• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Chrysalis go to the lounge room in the dorm. Twilight worries about Spike's mental state after being compared to a demon for wanting chicken. She sits on a chair facing Chrysalis.

"According to Neighsay and Sunset, the crater was caused by Spike because he wanted chicken?" Chrysalis sits on the lounge chair, facing Twilight.

"As you know, Spike and I come from a different world. We have vegetarians, vegans, and carnivores. Spike loved eating meat. Pepperoni, beef, steak, hamburgers, pork, and chicken. The list can go on. Chrysalis, have you noticed that Spike eats less?"

"He skips mealtime a lot, especially with the dragons. He rarely eats lunch. What does he normally eat, Twilight?"

"Well, as of late, Spike has forced himself into eating gemstones, but he keeps spitting it out. He will eat anything breakfast related as long there is no chocolate. Back home, chocolate was a poison to digest, so he still removed that delicacy from his food chain. Spike is not big on veggies either."

"So, have Discord's clones conjured anything Spike would want?" Chrysalis wonders if Spike tried eating whatever Discord spawned.

"Although Discord has given Spike meat, it doesn't taste the same. I ate it myself, and I can relate to Spike. It tastes bland every time."

"Bummer. I understand the urges and desires to achieve something regardless of the consequences. Did Spike steal the chicken from Fluttershy?"

"No," Twilight shakes her head. "Spike bought it from this Cherry Jubilee fellow. Fluttershy sensed the chicken's life was endangered and wanted to prevent Spike from taking its' life. I want to say that Fluttershy chased Spike and tackled him. Fluttershy somehow landed safely, while Spike crash-landed, creating the crater you saw outside."

"So, Spike was forced into relinquishing the chicken to Fluttershy's custody?"

"No. Neighsay decreed that Spike maintain the chicken since he bought it. Neighsay allowed Fluttershy an opportunity to purchase the chicken. However, Spike arranged a proposal in his favor. He petitioned thirty thousand bits without the aid of Discord's clones or any creature lending her money. Spike devised an inescapable offer that forced Fluttershy to forbear."

Chrysalis imagines the reaction Fluttershy must have had at the moment. To cough up that amount to evade the situation. "I hate saying this. Spike forged that bargain after finding the loopholes Neighsay decreed. Fluttershy had to be pissed."

"She was pissed. Fluttershy attempted to use the STARE at Spike to forfeit the chicken to her. It nearly worked until Spike's hunger woke him up. Spike jabs Fluttershy's eyes to repel the STARE tactic. I wasn't happy when Spike struck Fluttershy's eyes. Actually, I wasn't happy with the two fighting each other over a F-" A clone of Discord uses an air horn to censor Twilight's curse word. "CHICKEN!" Twilight pants a bit after the short rant.

"Was it before or after Spike proposed the purchase?"

"It was before the price check, Chrysalis. Fluttershy attempted to force the chicken out of Spike's claws. I stood there and watched instead of intervening right then and there."

"Well, what happened next?" Chrysalis drinks her bottle of apple juice she got from the mini-fridge.

"She called Spike a monster," Twilight uses her magic to lift a bottle of apple juice from the mini-fridge in the room.

"Damn. So, what happened after Fluttershy called him a monster?"

"Spike readdress the name calling. He quoted himself as the Guardian Dragon. Fluttershy notch it up by questioning Spike's ability as a Guardian and what kind of Guardian would take life away?"

"Well, she should talk. She's a caretaker and knows what animals need. I've seen her feed this bear fish from time to time whenever I'm with you and engaging with the former bearers."

"Fluttershy's focus was somewhere else. She would not subside the situation despite being in the wrong from the beginning. I hope Spike recovers from the trauma Fluttershy unleashed."

"Trauma? What trauma?" Chrysalis is perplexed about the state Spike is enduring.

"You saw and heard him cry when you came into my room. Fluttershy said something that.., well..," Twilight sadly sighs. "Broke him."

"Broke him?" Now Chrysalis is worried about Spike's condition. "How did Fluttershy break Spike?"

Twilight's emotions get the better of her as her rage boils. She looks at Chrysalis furiously from remembering Fluttershy's words that broke Spike. "I should have killed that f-" A clone of Discord blows the trumpet, censoring Twilight's swear. "HYPOCRITE!" Twilight lividly shouts. Bursts of her magic power spark, creating a small flame around the lounge room. A few clones put it out with fire extinguishers; coughed out from their cotton candy clouds.

Chrysalis remains calm. Sure, the outburst is one thing, but she's used to enduring many during her reign as Queen of the Hive. Chrysalis understands Twilight's predicament about being a mother during a crucial time when she sees a child dismayed. She recalls a time when Midnight Sparkle nearly killed Terax, and she went rampant after her transformation. Her desire to kill Midnight Sparkle fueled her rage.

Twilight deep sighs. "I'm sorry you had to see me like this..." Twilight turns the other way.

"It's understandable, Twilight. I would be boiling if any broke my Terax. A mother's instinct to get involved in any situation is to stand up for her child. After Midnight Sparkle assaulted Terax, I went berserk. All I wanted was to slay the demon that brought harm to my child."

Twilight angrily groans at the mere mention of Midnight Sparkle. Then, she pauses. "Chrysalis, what I'm about to tell you will be unimaginable."

"I've seen the unimaginable and unthinkable in my life, Twilight. I don't think anything can top what I've witnessed," Chrysalis drinks her apple juice.

"After Fluttershy questioned Spike's title as being a Guardian, she compared him to Midnight Sparkle for killing," Twilight bitterly said, which caused Chrysalis to spit her drink out in disgust.

"That's f-" A clone of Discord plays the guitar loud enough to silence Chrysalis' swear. "up. How dare she compare your Spike to a sadistic, massacring, demonic terrorist?!" Chrysalis is genuinely outraged by Fluttershy's remark. She finds it scandalizing and sickening.

"I know. Fluttershy compared my Spike to a genocidal lunatic with selfish greed. It's uncalled for; I slapped her so hard, I knocked a tooth out of Fluttershy's mouth."

"I concur with your actions, Twilight. That's how I reacted when I struck Midnight Sparkle for messing with my son."

"Fluttershy dared to cry when I struck her when she mentally broke Spike due to his natural instincts for craving meat. He's a dog, and Fluttershy treated him as a dragon. I'm more than well-aware that Spike is a dragon, but he was born as a dog. We mentioned our tales during our trips in Ponyville."

Chrysalis gets up and comforts Twilight in an embrace. The two don't say anything during the hug. Twilight does shed some tears due to the hurt she has in her heart.

As Twilight and Chrysalis share their moment, Terax remains silent while Spike weeps. Flurry Heart bursts through the window. She used her magic to scatter the glass before entering.

"Terax? What happened to Spike?" Flurry Heart is worried sick about Spike after feeling a disturbance. She also sees a chicken huddling in the corner of the room. "What's with the chicken?"

"Spike can't stop crying. As for the chicken, I don't know. Maybe it's his lunch?" Terax has no idea about the chicken being in the room. He cares about his buddy, Spike.

Flurry Heart hovers down and gets on the bed. "Spike?" Flurry Heart nudges Spike's head with her right wing. All Flurry Heart can hear is him crying. It makes her sad to see her best friend upset.

Terax pats on the bed, alerting Flurry Heart to sit. "You can help by being here for Spike when he's ready to talk."

Flurry Heart takes Terax's advice and sits next to him and Spike. "How long until he's ready to speak?"

"As long as it takes. Sometimes, it's best to be with someone in need than saying the right words."

Flurry Heart and Terax sit beside Spike as he continues to cry his eyes out. Horrid images of him slaughtering chickens for hunger clashed with the memories of Midnight Sparkle's wrath upon the populous. Spike screams into the pillow, which makes any other creature outside the dorm feel disheartening.

"Dude, that's brutal," Sandbar said. He and Yona return from helping the Yaks set up their annual celebration.

"Yona wants to know why dragon friend is crying," Yona notices her friends lowering their heads.

Smolder and Garble are refraining from their urges to give Fluttershy a piece of their mind after standing by doing nothing. Ocellus is heartbroken from the actions caused by Fluttershy, according to Neighsay and Sunset. Aria and Sonata couldn't believe what they heard and felt for Spike.

Silverstream approaches the two with the dreadful news. "Fluttershy broke Spike with a painful statement. As you know, Spike is known as the Guardian Dragon."

"Of course. Sandbar and I heard Spike's claim. We also bear witnessed hearing Spike's first kill when Midnight Sparkle came out of Twilight," Yona said with pride and delight.

"So, what happened next, Silverstream?" Sandbar is eager to know why his friend is feeling blue.

"Well, as we know, Spike used to be a dog, so his eating habits haven't changed much. He forced himself into eating what dragons would consume, but it hasn't helped. So, from what I know, he bought a chicken elsewhere; Fluttershy tried to rescue the chicken's life but failed. However, she said something so unpleasant it broke Spike mentally."

"What did Fluttershy say?" Sandbar and Yona asks Silverstream.

"That punk compared Spike to Midnight Sparkle in terms of killing!" Smolder interjects the conversation. She's mad that Fluttershy made that comment over a chicken.

"Say WHAT?!" Sandbar and Yona are stunned by Fluttershy's comparison toward the Guardian Dragon.

The doors fling wide open by Princess Cadance. "Did I hear that right?" She's upset about hearing the dreaded news about Spike's condition.

"Princess Cadance? Why are you here?" Neighsay approaches the Princess.

"I followed my daughter here. She felt a disturbance and sought to check it out. I admire her enthusiasm, but she needed to inform me before flying off. So, I'm here to bring my daughter back home."

"Say, does she have a crush on Spike?" Smolder asks Princess Cadance. It's not like she has a crush on him. She's just curious.

"Possibly," Princess Cadance saw the signs when Flurry Heart started talking fluently.

"Oh, crud." Smolder thought to herself. She reminds herself that Spike is not ready for love and will be soon at the right time.

"Did Fluttershy compare Spike to a genocidal, egotistical, raging devil?" Princess Cadance is calm. Other creatures in the guildhall are afraid. At times, stillness shows that someone is suppressing their anger.

"Yes," Smolder and Garble nod; They know hiding the truth is not the best motive.

Princess Cadance gallops to the dorm next door. Neighsay and Sunset explain everything else to Sandbar and Yona about the situation with Spike.

Chrysalis and Twilight leave the lounge room and inadvertently bump into Princess Cadance. Chrysalis and Twilight see the fury within Princess Cadance's eyes.

"Let me guess," Chrysalis breaks the silence. "You know what happened with Spike?"

"Your friends informed me. I know Flurry Heart sensed and know it as well," Princess Cadance calmly replies.

Chrysalis, Twilight, and Princess Cadance go and check on Spike. Princess Cadance sees Flurry Heart right beside Spike. Chrysalis sees Terax sitting next to Flurr Heart and Spike. Twilight sees the chicken by the corner of the room. She knows what to do with it. For now, Spike needs her more than ever. Spike stops crying and pants heavily. His mind is in disarray after the horrid images of chickens clucking to their deaths fade away.

"Spike?" Flurry Heart and Twilight say in unison. They are eager to hear what Spike has to say.

Spike looks at every creature in the room. He lowers his head and sniffs. "Will I turn into a demonic dragon going berserk on an endless killing spree?" He hears the daunting words of Fluttershy in his mind, saying he'll be the next Midnight Sparkle.

"No!" Twilight and Flurry Heart immediately say before everyone else in the room.

"Dude, you're far saner than that Midnight Sparkle who nearly killed me. You're better than her. Fairy Dragon passed the torch to you to become the next protector. Like a Guardian of the Crystal Empire or Equestria sort-of-speak," Terax said. He knows Spike will never become a murderous dragon seeking to destroy all life in his heart.

"Also, you only killed to get rid of a demon. What you're doing with that chicken is your primal instinct. You're not devouring all life. What Fluttershy said is way out of line. She said it to make you feel guilty so she can save the chicken's life," Twilight said. "I'm sorry I didn't intervene when I should have, Spike. I should have told Fluttershy to f-" A clone of Discord blows an air horn.

"Seriously. What's up with you lot cursing left and right?" The clone said, shaking his head. "I need to create a swear jar. One bit of every time I hear any of you swear goes in the jar."

"Sue me," Twilight didn't care about that comment.

"Are you good on the 15th? I know a good lawyer," The clone said literally.

Spike's stomach growls. He lays on his side. "So, hungry; Haven't eaten in days..."

Twilight sees the hunger pains and knows that Spike once again skipped breakfast. She trots to the corner where the chicken is cowering. Using her magic, she levitates the chicken. "I'll be back," Twilight leaves the room.

"Where are you going?" Princess Cadance sees Twilight galloping.

"Making lunch for my son!" Twilight shouts.

Smolder and Garble have decided to check on Spike. They see Twilight galloping to the kitchen in a hurry, with the chicken clucking madly. The chicken hopes someone can hear its' cries before death arrives.

"That's uh," Garble is unsure about the chicken's fate.

"I know we don't eat meat. However, we must understand that Spike's past life was being a hound. We tried our best to convert Spike into eating gemstones, and it failed. Should one of us go talk to Fluttershy?" Smolder asks Garble.

"I believe so. It should be you or some of our friends that have better relations with Fluttershy," Garble replies knowing that he and Fluttershy don't have much of a bond.

Princess Cadance overhears the conversation from Spike and Twilight's room. She trots out while Chrysalis, Terax, and Flurry Heart remain with Spike. "I'll go talk to Fluttershy on the matter. I need you two to watch over my daughter until I return."

"Can do, Princess," Smolder and Garble salute. They watch Princess Cadance leave the dorm.

Smolder and Garble go into the room to check on Spike and watch Flurry Heart. Smolder sees Flurry Heart comforting Spike and becomes a bit jealous. Flurry Heart hugs Spike and softly cooing him while Spike suffers from hunger pain.

Ponyville, Half Hour Ago.

Fluttershy is in her cottage, crying her eyes out from the assault Twilight unleashed. She still lost a tooth and feels depressed for not saving Daisy's life. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are with her to comfort her. Rarity, Sweetie Belle, and Cozy Glow arrive at the cottage to see their friend. The trio becomes awestruck and asks about Fluttershy's state of mind.

"Well, it's not pretty," Pinkie said.

"What happened exactly?" Rarity comes closer to Fluttershy and gasps. The front teeth of Fluttershy are missing an upper tooth.

"This is all Spike's fault! He's a monster!" Fluttershy shouts, then bursts into more tears.

"What did Spike do?" Sweetie Belle asks Rainbow and Pinkie.

"Spike bought a chicken from Cherry Jubilee and planned on killing and eating it," Pinkie replies which cause Fluttershy to wail in her sadness.

"So?" Cozy Glow said. Fluttershy ceases her crying and turns to Cozy Glow furiously.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN, SO?" Fluttershy is irate and wants to hear Cozy Glow's defense.

"Spike used to be a dog, and he used to eat meat at home. Do you mean to tell me he shouldn't eat what is nourishing? That he should only eat what ponies eat? Dragons eat?" Cozy Glow said.

"Well.., he.., uh.., I mean.., I-I-I-I supp-supp-suppose. Oh.., my," Fluttershy stutters with coming up with a statement.

"Also, Spike mentioned how he longed to taste meat again. I remember the conversations about his food chain before it altered when he turned into a dragon. Animals eat each other all the time, and you have no problem with it. Didn't you feed Harry with a fish this morning?"

Fluttershy turns the other way. It's twice she gets reminded about feeding Harry meat. Fish meat but nonetheless.

"Spike did nothing wrong. I remembered hanging out with him, Terax, Flurry Heart, and Princess Cadance when they came into town a few weeks back. We had lunch, and Spike couldn't eat the gemstones or hay fries. He tried, but it's not good enough. You mean to tell me you're willing to watch him slowly deprive himself of nutrition than letting him have his fill?" Cozy Glow asks a hardening question. Fluttershy didn't realize that Spike had been starving himself. She knows he won't eat veggies.

"Another thing Fluttershy forgot to include," Rainbow Dash sighs. "She compared Spike to Midnight Sparkle."

"WHAT?!" Rarity and Sweetie Belle are petrified to hear Fluttershy comparing Spike to that wretched beast. Cozy Glow growls.

"Why would she compare Spike to that awful psychopath?!" Sweetie Belle shouts in anger.

"We heard that Spike killed. So, with Spike being the Guardian Dragon and all, Fluttershy twisted his title then compared him," Pinkie said. Sweetie Belle and Rarity gasp. They didn't think Spike had it in him to start killing already.

"I know what it's like to strip life away when I worked with Midnight Sparkle. After I reformed, no one asked me if I would become the next Midnight Sparkle. Spike's kill was probably for a good cause with his title, yet you dare to call him out as the next demon? Shame on you, Fluttershy!" Cozy Glow is livid.

"But..," Fluttershy responds in tears. "He was going to..."

"FEED HIMSELF!" Cozy Glow raises her voice in anger. Fluttershy flinches from Cozy's outburst. "HE'S HUNGRY, AND YOU WOULD WATCH HIM ACHE?"

"No!" Fluttershy shakes her head. She sees the burning passion in Cozy Glow's eyes. The desire to defend a friend in need.

"Ask yourself. Would you let your animals die of hunger because they didn't get what they yearn for; You feed them something else and find out they can't consume the sustenance?"

"NO! I WILL NEVER PUT ANY OF MY ANIMALS AND FRIENDS IN THAT POSITION!" Fluttershy exclaims. She would never strip anything of her animal friends of their food.


"HE WAS GOING TO KILL DAISY!" Fluttershy huffs after her response.

"How many fish families won't see their relatives cause you went fishing? How many baby chicks won't see their relatives cause you chose to eat breakfast or any food products?" Cozy coldly asks.

It's twice Fluttershy heard those questions. She lowers her head. "Leave," It's all Fluttershy can say.

"Fluttershy, are you sure?" Rainbow asks, putting her hoof on Fluttershy's back.

Fluttershy remains silent. Cozy Glow sees that her interrogation becomes too much for Fluttershy to handle mentally. Cozy Glow called her out about her ambitions when she was clearly blind about taking the lives of the food chain to feed her animals.

"Fluttershy, I apologize for bringing this drama into your home," Rarity sincerely said. She and Sweetie Belle are stunned to witness Cozy Glow's scolding and rant.

Once again, Fluttershy remains silent. Every pony hears the door knocking. Pinkie hops to the door and answers it.

"Princess Cadance?" Pinkie Pie reads her body language. She knows things will take a turn for Fluttershy.

"Princess Cadance? What's wrong?" Rainbow Dash approaches her.

"I require a private session to talk to Fluttershy about the comparison she made about Spike to Midnight Sparkle."

"Just leave my home," Fluttershy is in tears. She's angry with herself about possibly breaking Spike's spirit. Her words and actions were more inflicting than she realized over a food chain. Oh, how she wishes to take it all back.

Princess Cadance hears the sadness in Fluttershy's tone and decides to let it go. "Very well," Princess Cadance knows that Fluttershy feels genuinely remorseful about her tactics to guilt-trip Spike.

Princess Cadance leaves the cottage with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Sweetie Belle, and Cozy Glow. Cozy Glow informs the Princess about what she spoke and how she defended Spike's actions more than Fluttershy. Princess Cadance does thank Cozy Glow for awakening Fluttershy's viewpoint on how others need their nourishment regardless of the food chain.

Fluttershy looks out the window and stares into the skies. Her comment about comparing Spike to Midnight now haunts her even more. She breaks down in tears. "What have I done..?"

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