• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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An Exclusive Job

It's been three weeks since the guildhall got destroyed by Carbuncle. With the guildhall fully restored, more wizards are applying for jobs left and right. Spike is in the apartment reading a magic book. Lucy is at the built-in bathhouse at the guildhall with her friends.

"Which book is this again, Spike?"

"It's one of your abilities to restore magic within a wizard. I'm learning that there is more restoration for other purposes than magic. For instance, if someone was to lose the ability to taste or see, our energy magic should be strong enough to reawaken the lost trait."

"Right. I remember now. For us to pull it off, we gotta be in sync."

"I know. That's why I'm taking the time today to learn more about magic and decide what spells to add to our arsenal. A little bit of support magic like Wendy's. We can't be all offense all the time."

"I hear you. Loud and clear."

"You think we can restore a life?" Spike asks out of curiosity.

"I'm not sure our magic power can do that. We're not there with Acnologia's magic power. We got lucky when we absorbed the Phoenix's magic power and maintained it within our body."

"We ate the other guilds' magic right before battling the dragons."

"Yes, we did. However, it wasn't all of it. The Phoenix took everyone's magic power and conjured that destructive bomb. We still need many more years to use our magic power to restore life."

"How do you think the others will respond about my wedding gift to Wendy?"

"Both pissed off and happy. Happy in the sense that you and Wendy get to live longer than they and pissed off that the two of you will outlive them."

"I can see that happening, then getting drunk and fighting each other."

Fairy Rage laughs. "That's the Fairy Tail Way. A fight for love." Fairy Rage mimics Sherria with the love speech.

Spike goes back to his reading. Spike read a hundred pages from the magic book. He decides to meditate on what he learned. His claws are open. One ignites with Sparkling Green Flames, the other in Sparkling Orange Flames. Then the building starts shaking, scaring the crap out of the Landlady.

"What in heavens is going on?!" The Landlady runs out and sees her building shaking while orange-green lights are sparking. "Help! Someone! HELP!" The Landlady shouts for anyone's attention. Erza, Wendy, and Carla arrive after coming back from their trip to Onibus.

"What's wrong?" Carla asks the Landlady.

"Erza.., do you feel that?" Wendy is in shock by how much magic power she can feel.

"Let's go!" Erza requips into her Black Wing Armor, ready to fight what she's sensing.

Erza and Wendy go up the stairs and enter the apartment to see Spike levitating in the air. Spike's the one that's causing the building to quake.

"Spike!" Wendy shouts to get Spike's attention. "Do you hear me?! SPIKE!"

Spike opens his eyes after losing his concentration. He turns to see Erza and Wendy by the door. "Hi, Wendy. Hi, Sis."

The Landlady comes up the stairs to see it was Spike that was causing the building to quake. "Spike, if you're going to train like that, please do it outside."

"My apologies, Ma'am. Sorry for scaring you like that."

"Please, don't do that again," The Landlady walks down to her room to catch her breath.

"Wow, Spike. You're getting stronger by the days," Wendy said.

"Thanks," Spike smiles.

Carla comes up the stairs after seeing the building stop trembling. "Oh, that was you," Carla should have known it was Spike all along.

"Yea, it was me. I was doing some research and decided to meditate on what I was learning," Spike slightly chuckles.

"My word, what did you learn?" Carla asks.

"Something that can be crucial down the road. My form of support magic."

"Wow, you got some competition, huh, Wendy?" Erza said.

"There's no competition when it comes to love," Wendy holds Spike's claw. "He was the first to support me when I mentioned I used support magic during the coalition."

"Oh, yea. I remember that day. When you two first met," Erza said. "You were incredibly nervous until Spike opened up to you."

"It's a day I'll never forget. I'll always cherish each moment I have with Spike."

Spike kisses Wendy's cheek. "Even that one?"

Wendy nods. "Even that one."

"So, I'll be right back," Erza requips into her attire and goes downstairs.

"Huh, where is she going?" Spike asks.

"We've come back from a job in Onibus. The theatre needed replaceable actors to fill in, and so, Erza, Carla, and I volunteered to help."

"Please remind us; to never include Erza in any theatre work. She gets stage fright," Carla said.

"Perhaps she can have a role as the blind bandit. All Erza has to do is put a blindfold, and she'll nail the theatrical act."

"Huh, that's clever thinking. We should try that as a test run if the theatre wants Erza back," Carla replies.

Erza comes back into the apartment with a big package filled with desserts. "So, as a generous reward for our spectacular performance, we were rewarded with delectable treats. I figure to share some with my friends and brother."

"Sounds good, Sis. Thank you. I'll get the drinks," Spike goes to the kitchen. "Carla, you want some tea?"

"Sure, that'll be lovely, Spike."

"Get comfy around the table. Make yourselves at home," Spike grabs a pitcher of apple and grape juice. He brings it to the table first.

"We will, Spike," Carla, Erza, and Wendy said. They watch Spike going to the kitchen to brew Carla some tea. Wendy couldn't take her eyes off of him.

A few moments later, Lucy returns to the apartment. She's in shock seeing Erza, Carla, and Wendy sitting by the table.

"Welcome home, Lucy," Wendy said.

"Spike let us in, in case you were wondering," Erza said.

"Okay," Lucy sighs in relief. "Here, I thought it'll be Natsu and Happy for sneaking inside my apartment; again."

"Here's your tea, Carla," Spikes gives Carla green tea.

"Thanks, Spike," Carla takes a sip. "This is the best cup of tea I've ever drunk in my life, Spike."

"Anything I make is the best," Spike chuckles. "Hey, Lucy. Want a cup of green tea?"

"Sure, Spike," Lucy sits at the table. "So, I heard you three went on a job today?"

"Indeed. The theatre was nice, but what's sweeter are these rare delectable treats we worked for; I can hardly keep my tastebuds any further," Erza licks her lips.

"Sis brought them over to share with us, Lucy. Though have you seen Natsu, Gray, and Happy?"

"Mirajane told me that they went on a job together," Lucy replies. She sits at the table.

"But, that was three days ago," Erza said.

"Three days?" Spike recalls what he did for the past three days. "Yep, I didn't bother leaving the apartment during those three days. I was relaxing and studying to improve my magic."

"Same goes for me when he slept. We take turns in learning what we can. Eating the magic power of the Phoenix opened deep down inside of us. Like a second origin when we grew in size."

"Can dragons have second origins?" Lucy asks.

"According to you guys, you unlocked your second origin when you saw Ultear. I'm sure what we felt was our second origin to help sustain the magic when we increased our size. If that wasn't a second origin, then wow is all I have to say."

"30,000 Jewels that Natsu and Gray got mad at each other and starting fight each other as well," Spike said.

"30,000 Jewels, huh? I'll take that bet," Erza said.

"We should go check on them," Lucy said.

"I'm going to stay here a bit more. I'm too relaxed to leave," Spike said.

"I'm staying too," Wendy said.

"Alright, Lucy, let's go find the boys," Erza commands.

"Alright, let's go. Coming Carla?"

"Might as well," Carla gets up. "I'm curious to see if Spike's theory is wrong." "Also, it's to give Wendy and Spike space for them to do what they want."

Wendy and Spike see them go. "Hey, wait. Why didn't you teleport them to Natsu and Gray?"

"They didn't ask, Wendy."

"Fair point," Wendy turns to Spike.

Spike is opening the bag to see the desserts Erza brought. "Uuuuh."

"What is it, Spike?" Wendy walks up to him and sees what happened to the desserts. "Uuuuuuh..," Wendy couldn't believe what happened.

"Is Erza that dumb?" Spike asks. The desserts that Erza carried are ruined and smushed together.

"Erza will kill you if you say that to her!" Wendy exclaims.

"She can try, but I'm not scared of her," Spike replies. He grabs a spoon and scoops the remains of the dessert to try.

"How is it?" Wendy asks.

Spike goes to the trashcan to spit it out. "It smells and tastes the freaking leather bag! You don't put desserts in this bag and expect for it to turn out alright."

"All that embarrassment and it was for nothing..," Wendy said in tears. She was hoping to taste the deliciousness.

"I could bake you a cake," Spike offers.

"No," Wendy wipes her tears. "We're going to bake a cake," Wendy smirks.

Spike's eyes lit up in excitement. "Let's do it!"

Spike and Wendy start baking a chocolate vanilla swirl cake together. The two spent two hours having fun baking the cake. Spike and Wendy put a bit of cake frosting on each other's noses and licks the frosting off. They laugh while adding another layer to the cake.

"Wow, this is going to taste so yummy," Wendy drools a bit.

"Our love for each other made the cake. So, it's going to taste better. Erza is going to freak when she sees her dessert ruined because of the leather bag."

"Don't you think we should toss them away?" Wendy asks.

"Nah, I want to see her reaction so I can remind her of what not to do with desserts ever again," Spike imagines Erza's reaction, bursting into tears for her and cursing at herself for being idiotic.

"Okay then," Wendy imagines the reaction Erza will have. She would want to have a long conversation with Spike after crying her eyes out, knowing she ruined her desserts.

Lucy walks back home with Erza, Carla, Happy, Natsu, and Gray. Natsu and Gray suffered from severe bruises and bleedings.

"What happened to them?" Wendy goes over to use her magic to heal Natsu and Gray.

"Here, Spike," Erza walks up to Spike and gives him 30,000 Jewels. "You were right. Those two were fighting each other."

"Hey, Spike. What are you making?" Lucy sniffs the aroma.

"Wendy and I baked a cake together. Two-layer chocolate vanilla swirl." Lucy and Happy drool after hearing the dessert.

"Well, more sweets for me," Erza opens her leather bag to see her desserts smushed together. She trembles a bit, seeing what happened to the rare desserts she worked. "What happened..?" Erza is confused.

"Ever wonder why desserts are always in cardboard boxes or plastic containers? To make sure something like that happened," Spike points to the ruined dessert. Erza is tearing a bit.

"Only an idiot will put desserts in leather packaging and expect the desserts to be fine."

Erza balls her fist and turns to Spike with a rage of fury. "What did you call me?" Erza grits her teeth.

"An i-di-ot."

Lucy, Happy, Wendy, and Carla step back a bit while Erza walks up to Spike. She eyeballs him with a vicious glare. Natsu and Gray gulps and know what Spike will endure.

Erza sighs heavily and drops to her knees. "You're right..," Erza screams, causing Natsu and Gray to flinch for a few seconds. "All that work and it was for nothing........"

"Don't even bother tasting it. According to Spike, it tastes like leather," Wendy informs Erza.

"So, is that why you two made the cake?" Erza asks.

"Yes, Sis. I knew you'll be heartbroken to find out about the desserts, and I do have to say, you weren't thinking properly. Only fools put desserts in leather bags."

"Wait, Spike calls Erza an idiot and fool, but he doesn't get clobbered?" Gray asks in confusion and anger.

"Man, that's bullcrap! We punched Erza by accident during a raging fight, and she beat the crap out of us! Spike deliberately called her names, and she's cool with it!" Natsu complains.

"Talk about favoritism when it comes to friendship!" Natsu and Gray said in unison.

"You got a problem?" Erza turns to Natsu and Gray, giving the same vicious glare she gave to Spike.

"No! No problem! No problem whatsoever!" Natsu and Gray wave and say in unison. The two are not looking forward to another beating Erza can give them.

"So, anywho, how long until the cake is finished heating?" Carla asks, changing the subject.

"In an hour. We hope you'll enjoy the cake we baked," Wendy smiles.

"It has to taste yummy," Happy licks his lips. "I'm so hungry; I can eat the whole thing in one bite."

An hour later, Spike and Wendy take the cake out of the oven. They smear vanilla and chocolate frosting on the cake. They bring it to the table.

"Wow, that smells heavenly," Happy said.

"Okay, dessert for dinner, my kind of treat!" Natsu said.

"For once, I agree. I haven't done something like this in a long time," Gray said.

Spike puts plates around the table. Wendy starts cutting the cake and gives an equal portion to each of her friends. Lucy, Natsu, Gray, Carla, Erza, and Happy sit by the table. After slicing the cake, Wendy sits next to Spike and Carla. Spike sits next to Wendy and Lucy.

"Enjoy," Spike and Wendy said. The two smile while watching their friends take their first bite.

"Oh, wow..," Lucy feels like she's in another realm where sweets rule the planet.

"I don't think any rare dessert can match this sweetness..," Erza savors the flavor. "Thanks, Spike and Wendy."

"So good..," Happy imagines riding a fish while eating the dessert.

"My word, this is amazing," Carla said with satisfaction.

"Dude! This is delicious!" Natsu ate the whole plate of cake.

"This'll help drown out the pain I had during the three days of fighting pyro here," Gray enjoys eating his cake.

"We're so glad you like it, guys," Wendy smiles. She starts eating her slice.

"Definitely," Spike starts eating his slice.

After everyone enjoys their fill, Erza asks Spike and Lucy to have a sleepover. Spike and Lucy allowed it, so tomorrow they all go on a job together. The rest of the night was joyous with much laughter while playing some games.

The next day. Spike, Lucy, Erza, Carla, Wendy, Natsu, Gray, and Happy leave the apartment and go to the guildhall. They decide to grab breakfast over there before embarking on any job. Upon arrival, a messager gives Mirajane a letter for an emergency job. She reads the letter and becomes worried. With no other choice, she walks up to Master Makarov.

"Master, we just received an emergency job request," Mirajane gives the letter to Makarov.

"Another one?" Laxus turns to Mirajane.

"Ever since the Grand Magic Games, we've been getting quite a few specific job requests for wizards."

"Yea, I noticed," Laxus recalls his last job request.

"It's kinda like we're all celebrities now," Mirajane said.

"In that case, things were better before," Laxus said. He enjoys the peace and quiet.

"Let's see what kind of an emergency this job request is," Makarov takes a sip of his beer. "Natsu, Gray, you two got another job request for the two of you."

"Not happening!" Natsu and Gray angrily respond.

"Can it, you two. We're going with you," Erza angrily states.

"So, it says," Makarov reads the letter. "My word!" Makarov is in shock that he could have a heart attack.

"What's wrong, Gramps?" Natsu asks. He's curious as to why Makarov freaked out from reading the letter.

"While you go out there, be on your best behavior," Makarov demands.

"What's up?" Now Laxus wants to know what got his Grandpa intense.

"The client who has requested you is Warrod Sequen. He's the fourth highest-ranked of the Ten Wizard Saints! That makes him one of the Four Emperors of Ishgar!" Everyone is silent after Makarov mentions Warrod Sequen.

"If he's a Wizard Saint, why would he need our help?" Lucy is confused.

"It doesn't make sense," Carla can't believe an Emperor of Ishgar is asking Fairy Tail for help.

"Well, this should be an interesting job to tackle," Spike said. "So, does anyone know how to get to Warrod's place?"

"We'll have to take the train there, Spike," Erza said.

"Ah, crap," Natsu is not looking forward to riding the train.

Four hours later. Spike, Erza, Lucy, Wendy, Carla, and Happy are walking together in the fields. Many mountains in the area blossom with green trees. Natsu and Gray are bickering as they walk.

"It's been a nice walk so far," Wendy said, holding the map while holding Spike's claw.

"I'll say, it feels like a good spring breeze," Spike enjoys the breeze hitting him.

"The weather is awesome," Lucy said.

"It feels like we're going on a family picnic, doesn't it?" Happy asks.

"Perhaps it would if Dumb and Dumber didn't argue with each other the whole ride and walk here," Carla said.

"Will you two shut up!" Erza had enough of Natsu and Gray bickering.

"Sorry, Ma'am," Natsu and Gray said.

Two hours later. The gang arrives at a house much similar to Happy and Natsu's house. The house has trees sticking out of it. Everyone enters the house to see if Warrod Sequen is present. Within the home, there is a man with green hair watering the plants.

"Excuse me, Sir," Lucy calls out to him.

"Shhh," Warrod Sequen shushes Lucy.

"Sorry," Lucy panics a bit.

"Hush. Be silent, will you?" Warrod demands. "Plants prefer peace and quiet. So, do me a favor and kindly shut your wretched mouths!" Everyone present is still and quiet while Warrod continues to water his plants. Warrod cracks a smile. "Just kidding," the light shines on his house, his plants blossoming many roses and violets and other different varieties of flowers. "C'mon, kids. It was just a joke," Warrod said in a lighter tone. "Lighten up. It's my belief that plants and flowers adore the sound of the human voice," Warrod laughs. Warrod looks like a humanoid tree.

"A tree?" Lucy is confused.

"He's definitely not as funny as he looks," Natsu states, not amused with Warrod's comedic.

"You telling me this guy is a Wizard's Saint?" Gray said unamused. He thought Warrod would be more terrorizing in magic power.

"I bid you, welcome wizards of Fairy Tail," Warrod said. "Thank you for traveling such a long way. Now tell me who amongst you are called Natsu and Gray?" Natsu and Gray approach Warrod. "My goodness," Warrod picks up Happy and Carla. "You're a bit more feline than I imagined," Natsu, Gray, Carla, and Happy sweat a bit in confusion. "Got you again. You are so gullible," Warrod laughs.

"Well, at least he cracks himself up," Lucy said.

"Uh, yea," Erza sounds a bit awkward in the presence of Warrod Sequen.

"Hey, Warrod. What kind of tree fits in your hand?" Spike asks.

"Hmm, that's a good question," Warrod put some thought into it. "What?" Warrod wants to know the answer.

"A palm tree," Spike answers. Warrod burst into laughter.

"Can we make fun of him or what?" Natsu asks.

"Of course not; he's like Royalty," Wendy answers.

"All this laughing got me thirsty," Warrod drinks the water from the bucket he used to water his plants.

"Are you sure that guy is Warrod, Spike?" Erza is confused with the physique and appearance of the Tree Man.

"Indeed, I am," Warrod replies. "In the bark," Everyone except for Spike falls for it. "Nah, just screwing with you," They panic except for Spike. "Just kidding again, it's really me," They're a little sick and tired of Warrod's tomfoolery.

"This guy is a real piece of work," Gray said.

"You can say that again," Natsu replies.

"Follow me outside," Warrod steps out of his home. He sits near a table and asks the Fairy Tail Wizards to join him. Warrod explains that he's a retired wizard. During his retirement, he spent his days restoring deserts with plant life.

"Retired, you say. Can I take that you mean you belonged in a guild once?" Erza asks.

Warrod laughs. "Yes, and a great guild it was, but that was a long time ago. These days my allegiance is to nature. Every retired man needs a hobby. Mine is turning deserts into forests. As you can imagine, I've seen many peculiar things traveling in the deserts of this land. Most recently, I came across a village hidden in the mountains. As it turned out, I had read about this place before. It's known as the Village of the Sun. People worshipped an everlasting flame, their Guardian Deity."

"They got a fire that never goes out?" Natsu is amazed at the revelation.

"They do, and when I got there, the whole place had frozen over. Via by nature, but the folly of man, every person, plant, and creature, all their buildings too, the river is solid ice. Even the sacred flame of the village is frozen, but it burns out even now."

"It's possible to freeze a flame?" Lucy asks.

"Must be a divine magic to cause it," Spike said.

"Are you sure it's divine, Fairy Dragon?" Warrod asks.

"I had my encounters with humans, dragons, and creatures that have divine abilities, Mr.Brocoli," Warrod laughs at the name. He would have never thought of that while looking at a mirror.

"Spike, there's no reason to disrespect Warrod like that," Erza said.

"It's fine. I do appreciate a good joke every so often, Ms.Erza."

"But still, a flame being frozen, along with the inhabitants, I feel bad," Wendy said.

"Divine or not, I don't know what happened to the people there. However, one thing is certain. They are still alive."

"Hey, wait, I thought you said they are frozen," Happy said.

"Spike answered it more clearly. There has to be something divine that occurred," Carla said.

"The people of that village are in dire need of help. They must be restored. That is why I called on you. Break the curse of ice," Warrod said. "That is your task."

"No problem! I'll just melt the stuff!" Natsu proclaims. "Those folks will be nice and toasty real soon."

"If that's all you needed, then why did you ask for both of us?" Gray asks.

"Because this ice is far from ordinary. It'll take more than fire alone to melt it," Warrod replies.

"Needless to say, we'll do as you ask. But.., you're one of the strongest wizards alive. Surely if we can handle it, then so can you," Erza states.

"The concept is misconstrued about my rank," Everyone around the table gasps. "Despite the heavy title, we Wizard Saints are far from omnipotent. We're just ten people the council chose to put on top of a list. There are many wizards on this continent who surpass me, and there are wizards beyond this continent who surpass even them. Fairy Dragon far exceeds my magic power."

"Really?" Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Wendy, Erza, Carla, and Happy turn to Spike and back to Warrod.

"Although he is rather young for a dragon's age compared to my experience, his usage for using all sorts of energy allows him to do as he pleases. I've known that the moment I sensed his magic power coming a mile away. Literally."

"I always believe there is someone out there with more magic power that isn't a dragon. I do what I can to learn, study, and improve. I know there is someone out there that can defeat me," Spike said.

"Always improve and strive for greatness the way you can. As a wizard myself, I have no aggressive spells. In the battle of might against any of you youngsters, I wouldn't stand a chance."

"Even so," Erza approaches Warrod.

"Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. This is what inspires wizards to form alliances and then form guilds," Warrod smiles. "Wouldn't you agree, my dear?"

Erza chuckles. "You are as wise as I imagined."

"We accept your job request," Natsu fist bumps Gray.

"What he said!" Gray shouts.

"You can leave it to us," Lucy said. "We got this."

"We'll be glad to help," Wendy said.

"Aye!" Happy concurs.

Warrod smirks. "Good."

"So, this village of the sun place, where is it?" Wendy asks.

"About 1200 miles south," Warrod answers.

"Spike, it's time to fly," Natsu said.

"Nonsense, the least I can do is help you reach the village," Warrod said.

"Hmmph," Spike smirks. "I figure you out, Warrod."

"Oh? What did you figure out?" Warrod turns to Spike.

"You're a Fairy Tail Wizard at heart. That's why you called for Natsu and Gray."

"Psst, Spike, no way he's a-" Natsu and the others see Warrod's face. His jaw drops while he's watering the leaves on his head.

"How did you?" Warrod wants to know how Spike figured him out.

"I'm good with putting pieces together. Also, judging from Makarov's expression earlier says enough."

"This dragon is brilliant, wow!" Warrod said in disbelief.

"His brilliance amazes us every time," Erza said.

"Now, gather there, all of you," Warrod points to the right. "Be sure you aren't leaving anything behind," Spike shoots a flare marking. "Uh, what does that do?"

"Whenever I shoot a flare marking, I can use my magic to teleport to the spot of the flare marking I'm thinking of."

"Wow, that's impressive and helpful," Warrod said. "Now, everyone ready to go? Pivot right!" Everyone excepts Spike does as he says. Warrod laughs. "Just as gullible as always," The other complains a bit. "Good luck on this task, youngsters of Fairy Tail. Should you face yourselves in this journey, I ask you to look closely. Do this and you should overcome whatever obstacles that fall before your path," Warrod powers up. A blossom tree sprouts from the ground and carries everyone, already traveling miles on end at rapid speeds.

"This is amazing!" Gray is enjoying the ride.

"That it is," Erza said, seeing how fast and far her friends are traveling by Warrod's magic. "He's making the tree fly like a dragon."

"Not as fast as Spike when he wants to," Wendy said, holding onto him.

"Sun Village, here we come!" Natsu shouts.

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