• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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A New Day Part 3: Sunset's Embrace

Sunset Shimmer returns to her room with two slices of pizza. She sadly sighs while looking at her food. She was supposed to have a pizza party with her friends and now can't even look at the food without the thought of her friends getting killed except for Pinkie Pie, Twilight (Sci-Twi), and Spike.

"Why did I grab the pizza?" Sunset loses her appetite and throws it away. Not even some comfort food can calm her. "I hate myself..," Sunset lays on her bed, blankly looking at the ceiling.

Discord and the Dazzlings are in the living room, trying to scheme some ideas to help cheer Sunset Shimmer after learning more in-depth about her memories and experiences during her tenure in Canterlot City.

"She needs familiar faces to help her now," Sonata said.

"You think they'll be available around this hour, Discord?" Aria asks.

"Clone," Discord calls for his clone.

"What?" A clone of Discord appears wearing a professor's attire for science. His wings are on fire while experimenting with a creative subject for tomorrow's lesson.

"Mind grabbing the girls and Spike? I think Sunset Shimmer needs to see them to overcome any demons that could be plaguing her mind."

"Sure, why not," Discord dumps a bucket full of ice on him and leaves the house.

Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike are reading different magic books in the library of the Castle of Friendship. Twilight is reading basic and novice magic spells while Spike is reading fire spells.

"Wow, this book has all sorts of knowledge and wisdom. If we practice and set a routine, Spike, we can become a dynamic duo of some sort."

"I have a bad suspicion that dragons aren't able to use magic like unicorns or the supposed Alicorn. I don't think I'll be able to use magic," Spike sighs.

"Oh, Spike," Twilight (Sci-Twi) walks up to Spike. She puts her arm around him. "You'll find something you'll be great at, I believe it, and I see it."

"Thank you, Twilight," Spike smiles at Twilight (Sci-Twi).

Twilight (Sci-Twi) hugs Spike. "There's much more you can do when you put your mind to it. Don't be discouraged or upset."

"Thank you for your encouraging words," Spike said.

The clone of Discord appears in the library. He sees Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike having a tender moment. "Aw, how cute."

Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike get startled by Discord's sudden appearance. They wonder why he is here.

"Uh, why are you here.., uh..," Twilight (Sci-Twi) doesn't know who Discord is.

"Oh, right. You and that other Twilight are not exactly the same when it comes to memory," The clone coughs a bit. "I am a representation of Discord, the Lord of Chaos. I come here to ask of you of something important."

"Like what?" Spike asks.

"It's Sunset Shimmer. She's broken," The clone says, trying to come up with a better term to explain Sunset's feelings.

"Broken?" Twilight (Sci-Twi) gives it some thought. "Ooooooooooooooh," Twilight (Sci-Twi) cringes a bit thinking about it.

"Oh, right," Spike looks down. He knows what's going on in Sunset's mind.

"I ask if the two of you were to come with me. Sunset Shimmer needs familiar faces to cope with the horrors she'd experienced."

"We're coming," Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike said in unison. They're determined to help their friend any way they can.

The clone of Discord snaps his claw, teleporting the two to Sugarcube Corner. They see Pinkie giving the cake babies to Carrot Cake. Pinkie turns around to see Twilight (Sci-Twi), Spike, and Discord. The Cakes are in shock seeing Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike.

"Pinkie.., what is going on..?" Carrot Cake trembles a bit seeing Spike for the first time in ages.

"What in Celestia's name is going on..?" Mrs.Cake is perplexed seeing Spike and Twilight (Sci-Twi).

"Right, I'll explain that to you later," Pinkie hops to her friends. "Hey, you three. Need something?"

"Yes," The clone nods. "We need your help to turn a frown upside down."

Pinkie gasps. "Who?"

"Sunset Shimmer," Spike replies.

"I need my party cannon!" Pinkie rushes to her room and grabs the party cannon in a mere few seconds. "I'm ready! Let's go!"

"Next up, The Boutique Store," Discord snaps his claw and teleports to the Rarity's Boutique.

"Huh, the building is similar to back home," Spike said.

"Definitely, let's see if Rarity is working on a new designer dress," Twilight (Sci-Twi) said. She opens the door and enters the boutique.

"Coming," Rarity said in her cheerful tone. She walks downstairs and drops her basket filled with gemstones. She sees Twilight and Spike. "You.., you monster..," Rarity is lost for words.

"Rarity! She is not the Twilight and Spike we know! They're from the human world our Twilight has told us!" Pinkie explains, hoping that Rarity won't attack Twilight (Sci-Twi).

"What?!" Rarity thoroughly examines Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike. She notices Twilight (Sci-Twi) doesn't have her wings and wears glasses while Spike has no wings. She smiles, knowing she has an opportunity to become Spike's lover. "Spikey-Wikey!" Rarity runs up to Spike, shoving Pinkie in the process.

"Hey!" Pinkie crashes into a basket filled with dirty clothing.

"It is you," Rarity wraps her hooves around Spike. "We can be a couple, now," Rarity wastes no time leaning to kiss Spike's lips when Twilight (Sci-Twi) back-hoofs Rarity in the face.

"What is wrong with you?!" Twilight (Sci-Twi) is irate with Rarity.

"Ow.., that really hurts, Twilight," Rarity complains while rubbing her cheek.

"Are you crazy for kissing someone younger than you!?" Twilight (Sci-Twi) puts Spike on her back.

"But.., I.., well, you see..," Rarity angrily groans. "The Spike I know was madly in love with me, and now this is my second chance! You are denying me of that second chance!" Rarity gets in Twilight (Sci-Twi)'s face.

"Spike is my son, and I don't approve of someone older than him dating you, Rarity," Twilight (Sci-Twi) snorts a bit.

"I'm not that into you," Spike scratches the back of his head.

"What kind of cruel, sick joke is this?" Rarity turns her back on them.

"Well, I'm here to ask if you're willing to come see Sunset Shimmer," The clone of Discord says.

"Not interested. Good day!" Rarity goes to her room. She stomps up the stairs angrily.

"Ouch," The clone of Discord says. "Onward to Sweet Apple Acres."

"That won't be necessary," Applejack said. She's behind them with a wagon filled with buckets. "Whatever you have in mind, Discord. I can't come. Zap Apple Season is upon us, and I have to get ready."

"Oh, alright then, Applejack," The clone replies. He teleports Pinkie, Twilight (Sci-Twi), and Spike to Rainbow Dash's Cloudominium. The clone uses his magic to ensure Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike to walk on clouds.

"Whoa, cool cloud castle," Spike said in awe.

"Rainbow Dash lives in there," The clone knocks on Rainbow's door.

"Coming!" In a flash, Rainbow opens the door. "Hey, you guys, what's up?"

"Are you busy? Do you have some free time to spare?" The clone asks.

"Sure. I've been reading my Daring Do comics. What's up?"

"It's Sunset Shimmer. She's not well and needs familiar faces to-" Rainbow Dash puts her hoof on Pinkie's mouth.

"Say no more. I figure Sunset will possibly have some PTSD. I'm in for cheering her up. Hopefully, we can start a build-up in Friendship. So, who's next to pick up?"

"Fluttershy," Spike answers.

"Applejack is busy with Zap Apple Season and Rarity.., well.., I made her upset for being defensive with my son."

"Defensive? What do you mean by that?" Rainbow is curious to know.

"Well, I slapped Rarity for trying to kiss my son," Twilight (Sci-Twi) replies.

"Whoa," Rainbow is in shock. "Uh, Twilight. Rarity is in love with Spike the Fairy and may see your son as a second redemption."

"She needs to find someone her age. Spike will find someone his age," Twilight (Sci-Twi) said in defense of Spike.

"I'm not looking for love. I'm looking to find my place among this world Twilight and me are in," Spike said.

"Well, this'll be interesting. So, off to Fluttershy's Cottage, Discord?"

"Oh, right, right, Rainbow Dash," The clone of Discord teleports his friends to Fluttershy's Cottage. "Does Fluttershy know about-"

"Yes," Rainbow nods. "I've come to Fluttershy's place a while after leaving the castle. I'm guessing Applejack decided to talk to Rarity about it later."

"Alright then," The clone of Discord knocks on the door.

"Coming," Fluttershy opens the door. "Hello," Fluttershy sees Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike and smiles. She now knows that Rainbow Dash wasn't pulling her leg earlier. "It's nice to see you," Fluttershy hugs Spike. "I know you're not Spike the Fairy, but seeing you is oh-so comforting."

Spike returns the hug. "It's nice to see familiar faces from the world Twilight and me ran away from."

"So, are we having a party of some sort or what?" Fluttershy asks, turning her gaze to her friends' eyes.

"Well, more like cheering up party. Sunset Shimmer needs us," Pinkie said.

"Alright, I'm coming," Fluttershy packs her bag filled with tea bags and tea cakes.

The clone of Discord teleports everyone to his home. They're inside the living room while the Dazzlings and Discord are coming up with backup plans to cheer Sunset Shimmer.

"Huh, she's not an Alicorn," Sonata said, looking at Twilight (Sci-Twi).

"Spike doesn't have his wings either," Aria said.

"It would make sense cause the two are not from here. Like us, Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike were given new bodies for a clean slate," Adagio states.

"Where is Sunset Shimmer?" Twilight (Sci-Twi) asks the Dazzlings and Discord.

"In her room. I'll take you there. Clone, you can go back to your work," Discord watches the clone slither into the hole on the floor. The clone is heading to the attic. Discord takes the others to Sunset's room and knocks.

"I want to be alone," Sunset said.

"No, you don't. Right now, you need familiar faces to help you," Discord opens the door. Sunset is on her bed, tears streaming down on her face while her eyes are red.

"Oh, you poor thing," Fluttershy trots in the room.

"Hey, Sunset," Rainbow hovers next to Sunset.

"We're here for you, Sunset," Spike gets on the bed.

"We'll be with you," Twilight (Sci-Twi) says.

Pinkie Pie shoots her party cannon and arranges a party within the room. Everyone is wearing a party hat. "Let's start cheering our friend up!"

Sunset Shimmer wants to smile, but it fades. "What happened to Rarity and Applejack?" In the back of her mind, she fears the two had perished.

"Applejack is busy due to Zap Apple Season arriving, and Rarity is not going because of Twilight (Sci-Twi)," Rainbow answers.

"What did you do, Twilight (Sci-Twi)?" Sunset asks. She's curious to know what her friend did to Rarity.

"Rarity tried to kiss my son, and I back-hand her," Twilight (Sci-Twi) calmly replies.

"Back-hoof. You don't have hands, Twilight," Pinkie corrects Twilight (Sci-Twi)'s phrase.

"The terminology in this world is something I need time to adjust. Either way, I don't approve of Rarity dating Spike by any means. She's clearly older than him," Twilight (Sci-Twi) said.

"Wow," Sunset imagines the reaction from the back-hoof and having no regard to show up after being assaulted like that. "Well, dragons age differently than ponies which have a longer lifespan."

"It doesn't matter," Twilight (Sci-Twi) sounds a bit protective of Spike.

"Fair enough," Sunset said.

"Plus, I'm not looking for love. I'm looking to see where I fit within this world," Spike noted.

Sunset hugs Spike. "Well, I'm glad all of you are here," Sunset smiles a bit.

"There's the smile. C'mon! I want a wider smile!" Pinkie excitedly shouts. She places the piñata in the room. "Have a whack on it," Pinkie gives Sunset the baseball bat.

"Well, okay," Sunset gets out of bed.

"Hey, mind if we join?" Sonata asks. She's speaking on behalf of the Dazzlings.

"Sure, the more, the merrier, right?" Sunset smiles a bit more.

"Hey, Discord. You should show them the pillow warfare we had," Sonata advises Discord.

"Pillow Warfare!" Pinkie gets excited.

"Well, it's in the basement of our home, that is a replica of the Fairy Tail Guildhall. Pillow weaponry all around to use as well as pillow forts."

"That sounds like fun," Spike is interested.

"It's intriguing," Twilight (Sci-Twi) says.

"Sounds dangerous," Fluttershy is shy about warfare, including pillows.

"Sounds awesome!" Rainbow imagines dominating the pillow warfare.

Sunset drops the bat. "Let's do the pillow warfare. I'm in the mood to have fun with all my friends present."

"Onward to the basement!" Discord plays a piper, leading everyone to the basement.

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