• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Rainbow Cherry Blossom Party

It's been a week since Daphne unleashed her artificial dragon on Magnolia. She's sentence to life in prison without parole. All of Magnolia thanked the Fairy Tail Guild for keeping them secured during the attack.

It is now 8:30 in the morning. Spike wakes up after having an incredible dream. He looks around and sees Lucy sitting down drinking her tea.

"Morning, Spike. You slept well?"

"I did, Lucy. I can't wait until tomorrow."

"The Rainbow Cherry Blossom is going to be fantastic. I missed it last year cause I came to Fairy Tail a few days after they had it."

"This will be our first, along with a few others as well."

"Especially, Wendy?" Lucy teases Spike a little as Spike blushes a little.

"Yes," Spike fake coughs to stop blushing. "Wendy and I are starting to become great friends as time progresses."

Lucy laughs a little. "Don't worry, Spike. I won't tell."

"It's not like that," Spike doesn't want to admit his emotions for Wendy.

"Sure, keep telling yourself that," Lucy giggles a little.

"I think you have the same feelings for Natsu," Spike teases Lucy, giving her a taste of her own medicine.

"What?!" Lucy blushes a little. "What makes you say that?"

"Oh, how you've been calling out to Natsu. Natsu, Natsu!" Spike imitates Lucy when she calls out to him.

"We're just friends!" Lucy defends her statement

"Sure, keep telling yourself that," Spike chuckles.

Lucy and Spike have a good laugh. They promised to keep each other's secret safe. Spike goes to the bathroom to freshen up for the day. As Spike freshens up, he imagines being with Wendy in the later years of his life; as a couple. After a few moments, Spike leaves the bathroom and walks up to Lucy.

"Ready to go and meet up with our friends?" Spike asks.

"Yea," Lucy smiles. "Just waiting for you," Lucy gets up and puts her cup in the sink. She washes her cup and leaves the apartment with Spike.

"Let's go."

Spike and Lucy leave the apartment together. Many people passing by greets Spike and took pictures of him.

"Hey, Fairy Dragon! Be safe, you hear," A bystander riding a boat shouts to Spike.

"I will. Have fun on your travels!" Spike waves back to the bystander.

"See you around, Lucy!" Another bystander shouts.

"See you later," Lucy walks on the edge of the street near the waters.

"I wonder what's on today's agenda," Spike said, wondering what kind of job they'll be doing to kill time.

"Erza said she has a right one for us. She picked it last night. Something about gathering herbs."

"We will see what kind of herbs they are."

Spike and Lucy walk up to the guildhall. They see Erza, Natsu, Gray, Happy, Carla, and Wendy waiting for them.

"Finally! What took you two so long?" Natsu asks after waiting twenty seconds.

"Yea, we have a job to go on!" Happy said.

"Where are we going exactly?" Lucy asks.

"To Mt. Hakobe," Said Erza.

"How far is it from here?" Spike asks.

"Pretty far on foot, which should kill time for tomorrow's Rainbow Cherry Blossom Party," Said Gray.

"Sounds good to me," Said Lucy.

"However, we still need to get there by carriage," Said Erza, informing of the group.

"I rather walk, to be honest," Natsu said, hoping to avoid the motion sickness of his.

"We'll have plenty of time to walk. For now," The carriage arrives on cue. "Get in."

"Wow, that was instant," Spike is in shock when the carriage arrived on cue.

Lucy, Wendy, Gray, Happy, and Carla are inside the carriage. Natsu starts sweating as Erza drags him into the carriage. Spike is last to get in as he closes the door.

"Onward to Mt. Hakobe," Erza commands the carriage driver.

"Sure thing, Ms.Scarlet," The carriage driver takes the group to Mt. Hakobe.

During the ride, everyone is talking about tomorrow's possibilities for the Rainbow Cherry Blossom party. Spike learns about the bingo game they host, the food, the drinks, and the cherry blossom tree itself. As for Natsu, he gets his motion sickness. Erza punches Natsu in the gut, allowing him to rest on her knees. Spike is daydreaming of a possible future with Wendy as the ride is slow.

"Something on your mind, Spike?" Wendy asks.

"Huh, what-" Spike snaps out of his daydream and turns to Wendy. "Oh, um. Just thinking."

"Thinking about what?"

"Gotta be cool, gotta be cool. Can't let her know that I have feelings for her just yet." "I'm thinking about tomorrow's party and the possible prizes for the bingo game." "Smooth, Spike. Smooth."

"Should be fun tomorrow. It'll be our first ever Rainbow Cherry Blossom party. Almost like a date," Wendy's eyes widen after saying that.

"Well, uh," Spike is trying to come up with a better excuse. "More like a get-together, Wendy. A date would be two people or creatures, depending on how I see it, go out together."

"Yea, that's what I meant to say. I don't even know why I said date," Wendy sighs in relief. Sure she has feelings for Spike but, now isn't a good time to reveal those emotions.

Everyone remains silent until they reach Mt.Hakobe. After the ride, Erza drags Natsu out. In a few moments, Natsu is back to his old self, feeling better than ever.

"Brrrr," Lucy shivers. "It's cold."

"I know. So much snow," Spike is shivering.

"Now, I know I wore the wrong kind of outfit for Mt.Hakobe," Said Wendy. She is shivering like crazy. She's wearing an orange dress and sandals.

"I know what to do," Lucy takes out her new silver gate key. "Open, Gate of the Clock Constellation! Horologium!"

Horologium appears in front of Lucy. He is a tall brown grandfather clock with long, black arms, a glass case, a Roman-numerical clock at the center, and a small face at the top with slit eyes and a thin, twirly, mustache-like mouth. Lucy opens the protection case and sits inside.

"Hi, Horologium," Spike greets.

"Hello, Spike. Nice to see you again. Would you like to come inside? Ms.Lucy asks generously."

"Oh, that's right. You speak when there is someone in you. Uh, no thanks. I want to adapt to the cold. Freezing temperatures are a weakness of mine, and I had enough of the cold riving me in agony. I have to power through."

"What about you, Wendy? She asks politely."

"Child, you should learn to adapt to the climate," Said Carla.

After Carla said that, Wendy steps inside to be with Lucy as it's getting colder. Carla sighs as everyone starts walking up on Mt.Hakobe.

Twenty minutes pass by as the snowstorm is starting to ease up. Spike remained calm as he shivers. Instead of using his protection flame ring to shield the cold, he's mustering and powering through the walk. He sneezes, causing the snow everyone's walking on to melt.

"Whoa, Spike. Those flames are hot," Said Natsu.

"I didn't mean to sneeze like that."

"Man, it's getting cold. Even for me," Gray is walking in his underwear.

"Consider putting on a shirt?" Erza asks.

"Nah," Gray responds.

"Hey, Natsu. I'm not convinced that this herb we're looking for even exists," Happy said as he flies next to Natsu.

"It's gotta. Why would someone post a job if it didn't exist?" Natsu asks with another question.

"It sounds too good to be true! A wizard can boost their magic power just by putting it in tea and cake. I bet it got some-wicked side effects. Like you can grow a second head or give serious gas," Happy said, picturing the side effects happening to Natsu. "Like they say, it's like poison to every good fish."

"I think you meant to say there is no such thing as a free lunch," Said Erza, correcting Happy's phrase.

Happy gasps. "I've been saying it wrong this whole time?"

"Hah," Spike chuckles.

"Side effects are not our concern. The job flier said to collect and deliver so, that's what we do. If we find extras, we can bring them and use them for bingo prizes tomorrow."

"My second job of collecting and delivering. At least the first job wasn't this cold," Said Spike as he shivers more.

"Would you like to come in; it's nice and warm? The young girl implores." Horolugim said, referring to Wendy's question.

"No. I need to confront the cold," Spike said.

"Hey, herbs! Come out and fight me!" Natsu yells.

"Shush, you may start an avalanche with that yell," Said Spike.

"Agreed, shut up Natsu," Gray concurs with Spike's statement.

"What you say?!" Natsu retorts.

"How's a plant suppose to answer you and duke it out? Now, if it could, it'll mop the floor with your face."

"Watch it frosty," Natsu and Gray are at each other's faces. "If you got something to say, say it to my face."

"Next time, if you get the bright idea to talk to a plant, keep it to yourself!"

"Will you shut up!" Erza butts in the two angrily.

"Aye," Gray and Natsu say in unison.

"We're nearing a cave. Maybe the herbs are in there," Erza points to a cave as they walk.

"Let's check it out, Sis."

As they walk into the cave, Wendy and Lucy talk about the Cherry Blossom Tree and the party tomorrow. Wendy and Lucy are so excited. As they recon the cave, mountain Vulcans swarm the group. These Vulcans have their fur colored white and their pectorals, abdominals, hands, ears, and facial features colored black. The lower half of their body is a darker shade of black, and the decorative pattern on their arms consists of five black circles on each arm, which are composed of black tufts of fur.

"Hey, my cousin told me about the baby dragon. He needs to die first, then we can pounce on these punks," The Vulcan said.

Erza gives the Vulcans a death glare; she requips her sword and strikes first, ferociously. Gray and Natsu partake in beating up the Vulcans. Erza didn't take too kindly that the Vulcans wanted to kill Spike. Gray freezes some as Natsu cooked some. The Vulcans surrender as Natsu interrogates one. The Vulcan tells everyone that he and his family have no clue where the herbs are. The Vulcans retreated as the group go back on in search of the herb. Wendy and Lucy had their eyes shut as they heard the carnage.

"Wimps," Said Natsu, not satisfied with the lack of info they got from the Vulcans.

"Next time they threatened to take Spike's life, I will slay them myself," Said Erza. She turns to Spike. "How are you feeling?"

"Cold, but I'll live. I'm not going to use the flame protection ring yet."

The gang leaves the cave together and continues their search for the herbs. Wendy and Lucy continue to discuss the endless possibilities of the Rainbow Cherry Blossom Party. Lucy mentions that tomorrow will be her first one but knows how it plays out. Half an hour later, the group stops as Horologium bids Wendy and Lucy a farewell. His time was up and, he heads back to the Celestial World. Lucy and Wendy hug each other for warmth.

"Get a grip," Said Gray, shirtless in the freezing cold.

"We'll get home faster if you help get the herbs," Erza said irritatedly.

"Here," Spike conjures his fire to create a protection ring. He gives a protection flame ring to Wendy and Lucy. Spike's flames cover their bodies and vanishes. "It'll help fight off the cold for a while. I haven't done it in a while, so I don't know how long it'll last."

"Wait?" Carla stops for two seconds. "Why haven't you done that a while ago?"

"I wasn't thinking of using the protection ring during the time. I want to embrace the freezing cold temperatures head-on. There have been many accounts of the cold nearly killing me and, I want to overcome that weakness."

"I admire your persistence and determination, Spike. Unlike a certain someone who also is a dragon," Carla refers to Wendy.

"Thank you, Spike," Wendy graciously said. She feels better and warm. "I can't feel the cold anymore."

"Me neither," Lucy confirms. "It's like, I can strip naked and be fine."

Gray and Natsu blush and dares Lucy to strip naked. Erza slaps the two of them for thinking pervertedly in front of a child.

"Sorry, ma'am," Natsu and Gray said in unison.

Natsu starts sniffing. "I found ya; I knew you couldn't hide forever, you stupid plant!"

"Behold the power of a dragon slayer's schnoz," Happy said, knowing that Natsu is smelling gas or something else.

"Wait, how can you be sure if you found the right herbs? You smelled them before?" Carla asks, unsure if Natsu knows what he's talking or sniffing.

"Doesn't matter. I know it is them," Natsu takes off at high speed. "Let's go, Happy!"

"Aye, Sir!" Happy flies after Natsu in pursuit.

"Wait for us, jerk!" Said Lucy.

"So, who else saw that one coming?" Gray asks, unamused.

"I did if I have to be honest," Spike answers as he raises his claw.

"Stop gawking and start following him. His witts may be dull, but his smell is sharp," Said Erza.

"Am I the only one who senses impending calamity?" Carla asks in a rhetorical manner.

"Maybe a different set of Vulcans or a possible snow blizzard monster," Spike shrugs, thinking of the possibilities.

"Please be wrong," Said Wendy, hoping not to face a fierce creature today.

Erza, Lucy, Spike, Wendy, and Carla follow Natsu's footsteps leading up the mountain. On the way up there, they hear a successful and satisfying cheer.

"Yay," Lucy cheers, and in a few moments, they'll be heading home with a haul of herbs.

"If he starts bragging, we bury him in snow," Gray suggests.

"Well, I'm impressed," Said Erza.

"So, your hunch was wrong," Said Wendy.

"That remains to be seen," Said Carla.

"Wendy, Lucy, how are you two holding up?" Spike asks, referring to his protection ring spell.

"So far, so good, Spike. I can't feel the coldness," Said Wendy.

"I concur; this should be a breeze," Lucy said.

"Good. However, be mindful. When I first used it, it lasted for half an hour. Out here, I'm not sure how long it'll last depending on the situation."

"Fair enough, Spike," Wendy and Lucy say in unison.

Erza, Wendy, Lucy, Spike, Gray, and Carla walk up the mountain. Then a few moments later, they hear a roar. They hurried up the mountain to feast their eyes on a Blizzardvern. A Blizzardvern is an exceedingly large, draconian beasts that are predominantly white color, black talons on its feet, and black spikes running down their back. They are also herbivores. Their favorite food is the herbs Happy and Natsu found.

"You gotta be kidding me?!" Natsu shouts.

"I don't think it wants to share!" Happy panics.

"Whoa!" Spike shouts a little, seeing the Blizzardvern for the first time.

"You just had to be a jinx, huh?" Lucy turns to Carla.

"It was a hunch. My hunches are normally correct," Said Carla.

"Looks like we'll get to finish the job and take home a juicy bonus in one fell swoop," Gray said, powering up. "White Wyvern Scales go for a lot of money, and this guy got plenty to go around."

"Sure does," Natsu powers up. "You hear that stingy? We're going to take your food and strip you for good measure."

"I suggest the four of you to stand back and collect those herbs," Erza requips into her Lightning Empress Armor.

Spike powers up. "This should be interesting. Time to test myself in these cold conditions in combat."

"Let's do this!" Erza commands. She, Gray, and Natsu leap into action.

"Fire Dragon, Brilliant Flames!" Natsu conjures his flames to attack the Blizzardvern. It deflects the attack straight at Wendy, Carla, Happy, and Lucy.

"It deflected it!" Wendy shouts.

"Oh no, you don't!" Spike said. He uses his breath to teleport Natsu's attack hitting the Wyvern in the back.

"Ice Make Saucer!" Gray creates a large, spinning ice disk, capable of cutting through like a buzz-saw at the Blizzardvern. It redirected the attack at Lucy, nearly hitting her.

"Gaaaaah! Watch it! You almost hit me!" Lucy complains.

Erza uses her Lightning Spear to generate a lightning strike at the Blizzardvern. The Blizzardvern dodges as the lightning hit Natsu and Gray. They were both cooked from the attack.

"Idiots, don't you know how to dodge?" Erza is in disbelief that Natsu and Gray didn't bother moving out of the way. The Blizzardvern tries to attack again but, Erza casts a shield, protecting herself.

"Spike wants!" Spike increases his size. He is now matching the size of the Blizzardvern. His is spikes from his body enlargen, his claws become sharper, his muscles expand more as he's becoming ripped. "Pick on someone your own size, punk."

The Blizzardvern looks in shock. It roars as Spike roars back at the Blizzardvern. The ground quakes as the two roars. Spike tackles the Blizzardvern to the ground. He punches left and right on its face until the Blizzardvern uses its legs to push Spike. Spike uses his breath to teleport himself. Instead of falling backward, he is now falling from the skies.

"We might want to stand clear," Said Erza.

Gray and Natsu stand aside as the Blizzardvern gets up, unaware that Spike is above him.

"Inferno Blazing Fist!" Spike's claw is ablaze with Sparkle Green Flames as he punches the Blizzardvern on its head. It causes the Blizzardvern to stumble around from the impact.

"Let's take it down!" Natsu shouts. "Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" Natsu's hand is on fire as he punches the Blizzarvern's head.

"Ice Make, Ice Cannon!" Gray creates a large bazooka-like hand-held cannon. He fires a cannonball made of ice to deal massive damage to the Blizzardvern's chest.

Erza uses her lightning spear to blast the Blizzardvern's body from the backside. The Blizzardvern collapses after the barrage of attacks. While Lucy, Wendy, Carla, and Happy, were collecting the herbs, an avalanche happens. Carla grabs Wendy and flies away. Happy flies away on instinct, leaving Lucy to get hit with the avalanche of snow.

"Is everyone okay?" Erza checks on everyone after the Blizzardvern fell in defeat.

Natsu suffers a bit. Unfortunately for him, he was on top of the Blizzardvern when it happened. He now has motion sickness.

"I'm good," Spike shrinks down to normal size. He's shown to have no nosebleed but a slight migraine. "Just a little headache. I think my body is getting used to increasing and decreasing. Plus, Master Makarov has been tutoring me with my increase in size."

"Good, Spike," Said Erza.

"Hey, whatever happened to Lucy?" Gray asks.

Lucy raises her hand with the herb. "I'm.., here.., barely..," Lucy is shivering like crazy. "So.., cold..."

"Oh boy, my protection ring wore off," Said Spike.

"So cold!" Wendy stats shivering.

"Let's grab as many herbs as we can and take Lucy back home," Said Spike.

After ten minutes of gathering the herbs, Erza spawns a magic mobile. Everyone gets inside.

"I have more energy to use, Sis. You should let me drive," Spike offers.

"No," Erza shakes her head. "Keep Wendy, Lucy, and the rest warm with your protection ring. I'll drive us back to the guildhall."

"Understood," Spike nods. He enters the magic mobile and uses his protection ring to warm up Happy, Carla, Wendy, Lucy, and Erza. Gray and Natsu are fine as is.

Erza drives the magic mobile back to Magnolia. An hour later, Erza stops the magic mobile as they arrive in Magnolia. Lucy couldn't stop sneezing.

"Sis, I'm going to take Lucy back home. She doesn't look good."

"Alright then, thanks for the help you two. See you later," Erza said.

Spike and Lucy walk back to the apartment. Lucy couldn't help but sneeze as she starts to feel ill. Lucy and Spike arrive at the apartment and walk up the stairs. As soon as Lucy walks in, she gets in bed and lays down. Spike decides to feel her temperature.

"Not good," Spike said. "You are in the midst of having a cold, Lucy."

"Oh, great," Lucy sneezes.

"I'll make you some soup," Spike goes to the kitchen to make some chicken soup.

"Thanks, Spike," Lucy graciously smiles.

"You would do the same for me if it's the other way around," Said Spike as he's making the chicken soup for Lucy.

"Of course. What are friends for?" Lucy said as she cracks a smile.

Spike hopes that Lucy's cold will wear off late tonight, early tomorrow. He's thinking about having Wendy come over to heal Lucy of the cold so she can participate in the Rainbow Cherry Blossom Party. After a while, Spike finished making chicken soup and pours a good portion into a bowl. He also grabs crackers for Lucy.

"Lucy, you want water or juice?"

"Water, please," Lucy's voice sounds raspy a bit.

Spike goes to the fridge and grabs a bottle of water; he puts it on a tray with the bowl of chicken soup. He brings the tray to Lucy as she sits up on the bed.

"Here you go, Lucy."

Lucy sniffs, "Thank you, Spike," Lucy grabs the spoon and blows on it. She takes a first sip of the chicken soup and becomes astonished. "Wow, Spike, this is delicious."

"I don't mean to brag but, I'm good when it comes to cooking. Also, save your voice a little."

Lucy nods and continues to eat her soup. Spike sits on his bed and watches Lucy eat her soup.

"Lucy, after you eat. I'm going to the guildhall to get Wendy. She can heal your cold so you can be ready for tomorrow's party."

"Thank you, Spike," Lucy eats another spoonful of chicken soup.

"You're welcome," Spike smiles reassuringly.

As Lucy eats, she can't help but think how messed up Twilight Sparkle and her friends were for not appreciating the good Spike does on his own accord. Willing to help a friend in need. Lucy doesn't want to take advantage of him. She made up her mind. If she is unable to go tomorrow, Spike shouldn't stay. He should have as much fun as he can with the others. They'll be other parties in the future for her to participate in.

Spike is thinking, whether or not to go tomorrow or stay to help Lucy. He doesn't mind staying home to help his friend in need. Lucy allows him to live with her. Spike doesn't want to be ungrateful for all Lucy has done for him.

"Ah, that was delicious, Spike," Lucy finishes her chicken soup. She sits up and drinks her water.

"Glad you enjoyed it, Lucy," Spike grabs the tray and brings it to the kitchen. He starts cleaning the bowl and tray.

Lucy watches as Spike cleans. She frowns a bit. "How can that selfish of a Princess take advantage of his kindness and generosity? He's doing this out of his love for friendship, and this Twilight Sparkle takes full advantage of him. It makes me sick to even think about it. All those years of him being alone and being a slave to her. I swear that I will never take advantage of him or any of my friends." Lucy thought to herself as she reflects on Spike's past from the story he told a few weeks back.

"Alright, Lucy," Spike finishes cleaning the dishes. "I'm going to grab Wendy. I'll be back shortly."

"Take your time," Lucy responds.

Spike leaves the apartment and walks to the guildhall. He sees new faces walking in Magnolia. Some people wave and spoke of him; others took pictures to brag to their friends. Nothing new for Spike as more people recognize him as being Fairy Dragon. Spike arrives at the guildhall to see everyone eating and drinking for the pre-celebration.

"Hey, Fairy Dragon," Bickslow said, walking up to him with his plate of food. "Where's Lucy?"

"She's home. She has a bad cold from today's job."


"Have you seen Wendy?"

"Yea," Bickslow points to Wendy sitting with Erza and Carla by a table. "Wendy is over there."

"Thanks," Spike walks up to the table.

"Hey, Spike. How's it going?" Erza asks.

"How's Lucy doing?" Wendy asks.

"Not so well," Spike sighs a little. "Wendy, can you come by and heal Lucy. She's having a cold."

"Sure. Let's do it now," Wendy said.

"I'm coming to," Said Erza. "She shouldn't be home alone."

"What?!" Natsu runs up to the group. "Lucy is sick?!"

"Yea. She has a cold," Spike replies.

"I wonder how?" Gray said. He's wearing his underwear.

"She was bombarded with snow, genius," Carla said in a rhetorical tone.

"Also, you're in your underwear," Spike points.

"Dammit! Not again!" Gray shouts.

"Alright, let's go see Lucy," Erza said.

Spike leads the group to the apartment. As they head up, Spike opens the door and walks in first.

"Lucy, we have company."

"Who?" Lucy sniffs and sees her friends.

"Hey, Lucy. Got you a fish," Happy holds a fish with a red ribbon on it.

"Thought we can comfort you and stay with you for a while. Can't have a pre-celebration without you, Lu," Gray said.

"Yea, wouldn't be the same without you," Said Natsu.

"Don't forget about Spike, you guys," Said Wendy.

"Wouldn't dream of it," Said Erza.

"He's the catalyst of our family," Said Happy.

"Family," Spike smiles after hearing that.

"Like Master once said, we may be guildmates but, we are also family. Family sticks together," Said Erza.

"I'll heal you," Wendy uses her Sky Magic to heal Lucy's cold. After a few moments, Lucy feels a bit better.

"Thanks, Wendy," Lucy's voice sounds better than before.

"You're welcome," Wendy smiles.

The rest of the day goes accordingly. Everyone eating, drinking and having a good time. Lucy's health is getting better as her cold goes away. Instead of heading home, the gang decides to sleep over with Spike and Lucy. Wendy nervously asks if it is okay if she and Carla sleep with Spike on his bed. Spike reluctantly agrees, and he goes to the far end of the bed to sleep. Spike held in his blush as one of his fantasies came true; he just wished that Carla wasn't involved. Natsu and Happy slept on the floor, Erza and Gray slept on the couch and chair.

The next day, everyone wakes up. Lucy feels better than ever, thanks to Wendy's healing. Everyone starts preparing to head on over to the Rainbow Cherry Blossom Party.

"Thank you, Spike. If it weren't for you, I would still be sick with a cold and missed the party," Said Lucy as she walks with her friends to the party.

"You're welcome, Lucy. Happy to aide a friend in need," Spike smiles as they see the Rainbow Cherry Tree.

"Wooow," Lucy, Wendy, Carla, and Spike say in unison. "So pretty."

"Wait till the nighttime comes. You'll see the rainbow effects of the tree," Erza said.

"Wow, even Gajeel's here," Natsu said. He's surprised to see him here.

"I guess he'll be feeling lonely in the guildhall all by himself," Said Lucy.

They walk to an open rug and claim it for themselves. They are next to team Shadow Gear. Juvia sees Gray and immediately decides to sit with him along with the others.

"Hey, Juvia. Guess you'll be sitting with us?" Spike asks.

"Yes, also. I want to sit with Gray and enjoy the celebration."

"Flowers are manly!" Elfman shouts loudly.

"Sure thing, big guy," Said Levy.

Spike sees Gajeel sitting alone. He excuses himself to chat with him. Gajeel is eating iron when he sees Spike walking up to him.

"Hey, Fairy Dragon. What's up?"

"Nothing much. Just checking on you since you're alone."

"Psst, I'm fine," Gajeel chows on another piece of iron.

"Well, you don't have to sit alone. You can join us by our rug," Spike suggests.

"I'm good, Fairy Dragon. Thank's though," Gajeel pats Spike's head.

"Well, then I'm sitting with you then," Spike joins Gajeel.

"Look, you don't have to."

"But, I want to. We're starting to have that brother relationship. You got my back, and I have yours."

"Thanks, Fairy Dragon," Gajeel chuckles a bit. "Man, I can't believe those bozos you called a Pony Princess treated you with no respect and fellowship. You're a straight-up guy. I respect that."

"Thanks. I still can't believe that my wish allowed me to make all sorts of new friends and being part of a family, a real family that cherishes everyone's livelihood."

"Do you miss that other world?" Gajeel asks, curious to know how Spike feels.

"Not really. The only good thing that came out was saving the Crystal Empire and Crystal Ponies, dubbing me as their hero. They made a statue out of me with the Crystal Heart. I did have some good friends that I left behind. I do miss Thorax and Ember but, they're busy with their kingdoms and their subjects. As for me, being in isolation is one of the worst experiences."

"I nearly put myself in isolation because of the wrong I've done," Gajeel admit.

"What you do?" Spike asks.

Gajeel reveals he used to be in a dark guild known as Phantom Lord. He destroyed the first Guildhall of Fairy Tail. Then attacked and crucified Team Shadow Gear with his irons. Gajeel slaps himself for doing that which made Spike realize how changed he becomes. Gajeel mentioned that he started the war that led to Phantom Lord's downfall. His guild was tasked to bring Lucy Heartfilia back to her father. That was more than enough motivation to kill Fairy Tail. He lost to Natsu in a fight thanks to Lucy's horsey.


"Yea. He shot an arrow and created some fire for Natsu to eat. Never underestimate him and his potential power."

"So, how did you end up being a Fairy Tail Wizard?"

"After the war and Phantom Lord Jose was arrested and relieved of his position as the Ten Wizard Saint, Phantom Lord disbanded. I was in the remains of the guildhall eating the iron, not having any ideas what to do next. That's when Makarov showed up. He was mad at me for what I've done but, he had the heart to see the better in me. He offered me a chance to become anew. To be a Fairy Tail Wizard. What changed me that day on, I've decided to live in solitude when he said that; he'll never forgive himself if he allowed someone to go astray in isolation. He forgave me. So, I accepted his offer in becoming a Fairy Tail Wizard. I have to say, it's been an awesome ride for the most part."

"What makes it so awesome, then?" Spike smirks.

"Well, I had to earn everyone's forgiveness so, I let them release their anger on me, and I took a lot of beatings. In the end, though, they accepted me and my mistakes. Especially Levy. She's cool. As for the other part that makes it awesome, I would have to say, meeting you. Training and fighting alongside you, Spike. My dragon left me seven years ago. Same can be said for Salamander and Wendy. You're a good kid. After hearing your story by the others, all I wanted to do is beat down those ponies and be your.., friend."

"Well, we're brothers now," Spike raises his claw to do a fist bump.

"Yea," Gajeel fist bump. "We're brothers."

Mirajane starts passing out the bingo cards as it's time to play bingo. When she comes up to give Spike and Gajeel, she notices that Spike doesn't have any food.

"You hungry, Spike?" Mirajane gives Spike and Gajeel their bingo cards.

"I'll eat after bingo."

"Okay, then," Mirajane smiles and continues to give bingo cards to everyone.

"I wonder what are the bingo prizes this year?" Gajeel wonders.

"I know what one of them will be. As for the others, they are unknown to me," Said Spike.

Mirajane now stands next to Master Makarov. "Everyone have a card now? Let the Annual Flower Viewing Bingo Tournament begin!"

"Bingo!" Everyone cheers except for Gajeel.

Makarov laughs with the excitement he hears from his children (Fairy Tail Wizards). "We got some great prizes for the tournament this year. I hope you're all ready to play!"

"Yeah!" Everyone except Gajeel cheers louder.

"Alright, everyone ready?" Mirajane said.

"Aye, Sir!" Everyone except Gajeel and Spike said in unison.

"Okay, you may now poke the center hole open," Mirajane commands. Everyone does so.

"The grand prize is as soon as mine," Macao decrees. His son Romeo cheers him on.

"Alright, time to get every number!" Lucy said. She's so excited to partake in her first-ever bingo with her friends.

"I'll get the numbers first," Said Natsu, eager to win.

"Not a chance," Said Gray. "I'll be taking the best prize and make sure your left with scraps."

"Silence, Makarov is about the roll the number."

"The first number is coming up!" Makarov rolls the number as 24 appears.

"Awesome," Cana pokes her number on the card. "I got one already."

"I got 24 next to the center. Just need three more," Said Spike.

"Heh, got mine at the corner," Said Gajeel.

"Darn, I don't have 24," Lucy pouts a bit.

"Welcome to my world," Said Happy.

"Same with me," Said Wendy.

The next number is 99. Everyone groans except for Erza. She needs two more numbers for her bingo. After that, the following number is 47.

"You sunk my battleship!" Spike shouts, which causes everyone to laugh.

"Alright, I give you an A on that joke, Spike," Said Makarov as he had a good laugh.

"Number 5!" Mirajane rolled the next number.

"Yea! I got that one! I'm a man!" Elfman shouts.

"Shut it before I do it for you," Said Evergreen.

"Got that one," Said Lucy, poking the number on the bottom left corner.

"I do too. I'm so close," Erza is getting excited. She needs one more number for her bingo.

"You got 5, Gajeel?" Spike asks.

"Yea. The numbers are drifting apart. I'm nowhere near close of getting bingo, you?"

"So far, I have two. 24 and 47."

"Man, this game cheats! I don't have any numbers!" Natsu complains. His body is starting to become ablaze in fire.

"Careful, hothead, you may wind up burning your bingo card and be expelled from the game," Said Gray.

"Shut up!" Natsu retorts.

"Silence!" Erza punches both Natsu and Gray in their stomachs. "Mirajane is about to call the next number."

"Number 68," Mirajane announces.

"BINGO!" Erza shouts. Almost everyone groans and complains.

"Darn it..," Natsu looks at Erza. He sees 68 and punches it.

"You got lucky, Erza," Gray punches his number.

"Oh, I'm close to getting a bingo," Said Juvia. "Just need two more numbers."

Erza runs up to Mirajane and Makarov. "I have all my training to thank," Erza said with glee. "So? Do I win a special prize?"

"Uh-huh. Here, an amazing herb rumored to temporarily increase a wizard's magic power," Mirajane gives Erza the herb that's withered.

"What?!" Erza is dumbfounded that the herb she picked yesterday happens to be her prize. "But, it's one of the plants we picked yesterday. And, it's already wilting."

"Yea, that's bound to happen when you bring it into a warmer climate," Said Makarov.

"So.., that's it..?" Erza is on her knees in defeat. The prize was all for nothing. "My precious bingo..."

"I'm sorry. Better luck next year," Said Mirajane.

"Our next number is 127!" Makarov announces.

"Yes!" Cana cheers. "Bingo!"

"Say, what? I haven't got any numbers," Macao complains.

"Today isn't your day, chump," Wakaba said.

"Not getting any bingos. The numbers aren't close," Said Gajeel.

"I just need one more, haha," Spike shows Gajeel his bingo card. It's horizontal to the center of free space in bingo.

"Well, you need is 115."

Cana walks up to Mirajane and Makarov. "What is my prize?"

"Well, I was hoping for someone else to get this prize cause it'll make you highly upset. I guess the joke is on me," Said Makarov.

"Here you go, Cana. A one-year free supply of beer in the guildhall," Mirajane hands Cana the free pass to use whenever she wants.

"Aw, yeah! This is worth any prize you have left!" Cana celebrates.

"Wow, imagine someone else getting that card," Said Lucy.

"I bet Cana would do anything to get free beer and booze," Said Happy. He imagines Cana doing all sorts of humiliating things to get a free beer.

A few numbers go by, 3, 1, 10, 18, 51, 28, 72, 104, 54, 45, and 71. No one has gotten a bingo yet. Levy is close to having a bingo. Juvia is anxious for her next number. Elfman is impatient, he punched every number he heard, and it's nowhere close to being a bingo. The numbers are scattered. Spike is waiting for 115.

"Number 115," Mirajane announces.

"Bingo!" Elfman, Levy, Juvia, and Spike shout at the same time. They gasp as they look at each other.

"All four of you?" Mirajane blinks twice.

"Well, this is a first. So, let's have a tiebreaker. The best short performance wins the grand prize," Makarov declares.

"Short performance?" Elfman, Levy, Juvia, and Spike shout in shock.

"This is what you're competing for," Mirajane holds two tickets. "Two tickets for three days, two nights at the luxury at Akane Resort."

"Wow," Levy couldn't believe the prize is that amazing.

"Two?" Jet and Droy have hearts for eyes. They imagine Levy taking one of them to go with her.

"The Akane Resort! Sounds like a perfect gift for my sister!" Elfman manly states.

Juvia can't stop blushing and thinking about the possibilities of spending those days with Gray. "Three days and two nights with Gray, it's too much to take. My thoughts are so hot I might evaporate."

"Wow, that sounds like an awesome time," Spike blushes when a certain someone is on his mind if he were to win.

Gajeel goes on stage with his music gear. He starts playing his guitar in tune. "Short performance, where there is five in the ring, and four feel the sting. Try not to cry when I take the prize, you dig it?"

"You're not competing!" Jet and Droy react when they see Gajeel playing.

"Off the stage! Last time I check you weren't near bingo!" Elfman said.

"Hey, Gajeel," Spike walks up to Gajeel.

"What's up?"

"You got a piano?"

"A piano? Nope," Gajeel grabs his gear and hops off.

"You need a piano, Spike?" Mirajane asks.

"Yes, it's for my short performance."

"Well, we do have instruments for the music part later tonight so, help yourself," Mirajane smiles.

Spike walks over to see the instruments. He grabs the piano and pushes it on the stage. Everyone wonders what Spike is doing.

"My short performance will be a melody played on the piano."

Spike's Melody

As Spike plays the piano, everyone feels all sorts of emotions. Some are sad, and some are happy. Mirajane is astonished to see and hear Spike play the piano like that. It reminds her of her younger sister, Lisanna. Elfman cries, just thinking of her sister, Lisanna. As Lucy listens to the melody, she reflects on her time in Fairy Tail. Natsu listens carefully and reflects on his time with Igneel. Gray remembers his days with Master Ur as he listens. Makarov starts remembering Laxus as how good he was years ago. Every Fairy Tail Wizard starts remembering a lot of good as they listen to Spike's melody.

"And, done," Spike finishes playing. He sees his friends in tears and cheering.

"I.., I can't compete with that," Elfman said in tears. "You win by default."

Levy agrees with a nod. "I didn't fare well with the Miss Fairy Tail contest. No way I can compete against that."

"You win, Spike. That was so beautiful," Juvia said. During Spike's melody, she imagined so much with Gray. She's unable to think for a short performance.

"Wow, Spike. You win by default. What do you call that song you played?" Mirajane said, handing Spike the two tickets.

"Fairies Flow in You," Spike answers.

"Sounds fitting since you made most of the guild cry with the song," Said Makarov. "Onward with the game!"

Spike walks and sits with Gajeel. He holds the tickets.

"Congrats on winning the prize, Spike. Who are you taking to the resort with you?"

"I have some ideas but, I'll think about it."

"Choose wisely," Said Gajeel.

"87," Mirajane announces.

"Bingo!" Lucy shouts. She runs up to Mirajane and Makarov.

"What?" Macao said. "The newbie gets a bingo while I didn't get any numbers?"

"Guess it's not your year," Wakaba laughs a little.

"I wonder what the prize is," Levy said.

"Here you go, Lucy. 500,000 Jewels in cold-hard cash," Makarov hands Lucy the money.

"Whaaaaaaaaat?!" Gray grabs the back of his hair; he was one number away from bingo. Everyone else shouted what except for Cana and Spike.

"With that, the Bingo Tournament is over," Mirajane announces.

Loud groans and cheers go around. Mirajane starts collecting the bingo cards as everyone sits down.

"Man, Lucy. You got a ton of money," Gray said.

"Well, this'll make up since I came in second place during the Miss Fairy Tail competition. Spike and I will good with rent for the next while. Along with other expenses, of course."

"I wonder who Spike will take to the Akane Resort for those three days," Natsu asks.

"Hopefully, it'll be one of us. Who knows who he chooses," Gray said, now stripped down to his underwear.

"Hey, Fairy Dragon. How long are those tickets valid for?" Gajeel asks.

"It's valid until next year. That's what it says."

"Good. You have plenty of time to think it over. Just hope that no one does any favors for you."

"Oh, I've seen what happens and how crazy it can be," Spike remembers the incident with Twilight Sparkle over the Grand Galloping Gala.

"Good, you hungry?"

On cue, Spike's stomach growls. "Yeah, I am. I'm famished."

Mirajane arrives to take Gajeel's bingo card. "Hungry Spike?" She asks.

"Yes, I am," Spike pats his belly.

"Coming up," Mirajane smiles and heads on over to the buffet table to bring Spike something to eat.

"Fairy Dragon, one of these days, we gotta play music together."

"Sure, Gajeel. I don't see why not. You were solid on the guitar earlier."

"Cool," Gajeel throws the thumbs up.

"Here you go, Spike," Mirajane returns with a plate of food.

"Thank you," Spike smiles as he takes the plate.

"Enjoy," Mirajane smiles as she watches Spike eat.

As everyone enjoys their time together, Lucy looks up at the sky as the sunsets. She remembers all the good and bad times that led to this moment. Being surrounded by friends that she calls family, having an incredible friend that lives with her, having that brother-sister type feel. Then she decides to stick her index finger high towards the sky with the thumb out. Everyone else decides to do the same, even Gajeel. Spike does it while eating a steak.

As everyone lowers their hand, the blossoms of the cherry tree change color, from pink into a rainbow. Everyone ooohs and ahhs the tree changing color except for Gajeel.

"I'll admit, that's cool," Gajeel munches on a piece of iron.

"That is the most beautiful rainbow I ever laid eyes on," Said Spike.

"Wooow, that's so beautiful," Wendy couldn't help but feast her eyes on the tree.

"I will say, the tree is fascinating to look at," Said Carla, drinking her tea.

"So, this is what it looks like to gaze at the cherry blossom tree at nighttime. So cool," Said Lucy.

"No joke, probably the best part of the party," Said Gray.

"Agree," Erza nods.

Mirajane walks up to Spike. "Hey, Spike. Mind playing that song you played earlier. It'll set the tone of the tree."

"Sure, why not," Spike finishes eating and goes back to the piano. Everyone sees and enjoys Spike playing the melody while watching the rainbow petals fall from the tree.

"Good call for having Spike play that melody again, Mirajane," Said Makarov.

"Well, he did play well. As well as bingo, of course," Mirajane chuckles a little.

"Glad to see many new faces this year. From Lucy to Gajeel and Juvia, to Spike to Wendy and Carla. They've been pivotal for Fairy Tail."

"No kidding. Spike has been amazing for Fairy Tail in his short time here. Think he'll be ready for S-Class Trials in a few months, Master?"

"At the rate, he's going. I don't see why not. However, we'll have to see who else gets to participate."

"Very well, Master. Glad to know that Spike will be the first entry in the S-Class Trials."

Spike finishes playing his melody as everyone claps. He yawns a little and sits back with Gajeel. He hears some whistles from his friends for playing fantastic on the piano.

"See you next time, Gajeel. I'm heading home."

"Later, Fairy Dragon," Gajeel and Spike do a fist bump.

Spike walks up to Lucy and the others. "Hey, I'm heading home. I'm starting to feel a little sleepy."

"I'm coming with you, Spike," Lucy gets up. "See you all tomorrow," Lucy waves to everyone.

"Take care and stay safe," Wendy said as she waves.

"You too," Spike replies.

As everyone continues to enjoy each other's company, Spike and Lucy are on their way back home. Lucy walks on the edge of the street. Spike is wondering about choosing Wendy or someone else to accompany him to the resort. Half an hour later, the two arrive at the apartment. They head upstairs and lie on their beds.

"Aaaaaaah," Spike and Lucy say in comfort.

"What a day," Said Spike. He puts the tickets away.

"No fooling. I know I thanked you earlier, but I have to say it, again; thank you, Spike."

"You're welcome, Lucy. I'm happy to help you when I can yesterday. I told myself that if you weren't going to make it, I was going to stay and help you."

Eyes widen for Lucy. She didn't expect Spike to say that and be that devoted as a friend. She's speechless for the moment.

"Wow. I was going to say that if I wasn't feeling good, I would want you to go and have fun," Lucy said.

Spike does a doubletake. He's not used to hearing that. He is now speechless.

"Wow," Spike blinks a few times. "I wasn't expecting that kind of outcome from you, Lucy. I guess you can say that I'm still trying to get used to this way of living with real friends."

"It's okay, Spike."

"Thank you, Lucy. For everything you have done for me," Spike smiles graciously.

"You're welcome, Spike," Lucy puts the 500,000 jewels away.

Spike gets under the blankets. "Night, Lucy."

"Night, Spike. See you tomorrow."

Spike drifts to sleep.

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