• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Day 1 in Edolas: Discovery

Spike and Gajeel are now entering Edolas. They see many floating mountains, a green sky, a river that defies gravitational logic, multi-color agricultures, and different unknown species flying around.

"Woooow," Spike and Gajeel said in unison. They are surprised to see Edolas more different than they thought.

Gravity kicks in as the two start falling. Spike and Gajeel sees a building out in the forest region and winds up crash landing. Spike lands on Gajeel.

"Ow," Spike gets up. "You alright, Gajeel?"

"I'm fine," Gajeel gets up. He sniffs. "Man, this world has all sorts of new smells. As for people, it appears this place has been abandoned for a few years."

"Interesting," Spike sees a book and reads it a little.

Gajeel looks around and finds two cloaks. A big one and a small one. He finds a safe and forces the door open. Inside the safe, there is money. Gajeel takes it and starts counting.

"Gajeel," Spike looks up at Gajeel.

"Yea?" Gajeel looks and tosses Spike a small cloak as he puts on his.

"In Edolas, there is one Dragon, but it's sealed. It's known as Dorma Anim."

"Sealed? That means that other dragons we knew doesn't exist in this world. We need to be cautious around these parks."

Spike puts on his cloak. "Is there a mask?"

"Keep the hood up. It'll conceal your face better. If anyone asks about your head, tell em it's a mohawk."

"Point taken," Spike puts his hood on. The hoodie does conceal his face better.

"There, now you look like a young kid. As for your tail, it's a medical condition."

"I can curl it," Spike curls his tail. "I have to remind myself about it."

"Alright. The safe had 75,000 Jewels, so we'll be fine for a while. Let's start searching for our friends."

Gajeel and Spike leave the abandoned building. As they walk, the region of the area changes from a forest into a desert. The two walk for an hour until they reached civilization. The town is called Louen.

"Hey, there's a town nearby," Spike points at it.

"Maybe Salamander and that kid are there. Let's scope the area."

Gajeel and Spike head into town. They look around as the people are different. They wonder where they are supposed to go from there.

"Let's start asking around. I pretty sure there has to be someone with vital information," Spike suggests.

"Alright but, I'll do the talking."

"Of course, lead the way."

Gajeel and Spike walk down the street together as they start searching for the right kind of people. Left and right, people around Gajeel start walking away. A couple of thugs appear in front of Gajeel and Spike. Gajeel and Spike smirk, knowing they found people who'll be persuasive to talk.

"You looking to start something with us, punk?" One of the thugs asks.

"Step off, you lousy horsefly," Another thug said.

"You got a lot to learn about insults, pal," Gajeel menacingly said.

"Ah, cut the crap. We ain't got time for a lecture."

"You don't like horsefly? You're a house maggot."

The thugs burst into laughter. Gajeel headbutts the thug in front of him. The thug is knocked out as his companions horribly freak out.

"That's it. You want a piece of me?" The thugs say in unison and about to punch Gajeel. When their fists connect on Gajeel's head, their hands broke on impact.

"Too easy," Gajeel punches one of them in the gut, the other in the face, and grabs one of them to interrogate. "Listen. A giant lacrima should have popped up somewhere around here recently, and you're going to tell me where to find it. So, start talking!"

"I don't know where it is," The thug pleas, not knowing where it is.

"Is that so, then let me jog your memory."

The thug quivers in fear as his goons get up. "Please don't hit me! We really don't know, I swear!" The thug begs. "Right, guys?" The thugs agree.

Gajeel lets go of him. "Fine, I'll ask someone else. You're off the hook so go get lost."

"What's with you, Gajeel? How in the heck you get so strong?"

"Huh?" Gajeel is confused.

"Huh?" Spike is confused. Then, it hits him. He pulls Gajeel's cloak.

"Wait a second," Gajeel lowers down so Spike can whisper in his ear.

"I think the person we should be looking for is the you in this world. Perhaps he has information that can help us."

Gajeel nods and turns to the thugs. "Tell me, what does the Gajeel here do for a living?"

"Huh?" The thugs respond, confused that this person sounds like him but isn't him.

"I'm not him. We just look alike, okay."

"You joking? You look exactly like the guy."

"Just answer the question. Tell me what he does or eat a knuckle sandwich," Gajeel cracks his knuckles.

"He's one of those freelance journalists. He has a reputation for being way too nosy."

"A journalist?" Gajeel said.

"Perfect, he's our guy to talk to." Spike thought.

"Yea, that guy has written a bunch of magazines and newspaper articles on ragging on the King."

"No one in town can stand him for the smack he talks about the King."

"That explains why no one would talk to me around these parks. All because I look like him. Gajeel, a freelance journalist. Better get the scoop on him. Let's go, son."

Gajeel and Spike start walking away from the thugs. Now the thugs made an error. No way Gajeel The Journalist would have a kid. As the two walk a few blocks down, they start talking.

"I should have known better. Mystogan is from this world, and him being a copy, there has to be a copy of Fairy Tail as well."

"I agree with you, Fairy Dragon. However, the Gajeel in this world doesn't work for Fairy Tail so, there may be other members of the guild that doesn't work for this world's Fairy Tail."

"Another thing, and I could be completely off. I want to say that Edolas' Fairy Tail could be a dark guild."

"It's possible. We will have to see. First, let's find the journalist."

After two hours of searching, Gajeel and Spike enter a bar. They overheard someone mentioning extracting a lacrima in two days. The two sit down by the stools to hear the conversation some more. After a moment, Gajeel and Spike decide to talk to the group about the lacrima.

"Interesting conversation," Gajeel and apparently Gajeel the Journalist say in unison. "You three might telling me in greater detail."

The two Gajeels look at each other. Spike couldn't believe how quickly they found him after searching the streets.

"Seems you and I are interested in the same story. So, gentlemen, mind telling us the scoop about the lacrima extraction?" Edolas Gajeel said.

"Uh, sure. No skin off my bones when the Royal Army go after you, Gajeel."

"There's a big lacrima sitting at the Royal City where people can see like a monument. In two days' time, the King will channel the magic from the lacrima and fill us with what we need. It's as big as a small building in the Royal City."

"Okay, that'll be all. Have a nice day, gentlemen," Edolas Gajeel leaves them alone. Gajeel and Spike follow him. Edolas Gajeel, Gajeel, and Spike sit down at an empty table in the bar. "So to summarize, you and this Tyke," Edolas Gajeel said. He wears a dark blue suit with a red tie and a matching hat. He also wears a pair of glasses. Unlike his counterpart, he does not possess any piercings except for his ears.

"Yep, that's my name. Tyke Draqon," Spike said, faking his identity for the time being.

"Were sent to this world by Mystogan with a simple explanation?" Edolas Gajeel said.

"Yea," Gajeel nods. "We're on a mission to recover what was taken from us."

"Fascinating, and Tyke is your," Spike interrupts Edolas Gajeel.

"Younger brother. Though, he treats me as his son."

"Interesting," Edolas Gajeel jots the info in his book.

"Getting used to this place ain't no picnic, I'll tell you that much," Gajeel said, taking a drink.

"This has to be the most bizarre story of my career," Edolas Gajeel put his book down and sits on the vacant chair.

"Well, duh. How often you meet yourself in a bar?"

"I have to say your simple perception is certainly refreshing," Edolas Gajeel grabs his cup.

"Hey, want a cookie?" Spike offers one of his freshly baked homemade triple-decker nut-crazy vanilla cream cookies.

"Sure. It's been a while since I had one," Edolas Gajeel takes one and bites it. He becomes awestruck with the flavor as he never tasted anything that delicious in a long time. "Oh my, this is delicious. May I have another?"

"Sure," Spike gives Edolas Gajeel a few more.

"Let me try one, Sp-Tyke," Gajeel nearly blows Spike's identity. Spike gives one to Gajeel, and he eats it. "Wooow! This is crazy good," Gajeel takes a few more to munch on.

"So, what made you a journalist anyway?" Spike asks Edolas Gajeel.

"Investigating and reporting is my life's true calling, seeking out the truth and enlightening the masses," Edolas Gajeel answers.

"Truth isn't an easy pill," Gajeel said. "Bet you got some haters. In fact, there are a few losers that are much in dirt cause they thought I was you."

"Well, I thank you for taking care of such annoyances for me. I apologize for the inconvenience. Truth be known, I've become a thorn in the side of many powerful organizations. My articles have caused numerous problems for the King and the government over the years. As long as I can put pen to pad, I can write the truth."

"You know, when I heard about this place, I thought it be completely different from my our world," Gajeel refers to Spike. "But, you and me are almost exactly alike."

"You and I are exactly alike." Edolas Gajeel said.

The two Gajeels put an arm on each other. Spike follows them as the two continue to talk and compliment each other, saying if they would do the opposite if they felt that way.

"Hey, sorry to intrude on the brotherhood your having but, we have some loose allies running around. They may be running amuck around these parks. Think you can help?"

"Yes, I'll let the two of you know the moment they strike. I got contacts everywhere. The King can't scratch his nose without me knowing about it so, keeping tabs on them will be easy."

"We're counting on you. We'll lie low until you give us the word," Gajeel said.

"Well, till then," Edolas Gajeel said.

"Don't keep us waiting. Let's go, Tyke."


Spike and Gajeel depart as Edolas Gajeel go the other way. The two find a hotel nearby. They paid 15,000 Jewels for the night.

"Alright, Fairy Dragon. Seven hours of rest, then back to searching for our friends and the rest of the guild."

"Gotcha," Spike gets on the bed, still wearing the cloak. He places his backpack on the floor.

Gajeel sees an alarm clock and sets it to wake them in seven hours. He gets on a different bed.

"Hey, Gajeel. Want some iron?"

"Sure," Gajeel smiles. Spike's claws glow as he claps. He stretches the aura creating a metallic flame sword. He tosses it to Gajeel. "Thanks, Fairy Dragon."

"No, sweat," Spike uncurls his tail. "Much better."

Gajeel takes a bite out of the metallic flame sword. He looks at Spike, who seems to be worried. "Something on your mind, Fairy Dragon?"

"It's just," Spike sadly sighs. "Everyone in Fairy Tail turned into a lacrima. Lucy, Wendy, Natsu, Happy, and Carla could be in a tight spot while Lucy being the only powerhouse."

"Lucy is a strong Fairy Tail Wizard in her own right. I'm sure she can handle the soldiers. Plus, Salamander can still throw punches when he's unable to use his magic. You should know better than to doubt a Fairy Tail Wizard."

Spike chuckles. "You're right. However, what if they are not together. Can the Gajeel we met be working for us or be a spy for the King."

"Huh," Gajeel does a doubletake. "Never thought the me here can be an undercover agent. So far, he seems genuine. If he backstabs us, rest to sure he'll answer to me."

"Agreed," Spike nods. Then, he sees a map of hotels across the room. He gets up and grabs it.

"What you got there, Spike?" Gajeel takes another bite of the metallic flame sword.

"A map. Perhaps we can find a shortcut to the Royal City where the lacrima will be extracted from."

Gajeel gets up and looks at the map with Spike. They found an alternate route where people can fly on a carrier to the Royal City. As much as Gajeel hates vehicles, he'll be sucking up on the carrier ride.

"Okay, there must be a schedule for those carrier departures," Gajeel opens the first draw and finds it. "Well, that didn't take long," He reads the schedule. "Alright, in eight hours from now, there'll be an express carrier. That's the one we'll be taking. It's a boom shot straight to the Royal City."

"Alright, let's get some rest. In a few hours, we'll be in the Royal City. Hopefully, our friends are there as well, plotting to free them as we speak."

"Agreed," Gajeel nods.

Spike and Gajeel get in their beds and fall asleep.

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