• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Tree of Harmony

"So, any ideas on what the Tree of Harmony wanted us to do?" Sandbar asks his friends.

"I have no clue after finding out who was responsible for such a catastrophe," Neighsay said.

"There has to be something else that's vital for the Tree. Any suggestions?" Ocellus asks her friends.

"We're clueless cause the Tree of Harmony didn't summon us," Adagio said.

"We came with the clone to uncover anything that led to the Tree's demise. Midnight Sparkle judging from the photo. As to why she did such a thing, that's a mystery," Aria said.

"The Elements of Harmony were key to nullify any villain it comes across. Midnight Sparkle knew defeat was imminent if the Elements came into the fray. I want to say the Tree of Harmony figured out Midnight's plans and forbade usage of her Element," Sunset theorizes if she were the villain of this scenario.

"We have another problem," Gallus said, now thinking about the situation on a larger scale.

"What is it, Gallus?" Adagio turns to Gallus.

"Twilight Sparkle and Spike. The ones that came from the other world," Gallus responds. Everyone else gasps.

"If Midnight finds out there's another Spike. She will kill Twilight!" Yona horridly shouts.

"I'll go to the School to warn Starlight Glimmer what transpired," Aria said, taking off.

"I'll go to the Castle of Friendship and warn Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike of the possible dangers that lie await," Sunset gallops out of the cave.

"I'm staying with you," Adagio said to the Unity Seven.

"Great," Gallus smiles at Adagio.

"Okay, I'm stumped," Smolder crosses her arms in frustration. "What are we supposed to do?" She sits on a rock within the caves.

"Throughout history, the Tree of Harmony is symbolic as well as the Elements of Harmony. For many generations, many stories forged about its great power and what it means for pony kind," Neighsay said.

"Perhaps the Tree wants us to find a way to honor the legacy it proposes," Gallus said.

"So, how should we honor the Tree of Harmony? What to do with its' pieces?" Smolder asks.

"Use the remains to turn it into something magnificent," Neighsay answers.

"Like what?" Yona asks.

"I have no idea. The thought will come to any one of us, eventually," Neighsay responds.

"Then how about we design artwork that represents the symbolism and deep emotions of the Tree?" Silverstream suggests.

"No way! It should be a museum," Gallus advises. "With all the Tree and artifacts."

"A monument so every creature knows how powerful the Tree was," Smolder suggests.

"I think we should turn this cave into a place where creatures can reflect the Tree's true gift, the Elements of Harmony," Ocellus said.

"I say we plant a new tree in honor of the Tree of Harmony. We make the new tree special by carving our names into it," Sandbar nervously smiles with his suggestion.

"Pass," Gallus, Silverstream, Smolder, and Ocellus said. Yona and Neighsay are silent with the ideas tossed around.

"Why not combine the ideas?" Adagio says. So it's pleasing to everyone's ears.

"Nah," Sandbar, Ocellus, Silverstream, Gallus, and Smolder go their separate way and start working on their ideas.

"This'll be a long day," Yona said.

"I'll get some snacks from the School," Neighsay uses his medallion to teleport to the cafeteria.

"Hey, Adagio. Want to help me out with my museum?"

"Uh, sure," Adagio walks with Gallus to work on his museum idea.

Neighsay arrives in the cafeteria when he hears Headmare Glimmer announcing all students to go home immediately. Neighsay grabs a basket and fills it with water bottles, soda cans, fruits, chips, and cookies.

"That'll do," Neighsay decides to visit Headmare Glimmer before going back to the caves.

Starlight Glimmer covers her face with her hooves. She's angry for closing the school until further notice a second time. She's also angry that Twilight has gone astray. Her enemy at first, teacher and friend, now her enemy once more. A full circle of knowing Twilight.

"Are you okay, Headmare Glimmer?" Aria asks.

"No..," Starlight Glimmer sighs. "Twilight at first was my enemy until I embraced friendship. She became my teacher, my friend. With her return, she's becoming my enemy again. Even worse, a lot can go wrong with the other Twilight and Spike living in the castle. If this Midnight destroyed the Tree of Harmony as well as the Elements of Harmony, I don't know what we can do against her magic power."

"What about the remaining members of the Elements of Harmony? Can they-"

"No," Starlight cuts Aria's speech. "Rarity has succumbed to madness and obsession over Spike. Her generous nature is gone due to her attempting a relationship with Spike. She's becoming selfish with her feelings and relentless until she gets Spike. Rarity is having a hard time letting go ever since she saw Spike the Fairy's memories and all he felt about her and how he loves Wendy."

"Well, what if more friends band together to stop Midnight?" Aria asks.

"It could work but, Midnight is intelligent. As we speak, Midnight could be preparing all different kinds of scenarios for her success."

"What do you think she can be after, Starlight?"

"Since Midnight failed to bring Spike back by any means, I guess her second option would be..," Starlight's eyes widen. "Oh no..."

"What?" Aria sees the terror written on Starlight's face.

"There are two options Midnight will go after failing. Try to recreate a portal going back to Earth Land or.., try to restart time to fix her errors."

"Time magic?" Aria said in shock.

"Yes. I've done it and screwed the timeline many times. If I can go back and alter history, she can too. However, I created a spell to go back to the moment when Rainbow Dash performed her first Sonic Rainboom."

"That means she needs to create a spell to go to either the night Spike made his wish or before the turn events."

"Yes," Starlight nods. "I can only hope she's trying to recreate a portal to Earth Land. We may have a better shot of defeating her."

Neighsay enters Headmare Glimmer's office. He sees Aria and Starlight talking. "Headmare Glimmer, have you've suspended the School of Friendship for this semester?"

Starlight sighs. "Yes. I'm sure the Princesses will need my assistance on stopping Midnight Sparkle. I'm sure the Pillars will need Rockhoof's assistance as well," Starlight takes a deep breath. "And to think this semester will start smoothly, it winds up coming to an end due to a catastrophic threat."

"I'm sorry for bearing the news to you, Headmare Glimmer," Aria said.

"You did the right thing for informing me. If you haven't, I'm sure Discord or the Princesses would have told me. So, what are you doing here, Neighsay?"

"Grabbing snacks from the cafeteria. My friends and I are starting to figure out what the Tree of Harmony wants us to do. Not only uncover the attacker but find a way to have the legacy of the Tree remembered. So far, we have ideas, but not everyone is accepting each other's ideas. Our progress may take a while longer."

"I wish you luck, Neighsay," Starlight Glimmer said.

Neighsay uses his medallion to teleport back to the caves. When he arrives, he sees his friends arguing. Adagio sits on a rock while the cave looks like a disaster zone. Paper and paint are everywhere. Rock sculptures that were to replicate the Tree's sketcher are in half.

"Geez, I go for twenty-five minutes, and this place looks like a hurricane totaled it."

"Gallus was spewing stories about the Tree of Harmony that didn't make sense," Yona said.

"My backstories for the Tree are way better," Gallus crosses his arms.

"I was in support of Gallus' idea a bit until I saw that it wasn't quite helpful to support the true meaning of the Tree of Harmony," Adagio said.

"I think every creature is missing the mark of what we're supposed to do," Neighsay said, putting the basket down.

"Oh, so what's your idea? Hmm?" Smolder gazes at Neighsay.

"Enlighten us, Neighsay," Sandbar said.

"The Tree of Harmony called each of us here for a reason. The Tree of Harmony didn't choose only one of us to appear."

"I know what Neighsay is thinking. The Tree chose us due to our friendship to save Equestria and defeat Cozy Glow from ridding Equestria of its magic. The Tree brought us closer together, even though the school helped us get to know each other. Yona thinks that the Tree of Harmony wants us to build something that creatures can remember for generations when it comes to friendships."

"So, what should we build?" Silverstream asks Yona.

Yona grabs two branches of the Tree of Harmony and creates an image of a house. "What do ponies call this? Club home?"

"A treehouse!" Gallus excitedly shouts.

"Huh, I wouldn't have thought of a treehouse," Neighsay said.

"Why is that, Neighsay?" Adagio asks Neighsay.

"My dad forbade me of having a treehouse. My mother resented me for losing precious time lollygagging instead of studying. To be the best at the time of my youth, I was forced to set aside fun activities."

"Yikes, rough childhood."

"No kidding, Adagio."

"Maybe that's what the Tree wanted us to do this whole time," Smolder said.

"Let's get building," Silverstream said.

"I'll be back with the supplies," Neighsay uses his medallion to grab structure supplies at the hardware store.

After half an hour, Neighsay returns with the structure and hardware supplies. He and his friends start constructing a treehouse using the branches from the Tree of Harmony. They start singing while having fun building the treehouse to a design Silverstream drew. Within four hours of constructing and having fun, the treehouse is finished. On paper, it looks like a castle. The actual presentation is a little lopsided treehouse with stairs. A little smaller than they originally planned.

"So, do we like it?" Sandbar asks his friends.

"It's a little messy," Ocellus admits.

"It's different and unique," Neighsay proudly says.

"Just like every creature here," Silverstream says, hugging Neighsay and Smolder.

"Let's give it a try," Gallus is eager to give the treehouse a shot.

"Lead the way," Adagio smiles at Gallus, causing him to blush a little.

"Wow, I'm about to set hoof in a treehouse for the first time in my life. I don't know how to feel," Neighsay said.

"Let your inner childhood spirit free and have fun since you sang with us," Yona said.

"Yea, might as well," Neighsay joins his friends going inside the treehouse they made, laughing a bit when the treehouse starts trembling.

"What's happening?" Sandbar panics.

"It's magic. I can sense it all around us!" Neighsay said.

"Every creature out!" Smolder shouts.

Every creature gets out of the treehouse they made and watches it grow and expand. It rises from the caves and above. The treehouse morphs into a larger treehouse with beautiful decorations, crystallized branches, leaves, and windows. Every creature goes on top to see the new creation.

"It looks more beautiful than I can ever imagine," Neighsay said in awe and shock.

"Yak is happy!" Yona leaps for joy.

"I can't believe this!" Silverstream shouts in excitement.

"How did that happen?" Gallus is questioning the Tree of Harmony's power.

The messager of the Tree of Harmony appears in front of every creature. It still resembles an Alicorn Twilight Sparkle. "It's because of you," She smiles. "The Spirit of the Tree would have been lost forever if it weren't for all of you."

"We have questions for you if you don't mind answering," Neighsay speaks on behalf of his friends.

"You wish to know about Midnight Sparkle?"

"Yes. Why did Midnight Sparkle destroy the Tree of Harmony?" Adagio asks.

"I forbade her from using her Element. I saw within Midnight Sparkle's eyes what her true objective is. She wants to create a guild of villains to overrule all Kingdoms. Using the magic power to reverse the effects of her artifact given to her by a Demon of Tartaros."

"What would that do? What artifact does Midnight possess?" Neighsay asks.

"The artifact the demon gave to Midnight allows her to open a portal to Equestria. However, it's a one-way trip. Through her eyes, I've seen Spike the Fairy using his magic card to send Midnight here. Since the artifact wasn't activated, it gives her hope of reversing the spell. Midnight Sparkle intends of bringing Spike back and to wipe every creature's memories."

"That's horrible. Yak no like that."

"Our memories, wiped clean?" Gallus said in shock.

The messager nods. "If Midnight succeeds, your friendships will be altered, and your love for Adagio will be lost forever."

"HEY!" Adagio and Gallus shout at the messager. The two of them blush in embarrassment.

"Then that means I return to the EEA as a racist... No! I won't become that pony ever again!"

"That also means bye-bye to the Bar of Alliance and the peace we have," Sandbar said.

"Possible war if Spike were to commit suicide," Silverstream sadly says.

"This treehouse will keep your friendship safe no matter what happens. The same goes for future generations of friendships. As for Midnight Sparkle and her guild, you seven are chosen to save every creature once more but not alone. To defeat this enemy, you need more friends. After all, Friendship is Magic."

"What kind of magic does Midnight Sparkle uses?" Neighsay asks.

"Demon Curses from Earth Land's power."

"DEMON CURSES!" Every creature shouts in horror. Neighsay has never heard of Demon Curses power in his life.

"How do we go up against a creature that uses Demon Curses?" Gallus asks the messager.

"Demon Curses are formidable. However, I've seen that magic can defeat Demon Curses in Earth Land through Midnight Sparkle's eyes. It takes a guild to defeat a strong enemy in this sense. Twilight, before turning into Midnight, had her friends stop opposing threats throughout the land of Equestria. It's due to their friendship that remains superb. Now that I have chosen the next set to wage war, it's up to you to keep building on your friendship and allowing it to expand. Do not worry. Take a stand together and show that Friendship is Magic."

Neighsay, Sandbar, Gallus, Silverstream, Ocellus, Smolder, Yona, and Adagio nod in agreement for the task at hand. Adagio has a feeling the Tree of Harmony did not call her but, she can be helpful for the cause. She's sure that Gallus will approve like any other of his friends.

"On behalf of my friends, we will show that Friendship is Magic by defeating Midnight Sparkle and her supposed guild," Neighsay said.

"Midnight won't know what'll hit them," Smolder cracks her knuckles.

"Yak ready to take down Midnight Sparkle!" Yona proudly shouts.

"We won't be going in alone," Gallus said. He turns to Adagio. "You and your friends should tag along as well."

"Don't worry, we intend on doing so," Adagio said.

"Also, we'll show them how strong love is!" Adagio and Gallus thought to themselves. They believe love is another factor of magic that can repel and defeat all evils.

"Midnight Sparkle will rue the day of trying to end all of our friendships!" Silverstream shouts.

"Time to show Midnight that the power of friendship can overcome any obstacle," Sandbar shouts.

"I'm ready to save every creature and keep our world intact," Ocellus said. "I will not be afraid!"

The messager smiles. "Continue to grow strong and let nothing break your bonds," The messager vanishes.

"We have a lot of work to do. Let's get started with an emergency Bar of Alliance meeting," Neighsay said.

"To the Castle of Friendship!" Ocellus shouts.

Neighsay uses his medallion to teleport his friends to the Castle of Friendship.

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