• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Reuniting the Guild: Part 4

Seven hours after defeating Avatar, dropping Erza, Levy, Gray, Juvia, Gajeel, and Panther Lily off, Spike lands in Magnolia. Many people take pictures of Spike being a full-size dragon. Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Wendy, and Carla hop-off Spike, allowing him to revert to size. The people groan a bit while welcoming back their heroes.

"Man, it feels good to be back home!" Natsu shouts with glee.

"Aye, Sir!" Happy is chewing on a fish.

"Lucy, Spike," The Landlady calls them out.

"Hey, Ma'am, how are you?" Spike turns to the Landlady.

"Oh, hey," Lucy remembers that she and Spike will have to pay rent again in Magnolia.

"I'm here to confirm you both that the two of you need to start paying rent in five months. I figure that funding will skyrocket since you wizards will be using all that money to rebuild the guildhall."

"That is correct. Thank you for understanding," Spike said.

"You're welcome. All I want each month is your delectable cookies," The Landlady licks her mouth. She couldn't get enough out of Spike's cookies before he went off to Crocus for the cook-off.

"Deal!" Lucy said. She sighs in relief for dodging a major bullet.

"I'll need time and ingredients to make you a batch," Spike replies.

"Thank you. Have a nice day," The Landlady goes on her way to the supermarket.

"Hey, Spike. Can Carla and I bunk with you in the apartment again?" Wendy asks.

"Of course, you can. Lucy, you have any problems with it?"

"Not at all. Though, we can't house everyone and will need to set up a new Fairy Hills Dorm for all the women in Fairy Tail."

"That'll be next on the list," Spike said.

"Yes, and I can have you come over!" Wendy imagines the possibilities with Spike in her room.

"Definitely," Spike smiles. "A new beginning for Fairy Tail is here at last."

Spike, Wendy, Carla, Happy, Natsu, and Lucy head towards the crater that used to be the Fairy Tail Guildhall. They shared a moment of silence. To honor the memories they had in the previous guildhall.

"Hey, you guys!" Cana shouts from behind. She arrives at the crater.

"Cana!" Lucy is happy to see her friend once more.

"Hey, welcome back," Wendy waves at her friend.

"Good to see you again," Natsu said.

"Am I late?" Cana drinks her liquor bottle.

"No," Spike shakes his head. "You're right on time."

"Awesome!" Cana does a fist pump.

"Hey, guys!" Jet and Droy arrive. They look better than ever.

"Aw, yeah! It's great to be back home!" Warren said. He arrives with Max Alors, Nab, and Vjeeter.

"You know it. All that year of training will soon be paying off!" Max Alors laugh.

"I feel stronger than ever! I feel like I can go on several jobs!" Nab praises himself and feels confident moving forward.

Reedus arrives with Macao, Wakaba, and Romeo. They are happy to be back in Magnolia and with their friends.

"Aw, yeah! The Fairy Tail Youth Squad is back together again!" Romeo shouts. He walks up to Wendy, Spike, and Carla and does a team high-five.

"It's great being a man!" Elfman shouts. He arrives with Lisanna and Mirajane.

"Hey, Spike. Long time no see," Lisanna hugs Spike.

"So, glad to see everyone," Mirajane smiles; she's happy to be among her friends again.

Alzack, Bisca, and Asuka arrive. Asuka runs up to Natsu. Natsu picks her up.

"Hooray! We're back home!" Asuka is so happy to be back in Magnolia.

"That we are," Natsu laughs. He puts Asuka down.

Laki and Kinana arrive. They run up to meet with Lucy and Wendy. Juvia and Gray arrive with Erza after gathering more of their belongings from the deserted village. Gajeel, Panther Lily, and Levy come to the crater. They informed the Magic Council about stepping down to come back to Fairy Tail.

"Yo, are we late?" Bickslow asks. "Back home, back home." Bickslow's Tikis chants.

"Doesn't seem like it," Evergreen smiles. She's happy to be back in Magnolia.

"Greetings, everyone," Freed said. He sighs a bit. He misses the ole guildhall that stood tall.

"Hey, Fairy Dragon. It's been a while," Laxus said. He walks up to Spike.

"It's great to see you. All of you at the same time," Spike sheds a tear in happiness.

"Hey, look what I found!" Natsu pulls out a flag with the Fairy Tail Emblem on it. It's a little torn. Everyone smiles and cheers loudly. "Our guild is reunited!"

"WHO'S READY TO BUILD OUR GUILDHALL!" Spike excites his friends.

"WE ARE!" Everyone around shouts in triumph.

"LET'S DO IT!" Spike shouts.

"YEAH!" Everyone shouts louder than Spike.

Day one starts with all the members of Fairy Tail start drawing blueprints of the new Fairy Tail Guildhall and gathering supplies. Spike allowed Erza to create construction teams to build the necessary areas of the guildhall. Spike announces that any Fairy Tail member that needs temporary residence is allowed to go with those that have homes in Magnolia or check into a hotel. He'll pay the bills with the money he earned during his year of training.

Day two starts with everyone building the foundation of the Fairy Tail Guildhall, setting a perimeter and safety hazard zones for anyone foolish enough to wander in. Spike brought trees from Eden's Forest, knowing the forest will replenish itself the next day. Erza requips her swords and slice the exact measurements for construction. Erza tells Spike more lumber is needed. Spike teleports to Eden's Forest. Everyone is having fun, catching up with each other as they work.

Day three has a setback due to Natsu's antics. He and Gray fought wrecked the first floor of the guildhall. Erza beats the crap out of Natsu and Gray for causing the guild to redo the layouts of the first floor. After Erza beats them up, Spike makes sure Natsu and Gray do all the work as punishment for setting everyone back.

Day four starts with adding columns and stairs. The newly designed guildhall will be similar to the first one; Before Gajeel destroyed it during his Phantom Lord days. Spike made it clear that there is one area of the guildhall he wishes to build alone. He forbade anyone from helping him. It's the area that leads to the staircase to the Lumen Histoire. Erza makes sure that no one interfered with Spike's work while monitoring the teams on their projects.

Day five starts with the discussion of bringing Makarov back to Fairy Tail. Spike knows where Makarov is but confirms to everyone he wishes to be left alone. Laxus challenges Spike about his grandfather's doing since he hasn't heard from him since passing the torch of Guild Master. Laxus urges Spike to reveal what Makarov is doing. Now that Spike thinks about it, Makarov doing is taking longer than expected. According to Makarov, during one of their calls, Makarov was supposed to accomplish his objective in six months max. Now that it's been a year, it does seem suspicious.

"Spike, we need to go find Makarov!" Happy tries to persuade Spike into getting Makarov back in Fairy Tail.

"I agree. Besides, what is Gramps supposed to be doing?" Gray asks Spike.

"That's still classified until further notice," Spike answers. Gray groans in defeat.

Natsu and Elfman are brawling. The two complement each other until Natsu punches Elfman hard in the face, Elfman crashes into Gray. Gray gets irritated and kicks Elfman in the back of the head. It draws the attention of Jet, Droy, Max, Warren, Laki, Cana, and many others to join in the brawl.

Everyone brawls except Spike, Laxus, Lisanna, Lucy, Happy, Wendy, Carla, Panther Lily, Mirajane, and Erza; It draws back many memories. Spike chuckles a bit while watching his friends have fun. The fighting becomes hectic when Mirajane gets hit with Cana's liquor bottle.

Erza stomps her foot onto the ground, causing the brawl to halt. "Get back to work," Erza gives everyone a cold stare, scaring the daylights out of them.

"Yes, Ma'am," Everyone said in unison. Wendy and Lucy are in shock and silence every time Erza puts her foot down.

"Thanks for stepping in like that, Sis. Though, it could have lasted a few more minutes."

"Anytime, Spike," Erza said.

"Hey, sorry that I'm late to the party."

Everyone looks at a Fairy Tail Wizard approaching. He has a red Fairy Tail Emblem on his right shoulder.

"Doranbolt," Spike sees him for the first time since giving him and Lahar cookies at the Mermaid Heel outdoor venue.

"Whoa, that guy is from the Magic Council!" Happy remembers Doranbolt.

"The same guy that rescued Carla and me," Wendy remembers Doranbolt.

"Hello, Fairy Dragon. It's been a while," Doranbolt said.

"Hey, wait a minute. Why are you bearing our guild's emblem?!" Natsu irately asks.

"Because I am a member of the Fairy Tail Guild. My real name is Mest Gryder. Fairy Dragon. I urge you to come with me. Master Makarov is in trouble."

"WHAT?!" Everyone shrieks in horror.

"Spike!" Laxus slams his fist onto a table. "Let me go for my Grandpa!"

Spike takes a deep breath. "Calm yourself. Mest, I'll select a team to go with me. You can inform them what is necessary."

"Thank you," Mest said.

"Laxus," Spike turns to Laxus.

"You got it," Laxus is ready to go.

"No. I need you and Mirajane to continue rebuilding our home. I'm leaving the two of you in charge until we come back."

"Me.., in charge..?" Laxus gets sudden flashbacks when he tried to force his way to become the next Fairy Tail Guild Master.

Mirajane puts her hand on Laxus' shoulder. She knows Laxus is having flashbacks during his darker days as a different man. "We got this, Spike."

"Yea, you can count on us. Be sure to bring Grandpa back home," Laxus said.

Spike nods. "I will. Erza, Gray, Natsu, Happy, Carla, Lucy, and Wendy. You're coming with Mest and me," Spike commands. He's serious with his approach, which is new to his friends.

"We need to get to Hargeon. To travel where we need to go," Mest said.

"Laxus. There's a note in my apartment about Makarov's doing; read it and explain to the others why Makarov is doing what he did. The note is under my mattress."

"What!?" Lucy is in shock. She could have found out what Makarov was doing all this time if she snooped around Spike's possessions.

"Alright. I wished you told us before any of this," Laxus is fuming a bit.

"I had my reasons as Guild Master. Mest, let's go."

"Right," Mest nods.

Spike uses his fire breath to teleport his friends, Mest, and himself to Hargeon.

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