• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 2,200 Views, 46 Comments

Here be too much Dragon. - Golden Paw

Every pony saw this coming, Spikes a dragon with his cute baby years behind him and Twilight is at her wits end as to what to do with her 'little' brother. But help's at hoof when Luna calls in an old favour to aid her

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Plans and Pleasantries.

Plans and Pleasantries.

Spike felt the approaching dragon long before the wind swept over the camp, before a massive roar split the sky and certainly before the beast impacted. Its landing sending tremors rippling out from its landing. It was like fire in his veins and a siren call to his heart.

He’d been enjoying his simple meal in the cargo hold of Bloomberg, sick of the curious stares the other dragons had given him. The airship rattled in the sudden gale, causing Spike to lurch across the deck in his efforts to get to a port hole.

A monster of a dragon blocked out the skyline, his dark grey scales old and pitted. He was covered in ancient scars, evidence of his rough life. Spike felt his heart waver even as the blood thundered within him. This newcomer was at least the size of the Bloomberg and his massive claws could easily crush the tiny form of Warden who was now bowing to the enormous figure. That could only be Thortax. He matched Warden's description to the letter, from his arrowhead shaped head to his heavily muscled arms and battering ram like tail. Thortax's back was covered with bone spikes. Worn and battered just like the dragon himself, a few of them fractured and cracked.

This dragon dwarfed any other that Spike had before seen by several orders of magnitude and Spike would not have been ashamed to admit that he was terrified. Nor was he alone, ponies, griffons and the surrounding packs of lesser dragons all trembled in daunted awe.

The sight called up something deep in Spikes soul, the sense of power and majesty about this dragon made him want to spread his wings and roar to the sky in triumph, but also poured fear onto his heart which tempted him to hide under the largest rock he could find.

Even separated by the thick hull of the Bloomberg this new dragon’s voice easily carried into the cargo hold, reverberating through Spike's chest like a herd of buffalo thundering across his ribs. “Ah my faithful Warden. Sorry for the overly dramatic entrance, but I saw that the locals were getting restless.”

One enormous claw waved at the surrounding dragons who pulled back in awe, “I welcome you and your companions to the great meet. I trust your journey was eventful?”

Spike couldn't hear Warden’s reply but the towering drake nodded at in response with a grim expression. The monster’s eyes regarded the surrounding ponies and griffons with interest, all shrank back from his gaze like leaves driven by the breeze. His attention then moved to the surrounding dragons, “Be it known that any dragon or dragoness that violates the amnesty of this place in regards to these visitors will be answerable to me. They are to be treated with the same respect as any other flight in attendance, is that understood?”

All the surrounding beasts bowed in submission, not one daring to gainsay the monolithic dragon among them. With a snort of satisfaction he turned his head back to Warden, “I understand that the beings I wish to speak with are here Warden, please (he paused and chuckled with a sound that rattled Spike’s teeth) inform them that Lord Thortax seeks an audience.”

Spike felt a shiver of premonition pass through him, there couldn’t be anyone else Thortax could be referring to: The idea of him or Twilight having to stand before such a powerful dragon made Spike’s legs turn to jelly.

There was no question of Thortax meeting Twilight and Spike aboard the Bloomberg, nor was there anywhere around the camp private enough for such, so they found themselves flying towards the single peak at the centre of the caldera.

Thortax lead the way as a number of smaller dragons took up position around the pair. To Twilight’s surprise these drakes were all clad in armour of dark iron; beaten and shaped with brutal efficiency, but without elegance. She’d never thought of a dragon needing armour before, the idea was just alien to Twilight.

She glanced at Spike, seeing the miracle of her adoptive brother. He had grown so much and not just in stature either. His face was grim but upon seeing Twilight watching him Spike smiled weakly, “Don’t worry Twi, this will all be okay.”

She could recognise the effort to sound brave in his voice and Twilight loved him all the more for it. Here they were, flying behind the biggest dragon Twilight had ever seen, being escorted by dragon guards in dark armour. Spike was clearly terrified yet he still took the time to reassure her.

As they approached the looming peak of rock Twilight was staggered by its size; Thorax was enormous and his mighty frame dominated the sky, yet this peak was of an order of magnitude even greater. As the party came closer Twilight could make out details ahead; the rock glinted metallically in the weak moonlight filtering through the murky haze that permeated the dragon lands.

It began to dawn on Twilight that the metal plates worn by their escorts mirrored this pattern, the armour they wore no doubt taken from this very mountain. Whereas stone was often smoothed and weather beaten, the vast edifice before them was a collection of jagged outcrops and dark tunnels which looked like some giant smouldering metal cacti growing out of the planes below as wisps of smoke coiled from every opening along its sides.

Thorax angled his flight towards one of the largest openings, which reminded Twilight uncomfortably of a set of jaws ready to swallow them all. Further dragons stood sentinel either side of the opening, their reptilian gaze following the new comers with mute interest.

As Twilight passed through the portal she felt the rush of heat from inside and the same stifling humidity she’d felt in Vex’s home, only just like everything else in this place, far more intense. With an effort Twilight summoned a protective shield about herself, only for the escorting dragons to snarl in warning.

Suddenly frightened, Twilight’s control of the spell faltered and the hot air rushed in once again before Thortax grunted a warning, “The tower guard do not normally allow magic to be used within its walls princess, but you are not dragon and so I may be able to convince them to waver that rule.”

He halted his progress before glaring at the other dragons, “I will take full responsibility for the envoy.” The armoured drakes glanced at one another sceptically before Thortax spoke again, “She will not survive the inner chambers without some protection and you have my oath that the princess will not abuse such an exception made on her behalf.”

Thortax glanced at Twilight meaningfully, his slitted eyes were easily the size of herself and Twilight nodded in appreciation as well as understanding. Tentatively, she summoned the barrier once again and to her relief the guards didn’t object. The matter resolved for now, the party continued deeper into the mountain.

Despite Twilight’s fears her innate curiosity got the better of the her, “You speak like they don’t trust you either.”

Thortax glanced back to Twilight and the corner of his lips curled, “Perceptive, they don’t. The tower guard answer to no flight of authority other than their own. They leave their names and flight behind when they join.”

Twilight didn’t feel reassured, “So they’re in charge here?”

Thortax hesitated, “They have certain allowances and rights, but are not in charge as it were: They are enforcers and ‘protectors’.”

The large tunnel opened up into a vast glowing cavern and just when Twilight thought she couldn’t be awed further, yet more impressive sights came before her eyes. Above the lake of lava was a suspended platform of metallic stone, like a giant mushroom with its stalk emerging from the glowing pool below.

Thortax circled the cavern with Twilight and Spike in tow before landing heavily on the island. Their escort broke off and left the pair to their own devices before they set down also. Their ‘guards’ exited the chamber but remained posted at its entrance as Thortax settled himself.

“So you’re the famous Twilight Sparkle and the infamous hatchling that has brought us to this point,” His words were not accusatory, nor his tone.

Twilight shuddered, this mighty and ancient beast knew of her and her deeds. Thortax grinned as if reading her thoughts, “Don’t be so surprised little one, the workings of this world are not hidden from us. Do you honestly think such events as Nightmare Moon’s return and subsequent redemption, Discord’s release and taming would be a secret?” Thortax’s eyes gleamed with enthusiasm, “Of course I have heard of you.”

She felt her face redden and it had nothing to with the heat radiating from below, when put like that her life did seem pretty mythical, but Twilight just took things one faltering hoofstep at a time and somehow it always seemed to work out.

Thortax’s head drifted around to look Spike up and down, “And you, the hatchling born by unheard of means and raised by ponies. Here you stand before me at last,” Spike flinched as Thortax’s massive head came in close. “The pair of you have gotten a lot of dragons all worked up about our future in this world.”

Spike paled under the focused gaze of the mighty drake, his massive eyes looking down a snout that dwarfed the youngster. Twilight felt utterly insignificant here, in this place and totally eclipsed by Thortax, nevertheless she found her voice, “Lord Thortax, we have come at your request to attend this great dragon meet, but I don’t know what...”

A huge talon, easily four times the size of Twilight waved back and forth before her, “Be at peace princess, I will explain my plan. As you have no doubt guessed by now I am in favour of uniting with Equestria and its citizens, but this is no mean feat.” Thortax rested his massive head on his palm and regarded his guests, “We must convince the other flights of your worth.”

Twilight’s ears flattened, “How can we do that? Your people are so different from us, they war and squabble constantly, fighting to prove who is the strongest.......” Her words trailed off as Thortax slowly nodded.

“Exactly Princess, dragons only respect might and power. It has been so for ages innumerable,” Thortax said before pausing, “We are wrong, there is more to our world than this.”

Thortax grinned slowly, his expression forming into one of wry amusement, “Firstly we need to catch their full attention.”

It was well after the sun had risen that Twilight and Spike made it back to the camp, the tower guards in tow right up until they reach the Bloomberg. Twilight bid them farewell before they departed, flying back to the peak without comment or acknowledgement.

The aftermath of Thortax’s visit was plain to see, huge claw prints deformed the ground where he had landed. The soldiers were all looking shaken, starting in fear as Twilight along with Spike touched down. They were met by a wall of spears and panicked stares.

Spike eyed the weapons with disapproval as Steel Resolve rushed forward and pushed the nearest spear tip aside, “Enough you block heads, it’s our Princess and young master Spike.” Embarrassed and ashamed the soldiers backed off, their faces turned to the ground as Steel attempted to explain, “I’m sorry your highness, they’re a bit on edge after that monster’s appearance.”

Spike saw Twilight scowl, “He’s not a monster captain; that was Lord Thortax the dragon who invited our delegation here in the first place. I know he’s well ‘imposing’, but I can assure you both Spike and I were treated well.”

Steel saluted and stared at a point past Twilight’s shoulder, “Of course your highness, but the soldiers are not used to creatures of that....size.” Spike grinned sheepishly; it took a lot to get Steel rattled and though it was novel for Spike to see in such a state, he didn’t blame the captain.

Twilight smiled wearily, “Don’t worry captain; Thortax is on our side in this. Spike and I had a good discussion with him and we now have a plan for what to do come this evening.”

Spike saw Steel’s own muzzle scrunch up in displeasure, “Permission to speak freely your highness?” Twilight nodded for him to continue, “How do you know we can trust this dragon?”

It was a valid point, one that Spike quietly considered. If it came to it Spike would trust Thortax, from what he’d seen the dragon elder was a drake of his word, not to mention Warden’s avid vouching for Thortax’s character. Plus it seemed highly unlikely the old drake had lured them all here as am elaborate trap.

“I don’t fault your vigilance captain Steel, but Lord Thortax is a being of his word,” Warden asserted, causing all three to turn at his sudden appearance.

Steel recovered first, “Just as you are Warden? We all remember how honest you were back when Spike had to fight Vex.” Steel’s voice was full of scorn.

Warden released a low growl, “Captain, I have already explained my actions to Princess Twilight, I regret my poor decisions then and may I remind you that she had me released from my bonds? I consider the matter closed.” Warden glared at Steel who squared his shoulders and glared right back.

“Enough both of you,” Twilight snapped, “I have spoken with Thortax and feel that he is trustworthy. I have heard his arguments and his plan and they seem sound.” She glanced to Spike with grim resolve before fixing Steel with a stern expression, “My mind is made up captain.”

Steel stood stock still for a moment, breathing heavily before finally bowing to Twilight, “Sorry your highness.” He spared another venomous look for Warden, saluted Twilight and turning on his hooves marched back towards the Bloomberg.

Spike watched him go as Twilight conversed with Warden; recounting their meeting with Thortax. Spike only half listened, being worn out by the night’s events, he just wanted to curl up on the Bloomberg and get some rest.

If they were going to enact Thortax’s plan then Spike was going to need all the sleep he could get. He excused himself and began to plod his way towards the airship. He ignored the strained looks the soldiers gave him along with the whispers he heard. They were all clearly shaken by recent events and Spike would be first to admit that he was too: That such powerful creatures lived only a boarder’s width away had no doubt shaken the resolve of Steel’s soldiers.

Pressing on, Spike smiled as he saw the familiar sight of Bloomberg ahead of him. It was an anchor in a strange land, something of Equestria brought with them on this journey and his heart felt lighter just to see it.

“So you had a private audience with Lord Thortax huh? Not many hatchlings can boast of that,” Spike saw Vex draped over the airship’s starboard side, watching Spike with her lazy red eyes.

Spike’s lifted mood sunk a little, “Oh hi Vex, making yourself comfortable?”

Vex rolled and stretched, her serpentine body coiling around Bloomberg’s frame like a pervasive vine, “Well I thought I would take a chance to examine this ‘thing’ while I could. That yellow pony with the pink bow is a real fire heart and wouldn’t let me near it.”

Spike laughed wearily, “Applebloom? Yeah she’s a real hot head if you get on the wrong side of her, but clever and brave too.”

Vex studied Spike carefully, “You sound like you admire her, you do know she’s just a ground bound meal with big ideas right?”

Spike scowled, “Vex drop the high and mighty act okay; not everything without scales is just a meal for you.”

Vex grinned playfully, “Ah! So you admit that some things are just meals then?”

Spike rolled his eyes, “Look Vex, I’m tired, plus I have a big and most likely dangerous day coming up so please lay off the moral questions and let me get some sleep.”

Vex lifted her head in interest, “Dangerous huh? Well that’s probably true, but that’s part of life isn’t it? Ever considered that Spike?”

Spike closed his tired eyes and sighed, growing bored of word games, “What is it you want Vex?”

Vex gave Spike a half smile, “Well now that you bring it up, I wanted to know what you and Lord Thortax talked about.”

Spike became suspicious, “Stuff I guess....”

Vex purred, “Oh don’t be like that hatchling, I’m just curious.”

Spike didn’t like Vex’s tone, plus most of the discussion had been between Twilight and Thortax so he didn’t really have much to tell her. The only part that had interested Spike had been the suggestion that he would have to go through some sort of trial or test. It seemed, just like Warden, Thortax was infuriatingly sparse with the details.

“Well lots of politics mostly,” Spike concluded before Vex face-palmed.

“I don’t know if you’re the shrewdest negotiator, or just the dumbest dragon for miles around Spike; Of course they talked about politics, that’s what princesses and old dragons do,” Vex’s mock annoyance played across her snout.

Spike scratched his head, “Well I don’t know how much if any I remember, plus it was kinda a private meeting so I’m not sure if I should say anything about it.”

Vex giggled, “We’ll make a dragon of you yet Spike,” She thought for a moment before coming to a decision, “Fine keep your secrets.” Spike sighed with relief and was just about to proceed into the Bloomberg when another voice stopped him.

“Hey big guy, you came back safe huh?” Night Dew stepped out of the lea of the airship’s shadow and beamed up at him.

“Hi Dewy, please don’t tell me you’ve come to quiz me too?” Spike pleaded, seeing Vex's look of surprise out of the corner of his eye at the appearance of the bat pony.

Night Dew smiled sweetly and Spike was struck by how similar her mannerisms were to Vex’s, “Who me? No I just came to welcome you back. I couldn’t be having my favourite hunting partner getting hurt now could I?”

“You hunt with this pony?” Vex asked with interest.

Night Dew tilted her head and glanced up at Vex as if she’d only just noticed her, “With isn’t the best term miss dragon, more ‘against’,” the feral grin on Dew’s muzzle clearly showing her pointed teeth.

Spike felt trepidation at the way this conversation was going and Vex’s reply only deepened his concern, “Oh you hunt dragons do you?”

Night Dew smiled, “Well I’ve caught Spike a couple of times, he’s never caught me.”

Vex snorted, “Well that’s no surprise; he flies worse than a junior half his age; but being raised by ponies what can you do?”

“Learn from better ponies I guess?” Night Dew retorted, the glint of mischief in her eye.

“Are you saying you’re such a pony?” Vex countered.

Night Dew flexed her wings tenderly, “If I wasn’t resting up then yeah, I reckon I could teach Spike a lesson or two.”

Vex rolled her eyes, “Excuses, excuses.”

Dewy sidled up to Spike and tapped him on the cheek, “Don’t worry big guy stick with me and I’ll make you a flying ace in no time, far better than any dragon could teach you.”

Spike just held his head in both claws as the quips and snipes passed back and forth, proving to him that dragons and ponies were more alike than either dared admit. As his hand came away from his cheek however he felt something small contained within.

Looking down, Spike saw nestled in his palm a tiny note, which upon closer inspection read: I got this big guy, go get some rest. Even as Spike stared at the paper in confusion the quarrelling between the two females became even more heated. Spike backed away slowly, silently thanking Night Dew for her timely intervention.

Just as he clambered up the ramp to the cargo bay Spike and looked back to Night Dew, who gave him a quick wink before resuming her distraction. Sighing Spike quickly entered his quarters and closed the door before allowing himself to collapse on the make shift bed. He finally allowed himself to ponder the words and suggestions of Thortax:

”A test hatchling, they are never going to take anything Twilight or you could say seriously unless they know you have the strength,” Thortax stated matter-of-factly, “No amount of words, offers, gifts or pleasantries is going to change that Princess.”

Twilight frowned, “Not to sound boastful, but aren't the deeds I have done already proof of strength?”

Spike grinned, “She has saved the world a few time Thortax.”

Thortax grinned slowly, “I have that on good authority Spike, but no doubt the other dragons will be far more sceptical: No, to catch their attention we need to show them here and now that you can hold your own.”

Twilight winced, “This is going to boil down to some massive magical display, or feat of strength isn’t it?”

Thortax chuckled, causing Twilight and Spike to shake from the volume, “Not necessarily, no doubt Warden has told you of dragon aspects?”

Twilight nodded before Thortax continued, “Well each aspirant will be tested on what their talent or aspect is, that is the fair manner.”

Spike remembered understanding dawning for him, “Like it’s not right to expect an earth pony to win a flying contest or a pegasus to be able to tend the land either?” Spike's face fell, “But I don’t know what aspect I have within me, how can I be tested?”

That’s where Spike’s worry came from now; what was his best talent, what was he good at? He fervently hopped it wasn’t just fighting: Sure it had been a rush to defend the ship from other dragons, but it wasn’t what Spike would consider to be his defining characteristic.

Frustratingly Thortax wasn’t able to answer this question, nor had any of Warden's lessons reveal such to him. It left Spike feeling confused and anxious, they could test him on anything. Spike’s mind filled with images of holding his breath under a larva lake, or maybe having to wrestle with a hydra.

He chuckled morosely: His plight reminded Spike of the ‘C.M.C’ and all the troubles they got into in getting their cutie marks. Ponies get all the luck, they got their answer on their flank. Spike curled his tail protectively as he tossed and turned: Too tired to think straight, but too wound up to sleep and he finally growled in annoyance before staring at the ceiling.

“Spike you in here?” The voice was quiet, barely above a whisper.

Spike glanced over to the door and saw the winged silhouette of a pony in the dim light, “Twi”?

“Yeah Spike it’s me, I hope I didn’t wake you?” Twilight's strained voice called out.

“Nah Twi, I couldn’t sleep even if I wanted to, I’m too worked up about this evening,” Spike watched as Twilight made her slow way over to him, her step uncertain.

“Me either,” Twilight came next to Spike and lent her head on his large shoulder, “Do you remember when you used to sleep in a basket at the foot of my bed?”

Spike chuckled softly, “How could I forget sis, I spent so many hours in there when I overslept.”

Twilight rubbed her head gently on his arm, “Things are so different now aren’t they?”

Spike laughed again, “Yeah for one thing, you’d need a far bigger basket.”

Spike felt Twilight next to him, her frame was shaking and he thought he caught a brief sob escape her: “I’m scared Spike.” His heart melted and Spike slowly craned his long neck to look right at his sister.

“Me too sis,” Spike said levelly, watching Twilight’s face in the gloom.

He gently lifted his arm and allowed Twilight to snuggle up against his chest and draped his arm protectively over her as they both stared at the ribbed struts of Bloomberg above them. Twilight’s trembling lessened and Spike felt the fears and worries of the past few days ease.

“It’s going to be alright isn’t it Spike?” Twilight’s weary voice called out quietly.

“Yeah Twilight, it’s gonna be okay,” Spike assured.

After a little while Spike looked sidelong at Twilight to ask her something further, but she had fallen asleep. He watched his sleeping sister for a while and smiled as her wings twitched along with her nose and hopped she was having a good dream.

Being careful not to wake her, Spike lay there and slowly felt his own eyes growing heavy. Whatever they had to face they would do it together. Spike was just musing that he’d always been the one to drop off to sleep before Twi when they had lived back at the Golden Oaks Library and how funny it was to have it happen the other way around for once when sleep finally claimed him.