• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Today's the big day for Spike. It's 9:00 in the morning in Magnolia. Spike is in the bathroom freshening up for the day.

"Since this is your date, I'll be asleep, Spike. You won't be hearing from me."

"Thanks, Rage. It would be awkward for the date when I'm solely focused on my beloved."

"It's not a problem. So, you going in the nude, or will today be a rare day for you to wear something stunning?"

"I don't know. Personally, I think Wendy would prefer the way I am."

"It's your call. I'm off to sleep. Later."

"Have a good one," Spike leaves the bathroom. He grabs 150,000 Jewels for the day in case. "Alright, today is going to be a good day."

"Wish you luck, Maestro," Lucy said.

"Thanks," Spike leaves the apartment.

"I better prepare my day before going on another job with Natsu," Lucy said. She imagines how hectic it's going to be already.

Spike flies to the guildhall. He thinks of all sorts of possibilities for today. A walk in the park, going to see a movie, grabbing a bite to eat, dancing, having fun, maybe snuggling in a warm bed. One explicit thought comes to Spike, causing him to blush immensely and causes him to crash into a tree.

"Dude, you alright?" Gajeel pulls Spike out of the tree.

"I'm fine, thanks. I got sidetracked, is all," Spike replies.

"It happens," Gajeel said.

"What made you lose focus, Spike?" Panther Lily asks.

"I'm going on a date with Wendy. My first one since confessing our love to each other seven years ago," Spike lightly chuckles.

"Damn, dude, took you seven years for a date?" Gajeel chuckles a bit.

"Yes, yes, I know. The whole seven-year pun cause we were in a deep sleep. Well, no more waiting. Today's the day that I spend quality time with Wendy Marvell."

Spike enters the guildhall with Gajeel and Panther Lily. They overhear Evergreen mentioning a new boutique that opened in the town in front of Wendy and Carla.

"Wow, I've been wanting to get an outfit or two. Maybe I should tag along. They could have a special dress for my date with Spike."

"Not a bad idea. It's important for girls to stay in tune with the latest fashion," Carla said.

"Fashion isn't just for girls! Men can be stylish too!" Panther Lily shouts, drawing the attention of Wendy, Carla, and Evergreen.

"Hell yeah! I was thinking about adding pyrotechnics to suit my stage outfit!" Gajeel declares.

"I made my decision!" Erza shouts, which brings an awkward silence. No one knows what she's thinking or talking about.

"Well, this is awkward," Spike said.

"Hey, Spike. I guess we're going to the boutique in town first," Wendy chuckles.

"Yea, I don't mind going."

Evergreen takes everyone wanting to go to the boutique store. Half an hour later, everyone is trying on different clothing. Spike is wandering around the boutique, looking for something he sees Wendy possibly wearing or something he would wear.

"Now this is cool," Gajeel said, putting on a dark superhero attire.

"Perhaps too cool," Panther Lily is wearing a dark superhero sidekick attire.

Wendy, Carla, Erza, and Evergreen are stunned to see the two boasting about how dynamic they are and proclaiming that they are the heroes the city deserves. Within mere moments, the two shout justice leaving the store.

"Like a couple of children at play," Evergreen said, wearing a warm spring dress.

"No matter at what age, men are always children," Carla said, wearing a yellow dress, a yellow ribbon tied to her tail, and a summer hat.

Erza asks the clerk about the outfits Gajeel and Panther Lily wore. He tells a short story about Magnolia had several people dawning those outfits, living to the name of superheroes. That entices Erza so much she demands a costume that speaks her name in truth, honor, love, and justice. One is then given to her that meets her demands. Erza dubs herself as Fairy Woman and looks for any signs of trouble.

"I stand corrected. There are some that take it too literal," Carla said.

"Agreed," Evergreen nods her head.

"Have any of you seen Spike since we got in?" Wendy is wearing a black and white dress, white knee socks, and black shoes. She also has black bows on her pigtails.

"He was walking around the store. I guess he's sightseeing just a bit," Evergreen said.

"I hope his eyes melt when he sees me," Wendy giggles at the possible reaction of Spike seeing her.

"That's something we'll have to wait and see, child," Carla said.

A door to the dressing room opens. Evergreen, Wendy, and Carla look to see who's coming out. Wendy's jaws drop when she sees Spike dawning black dress pants, a white tuxedo vest with a blue bowtie, and a black suit jacket. The black dress pants have a comfort hole for his tail to stick out. The same goes for the vest and jacket for Spike's wings and spikes.

"Hey, Wendy," Spike walks up to his girlfriend. His heart skipped a beat for seeing Wendy in a beautiful dress.

Wendy is speechless. She would have never thought of seeing Spike in clothing again. The store clerk can't believe his dragon clothing worked out for Spike. He thought there'll be some screw-ups in design.

"Wow," Evergreen and Carla said, breaking the ice. They couldn't believe Spike would dress stunningly for a first date with Wendy. They remember the party at Crocus when Spike was in the nude, refusing to wear any clothing.

"Wendy," Spike grabs her hand. "Shall we get going?"

Wendy blushes while holding onto Spike's claw. She nods. "I'm ready, handsome dragon."

"So, how much are the outfits?" Spike asks the store clerk.

"They are free as long as your reviews of my store are glorious," He said.

"That can be rearranged. Now, let's go, my sweetheart," Spike nuzzles Wendy's nose. Spike and Wendy leave the boutique.

"Aww, young love at its finest," The store clerk said.

"I better keep a close eye on them. Just in case," Carla said. She's about to take off when Evergreen grabs her tail.

"No, no, this is their first date. No need to intrude."

"But.., but..," Carla sees the written expression on Evergreen's face and sighs. She can't help but be close to Wendy at times. "Can we just.., watch them at a far distance..?"

Evergreen put some thought into it.

Spike and Wendy are walking down the street together. The two decide to go for brunch. Spike and Wendy enter the Magnolia Restaurant and sits at a table for two.

"Wow, Spike. I never thought I see the day," Wendy smiles at Spike.

"If we didn't come to the boutique store, I wouldn't be wearing this. Clark said he had something in my design, so I wanted to try it out. Can't hurt to try, you know?"

"Oh, I agree. It makes you look stunning."

"Thank you. I'm planning on wearing this for our wedding someday," Spike said.

"That would be wonderful," Wendy imagines the wedding in the Celestial Spirit World. How beautiful the scenery is while imagining herself as an older woman.

"Here you go," The waiter gives Spike and Wendy the menus.

"Thanks," Spike and Wendy said in unison. They look at what's available.

Unbeknown to them, Carla and Evergreen are spying on them from a bush nearby the restaurant. Unfortunately, this catches the attention of Natsu, Happy, and Lucy.

"What are you two doing?" Lucy asks, scaring Evergreen and Carla a bit.

Evergreen comes up with a poor excuse. "We're doing some.., bird watching.., yea."

"Yea.., and um.., sightseeing?" Carla nervously said.

"Hey, who's that in the restaurant?" Natsu starts sniffing.

"Nobody!" Carla waves her paws.

Natsu laughs. "No way, you two are spying on Spike and Wendy," Natsu falls over laughing.

"Oh yea, they're on their first-ever date," Lucy now remembers what Spike's plan of the day is.

"I never knew you were the stalker type, Carla," Happy wishes it was him that Carla is spying on.

"Look, I worry about Wendy. I'm just keeping a close eye on her," Carla turns away from her friends.

"Nope, you're upset that she may leave you for Spike," Natsu said.

"That's preposterous!" Carla feels conflicted.

"Why else are you spying on her?" Natsu asks.

Carla doesn't wish to answer. She turns away. The truth is, Carla is worried that Wendy will eventually leave her for Spike. She doesn't know what happens when that day comes.

"Hey, look. They're about to order food," Happy's belly is growling. "Let's go in and eat," Happy is about to fly when Lucy grabs his tail.

"Uh uh, no way we're meddling in on their date. We have to let them be."

"I'm not meddling. I'm hungry," Happy rubs his belly. "I say let's grab a bite to eat."

"Count me in, Happy," Natsu said.

"NO!" Lucy angrily shouts. "We're not going in there, and we're not spying on our friends!"

A few moments later.

"I can't believe we're doing this," Lucy is with her friends while spying on Spike and Wendy behind the bush.

Spike looks at the waiter. "I would like to have chocolate chip cookie pancakes with vanilla ice cream on it."

"Ah, the House Special. What can I get you, young lady?"

"I'll have what my boyfriend is having," Wendy changed her mind about the entree and wants what Spike is having.

"Alright, anything to drink?" The waiter writes the orders.

"Vanilla milkshake," Spike answers.

"Chocolate milkshake for me, please," Wendy answers.

"Coming right up," The waiter writes the order of milkshakes and goes to the kitchen.

"So, after brunch. Would you like to walk in the park, go to a theatre, or-" Wendy puts her finger on Spike's mouth.

"It doesn't matter what we do next. I'm going to enjoy spending as much time with you as possible. So, after brunch, let's sit by the Rainbow Cherry Blossom Tree."

"Sounds good to me," Spike loves the sound of it.

"Spike, do you know how many years a dragon can live up to?" Wendy asks out of curiosity.

"Well, certain dragons can live for a thousand years at best. I didn't ask my uncle, and now I kinda wished I did, to be for certain. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I remember the spell you told me about our lives tethered together through the power of love. I put a lot of thought into it."

"You have?" Spike gets a little worried that Wendy may want to back out of it.

"Yes," Wendy smiles wholeheartedly. "I know I said yes during the Grand Magic Games, but I wasn't thinking at the time. After giving it some thought," Wendy grabs Spike's claws. "I understand that we'll outlive our friends in Fairy Tail and our friends in Fiore; however, I would love to be tether to you."

"Thank you, Wendy," Spike smiles lovingly at Wendy.

"I told you that I want to follow you until the end of time, didn't I?"

Spike chuckles. "You did. I thought for a sec you were going to back away from the spell. It made me feel a little nervous."

"No, no. However, you should know how and what I'm feeling from time to time. What's on your mind, Spike?"

"Well, I have a lot on my mind."

"Like what?"

"Finding a place of my own someday so you and I can be together more often, working more with you in Fairy Tail, trying to figure out if Twilight is still here in Earth Land..," Spike sighs heavily. "In all honesty, I can't get Twilight out of my mind. I feel that she's still coming after me, planning, plotting..," Spike groans a bit. "I still feel she's a catalyst of the warning Rage told me months ago."

"Well, you're stronger than Twilight could and would ever be, and I won't let that bitch come near you."

Natsu overhears Wendy cursing for the first time and covers his mouth. The others around him are curious to know what he heard.

"Thank you, Wendy. That means a lot," Spike smiles.

"Here you go," The waiter comes back with two plates of chocolate chip pancakes with vanilla ice cream on it and their milkshakes.

"Thank you!" Spike and Wendy said excitedly. They can't wait to dig in.

Natsu and Happy's mouth waters; they can imagine the flavor of Spike and Wendy's plate. Lucy, Carla, and Evergreen watch Spike and Wendy enjoying each other's company while consuming their food.

"There you are," Mirajane walks up to Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Carla, and Evergreen. "You three are late. Also, what are you doing?"

Lucy gets up. "We're spying on the lovebirds."

"Well, enough of that. Let Spike and Wendy be. I thought you wanted to learn transformation magic."

"I do!" Lucy proclaims.

"Then follow me to the South Gate Park then," Mirajane walks down the street.

"Coming," Lucy said.

"Hey, wait a minute. We're coming too!" Natsu follows Lucy and Mirajane.

"Aye!" Happy flies after them.

"C'mon, let's go, Carla. They're just eating. Let Wendy tell you all about it later."

"You go back. I'm staying put," Carla said.

"Suit yourself," Evergreen leaves.

After twenty minutes, Spike and Wendy finish their meals. The two pay for it together and leave the restaurant. Spike and Wendy hold hands while walking to the Rainbow Cherry Blossom Tree. Carla is hovering high and far from them, hoping that Wendy is safe and sound. Luck is on Spike and Wendy's side. They have the Rainbow Cherry Blossom Tree to themselves. Spike and Wendy sit by the tree together, watching the blue skies and the birds that fly by. Carla is hiding in a different bush, keeping an eye on the two.

"Remember the night we danced here, Wendy?" Spike asks.

"Yeah. It was so beautiful as well," Wendy leans her head on Spike's shoulders. "The way the Rainbow Cherry petals swirl around us. It was like an actual Fairy Tale come to life between two lovers."

"Yea," Spike puts his arm around Wendy. "Remember that huge mansion when searching for the Key of Starry Heaven's book?"

"Yea, what about it?"

"I'm thinking of buying that property someday for you and me. That way, our family can grow together."

"I would like that but, I think Lucy would want it more. Don't you think so?"

"I do. I can't help but plan ahead of times, hehe."

"Let's focus on today; tomorrow can wait," Wendy gets closer to Spike.

Spike leans in and kisses Wendy. The two wrap their arms around each other as they kiss. Carla gasps but not loudly, or else she'll blow her cover. Spike and Wendy roll on the grass, kissing each other passionately and lovingly. After the kiss, Wendy winds up pinning Spike.

"My handsome dragon," Wendy caress Spike's cheek.

"My marvelous Wendy," Spike smiles at her.

"We still have the rest of the day. Wanna head to your place and have fun?"

"Yes, please," Spike gets up and holds Wendy's hand.

"Absolutely not, child! You're too young for thinking such things!" Carla wants to intrude to make sure Spike and Wendy aren't doing what she's thinking. She kept quiet while watching the two leave the area.

Spike and Wendy go to the apartment. The landlady congratulates Spike for having a relationship. Spike thanks her and walk up the stairs. Carla is hovering by the window, making sure that Spike and Wendy don't get frisky.

Wendy takes off her shoes and sits on Spike's bed. Spike goes to the closet to bring out a couple of board games. Carla sighs in relief. She's glad that Spike and Wendy aren't making love in bed. She should have known better than to judge too quickly.

"Hey, Spike."

"Yea?" Spike puts the board games on the table.

"Can we cuddle a bit?" Wendy blushes a bit when she asks.

"Sure. I don't see why not. Lucy isn't here, so we're in the clear."

"Up up, take off the clothes. I want to cuddle the dragon I fell in love with," Wendy's tone changes, causing Spike to blush heavily the way she seductively expresses.

"Oooooh my, Wendy. That's way out of character for you!" Carla starts pressing the window with her paws while hovering.

"Ooooh," Spike rubs his claws together. "Let me give you a show," Spike giggles and slowly takes his pants off.

"What is wrong with this dragon!? Did Virgo teach him some inappropriate manners?" Carla continues to watch from the window. Her state of mind is panic mode.

Wendy whistles a bit and encourages Spike to remove more of his clothing. Carla is sweating with the fear of young love going the extra mile; she's putting pressure on the window while watching Spike strip.

"The shirt must go," Wendy smirks. She adds flair by removing her socks slowly to impress Spike and tosses her socks to the floor.

"Yes, Ma'am," Spike licks his lips while taking off his shirt and jacket slowly.

"WENDY! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! CEASE THIS FOOLISHNESS, NOW!!" Carla is adding more pressure on the window; she's worried that the two will go the extra mile on their first-ever date.

"Come to me, my handsome dragon," Wendy open her arms, ready to embrace Spike.

"Here I come!" Spike excitedly said.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Carla shatters the window, entering the apartment and preventing Spike from coming closer to Wendy. "BACK AWAY FROM WENDY! DON'T TRY TO IMPREGNATE HER!" Carla yells and pants heavily. She's in the middle between Spike and Wendy.

"WHAT!?" Spike is confused.

"Carla! Were you spying on us?!" Wendy frustratedly asks.

Carla turns to look at Wendy. She sees how angry and upset Wendy is. "I had my reasons, child. I was making sure you're protected."

"Protected?" Wendy feels conflicted. "I'm not a baby, Carla! I can protect myself, and I have Spike with me at all times during the day! Who in their bright mind would try to harm us!?"

"That's not the protection I meant. You're too young in terms of sexual relations!" Carla sternly replies.

"Sexual relations?!" Wendy is livid with Carla's statement.

"Yes, child. The way you talked and acted gave me more than enough conviction that you and Spike were about to have intercourse."

"We weren't even planning that!" Wendy yells angrily at Carla. "The whole charade Spike and I were doing was for fun! I wanted to give it a try, and he picked up on it!"

"You and Spike looked like you were going all the way with it. I had to stop it."

"You're wrong; you're wrong for spying on us, judging Spike and me, and invading our privacy!" Wendy covers her face. She can't believe what Carla had pulled.

"Carla, I know I'm too young for the big stuff. That wasn't on my mind. It's too soon for it," Spike said. He feels awkward with the situation.

Carla realized that she made a grave mistake with her intrusion. She sighs heavily as her overprotection mindset got the better of her. She turns to Wendy. "Wendy, I'm-"

"Stop talking. You did more than enough," Wendy doesn't have it in her to continue the date with Spike. She grabs her socks and put on her shoes. "I'll see you later, Spike."

"Okay. Uh, want me to walk you home?" Spike offers.

"No. I need some time alone," Wendy leaves the apartment.

"Spike, I'm..," Carla sees how sad Spike is.

"Go..," It's all Spike can say to Carla. Carla looks down and leaves. She follows Wendy outside to the girl's dorm.

Fair Rage wakes up. "Dude, what happened?"

"Look into my memories, and you'll know. I don't feel like talking," Spike gets in bed. "I'm going to take a nap."

"Alright, buddy. Have a good sleep."

"I'll try," Spike closes his eyes. The last thought that comes to him is Wendy Marvell.

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