• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Treehouse of Harmony

Twilight (Sci-Twi) wakes up to a new day. She takes Princess Celestia's advice to head to the Castle of the Two Sisters to visit the Tree of Harmony's Spirit. Spike wakes up.

"Morning, Twilight."

"Morning, Spike," Twilight (Sci-Twi) kisses Spike's forehead and gets out of bed.

"So, when you want to visit that Tree of Harmony Spirit?"

"After breakfast. We're not going on an empty stomach."

"Sounds good to me," Spike generates energy wings and flies to the kitchen. Twilight gallops to the kitchen, following his trail.

Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike arrive in the kitchen to see Starlight Glimmer going over some notes with the rest of the teachers. Starlight tells Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike their breakfast is at a different table. She and the others will be busy for the next while. Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike grab their plate of pancakes and go to the dining room to leave the teachers be.

Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike have their breakfast in the dining room and talk about the possibilities that the Spirit of the Tree may say. After twenty minutes, the two return the plates to the kitchen and leave.

"Shall we walk or fly to the try?" Spike asks.

"I'm not having you carry me to the Tree, Spike. I'll walk it. Also, going to the Everfree Forest won't be dangerous since the other me obliterated half of it."

"Right," Spike remembers the tale from Zecroa about her home.

Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike leave the castle and bump into Yona.

"Oops, our apologies," Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike say.

"Yona accepts the apology," She smiles. "Where are you two off to?"

"To visit the Spirit of the Tree," Spike replies.

"Yona will take you there. Meeting up with friends inside the treehouse."

"Thanks, Yona," Twilight (Sci-Twi) said.

Yona leads Spike and Twilight (Sci-Twi) to the Treehouse of Harmony. On the way to the Treehouse of Harmony, Smolder and Silverstream fly by while carrying snacks.

"Hey, Twilight. Hey, Spike. Where are you off to?" Smolder asks.

"To talk with the Spirit of the Tree. Princess Celestia suggested that Twilight goes there to speak to the Spirit."

"Interesting. You think the Spirit may have some sort-of friendship quest to embark?" Silverstream asks.

"Only one way to find out is to encounter the Spirit," Twilight (Sci-Twi) said. "I hope it presents itself to me."

"Well, the Spirit manifests itself to my friends and me before. I don't see why it wouldn't for you," Silverstream said.

"Yona thinks Tree may have an interesting conversation with a doppelganger."

"I can only hope," Twilight (Sci-Twi) is unsure what to expect. She takes a deep breath.

"I'll be with you for moral support, Twilight," Spike reassuringly says.

"Same with Yak."

"You can count the rest of us in, Twilight. Our friends will be by your side," Smolder said. "And, I can teach you some pointers about being a dragon, Spike."

"Thanks!" Spike gets really excited to learn more about dragons.

"Anytime, us dragons gotta stick together," Smolder said.

Yona, Silverstream, Smolder, Spike, and Twilight (Sci-Twi) arrive at the Treehouse of Harmony, next to the ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters.

"Whoa," Spike and Twilight (Sci-Twi) gaze at the beauty of the Treehouse of Harmony.

"There you guys are," Ocellus said.

"Yea, we've been waiting forever for food," Sandbar said. He's watering a small tree he planted on the side.

"We weren't gone for that long," Smolder said.

"Twilight, it's nice to see you," Neighsay said. "How are you doing, Spike?"

"I'm good, Neighsay," Spike replies.

"Nice to see you as well, Neighsay," Twilight (Sci-Twi) responds with a smile.

"So, you'll be joining us for our friendship party?" Gallus asks.

"Well, I'm here to have an encounter with the Spirit of the Tree. Princess Celestia advised me to come today, so here I am."

"I'm here for moral support. Are we invited afterward?" Spike asks.

"Sure, I don't mind," Gallus said.

"I'm cool with that," Neighsay said.

"Thanks," Spike and Twilight (Sci-Twi) say in unison.

Discord arrives at the Treehouse of Harmony with Sunset, Adagio, Sonata, and Aria. They brought snacks for the party.

"Hello, Twilight and Spike. How have you've been?" Discord asks. He gives his barrels of chocolate milk wings to fly inside the Treehouse of Harmony.

"I'm good, Discord. I've been practicing with my Energy Maker Magic. Check this out," Spike conjures energy wings.

"Wow, those are impressive, Spike," Discord said in shock.

"Well, should we really be surprised?" Sonata asks. She doesn't see it as a big deal.

"Well, this Spike is younger in years compared to Spike the Fairy. So, there could be other creative works with this Spike can produce. I'm looking forward to seeing what else you come up with," Discord encouragingly says.

"Thanks. I'm taking note of Fairy Dragon's magic power and adding it to my arsenal. However, there is much to learn along the way."

"So, what brings you here, Twilight?" Sunset approaches her friend.

"Princess Celestia's advice. To come to meet with the Spirit of the Tree. I've accepted her proposal to become her student. However, I won't be the only one she'll be teaching. She has Spike to teach as well."

"That's good. I guess you want to take the mantle of becoming a Princess?" Sunset asks.

"Maybe? Right now, I want to learn magic. Spike's improved so much ever since Fairy Dragon unlocked his potential. I want to do something dynamic with my son. Being a mother-son magic duo to protect the lands."

"Sounds good. I'm thinking about going back to the School of Friendship. I need to find my place in Equestria."

"Any word on Pinkie Pie back home?" Spike asks Sunset.

"So far, the pages are blank. It may be hard for Pinkie to give us an update on my human self controlling those changelings. Those things by now could be running amuck."

"Oh," Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike lower their heads in sadness. The two sigh heavily.

"It's alright. I'm sure Pinkie is killing it and finding more survivors," Sunset said. "I'm not losing hope on her, and neither should you."

"Thanks," Spike and Twilight (Sci-Twi) cheer up from Sunset's optimism. They hug Sunset Shimmer.

"Hey, Adagio. How have you been?" Gallus asks.

"I'm good. I'm looking forward to going back to class with you guys," Adagio replies. She smiles at Gallus.

"Likewise," Gallus smiles at Adagio.

"Here comes the kiss!" Silverstream and Smolder shout. Gallus and Adagio turns to them.

"Knock it off!" Gallus and Adagio shout at them.

"No need to hide it. We all know," Sonata said. She smiles at the defiance Gallus and Adagio have.

"I'm just..," Gallus sighs. "I'm not good at..."

"I understand. Funny thing. Fairy Dragon and Wendy went through the same biz. We saw it from the memories."

Gallus sighs heavily. "You're right."

"The Spirit of the Tree called it out," Sandbar said.

"Thanks for the reminder, Sandbar," Gallus and Adagio say in unison.

"They're in sync," Yona, Silverstream, Sonata, Smolder, and Ocellus said.

Adagio and Gallus groan but smile. It's evident they do care about each other.

"Let's go, every creature. I'm ready to party," Discord puts on sunglasses to party like no tomorrow.

"Follow us; there's much to see inside the Treehouse of Friendship," Gallus said.

"Lead the way," Adagio holds Gallus' claw.

"Yes, ma'am," Gallus leads the way inside. There's a table, crystalized chandeliers, stained-glass windows of the Unity Seven's Friendship, a kitchen, a party room, a study room, a sleeping quarters room, and a hang-out room.

"I do say," Discord observes the Treehouse of Harmony more. "This place is perfect for many friendship parties and get-togethers. I can see why you issued the party here."

"I wish we could have fought Midnight Sparkle as the Tree instructed," Smolder said. "Seeing the newer memories of Spike the Fairy is awesome but, I kinda feel left out for not assisting my species at the Crystal Empire."

"I know how you feel, Smolder," Silverstream said.

"Likewise," Neighsay and Sandbar said.

"We chose to protect Starswirl so he can erase all of his notes and books that would have been beneficial to Midnight Sparkle. However, she chose to attack the Crystal Empire with all of her forces," Ocellus said. "The best thing was Chrysalis getting her transformation. She's reborn and different than her Queen Chrysalis persona."

"Agreed," Discord nods. "Chrysalis changed for the better. I watched the whole event on my tv with Fluttershy, Twilight, and Spike. It was epic seeing Crystal Fairy Guardian Dragon obliterating Midnight Sparkle."

"I wish there's more than we could have done to help," Gallus said.

"There is," The Spirit of the Tree manifest itself. She appears as Alicorn Twilight Sparkle.

"She looks like me!" Twilight (Sci-Twi) is astounded.

The Spirit turns to Twilight (Sci-Twi). "I took on the representation of the Princess of Friendship to manifest my appearance. It's a shame that Princess Twilight has gone astray, turning into Midnight Sparkle. For the Friendship she expressed, I apologize on behalf of Pony Kind. We are not the kind for mistreating all creatures."

"I.., I have so many questions to ask of you."

"I am aware of your position, Twilight. However, there is imperative news I need to address," The Spirit said.

"Like what?" Neighsay asks the Spirit.

"Since you, eight have restored the Tree of Harmony; I have eyes all over the landscape of all nations. I hate to be the bearer of bad news; however, Midnight Sparkle is out there."

"WHAT?!" Every creature shouts in shock.

"That's, that's impossible! We saw Fairy Dragon's infused magic with the Crystal Heart obliterating Midnight Sparkle!" Discord said. "I can't sense her magic! Her immense power!"

"I witnessed the final relapse of Midnight Sparkle. She saved an essence of herself and departed from her body. Midnight Sparkle is somewhere in Equestria, lurking."

"This is bad," Spike said. "What are the chances of her coming to my Twilight!" Spike panics.

"Not likely. However, I'm afraid Midnight Sparkle has already found a host."

"A host? Who?" Every creature asks.


Silence reigns. Spike's eyes widen in horror. He wonders if Rarity accepted anything Midnight offered in hopes of getting to him. Twilight (Sci-Twi) gets serious.

"I won't allow her to come in contact with my son!"

"We won't allow Midnight come near him or anyone else," Discord said.

"Unfortunately, due to the power level of Midnight Sparkle and her other usage of spells she has, I am unable to locate her exact whereabouts," The Spirit informs every creature.

"So, we're getting the chance to defeat and stop Midnight Sparkle from succeeding?" Ocellus asks the Spirit.

"Yes," The Spirit nods. "Your Friendship is strong enough to defeat Midnight Sparkle and free Rarity from Midnight's grasp."

"We will do everything we can, right guys?" Neighsay turns to his friends.

"Yea!" They put their claws and hooves in the center.

The Spirit smiles. "This is what I love to see, friends coming closer together to work together and solve anything. Friendships last forever."

"I have some questions for you, Spirit," Twilight (Sci-Twi) turns to the Spirit.

"Your teacher wants to know if I'll allow you to take your duplicate's position as Princess of Friendship."

"I have experience using magic from my homeworld. When I ponied up, I can use magic and flight," Twilight (Sci-Twi) informs the Spirit.

"You can become the replacement. However, is that what you want?"

"Well," Twilight (Sci-Twi) hesitates a bit. "I want to learn magic and find my place within Equestria. I have no clue of how to become a Princess. From what I understand, the other me had her friends by her side. However, I don't have that luxury."

"You do have friends. Yes, they are different, but friends will help you no matter what. Tell me, who are your friends you speak often."

"Sunset, the Dazzlings, Discord, Starlight, Chrysalis, Trixie, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Fluttershy. I'm still in the midst of reconnecting with other ponies I considered friends back in my homeworld."

"That's a good start, Twilight. I will say follow your heart, and destiny will guide you. Don't worry about fitting in. You're doing well. If you seek to become a Princess, pursue it. But, not alone. No one should ever walk alone," The Spirit smiles. "Also, you have the Unity Seven that'll be great friends of yours."

Twilight (Sci-Twi) smiles. "They've welcomed Spike and me into a Friendship party of theirs. Would you like to join us?"

"I'll be glad to join you all. To experience a friendship party and many more to come. Let the love of Friendship be the burning desire in your hearts."

"Finally! Let's party!" Silverstream shouts.

"Twilight," Spike turns to her. "If you become Princess, what will I be?"

Twilight (Sci-Twi) chuckles a bit. "Ambassador of Friendship if I choose to be a Princess. I want you by my side," Twilight (Sci-Twi) hugs Spike. "I want you to be happy in what you and we do. I would love to have you with me in everything I do from here and out."

"Does that include going to the bathroom?" Spike chuckles.

Twilight (Sci-Twi) nudges Spike's head. "Oh, you, with your jokes. C'mon. Let's party with the rest," Twilight (Sci-Twi) gets hit with a pillow.

"Pillow fight!" Yona shouts. She wants her title back.

Discord uses his magic to spawn many pillows for the pillow fight. Every creature grabs theirs begin the pillow fight. Spike and Twilight (Sci-Twi) laugh and partake in the action. The Spirit watches and smiles. She's happy to see friends enjoying each other's company in her presence.

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