• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Fairy Tail vs Tartaros: Part 5

"Minerva! You don't have to fight this battle!" Erza pleas while battling Tartaros Soldiers.

"Stay out of this!" Neo Minerva shoots her Territory Explosions at Erza and Fairy Demon Dragon.

Erza and Spike dodge the Territory Explosions. Unfortunately, Tartaros Soldiers suffer the backlash of Neo Minerva's attack. Erza requips into her Flight Armor to fight Neo Minerva.

"Spike! I got Minerva! Go get Twilight!" Erza strikes Minerva with her sword.

"Yes, go on and meet your demise!" Neo Minerva sinisterly laughs. She uses her magic to switch places with Spike. Spike catches Erza's sword. "Oh, so close to ending his life!"

"You'll rue that!" Erza is pissed off.

"Sis, I-" Spike stutters a bit. His fear of going alone gets the better of him. Midnight Sparkle views Spike's reaction and knows she has him beaten mentally.

"Guys, can you hear me?" Warren telepathically says while standing by with Mirajane, Elfman, Lisanna, Jet, and Droy. "We found Mira. She's safe and sound."

"Sorry to worry you, I'm fine now," Mirajane confirms. A while ago, she battled Seilah, a Demon of Tartaros. Elfman came and took down Seilah while Seliah was in disarray.

"Elfman and Lisanna are with us too," Warren confirms.

"Hey, Warren. Can you put me through to everyone? There's something I need to say," Lucy asks. She's with Natsu.

"Yeah, hold on," Warren focus his telepathy magic expanding into everyone's minds. "Okay, you're good to go."

"Wendy and Carla pulled it off. I don't know how they did it, but they stopped Face!" Lucy happily informs everyone. Every Fairy Tail Wizard cheers for winning a battle.

"My girlfriend is amazing. God, I love Wendy Marvell."

"There's something else I need to address," Lucy said.

"Can Master hear me? I have a message," Happy said while flying to Master Makarov.

"Sure, Happy, I'll put you right through," Warren allows Happy to speak his telepathic message.

"We talked to the soul of Master Hades," Happy said.

"What?" Makarov is baffled by Happy's revelation. "What did he tell you?"

"Even though we stopped Face, it's not over. He gave us a message for Master. I don't understand what it all means but, he told us that Master has to unleash the light."

"To do what..?" Makarov thinks it over for a second. Then, he realized what Master Hades refer. "He's talking about the Lumen Histoire. He can't be serious?!" Makarov panics about the Lumen Histoire and Hades' warning.

Spike releases Rage to have a quick conversation. "Do you know what Lumen Histoire is?"

"No. I don't know what it is and what kind of power it has. If Master Hades requests the Lumen Histoire, Tartaros has another plan in motion."

"Is it Midnight Sparkle?"

"Possibly. We will have to wait and see. Right now, let's help Erza finish this fight with Neo Minerva. We can't fight Midnight Sparkle on our own without anyone keeping us in check."

Warren's telepathy gets hijacked by Mard Geer. "Please pardon the interruption. I wish to speak with the Wizard Guild, Fairy Tail."

Every Fairy Tail Wizard is stunned to hear a demon possessing Warren's telepathy. The fighting stops with every wizard around. Tartaros Soldiers make a hasting retreat to get the wounded out of their battle zones. Every Fairy Tail Wizard becomes worried and loses focus on Warren's telepathic signal.

"Who the hell are you?" Elfman demands to know the hijacker's name.

"The Underworld King, Mard Geer. But knowing who I am won't save you. For none of you will live to see tomorrow."

"We'll see tomorrow. You won't!" Spike proclaims.

"Fairy Demon Dragon, Spike the Fairy. You'll see a different day when Midnight Sparkle claims your soul."

"She's not taking my soul! She's not taking me anywhere!" Spike is getting agitated.

"She will take something from you. I guarantee that. Alegria," Mard Geer swipes his hand and turns the cube of Tartaros into a gigantic monster called Plutogrim. Plutogrim is a beast that Mard Geer describes as being a prison.

The landscapes of Tartaros alter drastically. Spikes form all around the cubic of Tartaros, the gravity shifting, red-flesh-like ooze appears all around, capturing Fairy Tail Wizards left and right. Some separate due to the transformation.

"What is this stuff?!" Erza is trapped in the red-flesh-like ooze.

"You're mine!" Neo Minerva lunges at Erza while Spike and she was distracted by Warren's telepathic message and Mard Geer's interruption.

"Begone!" Spike uses his fire breath to teleport Neo Minerva away from Erza. She's elsewhere on Tartaros.

Neo Minerva slams her fists on the ground. "I hate that dragon!"

Erza, like most other Fairy Tail Wizards, is getting dragged into the red ooze.

"What the hell?" Spike grabs Erza's arm and tries to pull her out.

"Pull harder, Spike!" Erza feels the ooze pulling her down and encasing her body. Spike watches in horror while the ooze is overlapping Erza.

Spike uses his fire breath to teleport Erza out of it. "No..." Spike's fire breath did nothing. Erza is submerging into the ooze. "Sis! Do you hear me?!" Spike tears up. He tries to feel Erza's pulse. "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Spike reverts with his drive for Fairy Demon Dragon evaporated. "She's.., she's..," Spike couldn't stop tearing up.

"I'm afraid the others have suffered the same fate, Spike. I don't sense anyone's magic around us. We're all alone. Perhaps, Midnight Sparkle had this planned all along?" Fairy Rage theorizes the possibilities behind the motives of encasing everyone.

"I can't feel her pulse..," Spike falls to his knees.

Midnight Sparkle watches from the lacrima vision. "You had the chance to come with me during the Grand Magic Games, Spike. Now, due to your selfish reasons, your friends and family have perished. It's not hard. Coming back to the world you're meant to live. Equestria's ruling for all creatures to originate where they belong. Thank you, Mard Geer, for making things easier. Now, cripple Spike into submission, and I'll do the rest," Midnight Sparkle leaves the lacrima vision room when she sensed a spec of magic not coming from Spike.

"Spike. I sense someone with magic power!" Fairy Rage claims. He senses a survivor not far from their position.

"I sense her as well," Spike gets up. "Hope is not lost."

"We need to get moving. Perhaps we can fight this battle and find a way to reverse the effects of Mard Geer's spell."

"Right!" Spike uses his fire breath to teleport to the survivor of the hellish imprisonment.

"Spike!" Lucy hugs Spike. She's happy to see him.

Spike returns the hug. "I'm happy to see you as well."

"What happened? What is all this goo?" Lucy looks around to see the red-flesh-like ooze all over the walls and floors of the area.

"Alegria. Mard Geer's spell. Unfortunately, we cannot figure out if everyone is dead or in stasis."

Spike looks down. "I couldn't save Erza from the ooze. My fire breath couldn't teleport her out of it. I wasn't strong enough..,"

"Don't worry. We'll save everyone from this mess," Lucy gets up. "It's not over until it's over. We'll save our friends and ensure Tartaros' defeat," Lucy encouragingly says, trying her best to cheer Spike up.

"You're right. Tartaros hasn't taken us out. We're still in this fight!"

Spike powers up and increases his size into Laxus'. "Now, I have a fire in my belly!"

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