• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Still No Word: Part One

Edolas 43 Days Ago

Spike Knightwalker is walking in the streets of the Royal City after an exclusive interview with Gajeel on his podcast. Spike Knightwalker routinely inspects all homes and buildings with solar panels to ensure they're in working order or if it needs repair.

Throughout the eight years since all of Edolas lost their magic, Spike Knightwalker's invention helped everyone live life better with solar-based technology. Of course, different factions are using solar-based weaponry to invoke their dominance, scouring to find treasuries to rob or kidnap civilians to hold for ransom. Due to Spike Knightwalker's sadistic days, only one guild fights these different factions whenever they strike the innocents, Fairy Tail. Despite being a dark guild, Fairy Tail prides themselves on helping anyone in need; King Jellal hired Fairy Tail to become his utmost investigators and warriors whenever the people cry outside or within the Royal City.

Although Spike Knightwalker is a changed man with promise, most of Fairy Tail cannot forgive all the pain, strife, trauma, headache, and torment he inflicted during his sadistic days. They tolerate Spike Knightwalker since their weaponry based on his designs correlates to each warrior's power type.

Only one member of the Fairy Tail guild showed mercy during Spike Knightwalker's punishment when all of Fairy Tail unleashed their wrath, and rightfully so; that woman also became the wife of Spike Knightwalker. Her name is Wendy, Wendy Knightwalker.

Wendy Knightwalker is a tall, young woman with ample breasts and long blue hair. Her attire consists of a very revealing cerulean-colored top with a thin white trim that tapers off at her waist and her bust into multiple spiked points. Decorating the front of this top is a sky-blue bow tied in the center of her chest, and she wraps up her overall appearance with a pair of white capri-shorts.

Wendy Knightwalker carries her son and daughter while approaching her husband. The two embrace with a loving kiss; Spike takes and holds his daughter.

"How are you doing, Wendy?" Spike Knightwalker smiles lovingly at his wife.

"I'm doing great," Wendy smiles. "The kids miss their father after you left the Royal City to inspect the solar panels in the outer rims of Edolas."

"Oh, I know," Spike Knightwalker sighs. "I miss you, Spidy, and Windy so much; I have a few more experiments, and I'll take the year off to be with my family."

The kids shout Yay with excitement. Spidy is a four-year-old boy with a blue mohawk and green eyes; he wears a white shirt, black jean shorts, and blue sneakers. Windy is a four-year-old girl with long green hair and blue eyes; she wears a red shirt, blue skirt, black tights, and brown flats.

Spike, Wendy, Spidy, and Windy arrive at the house; next to King Jellal's palace. Erza Knightwalker finishes talking with King Jellal about a new project to use mirrors as a means of teleportation. Due to Spike Knightwalker's research for far-distant travels, King Jellal wants an analysis to see the potential of sending allies to his subjects without having them suffer by enemy hands.

"No.., no, no, no, no, no," Wendy shakes her head, knowing wholeheartedly that her husband will return to his work already. The kids are devastated that their time with their father could be short-lived.

Erza Knightwalker and King Jellal turn to the family arriving at the doorstep. "I shall see you soon, Erza Knightwalker," King Jellal turns to Spike Knightwalker. "After today, I want you to continue your progress with the mirror in your laboratory, Spike Knightwalker. I read your notes and am quite amazed to see the fruition of transporting people, soldiers, warriors, and supplies to any destination having reflective surfaces."

"After spending the day with my kids, they long to see and be with their father," Spike Knightwalker said, hoping not to upset the King in his presence.

"Much obliged, Knightwalker. Have fun with your family. I'll see you in two days," King Jellal gives Spike Knightwalker an extra day, hoping his final project gets finalized before taking the year off.

"Grandma!" Spidy and Windy hop down and run to Erza Knightwalker. She hugs her grandkids with much love and affection.

"You've grown since the last time I've seen you, two," Erza Knightwalker smiles, then turns to Spike and Wendy. "How did the travel go, you two?"

"Work is usually busy in the guild, Erza," Wendy replies while holding Spike's hand. "Though, even after the peace Edolas is embracing, there is backtalk about you and your son since today's the ninth anniversary of the Thunder Legion's demise."

Spike Knightwalker groans bitterly. The Thunder Legion was Fairy Tail's promising group executed by his hands through severe torture during an interrogation. At the time, Spike Knightwalker brutalizes the core to reveal evidence of Fairy Tail's whereabouts and several locations.

"A day I want to forget; I hate the man I once was. Sadistic. Cold. Evil," Spike covers his face in shame; more memories pour into Spike's mind of the times he mutilated many Fairy Tail Wizards and other dark guilds that opposed him.

"It's an unavoidable topic, especially with my guild still hating you more than Erza," Wendy painfully says the truth, knowing her husband wants to leave his disturbing past behind him. "They still encourage me to divorce you."

"Not happening," Spike and Erza said in unison coldly. The kids don't want their parents to split.

"I know. I'm not letting my friends encourage me to divorce you and leave my family behind."

"They hold a grudge, and rightfully so. I cannot forgive myself for my past sins; I still hear the screams about what I did..," Many people beloved in Fairy Tail are screaming in their agonizing death slow and surely, forever haunting Spike Knightwalker. Spidy and Windy don't understand what their father has done; Wendy doesn't allow her guildmates to influence the damages caused by her husbands' hands, manipulating them into hating and resenting their father.

Spike, Wendy, and Erza take the kids inside for a warm and delicious meal for dinner. The kids roam inside, pretending to use magic on each other and imagining fighting a dragon that once stood tall in Edolas eight years ago. The same image is when Dragneel and the Dragon stood while facing a young Prince Jellal to a standstill. It does remind Spike Knightwalker about confronting and battling the Fairy Dragon during the final days of Edolas upholding magic power. Spike Knightwalker revealed his experiences fighting the Fairy Dragon three times to Spidy and Windy; however, he didn't lie or stretch the truth. Spike Knightwalker told how powerful a dragon is and how he was lucky to give it a run for his money.

Erza Knightwalker is preparing a little feast to commemorate the anniversary of Spike and Wendy's marriage. Also, the day that the Knightwalker family changed for the better.

Wendy Knightwalker gets notifications on her solar phone telling her to return to the guildhall for a tribute to the Thunder Legion and those who died at Knightwalkers' hands. She ignores the messages since they cannot let go of the past to move forward. Lucy even threatened to drag Wendy from the Knightwalker's household while disregarding her family.

An hour later, while Spike plays with his kids, pretending to be the dragon, he hears the front doors knocking and excuses himself. Spike opens the door and sees Lucy pissed off with an angry tic on her forehead.

"Where is-" Lucy pauses when she sees Spike Knightwalker at the door. Despite him being a different person, the scars left behind still traumatize her with flashes of sadism. As bold, strong, and mighty as Lucy is, Spike Knightwalker is still fearful in her eyes from the many conflicts the two had a decade ago.

"She's here but refuses to leave the family," Spike Knightwalker calmly said while reading Lucy's body language. He senses the fear Lucy still clings to every time she sees him.

"I want the guild to be together for the tribute!" Lucy shouts firmly with hesitation in her tone. "Tell her that-" Spike walks up to Lucy, and she steps back. "To.., come..., when she can."

Years ago, Spike Knightwalker allowed himself to suffer torment by every Fairy Tail Wizard, especially Lucy, who hit him and hurt him more than anyone else. Lucy can no longer harm Spike Knightwalker whenever Wendy is around, and she's always with Spike. Lucy is one of the roughest Fairy Tail Wizards of the guild, and yet, she's afraid of pulling a punch now.

"She's not coming," Spike Knightwalker replies. "You'll see her when she goes to work, not now since she's with the family and me. See you later," Spike closes the door and hopes Lucy walks away. He hears angrily grumbles and stomps away from the door.

While King Jellal walks to the throne room for an utmost meeting, he gets confronted by Coco with urgency and worry. Coco informs King Jellal about Spike's mirror project glowing with an aura not seen since magic dissipated. King Jellal hurries to Spike Knightwalker's laboratory and witnesses the mirror radiating without any plausible reason. King Jellal and Coco rush to the Knightwalker's home.

Erza and Wendy Knightwalker sets the table as Spike continues to play with his children. They are playing pachisi; Spidy is closer to winning the game than his father and sister.

The family hears the door knocking again. Instead of Spike answering the door, it's Wendy. She believes her guild is persuading her to come to the tribute. Wendy opens the door and sees Coco and King Jellal deeply concerned.

"No.....," Wendy already knows why these two are present. They want her husband.

"I'm deeply sorry, but I need your husband at once," King Jellal formally apologizes.

"We saw something unbelievable in his laboratory! We need Spike urgently!" Coco said.

Spike overhears the conversation and gets up. Spidy and Windy are sick to their stomachs. They don't want their father to leave them again.

Spike approaches King Jellal and Coco. "What's the status?"

"Your mirror is active," King Jellal confirms. "Coco and I saw it illuminating in brilliant colors unforeseen since Edolas' magic deprivation.

Spike Knightwalker's eyes widen in shock at the revelation. He sighs, knowing what's vital. Wendy refuses to allow her husband to leave the family behind over a mirror.

"I'll be back," Spike turns to his wife and kisses her. "I will be back."

"Please.., can you save it for later?" Wendy asks.

"If it's magic from a different world and possibly tries to enter here, would your risk it?" Spike Knightwalker asks. He worked diligently on the mirror project for teleportation. Since the mirror's activation is out of the blue, Spike must investigate the situation.

"Please, don't take too long," Wendy said, turning to her husband.

"I won't be long. I promise," Spike Knightwalker kisses Wendy and leaves with King Jellal and Coco to the palace.

Despite living close to the palace, the travel took fifteen minutes. Spike Knightwalker rushes to his lair while having implications about the possible worlds tethering to the mirror. He sees the mirror glowing in the radiance of yellowish-black.

"My work is not supposed to emit a surcharge of any colors, and my mirror is weeks away from completion," Spike puts his finger through the reflective surface; his finger goes through like a portal. "Impossible!"

King Jellal and Coco are stunned to see the shocking conclusion. Somewhere in Edolas or elsewhere. Now has access to the palace.

"Alright, skipping the trials and energizing the mirror on my end," Spike turns the power of the mirror on and sees where the reflection is coming from. He hears unfamiliar voices from the portal. "Coco, tie a rope around my waist tightly. I'm going in."

King Jellal nods in accordance with Spike's demand. "Do it. Guards!" King Jellal's soldiers arrive on cue.

"Yes, my Liege," Five Royal Soldiers bow in respect of their King.

"I require your assistance. Spike Knightwalker is testing the mirror teleporter on himself, and we'll need to combine our strengths to pull him out of the portal with the rope attached to his waist," King Jellal informs as Coco finishes tying Spike Knightwalker's waist with the rope.

"Yes, Sir!" They loudly chant. Each of them grabs the backend rope with King Jellal and Coco.

"Alright," Spike Knightwalker takes a deep breath. "I'm going in."

The moment Spike Knightwalker steps into the mirror, it shatters, cutting ties to the location Spike saw.

"HOLY SHIT!" Everyone cries out in horror. Just like that, in an instant, Spike Knightwalker is gone in a blink of an eye. Shattered mirror shards are scattered all over the floor, with several notes of Spike's progress ripped to shreds.

"Coco.., tell the Knightwalkers what happened..," King Jellal never anticipated a tragedy such as this to be so devastating within his palace. He has no words to describe the horror he felt.

Coco gulps and runs out of Spike Knightwalker's laboratory. While wearing solar-enhanced sneakers, she matches her running speed when she used magic eight years ago.

Spidy and Windy sit at the table with their mother and grandma. They are eager to hear from their father and hope to eat with him. Wendy feels unease while Erza tries to brighten the mood. The family hears the front door knocking; Spidy and Windy believe their father has brought them presents.

Wendy gets up and answers the door. She sees Coco distraught; her face reads sadness, guilt, and anguish. "Coco, what's wrong?" Coco whispers the unfortunate events that took place minutes ago. "WHAT?!" Wendy horridly shouts in anger and sorrow. She scares the daylights out of Spidy and Windy while Erza balls her fist in anger over the fact that something tragic happened to her son.

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