• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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S-Class Trials

Moments after scorching Freed and Bickslow, Spike and Panther Lily took the first route. Route I. The two walk down a dark tunnel. Spike's claw blazes with Sparkling Green Flames to light the way.

"I feel weird. How about you, Panther Lily?"

"I'm fine. What do you mean by feeling weird?"

"I don't know. This feeling I have, I never felt it before," Spike starts scratching the side of his cheek a bit which nows leaves a red spot.

"Hmm, it seems this tunnel doesn't have any curves, just a straightforward
narrow direction," Panther Lily observes the caves using Spike's flare. "We could be on one of the two serenity routes.

"Bummer, I was looking forward to fighting one of the S-Class Wizards," Spike pouts a bit.

"Which one in particular?" Panther Lily asks.

"More so with Gildarts. I have a feeling he was holding back during our encounters," Spike responds. He starts scratching his face more.

"Hmm, wonder if there are certain plants or minerals you may be allergic to within the caves."

"Probably," Spike scratches his face more. "This itch sucks."

As the two walk further down the cave, they hear a thundering roar and some laughter.

"Thunder!" Panther Lily shrieks.

"That laughter," Spike hears the laughter of his former friends.

"Spike..," An apparition of Twilight Sparkle walks out of the shadows.

"Noo..," Spike pants as fear gets the better of him.

"Spike-Wikey," An apparition of Rarity walks out of the shadows.

"Lame Dragon," An apparition of Rainbow Dash walks out of the shadows.

"Spike..," An apparition of Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy comes out.

Panther Lily hears thunders that petrifies him left and right. He covers his ears and closes his eyes. Reciting that there's nothing to be afraid of over and over. Spike sees his former friends and tormentors coming out.

"We want you to come home. We're ever so sorry for treating you the way we did," Twilight's voice sounds enticing to believe.

"We need you, buddy. Things aren't the same without you. I'm so sorry for how I treated you," Rainbow said, sounding a bit sarcastic while walking closer to Spike.

"I have something to show you!" Pinkie giggles while holding onto a bucket.

"My animals want to play with you," Fluttershy quietly said as she walks closer to Spike.

"Gonna need some work done at Sweet Apple Acres. Your help will be much appreciated. Also, I need some practice with my lasso," Applejack has her lasso in her mouth, ready to tie Spike tightly with it.

"Oh, Spike-Wikey, I need you at the boutique. There's a lot for you to do," Rarity said, using her charms as a lady to intrigue Spike to fall for him.

"The castle needs some cleaning, Spike. Don't worry. Afterward, we will spend time for an hour," Twilight said. "As good friends should."

"We need you. You're vital for us and our friendship!" Rainbow shouts.

Spike remembers what Makarov said about the serenity routes. They may encounter some challenges. Spike holds his ground and looks into the eyes of his former friends.

"NO!" Spike shouts, causing the apparitions to stay in the place. "I will not allow you to ruin me a second, third, or fourth time! I will never ever allow you to rob me of my happiness! You're in the past. My past and I will not allow my past affect my future!" Spike powers up. It's intensifying as everyone on the island can feel the surging magic power. Fairy Dragon ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR!" Spikes unleashes his fire breath, obliterating the apparitions on sight. The flames are denser than the time he released his fire breath of Freed and Bickslow. Spike pants a bit after unleashing a surge of Sparkling Green Flames igniting the caves. "I will not allow my past to haunt me. IF they come, they'll have to deal with me as I'm staying in my home."

Panther Lily is struggling to hear what's going on as thunder continues to roar louder and louder. Spike hugs Panther Lily, snapping him out of his trance.

"It's just thunder buddy, picture it as going bowling. Rolling the bowling ball down the lane to hit the pins."

Panther Lily takes a breather. "Yea, just like bowling..," Panther Lily calms himself a bit as the thunder ceases.

"That was brutal," Said Spike as he pants a bit.

"While I was dealing with my fear of thunder, what was your fear?"

"Twilight and the others, coming to get me and bring me back home. I cannot allow my past to haunt me. It cannot affect my future. My future is here, with my friends and being a member of Fairy Tail. After all, I am a Fairy Dragon, and I am a Fairy Tail Wizard. C'mon. Let's get moving to the next round."

Panther Lily notices several red spots on Spike's face but, Spike sounds and looks fine. Maybe it is a side effect with one of the plants inside the cave. As the two reach the other side, they see Gajeel and Levy waiting.

"Huh, looks like you two took the second serenity route," Gajeel said.

"Whoa, Spike. You don't look so good," Levy sees multiple red spots on Spike's face.

"I think there may be something in the cave my body is allergic to; I'm fine," Spike scratches his face a bit more.

"You sure you're fine? You look like you got the chickenpox," Gajeel said.

Spike scratches his face more. "Look, I didn't come all this way to get bounced from an allergen reaction."

"So, what were your fears from the serenity route?" Panther Lily asks.

"Fears?" Gajeel and Levy are confused.

"Look, there was nothing to do. Just a straight walk in the park," Gajeel said. "I was itching to fight anyone of you. Especially you, Lily."

"Did your route had to do with anything about facing fears?" Levy asks.

"Yea. Spike conquered his demons in the cave. He even helped conquer mine a bit."

"Whoa," Gajeel said. "I heard what those punks did to Fairy Dragon. Having him see them again must have been terrifying for the little guy."

"I was scared but, I can't allow my past to haunt me and affect my future. My place is here in this world. With all of you and everyone in Fairy Tail."

"Whoops, I have forgotten to say that one of the serenity routes makes you face your fears. My apologies," Master Makarov said, coming from the bushes.

"So, how long should we wait for the others?" Levy asks.

"Let's give the teams an hour. If no team shows up, we will start the next round."

"Sounds good with us," Gajeel, Spike, Panther Lily, and Levy said.

"Spike, are you alright? You don't look so well," Makarov observes Spike's condition.

"Just a little rash. I'm fine," On cue, Spike scratches his face a bit more.

A few minutes later, a lot of magic power intensifies. Massive in scale than Spike's powerup a while ago.

"Whoa, does anyone feel that magic force?" Levy asks as the ground starts quaking.

"It's stronger than what we felt earlier," Gajeel said.

"That was me when I conquered my demons in the cave. I think this is Gildarts' magic. Feels familiar to me. One thing is clear. I'm upset he held back during our arm-wrestling match."

"Seriously?! You're upset about the magic power of the arm-wrestling match?!" Levy and Panther Lily are in shock to hear Spike say that.

"No joke, this power is terrifying enough," Gajeel admittingly said. "Gildarts is no laughing matter from what I heard and saw."

"And yet.., the Black Dragon he lost to is stronger than this," Said Spike.

Gajeel, Panther Lily, and Levy are silent. They didn't want to imagine the dragon Gildarts fought and lost. Ten minutes later, they see Gray and Loke come out.

"Man, that was too easy," Gray said confidently.

"Easy, how?" Spike asks.

Gray and Loke cringe a little when they saw Spike covered in red spots. "Dude! You okay?!" They both say in unison.

"Just itchy, but I'm fine. I think I may be allergic to something in the caves," Red spots swarm around Spike's body a bit more. "If I feel worse, then I'll head to the base camp and rest. Right now, though, I'm ready to go."

"Just don't touch us!" Gray and Loke said while cringing a bit more.

"Let's hug," Spike gets closer and jokingly chases the two around to kill time.

Natsu and Happy come out. Natsu has a lot in his mind and ponders what to do next. Lucy and Cana come out as well. They feel refreshed after the battle they fought.

"Now that everyone has made it, these are the results," Master Makarov approaches the group to let them what each team has gone through in the first round. "Cana and Lucy defeated Freed and Bickslow in combat. Nicely done, ladies."

"They beat Freed?! HOW?!" Gray is in shock.

"I guess you can say that I roughen them up a bit. I did scorch at the shore after all," Said Spike.

"Natsu and Happy surmounted the obstacle known as Gildarts. Good job."

"No way! Those two?!" Gray shouts in shock again.

"Yea, but I didn't do much of anything," Happy admits to everyone.

"Levy and Gajeel chose the calm serenity route."

"Calm serenity route?" Everyone says in confusion except for Gajeel, Levy, Spike, and Panther Lily.

"Spike and Panther Lily chose the serenity route that challenges their fears."

"Whoa, that sounds very unpleasant," Lucy said.

"I'm glad I didn't take that route," Said Gray.

"No joke, better you two than us," Said Loke.

"Gray and Loke defeated Mest and Wendy in combat. Way to go, boys."

"If the second round features another fight, I know who to go after," Spike stares at Gray and Loke.

"Whatever happened to Juvia?" Gray asks. Master Makarov freaks out a bit. "What's with the creepy face, Gramps?"

"Unfortunately, luck was not on Juvia and Lisanna's side today. Their route led to she who knows no mercy!"

"Lucky. I was hoping to fight Erza," Spike said.

"Maybe next time, Fairy Dragon," Gajeel said.

"Elfman and Evergreen aren't here. What you think happened to them?" Lucy asks Cana.

"By process of elimination, the only other route left is," Cana and Lucy realize that Elfman and Evergreen met with Mirajane.

"I feel sorry for them," Said Levy.

"I could take her, but those two have no chance," Gajeel said confidently.

"I wonder how powerful Mirajane is," Spike imagines what kind of power Mirajane possesses.

"Don't count us out yet," Elfman shouts. He and Evergreen arrive with the rest of the gang. "Didn't think we can beat my Big Sis, did ya?"

"Guess who's moving onto round two?" Evergreen smirks.

"My word," Master Makarov is in shock and impressed.

"How the heck you beat Mira?" Happy asks Elfman.

Elfman cringes a bit. "A real man doesn't brag about his win."

"Let's say we took full advantage of catching her off guard," Said Evergreen.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Lucy asks.

"Saying something that isn't true to Mirajane, I bet. Oldest tactic there is in the book," Spike explains. Elfman and Evergreen nod.

Makarov gets everyone's attention. "Back to the trials. As it stands, there are six teams left. Spike and Panther Lily. Natsu and Happy. Gray and Loke. Levy and Gajeel. Cana and Lucy. Elfman and Evergreen. Congratulations on passing the first round. I expected fewer teams to make it. Thanks for proving me wrong. Now, let's move on to the second round."

"Should be good," Spike can't wait to see what the second round has in store.

Happy walks up to Natsu. "Natsu, I hate to see you so down in the dumps."

"I'm not. I'm just doing some thinking," Natsu replies.

"You're thinking?! You never do that!" Happy shrieks. "Be careful! You might hurt yourself!"

"Geez, how little you think of him, Happy?" Lucy walks up to Happy after overhearing that statement about Natsu.

Natsu gets up. "Gray! Cana! Levy! Elfman! Spike! Only one of us will become an S-Class Wizard, and that's me!"

"Good luck stopping me, Natsu!" Spike proclaims.

"Yeah, right. There's no way I'm losing to you," Gray responds.

"Not gonna happen," Levy replies.

"Bring it on, dork," Said Cana.

"Challenge excepted!" Elfman manly states. "Cause I am a Real Man, baby!"

"Ah, yeah. I'm all fired up now!" Natsu's fist is blazing with fire.

Everyone is pumped up with adrenaline to win while jabbing at each other in the process. Master Makarov allows his children to reenergize themselves before speaking about the second round of the S-Class Trials.

"Alright, everyone. That's enough. I'm about to speak about the next round of the S-Class Trials, so listen up," Everyone stops and looks at their Master. "To pass the next round, you must search the grave for the Fairy Tail's Founder. Mavis Vermillion."

"I forgot she was buried here," Lucy said.

"And we gotta find where that is," Cana said.

"C'mon Gramps, that almost too easy," Said Natsu.

"No joke," Happy concurs.

"You have six hours to find it, or you fail. No excuses. Is that challenging enough?" Everyone is silent. "Very well, I'll be waiting at Mavis' grave."

"You ready? Let's go!" Natsu starts running.

"Aye, Sir!" Happy follows Natsu.

Everyone else split and go in their separate directions. Spike and Panther Lily stood.

"If I were the First Master and wanted to be buried here, I would like to see the beauty of the island and water," Spike suggests.

"So, your suggestion we fly around the island to have a better look?"

"Yes, Panther Lily. It wouldn't hurt to try."

"Let's do it!" Panther Lily grabs onto Spike and flies to the outer rims of Tenrou Island.

As Panther Lily flies and Spike observes the beaches, the two see something small flying towards Tenrou Island. They decide to investigate the flying object.

"Carla?" Spike and Panther Lily are confused to see Carla flying to Tenrou Island.

"Hello Lily, Spike."

"Uh, what are you doing here?" Panther Lily asks.

"Couldn't be away from Wendy?" Spike asks.

"No. It's not that. To be honest, I only approved Wendy to come here if you chose her, Spike," Spike sighs as it's creating a constant reminder. "However, this Mest Gryder has me worried."

"How?" Panther Lily asks.

"Well, Mest said that he's Mystogan's pupil."

"Impossible. From what I've been told about Mystogan, he's secretive about his appearance. For him to have a pupil, it's not possible."

"If what you're saying is true, Spike. We need to keep an eye out for Mest. Wendy could be in great danger," Said Panther Lily.

"You're right. Let's look for Wendy. My second part of the S-Class Trials can wait. If I fail, I fail. No shame in wanting to protect a friend."

"My word, Spike. That's noble of you to give up being an S-Class Wizard for the safety of your friend," Carla is impressed with the devotion Spike has for his friends. "Also, are you okay?" Spike has purple and red spots on his face and body.

"Perfectly fine except for the rash. There's something on the island I'm allergic to."

"Alright then, let's fly," Carla, Panther Lily, and Spike start searching for Wendy and Mest, hoping that Wendy is not in peril.

20 minutes later. A shiny pinkish-red flare is in the sky. Spike, Carla, and Panther Lily see it in the sky.

"What is that?" Panther Lily asks.

"Not sure," Carla responds.

"I know what it is. The flare is a warning of an incoming enemy, or it's here on Tenrou Isalnd."

"Mest," Panther Lily and Carla said.

"We gotta keep searching for them."

The trio flies towards a rock that looks like a wolf and sees Mest and Wendy on top.

"Wendy!" Carla calls her name.

Wendy and Mest look up to see Spike, Panther Lily, and Carla. Mest is bewildered seeing Spike having a rash. Wendy is worried.

"What are you doing here?" Wendy asks Carla.

"Never mind that, get away from Mest!" Carla commands. She lands with Panther Lily and Spike, cornering Mest Gryder. "Now, why don't you cut the act and tell us who you really are!"

"Huh? What the heck do you mean by that? I'm Mystogan's pupil-" Panther Lily scares Mest when he slams his fist on the rock as a warning shot. Panther Lily is in his battle form.

"I find it hard to believe that my Prince would take on a pupil in this world. Now, you were smart enough to use someone who doesn't live here anymore to back up your story. But, are you going to be smart enough to tell us the truth? Who are you, and what are you trying to hide?"

"Why are you doing this?!" Wendy is confused.

"We believe the flare in the sky is a warning of an unknown enemy to Fairy Tail. The way Mest orchestrated his story, he may be the supposed enemy of Fairy Tail," Spike explains. He continues to scratch his body.

"Tell me who you really are," Panther Lily commands.

"Wh-What do you mean?" Mest is confused.

"It's my belief that the magic you wield allows you to manipulate people's memories. If I'm correct, you've been using that magic to masquerade as a member of Fairy Tail before the trial."

Spike and Wendy are in shock. Spike didn't think about an amnesia magic spell to infiltrate Fairy Tail. Carla is impressed with Panther Lily's strategic mind. Mest is worried due to the predicament. He looks in the eyes of Panther Lily.

"Too many things don't add up, including your story about being Mystogan's pupil. From what I've seen, no one has any real connection with you. And just now, you had no idea what the guild's flare signifies. There's no way of talking out of that."

Mest is silent. He senses someone and vanishes using his magic. Panther Lily and Spike couldn't believe he vanished so quickly. Panther Lily turns to see Mest tackling Wendy. Spike couldn't use his magic in fear that he would hurt Wendy.

"Get down! Now!" Mest orders as an explosive hit the top of Wolf Mountain.

Panther Lily grabs Carla and flies out of the explosion. Mest teleports Wendy and Spike to a safe distance. Panther Lily flies down to them.

"What was that?" Spike asks.

"He protected them? But.., why?" Carla thought to herself.

"Who are you?! Show yourself!" Mest commands. His tone and demeanor change.

Everyone around sees a tree on the mountain. It changes form into revealing a face.

"Ugh, that's creepy looking," Spike said.

"You're one to talk, chickenpox dragon," The tree responds. "I will say, your senses are sharp."

"Out! Come and face us!" Panther Lily demands.

"I'm from Grimoire Hearts. Names Azuma. I'm one of the Seven Kin of Purgatory."

"Hey wait, that guild is in the Bar of Alliance," Spike remembers the chart when Juvia explained to everyone what the Bar of Alliance is.

"Grimoire Hearts..?" Wendy is paralyzed in fear a little.

"A Dark Guild," Said Carla.

"I'm amazed that the chickenpox dragon knows what the Bar of Alliance is."

"I'm Spike the Fairy. Fairy Dragon!" Spike shouts then, sounds raspy.

"Whatever, a bit too late to be worrying about your friends," Azuma chuckles.

"What's exactly is going on here?!" Panther Lily demands for answers.

Mest reveals that he originally came to Tenrou Island to find dirt on Fairy Tail. Finding out that Grimoire Hearts and Zeref being on the island, he hit the jackpot. Mest reveals to work for the Magic Council. His priority was to find anything to bring down and disband Fairy Tail. Mest's fleet is outside the borders of Tenrou Island, ready to disperse the devil's heart.

"You.., bastard..," Spike said. It sounds like he's saying, your master.

"What did you say?" Mest is confused.

"I.., said.., You BASTARD!" Spike covers his mouth. His voice went from sounding raspy into loudly.

Azuma chuckles. "The poor thing is sick. I'll take it out of its misery. As for those battleships, they look so fragile from here," Azuma, without moving, annihilated the Magic Council's fleet, killing everyone on those ships.

Everyone is stunned beyond belief. The ships are laid in ruins as the people on board are dead. Azuma comes out of the trees, ready to destroy anyone on sight. Azuma is a tall, massive, and highly muscular man with tanned skin and thick brown hair. He has brown eyes and long sideburns, joining his hair to his prominent goatee, which takes the form of several triangles pointing downwards and extending upwards on his chin. Azuma wears an outfit decorated with a green tribal-like motifs leather armor covering his upper body and wearing orange pants. He wears earrings shaped like a round crescent moon pointing down.

"Panther Lily, you READY!" Spike's voice is on and off of sounding raspy and loudly.

"Yea, time to use our techniques to the test," Panther Lily extends his arm while Spike conjures a metallic energy sword. Panther Lily uses his memory to recreate the Bustermarm Sword.

"Heh, how interesting. A cat and a dragon want to fight me. After this, they should dub me as a Dragon Slayer," Azuma smirks.

"Let's do this!" Panther Lily and Spike lunge at Azuma.

"Spike! Lily!" Wendy cries out.

"Bleve," Azuma extends his hand forward, Panther Lily and Spike are engulfed in an explosion. The two take the hit and knock down Azuma in the process. Due to the attack, small explosives around the two implode on them. The explosion hurls everyone back with great force.

"Spike wANTs!" Spike tries to increase his size, but he's unable to. The rash on his body, the itch is distracting him. "Stupid allerGIC reacTION!" Spike's voice is getting worse with the raspy and loudly toning.

"I heard about you. Not much to say but, you can increase your size. I'm disappointed that you can't. I was looking forward to fighting for real," Azuma is displeased with the results of Spike's condition.

"I may NOT be ABle to incrEASE my SIZE! I can still fIGHt, you PUnk!"

"Such a shame," Azuma replies.

"They're not alone in this fight!" Wendy gets up.

"Wendy, no!" Carla pleas.

"Oh, swift winds that speed through the heaven! Vernier!" Wendy's Sky Magic allows Spike and Panther Lily's bodies to become lighter while their bodies start glowing.

"Oh YEah!" Spike becomes excited.

"Whoa, my body has become lighter."

"O strengthen of arm to cleave the heavens!" Wendy's Sky Magic is now granting Spike and Panther Lily strength as well. "Arms!"

"Round two!" Panther Lily and Spike said. They lunge at Azuma a second time.

"Fools," Azuma uses his explosion magic. Spike and Panther Lily dodge each one like they were nothing.

"Inferno Blazing Fist!" Spike's claw doesn't blaze with Sparkling Green Flames; his magic is behaving awkwardly due to the rash. He winds up punching Azuma. "What?"

"Now you'll suffer for your foolishness," Azuma explosions go off.

Panther Lily swoops in and deflects the explosions away using his Sparkling Green Bustermarm sword.

"I don't feel so good..," Spike belches his Sparkling Green Flames. Azuma dodges the sudden attack.

"You bore me," Azuma said. Spike uses his claw to redirect the flames hitting Azuma's back. Azuma feels the flames. "Lucky shot."

"Mest, I need your assistance to take down Azuma."

"You, kidding me? I'm your enemy trying to take down Fairy Tail. I work for the Magic Council!"

"I don't care who you work for; no one can defeat or takedown Fairy Tail. As a member of the Magic Council, isn't it your job to take down a law-breaking dark guild?"

"You make a valid point. Fine, what you need?"

"Your speed to get behind Azuma."

Azuma continues his barrage of explosions at Panther Lily and Spike. Spike is having difficulties dodging due to his condition. Panther Lily continues to fight Azuma in close quarters. Spike gets up feeling weary.

"Fairy DRAgon," Spike pants as his itch continues to distract him. "roooooAR!" Spike unleashes his fire breath attack, but it fails on him. Spike falls to one knee.

"Spike!" Carla flies towards him to get him to safety. "Lily! Fly up to strike Azuma."

Panther Lily nods and flies in the sky. Carla sees the rash getting worse and drops Spike to a safe distance. She's worried about catching the rash he has.

"One dragon down, now the cat will go as well. It doesn't matter where you go. My explosions always hit their mark," Azuma said.

Mest teleports Wendy behind Azuma. Wendy conjures enough magic to hit Azuma with her Sky Dragon Roar. Panther Lily sees and smirks.

"You pathetic fools," Azuma is aware of Wendy's motives and prepares an attack of his own. "Go, Tower Burst!" Azuma extends both arms out to his sides, summoning forth an enormous tower of explosive flame hitting Wendy, Mest, Carla, and Spike. Panther Lily tries to block the attack with the Bustermarm blade, but it disintegrates due to Spike's magic behaving erratically.

The mountain they stood on falls apart. Azuma is left standing on the remains of the mountain, looking down at those he defeated. Panther Lily's battle form expires, thus turning him back into his exceed form. Spike's rash becomes worse as he's knocked out due to the explosion. Wendy and Carla are down and out for the time being. Mest couldn't believe the power Azuma wields.

"I never imagined the Seven Kin of Purgatory would possess such power." Mest Gryder thought to himself.

"This guild. Are cats, baby dragon, and kids all their defense?" Azuma said. "I'm really disappointed with the baby dragon. I expected more from him."

"There are six more of these guys? We're all doomed. Fairy Tail doesn't stand a chance..." Mest Gryder feels a bit hopeless with the situation he's in.

Ten minutes later. Natsu and Happy arrive to see everyone desolated. Spike belches uncontrollable Sparkling Green Flames.

"Holy crap!" Natsu goes up to Wendy. "Wendy, please say something. Come on, Wendy," Natsu is worried.

"Spike! Lily! Carla!" Happy is worried and sees Spike's condition getting worse. "I think they took the full force from that spell we saw a while ago."

"Dammit! Someone is going to pay for this," Natsu looks up to see Mest Gryder. He grabs hold of him. "Hey, was it you?! Answer me!"

Mest looks into the eyes of Natsu and realizes his memory manipulation wore off. Wendy wakes up to tell Natsu that Mest is part of the Magic Council. Natsu and Happy freak out into believing that the Magic Council is the enemy.

"You're wrong," Carla struggles to get up. "The enemy is Grimoire Heart. A Dark Guild."

"From the Bar of Alliance?" Natsu asks, remembering the chart Reedus drew a few months back.

"You mean they're on the island?" Happy asks. "How are we supposed to fend off the entire guild on our own? What are we going to do?!"

"Why are you asking me?!" Natsu freaks out a bit.

Panther Lily struggles to get up and notices something flying in the sky. Everyone except Spike sees the person soaring in the air. Orange orbs fall from the sky as many soldiers of Grimoire Hearts surround every Fairy Tail Wizard on Tenrou Island. Azuma senses the rest of the Seven Kin of Purgatory arriving on Tenrou Island. Natsu is ready to pummel down anyone that hurt his friends.

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