together Twilight pressed the side of her muzzle against the glass and strained to see below. If we get through this I’m going to make some sort of scrying machine that lets you see what’s going on around you, Twilight decided as she finally caught sight of a dragon emerging from below.

“Warden you get back...oh by the heavens I’ll kill him!” Twilight snarled as she saw that it wasn’t Warden but Spike that had left the ship.

Twilight struck the window with such force that many of the watching crew feared it would shatter before the relieved voice of Belario called out, “The shields are back up your highness.”

Twilight felt anything but relief, that meant Spike was now stuck outside with the two attackers: The dragons in question had broken off their attack and now hovered at a short distance with slow beats of their wings.

As Spike faced down the pair Twilight felt her legs go weak, her little Spike was out there and.... the red opponent let out a roar before launching himself at Spike and Twilight needed to hold the guide rail beside her as fear jangled along the nerves of her spine.

Spike held his ground until the last possible moment before swerving quickly to one side and shot out both arms to grapple his attacker. Twilight held her breath as with surprising skill Spike used the other dragon’s own momentum against it and spun it around in mid air.

The shocked dragon found itself sailing through the air on a direct collision course with his astonished companion. The heavier brown dragon was struck bodily by the red missile its friend had become and both tumbled away before correcting their fall.

Twilight was impressed despite her fears, that was actually pretty clever of Spike and a blossom of pride swelled in the pony’s heart for her adopted sibling. The sounds on the bridge dropped away as the ensuing conflict unfolded before them.

Spike pumped his wings and gained more height causing Twilight and the other watchers to crane their necks to follow his path. The two other dragons split up this time, the smaller red one circling around and behind Spike, while the brown one focused on keeping his attention.

He’s outnumbered and needs help Twilight decided. She tore her fearful gaze away from the battle and yelled to the crew, “Belario, get the launch bays open, I want the flight teams ready to support Spike now!”

Twilight had been hesitant to launch, putting her air crews in the mortal danger of facing down two dragons, but it seemed their own dragons had forced Twilight’s hoof. So with a heavy heart she had given the order, only to find she was to be frustrated once again.

“Princesse the crews report ready, but engineering informs me that the barrier won’t release!” The griffon’s response caused ice to fill Twilight’s bones.

“Get me Applebloom, I want those pegasi and griffons in the air now!” Twilight yelled in an exasperated manner, the normally warm colour of her coat paling with fear.

“Yer gonna move it right now mister, or Celestia help me, dragon or no I’ll buck yer teeth right down yer throat!” Applebloom bellowed at Warden who was blocking her way to the power room with a smug expression.

Despite the engineer’s fury Warden didn’t budge, “Trust me Miss Bloom, this is the safest course of action.”

Applebloom’s eyes bugled while Pipsqueak stood resolutely by her side, hefting a heavy looking wrench with determination, “Safest? Spike is stuck out there alone, yer manure brained reptile! Twilight wants them flight crews out helping now!”

“Which is why I will not move Miss Bloom, your fellows will only get in the way. This is dragon business,” Warden proclaimed as if that settled the matter.

“Now don’t yer be getting all ‘dragon privacy’ on me Warden, Spike needs our help and yer stopping it! He’s our friend so that makes it pony business too.” Applebloom’s gaze should have melted Warden into a puddle on the floor if Pip was any judge.

The stallion wished he felt the same determination as Applebloom as he watched warden carefully. Pip felt scared of facing Warden, so scared his legs felt like jelly; but Applebloom needed him now and he wouldn’t be found wanting.

Warden shook his head, “Sorry Miss Bloom, if Spike is going to be taken seriously at all in dragon society then he has to show that he can hold his own.”

Pip cringed as Applebloom visibly trembled with rage, “This is mutiny Warden, I won’t let yer stop me.” The mare took a dangerous step forward and Warden actually looked surprised.

“You would actually challenge me Miss Bloom?” Warden’s voice was a mix of scorn and humour in equal measure.

Applebloom’s eyes narrowed, “Yer darn tootin I would, here on my own ship, with Spike in trouble n Twilight givin me orders.”

Pipsqueak glanced at the unconscious guard and technician at Warden’s feet as the two argued, evidently Warden had already subdued them before Applebloom and Pip’s arrival. If he was being honest he didn’t think Applebloom could take warden, but guessed she would put up one heck of a fight before she went down. Most likely damaging the vital parts of the ship in the process. It seemed in everybody’s best interest that things didn’t come to blows here.

Warden actually laughed at that, “Well it can only be a mutiny Miss Bloom if I were actually part of the crew. I’m just a guest making a creative redirection of your resources.”

Pipsqueak frantically looked around for inspiration before things got even further out of hoof. He scrunched his muzzle as Applebloom braced her legs and pawed at the deck plate in a meaningful manner.

She would do it too Pip told himself. Applebloom would fight Warden if he didn’t do something. He stared about and saw a number of exposed power lines running along the wall, its access panel was propped up, leaving the innards of the ship showing through. They must have been half way through maintenance when Warden intervened here. Pip’s mind raced as a crazy idea struck him.

“Last chance Warden, either yer let me through or I’ll show you just what an earth pony can do,” Applebloom threatened and Warden’s eyes shone with relish as she began to advance towards him.

“I’ll try not to hurt you Miss Bloom, please don’t make this more difficult than....” Warden’s plea was cut off as Pipsqueak yelled at the top of his lungs.

“Duck boss!” He stuck his trusty wrench in among the cables before hauling on it with admirable strength. One line broke free and Pip grabbed hold of it, tensing as flashes of arcane power began to spew from its end. Writhing like lightning, the power caused tiny scorch marks to appear where it contacted the metal around them. Trembling, Pipsqueak ‘aimed’ the dancing lines of energy at Warden, thankful that Applebloom had thrown herself to the ground.

The dragon had a brief moment to look surprised before the magical lightning struck him dead in the chest and caused him to drop to the floor shuddering. Pip held on grimly as the lights flickered and Warden continued to spasm on the ground. Applebloom saw what was happening before pushing past the shuddering Pip and slammed down the emergency cut off switch further along the hall.

The dancing light cut off suddenly along with the lamps to their section, leaving only the light that filtered from adjoining corridors to see by before there was a moment of shocked silence. Applebloom slowly turned to the trembling Pipsqueak and saw he was still gripping the cable tightly, all the while staring at the fallen Warden.

“That was right stupid Pip, I could have been in fer a nasty shock,” Applebloom’s face with a confused mix of relief and anger. She noted the damaged cable, the scorched metal and finally focused on Pipsqueak who still hadn’t moved.

Waving a hoof in front Pip’s wide eyes, Applebloom watched as the foolish stallion twitched from the after effects of his plan: A pony couldn’t hold an exposed power cable without experiencing a smaller shock at the very least and so Applebloom watched as tiny jitters played across Pipsqueaks whole body.

She then glanced at Warden who to her relief was out cold on the decking before muttering. “Stupid plan, doubt it would have worked if Warden weren’t so bashed up already.”

The engineer grinned, sauntered back to Pipsqueak and gave him a small peck on the cheek, “That was real brave, now never do anything like that again yer hear?” Pipsqueak’s eyes went wide before a tiny smile appeared on his lips. He finally released the cable and slumped to the floor, one hoof still twitching.

Pip had the image of Applebloom grinning down at him, before she carefully stepped over the recumbent Warden and began the process of clearing the way for the flight teams.

Spike ducked a swiping claw from the red dragon ahead of him, and flapped his wings hurriedly, doing his best to avoid the follow up strikes that followed.

It had seemed like a good plan at the time, Warden had borrowed a pair of Night Dew’s listening devices so he could talk Spike through the upcoming fight. Spike had one of the little black jewels fastened to his ear and Warden had been giving him a steady flow of advice through the opening moments of the fight.

Not long ago however Warden had said something about him not letting Spike be disturbed and the link had gone dead. Now Spike was being assailed by two very angry dragons and frantically trying to hold his own.

The red dragon came for him again, his mouth open wide and talons splayed ready to strike. Spike thought he could see every fang in the other dragon’s mouth and felt his mind go blank. No matter how hard he tried, the various combat manoeuvres Warden had tried to drill into Spike refused to be recalled.

Instinctively he ducked the onrushing foe and to his great surprise it worked better than planned: Spike was rewarded by the sound of a heavy thud and looking up he saw that his two opponents had once again collided with each other.

Spike’s heart was racing as the two allies disentangled themselves and both faced him with renewed anger, what was Warden doing?

His two opponents glanced at one another before nodding in agreement and came towards Spike at the same time. He folded his wings and dove towards the ground, quickly pursued by the dragons behind.

The scrub land rushed up to meet Spike, who snapped his wings open again and turned the dive into a steep swoop. He felt the tallest patches of bracken scrape his claws as he pounded his wings once again, the action throwing up a cloud of dust from the dry ground beneath him.

Spike spared a look behind to see if they were still chasing him and to his dismay they were, the slightly bulkier brown dragon had clipped the ground but was even now pumping his wings to get air borne and renew his chase.

As Spike turned back he saw the imposing form of the Bloomberg above him and was forced to angle his ascent to avoid colliding with the ship. He passed close enough to see the crew inside and Twilight banging on the glass view screen while shouting at someone mutely through the glass.

He didn’t have time to wonder about that as Spike felt a tug on his tail and looking back saw that ‘red scales’ grappled him. Acting more on instinct than conscious thought Spike heaved his tail around and dragged his 'passenger' with it until red scales connected with the Bloomberg’s shields in a flash.

This had the same effect of slamming the smaller dragon into the ground at the speed they were trawling, the shield was unyielding and red scales rebounded off it with a cry of dismay before falling back.

Spike grinned to himself in triumph, but that soon faded as ‘brown scales’ heaved a deep breath and sent a stream of yellow flame chasing after him. The fire was more of a discomfort than a danger to Spike and began to dawn on him that he was actually winning this fight.

The realisation of this filled Spike with fresh confidence and he tilted his wings until he swooped back around the bridge of the Bloomberg and headed right for brown scales. Spike’s opponent saw the change in his behaviour and attempted to brace himself before the inevitable impact.

Leaning his head aside Spike struck the other dragon with his shoulder and was rewarded by a wheezing gasp escaping the now winded foe. He let brown scales fall back and turned his attention to red scales again who was even now diving at him once more, clawed hands reaching out.

Spike felt a thrill go through him that had eluded him for a long time and with almost leisurely grace flicked his wings, avoiding the attacker’s claws before swinging around so that he held the much smaller dragon in a tight head lock.

Red scales thrashed, his serpentine body coiling and bending in ways that Spike couldn’t hope to match, but fortunately didn’t need to. His confidence growing with each passing moment Spike held on defiantly, his muscles bunching until the other dragon’s struggles weakened.

Spike grinned as the dragon in his grasp made a choking sound and triumph filled his heart, it was only when he caught Twilight watching him from the Bloomberg, her face full of fear that Spike realised what he was actually doing.

There was a sudden flash of crackling noise from the small gem that Warden had used to communicate which caused Spike to jump and release his captive. Spike shook himself down before snarling a warning, “leave and don’t bother us again, understand?” Red scales gasped for air for a few moments before glaring at him with vindictive yellow eyes.

Red scales actually looked ready to try again and Spike felt his anger rise before growling threateningly. Much to Spike’s relief his opponent cowered back, and after a moment turned tail before fleeing with steady beats of his wings.

His first foe beaten Spike turned his attention back to the brown scaled dragon who was now a safe distance from the Bloomberg and hovering uncertainly. Deep in his core Spike knew what to do and took a deep breath.

The lance of green fire leaped out and missed the other dragon by mere inches. Causing the closest parts of brown scale’s hide to blacken from the heat wash. Now thoroughly defeated the last dragon quickly swung around and headed off after his companion.

Spike felt elated, his limbs were tingling, the sense of achievement fizzed in his blood and feelings of power burned in his muscles. He titled his head back and roared to the sky in victory, emitting a ball of green fire simply for the sheer joy of doing so. It had been a long time since Spike had felt this alive.

He turned back to the Bloomberg expecting to see a proud Twilight watching him celebrate, but instead she watched him with wide eyes and a terribly uncertain expression. The sense of victory quickly drained out of Spike as he saw his sister looking at him with fear and worry.

It had been months since she'd looked at Spike that way, Twilight hadn't stared like that since the wedding...... Spike felt a poison cloud of anxiety smother his exultant mood and suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

He only noticed then that there was a crowd of pegasi and griffons all watching him from every direction with mixed expressions of awe and in far too many cases, fear. After a tense moment passed the griffon Spike recalled as being named Flash Point drew closer, a gleam of wonder in his eyes.

“Outstandingly fought Spike; a real inspiration to watch,” Spike felt a brief flash of pride at the griffon’s words and then it struck Spike as to what made him so uncomfortable: All the griffons were watching him with awe, whereas most of the fearful gazes were from the pegasi.

“Er thanks Flash, most of those moves were drilled into me by my tutor Warden,” Spike smiled uncertainly as Flash’s expression hardened.

“Ah yes, about Warden,” Flash replied in an evasive manner and Spike recalled the strange sound from the gem by his ear.

His face became full of concern, “Flash what has happened to Warden?”

Flash looked uneasy and several of the pegasi drifted back from Spike with unsubtle glances at one another. Flash coughed before replying, “There was an incident Spike, Warden has been placed under arrest.”

Spike's eyes went wide and several of the pegasi looked like they were going flee. Ignoring their stares he looked back to the Bloomberg’s bridge and saw Twilight standing with a microphone held in her magic.

“It’s true Spike, Warden has been placed under arrest for mutiny,” Twilight gave a huge sigh before continuing, her voice projected by the speakers of the Bloomberg. “You had best come back onboard so we can try and figure out what happened.”

Without another word, Spike saw Twilight hand the microphone to an awaiting aid before she trotted out of sight and he felt the stability of his world begin to tremble.

Warden glanced up as the door opened and Steel Resolve trotted in smartly, quickly followed by Twilight who wore a pained expression. The cramped room seemed to shrink even further as the two ponies entered.

Warden’s head ached from the shock that mottled pony had given him, his limbs were still stiff and sluggish to respond. He looked at the heavy chains attached to his wrists and worked his jaw in an attempt to make the mask he now wore comfortable.

He felt utterly humiliated and more than a little angry at his current predicament. Angry that he had let his own emotions get in the way of sound judgement and humiliated at being caught and chained by ponies.

Twilight was first to speak, sadness weighing heavily in her tone, “Thank you Steel that will be all.”

Steel’s face scrunched up, “But princess, he’s a mutineer and a dangerous captive. I would be remiss in my duty if...”

Twilight glared at Steel, before her face softened, “He’s also my friend captain and I trust he had good reasons for acting the way he did. Now I want you to leave us.”

Warden watched Steel who looked like he was about to argue before bowing smartly and heading out of the confined cell. Twilight’s gaze never left Warden and he wilted slightly at the disappointment found there.

“Warden I am going to remove your mask, don’t give me cause to regret it,” Twilight’s tone was level but Warden couldn't fail to feel the hurt and accusation held within.

After a quick flash of her horn, Warden felt the guarded mask covering his jaw fall away and he was able to open his mouth fully again.

“Thank you Miss Sparkle, though I assure you such precautions were unnecessary,” Warden said, trying to force his weak voice to sound stronger than it really was.

Twilight cocked a suspicious eyebrow at this stamtent, “Really Warden? Tell that to the two crew members you assaulted.”

Warden straightened up (well tried to) his sore muscles protested too much, “I merely got them out of the way and made sure they were only knocked out.” He watched as Twilight shook her head and screwed up her eyes.

She released an exasperated sound, “What were you thinking Warden, convincing Spike to take on two dangerous dragons alone before directly hampering our efforts to help him?” Twilight eyed the captive dragon angrily.

Warden wasn’t cowed however, he’d done what he thought was right and wouldn’t be dictated to by some pony, even if she was a princess. He grinned before replying, “Spike won though; he fought off two dragons all by himself.”

Twilight snorted, “Warden that’s not the point!”

Warden finally managed to pull himself up and did his best to strike a confident pose, “I think it is your highness, Spike needed to know that he could fight. He certainly will have to here in dragon lands.”

Warden regarded Twilight who still shook her head with frustration before he spoke again, “You saw how the dragon’s treated you and the other creatures on this ship. Most dragons only respect strength and power Miss Sparkle, and even then only from another dragon.”

Twilight hesitated for a moment and Warden pressed on, hoping he was getting somewhere, “When it became apparent that I was unable to confront these rogues it became necessary to make sure Spike was up to the task.”

Warden’s face softened, “I wanted to show you he’s ready too Twilight. Spike needs to see that for himself.” Warden reached out to brush Twilight’s cheek, but the restraints prevented him, “Twilight, I didn’t want any of your ponies getting hurt and now that Spike has shown he’s capable we are far less likely to be attacked again.”

Warden willed her to understand why he acted the way he did and for a moment Warden thought he’d gotten through to Twilight before the pony shook her head in response.

“Warden, you cannot just take matters into your own claws while on this vessel. I think I see how it could be hard taking orders and directions from those who are less than a tenth your age, it is like me taking advice from a foal still in nappies,” Twilight sounded so weary and Warden felt his resolve falter. Maybe he had acted too rashly?

Twilight pressed on, “But you need to trust us to handle things our way. Otherwise what’s the point of us coming at all?”

As Warden stopped to think about it, the unfamiliar feeling of self doubt began to make itself known. Twilight was putting forth a good argument and though he was loath to concede it Warden was inclined to agree with her. What’s happened to me? First I throw myself in harm’s way to save her, now I am listening to Twilight as if she knows better than I.

Twilight wasn’t finished however, “You spend so much time telling Spike and I how your history is private, that you don’t want it written down or told openly. Why is that Warden?”

Warden shifted uncomfortably, “Well its dragon’s business and....”

Twilight snorted again, “Don’t give me that line Warden, I think it’s because you’re embarrassed. I can hear it in your voice every time you speak about the old days, when dragons nearly destroyed themselves with all their pride and infighting.”

Warden felt his own anger rising at such an accusation, “It most certainly is not your highness. Dragon’s come from a proud linage, direct descendants of one of the first beings to walk the world.”

Twilight actually sneered at that, “Oh get over yourself Warden, you told me Whisper even regretted making you!”

A dangerous silence settled as these last words faded away and Warden felt the long since cooled fire rise in his heart. Who was she to talk to him in such a manner? Warden watched Twilight and never before had he felt so enamoured by her.

Twilight was standing tall and proud, breathing heavily and directly challenging Warden. She was even using logical arguments to counter his own which appealed to his mental fancies. It began to dawn on Warden that there was a tiny element of truth in Twilight’s words. Now he sat here, humbled and bound in chains he was prepared to believe that his own actions might have been wrong. What an insightful lesson to come from one so young.

Warden opened his mouth, said nothing and shut it again as Twilight continued to study him. Finally Warden swallowed and bowed his head contritely, “You are correct Princess, and it is these kinds of arrogant ways that will lead dragons to eventual destruction.”

Twilight’s face softened as Warden’s words washed over her and he spoke again, “I owe you and your crew an apology for my actions, if dragons are ever going to work with others we will need to swallow our pride sometimes.”

To Warden’s relief Twilight nodded in acceptance before replying, “Okay Warden, no one was seriously hurt this time. But if you want to remain on this ship then you are to follow the orders of myself and of the other officers. Is that clear?”

Warden bowed before Twilight and for the first time he realised that it was out of genuinely earned respect rather than just a formality that was required of him. His heart stirred as once again Warden wished she was a dragon, “Of course Miss Sparkle, I vow on my honour as a dragon and upon great Whisper, that I hold dear, that I will obey your orders as long as they don’t conflict with the oaths to my flight and home.”

For the first time since Twilight had entered the small room she smiled, “Very good Warden, I accept your pledge. If you have a suggestion then by all means tell me and I’ll hear you out and give it genuine consideration.”

The smile was infectious and soon Warden felt his own mouth curl upwards before Twilight concluded, “Now let’s go and congratulate Spike on a battle well fought.”