• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Recovery Process: Part 2

Day 6

Audio Log #29:

Cozy Glow has been asleep for five days now. Perhaps being within Rarity's mind, she didn't process sleep. She had to be wide awake within Rarity's body. I've noticed her body language easing up with the flogging memories two nights ago. I saw on the monitor that Cozy was crying in her sleep. It's a rare occasion. I have asked Princess Luna to look into the matter. She's preoccupied with a strange phenomenon that happened within the Crystal Castle. When Princess Luna finishes her investigation, she'll come aboard to help us with our only patient. Doctor Psyche released Unicorn Number 3428 five nights ago. We're restarting the numbers within our new facility in the Crystal Empire once we receive new unicorns for our care.

<End of Recording>

Day 8

Audio Log #30:

Geez, it's been a week since Cozy Glow was asleep. I'm going to check on her.

<End of Recording>

Video Footage #2:

{Nurse Blue Shield enters the room to check on Cozy Glow. He puts his stethoscope on Cozy's chest to hear her heartbeat and falls out}

<End of Recording>

Audio Log #31:

Something is horribly wrong. Ponies in the Crystal Empire have fallen into a deep sleep! It's like a plague that's happening! My nurses haven't woken up from their slumber; I can't contact the Princesses. Something vile is happening and is affecting everyone here! I haven't shut my eyes for two days. I've been drinking a super-active coffee brew. I see like a blue.., blue.., what in Celestia's name is-

<End of Recording>

Video Footage #3:

{Doctor Psyche is struggling to keep his eyes open. A shadowed magic aura roams, striking any pony within the facility, causing them to fall asleep}

Crystal Guard: "What in the world..," {He collapses after seeing the shadowed magic penetrate his body}

{Many Crystal Guards are falling due to the magic impaling their bodies. The shadowed magic aura seems to be searching. It leaves the building}

<End of Recording>

Day 18

Audio Log #32:

{Yawns} It's me. Doctor Psyche. Whatever invaded our facility has departed days ago. However, I woke up hours ago. Whatever it was, it was searching for something. Princess Luna was indeed affected by it and has forgotten what she needed to do. She returned to the foundations of United Equestria to continue building her new home with Princess Celestia. I'm upset that she has forgotten her duty to help Cozy Glow. Princess Luna recalls no such agreement. I {yawns} find it ridiculous. Whatever infiltrated our facility, it may want to ruin Cozy Glow's road to redemption. It could be remnants of Midnight Sparkle's Demon Curse. She survived oblivion from Fairy Dragon and shattered in stone; this woman should have died. I'll check on Cozy Glow. It appears she's finally waking.

<End of Recording>

Audio Log #33 Interview:

Doctor Psyche: {Yawns} "Geez, I need a cup of coffee."

Cozy Glow: {Yawns} "Hot chocolate for me, please."

Doctor Psyche: "Nurse, one cup of coffee and one cup of hot chocolate."

{The sound of the door opening and hoofsteps are displayed in the audio. The door shuts}

Cozy Glow: "Thank you," {yawns} "What happened, Doctor?"

Doctor Psyche: "Some magic aura invaded the Crystal Empire and put every pony in a deep sleep. It has done damage with the Princesses."

Cozy Glow: "What was it?"

Doctor Psyche: "I wish I knew. Do you have any impression who could do such a thing?"

Cozy Glow: "No. I can confirm this is not Midnight Sparkle's doing. She was turned to stone and shattered; Her pieces are across the land of Equus. Also, Midnight Sparkle lost a portion of magic she collected from Grogar's Bell."

Doctor Psyche: "Well, Midnight Sparkle is not the culprit then. I'm trusting with your truth."

Cozy Glow: "She's a psycho bitch. Am I allowed to say that?"

Doctor Psyche: "Please refrain from using harsh language. There's a reason why we don't say curse words."

Cozy Glow: "I'm sorry, Doctor. I've been with Midnight Sparkle and seen the darkness beyond the darkness. She went on a murderous rampage to restart time to her liking. All for her reputation because of what Mard Geer has shown her."

Doctor Psyche: "What did Mard Geer reveal to Midnight Sparkle?"

Cozy Glow: "A utopian future where she rules as Princess with Spike by her side. However, she wears glasses in that future."

Doctor Psyche: "There's a Twilight that wears glasses. From your testimony, I believe Midnight Sparkle believed in a lie. Mard Geer showed her was the new Twilight Sparkle taking her place with her Spike."

Cozy Glow: "Rarity figured that out."

Doctor Psyche: "Good. Now, Cozy Glow. Care to tell me what your family was like?"

Cozy Glow: "M-M-M-My f-f-family..?" {Cozy's demeanor and tone sound frantic and worried}

Doctor Psyche: {Writing notes} "Yes. We noticed your body language and talking to yourself while you slept. Before the rest of us succumbed to a deep sleep spell; of some sort."

Cozy Glow: "I guess it's something I can't avoid topic anymore," {Cozy Glow takes a deep sigh and breath}

{The nurse returns with a cup of coffee and hot chocolate. The nurse removes Cozy Glow's straightjacket. She entrusts Cozy to drink the hot chocolate and not run off}

Doctor Psyche & Cozy Glow: "Thank you."

{The nurse leaves and shuts the door behind her. Doctor Psyche and Cozy Glow drink their cups, waking them even further}

Cozy Glow: "My parents are not the greatest, to be honest; My dad is an alcoholic while my mom had problems."

Doctor Psyche: "What kind of problems?"

Cozy Glow: "She was demented, cruel, and abusive."

Doctor Psyche: {Writing notes about the parents} "Care to explain more in-depth about your parents?"

Cozy Glow: {Takes a deep breath} "Yes. My dad was a former Commander for the Equestrian Military. More so with the Royal Guards but not anymore."

Doctor Pysche: "What led him astray?"

Cozy Glow: "Me."

Doctor Pysche: "Pardon me?"

Cozy Glow: "My parents longed for a son to continue the bloodline of asserting dominance. It's a tradition within the family. My father, Red Flare, and my mother, Red Nova, were due for a son. They failed many times, and when they heard the news of having a daughter, aborted, immediately."

Doctor Psyche: {Drops his clipboard of notes. Papers scatter everywhere} "You're joking, right?"

Cozy Glow: "No. My parents told me I was lucky to be born after failing many times."

Doctor Psyche: {He picks up his clipboard of notes} "Scumbags."

Cozy Glow: "I know. Hospitals refused after noticing a chain reaction with my mom and dad. They had no choice to keep me."

Doctor Psyche: "I must ask, what happened."

Cozy Glow: "My dad lost his reputation within the family. Red Flare is a prideful Pegasus. Due to his loss, his chain of command also plummeted with his confidence. The Princess stripped my dad of his rank and sent him home. Since he couldn't raise a son to become like him, a fierce, noble warrior, he turned to alcoholism. He would lash me with whips or his belt every time he looked at me. Telling me that the world is cruel. Every time I cried, he would tell me that he took the pain and wanted more."

Doctor Psyche: "That's horrible. Has any other ponies around your home heard your cries?"

Cozy Glow: "My family and I at the time lived in the woods. We had no neighbors."

Doctor Psyche: "Oh, Celestia."

Cozy Glow: "My dad wanted to teach his son to endure the wilderness and grow strong. To be a leader, you must endure the surrounding area cause danger lurks at every corner. My mom, Red Nova, was a drill sergeant. She longed to be a great mother and an instructor for her son. When she gave birth to me, she despised me. She gave me impossible tasks at such a young age without showing any love. She would make me sleep in a cage, telling me that I will never take control."

Doctor Psyche: "Oh, my Celestia," {Steadies his breathing from the info. His reaction sounds heartbreaking}

Cozy Glow: "She taught me something I'll never forget. The weak never survive. Only those who are smart and strong live longer. In a way, she was trying to break me. Instead, she encouraged me to outsmart them."

Doctor Psyche: "What did you do?"

Cozy Glow: "I plot vengeance. After I took many lashings throughout the years, I stopped crying. You can say I broke, but at that moment, I turned into the thing they wanted in a son. Someone fierce and decisive. One night, while I was in the cage, I used broken materials scattered on the ground and picked the locks. Then I trotted into the kitchen and noticed my mom and dad had dinner ready. They were taking a bath together. Despite how they hated me, they loved each other wholeheartedly. Little did they know I planted roofies in their drinks."

Doctor Psyche: "You drugged them?"

Cozy Glow: "Yes. They gave me roofies whenever I wailed too loud in pain."

Doctor Psyche: "Oh, Celestia. These ponies deserve prison time."

Cozy Glow: "Going back to my story. After I drugged their drinks, I ran back down to my cage. I waited like an hour or so for them to have their dinner. It was long until I heard two loud thumps upstairs. I made my way up and saw my parents on the floor. Because of their wicked ways; the abuse they have given me, it was my turn to exact my revenge. I tied them tightly on the bed they slept. When they awoke, I stood on the bed with dad's belt. They demanded me to untie them, but I gave them their just desserts. I lashed them for every abusive atrocity they inflicted on me. When my mom and dad felt their bindings loosening, I bolted. The two were so angry that they flew after me. I didn't run far from the house cause my parents are skillful fliers. However, they ceased their chase when they saw the Royal Guards. I looked at them in the eyes, pleading that I escaped from abusive parents. I looked at the Royal Guards with pleading and teary eyes."

Doctor Pysche: "How did the Royal Guards locate you in the wilderness? You told me you had no neighbors."

Cozy Glow: "Funny thing about that; My mom writes and mails letters to relatives every month to inform them that the family is doing fine. I wrote a letter behind my parents' backs. It had my dad's old address when he was a commander. I informed them that I was a prisoner that they abducted and killed my real parents."

Doctor Psyche: "Shrewd and clever. Very decisive and manipulative."

Cozy Glow: "It's how I earned my cutie mark. To control and survive, I needed to be cunning and manipulative. So, I manipulated the Royal Guards into thinking that my family was dead while I was held prisoner by deranged ponies. When they saw my parents for the first time in a long time and saw how bruised up my body was, it didn't take long to do what was right. I performed a show with my crying about losing my parents, being locked up in a cage, abused, and receiving punishments. I cried and showed the Royal Guards how scared I was. I went into full detail about the cage in the basement and the different torture tools. I stretched the truth, and the Royal Guards searched the house. What I said, they found every speck of evidence. Red Flare and Red Nova got sentenced to life in prison without parole. With no family to turn to, they put me for adoption. No one adopted me, and I needed a place to stay. I received a letter from Lord Tirek and became pen pals."

Doctor Psyche: "So, it was Tirek that contacted you. Not you?"

Cozy Glow: "Lord Tirek heard a rumor about how I got my real parents locked in prison. He loved how manipulative I was and how I thought out my strategies, calling me a tactician. Since I longed for love, he told me a brilliant way of filling the void in my heart. Friends. If I were to become friends, I needed to stir up some trouble. So, I did."

Doctor Psyche: "Why did you listen to Lord Tirek?"

Cozy Glow: "He's my first friend since I left Tartarus. I'm referring to my mom and dad, not Tartarus itself."

Doctor Psyche: "I understood that notion. Please, continue."

Cozy Glow: "Lord Tirek promised me that friends fill the void in my heart. All I had to do was improvise. Then, I devised my scheme to rid the world of magic. I'll be the Princess of Friendship sort of speak; then everyone will give me the love I craved. However, as everyone knows, I failed. I failed cause I went on the wrong path."

Doctor Psyche: "Any regrets?"

Cozy Glow: "Listening to what Midnight Sparkle proposed; She killed me for power and failed to defeat Spike the Fairy. In a twist of fate, I experienced what death felt like; It wasn't pretty to say the least. Either than that, I have no regrets. My parents got what they deserved, and I hope they rot for eternity. All I want is to be part of a loving family. Is that so hard to ask?"

Doctor Psyche: {Hugs Cozy Glow} "After what you have revealed to me, it is in my best interest to not report to the Princesses what you testified. Ms.Rarity wanted you. I believe you'll find the family you longed for with her and Sweetie Belle. Perhaps, your friends are the supposed Unity Species group that thwarted Midnight Sparkle."

Cozy Glow: "How long do I need to stay here?"

Doctor Psyche: "A few more days. You've answered the questions I was about to say from the explanation you spoke. I need to confirm all of this to Nurse Blue Shield and a few others."

Cozy Glow: "Will I be wearing the straightjacket?"

Doctor Psyche: "Yes. However, it may not be for long."

{Doctor Psyche puts the straightjacket on Cozy Glow and leaves the room}

<End of Recording>

Audio Log #33.5 Aftermath:

It's me, Nurse Blue Shield. I watched from the monitor of the interview session. Cozy Glow did not show signs of manipulating manner; She's sincere and honest about herself and her story. I want to say her parents did perish when Canterlot fell. However, it'll be in my best interest not to reveal the information to Cozy Glow. It may cause a setback within her mind or cause a relapse of herself. For all I know, she could be dancing in a hallelujah.

<End of Recording>

Day 19

Audio Log #34:

After a meeting with all my doctors and nurses, we've decided to allow Cozy Glow to go. We're not receiving new patients, and the last thing a filly needs is solitary confinement. Cozy Glow doesn't belong with us anymore. She has experienced enough trauma and many what-ifs already. When Rarity told me about what she endured and hearing testimonies from creatures that survived Midnight Sparkle's wrath, there's not much we can do. In a way, Midnight Sparkle helped us with Cozy Glow by seeing the light. Rarity helped in that aspect as well. I've contacted her, and she'll be arriving later today.

<End of Recording>

Doctor Psyche and Nurse Blue Shield enter Cozy Glow's room and remove the straightjacket. They escort Cozy Glow to the main room where Rarity and Sweetie Belle are waiting.

"Wait, I'm free to go?" Cozy Glow looks at Doctor Psyche.

"Yes," Doctor Psyche replies. "You see. You've endured the wrong side of life with Midnight Sparkle. A bad influence, and you've been through so much. Our procedure is to show a what-if scenario, but Midnight Sparkle has already done that. You're committed to living life happily, right?"

Cozy Glow nods. "After going through Tartarus by that wretched demon, I don't want to go into the path of darkness ever again. I'm through chasing power. What I want now is to chase passion."

"Go for it. Don't you ever come back here," Nurse Blue Shield said.

"I won't. I'm hoping I don't," Cozy inhales the fresh air of freedom.

"So, what do you want to do, Cozy Glow?" Rarity asks her friend.

"I want to apologize to the creatures of United Equestria for my involvement with Midnight Sparkle and Demon Tail. I have a long road ahead of me."

"Mind waiting a few months until completion?" Rarity asks.

"Yea. I would like to spend time with my new family."

"Let's go!" Sweetie Belle is excited to have a new sister in the family.

Rarity, Sweetie Belle, and Cozy Glow trot to the train station. Cozy Glow can't wait to see what her life has in store.

A figure wearing a dark cloak trots with an important tool it collected from the Crystal Castle. Its devising a plan once it knows who's with the Bar of Alliance.

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