• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Spike's Day

It's been three days since Spike took the life out of Midnight Sparkle. He's with Twilight (Sci-Twi) at the dorm near the guildhall in District Ten. Spike's appetite hasn't been easy since the transition over a year ago. He longs for meat, yet most of the world in Equus are not carnivores; Twilight has handled her cravings better than Spike throughout the year, but she has her yearning for meat every now or then. Clones of Discord have produced the desires of Twilight and Spike, but it's not the same for them.

It's 11:30 in the morning. Spike informs Twilight he's going out for a while. He's taken a pouch filled with bits and takes flight. Spike has decided to search for a farm or marketplace where they sell chicken. Any meat throughout the land will do except for Sweet Apple Acres and Fluttershy's cottage. Spike knows that the two would not accept, especially Fluttershy. She would fight to save the life of a chicken.

Many creatures outside of United Equestria wave at Spike; They know he isn't the Fairy Dragon but has heard the rumors about his new title, Guardian Dragon. Spike flies past the mountains where Canterlot once stood. He imagines Grogar's overwhelming magic power and what the Eternal Cataclysmic Scepter's power can unleash. Could it be worse than Midnight Sparkle's mass genocide a year ago?

Spike sees Rainbow Dash gathering clouds for Ponyville, helping the weather team. She helps bring rainwater to Sweet Apple Acres.

"Hey, Spike. Where are you off too?" Rainbow asks, placing a chunk of rain cloud above Sweet Apple Acres.

"Looking to buy something I require. How are things with the Wonderbolts?"

"Pretty good for the most part. Spitfire may put me as Squad Captain while she trains the newer cadets. I improved my flight speed as well as my pranking spree."

"Pranking spree?" Spike looks at Rainbow Dash with a level of concern.

"Yesterday was April Fool's Day. Pinkie and I had a field day with harmless pranks. Nothing too overzealous that would be heartless."

Spike sighs in relief. "That's good. Well, I'm off."

"Hey, before you go. When will we see you and Twilight? It's been a while, Spike."

"Soon, Rainbow Dash. Right now, things are hectic. Especially in the guildhall."

"Alright, Spike. Take care!" Rainbow Dash flies at top speeds to Sugarcube Corner.

Spike flies through the rain storm. He flies straight into the clouds, disregarding the rain. Since Midnight's onslaught on the Everfree Forest, it has become a desert. The clones of Discord are trying to regrow the plant life. The residual energy of Midnight Sparkle's wrath made it hard for the clones to use their chaos magic to restore the Everfree Forest. Several clones high-five Spike as they work.

"That's right. Dodge City is to my left," Spike flies left after passing the Castle of the Two Sisters. He hopes to find some farmland there that sells animals.

Within the hour of steady flying, Spike arrives at Dodge City. Many ponies come to greet Spike and take several photos of him. Spike doesn't mind the attention due to his near-exact resemblance to Fairy Dragon. All that's missing is the Fairy Tail Emblem on his chest.

"Hey, is there a farm around here that has livestock?" Spike asks.

"Cherry Jubilee has a ranch not far from here. She produces cherry trees and should have some livestock, Fairy Dragon," A gray-ish stallion with a black mane confirms.

"I'm the Guardian Dragon. I'm not Fairy Dragon," Spike addresses his title. Many ponies around him gasp with enlightenment. They love the name Guardian Dragon. "Also, is there a tattoo parlor around here?"

"Our best tattooer moved to Manehattan last week. Her name is Tats. I'm sure she'll provide the best services for you, Fa-Guardian Dragon," Another pony says. She's green with a red mane.

"Thank you," Spike smiles. "I'll get a tattoo on my chest. One that represents what a Guardian should be."

Spike walks around Dodge City, scouring the buildings, the townsfolk, and activities happening. He's glad to see this town unaffected by Midnight Sparkle's wrath when she was on a magic stripping spree using Grogar's Bell. After a half hour, Spike sees an orchard for cherry trees.

"Hello, Fairy Dragon," Cherry Jubilee smiles.

"Guardian Dragon," Spike corrects Cherry Jubilee's greeting.

"My apologies. Anyway, what can I help you with?"

"Do you sell livestock by any chance?" Spike asks. He hopes that Cherry Jubilee does have livestock.

"Yes, I do. It's been a while since I last sold a creature for someone's purpose. Follow me to my Cherry Ranch," Cherry Jubilee leads the way to her ranch.

Spike's heartbeat pounds a bit fast, with adrenaline building up. First time in over a year, Spike can finally sink his teeth into flesh. He can't wait to taste the sensation of protein and the juicy flavor, whether it's chicken, cow, or pig. He knows Twilight would want some and crave it, savoring each bite.

Cherry Jubilee shows Spike her cherry orchard. Many cherry trees that produce red and yellow cherries are everywhere. It's similar to Sweet Apple Acres. The right side of the ranch has cherry trees. The left side has livestock. Spike rubs his claws together as excitement overwhelms him. He sees what he wants more than anything else; Chicken. Chicken is one of the meats he urges daily.

"See something you like, Spike?" Cherry Jubilee politely asks. She turns to see Spike drooling a bit and steps back.

"Oh, sorry," Spike wipes his drool. "How much for a chicken?"

"No worries. Chickens are thirty bits each."

Spike takes his pouch and starts counting. "Shit!" Spike didn't mean to blur out the language. Also, there is no clone of Discord to use an air horn to censor his cursing.

Cherry Jubilee smiles widely. It's the closest to hearing Fairy Dragon cursing. She's a fanatic but still has her duty as a professional salespony. She takes a deep breath.

"Spike, we don't use that language around here. Please refrain from speaking it," Cherry Jubilee said professionally. She wants to release her emotions but can't."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for using harsh language. I don't have enough bits on me. I only have twenty-one bits," Spike sadly sighs. His journey for meat is all for nothing.

Cherry Jubilee sees the devastation written on Spike's face. She doesn't want to see him upset. "I'll let you purchase a chicken at a ten-bit discount. Instead of thirty, the cost will be twenty."

Spike's eyes widen, beaming with happiness. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome," Cherry Jubilee smiles. She takes Spike to the chicken coop. "You can scour until you find the one for you."

"Thank you!" Spike hands Cherry Jubilee the twenty bits and goes inside the chicken coop. He sees some resting, some flapping around, and some watching his movements. Spike goes to the one that looks like the fattest of the bunch. "You're coming with me," Spike licks his lips, already imagining the flavor. Spike leaves the chicken coop and activates his energy wings. "Have a good day, Jubilee. I'll remember to bring exact change in the future and wash my mouth with soap."

"Good boy," Cherry Jubilee smiles. She watches Spike takes flight. Finally, she can fantasize and relish Spike cursing as the fanatic she is.

Spike flies back into the Everfree Forest. "I can't wait to cook and eat you!" Spike smiles, and the chicken clucks in fear. The chicken doesn't want to die.

The clones of Discord are curious and suspicious about Spike's involvement with a chicken. They pay little attention while attending to the land. The chicken clucks louder, hoping that someone or something can rescue it from a dragon's belly.

Spike sees and remembers what Ponyville is having. "Oh-" A clone of Discord blows an air horn to censor Spike's foul language. Spike groans, noticing Fluttershy's cottage. "Mother-" The clone of Discord blows the air horn a second time.

"What's up with you?" The clone asks. His paw finger is tapping on the presser in case Spike swears again.

"Frustrations, Discord. It's all I have due to the weather," Spike points to the heavy rains and gusty winds.

"Well, our good friend Fluttershy should have no problem having you in her cottage until the rain clears," The clone advises.

Spike sighs in defeat. "Would Fluttershy intervene in my business with this chicken I purchased?" Spike reveals the chicken to the clone.

"Well, if you stole that chicken, yes. Purchased as you said, then no. However, things can become ugly if Fluttershy feels something is amiss. Good luck, maestro," The clone departs and returns to his work on the Everfree Forest.

Spike takes a deep breath and flies to the cottage. He didn't want to increase his size for fear of squishing the chicken in his claw. Spike knocks on the cottage's door while the gusty winds push twigs and leaves into his and the chicken's eyes.

"Coming," Fluttershy said. She opens the door with Angel Bunny on her back. "Spike! Get in quick!"

Spike enters the cottage. He's wet and covered in some leaves. "Thanks, Fluttershy."

"You're welcome. Also, who's your little friend?" Fluttershy smiles cutely at the chicken, gently stroking her head.

"Oh, uh, I haven't thought of a name. Uh, Daisy?" Spike didn't care about the name. He cares about sinking his teeth into the fat juicy chicken meat.

"Nice name, Spike," Fluttershy continues to stroke Daisy's head softly. "Oh, I bet she's hungry. I'll be back," Fluttershy trots to one of her cabinets in the kitchen.

There are several chickens in Fluttershy's home. Spike sees them, speaking in their language, and walks away from them. He fears his chicken mentioning getting eaten and frightening all the others in the room. They come closer.

"Back away!" Spike tries to shoo them, to give him space.

Fluttershy returns with a bowl full of grain. "Here you go, Daisy. A nice bowl of grain just for you. Hmm?" Fluttershy looks up.

"Fluttershy!" Spike is hovering away from the other chickens. Daisy's clucking frightens the other chickens; they run to Fluttershy.

"It's alright. I know," Fluttershy's kind tone changes instantly after hearing the message. Using her left wing to put the bowl of grain on a table, she approaches Spike. "Give me Daisy, Spike."

"No way!" Spike responds, clutching Daisy.

Fluttershy flaps her wings, meeting eye level of Spike. "Give me Daisy, Spike!" Fluttershy's tone sounds demanding. She's serious.

"NO!" Spike angrily shouts.

"GIVE ME DAISY, SPIKE!" Fluttershy shouts angrily and calmly.

"F-" A clone of Discord blows his air horn, censoring the first word Spike spoke. "OFF!" Spike growls a little.

Fluttershy's right eye twitches. She understood Spike loud and clear. "You leave me no choice, Spike."

"Well, I have one choice. Later!" Spike flies through Fluttershy's window. The rain and gusty winds ease up. However, Fluttershy is hot on his tail.

"Nice," Rainbow Dash comes out of Sugarcube Corner. "It's time for me to clear the clouds. Thanks for having me, Pinkie."

"No problem, Dashie. It was fun having you here! Have fun bursting those clouds!" Pinkie squee and gives Rainbow a cupcake.

"Thanks, Pinkie," Rainbow takes the cupcake and notices Spike flying fast. He passes Sugarcube Corner. "Whoa! That was fast."

"I would love to see you and Spike race! I'll commentate the whole event!" Pinkie glees while wearing a headphone mic.

"Give me Daisy, Spike!" Fluttershy flies faster after Spike. She flew past Sugarcube Corner. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie are dumbfounded. Fluttershy's flight speed is on another level. Rainbow Dash believes it's faster than the time when Fluttershy helped the pegasi lift the water to Cloudsdale.

"What is happening?!" Pinkie freaks out. Never in her life had she thought she'll witness Fluttershy flying that fast in her life.

"I don't know! I'm going to find out!" Rainbow Dash flaps her wings and takes flight. She follows Fluttershy's tail.

"Wait for me!" Pinkie Pie gallops just as fast as Rainbow's flight speed.

Fluttershy is nearing closer to Spike. She refuses to allow Spike to eat Daisy. "I won't let you kill her!" Fluttershy declares.

"The chicken is mine, Fluttershy! I bought her!" Spike retorts while increasing his flight speed. However, it didn't matter. Fluttershy's motivation for saving Daisy gives her the edge to tackle Spike.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie see Fluttershy knocking Spike out of the sky. They are near District Ten of United Equestria. Rainbow Dash performs the Sonic Rainboom to catch Fluttershy; Spike crash lands on the ground, creating a massive crater.

Fluttershy doesn't thank Rainbow Dash for catching her. She trots to the crater. Neighsay, Twilight (Sci-Twi), Sunset, Smolder, and Garble come to check the crash landing. Spike gets up, still clutching Daisy. She was well-protected from the impact of the crash.

"What in blazes is going on?" Neighsay asks about the severity of the situation.

"All we know is Fluttershy wants Daisy from Spike," Rainbow reports to Neighsay.

"Why?" Twilight comes closer to the crater.

Spike looks at Twilight and the others. "You can't take my chicken away, Fluttershy."

"You're not eating, Daisy, Spike!" Fluttershy shouts, addressing the situation for all to hear. Many creatures around gasp except for Twilight. She now knows why Spike wanted to make a purchase. Since his doggie days, the urge for meat has overwhelmed him.

"Spike, did you steal Daisy from Fluttershy?" Pinkie asks. She sounds upset that Spike would steal a chicken.

"No! I bought this chicken from Cherry Jubilee at Dodge City! I was going to fly here when I remembered that Ponyville had a rainstorm. The clone of Discord suggested that I take refuge at Fluttershy's cottage until the storm clears a little. I knew going there was a death trap; written on the walls."

It's an awkward situation for everyone present. Neighsay knows that Spike's appetite has been erratic since coming to Equestria. He also knows how much Fluttershy cares about all the animals. However, it's clear who's in the right despite the awfulness of the outcome.

"Spike, there's no reason for all this trauma over a chicken. Just give it to Fluttershy," Smolder said.

"Yea, we're still helping you with eating the gemstones," Garble holds a bag full of them.

"They taste like glass! They have no nutrition for me!" Spike yells at the two. His stomach growls. His body yearns for chicken.

"Spike, don't make me use the STARE on you into relinquishing Daisy," Fluttershy gets closer.

"Enough!" Neighsay and Twilight stomp their hooves to cease the foolishness.

"Twilight, as First Master of the guild, I got this," Neighsay commands.

Twilight sighs. "Very well." "I hope you're thinking what I thought of."

Spike flies to Neighsay, holding Daisy in his claws. Fluttershy is next to Spike. She knows Neighsay will say to give Daisy to her.

"Spike," Neighsay takes a deep breath. "You may keep the chicken."

"WHAT?!" Fluttershy growls at Neighsay and shoves him. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!"

"Fluttershy!" It's a new experience for Rainbow Dash to see this side of her. As for Pinkie, it brings back memories of when Fluttershy took advice from Iron Will.

Neighsay sees the anger and disgust in Fluttershy's eyes. "I'm serious. Spike bought the chicken. Therefore it's his unless he sells it to you."

Spike smirks. He's in the clear. "I'm sorry, Fluttershy. I'm not selling Daisy to you," Spike inadvertently pokes Fluttershy's chest with his finger. Daisy clucks and starts hyperventilating. She doesn't want to get eaten.

Fluttershy closes her eyes and unleashes her STARE at Spike. It's powerful with hypnotism in the midst. Spike sees Fluttershy's stare and becomes nervous. His claws trembles while every creature backs away from Fluttershy. Twilight can't believe her friend is using that tactic to force Spike to give up his chicken.

Spike is nearing to hand over his chicken to Fluttershy when his hunger reawakens him. He jabs Fluttershy's eyes, causing her to squeal in pain. Fluttershy instantly covers her eyes while Pinkie and Rainbow Dash check on her.

"Spike!" Twilight rushes to him. "What have you done?!"

"Dude, that's not cool!" Pinkie shouts. She's upset with both her friends for going to these lengths.

"Twenty percent less cool," Rainbow affirms.

Spike pants heavily after realizing what he's done. "She used the f-" A clone of Discord censors Spike's swear. "STARE at me! That's uncalled for!"

Fluttershy opens her eyes. It's red from the impact. "I'll pay for Daisy's freedom. Name your price!" Fluttershy pants heavily. Tears of anguish stream on her face. She's determined to save Daisy from Spike's belly.

"Any price?" Spike is thinking of an unfair asking price to seal the deal.

"Any," Fluttershy said with affirmation.

"Thirty thousand bits right now. No help from any of Discord's clones or any one of our friends here," Spike said.

Fluttershy's jaw drops. She was about to ask any of the clones to lend her bits. "You're a monster..."

"You call me a monster because you couldn't stop me. I'm the Guardian Dragon. Not a monster."

"Then start acting like a Guardian! What kind of Guardian kills another life?!" Fluttershy twists Spike's title in hopes of making him feel guilty.

"If you think guilt-tripping me into surrendering the chicken to you is going to work," Spike turns his back and flaps his energy wings. "Think again. I already know how to kill."

"What!?" Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie said in shock. "You killed before?"

"Yes. I know what it's like to stare into life in the eyes and strip it away."

"So, you're going to be the next Midnight Sparkle?" Fluttershy bitterly said.

Spike's jaw drops from being compared to Midnight Sparkle. The thoughts of knowing how to kill and translating to Midnight Sparkle's wrath opened a floodgate of uneasiness and uncertainty. The idea of buying chickens in the future and possibly making them go extinct cause Spike to drop to his knees. Tears swell up, and it's enough for Twilight to bear.

Twilight trots up to Fluttershy and slaps her hard; she knocks a tooth out of Fluttershy's mouth. Fluttershy falls to the ground from the slap.

"TWILIGHT!" Rainbow Dash and Pinkie are awestruck by Twilight's retaliation.

"Twilight, that hurt," Fluttershy said in tears. She never thought of her friend causing physical pain to her like this. Spike's actions were on purpose.

"How dare you compare my Spike to that genocidal Midnight Sparkle?!" Twilight snorts. "Don't you eat eggs in the morning?"

"Well, I uh..," Fluttershy quivers in fear.

"Don't you eat cakes? Pancakes? French Toast? Ice Cream? Marshmallows?"

Twilight continues to name many foods with eggs with them. Fluttershy tears up, realizing her mistake in confronting Spike about eating an animal. Also, she remembered giving fresh fish to her bear, Harry. Fluttershy whimpers and backs away slowly.

"Get out of my sight until you learn your lesson, you hypocritical b-" A clone of Discord blows his air horn again. "Also, eating those products, you are technically killing baby chicks." Twilight makes her case clear.

Fluttershy cries and flies back to her home. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are silent. They follow Fluttershy back to Ponyville.

"Twilight, don't you think that was harsh to say to Fluttershy?" Sunset asks. She's not one for eating meat but giving someone a mindset of killing baby chicks is another.

Twilight puts Spike on her back. Despite holding onto the chicken, Spike stood still. What Fluttershy said has impacted him. "Try telling that to Fluttershy the next time you see her. She compared my Spike to a menacing, egotistical, self-centered, murderous, narcissistic demon. Never disrespect my son in front of me. It will be the last thing anyone will ever do."

Twilight trots to her room in the dorm with Spike and the chicken on her back. Neighsay takes a deep breath and informs his guildmates to go back into the guildhall.

Twilight uses her magic to open the door to the room. She trots inside and uses her magic to put Spike on the bed. "Spike, are you okay?"

Spike lowers his head. He extends his claw. "I don't want it anymore."

"Spike..," Twilight is now worried about Spike's mental health and well-being. "It's yours. Fluttershy is a hypocrite. Don't listen to her. What do you want?" Twilight said in a motherly nurturing tone.

"I want to eat the chicken. I was looking forward to eating it. Now..," Spike tears up. All he sees is feathers and blood everywhere. His guilty conscience is clouding his sight. He lunges into a pillow and screams. "I don't know anymore!" Spike burst into tears.

"Hey, how is Spike?" Terax flies into the room. He and Chrysalis just arrived in District Ten a few moments ago.

"Uh," Twilight is about to respond when Chrysalis enters the room.


"Yes, mommy?" Terax turns to her mother, still hovering in the air.

"Keep Spike company. I need to talk with Twilight."

"Okay, mommy," Terax flies and sits next to Spike. He rubs Spike's head with his hoof while Spike continues to cry his eyes out.

"I'll be back, Spike," Twilight leaves the room to chat with Chrysalis.

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