• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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It's 10:15 in the morning in Magnolia. The weather is supposed to rain later today. Spike and Lucy are in the process of cleaning the apartment together as they are talking.

"I think today I'll be staying home, Lucy. I want to catch up on some reading with the books from the Magic Library."

"Are you sure, Spike?" Lucy asks.

"Yes. I want to continue my studies to improve on my magic. Perhaps I can find spells that'll be more useful without draining my magic quicker."

"Okay, Spike," Lucy finishes sweeping the floor.

"I'll come by to the guildhall later today, like around 3:30 through 5:00," Spike finishes cleaning the bathroom.

"Sounds good, Spike. I don't think any of us want to work today. Just chill and relax."

"Also, I have a special treat for you all later. I have to bake it later."

"Oooh, what you have in mind," Lucy drools a little.

"My freshly baked homemade triple-decker nut-crazy vanilla cream cookies," Spike smiles. He laughs, seeing Lucy's wow face.

"I think my heart skipped a beat. That sounds so good."

Spike chuckles. "You'll see how tasty they are later. I promise. Also, I'm aware that today's the day that Wendy's Dragon departed her so, the cookies are to help cheer her up as well."

"Oooh, I get it," Lucy chuckles.

Lucy grabs her belongings after putting the broom away as Spike puts the cleaning utensils back in the closet. Spike and Lucy hug each other. Lucy leaves the apartment as Spike grabs a book to start reading.

"Okay, here's the chapter I left off. Marking Connections," Spike reads thoroughly, marking a fire marking can activate as a beacon. "Yep, though I made several of those to create a trail for me to glide. I wonder if the same concept is usable for teleportation." Spike uses his claw to mimic a gun to shoot a single flame bullet. It leaves a marking on a trashcan. "Okay," Spike goes across the room and has a paper crumbled up. "Time to test this theory," Spike uses his fire breath on the paper ball. The paper ball teleports from his claw into the trashcan. "Success!"

Spike spends the hour practicing a bit more with his magic as well as meditating. Makarov taught him by meditating from time to time. He can hone his magic and concentrate better. Spike spends another hour reading a different book from the magic library. It talks about a unison raid. Fire and Air definitely work with a unison raid which makes Spike happy and blush. He's thinking about Wendy while doing the unison raid someday.

Spike goes to the drawer and grabs a notebook. He starts jotting down what he's learned so far and theorize some possibilities. One of those theories happens to be teleporting to his friends using the markings as homing beacons. It'll be used for quick getaways or aiding a friend in battle. Another theory is for teleporting his magic without using his claw to navigate his attacks.

"Okay, I'll test those theories another day. Now, I have a week to prepare for my sparring against Gildarts. Crash Magic will be challenging but, I think I can manage. Perhaps use his magic against himself, or increase my size and go hand-to-claw against him to see how strong my physical capabilities are." Spike looks at the window as the rain starts to downpour. "Boy, it's raining cats and dogs," He looks at the clock. "Wow, it's 12:35. I better start baking to get these cookies done."

Spike goes to the kitchen and starts preparing his freshly baked homemade triple-decker nut-crazy vanilla cream cookies. He gathers the ingredients he bought yesterday. Spike spends two hours making and baking the cookies. He uses his fire instead of the oven to warm them up. Spike winds up producing twelve dozens of his freshly baked homemade triple-decker nut-crazy vanilla cream cookies.

"Alright, I think that should be enough for everybody in the guildhall. I hope everyone enjoys my cookies," Spike starts packing them in a big bag that'll hold them. "Alright, gotta take my time," Spike uses a protection ring on himself and the bag so; the rainwater doesn't ruin the cookies.

Spike walks out of the apartment when he sees flashes of white light appear. He starts running down the stairs as it starts to deteriorate. He sees the landlady vanish right before his eyes.

"Holy shit!" Spike shrieks as he swears with that word for the first time. He jumps out of the apartment as it disintegrates. "I.., I.., could have saved her..," Spike looks up as he sees a beam of light hitting the core of Magnolia. "What the hell is that?!" Spike sees the buildings around him disappearing left and right. He looks down to see the road turning into a white rock. "A twister!" Spike sees a twister engulfing all of Magnolia into the skies. He didn't move as he's paralyzed in fear.

Minutes later, the twister goes away, leaving all of Magnolia desolate. Spike falls to his knees as all he hears is total silence. His friends, his family, all gone within a few moments. Spike curls on the ground and breaks down in tears. After a few moments, rage kicks in for Spike.

"Damn you, Twilight Sparkle!" Spike gets up and raises his fist at the sky. "So, this is what you try to do?! Instead of letting me live my life, you try and take it from me?! When I find you, I'm going to rip your heart out! Do you hear me?!" Spike gets teary again after his outburst. He knows that Twilight would have been the only one powerful enough to try and bring him back home. Also, Spike knows that Twilight can be overpowering when she accidentally uses too much force with her magic.

Spike stops crying after a few more moments. "Okay, let me see if there are any survivors," Spike takes a deep breath and starts walking around in search of anybody.

Spike spends an hour searching and having no luck. He falls to his knees again and screams loudly. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

"Yo, Fairy Dragon," Gajeel approaches Spike.

"Gajeel?" Spike looks up to see Gajeel. "Gajeel!" Spike lunges at Gajeel. He's happy to see his brother survived.

"Geez, Fairy Dragon, it's okay," Gajeel puts Spike down. "I'm glad you survived as well. Any clue what's happening and what I missed?"

"It's Twilight Sparke."

"You sure?"

"Who else? If Twilight were pissed to find out I'm missing in Equestria, she'll do whatever it takes to bring me back. She wouldn't care until the 'slave' returns home and try to make amends."

"Good point. However, I have no clue how to get there? You?"

"I guess we go into the sky and follow that twister back to Equestria. From there, we'll pummel them for taking our home and our friends."

"You got that right. Also, how are we going to get up there?" Gajeel asks.

"I have no clue. If I had one of my notes or magic books, I would have found the solution. Also, increasing my size won't help. I still don't have wings, and my teleportation magic would have us free-falling."

"Alright, those options are out. Since I found you, there have to be other survivors. Let's keep looking before heading into this Equestria world of yours."

"Right," Spike nods.

Gajeel and Spike walk around the remains of Magnolia in search of any survivors. They see one who is standing still.

"Who is that?" Gajeel asks.

"Beats me," Spike answers.

The two approach the survivor standing idly. He turns to them, revealing himself.

"Mystogan?" Spike said, seeing him for the second time.

"So, that's Mystogan."

"Hello, Gajeel. Hello, Fairy Dragon," Mystogan introduces.

"What happened here?" Gajeel asks.


"What's Anima?" Spike is in shock. He thought for sure that Twilight Sparkle was the one behind all of this.

"An inter-dimensional gate that transfers everything into Magic Lacrima and brings it to Edolas."

Gajeel and Spike's jaw drops. They can't believe what they heard from Mystogan.

"So, has anyone survived?" Spike asks.

"Moments ago, I encountered Lucy Heartfilia."

"Where is she?!" Spike asks, wanting to know where Lucy is right now.

"I've sent her to Edolas. She's going to help bring back the Fairy Tail Guild and all of Magnolia. Since Gajeel survived, I can assume that Natsu and Wendy survived as well."

"Well, we know where to find them. Those cats of theirs flew them to Edolas for sure," Said Gajeel confidently.

"Definitely. Good thing that they're safe," Spike concurs while sighing in relief.

"However, they didn't take the vitamin and could be in great peril. Also, I'm going to need your help as I handle things here."

"What is it?" Gajeel asks.

"I need the two of you to go into Edolas. Find our friends and help them escape. You'll be needing this," Mystogan gives Spike and Gajeel a magic vitamin for them to eat.

"Uh, what was that for?" Spike asks as he's confused about what he ate.

"It's for you to properly use magic in Edolas as it is scarce with magic power. The magic vitamin will help sustain your use of magic like how it flows here in Earth Land. Take the rest with you in case you find the others that did survive," Mystogan places the bottle in Spike's backpack.

"Okay, now that's out of the question, how do you supposed we go to Edolas?" Gajeel asks. "We can't fly up there, ya know."

"I'll do that for you," Mystogan uses his staff to levitate Spike and Gajeel. "I warn you, being in Edolas will be a lot different than Earth Land. The environment will be more difficult to travel. Please be careful up there."

"We will," Spike salutes to Mystogan.

"Fairy Dragon, what's in the bag of yours?" Gajeel asks, wondering why Spike has a bag, to begin with.

"Uh, twelve dozens of my freshly baked homemade triple-decker nut-crazy vanilla cream cookies. It was going to be a surprise for the guild. Especially, you, Natsu, and Wendy for losing your dragons on this day."

"Guess it'll be our food supply despite finding some loose iron."

With Mystogan's magic, Spike and Gajeel see all sorts of blazing colors as they are heading to Edolas. Spike hopes to find Wendy and the others, hoping to stop the nonsense and making sure that everyone returns home safely.

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