• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Small Coalition Day 5: Retribution

"King Shark!; This is your chance to seize control of the Kraken, now!" Bluto demands. He, Raphael, and Kain Hikaru are doing everything they can to ensure the safety of Black Wing from submerging underwater. They are prying the tentacles off of Black Wing.

"King Shark is a Shark!" King Shark lunges at the Kraken's face, trying to use his tamer magic to control the behemoth. The Kraken uses his tentacle to swat King Shark. "Goddamn you, Squidward!" King Shark shouts after learning the name of the Kraken and lands in the water.

"That sucker took out King Shark," Gajeel said in awe.

"Pisces," Yukino realizes that Pisces can harm King Shark after witnessing the Kraken do some damage on King Shark.

"I have to take it down," Spike powers up.

"Not alone," Yukino takes out her Pisces Gate Key.

"Alright, Sailors! Who's ready for war!"

"We are!" Everyone shouts in unison.

Finich Spinach raises the alarm. Bluto and the Seven Deadly Sins turn to see Finich Spinich rising. Popeye's house rises, revealing a platform like on a navy-airforce ship. Kain Hikaru, Cherry Blendy, and Cassidy watch in awe. They have never seen Finich Spinach rising from the waters.

"So, Popeye came out to play after all," Bluto powers up. "Finally, I'll kill that Sailor and claim what is rightfully mine all those years ago."

"We can't fight them! A freaking Kraken is trying to bring us down!" Kain Hikaru exclaims.

"Silence!" Bluto responds lividly. "Black Wing is one thing. Finich Spinach is one of the three ultimate prizes. Let this ship sink for all I care. We're hijacking Finich Spinach right now!"

"You got it, boss," Raphael grabs Cassidy.

"All their treasures and money are mine!" Krabster uses his Money Make Magic to create stairs out of dollar bills to board Finich Spinach.

"My sweet angel is up there. I'll put her to sleep out of love. When she closes her eyes, she'll be in a better place," Cherry Blendy climbs the stairs.

"Sailors! Pirates boarding. Get ready for the real fight!" Popeye grabs a can of spinach from his shirt and eats it. He gains muscle mass immediately.

Everyone goes outside to the platform of Finich Spinach. The Kraken screeches more while trying to submerge the ship. Captain Sparrow puts the thoughts of losing his ship aside and focuses on the task at hand.

"Spike want!" Spike increases his size into a half-dragon to match the size of the Kraken.

"Alright! The Seven Deadly Sins are..," Kain Hikaru stops in mid-sentence when he sees Spike the Fairy's size. He, Cherry Blendy, Krabster, and Raphael are in shock.

Spike roars at the Kraken and tackles it, causing the Kraken to screech in agony a bit. The Kraken loses grip of Black Wing. Bluto watches the Kraken's movements and uses the cannons to kill the behemoth. The Kraken's color is green-cyan with red eyes. The Kraken has four tentacles with immense strength and suction.

"So, with the dragon taking on the Kraken, who will I play with?" Kain Hikaru observes his opponents and recognizes the Emblem on Wendy's arm. "Perfect," Kain Hikaru takes out his Mr.Cursy. "I'll play with the kid," Kain Hikaru runs up to Wendy.

"Not on my watch, Chubby," Popeye runs up to Kain Hikaru and punches him in the face. The punch was so hard that Kain Hikaru soars far away from Finich Spinach. All that's left is Mr.Cursy.

"King Shark is a Shark!" King Shark jumps out of the waters and lands on Finich Spinach.

"Ready, Juvia?" Yukino has her Zodiac Keys armed.

"Yea," Juvia nods.

Romeo powers up, standing next to Juvia and Yukino. "I'm ready to throw down against a wannabe king."

"I'm going to eat you alive!" King Shark proclaims.

"Open, Gate of the Paired Fish! Pisces!" Yukino unleashes Pisces. Pisces are two gigantic fish. One is white with a blue Pisces Insignia on its head. The other is black with a blue Pisces Insignia on its head.

"Big Fish! I, King Shark! Command you to follow my authority of the seas!" King Shark uses his tamer magic on Pisces. However, to his surprise, Pisces attacks King Shark. "What the hell!!? That's twice my magic has failed one me!"

"You have no authority over a Celestial Spirit. Prepare to meet your demise!" Yukino shouts at King Shark.

King Shark looks at the flying fish. "Tsunami Strike! Water Striker!" King Shark uses his water magic to raise a tsunami. Inside the tsunami are water mines ready to implode on Pisces.

"Oh no, you don't! Water Nebula!" Juvia uses her watch magic to negate King Shark's Tsunami Strike.

"Now open, Gate of the Heavenly Scales! Libra!" Yukino summons Libra. Libra is capable of using gravitational magic. Her attire resembles a belly dancer's, consisting of a frilled and striped bikini top along with a patterned loincloth. She also wears sandals and a cloth that bears her sign, tied around her head. "Libra, hold King Shark in place."

"As you wish," Libra uses her gravitational magic to hold King Shark in place."

"Hey! I can't move!" King Shark is stuck. He feels the full force of gravity weighing him down.

"See if you like this!" Romeo conjures his Rainbow Flames and throws it at King Shark; they explode on contact.

King Shark groans but not in agony. "Weak flames, kid. Very weak," King Shark taunts Romeo.

"Try this!" Romeo conjures yellow flames and throws them at King Shark.

King Shark gags at the smell. It screws with his sense of smell. "Goddamn! That's nasty!"

"Pisces, take out King Shark!" Yukino commands.

"I can't hold it!" Despite King Shark being unable to move, Juvia can't hold back King Shark's intense water magic with her water nebula.

Pisces goes for the attack to strike King Shark. That's when Spike lands hard on King Shark. Spike got swatted by the Kraken.

"Get off of me!" King Shark is unable to move due to the gravitational move.

Spike gets ups and roars a second time. He attacks the Kraken again while Bluto is shooting the cannons at the Kraken's head. Juvia, Yukino, and Romeo go on the offensive to bring down King Shark. Spike grabs a tentacle and uses his fire breath to burn it off. The Kraken screeches in agony and dives underwater. Spike flaps his wings and tries to read the Kraken's movements when Bluto starts shooting at Spike.

"Crafty punk," Spike flies and dodges the cannonballs Bluto is shooting.

"I'll kill the two of you myself!" Bluto proclaims.

"You're down one sin, Bluto," Popeye said while walking down the dollar stairs.

"Aye. It's time to reclaim my ship and avenge me brothers," Captain Sparrow said.

Bluto laughs. "Kain won't be missed. If he's unable to defeat you, he's not worth my time having around."

"Your perception of recruiting sailors confuses me, Bluto," Captain Sparrow said. He draws his sword.

"Killing your brothers was my pride and joy months ago. Killing the two of you will be my crowning achievement!" Bluto powers up. "I waited a long time to settle the score, old chum!"

"The feeling is mutual, Bluto," Popeye and Captain Sparrow fight Bluto on Black Wing.

Raphael is fighting Kagura and Gajeel, using Cassidy as his sword. Gajeel sees how effective Cassidy is when he's idle. Cassidy's body cracks Gajeel's Iron Club and Iron Dragon Sword. Kagura is using her Archenemy sword against Raphael. Raphael uses one of his Sais to block Kagura's attack.

"Same tactic?!" Raphael is fuming. "Show me something new!" Raphael powers up. His body is ablaze with a red aura.

"Iron Dragon Rooooooooar!" Gajeel unleashes his Iron Dragon breath on Raphael. Raphael uses Cassidy to slice through the breath attack like paper. "Iron Dragon Club!" Raphael wasn't anticipating the attack.

"Money Make Shield!" Krabster saves Raphael from getting injured. Krabster's shield is a dollar bill that took the iron club attack.

"Shadow Dragon," Rogue gets behind Krabster, Raphael, and Cassidy in his shadow form. "Rooooooooooooar!" Rogue unleashes his shadow breath attack. Krabster is sent flying while Raphael holds his ground. He's getting pissed.

"Ice Make! Eagles!" Lyon conjures ice eagles to attack Krabster in mid-air. Not allowing Krabster to recover and counter the attack.

"Alright!" Krabster does a flip in mid-air after the attack. He's showing signs of damage. "Time to unleash my- Waaaa!" Krabster gets cut off by a tentacle grabbing Krabster and dragging him in the depths of the seas.

"Oh shit!" Lyon and Rogue shout in unison. They are in shock to see the Kraken taking Krabster to probably feast.

Spike saw the tentacle rising and taking a member of the Seven Deadly Sins underwater to feast. "Fairy Rage. Think you can go into its mind?"

"Never tried it before. The door to the creature is open due to King Shark's attempt. I'll see what I can do." Fairy Rage leaves Spike's mind and goes searching for the Kraken in the depths of the sea.

Spike decides to look for Kain Hikaru since the Kraken is underwater. At this time, Cherry Blendy walks up to Sherria and Wendy while the others are fighting against each other.

"I'm here to send you to a better place because I love you," Cherry Blendy smiles devilishly at her daughter.

"I'm sending you straight to hell!" Sherria powers up.

"She's not alone either!" Wendy powers up.

"The two of you will look lovely together. Allow me to put you two to rest," Cherry Blendy powers up.

"Sky God Bellooooooow!" Sherria unleashes her Sky God breath attack.

"Sky Dragon Roooooooooooar!" Wendy unleashes her Sky Dragon breath attack.

Sherria and Wendy created a unison attack. A Sky Dragon-God breath attack to hurt Cherry Blendy. Cherry Blendy takes the hit and consumes their attack. Cherry devours Wendy's wind but gags on Sherria's wind.

"What's the matter? My love for you is causing you to choke?" Sherria taunts her mother a bit.

"You would hurt your mother?" Cherry sheds a tear. She falls to her knees. "Help me! Please! The demon is trying to take control of me!" Cherry Blendy sounds genuine. Her tone catches the attention of Wendy and Sherria.

"Mom..," Sherria rushes to her mother.

"She's possessed this whole time?" Wendy thought to herself.

Frosch is nowhere in sight. He's inside Finich Spinach, where it's safe. As for Carla, she overhears the conversation. She's behind Wendy in case she needs to fly. Carla doesn't fall for Cherry Blendy's accusation of being possessed.

"My angel," Cherry looks at her daughter. "I'm sorry that I left you..," Cherry Blendy frowns. "I'm sorry that I gave birth to a God and not a Demon!" Cherry Blendy grabs Sherria's throat, choking her immensely. She lifts Sherria with her right hand.

"You brute!" Carla barks at Cherry Blendy.

"Let her go!" Wendy shouts. Carla flies Wendy towards Cherry Blendy.

"Hellrising Tempest!" Cherry Blendy swipes her left arm. Red and black demonic winds blow Wendy and Carla away from Cherry Blendy ferociously. Wendy and Carla collide on Popeye's house wall of Finich Spinach. Carla is knocked out due to the impact while Wendy watches in horror.

"St-St-Stop..," Sherria struggles to breathe and talk.

"Close your eyes, Sherria. I love you to death. Remember that, my little angel," Cherry Blendy smiles while hearing her daughter choking.

"Let her go!" Spike swoops down and punches Cherry Blendy.

The impact of Spike's punch causes Cherry Blendy to drop Sherria. Cherry Blendy moves slightly back from the blow. Spike is not half a dragon; He's now the size of Laxus.

"You shouldn't have done that, you lizard. Now, I have to share the love I'm giving to my daughter and her girlfriend to you."

"Wendy is my girlfriend. I'm her boyfriend," Spike said. He looks at the Sky Demon.

"Lovely. Much love to go around. You'll spend an eternity with your lover after the pain and suffering I'm giving you out of my love for you."

Wendy gets up and heals Sherria. Sherria eats the air to start replenishing herself.

Spike conjures his Sparkling Green Fireball. "Inferno Heat Wave!" Spike presses the fireball at Cherry Blendy, creating a heat cannon.

Cherry Blendy extends her arm and uses her Sky Demon magic to create a Sky Demon Wall to disperse Spike's attack. Spike's fire dissolves right before his eyes.

"How..?" Spike is in shock to see Cherry Blendy using her Sky Demon magic to evaporate Spike's fire.

"Demons have special properties. You have to be a demon to have such qualities. Something in which you don't possess, love. Sky Demon! Kiss of Death!" Cherry Blendy unleashes another breath attack. This breath attack takes the shape of luscious lips.

Spike crosses his arms, creating a Sparkling Green Metallic Shield to defend himself. The Kiss of Death attack implodes on the shield. Cherry Blendy rushes Spike. She low blows him with a kick.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Spike holds his lower parts and falls to his knees.

"My Chubby-Wubby did the attack on you," Cherry Blendy holds Spike's chin. "It's only fair I do the same since he isn't around." She caresses his cheek. "Here, a warm kiss to make you feel better."

Spike tries to spit at Cherry Blendy, but it does nothing. Cherry Blendy kisses Spike's lips and poisons his body with Sky Demon Poison Breath. It's the real kiss of death that causes anyone to die from the demonic saliva and magic.

Wendy and Sherria saw what happened. Wendy sees Spike falling back while reddish-black Sky Demon air flows out of Spike's mouth. Sherria balls her fist and gets back up. Cherry Blendy crossed the point of no return.

"What a lovely dragon. In death, he's lovely in his sleep. I told you, I'll send you to a place where you'll be loved by your lover, forever. Now, I gotta make sure she goes with you. Give me a few minutes to make that happen, love," Cherry Blendy smiles lovingly at Spike while he closes his eyes.

"Sky Dragon Crushing Fang!" Wendy is livid. She punches Cherry Blendy on the back of her head hard.

"Ow! Cheap shot!" Cherry Blendy turns to see Wendy. "Your lover awaits you on the other side."

"Sky God Boreas!" Sherria generates two spiraling black currents creating a massive whirlwind. Cherry Blendy didn't anticipate the attack and is severely hurt; by Sherria's Sky God Magic.

"Sky Dragon Wing Attack!" Wendy hits Cherry Blendy with a whirlwind of air attack from her arms.

Sherria and Wendy team up to fight Cherry Blendy out of anger, Cherry Blendy tries to defend herself, but the anger coming from the two; made it harder to retaliate. Sherria and Wendy punch and kick Cherry Blendy simultaneously.

"ENOUGH!" Cherry Blendy extends her arms after taking the punches and kicks from her daughter and Wendy. The extension of her arms creates a small tornado to separate her from Sherria and Wendy. "Time for Hell to arise!" Cherry Blendy starts transforming into her demonic demon. Cherry Blendy's body is red. She grows wings on her back, horns on her head, and fangs. Her feet are black demonic hooves. Cherry Blendy wears a black bikini with a pentagram drawn on her stomach. Her hair turns into a reddish-black pinkish fire. "I'm going to love hearing your cries for mercy in the next minute."

Wendy and Sherria are in shock and horror at the sight of Cherry Blendy. They thought seeing Fairy Demon Dragon was horrifying. Cherry Blendy takes the demonic transformation to a whole new level.

"Sky Demon Hellfire Wind Combustion!" Cherry Blendy conjures a fireball with demonic winds. She presses forward, creating hellish orbs to attack Wendy and Sherria.

Wendy and Sherria scream in pain from the attack. It was so powerful that their clothing is tatter. They have burnt markings on their arms and face from the impact.

Spike gets up after his body fought off the poison. He sees his girlfriend and Sherria getting blown by Cherry Blendy. Spike looks up to see the demon.

"Fairy Dragon! Ice Paladin Strike!" Spike lifts his claws and produces ice missiles from the air. They're Sparkling Green with flames inside. "Launch!" Spike's ice missiles hit Cherry Blendy from behind. She takes the hit, not flinching during her demonic state.

"So, you lived," Cherry Blendy sounds unamused. She still has love to inflict more pain on the dragon.

"Spike!" Wendy shouts to get his attention. She's happy to see him standing and becomes worried about his wellbeing.

"He survived!" Sherria is happy to see Spike standing once more.

"You're fighting me now, prick," Spike said to Cherry Blendy.

Cherry Blendy's loving mood is halted by that statement. Throughout the fight, Cherry Blendy was smiling. Now, she's angry. "Prick, am I?"

"Exactly. Glad you agree with me," Spike smirks.

"Why you, little," Cherry Blendy's Sky Demon Magic causes the clouds in the sky to thunder and produce lightning. The lightning in the skies is red and black. "I'm going to slay you, dick!" Cherry Blendy powers up devilishly. "SKY DEMON!"

"Spike!" Wendy is petrified with the power coming from Cherry Blendy. She isn't sure she can defend Spike, let alone defeat Cherry in her demonic state.

"Stop this right now!" Sherria demands her mother to cease the attack. She feels that Cherry's magic is far exceeding hers exponentially.

"DEVIL'S WIND FORAY!" Cherry Blendy's Devil Wind Foray are demonic red spears with burning piercing effects. Spike takes the hit and feels like he's been stabbed multiple times. He roars in agony, then the spears explode, engulfing Spike in hellfire flames.

Wendy and Sherria hear nothing from Spike after the spears explode and engulfing Spike in hellfire. Wendy and Sherria are in a trance while Cherry Blendy laughs victoriously.

"There's no dragon that can withstand the Demons of Hell!" Cherry Blendy turns to her daughter and Wendy. "Don't worry. I'll cherish this moment. Then I'll send the two of you to the place of eternal love and happiness."

Wendy and Sherria start shedding tears. They hear nothing from Spike. Then Cherry hears the sounds of consuming. She turns to see the hellfire that engulfs Spike being devoured.

"How is this possible!?" Cherry Blendy angrily shouts.

Spike's wounds heal as his body turns black. His eyes turn pure black with white pupils. Spike's green spikes turn black while his purple scales turn the darkest purple. His Fairy Tail emblem on his chest turns crimson-blood red.

"I am Fairy DEMON Dragon!" Spike roars loudly. His voice sounds sadistic.

"Fairy Demon Dragon..!?" Cherry Blendy trembles a bit. She has never heard about Fairy Demon Dragon. She didn't know that dragons can become demonic. "NO! I can defeat you!" Cherry Blendy powers up. "SKY DEMON! DEADLY WRAAAAAAAAAAAATH!" Cherry Blendy uses her Sky Demon breath attack on Spike.

Spike's claws glow Sparkling Black. He grabs the breath attack. "Fairy Demon Dragon! Hellfire Cyclone!" Spike creates a Sparkling Black flaming cyclone. Initially, Cherry tries consuming the attack but gags on it. The attack did more damage to her.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Cherry Blendy doesn't understand. Why couldn't she consume demonic energy from Spike?

"Simple. When I use the magic from my opponent, I infuse it with mine. Deceiving the attack so my enemies can gag and ponder why they can't replenish themselves."

"YOU BASTARD!" Cherry Blendy retorts.

"Sherria! Wendy!"

"Huh?" Sherria and Wendy look at Spike.

"Have some!" Spike blows Sparkling Black winds for the two to consume.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Cherry demands to know what Spike is planning.

"Giving them the magic they need to defeat you."

"WHAT?!" Cherry turns to see Wendy and Sherria powering up.

After consuming the winds, Wendy is ready to bring down Cherry Blendy. She's fired up now. As for Sherria, she's powering up for her ultimate spell in her books.

"Heads up!" Spike uses his Fairy Demon Dragon Hellfire Fist on Cherry Blendy. Cherry Blendy soars in the direction of Wendy.

"Sky Dragon! Rooooooooooaaar!" Wendy uses her breath attack Cherry Blendy. This time, it's denser and powerful than before.

"Fairy Demon Dragon! Rooooooooooar!" Spike unleashes his Sparkling Black flames on Cherry Blendy. Spike and Wendy's breath attack causes tremendous pain on Cherry Blendy. She's unable to counter the attack.

Sherria jumps into the sky. "God Slayer's Secret Art!"

"WHAT!?" Cherry Blendy never anticipates hearing such an attack and fear it may be over for her.

"Heavenly Gathering of Clouds!" Sherria extends her arms outwards with her palms open. Black air spirals appear in the form of stylized feathers that grows larger and larger flows like a serpent at high-speed hits and neutralizes Cherry Blendy on impact.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Cherry Blendy screams in agony. The spell causes her to revert to normal. She falls and lands hard on the ground. Her body is heavily bruised from the spell. "I.. lost... NO!"

Spike reverts to himself and throws up Cherry's demonic energy. It wasn't sustainable in his body anymore. Wendy cheers happily for Sherria while tending to Spike.

Kagura and Gajeel continue the onslaught on Raphael and Cassidy. Raphael continues to use Cassidy as a sword to strike and defend himself from taking critical damage from Kagura's Archenemy and Gajeel's Iron Dragon Sword. Cassidy takes all the hits and doesn't show any fatigue or stress on his body.

"Damn! This guy is as strong as King Shark!" Gajeel said. He catches his breath a bit.

"You'll never take me down!" Raphael angrily shouts. "Stay still and die!"

"Never!" Gajeel and Kagura said in unison. The two rushes Raphael and stop when they notice a tentacle above Raphael.

"Turn around," Cassidy speaks for the first time. It's the fastest he spoke in three months.

Raphael turns around to see the tentacle of the Kraken emerging from the waters. The Kraken rises from the waters.

Yukino continues to have Libra hold King Shark in place with her gravitational magic. Juvia, Romeo, and Pisces unleash their wrath on King Shark. King Shark, despite being unable to move, takes minor damage from all four. His body proves to be more durable like a dragon.

"King Shark is a Shark!" King Shark shouts. The only torture he's suffering from is Romeo's dragon fart flames.

"Our attacks have no effects on this guy," Juvia said.

"I now see how hard Gajeel and Rogue had it the other day," Romeo said.

"Oh shit! Squidward is coming!" King Shark sees the Kraken rising from the waters. Yukino, Romeo, and Juvia become awestruck by the sheer size of the Kraken rising from the waters.

Popeye, Captain Sparrow, and Bluto are in an impasse. The three have multiple scars and bruises on their bodies. They feel the waters getting rough on Black Wing.

"Oh no.., it has risen!" Bluto shouts at the Kraken rising from the waters.

"I'm going to need more spinach," Popeye said in awe.

"Aye," Captain Sparrow concurs.

"Spike. I've successfully taken full control of the Kraken."

King Shark, Raphael, Cassidy, Cherry Blendy, and Bluto's jaw drops. As for everyone else on board, they couldn't believe that Fairy Rage is in control of the Kraken.

"No! That's not possible!" Raphael throws Cassidy like a javelin. Cassidy bounces off of the Kraken, taking no damage whatsoever. Cassidy lands in the waters. "What! That did nothing!" Raphael said in shock.

"Of course, it did nothing. The Kraken is the most powerful sea creature on the planet."

"Bluto," Popeye grabs him. "Surrender Black Wing!"

Bluto knows he won't be winning this fight. Especially when Popeye now has a Kraken as an ally. As much as he wants to keep fighting, he balls his fist in anger.

"You should surrender if you want to live," Kagura suggests for Raphael due to the tides turning during the conflict.

Raphael hates losing a fight. Surrendering due to the odds against him should motivate him but, the idea of living entices him more.

"Think you can handle Pisces and the Kraken, Queen Shark?" Romeo taunts King Shark.

King Shark grits his teeth and understands that the Kraken is more powerful than him.

Sherria walks up to her mother in hopes that she's conscious. Sherria takes a deep breath and says one question. "Why?"

"Why I abandoned you at birth?" Cherry Blendy finishes her daughter's question. Sherria nods. She's silent while looking down on her mother. "I prayed and worshiped for many years and followed his instructions. All I wanted was a daughter, and he couldn't deliver. I turned to the Devil, and he delivered me a beautiful baby girl. However, God decided to punish me. When I gave birth to you, you have God's Magic inside of you, and I can't associate with Godly properties. I rejected you and gave you up in hopes of you dying and going to a better place. I now see where you ended up. With a guild surrounded by family. I should have killed you with my demonic powers instead of abandoning you in the woods."

"I always hoped to find you so we can become a family. Now, I wish I never met you. You brought me strife and pain. You tried to kill me; and my friends."

"So, what are you waiting for; finish me," Cherry Blendy demands.

"Your fate is with the Kraken," Sherria turns her back on her mother, who lays motionless on the ground. Sherria checks on Wendy and Spike.

Raphael, King Shark, and Bluto surrender to Popeye, Captain Sparrow, and the small coalition. They don't have a chance at defeating the Kraken.

"There's a lifeboat for you and your crew to go on. Get in it," Popeye demands.

Bluto grumbles and lowers a lifeboat to get on. "You've won the battle, Popeye. The war isn't over until I say so."

"King Shark will have revenge," King Shark gets up after Libra uplifts her gravitational spell on him. King Shark jumps in the water and swims to the lifeboat.

"I will kill you two someday. Mark my words," Raphael declares.

"We'll be waiting for you," Kagura said.

"Next time, you're eating my iron," Gajeel proclaims.

Raphael jumps in the water and swims to the lifeboat. He grabs Cassidy, who is floating on the water. "Gonna need to use a paddle to stroke our way out of this dump."

Cherry Blendy gets up on her own. She is tattered and in pain. "Sherria."

Sherria turns to her mother while helping Wendy heal Spike. "What?"

"Don't forget. Your mother will always love you. I'll love you until death claims you."

"Here's a going-away present. Sky God Belloooooooow!" Sherria unleashes her Sky God breath attack on Cherry Blendy. Cherry Blendy gets blown off of Finich Spinach. She lands on Bluto. "That's for low-blowing Spike, bitch."

"King Shark. Squidward wants a word with you." Fairy Rage releases his possession on the Kraken. The Kraken screeches angrily.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" The remaining members of the Seven Deadly Sins scream in terror. The Kraken chases the lifeboat while Raphael paddles the lifeboat as fast as he can.

"Home sweet home." Fairy Rage returns to Spike's body. "How are you feeling, buddy?"

"Sick," Spike throws up more of Cherry Blendy's hellish magic.

"We're working on it," Wendy said, using her magic to help Spike.

Carla wakes up after the Kraken chases the Seven Deadly Sins. She sees Captain Sparrow and Popeye hugging it out. The others are celebrating like no tomorrow. Wendy finishes using her magic and checks on Carla.

"Hey, Carla. How are you feeling?"

"Better, Wendy. My head hurts. Please, tell me. What happened after I was knocked unconscious."

Wendy explains the fight between her, Sherria, and Spike. Wendy also explains that Spike had Fairy Rage possess the Kraken, thus having the remaining members of the Seven Deadly sins surrender. The Kraken is chasing them as she explains.

"Wow. I missed a lot."

"Krabster got eaten by the Kraken," Lyon said.

"Lyon and I didn't move after what we saw. It was indeed terrifying. I prefer fighting the dragons than being dragged into the depths of the sea," Rogue said.

"Man, who would have thought that Yukino was the answer in grounding King Shark," Gajeel said.

"She is quite impressive, Gajeel," Kagura said.

"I can't believe that Popeye one-punched Kain Hikaru away from the fight," Juvia said. "I'm so glad he did that."

"Hey, look," Romeo picks up Mr.Cursy. "What should we do with this?"

"Give it to me," Spike said, now feeling better.

Romeo tosses the Mr.Cursy doll to Spike. Spike plucks the hair out and incinerates Mr.Cursy. Never again will the doll take possession of anyone ever again.

"Sailors!" Captain Sparrow shouts from his ship. The small coalition looks down from Finich Spinach. "Thank you for the help! I'm going to take Black Wing and look for me ole treasure. Popeye will take you back to Hargeon. He has the treasure chest for your payment on Finich Spinach."

"Farewell, my friend," Popeye walks up the dollar stairs.

"Farewell, my brother. I'll see you soon," Captain Sparrow goes to the steering wheel and starts sailing his ship to the open blue waters happily.

"Alright, Sailors," Popeye is back on Finich Spinach. "Time to take you back home. I'll sort the treasure chest with you back in Hargeon after a drink at the Salty Spitoon. Popeye enters his home and steers Finich Spinach out of Krack's Riverine.

"Hey, you know what this calls for?" Spike asks everyone.

"What?" Everyone says in unison.


"Yeah!" Everyone cheers in unison.

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