• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Fairy Tail vs Tartaros: Part 1

After hours of traveling, Spike, Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, Happy, and Carla are at Former Magic Council Member Michello's household. Michello is a small humanized cat with orange hair and a thick mustache. Michello gazes at his supposed guests. He's unfazed that Spike the Fairy is with them.

"So, if we may, we would like to stay awhile and protect you," Lucy said.

"We'll keep you safe so, you should feed us as well," Natsu gets elbowed in the gut by Fairy Rage.

"We're here to protect Michello from Tartaros. Our duty is to ensure that Tartaros doesn't achieve their mission."

"I appreciate the settlement, but frankly, you'd be a nuisance. How did you find where I live anyway?" Michello rudely asks.

"If you got a problem, I'm sure we can work it out. Cat to cat," Happy advises.

"Who you calling a cat!?" Michello feels offended by Happy's statement. "I know all about your troublesome guild, and I want nothing to do with it! Good luck. I hope your plan succeeds but, you have to find someone else to use as bait!"

"Tartaros will come for you regardless of whether we showed up to help or not. I wouldn't call you bait," Carla states. "Oh, by the way, you're welcome."

"Think I'm stupid?" Michello angrily claims rhetorically.

"Stupid, no. Ignorant, yes."

"What you call me!?" Michello is getting fed up with Fairy Rage's statement.

"Hey, they came a long way to see you, Grandpa," Michelia says while bringing a tray of drinks. "Don't be rude."

"You're not my boss," Michello said to Michelia.

"We should do what we can to help. The entire council is wiped out thanks to Tartaros," Michelia says.

"Hmmph," Michello turns away in disgust.

"You used to be part of that council. You can't just ignore what happened!" Michelia reminds her grandfather.

"Also, any guesses as to why this guild is targeting council members?" Lucy asks Michello.

"Could be a number of reasons. Council ticked off a lot of wizards. More of this mind can keep track of," Michello answers.

"There's has to be a specific reason. Tartaros is a demon-based guild, and I don't think the Magic Council was much of a threat to Tartaros. Is there anything that Tartaros is after; Anything that the Magic Council were hiding?"

"Sorry, I have no idea what that might be," Michello says at first. Then a daunting memory comes to him. "No.., wait. There is something. Some awful thing called Face!" Michello sweats a bit while fear gets the better of him.

Natsu senses something wrong. "Everyone down!" Natsu tackles Wendy and Lucy to the ground.

"Ring of Defense!" Spike places a ring of defense on Michello and Michelia. They hear clicking in their minds.

"What's with the clicking?!" Michello demands.

"That means my spell is activated. It'll protect you both."

"I said get down!" Natsu tackles Michello and Michelia.

The top of Michello's house explodes while everyone is taking cover. Once the smoke and debris vanish, all there's left of Michello's house; is the first floor.

Carla gets up. "Is everyone okay?"

"Aye..," Happy's head is shaking a bit.

"That explosion was massive. How are we alive?" Michelia asks, she looks around.

Natsu pats his belly. He consumed the fiery explosions. "I haven't eaten that fast since Tuesday."

"What?" Michelia is confused by Natsu's statement.

"My Ring of Defense spell as well," Spike informs everyone.

"Nice one," Happy said.

"Here, I thought you be too blown up to tell apart," A demon of Tartaros smirks.

"Who are you?" Lucy demands the demon.

"That's how it was with the Magic Council," The demon laughs.

"You're with Tartaros, aren't you?" Natsu asks.

"Yea? Who's asking?" The demon replies.

"Natsu of Fairy Tail."

"Spike the Fairy," Spike turns to see the demon.

"I'm Jackal," Jackal is a young muscular demon. He has blonde hair featuring canine facials and black dots on his face. His hands are black and reach to his forearms. Jackal has a blonde furry tail.

"Lucy, Wendy. Protect Michello," Spike commands.

Jackal laughs a bit. He sways his arms and unleashes terrifying winds around the village Michello lives in; Many houses and buildings explode on contact. People are screaming in confusion, and many died due to the explosions.

"Why are you attacking innocent people!?" Lucy and the others can't believe that Jackal unleashed his magic power on defenseless people.

"Let's do this!" Natsu and Spike spring into action.

"Explosion!" Jackal unleashes his explosion magic on Natsu and Spike.

"They're a goner," Michello said in horror.

"Relax, Natsu can eat flames, and Spike told me he swam in Lava," Happy said.

"What the hell?" Jackal didn't anticipate Natsu and Spike surviving his exploding flames.

"Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" Natsu's fist is ablaze in fire.

"Iron Flame Fist!" Spike's claw is ablaze in Sparkling Green Flames while his claw turns into iron.

Spike and Natsu simultaneously punch Jackal in the face. He falls to the floor hard. Spike uses his fire breath to teleport Natsu.

"What? Where did he go?" Jackal frantically looks around.

"Where he needs to be!" Spike conjures a fireball. "Inferno Heat Wave!" Spike presses his claws directly at Jackal, creating a heat cannon in the process.

Jackal leaps in the air, dodging the attack. "Hah! You missed me!"

"Did I?" Spike uses his claw to redirect his attack, hitting Jackal in the back.

"You bastard!" Jackal cringes while feeling the full force of the attack.

"Fire Dragon!" Natsu soars down from the skies.

"YOU TELEPORTED HIM HIGH IN THE SKIES!?" Jackal is appalled by Spike's strategy.

"Sword Horn!" Natsu's body ignites as he headbutts Jackal's chest. Once again, Jackal lands on the ground hard. Natsu lands next to Spike. "Keep the pressure up, Spike!"

"I'm on it!" Spike and Natsu go after Jackal.

"Damn, you two are quite the challenge. However, there is something you should know about my power," Jackal smirks at first but goes away in an instant.

"Fire Dragon!" Natsu conjures his breath attack.

"Fairy Dragon!" Spike conjures his breath attack.

"ROOOOOOOOOOOAR!" Spike and Natsu do a unison raid fire breath attack. Jackal hurls into a pillar of what used to be Michello's home.

"So much power from the two of them. I never knew Fairy Tail was this powerful." Michello said in awe. He heard stories about Fairy Tail but never imagined witnessing their ferocious power.

Spike grabs Natsu and flies after Jackal. Spike drops Natsu.

"Hey! We're not finished with you!" Natsu lands on Jackal and punches him left and right.

"Hey! You two, cut it out!" Lucy draws the attention of Spike and Natsu.

"We need Jackal alive to tell us what is their business and where their hideout is," Wendy reminds Spike.

"Whoops," Spike said, getting sidetracked.

"Oh, yea. I completely forget in the heat of battle," Natsu said.

"Our bad," Spike and Natsu said in unison. Jackal is defeated due to Natsu punching him relentlessly.

Michello is contemplating. He knows that most former members of the Magic Council don't know much about Face. He needs to find shelter to wait out all suspicions of Tartaros.

"It appears you got this sorted out, so I'll be leaving!" Michello said after witnessing the defeat of a demon from Tartaros. "I'm going to see if any of the former Council members are safe. Bye," Michello is eager to leave.

"Grandpa, wait," Michelia said.

"You too, Michelia. Let's get moving," Michello commands.

"I don't think you should be leaving us," Wendy said.

"You mentioned something about Face. Now's the time to explain what it is, so we have a better understanding of it."

"Leave me alone! I don't know what it is!" Michello exclaims.

"I'm not buying it. You better tell us if you know what's good you, old man," Natsu said.

Michello is silent and wishes to go onward without explaining anything he knows. "I know nothing, and that's final!" Michello stubbornly says.

Spike goes up to Michello. Michello gulps while seeing Spike's eyes turn orange. "Your life is on the line. All of Fiore could be in jeopardy if you don't spill it."

"You're scaring me!" Michello sweats while backing away from Spike.

"What a shame," Jackal gets up. Michello is stunned after hearing Jackal's voice. "If you had some juicy info to share, I might have let you leave with your body intact."

"He doesn't seem injured?" Lucy sees Jackal's wounds all healed up.

"What is this guy made of?" Carla is horrified to see how quickly Jackal heals.

"Do you have rocks for brains? I told you I don't know anything!" Michello exclaims. "Go ask someone else! I can't help you!"

"That's too bad. Guess I'll stick to my first plan," Jackal said while he gets up.

"Getting your ass kicked by two dragons?" Fairy Rage said.

"Are you a demon inside a dragon?" Jackal asks Rage.

"I was, but now, I'm something else."

"You got skills; I give you two that. However, you should learn when someone's talking," Jackal points at Spike and Natsu's hands.

"Natsu!" Lucy sees Natsu's hands glowing and his head glowing.

"Spike!" Wendy is worried about the side effects of touching Jackal. She sees Spike's claws glowing as well.

"My curses can change anyone stupid enough to touch me into a living bomb. I wonder. How many times you touched me," Jackal smirks.

"Scatter! I'm not sure my Ring of Defense can contain this much explosion magic!" Spike shouts.

Wendy, Lucy, Happy, Carla, Michello, and Michelia run for cover. Natsu and Spike explode. Jackal laughs at the misery of everyone that watched Spike and Natsu explode. Natsu falls while remaining intact. He's knocked out while Spike remains in place.

"What the?" Jackal sees Spike still standing after the explosions. "How is that possible?"

"Actually. You knocked out Spike. I'm still here." Fairy Rage powers up. "If your curses are that bad, no prayer will save you from my wrath!"

"Is that so? Explain to me how you will defeat me? My explosion curses are-" Jackal feels and sees his arm forcibly strike himself in the stomach. "WHAT THE-" His explosion curse is used on himself. "OOOOOOW!" He holds his stomach. "HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?"

"You're not the first demon I took control of that uses explosion magic."

"WHAT?!" Jackal is confused. He hears the voice in his head while seeing Spike's body motionless.

"And while I remain in your vessel. Your curses will affect you even more." Fairy Rage forces Jackal to hit himself in the chest. His body glows.

"You bastard!" Jackal explodes again. He wails in agony. "Let.., me.., go..!" Fairy Rage continues to force Jackal into hitting himself, setting explosions on himself.

"That's right! I forget Fairy Rage can do that," Wendy remembers what Fairy Rage had done during the Small Coalition mission.

"What are you talking about?" Michelia is curious to know what Wendy knows.

"During the Small Coalition trip Spike, Carla, Romeo, and I embarked, Fairy Rage took possession of the Kraken."

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Jackal is in shock to hear what Fairy Rage did.

"Yea. I wonder how Squidward is doing?"

"THAT'S THE KRAKEN'S NAME?!" Jackal explodes again. His curses are betraying him since Fairy Rage's soul is in his body. Jackal spits blood out. "You monster.., let me go!" Jackal is suffering due to the curses used on him. He's on his knees due to the pain.

"I told you, no prayer will save you from my wrath. Eat explosions, punk." Fairy Rage forces Jackal to punch his mouth. Jackal tries to grab his arm, but his body rejects his movements. The explosions affected him severely.

Jackal falls back and pants. "I.., hate.., you..," Jackal coughs blood out due to the explosions.

Spike starts waking up a bit. "My time is up." Fairy Rage returns to Spike's body.

Jackal can't believe he ignored the warnings of his allies when it comes to Fairy Dragon. He decides to play dead for a bit.

Spike stands up. His eyes return to green. "My body hurts like hell," Spike falls over.

"Spike!" Wendy rushes over to him.

"Huh, I didn't think the effects of what I did to Jackal would carry over as well." As a result of Fairy Rage's possession, when he inflicted the curses on Jackal, some of the pain went to Spike the Fairy's body.

"The Dragon is insane. I can't believe he forced this demon to suffer his own attacks. He must be a demon to do such a thing!" Michello thought to himself. He makes a break for it.

Wendy is using her healing magic on Spike. "What you did was reckless, Spike!"

"Fairy Rage."

"Doesn't matter!" Wendy finishes healing Spike.

"You did well for possessing him, Spike. This guy is on a whole other level," Lucy said.

"Thanks, Lucy."

"Note to self," Jackal gets up. "Take down the Fairy Dragon to win my battles," Jackal laughs. "I'm going to take him down with all of your friends in the process. Explosion Spiral!" Jackal unleashes a fire spiral explosion at Spike, Wendy, and Lucy. However, he hears the sound of consumption coming from Spike the Fairy. "What the?!" Spike is eating his explosion spirals. "How is that possible?!"

"You made a bold move for attacking my girlfriend and my sister." Spike's eyes are a blend of orange and green.

"Girlfriend? Sister?" Jackal doesn't understand what Spike means until he turns to see Wendy and Lucy tattered by the explosion. "Uh oh," Jackal senses Spike's power increasing.

"Not only I'm Spike the Fairy, Fairy Dragon; I'm also an Energy Maker Dragon."

"SAY WHAT!?" Jackal steps back a bit.

"Any form of energy I consume, it's added into my arsenal."

"That means..," Jackal realized he unleashed a strong dosage of his curse with the Exploding Spiral attack. Spike the Fairy consumed it and now has some of his cursed magic running in him. "Oh shit."

"Explosion Cataclysm!" Sparkling Orange-Green Explosions hit Jackal underneath. Jackal screams while feeling the full effect of the explosions.

"This dragon is using my explosions! I can't hang around here any longer. I need to complete my job!" Jackal lands hard. He glares at Spike the Fairy.

"Say hello to oblivion!" Spike conjures many ice missiles with orange-green flames inside.

"See you later," Jackal smirks and leaves the battlefield at rapid speeds.

"Get back here, you son-of-a-bitch!" Spike flies after Jackal.

Wendy and Lucy get up after seeing Spike fly after Jackal. Wendy hurries to Natsu and starts healing him.

"Hey, are you two alright?" Happy asks Lucy and Wendy.

"I'm fine. I'm going after that creep," Lucy takes out her Gate Key.

"Be careful. Remember not to touch Jackal or else you become a living bomb," Carla reminds Lucy about Jackal's curses.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine," Lucy starts searching for Jackal.

Natsu wakes up after Wendy heals him. He has figured out a way to defeat Jackal's curses.

"Wendy, where is Jackal?" Natsu turns to Wendy.

"Jackal is hunting for Michello. Spike and Lucy are after him as we speak."

"Let's go!" Natsu wants to lay the smackdown on Jackal for blowing him up with his curses. He uses his sense of smell to track Jackal's whereabouts.

"Flaming Arrows!" Spike shoots Orange-Green Flaming Arrows from his claw in a C Formation.

"Explosion Wave!" Jackal sways his arms, creating a powerful wall of explosions. The Flaming Arrows intercepts the exploding walls, thus creating smoke. Spike flies into the smoke only to get and knee strike from Jackal. Spike's body explodes, causing him to hurl into a house. "Time to die, freak!" Jackal encases Spike in a bomb sphere. He snaps his fingers, and the bomb sphere explodes, causing Spike to lay on the ground motionless.

After Jackal sees Spike defeated, he turns to Michello running on the streets from the rooftops. He relishes the fear Michello has; Face and death. Lucy finds Spike motionless on the floor.

"Spike!" Lucy checks on him; he's still breathing but unconscious. She turns to see Jackal on the rooftop. "Open Gate of the-"

"I wouldn't do that unless you want to get blown up," Jackal says. He looks down at Lucy, who is standing in a landmine curse.

Lucy looks down to a yellow symbolized circle. She gasps. "What is this thing?"

"That's my landmine curse. Make one bad move, then boom," Jackal states. Spike gets up, which puzzles Jackal. "How are you so durable? My explosions should have killed you!" Jackal is getting agitated with Spike's durability.

"Spike! You're okay!" Lucy said in relief.

"Not exactly." Fairy Rage holds his side. "The explosion did knock Spike out a second time when he took control of me. However, the curse of that explosion took a toll on his body."

"So a few more will do the trick," Jackal smirks, encasing Fairy Rage in a bomb sphere. "Let's make this more interesting and personal," Jackal chuckles and puts Michello in a bomb sphere as well.

"Hey! Let me go!" Michello begs for his life.

"What are you doing!?" Lucy said in fear.

"I heard that you're the dragon's sister. However, you, as a wizard, need to protect this sorry excuse of a Council Member. So, this is what I'm proposing. Only one of these bombs will explode. You get to decide which will go boom. Your brother in which I'll increase the power of my curse to kill him or this low-life of a former Council Member. You have ten seconds to choose."

"What?!" Lucy is horrified by the twisted game.

"Oh, if your dragon friend decides to teleport his way out of the sphere, I'll activate the landmine. No skin of my bones," Jackal sinisterly laughs.

"You bastard!" Fairy Rage doesn't want to put Lucy in harm's way.

"I'm no bastard. I'm a Demon. Remember the difference, Fairy Dragon."

"Lucy! Choose me!"

"Noo! I can't!" Lucy doesn't want Spike to die like this.

"What!" Michello panics and frantically bangs on the bomb sphere. "You're supposed to do your job and protect me! What are you waiting for!?"

"Time's ticking," Jackal relishes Lucy's suffering from his twisted game. "Patience isn't a virtue I have."

"My life is more important than the dragon's life! Save me already!" Michello pleas for his life. He's pleading for Lucy to release him.

Lucy tears up a bit. Her hand twitches while trying to find a way of setting the two free.

"Who's life is more useful!? It should be obvious who the world needs more! Stop thinking about it and save me from this psycho!" Michello angrily yells at Lucy. "FORGET ABOUT THE STUPID USELESS DRAGON AND SAVE THE FORMER COUNCIL MEMBER!!!"

"Times up," Jackal gave Lucy more than enough time to make her decision. "Who's life are you going to save, Fairy Tail? Who leaves in a body bag?"

"We choose you, punk!" Natsu soars down from the skies after Happy drops him. Natsu lands a Fire Dragon Iron Fist on Jackal, causing him to disperse his hold on Lucy, Fairy Rage, and Michello. The punch causes Jackal to collide with a building.

"Thank goodness," Michello is thankful for his release. "What kept you?!" Michello is angry that Natsu took too long to protect him. "I thought I was done for!"

Natsu punches Michello hard on the head, knocking him out in the process. "That's for disrespecting my brother's life. Calling him a stupid useless dragon," Natsu took offense when he heard Michello's pleas and demands of his release when he was tracking Jackal.

"Thank you, Natsu," Lucy said in gladness.

"Lucy! Spike!" Wendy, Happy, and Carla caught up. They see Spike holding onto his side.

"Nice to see you."

"Fairy Rage? Oh no.., don't tell me..," Carla knows what happened to Spike.

"The dude's curses are powerful. His strength is on another level. He put us in a bomb sphere and injured us. Spike is out cold and took me a bit to regain consciousness."

Wendy heals Fairy Rage. "Please, be more careful."

"Easier said than done, Wendy. However, that's something for you to explain with Spike thoroughly."

Natsu walks up to Jackal. He's done playing games with the demon.

"You either have a death wish or the worst memory of all time. Anyone who touches me turns into a bomb. Remember?" Jackal smirks, knowing Natsu is dead meat.

"There's something you should know about," Natsu's hand is glowing.

"Yea? What's that?" Jackal replies.

"Spike is a dragon, and I'm a Dragon Slayer. We can adapt to anything!"

"Say what?!" Jackal is in shock. Natsu explodes. Jackal sees that Natsu is unfazed by the explosions. "You're not a dragon, human! I see you as a human! That's all you are!"

"I'm a Fire Dragon Slayer. Those explosions are pretty nasty, but now I know what to expect. You gave me a fire in my belly!"

"I need to kill this guy right now!" Jackal starts turning. He turns into his Feral Demonic transformation. Bigger. More animal state, razor-sharp teeth, his hands turn to claws and have sharp nails. Jackal roars and punches Natsu.

Natsu defends himself from the blow. However, Natsu is unable to feed on the explosion. The damage of the explosion is wider and denser, causing the surrounding area to implode. Several houses are destroyed while Fairy Rage conjures a metallic shield to protect his friends. Natsu crashes into a building from the blow.

"Damn, he's stronger than before," Natsu coughs a bit.

"Prepare to die, human!" Jackal irately proclaims. He goes after Natsu.

"Not on my watch." Fairy Rage increases his size.

"What?!" Jackal couldn't counter in time when Fairy Rage tackles him to the ground. "You touched me! Now you go boom!"

"Good. I forgot to mention one unique ability Spike hasn't used in a long time. By grabbing onto someone, I can revert the magic, or in this case, the curse right back."

"WHAT?! NOOOOOOOO!" Jackal's curse magic explodes on his and Spike's body.

"Totally worth it." Fairy Rage reverts to size after the explosion. Spike's body takes a toll; He has many bruises and burnt scales all over his body.

"Thanks for stalling long enough, Rage!" Natsu enters his Lightning Flame Dragon Mode.

"OH, NO!" Jackal is unable to defend himself due to the explosion he suffered from his own curse.

"This is for Laxus and the Thunder Legion! Lightning Flame Dragon Hammer!" Natsu engulfs his fist and forearm in fire and lightning and devastatingly strikes Jackal.

Jackal takes the full force of the attack and reverts. He's no longer in his demonic feral state.

"Spike is going to kill me for wrecking his body like this. Maybe that's why he stopped using that technique of reverting an opponent's magic in physical contact." Fairy Rage is on the ground.

"Hey, are you alright, Spike?" Natsu picks him up.

"Spike is still unconscious. I'll live. I can feel the pain but, Spike's is going to feel the worst of it when he takes control."

"I forgot Spike could do that when he fought Gildarts seven years ago," Natsu slightly chuckles.

"Damn..," Jackal's body starts glowing. "I haven't received that kind of beating since I was a pup. I guess it gotta happen at some point," Jackal chuckles, knowing he'll have the last laugh. "Kyôka, forgive me. You're going to have a tough time bringing me back. But this is the only way to take these humans and monsters with me!"

Jackal's curse is illuminating around the town. Lucy and Wendy look around and know something horrid is about to happen. Carla believes that Jackal is trying to commit suicide and to bring everyone in town with him.

"So, you're planning on self-destructing to take us down?" Natsu carries Spike to Jackal's body.

"That's right. I'm taking you all with me to Hell," Jackal victoriously laughs sinisterly.

"Hey Rage, mind taking out this piece of garbage?" Natsu asks.

"Sure, I know where to send him."

"Damn it!" Jackal has forgotten about Spike's teleportation magic. He's unable to self-destruct fast enough.

"I bid you adieu, demon." Fairy Rage blows his orange flames at Jackal.

"I WILL KILL YOU SOMEDAY FAIRY-" Jackal is teleported to the oceans. He lands in the waters. His body blows up and takes a few sea life with him.

"So, where did you teleport him to, Rage?" Natsu asks.

"The ocean where Spike shot his flare markings to help cool off everyone while traveling to Tenrou Island. The only thing Jackal will take out is some fishes and maybe a whale with him."

"Natsu!" Lucy and Happy run up to him. Lucy carries Michello with her.

"Spike!" Wendy and Carla run up to him.

Fairy Rage rolls his eyes. "It's Fairy Rage. Spike is still unconscious."

"For how long?" Carla asks.

"Could be any minute or a little while until he wakes up. The explosion from the bomb sphere did a number on him."

"He's that powerful?" Wendy asks while healing Spike's body.

"Yes. Demons from the Book of Zeref are more complex than any wizard that roams the planet."

"Hey, what about the demon you took control of that worked with Zentopia?" Happy asks, remembering the cubic demon.

"He wasn't created within the Book of Zeref. I guess the power level of demons created by Zeref far exceeds any demons that roam the planet. And if you ask how I was able to possess Jackal when he doesn't use telepathy, Spike picked up some books from the Magic Library that's similar to Warren's Magic."

"Wow," Natsu, Wendy, Carla, Happy, and Lucy say in unison.

"And, you beat me to my next question," Happy said. "Man, I could use a good fish about now."

"Alright, time to inform the Master on our successful operation," Lucy takes out a communication lacrima. She activates the lacrima. "Hey, Gramps. Can you hear me?"

"Lucy, what happened?" Makarov sees Lucy in the lacrima communicator at the guildhall. Cana, Romeo, Laki, and Macao see Lucy as well. "Have you located Michello?"

"Yes, he's safe and sound. We ran into a situation with one of the demons of Tartaros," Lucy confirms.

"Fairy Rage and Natsu defeated Jackal," Wendy informs Makarov while healing Spike's body.

"What happened to Spike?" Makarov asks.

"Jackal's explosions were strong enough to knock him out. His power is on another level."

"That doesn't sound good," Makarov now imagines the strength of Tartaros and how it may impact his children. "Did Michello mention anything that Tartaros could be after?"

Michello wakes up and sees the wizards that protected him. He's in a trance about his knowledge of Face.

"Master, Michello has mentioned something about Face. As for what it's used for, he hasn't described what it is. Judging from his reaction before we were ambushed, it sounded severe."

"Michello, are you there? Please, explain to us about Face," Makarov formally asks.

Michello snaps out of his trance. The fear of Face still hinges on him. "It's a weapon. The most powerful one the Council has. Probably the strongest ever made!"

"What was it for?" Natsu asks Michello.

"What purpose does Face oppose?" Makarov asks. Now he wants to know why the Magic Council constructed a powerful weapon.

"I can't..," Michello is afraid to explain the grueling details.

"I understand this is a secret, but no one is left to make use of your knowledge but us!" Makarov is losing his patience.

"Face is an anti-magic pulse bomb. This device can clear our continent of any trace of magic," Michello answers.

"WHAT?!" Happy and Natsu angrily shouts.

Carla, Happy, Lucy, Wendy, and Fairy Rage are in shock by the revelation. It makes sense as to why Tartaros is after such a device. Magic being wiped clean would leave everyone defenseless and at the mercy of Tartaros.

"It gets worse, Master. The demon that fought Natsu and Spike told us that Tartaros uses curses instead of magic," Lucy said.

"What a deplorable weapon your council has made," Makarov is livid and disgusted that the Magic Council would devise such a weapon. "Come back to the guildhall. We'll need your help," Makarov hangs up the lacrima communicator.

Natsu angrily grabs Michello. "You tell me where the weapon is so I can destroy it!"

"I really don't know. Please.., forgive me. From what I heard, it was sealed away from three former council members. The process was done by body-link magic. I have no idea whose members are. Only the former Chairman can tell you that..," Michello pants while answering. He doesn't wish to be pummeled by Natsu right now.

"So that's why Tartaros is after former Council Members. It's to break the spell."

"That's bad," Happy imagines a world without magic and Tartaros running amuck.

"Where's the old Chairman?" Natsu asks Michello. "Spill it!" Michello gulps and says where he lives. Happy grabs Natsu and takes off in a hurry. "Full speed, Happy!"

"Aye, Sir!" Happy flies as fast as he can while carrying Natsu.

"My time is up." Fairy Rage senses Spike waking up. Spike's eyes turn from Orange to Green.

"What happened?" Spike wakes up and feels slight pain.

"Jackal knocked you out a second time. Natsu and I defeated Jackal. We now know what Face can do. It's a superweapon that'll drain all magic in a continent."

"Sounds like Tirek all over again," Spike said.

"Who's Tirek?" Lucy, Wendy, and Carla ask.

"Woooow. That's a call back to your days in Equestria."

"Tirek is a villain that can drain magic from any living creature. He would take magic from unicorns, strength from earth ponies, and flight from pegasi."

"How was Tirek defeated?" Lucy asks.

"The Magic of Friendship and yadda yadda yadda from Twilight and her friends. Honestly, this is completely different than Tirek."

"We need to head back to the guildhall. Think you can teleport us there, Spike?" Carla asks.

"Yea, I still have some magic in me. What I do need is a nap," Spike yawns.

"Wendy, get Michelia over here. We're going back to the guildhall, and I suspect Makarov knows a place where the two can stay low for a while."

"Okay," Wendy runs off to bring Michelia.

"Damn, my body hurts like hell," Spike still feels the pain from the explosions.

"Sorry. You can say I was a bit careless with some decision-making."

"You reverted Jackal's explosion through contact like Spike did with Gildart's strength," Carla said.

Spike facepalms himself. "Wow, I forgot I could do that."

"There are other techniques you forgot that you can do. It's a good thing I remember some from looking into your memories."

A few moments later, Wendy returns to Michelia. Michelia hugs her grandfather and is glad he is unscathed from the carnage. Spike teleports everyone to the guildhall using his fire breath.

Author's Note:

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone reading this story and message.

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