• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Alvarez vs Fiore: Part 1

Later that night in Magnolia. Spike and Lucy hear the door knocking. Spike answers the door after finishing his specialty cookie. Natsu and Happy are standing by.

"Hey, mind if we come in?" Natsu asks.

"Yea," Happy nods.

"Lucy?" Spike turns to Lucy.

Lucy sighs a bit. "Let them in."

Natsu and Happy enter the apartment. They informed Lucy and Spike that all residents of Magnolia safely after the evacuation. Spike tells Natsu and Happy he mailed the letters to the guilds. He doesn't know how quickly help will be arriving.

"So, wanna play some games?" Natsu enticingly asks.

"Not tonight. Tomorrow, war could be upon us. We're facing an enemy that can't die. We're up against the toughest wizards we never came across besides that Marin guy and Brandish."

"Also, I have a feeling this God Serena guy may best me in battle. I tried asking Makarov about it. All he can say is God Serena was the strongest wizard in Fiore before he left. I can't stop thinking about the guy's magic power and the possibilities."

"C'mon, Spike. You took on Acnologia Twice and defeated Sparkle Sunlight at Canterlot," Natsu claims.

"It's Midnight Sparkle, and we were at the Crystal Empire," Happy corrects Natsu.

"My point is, you fought tougher opponents. You bested Jura during the Grand Magic Games. You held your own against some demons of Tartaros. You pulled off amazing feats! No need to doubt yourself. You've come a long way! I remember seeing you for the first time, and you didn't know how to use magic. You took the time to elevate yourself into the Fairy Dragon we all know and love! Quit beating up on yourself!" Natsu said, hoping his words enlightens and encourages Spike.

Spike cracks a smile. "You're right. I have come a long way. I struggled, I fought, I strived, I honed, I laughed, I cried, I bled, I've done so much, I'm not stopping now!" Spike is fired up. Lucy smiles and thanks Natsu for lighting a spark in Spike's heart.

"That's the spirit!" Natsu high-fives Spike.

"Hey," Happy smells Spike's freshly baked homemade triple-decker nut-crazy vanilla cream cookies. "Can we have some of those cookies!" Happy starts drooling.

"Sure, just don't eat it all," Spike said. He figures the Landlady has evacuated as well.

"Also, let's play strip poker," Happy shrewdly chuckles.

Lucy refuses to play strip poker. "No way! You and Spike are naked as is!"

Spike, Happy, and Natsu laugh. Spike Natsu, Happy, and Lucy play a couple of board games while enjoying each other's company. After an hour of having fun, everyone feels a draft outside, distorted fog, and smoke filters all over Magnolia. The Fairy Tail Bell chimes, alarming everyone that Alvarez has arrived.

"They're here now!" Natsu couldn't believe in less than a day, Alvarez starts invading.

"Already?" Happy couldn't believe the bell is ringing.

"I don't think I'm ready for this fight, guys!" Lucy trembles a bit.

"It's time to fight to live tomorrow!" Spike flies out the window. "Whoa," Spike sees many aerial cruisers in the skies, shooting magic bullets from its cannons at the magic barrier surrounding Magnolia.

"Happy!" Natsu catches up to Spike.

"That must be Freed's enchantment."

Freed is with Bicklsow and Evergreen at the Kardia Cathedral. He's conjuring the enchantment barrier while taking an onslaught from fifty aerial cruisers. The spell Freed is using drains of his magic power tremendously.

"Natsu, Spike. Can you hear me?" Mavis said from the guildhall. She's communicating telepathically.

"Yes, First Master!" Natsu shouts.

"What's the status?" Spike asks.

"Fifty aerial cruisers has arrived. It's time to unleash the dragons to annihilate their air power!" Mavis commands.

"Right! Let's do this!" Spike and Natsu shout. Spike and Happy soar in the skies while bringing Natsu. They meet with Carla, Wendy, Panther Lily, and Gajeel.

A sand soldier approaches Ajeel with important information. Ajeel sees one of his cruisers getting destroyed in an instant.

"The hell?" Ajeel is perplexed as to what happened. Ajeel is a dark-skinned, muscular young man. Ajeel wears a thin light gold cloth tied around his neck and upper torso, leaving his bare chest and abdomen exposed instead of a traditional shirt. He wears baggy, brown-colored pants as well. On his wrists are gold bands on each of his biceps. He wears gold lock-in sandals and a golden scarf bearing an eye on the region covering his forehead. He adorns two large spherical earrings on his ears.

"Say hi to the Flying Dragon Squad!" Natsu shouts.

"What the..?" Ajeel looks at Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, and Spike.

"Now, let's rock," Gajeel said. Panther Lily flies Gajeel straight into another aerial cruiser ship.

Spike and Wendy hold hands and fly together. "Fairy Sky Dragon, Whirlwind Barrage!" Spike and Wendy press their hands forward for a unison raid attack. Sparkling Green Energy and Sky Dragon Winds circulate, creating a tornado that destroys many aerial cruisers.

"No way!" Sand Soldiers panic due to the combined power of a dragon and a kid.

Natsu crashes and destroys many aerial cruiser ships with Happy's flight speed. While Spike, Wendy, Gajeel, and Natsu fly, dodge enemy fire, and destroy several more cruisers, Bisca is on the ground aiming Phantom Lord's Jupiter Cannon at the aerial cruiser ships. She hopes to blast them all sky-high.

"You're going down," Bisca shoots the Jupiter Cannon at the cruiser ships. A powerful stream of magic power goes directly at the lead cruiser in front. The Jupiter Cannon is powerful enough to obliterate a town.

"Sir! Incoming fire!" A sand soldier warns Ajeel.

"Nice try, losers!" Ajeel uses his sand magic to repel the immense power of the Jupiter Cannon. However, repelling the immense magic causes several other ships to take critical damage.

"He defused a shot at the Jupiter Cannon?" Panther Lily is in shock to see how powerful Ajeel is.

"Guess we better fight him up close," Gajeel said. "I say we start with the Sandy-Bastard!"

Happy, Carla, and Panther Lily release Natsu, Wendy, and Gajeel. Spike lands next to them to confront Ajeel.

"You guys really know how to break stuff," Ajeel is excited to fight. He and Spike turn to see Natsu, Wendy, and Gajeel suffering from motion sickness. "What the hell?!" Ajeel's eyes pop out in shock.

"Even flying ships get you guys sick?" Spike groans.

"Also, how are you not sick?" Ajeel asks Spike.

"I'm a real dragon. Not a Dragon Slayer. I don't carry the motion sickness ordeal," Spike uses his fire breath to teleport Natsu, Wendy, and Gajeel to the guildhall.

"We're in the guildhall?" Natsu forgot about Spike's teleportation already.

"Quick thinking by Fairy Dragon," Gajeel said.

"He saved me from a foolish blunder I made," Mavis said, sounding very disappointed with herself. "While he teleported you away, ground forces are beginning to mobilize. Get to the Western Hill of Magnolia."

"Right!" Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy said. They ran out the guildhall, calling for their exceeds to fly them to enemy lines.

"Where did you send them!?" Ajeel is more confused than ever since he doesn't know Fairy Dragon's abilities.

"Away from this fight," Spike powers up. "It's you and me, Sand Boy!"

"The name's Ajeel, you little runt!" Ajeel is livid and powers up.

Erza swoops in with her Heaven Wheel's Armor, taking out sand soldiers left and right. "Spike, go down and deal with the enemy troops that are landing on the ground. I'll take care of this."

"No way!" Spike refuses to leave. "He's going down!" Spike flies at Ajeel.

"No! Spike!" Erza sisterly instincts come into the fray then fights incoming sand soldiers.

"Foolish mistake!" Ajeel lunges at Spike with his sand engulfing his hand. He punches Spike's face so hard he receives a bloodied nose. "Whoops, did I break something?" Ajeel laughs.

Spike adjusts his nose, snapping it back in place. "Lightning Inferno Flame!" Sparkling Green Lightning Flames engulfs Spike's hand. "Demolition Fist!" Spike wants to return the favor by punching Ajeel's face.

"Nice try, runt!" Ajeels' sand magic deflects Spike's attack. However, he notices his sand magic transferring into Spike's claw. "What is this?"

"I suckered you into my trap!" Spike jumps back and claps his claws. He creates a Sparkling Metallic Inferno Sand Sword.

"NO WAY!" Ajeel shouts in horror.

"Your magic is now infused with mine," Spike chuckles.

"What are you?" Ajeel asks Spike. He stands there, petrified.

"I'm Spike the Fairy. Fairy Dragon. I am an Energy Maker Dragon!"

"Sands of Death!" Ajeel creates an enormous wave of sand that engulfs Spike. "Got you, you stupid Fairy Dragon!" Ajeel laughs while Spike coughs due to the sand going into his mouth, nose, and eyes. "I'm going to kill you by draining your magic power and encasing your body in the sand!"

Erza roars and slashes Ajeel from behind after encasing Spike in the sands. Ajeel loses focus of his spell and releases Spike; Spike gets hit with enemy fire from a different cruiser ship falls.

"Spike!" Erza watches him fall.

Ajeel shoots Erza with his sand magic. "Not cool! Now you're dealing with me!"

"You'll regret harming my brother!" Erza requips into her Black Wing Armor and fights Ajeel.

Spike coughs out the sand while he's falling. "I need to do less monologuing and more fighting." Spike looks down and sees he's about to crash hard on the ground. He uses his fire breath to teleport to Wendy, Gajeel, and Natsu. They are fighting sand soldiers by the Western Hills.

"Spike?" Wendy's eyes widen in shock when she sees him land in front of her.

"Flaming Arrows!" Spike's claw is in a C-Formation, shooting flaming arrows from his fingertips. He scorches sand soldiers behind Wendy.

"What happened?" Wendy asks Spike.

"I got beaten by the sand wizard and shot by an enemy cruiser. I monologued too long," Spike said in shame. "Erza is battling Ajeel."

"Enough talking lovebirds, and help us fight the army!" Carla said. She's in her humanoid cat form battling the sand soldiers in hand-to-hand, close-quarter combat.

"You can kiss later!" Gajeel irately says while fighting Kareem.

"Right!" Spike and Wendy spring into action.

"Sky Dragon Rooooooooooar!" Wendy unleashes her dragon breath attack at the Sand Soldiers.

"Ice Paladin Strike!" Spike raises his claws, conjuring many ice missiles with lightning flames inside. "Launch!" Spike unleashes the ice missiles on every sand soldier he sees.

"Fire Dragon Roooooooooar!" Natsu unleashes his fire breath attack at Bakel. He scorches him and several sand soldiers behind him.

After a few minutes, the first wave of sand soldiers is defeated. Everyone takes a breather.

"Man, I can't believe you've lost to that sand wizard, Spike!" Natsu said in disbelief.

"You lost while standing on a cruiser. You shouldn't be talking," Spike counters Natsu's statement.

"He got you there, Natsu," Happy said.

"This is not the time for bickering," Carla infuriated states.

"Another wave of ships are upon us," Panther Lily alerts his friends.

"Master Mavis did say earlier that Alvarez will be relentless on their pursuit for Fairy Heart," Wendy said. "We just gotta have faith we can win."

"I know we can win," Spike proclaims.

"Give up, now!" Bakel is a tall, dark skin muscular man with messy dark hair who tries to attack Natsu from behind. "How can you beat our army when this is all you got! You losers can't even handle the Ajeel Division, and that pathetic dinosaur lost to him!" Bakel laughs.

Natsu elbows Bakel and punches him high in the skies. Gajeel, Spike, and Wendy look up while every other defeated sand soldier watches in awe and horror. Some are deciding to stay down and not bother the Dragon Team. Bakel crashes into the ship Erza and Ajeel are fighting on. Ajeel is distracted, allowing Erza to strike Ajeel with her wind and water blades. Then, out of nowhere, Ajeel summons a sandstorm. It covers the entirety of Magnolia.

"What's going on? Where this sand come from?" Natsu asks.

"It's hurting my eyes!" Happy has to close his eyes. Wendy and Carla do the same.

"Now what? More enemies are coming!" Panther Lily is out of options due to the sandstorm.

"You cats stand back. Us dragons can use our noses to fight the bad guys," Gajeel said.

"Spike, can't you eat the energy of the sandstorm?" Happy asks.

"I've never tried it before," Spike is shielding his eyes. "I'll try!" Spike starts consuming the energy of the sandstorm. He gags a bit due to the sand and collapses.

"Spike! Are you okay!" Wendy gets worried while she hears Spike gagging.

After a few seconds of gagging, Spike stops and stands on his feet. He's no longer affected by the sandstorm. "I'm ready for my rematch!" Spike takes off and flies at Ajeel's ship.

Amid the sudden sandstorm, Ajeel grabs Erza's throat and chokes her. Erza is in her Wind God Armor. She was holding her own against Ajeel before he unleashed the Sand World.

"Recognize me as your God and start begging me for my forgiveness. Do that, and I'll show you mercy," Ajeel decrees while proclaiming himself to be a Sand God. "I'll grant you an instant death."

"My strength.., it's fading..," Erza is losing her strength due to Ajeel's Sand Word.

"It's excruciating. My magic can dry up all the water in your body. The source of light itself," Ajeel laughs in triumph while watching Erza squirm, trying to take a breath. "Do you want to shrivel up and die painfully that way? C'mon. Say God, and I'll end your suffering."

"Hands off, my sister!" Spike punches Ajeel, causing him to release his hold on Erza. Erza catches her breath.

"You!" Ajeel snarls. "Wait a minute..?" Ajeel notices something peculiar about Spike. "How can you touch me?"

"I consumed some of your sand from this sandstorm," Spike uses his magic to harden the sand around him, creating twin swords.

"How is that possible! Sand is-" Ajeel realizes what Spike meant by being an Energy Maker Dragon. His sandstorm is a wave of energy. "No..," Ajeel grits his teeth, now knowing he made a fatal mistake. "You.., stay back!"

"Morning Star Armor!" Erza requips into her armor, illuminating light throughout the sandstorm.

Bisca, who had trouble locking on her target due to the sandstorm, can now see Ajeel's ship. She fires the Jupiter Cannon at the cruiser.

Ajeel is distracted from his flaw when he sees a flash of light colliding with him. He screams in agony. "Nooooo! Impossible!"

"Spike, mind if I finish him?" Erza said. She requips into her Nakagami Armor. The armor is composed of a short revealing robe tied together with an intricate ribbon at the waist. The armor features large pauldrons over each shoulder, bearing the image of a lion with an open mouth, and decorated greaves that match the armor. The armor has a rhombus-shaped tiara, a large sash that loops above her head with the ends hanging out towards the ground with a bead on each end. The armor comes equipped with a large halberd possessing a circular hand-guard at its center.

"By all means," Spike steps aside.

"Nakagami Starlight!" Erza's spell with her weapon dismantles Ajeel swiftly and with brute force. It also disperses Ajeel's Sand World spell, getting rid of the sandstorm.

"Curse yoooooooou!" Ajeel says in defeat. His cruiser gets blown up in the process.

Spike flaps his wings after the ship explodes. He notices that the Nakagami Starlight spell drained Erza's magic; She have bruises on her body from Ajeel during her battle. As a result from the explosion, Erza reverts to her attire but it's tattered. Spike flies and catches Erza.

"Got you," Spike increases his size and puts Erza on his back. Spike is the size of half a dragon.

"Spike..?" Erza wakes up and realizes she's on Spike's back.

"We defeated one of the Twelve Spriggan," Spike locates Wendy battling with her friends against another wave of sand soldiers. When Spike lands, many of those soldiers cry in horror, thinking Spike is going to devour them.

Natsu and Gajeel combine their dragon breath attack to defeat the second wave of sand soldiers. Some retreat due to Spike's height.

"Wendy!" Spike grabs Erza and places her on the ground.

"Coming," Wendy rushes to Erza and starts healing her.

Gajeel chuckles. "Nice work, Fairy Dragon."

"Thanks," Spike reverts to size.

"Hey! We took down the Western Forces!" Natsu announces. He finishes the rest of the sand soldier fleet. Warren uses his telepathy to pick up Natsu's status and everyone around in Magnolia that fought.

"Erza, Bisca, and I took out Ajeel. Though it was Erza and Bisca that delivered the final blow," Spike announces, hoping Warren's telepathy picks up.

"Great to hear, Fairy Dragon," Master Makarov is pleased to hear the good news.

"Thanks, Wendy," Erza smiles happily now that she's healed.

"You're welcome," Wendy smiles. She finishes healing Erza.

"Hey, we're happy to confirm that we captured one of the twelve," Lucy said. She and Cana defeated Brandish.

"And we're bringing her to the guildhall," Cana confirms. She's carrying Brandish.

"We did our part!" Gray announces. He, Juvia, Elfman, Lisanna, and Mirajane were battling Machias soldiers created by Wall Eetho. Machias Soldiers are robots that can use magic power. that used their weaknesses against them.

"We took out a member of the Spriggan that conjured the weakness bots," Bickslow said.

"However, he's still alive. We fought his Machias form," Evergreen said.

"I received your letter, Fairy Dragon. Rest to sure that Blue Pegasus got Fairy Tail's back!" Ichiya said. He poses in front of Bickslow, Freed, and Evergreen at the Kadiac Cathedral.

"Thanks. Glad you can make it, Ichiya!" Spike said in excitement.

"Blue Pegasus wasn't with you when you defeated that wretched demon of yours from that Canterlot Crystal world, so allow us to help you win this war!" Ichiya is stomping the head of the Spriggan robot. It's his undoing as the head self-detonates.

"Crystal Empire," Happy corrects Ichiya through Warren's telepathy.

Everyone hears an explosion coming from the Kardiac Catherdral. Smoke and fire are viewable from afar; Ichiya, Freed, Bickslow, and Evergreen survive. However, Freed, Bickslow, and Evergreen took it the worst while shielding Ichiya from the blast radius.

"HEY! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!" Laxus yells in Warren's ear after hearing an explosion. Warren gets an earache.

"From what I see, the Kardiac Cathedral got blown up!" Gray responds.

"I'll be back," Spike flies to the Kardiac Cathedral.

"We should head back to the guildhall," Panther Lily said.

"Yea," Everyone around agrees with Panther Lily. Natsu helps Erza up.

Ichiya pants a bit from the explosion. "Guys, are you okay? Please, say something," Ichiya is horrified to see Evergreen, Bickslow, and Freed, tattered and bruised from the explosion. "Freed.., Evergreen.., Bickslow..," Ichiya tears up a bit.

"I'm glad.., you're okay..," Evergreen said while catching her breath.

"We worked together in Blue Pegasus. You allowed us to work after having a meeting with Spike. That bond can be stronger than blood," Freed weakily says.

Ichiya tears up more. "You mean that?"

"Yea," Bickslow weakily said. "We're family."

Spike arrives at the Kardiac Cathedral. He goes inside and lifts the rubble off Ichiya, Bickslow, Evergreen, and Freed. "I got them. Wendy, they need your healing. I'll take them to the guildhall."

"On it!" Wendy said. Carla picks her up and flies to the guildhall.

"How are they doing, Spike?" Laxus asks while using Warren's telepathy.

"Everyone is in one piece but took a toll from whatever bomb that blew up. They'll need time to recover," Spike confirms. Spike then senses something large and powerful. "Guys! I'm sensing a large stream of magic energy coming our way!"

"I see it, Spike! I can see it on my radar!" Warren said after hearing the alarms sounding off inside the guildhall. "It's super fast and heading right at us!"

"Spike! Think you can intercept it?!" Master Makarov shouts louder in Warren's ear.

"Ah, dude, my ear!" Warren complains a bit.

"I'll try," Spike flies up and sees the wave of magic energy pass by him. "Oh, shit!"

"I told you, Spike. Blue Pegasus got your back!" Ichiya commands the Magic Bomber Christina to intercept the long-range attack. The Christina is shattered, but the Fairy Tail Guildhall remains intact. Untouched by the surging magic power.

"Thank you," Spike said.

"Calling all of Fiore, now!" Ichiya activates a calling lacrima. "Listen up, everyone! Whether you received Spike's calling letters or not, this battle belongs to all of us! We won't allow Zeref to wipe us all out!"

Through Ichiya's calling lacrima, a thunderous roar echoes the landscape of Fiore.

"Let's get you fixed up, Superman," Spike uses his fire breath to teleport Ichiya, Freed, Evergreen, and Bickslow to the guildhall. Spike turns to see the sun rising. "This is going to be a long warfare," Spike takes a deep breath and flies to the guildhall.

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