• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Getting Back to Work

It's 8:30 in the morning in Magnolia. Spike wakes up after having a nice sleep; Lucy wakes up as well.

"Man, that was a good sleep," Lucy turns to Spike. "Morning, Spike."

"Morning, Lucy," Spike gets out of bed and makes his bed.

Spike and Lucy hear the door knocking. Spike answers the door.

"Morning, you two!" Natsu shouts.

"Who's ready to go on a job!" Happy shouts.

"Geez, we just got up. Can you give us a few minutes to get ready?" Lucy asks.

"Fine, just be quick," Natsu rolls his eyes.

"I'll make sandwiches for the road," Spike goes to the kitchen.

"Can you make my sandwich with extra mayo?" Natsu asks.

"Can you make my sandwich with extra fish?" Happy asks.

"Sure, I don't eat fish anyway," Spike answers.

"By the way, Natsu, Happy," Lucy is getting dressed. "We'll take half of your cut to buy more groceries."

"Say what!?" Natsu and Happy panics.

"You heard me. You want food from me; it's going to cost you from time to time," Lucy finish getting dressed. "Also, to remind you, Spike is the one making sandwiches. May I remind you of his exquisite cooking?"

Natsu and Happy drool, remembering the sensation of Spike's cooking. Without any thought, Natsu and Happy accepted the deal for today's job, knowing that Spike's sandwiches should be a special in Yajima's 8-Island Restaurant.

After fifteen minutes of preparing and getting ready, Spike, Lucy, Natsu, and Happy walk to the guildhall.

"I still can't believe we have our guildhall reinstated," Spike said, walking down the block.

"I have a question for you," Natsu turns to Spike while walking down the street.

"What is it?" Spike turns to Natsu.

"When will you bake those cookies we had over seven years ago?"

"Yea! It was so yummy and mouthwatering," Happy remembers the taste of the cookie.

"Hmm," Spike ponders a bit. "I'll say in a little while longer. The timing to bake has to be right."

Natsu and Happy victoriously laugh. Today is already a great day to start. Ten minutes later. Spike, Lucy, Natsu, and Happy walk inside the guildhall. Everyone in the guildhall is eating, drinking, and signing up for jobs left and right. Ever since winning the games, Fairy Tail has received a ton of jobs from everyone around Fiore.

"Where did Erza and Gray ran off to?" Natsu asks after observing the guildhall.

Kinana walks up to Natsu, Lucy, Spike, and Happy. "I saw them leave a while ago with Wendy and Carla. They wanted to go on a job with her."

"Aw, what? Why would they leave without telling us? Aren't we a team?" Happy complains a little.

"Well, too big of a team if you were to ask me," Kinana said.

"Well, let's not mope around and start looking for work! We got some catching up to do!" Lucy runs up to the job board to pick one for the team. Spike goes with Lucy.

"Hey, Nab. Are you going to choose one?" Spike asks.

"Still looking," Nab responds.

"Try looking for a staring contest. You'll do great in that," Spike chuckles.

"Good idea," Nab starts looking for one.

"Woooow, he bought it," Wakaba said.

"That's actually funny, staring contest job. What sucker will go for it?" Macao jokes while drinking his beer.

"Oh, you think it's funny?" Nab gets angry. "Try this funny man!" Nab punches Macao in the face.

"Oh, you want some action?" Macao gets up. "Get ready to feel the burn," Macao starts fighting with Nab. Some of the other Fairy Tail Wizards get into the brawl since it's been a while.

Lucy picks a job out of the blue while the fighting comes near her and Spike. Lucy hands the job flier to Mirajane.

"How much is the job offer?"

"200,000 Jewels, Spike. Just what we need," Lucy answers.

"Alright, the job is yours. You guys need to go to Doromud Village to complete the requirement."

"Alright! Let's go!" Natsu gets excited.

"So, how do we get there?" Happy asks Mirajane.

"Check out the library downstairs. If you need to use a map, that's where we keep them," Mirajane smiles.

Lucy, Spike, Natsu, and Happy go downstairs to the library to find the map to Doromud Village. Apparently, there's a mole that's been terrorizing the town, which is why they placed a job flier to take it out. It's a three-hour trip on a wagon to the village. Natsu freaks out and wishes to fly on Spike's back. Spike tells Natsu he can't do it because he's never been to the village and could be aimlessly flying around. Even with the map, anyone could possibly read it upside down while looking at the landscapes.

Lucy, Spike, Natsu, and Happy leave the library and ask a wagoner to take them to Doromud Village. Natsu gets instant motion sickness the moment he stepped inside the wagon. Lucy, Spike, and Happy get in. Throughout the three-hour trip, Natus moans in agony of his motion sickness. Spike is reading a book he took from the Magic Library months ago.

"What are you reading, Spike?" Happy asks.

"Well, after Leekips gave up his body to create an energy maker body, I was thinking about creating a body for Fairy Rage to use for short periods of time. I'm trying to see what elements to use to create for Fairy Rage for a double team assault in case I happen to be alone fighting in battle against tougher opponents."

"Why not tap into Fairy Demon Dragon during those situations?" Lucy asks.

"To tap into Fairy Demon Dragon, it has to be pure hatred and rage. Something I don't carry a lot when surrounded by a loving family and friends."

"Fair enough," Lucy and Happy said in unison.

"Are we there yet?" Natsu mutters a sentence despite feeling the worst pain of motion sickness.

"Yep," The Wagoner stops. "This is as close I can get."

"What the hell happened?" Natsu sees the town flooded in mud.

"Well, as you can see. The town has had some draining issues as of late. I have to take a pretty long detour around to get to the next destination."

"Crazy, you think people still live here?" Lucy questions people's spirits for staying in a flooded mudded town.

"Of course they do; the place looks awesome," Natsu said.

"Your optimism sometimes scares me, Natsu," Happy and Spike said in unison.

"Hello there!" The Village Elder on a canoe arrives. Natsu, Lucy, Happy, and Spike sees him down below. "You must be the Wizards of Fairy Tail. Oh my, it's the Fairy Dragon himself as well. I am so glad you are here to slay the beast. Please get in. There is much to discuss."

Spike, Lucy, Natsu, and Happy get on the canoe. The Village Elder stroke to the bell tower. The villagers explain that the Mole caused the flooding, and no one has farmed in weeks. The villagers plea to Natsu, Lucy, Spike, and Happy to get rid of the Mole any way they can. They don't care about the Mole's life. They want their life back. One thing the Village Elder warns is that the Mole is big.

"We'll take care of it no problem," Lucy proclaims. She and Happy get on a canoe and steer. Natsu is on a tree branch in the middle of the village. Spike is flying around, trying to locate the Mole.

"Okay, this could be tricky," Spike said while he's flying.

"How so?" Natsu shouts to Spike from the tree branch.

"The muddy waters are calm, so it's hard to locate it."

Strong currents shake the canoe Lucy and Happy are on. Natsu and Spike get ready to attack it. The Mole rises from the muddy waters. It's huge, green with polka dots on its body. It swats Lucy and Happy from the canoe.

"I'm coming, guys!" Natsu jumps down and lands on the canoe. He gets motion sickness from the littlest shift on the canoe.

"Lightning Flare Saucer!" Spike conjures Sparkling Green Lightning Flame Saucer to hit the Mole, but it missed. The Mole dives under and resurfaces, hitting Spike from behind. Spike spits the mud water after landing in it.

The Mole hits Natsu, sending him into the muddy waters. It roars, scaring the days out of Natsu, Happy, and Lucy. They scream and swim away from the Mole. Spike shoots the Mole by mimicking his claws like guns, but the Mole dives under and swats Spike under the muddy water. Spike crashes into a tree.

"That thing is starting to piss me off," Spike claims.

Natsu suggests splitting up while they are swimming. Happy remembers he can fly and flies on cue. Natsu and Lucy split up, and the Mole chases Lucy.

"Why me!?" Lucy complains while swimming as fast as she can.

Spike flies above the Mole. "Fairy Dragon!" The Mole swats Spike a second time before he can use his magic. Spike crashes into a rooftop. "I hate that freaking Mole!"

"I got you, Lucy!" Happy grabs Lucy and flies up. The Mole was nearly close to capturing Lucy. The muddy waters are now calm.

"Thanks for the save, Happy," Lucy graciously said.

"You four aren't causing trouble, are you?" Erza shouts from the hilltop near the village.

"Are you okay, Lucy?" Wendy shouts. "What are you doing over here?"

"Looks like they've been playing in the mud to me," Gray said.

Erza, Gray, Wendy, and Carla get onto a rooftop where Spike and Nastu are at. They see them covered in mud. Lucy and Happy explain the job description and the Mole they're trying to stop.

"I think I understand. Since this foe is difficult to beat, we'll assist you," Erza said.

"As long as I get my share in the reward, you can count me in," Gray said.

"Aw, yea. With you two in the midst, there's no way the giant Mole can eat me," Happy said in relief.

"Speaking of, do you think that creature is a Mole?" Lucy asks.

Beats, me," Natsu said.

"So, were you on your way to the job or back from it?" Spike asks.

"We took an overnight job to defeat mountain bandits," Wendy said.

"Meanwhile, you losers can't even take on a single mole? How pathetic can you be? You guys will ruin the Guild's reputation if you don't step it up!" Gray shouts.

"Shut up! If you're going to be a jerk, then you can leave!" Natsu retorts.

"Now that any way to talk to the guy who's bailing you out," Gray yells back.

"I never asked for your stupid help!" Natsu yells back.

"Stop this bickering, both of you," Erza commands which scare Natsu and Gray.

"Yes, Ma'am," Natsu and Gray said in defeat.

"The Mole is quick, even I have my difficulties," Spike admits.

"Spike, that's pathetic, and you defeated a dragon," Gray said.

"Hey!" Erza punches Gray in the gut. "Be nice to my brother."

Lucy slaps Gray in the face. "That's for insulting my brother."

Wendy punches Gray's nose. "That's for disrespecting my boyfriend," Wendy is angry at Gray for shaming Spike a little.

"Sorry..," Gray wheezes from the blows.

"Going back on topic, how are we going to find the Mole? It's hard to locate it with all this mud," Carla said.

"Hey, I have an idea," Lucy reaches for her gate key. "Open, Gate of the Clock! Horologium!"

Horologium appears in front of everyone. "It's certainly a pleasure to see you again, Ms.Lucy."

"Natsu, get in," Lucy commands.

"Sure thing," Natsu steps inside Horologium.

"Woo! This is exciting! The Young Man thrillingly expresses," Horologium said after speaking for Natsu.

"Now, we need some rope," Lucy said.

"I can do that," Spike claws glows Sparkling Green. "Flame Lasso!" The Flame Lasso ties around Horologium, but it doesn't burn him. "Happy, Carla, if you two grab the ends of the lasso and lower Natsu down, it won't burn you."

Carla and Happy flinches a little. To their surprise, the lasso is not burning their paws.

"Whoa, how are you doing this, Spike?" Happy asks.

"The flames are not burning my paws," Carla is stunned while gripping the lasso tighter.

"I'm learning to control my flames for other purposes. I'm still studying other works that can be more useful than to burn things or my opponent."

"Alright, I'm ready to see the underworld. The Young Man jokes excitedly," Horologium said after Natsu finish speaking. "I, on the other hand, am not looking forward in the depths of mud."

Carla and Happy lower Horologium into the muddy waters. It doesn't take too long for Natsu and Horologium to locate the Mole. Natsu and Horologium panic while Carla and Happy start losing grip due to their frantic squirming.

Erza, Wendy, Gray, and Lucy are on a canoe nearby, waiting to strike the Mole when it surfaces. Spike is hovering so he can attack the Mole.

"Prepare yourselves," Erza said.

"You think it'll pop up soon?" Gray asks, thinking it's trying to eat Natsu.

Happy and Carla lifts Horologium and Natsu away from danger. Gray, Lucy, Wendy, and Erza scream a bit after seeing the Mole resurfacing. Natsu and Horologium land on a tree.

"Target at sight! Now hit it with everything you have!" Erza commands.

"Sky Dragon Roooooar!" Wendy unleashes her wind breath attack on the Mole.

"Ice Make! Lance!" Gray shoots ice lances at the Mole.

"Fire Dragon Roooooar!" Natsu unleashes his fire breath at the Mole.

The Mole dives in the muddy waters, dodging all three attacks. It swims under the canoe knocking Gray, Wendy, Lucy, and Erza. Natsu tries to attack head-on with a Fire Dragon Sword Horn. The Mole dodges it, and Natsu collides with Gray's head.

"What, you think the Mole was on my head?" Gray grabs Natsu's shirt.

"Well, I was heading straight for the thing, so yea, maybe I was!" Natsu barks back.

"I wonder if they'll ever realize they are on the same team," Wendy loses a little humanity for Natsu and Gray with their ongoing bickering.

"Do you see the Mole around?" Erza asks.

The Mole is behind them. Erza, Gray, Wendy, Natsu, and Lucy scream and swim as fast as they can. Spike watches from above and soars down.

"Inferno Raging Fist!" Spike punches the Mole. His claw is ablaze with Sparkling Green Flames. The Mole swats Spike. "Not this time. Phew," Spike hits the Mole with a Sparkling Green Bullet by mimicking one of his claws like a gun.

Gray creates an ice platform for him and his friends to climb up. The Mole nearly snatches Wendy and Lucy.

"Sorry for the disrespect, Spike. Now I know how difficult this thing is."

"Man, that was close," Natsu said in relief.

"Get ready to hit him. I have a lock on him," Spike smirks.

"Right," Natsu, Gray, and Wendy power up.

Spike conjures his metallic flame sword and powers up. He's ready to shred the Mole into pieces. "Here it comes!" Spike uses his fire breath to teleport the Mole. He falls as he is confused.

"Sky Dragon Rooooooar!" Wendy unleashes her windy breath attack at the Mole.

"Ice Make! Lance!" Gray unleashes a fury of ice lances at the Mole.

"Fire Dragon Rooooooar!" Natsu unleashes his fire breath at the Mole.

The Mole is scorched, frozen, and blown away from the impact. Spike conjures the power of his blade to finish the job.

"Heat-Incinerating Flame Sword Slicer!" Spike slashes his sword at the Mole. The Mole is barely alive. It's heavily scorched with third-degree burns as it lands on the ground. Now knowing it can't do any harm, the Mole flees away. "That's right! You better run!" Spike flies to his friends at the ice platform. "You guys are alright?"

"Never better, Spike," Erza said.

"I'm good. That was awesome," Natsu said.

"Thanks for the assist. That was clever thinking," Gray said with respect.

"I can use a bath," Lucy said.

"Same with me," Wendy concurs.

"I'm glad the Mole didn't eat our friends," Happy said.

"Agreed," Carla nods.

The Village Elder and some villagers use their canoes to ride to the platform after seeing the Mole's defeat.

"Thank you for driving that monster away from our town," The Village Elder graciously said.

"It's no problem. We're glad to help," Lucy speaks for her friends.

"Here's your reward money," The Village Elder holds a briefcase. "I know on the flier it said 200,000 Jewels but making sure the Mole doesn't come back, I upped the ante to 450,000 Jewels."

"450,000 Jewels!" Happy and Natsu shout in joy.

Spike flies up to the Village Elder and takes the briefcase. "Wish you luck on getting this place cleaned up."

"Oh, don't worry. We've called an agency to take care of this. The flood will be taken care of in two days," The Village Elder explains to Spike.

"Have a nice day," Spike flies to his friends. "Ready to go home?" Spike asks.

"Yea, and how are we heading back?" Happy asks.

Spike rolls his eyes a little and uses his fire breath to teleport his friends and himself outside of the guildhall in Magnolia. "Does that answer your question?"

"Totally," Happy answers.

"Well, let's start cutting the dough," Gray said.

"Alright, let me do the math real quick," Spike tries to divide the number in thought.

"How about we use the Fairy Tail theme calculator from the gift shop," Erza suggests.

"I got it," Happy flies over to grab it, he punches in the numbers. "Okay, each of us gets 56,250 Jewels each."

"Up up up, correction. We get 56,250 Jewels. You and Natsu have to cough up 28,125 Jewels as promised for food," Lucy reminds Natsu and Happy.

"Whaaaaaaaaaat?!" Natsu and Happy completely forgot the rearrangement they made earlier today.

"Oh, yea, you two agreed to it earlier," Spike chuckles.

"What did you made, Spike?" Gray asks.

"Sandwiches," Spike uses his fire breath to teleport a basket filled with sandwiches. "It's nice and ready."

Natsu and Happy's belly growl on cue. They took their sandwiches from the basket and eats them. Despite having to cough up half their pay to Lucy, it's a success knowing that Spike's making is delicious.

"Did you made extras?" Erza asks.

"I did. In case one wasn't enough. You can have some," Spike smiles.

Erza, Gray, Lucy, Wendy, and Carla grab a sandwich and chow on it. The flavor is out of this world for them especially coming from a sandwich. Erza, Gray, Carla, and Wendy are curious to taste Spike's cooking in other dishes.

Spike gives Natsu and Happy 28,125 of their cut since the other half is going to Lucy. Spike gives everyone else 56,250 of their cut in stopping the Mole. Spike sees how happy everyone is eating their fill. Spike is thinking about getting a job to work in the Fairy Tail Guildhall kitchen or helping out at Yajima's 8-Island Restaurant.

After everyone has their fill, Lucy, Spike, Erza, Gray, Natsu, Happy, Carla, and Wendy head on over to the Fairy Tail bathhouse to wash the mud away. Spike was hoping to be with Wendy in the bathhouse but has to respect the regulations.

"Aw man..," Wendy feels drifted apart when she realizes that Spike couldn't go with her or stay with Spike to take a bath. Erza understands the frustrations, but it can't be helped. Master's rule is in effect.

"I'll see you after the bath," Spike said.

"Okay," Wendy said, going upstairs with Carla, Lucy, and Erza.

After an hour spent in the bathhouse, everyone is clean and refreshed. Everyone goes back to the guildhall to spend time with their friends a bit longer.

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