• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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The Aftermath

It's been a few hours since the war ended. Master Makarov issued for all guilds that partook in the war; to celebrate at the Fairy Tail Guildhall. Spike is sitting with Wendy while Fairy Rage sits with Carla. Happy is behind a pillar, closely watching Carla.

"Hey," Sherria comes to sit with Wendy and Spike. "Is it possible to restore me now?" Sherria slightly laughs after discovering Spike restored Irene's human perceptions.

"Yea, let me gain full strength to try it. Uh," Spike turns to Fairy Rage. "You gonna help me out, Rage?"

"Yea, no problem, though I find it weird to have a body of my own. I'm so used to being inside of you."

"Gross," Natsu said in an eerie tone to make it sound dirty.

"HEY!" Fairy Rage feels offended by Natsu's joke.

"I'm just messing," Natsu pats Fairy Rage's head.

"Which is crazy. Now we have two Fairy Dragons," Lucy said.

"I guess now we'll have more hybrid dragons to co-exist with humanity," Spike said.

"I'm going to enjoy this," Carla holds Fairy Rage's arm.

Hours ago at Hargeon

While everyone has their joyous moment, Fairy Rage and Carla depart to have their private conversation.

"Hey, Carla. You look beautiful in your humanoid cat form."

"Thank you, Fairy Rage," Carla holds Fairy Rage's claws. "I'm so happy you came back. I'm thrilled to see you in a body of your own."

"To be honest, I didn't think eating the time rift would do this. I thought whatever happened with Acnologia would happen to Spike and me. Then, I'll drag Acnologia to the rift and contain him forever."

"I'm glad that didn't happen," Carla said, slightly blushing.

"Can I be honest with you, Carla?"

"Sure, I'm all ears," Carla smiles at Fairy Rage.

"While I grew within Spike's body, living each day with Fairy Tail, I admire the elegant voice you have every time you speak. Your personality and how much you cared about those you cherish. Also, how straightforward you can be with others. I find it hilarious when you scold some of our friends when they do idiotic things. Truth be told is, I love everything about you. I couldn't bring myself cause I didn't know how it would work or how us would work cause, at the time, I was in Spike's body. Now that I have a body of my own, I would love to spend my days with you. Sure, we'll move in with Spike and Wendy, but I want to be your boyfriend. Can I be your boyfriend?"

Carla is in tears of happiness. For a long time, she withheld her feelings about Fairy Rage. "Let me tell your something, Rage. I admire your straightforward talk and your awareness. You're willing to put your life on the line and care for others. I love your enthusiasm and personality; Truth be told. I loved you. I still love you. I wasn't sure how it was going to work as well. When you passed away, I was devastated. More so than Spike, but I hid it," Carla grasps Fairy Rage's claws. "I want to follow you to the end of time. I want to be your girlfriend."

Fairy Rage and Carla kiss each other. They hold each other as they kiss. For a whole minute, they share that wonderful moment.

Fairy Tail Guildhall

"It's not fair! I'm supposed to be with Carla! Not that dragon!" Happy thought to himself. He's angry that Carla chose Fairy Rage and not him.

"I can't believe you had a crush on Fairy Rage, Carla," Erza said. She comes to the table with a plate of strawberry cake.

"By the way, what was it like being with Death?" Gajeel comes to the table. He chows on his iron.

"You would think being around with the Embodiment of Death would be a terrifying experience. It turns out that Death is a chill guy. He holds wisdom and knowledge and taught me many things."

"Which brings me to this question. How the hell you summoned Death the way you did?" Gajeel asks.

"Well, when Neinhart tapped into Erza's memory of me, a door opened into the realm where Death and I exist. Death hates people who acclaim to be him for taking people's souls to the underworld. He doesn't mind if those say they're the reaper or try to dress like him. Death asked me a favor, and he'll ensure that I go with Spike to the afterlife. I said sure. I'll do it. He gave me the authority to summon him only once, and so I did."

Everyone around the table is silent after what Fairy Rage spoke. Even Spike had no words to describe what he was feeling.

"So now, even with the deal made, I'll go to the afterlife in this new body."

"I'm so happy you're here, Rage," Carla is in her humanoid cat form hugs Fairy Rage.

"I'm happy to be home in the guildhall." Fairy Rage nuzzles Carla a bit.

"I will slay that Dragon for taking Carla away from me!" Happy thought. He's livid.

Irene is sitting alone in the guildhall. She's drinking her mug of beer, enjoying the flavor. Erza walks up to her and sits.

"How's it going, Mom?" Erza asks.

"Terrific," Irene admits. She turns to Erza. "I'm happy to see you well after all this time..," Irene frowns a bit. "All those things I said to you when we were fighting, I'm sorry. During the time, all I ever wanted was to be free from the curse that bestowed on me."

"I know. Spike purified you. You're normal again," Erza smiles.

"I can't believe he's the son of Belserion. I should have known better when I first saw him after seeing Amy a few times," Irene sighs.

"I'm happy you'd adopted Spike as your son, Mom."

"What was he like when he first came? Why did he leave Equestria?" Irene notices Erza's demeanor change real quick. She knows it's serious.

"I'll tell you everything. You may want to order a few plates cause it's a long story."

"Anything else you can tell us while being in the realm with Death?" Panther Lily asks Rage.

"It turns out being in the realm with Death is also being in the presence of the world. I was completely invisible, and no one heard me. I tried talking to Spike whenever he would talk into the mirror and imagine talking to me. I was basically a ghost that had no power to start a poltergeist. I followed Death wherever he went and spoke to him about many things. I'm his first and perhaps his last friend."

"Wow," Everyone said at the table.

Ichiya, Anna Heartfillia, and Blue Pegasus arrive in the guildhall. Lucy turns and sees Anna for the first time.

"Uh, why does she look like me?" Lucy is perplexed.

"That's your ancestor, Lucy," Spike said. "The one that roundhouse kicked me to ensure Acnologia gets trapped in the time rift after I said it was a bad idea."

"NO WAY!" Lucy shouts in shock. She's mesmerized to see her ancestor.

"In some form or fashion, we should thank her for her stupidity."

Spike chuckles a bit. "No kidding."

Anna notices Spike, Lucy, and the others. She walks up to them. "There's a second dragon?"

"Surprise. The name is Fairy Rage. Your blunder with Acnologia has granted me a body, so thank you."

"So that's what you look like," Anna notices how similar Fairy Rage is to Spike. The only difference is their eyes and spikes on their bodies. "Hello Lu-" Spike clobbers Anna Heartfillia.

"Spike!" Lucy turns to Spike angrily.

"She cheap shotted me while fleeing from Acnologia and ignoring my warning. She had it coming."

Anna rubs her head and receives a bump. "I'll admit. I deserved that. Honestly, I was hoping he would have forgotten it."

"My comrades, it was an honor fighting the Spriggan..," Ichiya sees Irene. "There's one of them!"

"Easy," Bickslow gets in the way. "She's on our side."

"Soon to be part of the guild," Freed informs Ichiya.

"For real?" Ichiya turns to Master Makarov.

"She is Erza's mother and has now adopted Fairy Dragon as her son. She knew Spike's dad. I wasn't going to turn down one of the most powerful wizards in Alvarez away. She'll get her emblem later today," Master Makarov drinks his mug.

"Maaaaaaaaaaan!" Ichiya is upset someone that powerful has decided to join Fairy Tail and not Blue Pegasus.

"Hey, Natsu. From your experience, who was harder to fight? Zeref or Acnologia?" Spike asks.

"Zeref was indeed challenging, but Acnologia was on another level. Even with Erza's mom on our side, Acnologia was too strong. If it weren't for you fighting Acnologia, things on our end would have been hell."

"Yea, Acnologia's spirit reacted to the attacks you launched when we didn't strike him. It gave us closure to honor the promise we made about defeating Acnologia together," Wendy said.

"Yea," Gajeel concurs. "It was brutal but we won."

"This was one intense battle we endured. Despite it all, I'm glad Mavis left our world smiling in happiness to the one she loved," Spike said.

"Agreed," Natsu replies. "I wonder what happens next."

"Go on more jobs, helping around, spending time with friends, and creating new memories," Spike answers.

"That's one I can get behind. It gives me more time to utilize my time with Carla."

"Huh, Exceed-Dragon. Draxeed. Exgon. What to call those hybrids?" Natsu thought of some names for Carla and Fairy Rage's kids.

"HEY! WE'RE NOT THERE YET!!" Carla and Fairy Rage angrily said. The two whack Natsu.

"Sorry," Natsu apologizes.

"Which befalls another question. Where would you sleep, Fairy Rage?" Wendy asks.

"Ah, crap. That part I haven't figured out."

"Rage, you technically lived with Spike in the apartment. I won't change that until you and Spike have a place of your own," Lucy said.

"Thanks, Lucy. That means I'll be applying for many jobs to make the Jewels for our dream house. I know which one too." Fairy Rage chuckles a bit.

"It's not Lucy's old mansion, is it?" Carla asks.

"Oh, you got me there. Yes. Big enough for us four and wide-open areas for our kids to grow. No matter what they appear to be. The future for us is bright."

"Indeed," Spike, Wendy, and Carla nod. "However, we're not there yet."

Spike, Fairy Rage, Wendy, and Carla have a good laugh. Happy stares daggers at Fairy Rage, but he doesn't acknowledge Happy's stalkerish antics. He's enjoying his time with Carla and his friends.

Romeo jumps in the fray. "This is awesome! Fairy Youth Squad got a lot stronger! I can't wait to go on more jobs with you four."

"We'll be glad to have you aboard. Soon, it'll also be Asuka."

"Yay!" Asuka heard what Fairy Rage said and can't wait to show off her markswomanship in a few years.

"And thanks for the encouragement when we were fighting the Alvarez Army. I'm never letting this fire of mine burn out," Romeo said. He'll embrace any challenges with determination and emotions for his friends and family.

"Yo, Fairy Dragon," Cobra and Macbeth come to the table. Their friends are talking with the others.

"Hey, Cobra. Midnight," Spike replies.

"I prefer to be called Macbeth. That is my name, after all."

"That was sick from what you and Fairy Rage pulled to slay Acnologia," Cobra said.

"Indeed it was," Macbeth takes a deep breath. "I've come to make amends with you, Fairy Dragon. I was a different man back then."

"Same applies for me," Cobra admits.

Spike offers his claws. "Shake on it. From this day forward, we're friends."

Cobra and Macbeth shake Spike's claws. "Friends."

"I wonder what this means for our team," Gray said in his underwear.

"Gray, your clothes," Lucy points at his underwear.

"Dammit! Not again!" Gray shouts.

"That does bring a good question. Our team is getting bigger," Lucy said.

"Nah, it's always good to have more friends with you!" Natsu said in a lighter tone. "Spike's been with our group for a long time. Then comes Wendy and Carla. Now, it's Fairy Rage. Technically, he was in Spike, so he was already on the team!"

"Good point," Lucy and Gray said. "I don't know what we're thinking."

"Hey, Rage," Happy comes to the table. "I have a question."

"Sure, what is it?"

"This'll get him for sure. Hehehahahahahaha!" "Do you prefer Carla to be in her human form or Exceed form?" Happy asks, hoping to see if Carla would dump Fairy Rage.

"Well, I imagine her being in her human form for other things down the road if she knows what I mean." Fairy Rage winks at Carla. She turns around to hide her blush. "But overall, I'm happy with Carla in either form."

"Crap! That was not what I was hoping for; I think I might have strengthened their relationship!" Happy thought to himself. "Good to know," Happy flies and rests on Natsu's head, hoping to devise some scheme to break them apart.

Master Makarov taps his glass to gain everyone's attention. He has an announcement to make. "Thank you all for coming. As Master of Fairy Tail, I'm forever grateful for your assistance in winning this war! And for assisting our Fairy Dragon with the magic power, he needed to bring down Acnologia! Thank you! Thank you for stopping evil from bringing the apocalypse on our homelands."

Everyone cheers and celebrates after Makarov's announcement. Irene comes from behind, hugging Spike.

"Everything okay?" Spike sees that Irene has tears in her eyes. Erza is next to her mother.

"I told our mom about your past life in Equestria, the struggles, and everything you've done for us," Erza said.

"I'm so proud of you. Your father would be proud for the dragon you've become," Irene said. He pulls Spike a bit too close to her bosoms.

"Thanks," Spike said. Irene lets go of him.

Irene turns to Erza. "I guess I'll be bunking in with you, Erza."

Erza nods. "We have a lot of catching up to do."

"Yes, we do," Irene smiles. She wipes some tears off her face.

The rest of the day goes by with celebrations, eating, drinking, throwing a few punches here and there within the guildhall. After a few hours, Spike, Fairy Rage, and Sherria are outside the guildhall.

"Alright, let's do it," Spike places his claw on Sherria's forehead. Fairy Rage does the same.

"We're bringing the Eternano into your body and seal the third origin within you."

"Will it hurt?" Sherria asks. She's excited about using magic again but worries at the cost.

"For a few moments at best."

Sherria gulps and closes her eyes. "I'm ready!"

Spike's claw glows in an amethyst aura. Sherria screams while feeling the third origin in her closing. Eternano is replenishing Sherria's magic power. After a few moments, Spike and Fairy Rage lower their claws; Then amethyst aura enters Sherria's body.

"Why did that hurt so much?!" Sherria stomps hard, and her Sky God Slayer magic shatters the ground. Sherria's eyes widen in happiness. "I CAN USE MAGIC AGAIN!" Sherria leaps around in joy.

"Thanks for helping her, Spike," Wendy said. She explained the story of how Sherria defeated Dimaria, the Goddess of Time, at the cost of unlocking her third origin.

"You think we'll let down a friend in need?" Spike asks.

"She is an honorary member of the Fairy Tail Youth Squad. Also, we're aware she's your Sky Sister."

Sherria laughs and hugs Spike and Rage. "Thank you," She smiles. She's grateful to use magic once more. "Speaking of Fairy Youth Squad, let me know when you go on jobs. I want to tag along."

"Don't worry, we will," Wendy smiles. She imagines the adventures that come along with it.

"Sherria," Lyon comes out. "It's time to go home."

Sherria waves goodbye and goes with Lyon and Lamia Scale back home. Sabertooth, Mermaid Heel, Blue Pegasus, and Crime Sorcière leave the guildhall. Erza places a blue Fairy Tail Emblem on Irene's left bicep. The same location her emblem is on.

The moon rises. It's 8:00 at night. Spike, Fairy Rage, Lucy, Wendy, and Carla return to the apartment. Home at last after having their epic battle. Lucy crashes on her bed, releasing a satisfying sigh. Spike, Rage, Wendy, and Carla do the same and laugh.

"So, what's going to happen from here and out?" Lucy asks Spike and Rage.

"I guess I'll bunk here tonight and with Carla in her room from now on. I can teleport to the flare marking Spike placed. Every morning, I'll teleport Carla and me to the apartment to have breakfast together."

"I would prefer that," Carla smiles.

"That means Spike and I can share the bed tonight and going forward. Until we have a place of our own."

"I'm looking forward to creating that family. To create a new age of dragons," Spike said.


"Until then, we have many years before we reach that date," Spike smiles.

"Agreed. We're far too young after all," Wendy laughs a bit.

"Gives me time to snuggle with my dragon," Carla said.

Unbeknown to everyone, Happy is watching outside of the apartment's window. He's angry that Carla chose Rage. A dragon over an exceed. He flies so he doesn't get caught being a stalker.

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