• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Another Coalition Mission: Part 3

Many sailors flee now that Popeye has brought a small army to defeat the Seven Deadly Sins. The eggs that King Shark threw are shattered and release a scent that Spike and the Dragons Slayers aren't familiar with at first.

Bluto's desire becomes his drive. His desire is wanting to kill Popeye. Bluto increases his size as the unnatural lighting becomes static on his body.

King Shark, Raphael, Kain Hikaru, and Cherry Blendy split up to create breathing room to fight the ones they seek vengeance. Kain Hikaru curses himself and turns into steel.

"Time to show you punks what happens when you make the Seven Deadly Sins mad!" Kain Hikaru is looking to grab any hairs for his advantage.

"I got Kain Hikaru," Jura sways his arms, creating iron rock fists. The connect on Kain Hikaru's charge. He gets punched in the belly, thus pushing him back.

"Damn! I have never felt anything that hard!" Kain Hikaru's belly growls. "So hungry..."

"Have an Iron Rock Knuckle Sandwich!" Jura creates iron rock fists from the sand below Kain Hikaru's feet, launching him in the sky. Jura jumps to bring the fight to Kain Hikaru.

"Hello, my beloved daughter," Cherry Blendy smiles devilishly at her daughter. "You've come to die today. How lovely. I've been waiting to see you for some time now!" Cherry Blendy powers up.

"I've come to put you down for good! You'll regret killing the innocent!" Sherria uses the rage she held in as an adrenaline to boost her magic power.

"I love sending them to a better place. A love I'll give you and your friends!" Cherry Blendy creates wind torrents from the palm of her hands to move faster. She's behind Sherria and Wendy. "SKY DEMON!"

"Too easy," Minerva uses her magic to switch positions with Sherria and Wendy.

"HUH!?" Cherry Blendy didn't expect to switch places like that. She turns to see Minerva, Sherria, and Wendy throwing their fists. The combined strength and magic cause Cherry Blendy to hurl into a sailor ship. It explodes on contact.

"She's going have a difficult time landing a blow with me in the fray," Minerva powers up. She shoots territory explosions on the destroyed sailor ship.

"Thanks," Sherria said with delight.

Sherria, Wendy, and Minerva hear the sounds of consumption. Cherry Blendy is consuming the winds, the fires, and the smoke surrounding her.

"Thanks for the added supplements. Sky Demon Scorching Tempest!" Cherry Blendy sways her arms in a circular motion and presses forward, creating a whirlwind of flames and smoke at Sherria, Wendy, and Minerva.

"Don't mind if I do!" Spike swoops in and consumes the whirlwind Cherry Blendy produced.

"You...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Cherry Blendy angrily releases a tornado of reddish-black winds with unnatural lightning. She remembers Fairy Demon Dragon and wants to kill Spike.

"Sky God Belloooooooow!" Sherria unleashes her divine wind breath attack.

"Sky Dragon Roooooooooooar!" Wendy unleashes her dragon breath attack.

Wendy and Sherria's breath attack form in a unison raid to disperse Cherry Blendy's tornado. However, the unison raid attack proves futile when the tornado snuffs it out on impact. The lightning within the tornado becomes the factor of the outcome. Spike gets hit and tries to consume it; however, the lightning causes severe bruising on Spike's body, causing him to scream.

"Spike!" Wendy hears the screams of agony, and Spike gets hurled into the remains of the Akane Resort.

Spike lands hard while the unnatural lightning surges through his body. It's causing him to stay paralyzed.

"What was that?" Minerva questions the lightning. She saw Spike consume different energies and merge with his magic power. She wonders why the attack caused him harm.

Cherry Blendy takes flight and lands in front of Wendy and Sherria. "Your turn! Sky Demon Lightning Cyclone!" Cherry Blendy produces reddish-black cyclone winds from her arms. The unnatural lightning blends within the attack, causing a devastating effect.

Wendy, Sherria, and Minerva dodge the attack. Wendy smells the unnatural lightning. To her, it has a similar feed of something catastrophic.

"Time to die!" Cherry Blendy goes after the girls.

"Iron Dragon Sword!" Gajeel turns his arm into an iron sword. He slashes at Raphael.

Raphael uses Cassidy as his sword to block Gajeel's attack. He does so with Kagura, Erza, and Panther Lily's sword swings. Even on a four-on-one assault, Raphael can move swiftly to deflect and attack. Panther Lily now understands that Cassidy's skin is unbreakable. He continues to devise a strategy while searching for any weakness of Raphael. Erza and Kagura pick up the pace to strike Raphael.

"Give up?" Raphael taunts his opponents. They fail to land a single strike on him.

"Ice-Make! Seven Slice Dance!" Gray creates ice blades on his elbows and strikes Raphael from behind.

Raphael groans and becomes furious. "Why you, little," Raphael swings Cassidy at Gray but misses.

"Ice-Make Cannon!" Gray conjures an ice cannon and shoots a cannonball made of ice to deal massive damage to Raphael. Raphael uses Cassidy to shield himself from the blast.

"Dude, that's cold," Cassidy speaks a bit fast while his body shivers.

"Hey! You're not supposed to talk!" Raphael angrily shouts.

"That's his weakness! The cold! Well, that would have been obvious for a normal human or exceed but, we weren't sure. Now, we have an advantage!" "Gray! We need you to keep attacking Cassidy. If we can get him to move more, he'll be useless for Raphael!" Panther Lily shouts.

"Consider it done," Gray Smirks. "Juvia!"

Juvia instantly comes at the side of Gray. "Yes, my darling."

"We found a way to neutralize Cassidy's ability. I need your hand."

"Right!" Juvia holds onto Gray's hand.

"Hold it right there," Bluto comes into the fray after hearing Panther Lily discovering a weakness.

Popeye takes out his can of spinach and eats it. He lunges at Bluto. "It's time to end our rivalry once and for all!" Popeye punches Bluto away from Raphael and Cassidy.

"Sailor Scum," Unnatural lightning ignites his hands. His desire to kill Popeye increases his magic power.

"This is for my brothers!" Captain Sparrow slashes Bluto from behind. His sword leaves a scar on his back.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT BY JOINING WITH YOUR BROTHERS!" Bluto slams his fist on the ground. The unnatural lightning creates a sandstorm that engulfs Popeye and Captain Sparrow. Popeye punches the sandstorm and disperses the unnatural lightning. "Oh shit."

"You never learn. My spinach can defeat what you throw at me!" Popeye charges at Bluto with Captain Sparrow.

"Ice-Make Geyser!" Gray unleashes his tower of ice spikes.

"Water Nebula!" Juvia unleashes waves of water rotating around each other hitting Gray's Geyser.

The combined attack hits Raphael and Cassidy, the area becomes freezing cold, and the sand turns into ice. Cassidy shivers and gets down to cover himself.

"Dude! Not now!" Raphael loses his best weapon.

"It's cold," Cassidy is shirtless, wearing jeans and sunglasses.

"Stop moving!" Raphael tries to reason Cassidy due to the cold.

"I need a shirt," Cassidy stutters due to the cold. He starts walking away, which isn't a good sign for Raphael.

"Iron Dragon Club!" Gajeel's arm turns into an iron club and punches Cassidy's back. He falls to the ground.

"Cassidy?" Raphael notices that Cassidy is out cold. Sure, his skin is indestructible, but only if he remains stationary. Since he moved, he's vulnerable. "Crap!" Raphael takes out his Sais and sees Erza, Kagura, and Panther Lily going for the attack while he's distracted. He manages to block Erza and Kagura's strike, but Panther Lily lands a blow on Raphael. He drops his Sais and falls to his knees. "Damn you to hell!" Raphael's unnatural lightning spews from his body, directing the attack on all of his enemies.

Kagura, Erza, Gajeel, Panther Lily, Juvia, and Gray move out of the way from Raphael's outburst of unnatural lightning. Gajeel smells the scent and finds the unnatural lightning familiar for some reason.

"King Shark is a Shark!" King Shark shouts.

"Will you ever shut up!" Laxus is getting annoyed by King Shark's repeated statement. "Lightning Dragon Heavenward Halberd!" Laxus shoots a massive, powerful lightning spear at King Shark.

"King Shark is not afraid of puny lightning!" King Shark's unnatural lightning intercepts Laxus' lightning spear. The two lightning attacks explode on contact.

Sting and Rogue jump from behind. "Holy Shadow Dragon!" Sting and Rogue combined their Dragon Slayer Magic for a powerful and destructive attack. "Flash Fang!" They release a combined burst of light and shadows at King Shark.

King Shark wails a bit from the attack. It wasn't Rogue's shadows that hurt him; Sting's holy properties got the better of him.

"Fairy Bomb, Gremlin!" Evergreen spreads her wings and takes flight. She surrounds King Shark with dust particles and then ignites them to create a powerful explosion.

King Shark grabs Evergreen's leg and uses his strength to throw her far away from the battle. Lector and Frosch fly after Evergreen. Evergreen winds up in front of the remains of the Akane Resort. She lands hard next to Spike and worries at what the unnatural lightning can do. The unnatural lightning visibly scours Spike's body as Spike twitches.

"Spike?" Evergreen is about to touch Spike.

"Don't! Don't touch me."

"What happened?" Evergreen wants to help. That's when Lector and Frosch arrive.

"Hey, are you okay?" Lector asks Evergreen.

"What's wrong with Fairy Dragon?" Frosch asks. He wants to touch the unnatural lightning.

"I'm paralyzed. This lightning is preventing me from moving," Spike replies.

"Get Wendy, now!" Evergreen commands.

"Right, let's go, buddy," Lector and Frosch take off.

"Hang in there, Spike," Evergreen sees how her friends continue their battles.

Jura defeats Kain Hikaru with his Rumbling Fuji. Since Kain Hikaru can't get Jura's hair, there's not much he can do. Also, he's the only member that doesn't enhance the unnatural lightning as his friends do. Jura takes Mr.Cursy the Third and rips it apart.

Popeye and Captain Sparrow are giving Bluto everything they got. The unnatural lightning Bluto has is his equalizer. Bluto punches Popeye and Captain Sparrow. The two catch his punches and throws one right back; The unnatural lightning creates a forcefield. Normally it would have paralyzed the two as Spike did; however, due to the spinach Popeye ate, it neutralizes the paralyzing effect. Popeye and Captain Sparrow continue the onslaught to tire Bluto anyway they can until an opening presents itself.

Sting is the only one affecting King Shark. The other attacks from the Thunder Legion are futile at the moment. Yukino summons Libra and Pisces to level the playing field but, the unnatural lightning makes it harder for the Zodiac Spirits to land an attack. Libra does hold King Shark down as before, but not for long periods of time.

Raphael continues to spew unnatural lightning and controls the movement with his hand. Cassidy is still down for the count. Gajeel's iron club made sure of that. The unnatural lightning makes it harder for Erza, Gray, Juvia, Panther Lily, Erza, and Kagura to land another hit.

Cherry Blendy is proven to be a difficult opponent without Spike in the fray. Her unnatural lightning is making it harder to land blows on her. Sherria, Wendy, and Minerva's combined efforts aren't working; Switching positions with Cherry Blendy around the area is not helping. Cherry Blendy's unnatural lightning with demonic properties enhances her magic tenfold.

"Wendy, Sherria! Spike needs your healing magic!" Lector shouts.

"Can't!" Sherria and Wendy move out of the way. Cherry Blendy unleashes her Devil Wind Foray. Devil Wind Foray are demonic red spears with burning piercing effects.

"Leave the psycho bitch to us," Bickslow and Freed step up to the plate.

"Dark Écriture!" Freed inscribes runes onto Cherry Blendy using his sword.

"Huh?" Cherry Blendy is confused with the runes on her body. "What is this?"

"Suffering!" Freed causes Cherry Blendy to undergo severe pain due to the runes inscribed on her body.

Cherry Blendy screams while the unnatural lightning makes it worse. Sherria sees an opening.

"Sky God Boreas!" Sherria generates two spiraling black currents creating a massive whirlwind. Cherry Blendy feels the divine winds hitting her. "Wendy, go!"

Carla swoops and grabs Wendy. "Let's go!" Carla flies Wendy to the Akane resort. Lector and Frosch follow her there.

Evergreen gets up and waves. She sees her friends coming. "Over here! Spike doesn't look good."

Spike pants while he can't move his limbs. Wendy and Carla gasp in horror and see how devastating trying to consume the lightning is. Carla drops Wendy, allowing her to do her magic.

"I got you, Spike," Wendy uses her healing magic to cleanse the unnatural lightning.

"Oooooh, that feels better," Spike feels the unnatural lightning removed from his body. "Something is off with the lightning. I can smell it. I would say feel but, I don't want to feel that again. How's the fight going along?"

"Freed and Bickslow stepped in for me. Freed's enchantments are pivotal in turning the tides against Cherry Blendy. Freed and Sherria are the perfect combatants to bring Cherry Blendy down due to the unnatural lightning," Wendy confirms.

"I saw Jura defeating Kain Hikaru. I see him going to aid the others in defeating King Shark. Popeye and Captain Sparrow continue their fight against Bluto. Gray and Juvia removed Cassidy from the conflict. Raphael is sending shockwaves of the unnatural lightning at the others."

"Thanks for the info, Wendy and Evergreen. Now, I'm back in the fight."

Spike, Wendy, Evergreen, Carla, Lector, and Frosch notice the ocean waters rising; King Shark senses the creature coming for the eggs an hour too soon.

"Uh oh," King Shark turns to the ocean waters.

Everyone stops fighting after hearing a loud screeching roar. The waters rise like a tsunami and many sail ships fling out of the water. Everyone dodges while the ground and ice start quaking.

"What is that?" Gray ponders a bit.

Raphael's eyes go wide. Fear gets the better of him. "It came early. We were supposed to be gone before it came," The unnatural lightning fades, allowing Erza and Kagura to deliver the finishing blow with their sword swings. Raphael screams in agony while his arms are cleaved off.

"No!" Cherry Blendy becomes worried. She knew the creature came too soon. With her back turn to see the waters rising, Sherria takes full advantage.

"Heavenly Gathering of Clouds!" Sherria extends her arms outwards with her palms open. Black air spirals appear in the form of stylized feathers that grows larger and larger. It flows like a serpent at high speed, hitting Cherry Blendy.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" The divine properties of Sherria's attack weaken Cherry Blendy. She falls and twitches. The pain from the last encounter returns.

Bluto smiles. "It has come a bit soon. However, since my crewmates have fallen into fear, I guess bringing the creature here will do just enough to slay you all."

Popeye grabs Bluto. "WHAT DID YOU BRING HERE?!" Popeye demands an answer.

"A creature that cannot be tamed."

"King Shark is afraid!"

Laxus grabs King Shark from behind and drains the unnatural lightning. To his surprise, the lightning doesn't affect him as much; A perk of being a Lightning Dragon Slayer.

"HEY!" King Shark gets sucker-punched by Laxus by using Roaring Thunder. He's down for the count.

"Nice going, Laxus," Sting said.

"Thanks," Laxus picks up King Shark. "What are you afraid of?"

King Shark points as a tall creature emerge from the waters. A massive sea creature with a long snake-like body and a head of a dragon surface. The scales are dragon-like serpents. The scale's color of the sea creature is a blend of dark navy blue and black. The head of the sea creature has two horns on each side. Its jaw opens, releasing the same unnatural lighting to the fullest of its ability. The unnatural lightning destroys the rest of the sail ships onshore. It roars angrily, seeing the eggs shattered.

The remaining members of the Seven Deadly Sins, except for Bluto, are still due to their fear, everyone else that was fighting watches in awe. They are unsure of how to tackle the sea creature.

Spike, Wendy, Evergreen, Carla, Lector, and Frosch's jaws drop. They experienced many things in life, many terrifying creatures that laid waste. Acnologia is still ranked number one, but the sea creature that emerged takes second place.

"Holy shit.., that's a Leviathan..," Spike said in shock and horror.

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