• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 2,195 Views, 46 Comments

Here be too much Dragon. - Golden Paw

Every pony saw this coming, Spikes a dragon with his cute baby years behind him and Twilight is at her wits end as to what to do with her 'little' brother. But help's at hoof when Luna calls in an old favour to aid her

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Details and Drakes

Details and Drakes.

Vex’s lair dripped with moisture, all around Spike and his companions. The walls were slick with water and occasional flashes of steam erupted from cracks all around. Condensed liquid ran in rivulets, as if the very rock itself was weeping.

It was a stifling atmosphere, but too the three dragons making their steady way into the mountain home of Vex. The same couldn’t be said of Twilight, Spike watched his sister with concern as the hazed vapours soaked her coat and wilted the princess’ feathers.

Vex led the way through the winding passages, her serpentine body almost flowing around the corners and tight turns which the path put in her way. She was followed by Warden, whose smaller size made negotiating the obstacles a simple matter. Twilight came next, placing one cautious hoof in front of another as sweat dripped off her muzzle: The falling droplets glinting in the light of Twilight's horn which glowed gently.

Spike brought up the rear of the party, his larger bulk being a significance hindrance in these confined spaces. He was uncomfortably reminded of his cramped experiences back in Ponyville; trying to fit into pony sized homes and all the troubles that went with them. It seemed like forever since he was living in the old town hall with Twilight. So much had happened since then that Ponyville almost felt like a lifetime ago.

Warden and Twilight had kept a keen eye on Spike’s progress, not just his learning and fitness; but also his growth. In the three months since Warden had first come to Ponyville Spike had gained a good couple of inches to his already impressive height, which according to Warden was perfectly normal for a dragon of his age and variety.

The extra exercises, not to mention the exertions of their journey had also added to Spikes bulk. He now cut an imposing figure of strength and power. Sadly all this caused him trouble as he followed the three others along these winding tunnels. They often had to stop as Spike wriggled or forced his way through some of the narrower gaps.

“Maybe I should lay off the weights huh?” Spike joked as yet again his wide shoulders became lodged between the rocks either side. He saw Twilight smiling patiently as she watched him strain against the barrier, his muscles tensing for a moment before the stone yielded and allowed Spike to continue on as the edges crumbled away.

Twilight laughed even as she took strained breaths of humid air, “Oh no big guy, better to have you in shape than carrying that extra weight around your gut,” She grinned up at spike and he felt his own tension loosening, ever since they had entered this place Spike had felt uneasy.

“Indeed, I would hate to have you pull you out because your belly wedged you fast hatchling,” Warden commented wryly.

Spike laughed along with the others as fresh fountains of steam seeped out of the surrounding rock. The oily vapours filled the passage even more thickly than before and Spike heard Twilight coughing vigorously.

Warden studied her with concern, “Miss Sparkle, are you sure you’re alright coming with us?”

Twilight’s eyes were streaming as she took reluctant breaths, “I don’t trust this ‘Vex’ Warden; I want to keep that dragoness where I can see her,” Twilight peered through the murk, “Speaking of which where is she?”

Spike glanced around, but saw no sign of Vex through the swirling clouds of vapour. Was this another trick, was Vex luring them into some kind of trap? His worries were interrupted by Warden who chuckled softly.

“Oh don’t worry about Vex; she’s an old acquaintance of mine,” Warden said as he peered along the dripping stone corridor, “She’s somewhat ‘flighty’ and prone to acting on impulse, but I trust her.”

Spike glanced at Twilight who didn’t seem convinced, “She wanted to eat some of the crew as payment Warden, doesn’t that say something about her too you?”

Warden rolled his remaining eye, “Miss Sparkle, I do believe this atmosphere is getting to you, what that tells me is that Vex is a typical dragon. We eat meat princess and many dragons consider it fine to eat what they would call ‘lesser creatures’.”

Spike winced and Twilight snorted before Warden held up a claw, “Princess, I don’t need to tell you dragons are proud and prideful creatures. Even I was guilty of such delusions of dragon’s superiority over all other things at one point.”

Twilight frowned, “You’re not reassuring me about Vex, Warden.”

Warden smiled in return, “Vex is, well Vex is more open minded than most of the dragons you will meet here. She’s open to listening to other points of view if you can earn her respect of course.”

Spike felt his anxiety return, Vex had proven to be a far more skilled opponent than he was comfortable with. He wasn't looking forward to facing her again.

“And how does one go about earning the respect of a dragon like Vex?” Twilight pressed and Spike fervently hoped it wasn’t by fighting.

“Firstly by not making me wait for you,” Vex’s impatient call came around a bend in the tunnel, quickly followed by the dragoness' head. Spike felt his worries rise as he studied her red eyes that glinted in the reflected glow of Twilight’s horn.

“Well if you will make your home in such a place you can expect it to take some time for others to make their way in Vex,” Warden quipped with a chuckle.

“That’s the point,” Vex snapped before she winced, “Sorry Warden, I’m just not used to company in my own home.”

To Spike’s relief Warden waved a dismissive hand, “It’s quite alright Vex, I understand completely.” Spike could have sworn that Vex’s scaled face almost blushed, but quickly dismissed the notion as a trick of the light.

“Thank you for allowing us to come into your lair lady Vex, I understand it can’t be easy for to allow strangers into what is claimed by you,” Twilight added in a consoling manner.

Vex’s eyes narrowed before she snorted a small cloud of smoke which was quickly lost in the haze all around, “I’m most definitely not a lady princess so don’t patronise me with your society talk.” Spike once again got the impression that Vex was blushing, but before he could watch further her head vanished into the gloom one more.

Twilight was taken aback by such an abrupt and hostile response, “What? I... I don’t,” Twilight shook her head in confusion, “I was trying to be understanding.” She glanced at Warden was shaking his head sadly.

“Let’s just say you touched a nerve Miss Sparkle, I will not say more unless Vex wishes it,” Warden explained.

Spike shrugged as Twilight turned her bemused gaze on him, “Don’t look at me Twi, she’s the first female dragon I’ve met, how am I supposed to know what she's thinking?”

Twilight felt suspicion rising in her once again, “Warden, did you know we would run into Vex?”

Warden stiffened, “I knew it was a good possibility if we took the route I chose, the territory in these parts changes hands on an hourly basis,” He smiled in a knowing way, “But I was confident that Vex would still be holding her mountain.”

“And you let Spike fight her, knowing who she was?” Twilight pressed.

Warden tapped his claws together uncertainly, “I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to test Spike’s prowess against a worthy opponent, whom I trust.”

Spike snorted, “You were planning to tell us this important bit of information?”

Warden grinned, “Some things you have to have to find out for yourself.” He smiled before leading them on after the fast moving Vex.

The tunnels finally opened up into a larger cavern with its own ruddy glow. It took a couple of moments for Twilight to realise that the light was coming from below, where the cracked floor leaked the reddish glow that cast the whole space in crimson hues.

The temperature rose immensely as Twilight crossed the threshold leaving her giddy. Shaking her head she concentrated on her magic and summoned a protective orb around herself. The heat plummeted and Twilight gave a thankful gasp even as she tasted the sooty air.

Now that she had time to look around, Twilight saw that the light which filtered up from the ground was reflected and bounced around the cavern by crystals: There were hundreds of them, tucked into nooks and crannies about the distant and walls even lining the cave’s roof.

This wasn’t the point that drew Twilight’s attention however. Towards the back of the large space was Vex, coiled atop a pile of riches that would have made Rarity swoon. Gold, gems and assorted metal finery were heaped onto the pile which supported Vex, who glared at Twilight with barely hidden contempt.

Twilight was inclined to return the glare, but before she could Warden stepped past her and much to Twilight’s surprise bowed before Vex.

“I thank you for the great honour of allowing us to visit you within your own abode Vex,” Warden addressed the other dragon, his head still bowed in submission.

Twilight watched in fascination as Vex returned the gesture, bowing her head in response before replying in a measured tone, “I accept your thanks Warden of the Ash Wind Flight and welcome you to my home.”

Warden straightened and Twilight saw his lip curl in a smile before he spoke again, “Right Vex, now we have the official bit all done with; I hope you are well?”

It was like watching the weather moving as the manner of both dragon's altered; whereas before they were stiff and overbearingly formal, now both were smiling like lifelong friends. Twilight’s curiosity was peaked, she watched Vex pick up a clawful of gold and let if trickle through her fingers.

“Well times have been hard Warden, with all this fuss over the ‘Great Meeting’ being held early. One can hardly move for young upstarts coming and going,” Vex replied in a resigned tone before giving Warden a concerned look, “What about you? Looks like you have seen better days yourself.”

Twilight felt a surge of guilt well up in her chest as Warden rubbed his scarred face in an absent minded way before responding, “Well I picked a fight with some unusual opponents, but I can assure you they came off worse.” Warden said with a grin.

Vex’s eyes drifted onto Twilight and she snorted in derision, “Really? From what I heard you had gone to pony lands and I seriously doubt one of their kind could so hurt a dragon of your reputation.”

Twilight felt her own hackles rise at being talked down too and was forced to take a couple of calming breaths as Vex sneered, “So what’s the story of this ‘princess’ in your company?”

Warden stiffened before replying, “Her Highness Princess Twilight Sparkle is indeed the chosen emissary for Equestria and will represent them in the coming Meet.” Twilight was thankful that Warden was standing up for her, but he wasn’t done, “And you would be wise to show her proper respect Vex, she’s certainly earned it.”

Vex cocked an eyebrow and smiled slyly, “That’s high praise from you Warden, anything else I should know?”

Warden indicated Spike who had been sitting quietly watching the whole exchange, “This is Spike of Ponyville, and I have been teaching him dragon’s ways and culture.”

Twilight saw Vex’s eyes glint with sudden interest before she smiled and almost purred, “Ah so the stories are true. I would never have believed it myself had you not told me in person Warden: A dragon raised by ponies.”

Vex smiled mischievously, “Well that explains the silvery tongue you have, well you got manners from these little equines if nothing else.”

Spike snorted in embarrassment and Twilight didn’t blame him, the way Vex speak you would think that being raised in Ponyville was some kind of handicap. Vex uncoiled herself and approached Spike, looking him up and down as if she was evaluating a potential purchase.

“Well he’s certainly healthy, good build on him and from what I saw of him fighting the outlanders he’s not stupid,” Vex commented as she circled Spike.

“You saw our fights with the other dragons?” Spike asked trying his best not flinch under Vex’s scrutiny.

The other dragon laughed, “Of course, it pays to keep an eye on one’s neighbours.” Twilight couldn’t help but notice how Vex glanced at her as she said that, “You never know what new surprises may float in.”

Warden coughed, “You said that the dragons are gathering already, does that mean the Great Meet has indeed been brought forward?”

Vex winked at Spike before turning to face Warden, “Indeed, most of the flights have responded to this unusual happening: Larva Flow, Dusk Peak and Burning Canyon have all sent representatives,” Vex’s snout screwed up in disgust, “Along with the lesser rabbles of course.”

Warden nodded in understanding, evidently pleased at this information, “Well that’s most of the key flights attending.”

Vex chuckled, “Yes, it seems that Thortax still has some pull with the others.”

“So what are they gathering about?” Spike asked and Twilight was grateful for him. It was what she had wanted to ask, but felt that it wasn’t a good idea to intrude being the only non-dragon present.

Both Vex and Warden regard Spike carefully before Warden responded, “Important matters regarding dragon-pony relations hatchling.”

Spike snorted, “Well I could have guessed that Warden but you still won’t tell us the details.”

To Twilight’s surprise Vex responded to that question, “It does not do to question your elders like that hatchling, I see your time among ponies has not taught you enough manners.”

“It’s alright Vex, Spike has had some leeway under my tutelage; he means no disrespect,” Warden cut in and Vex bowed in submission.

“Well if I had done that while you were teaching me there would have been Tartarus to pay,” Vex allowed a tiny grin to form on her lips and Twilight’s ears pricked up in interest.

“You were taught by Warden?” Twilight asked.

Vex regarded Twilight as if she was over excited puppy, “Yes, he did, you don’t think your pet dragon was the only one do you?”

Spike growled and Warden placed a restraining claw on his chest, “Now, now Vex there is no need for that. Yes, Vex was my student from many years ago.” He smiled at the female dragon before continuing, “And a very apt one if I do say so, shame really.”

Vex huffed and folded her arms, “Really Warden, you’re going to bring that up in front of them?”

The grin on Warden’s snout only widened, “Well if you’re going to behave like the spoiled and ignorant hatchling of yesteryear then I think you need reminding of a few lessons.”

Vex’s snout creased up in a scowl, “It’s none of their business Warden.”

Twilight saw the older dragon wink to her before continuing, “Well then treat them with some manners my dear?”

Vex grumbled a few choice phrases that Twilight didn’t understand before the dragoness forced an accepting smile, “Okay, but only because Warden is an old friend.” She turned and bowed to Spike, “I am sorry Spike for my rude behaviour....again.” Vex then glared at Warden who nodded in approval.

“Now then Vex, tell me what has been happening since I was gone,” Warden asked as he settled himself down on the rocky surface of the cave floor.

The dragoness returned to her pile of loot and coiled about the riches as if for comfort. Resting her chin on a clenched fist, Vex began to relay the latest dragon news, “Well not that your princess would understand half of what I say, ‘Mardoc’ is openly against any talks with Equestria, his flight hasn’t even sent any one to the Meet, as for ‘Largash’ well he’s taking the ‘quiet, wait and see approach’ as always.”

Warden leaned in close to Twilight and whispered in her ear, “Mardoc is head of the ‘Blackened Chasm Flight’, basically an isolationist. Largash is the oldest elder of Lava Flow Flight, a very cautious dragon.” Twilight nodded, being no stranger to politics, even if she hated it.

It was an odd idea to not have a united kingdom like Equestria, but then again from what Twilight had learnt from her time with Warden this didn’t surprise her. She continued to listen as Vex went through a list of names which she had never heard of, every so often having warden explain some minor or occasional detail about the name.

From what she could gather, the dragon kingdoms were a massive set of alliances and honour oaths that made Twilight’s head ache just to think about it. The main players were the Larva Flow, Dusk Peak, Burning Canyon and finally Warden’s own Ash Wind flights and none of them could agree on any point from what she could gather.

Twilight glanced at Spike who wore a glassy expression as names and titles wash over him, she didn’t blame Spike for the dragon’s lack of interest and decided this was more her arena of play for the time being.

“So this ‘Skalancha’ of Dust Peak is highly hostile to Equestria?” Twilight asked politely when Vex had finished her report.

Vex raised an eyebrow at this, “I am surprised you could keep up with all that Miss Sparkle being a dumb...” She was cut off by a stern cough from Warden before Vex continued, “I mean being new to dragon politics.”

Twilight rolled her eyes before smiling sweetly, ignoring the implied insult, “I’m a fast study, please go on.”

Vex grimaced but answered the question, “Well yes Skalancha, she’s dead against the idea of Equestria having any influence in dragon affairs and has openly called for war with your kind.”

Twilight’s ears flattened, “War? Why?”

Vex glanced to Warden who nodded, “She thinks that ponies are becoming too...assertive in their progression and wants to stop you from becoming a threat.”

“And also put ponies back on the ‘free menu’,” Warden commented, causing Spike to growl angrily. Vex’s expression told Twilight that the dragoness wasn’t adverse to the idea herself. Ignoring the rising ire of Spike, Vex pressed on with her explanation:

“Then there are the dragons of Burning Canyon,” Vex’s face fell and she glanced sorrowfully at Warden, “My flight would just have you all wiped out and save us all the trouble.”

Twilight gasped and a small jet of green flame escaped Spike’s nose before Warden held up both hands in warning, “Lady Vex is no longer in a position to influence the Burning Canyon’s views, please do not hold it against her Princess or you hatchling.”

Vex nodded sadly, “I’m not one to promote genocide even if it is upon lesser creatures, plus I honestly don’t think we could win anyway.” Twilight felt the fury building in her; that one creature would even consider such a course of action, but felt it drain out of her as Vex seemed to deflate before Twilight’s eyes.

“Vex and I share similar views on such matters, though I admit she still has a hard time letting go of some prejudices,” Warden explained soothingly, “That’s part of the reason she’s no longer with her flight, but I will say no more on that.”

Vex smiled gratefully, “I don’t pretend that I firmly believe that dragons shouldn't have the right to rule over those because we have the strength to do so, but to kill off a whole race just because they might be a threat at some point.” She winced, “That’s just barbaric.”

Twilight’s mind reeled; how could Warden be friends with such a dragon? One who would willingly eat other sentient creatures with no compunctions? Sure she was with him on some points, but it made Twilight very uneasy that this dragon was the closest thing to an ally they had encountered since entering the dragon lands.

The fears about what may be required of Twilight began to creep into her soul; dragons were just so different from anything else she had met. Even the aggressive boars had many ideals in common with pony folk and saw them on equal terms, but dragons were..... it was just so hard to feel considered so insignificant and to know that members of a powerful nation would casually discuss wiping Equestria off the map.....

“But as Vex and I both feel that wars or extermination are simply not an option," Warden stated, "For one thing it’s just wrong in every sense of the word and the other as Vex so aptly pointed out; dragons though powerful would lose in the end. The world would not stand by if we committed such acts. The dragons would be no more, but not before we had caused terrible damage.”

Twilight didn’t feel reassured by such a statement, “And the Ash Wind Flight’s view in all of this?”

Warden’s face softened, “Well Thortax is the one pushing for these talks. I have great faith that he and many dragons from all across the kingdom see as he does.”

He smiled at Vex who was staring at her pile of riches with a distant expression, “Thank you Vex, you have been more than accommodating.”

The dragoness smiled weakly back up at Warden, “You’re going to ask me to go with you aren’t you?”

The older dragon gently stroked Vex’s claw before nodding, “We could use the help Vex and outside the Ash Wind Flight there are few dragons that I trust.”

Vex glanced down at her riches before frowning, “I can’t leave this unguarded Warden, you know that.”

Twilight jumped in here, “We can compensate you for any losses you may incur.”

Vex glared at Twilight before her face became impassive, “That may be acceptable.

Warden chuckled, “Oh very well Vex I can authorise some of Ash Wind’s funds as payment for your assistance; that along with Twilight’s offer is more than fair.”

Vex considered this for a moment before tilting her head in agreement, “Alright I will come with you, but only because I owe you Warden.”

Twilight grinned as Warden winked at her again, “Oh, it is we who are in your debt Vex, thank you so much for you help.”

Vex swelled with importance again, “Well just give me time to hide some more personal items and I will be ready to go.” With that Vex busied herself in rummaging in her pile as Warden ushered Spike and Twilight out of the carven and into the vapour filled tunnels once more.

“Well handled your highness and good thing you only offered compensation,” Warden explained before Twilight raised a confused eyebrow.

“What’s wrong with offering payment for services rendered? You did?” She asked before Warden shook his head.

“That is a gift from one dragon to another, had you tried to buy her services Vex would have thrown us out. Dragons are not mercenaries to be hired out and certainly not by ‘lesser’ creatures,” Warden explained.

Twilight screwed up her face in annoyance, “I really wish you would stop calling non dragons that Warden.”

Spike nodded in agreement as Warden rubbed his scarred face, “I know you’re not Twilight, but it’s a pervasive view here so you had better get used to hearing it sadly.”

Uncertainty flowed across Twilight’s face again, “Are you sure we can trust her Warden... I mean she wanted to eat....”

Warden looked Twilight right in the eyes, “On my honour to my flight and Whisper I hold dear, we can trust her Princess Twilight.” He reached out and stroked Twilight’s cheek with a clawed finger, “We can change this all for the better, it will take time; but one day dragons will understand that there are wonders besides ourselves.”

Twilight blushed and Spike rolled his eyes as Vex re-entered the passage way, “Alright I’m ready, just don’t expect me to ride in that flying 'box' of yours.”