• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Grand Magic Games: Day 1, Battles

"Oh, Spike. I'm so happy to see you again. How did you survive the Acnologia attack?"

"I was never attacked by Acnologia, to begin with; Master Makarov made that up."

"What?!" Wendy is livid that Makarov scared her with a compelling story. "Then what happened?"

Spike rubs her head. "Makarov wanted Gajeel, me, Laxus, and Mirajane by the guildhall with utmost importance. You remember Erza's Jellal, right?"

"Yea. He helped me get stronger."

"He's imposing as Mystogan to get closer with dark magic that influences the presence of Zeref. Also, Master Makarov made things spicy for the two teams to compete."

"What do you mean by that, Spike?"

"While you'll be returning to Fairy Tail Team A, I reside with Fairy Tail Team B. Master Makarov said that the team with the most points and secures Fairy Tail as the number one rank guild gets to boss the losing team for an entire day. Laxus is going after Natsu, Gajeel is going after Lucy, Mirajane is going after Erza. Even though Jellal is a member of Fairy Tail Team B, we have two substitutes. Juvia and Cana. Cana doesn't care but, Juvia wants Gray. That leaves me with you."

"Oh my," Wendy blushes. "So, if Fairy Tail Team A wins, that means I'm in control of you for one day?"

"Rightfully so," Spike answers.

"What do you have in mind with me for one day?" Wendy asks out of curiosity.

"I have a whole lot in mind. However, What I want is to make you laugh, then take you out on a date."

"What do you mean by making me laugh?" Wendy has some notion of what Spike meant.

"You'll find out if Fairy Tail Team B is successful," Spike chuckles.

"Well, if Fairy Tail Team A wins, all I want is you in my arms and to make you laugh as well," Wendy smiles. "Then make you sleep over in my room."

"Sounds good to me," Spike smiles. "Hey, Fairy Rage. Can you hear anything that's happening above?"

"Lucy is fighting a member of Raven Tail. Flare Corona. Sounds pretty epic too. I can hear a lot of bashing, thrashing, and explosions."

"Spike, you can go up and watch. I won't mind," Wendy said.

"No way. I'm not leaving my girlfriend behind," Spike kisses Wendy's cheek. "I'm staying here with you. So nothing bad happens to you."

"Never thought I see a Dragon dating a Dragon Slayer," Porlyusica said.

"We confessed our love for each other at Tenrou Island," Spike said.

"You do know that you may outlive Wendy, right?" Porlyusica asks.

"Funny thing you mentioned that. You see, during the last month of training, we went to the Magic Library and found a linking spell."

"What?" Porlyusica and Wendy say in shock.

"Dude, that was the surprise for the wedding years later," Spike said to Fairy Rage.

"My apologies."

"Please, explain. I would like to know," Wendy says.

Spike sighs. "Explain to them, Fairy Rage."

"Of course. The linking spell we found is tethering to the age of someone you love. Spike knows he'll outlive everyone. However, if you, Wendy, want to leave this world the same day as Spike, it can happen with the spell. However, some risks come with it. He goes too soon, and so do you. As you know, Spike is very durable. It'll be hard for him to die."

"So, if I say yes?" Wendy asks.

"You'll be tethered to Spike until his book closes. During the later years, you can choose what form you want to be in; for example, Spike could be 100 years in dragon age but still looks young. You can choose your body age and remain in it until you say. To break the tethering, the love for each other has to disperse or Spike willing uplifts the spell."

Wendy is in shock. She couldn't help but smile. To be with Spike for many years is a dream come true. She wants to wait until the wedding for the tethering link spell.

"Spike," Wendy grabs his claw.

"Yes?" Spike looks at Wendy.

"I know we're years away from our soon-to-be wedding date but, I would love to be tethered to you with the spell. To spend every waking moment with you will make me the happiest girl in the world. I want to follow you until the end of time," Wendy smiles.

Spike sighs happily, knowing that Wendy truly wants to be with him. Spike and Wendy kiss each other to remember this day going forward as a happy, loving couple. Porlyusica smiles at the devotion the two have for each other.

"Spike," Wendy yawns. "I'm going to sleep. I still need rest."

"Okay. I'm going back to see if I get called for the next match," Spike shoots a flare marking on Wendy. Wendy knows what it is and smiles. Spike kisses her cheek. "I'll come back for you soon."

"See you then," Wendy smiles and falls asleep.

"A tethering spell for love, what else have you learned?" Porlyusica asks.

"A lot more to count. I took the last month with my friends studying different spells that are useful. Thank you for caring for Wendy and Carla."

"You're welcome. Best of luck to you," Porlyusica opens the door for Spike.

"Thanks," Spike teleports to Gajeel. "Hey, guys. What did I miss?"

Gajeel, Jellal, Laxus, and Mirajane glare at Raven Tail. They are pissed off that Raven Tail interfered in the matchup. Chapati asks Yajima for any comments and becomes scared by his menacing glare. Jenny is afraid to speak after seeing his stare.

Lucy used Urano Metria, a powerful spell known as the Ultimate Magic of the Stars. Flare Corona had no counter-measure against an attack, but with the help of Obra from Raven Tail, he used a spell that'll backfire on Lucy, causing her to be drained and fall in defeat. Raven Tail scores 10 points and immediately takes first place on Day 1's ranking.

"And with that, ladies and gentlemen, Flare Corona wins the first battle and scores 10 points for Raven Tail. That puts Raven Tail in the lead with 18 points in Day 1," Chapati announces.

"How?" Spike is confused.

"Raven Tail," Mirajane said.

"Someone within Raven Tail nullified Lucy's Urano Metria spell to backfire on her," Jellal said. "I'm not exactly sure who did it."

"Whoever is responsible, I'll make them pay myself," Spike said. "I'll show those punks never to mess with my Wendy." Spike angrily says. "And, cheating never propers."

Lucy breaks down in tears in defeat. Natsu walks up to her to cheer her up. Natsu says that Fairy Tail will rise to the top. Raven Tail has made a mistake by becoming an enemy of Fairy Tail. It's time to make an epic comeback now that Natsu sees Lucy fighting her heart out. They have a chance to reclaim themselves as the Number 1 rank guild from here and out. Natsu helps Lucy up and brings her to her team. Lucy says she needs time alone and needs a shower.

The next battle of the Grand Magic Games is Ren of Blue Pegasus versus AraΓ±a Webb of Mermaid Heel. The battle goes swiftly as Ren dominates the battle. Blue Pegasus scores 10 points. Blue Pegasus is in 2nd place on Day 1 of the Grand Magic Games with a total of 11 points for now. Mermaid Heel stays in 4th place for now.

The following battle is Orga Nanagear of Sabertooth taking on Warcry of Quatro Cerberus. Orga Nanagear one-shots Warcry with a single blow taking him out. The crowd and most members of their teams are in shock to see such power.

"Hey, Laxus. You may have found your next match," Spike said.

"A Lightning Wizard, huh?" Laxus looks at him. Orga turns to look at Laxus. "Yea, I can beat him. If I can go toe-to-toe with you, even with our training, this guy should be no problem," Laxus said confidently.

With Sabertooth's victory, they end the day with 13 points and take 2nd place. Blue Pegasus moves to 3rd place. Fairy Tail Team B moves to 4th place. Quatro Cerberus remains in 7th place.

The final battle will be Lamia Scale's Jura Neekis versus Fairy Tail Team B's Mystogan. Jura walks into the battlefield.

"They picked Jellal?" Erza is nervous about the situation and Jellal's identity possibly being exposed.

"Darn, I was looking forward to battling with Fairy Dragon," Jura said.

The crowd starts booing the hell out of Mystogan. Fairy Tail Team B is beside him by the tunnels.

"You got this, Mystogan," Mirajane said.

"Tough luck," Laxus said.

"This guy ain't that tough, is he?" Gajeel asks.

"I don't think not even Erza and I could beat him in a two-on-one battle," Mirajane said.

"Lucky. I wanted to fight Jura," Spike said.

"Don't worry, you can count on me," Jellal said, leaving the tunnels and entering the battlefield. He is now facing to face with Jura.

The crowd starts chanting: "Fairy Dragon!" and claps in the process. The chants get louder as the people want to see Spike the Fairy.

"Wow, Mr.Yajima. Did you expect Spike the Fairy to get this much attention from the crowd?"

"It's not every day you get to see a young dragon in an arena. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to behold, Chapati. The people don't want Mystogan in this fight. They want to see Fairy Dragon. Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing what else Spike the Fairy is capable of," Yajima said.

"Who about you, Jenny? How do you feel about the chanting?" Chapati asks.

"I think it's wonderful that the people have chosen their fan favorite. They did boo Fairy Tail but wanting to see a real dragon fight one time would be amazing to witness; however, the game organizers didn't choose him today. So, we see what we get. Either way, this should be an exhilarating matchup."

The Pumpkin Head grabs a microphone. "You people want to see Jura versus Mystogan?" The Pumpkin Head hears the loudest no roar from the crowd he has ever heard. "You people want to see Jura versus Fairy Dragon?" The Pumpkin Head puts more emphasis on the question. He hears the loudest cheer of his life. "Then it's settled. Mystogan, you won't be competing in this match. Fairy Tail Team B, bring out Spike the Fairy!" The crowd cheers loudly.

Erza sighs in relief, knowing that Jellal is safe from possible exposure. Spike's jaw drops as he heard his wish coming true.

"Looks like you got your wish, Fairy Dragon. Now win another battle for Fairy Tail!" Laxus said.

"Hey, best of luck, Fairy Dragon," Gajeel said.

"I'm not sure if Spike can defeat Jura in this battle. We could be experiencing a tie," Mirajane said.

Spike and Jellal meet each other. "Best of luck to you, Spike. Do not underestimate Jura's power," Jellal said, warning Spike of how powerful Jura is as a Wizard Saint.

"I won't. If anything, it can end in a draw," Spike enters the battlefield. The crowd cheers loudly for him. Jura cracks a smile. He gets his wish after all.

"Nice to see you again, Fairy Dragon. I have to say. You improved so much since we first met," Jura smiles.

"Likewise, my friend. Funny thing, I kinda wished that I was fighting you when Mystogan was called."

Jura chuckles. "How interesting. When I was called, I was hoping to battle against you. Our wishes have come true, and now, it's time to fight."

"Don't hold back cause I will not forgive you in this battle," Spike starts powering up.

"I won't forgive you either if you hold back. Especially that Fairy Rage of yours. I want you to give me everything you got!" Jura commands. He starts powering up.

"Whoa, folks! Things are intensifying already, and the two continue to build up magic power!" Chapati says. The winds blow while the two continue to power up. "Mr.Yajima, any comments?"

"This is what the people wanted; let's see if the people regret the decision or not."

"The magic power coming from the two is insane!" Jenny said. "This could be one for the ages to come!"

"This is going to be a manly matchup!" Elfman shouts.

"How strong is Spike?! This is crazy powerful!" Natsu shouts.

"Spike must have devoted his time with his training during his three-month span. While we only trained for a few days, Spike could be Fairy Tail's newest strongest wizard we ever have. And, he still has many years left before he's fully grown," Erza said.

"If he defeats Jura. Remember, Jura could be or is as strong as Master Makarov," Elfman said.

"Also, you guys have forgotten the time he gave Gildarts a run for his money before Gildarts entered his PTSD," Natsu reminds his friends.

"Mavis, you think Spike will win the fight?" Makarov asks the First Master of Fairy Tail.

"It's kinda hard to say. I haven't seen everything that Spike the Fairy can dish out. I do sense a ton of magic energy in him. It is possible that he's on par with you, Master Makarov. Then again, I could be wrong about him. I need to see thoroughly before making any assumptions."

"Sting!" Lector calls him. "You think the dragon can take down Jura?"

Sting is stunned by the magic power emitting from Spike the Fairy; he watches Spike continue to power up. Rogue watches thoroughly. He couldn't believe how much power Spike is generating.

"Hmm, it appears that Spike the Fairy may have been holding back during the game of Hidden," Rufus said.

"I could beat him," Orga claims.

"My word, this is electrifying and terrifying at the same time," Ichiya said.

"I'm glad he's partaking in the fight today. That should mean he won't be allowed to participate in the next upcoming contests of day 2 and 3," Hibiki said.

"I guess we're lucky that Blue Pegasus may have better odds of winning the next two days," Eve said.

"Despite the power that dragon is conjuring, I'm sure Kagura can find a way to defeat him," Beth Vanderwood said.

"In all honesty, I don't think I have any counter against Fairy Dragon. He could be the biggest threat Mermaid Heel has ever come across," Kagura said, which is shocking to her teammates.

"Spike wants!" Spike increases his size into the size of Laxus; the spikes on his body become sharper. He's ripped and brolic. Jura gets excited.

"What the!?" Sting didn't think Spike could increase his size.

"Hmm, it'll be fun taking him down. Right, Sting?" Rogue turns to Sting.

"Yea," Sting nods. "What else can this dragon do?"

"Jura definitely has one tough opponent," Lyon said.

"Lyon? You think Jura can win?" Sherria asks.

"No doubt about it. Spike is formidable. However, Jura is a Wizard Saint. Jura has the upper advantage if you ask me," Lyon smiles.

"So, that's what he looks like when he increases his size," Ichiya said.

"Freaking scary if you ask me," Hibiki said.

"Now I'm glad he didn't do that in Hidden," Eve sighs in relief.

"That dragon is full of surprises," Risley Law says. "Where did Fairy Tail find that dragon?"

"I hope he fights in this battle one time and none afterward," AraΓ±a said.

Kagura doesn't say a word. She's observing Spike's magic powers.

"Not WILD! Not WILD!" All of Quatro Cerbeus say in unison. They are afraid of Spike entirely.

"The dragon, we need to find a way to lure him to Raven Tail. He's the perfect Demon Dragon for Raven Tail," The leader of Raven Tail says.

"That's a tall order. Perhaps Obra has a spell that can help," Nalpudding says.

"So, is that the largest you can grow, Fairy Dragon?" Jura continues to power up.

"Nope. I've grown into a full-size dragon a few times. However, that size won't be necessary. I don't want to scare the people any further."

"Understandable," Jura said.

"May the best warrior win," Spike offers his claw.

"Agreed," Jura shakes Spike's claw.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen, time to start the match!" Chapati announces while someone bangs the gong.

Jura smirks and moves his arm. Rock walls rise from the ground and around Spike. Spike jumps up and dodges each rock wall coming at him.

"Ready, Fairy Rage?" Spike gets an idea.

"Time to show what you learned during the past three months!"

"Take this!" Jura unleashes two iron rock fists at Spike.

Spike takes the hit and gets hurl back hard. He uses his fire breath to teleport. Instead of crashing into the wall, Spike is in the air hurling down at immense speed.

"Hey, where did he go?" Chapati wonders why Spike teleported.

"Oh my," Yajima said, looking up.

"Inferno Freezing Fist!" Spike lands a punch on Jura. However, Jura uses his iron rock wall to intercede the attack. Half of the arena feels hot; the other half feels cold.

"Whoa! It's freezing over here!" Chapati commentates.

"You kidding me? It's too hot," Jenny fans herself a bit.

"It appears Spike the Fairy can combine elements into a singularity attack," Yajima says. "That is impressive."

"Damn it," Spike flies back.

Jura unleashes another set of iron rock fists at Spike. Spike grabs both fists with his claws. Spike smirks.

"What's so funny?" Jura asks.

Spike roars and pulls out two flaming iron rock swords from Jura's attack. The two iron rock fists collapse after Spike pulls out the twin swords.

"Holy shit!" Lyon said in shock.

"Language," Lamia Scale's Guild Master Ooba Babasaama uses her magic to spin Lyon around, making him feel dizzy.

"Cut it out, you old hag," Lyon said.

Sting's jaw drops in shock. "What am I seeing?"

"Okay, I guess we shouldn't made fun of him earlier today with our remarks of slaying him," Rogue said.

Kagura is surprised to see Spike wielding two swords. Erza is amazed to see Spike creating two swords. She remembers Spike having the power to generate one. Natsu couldn't believe it. Elfman is in shock. Everyone in Fairy Tail is amazed to see what Spike is capable of doing now.

"So, that's why," Jura sees Spike wielding iron rock flame swords.

Spike swoops down and slashes at Jura. Jura creates an iron rock wall to block the attack. The iron rock wall melts on contact. Jura jumps back and uses an iron rock fist to attack Spike from behind.


Spike jumps, and the iron rock fist missed him. Spike rides on the iron rock fist. "Fairy Possession," Spike possesses the iron rock fist. It is now Sparkling Orange.

"What are you doing?" Jura asks. He dodges the possessive iron rock fist.

"Gathering pieces," Spike answers. "Fairy Possession, Rage Golem!" Fairy Rage gets into the iron rock fist and uses the iron rock walls around him to create a body. An iron rock golem that looks like Spike the Fairy emerges.

"Unbelievable, ladies and gentlemen! Spike the Fairy has possessed Jura's Iron Rock Fists, used the iron rock walls around him to create an iron rock dragon golem!" Chapati gets excited.

"That's what he learned?!" Erza is in shock. Everyone else competing in the Grand Magic Games is stunned beyond belief. Fairy Tail Team B couldn't help but laugh a little, seeing and hearing the reactions from the other competitors. The crowd is stunned and continues to cheer on.

"Fairy Rage Rock Golem is ready for battle." Fairy Rage increases his power.

"Enough playing around!" Jura gets serious. "Rumbling Fuji!" Jura unleashes an extremely damaging strike by an immense release of magic power surging from the ground, which wreaks havoc on Fairy Rage Rock Golem; Annihilating it before it can do some damage.

"Damn, he destroyed my body before I can have fun with it."

"We'll have to try that on a different opponent in the future," Spike said to Fairy Rage. "Phew phew," Spike flies up and mimics his claws like guns, shooting Sparkling Green bullets at Jura while holding his twin swords.

Jura creates an iron rock wall and shatters it, using the iron wall bricks to shoot at Spike the Fairy. Spike stops shooting and slashes the iron rock bricks left and right.

"Rock Avalanche," Jura extends one hand at Spike and unleashes a barrage of boulders at Spike. The boulders hit Spike and engulf him into an iron rock pile. "Supreme King Rock Crush!" Two palms rise from the ground and slam the iron rock pile, crushing Spike in the process.

Spike gets up, taking damage. He has some bruises on his body. "That hurt," Spike conjures more magic. "Explosion Cataclysm!" Sparkling Green Explosions hits Jura beneath his feet.

Jura is sent flying from the attack. He crashes into the wall of the arena. The crowd is cheering loudly while the remaining teams are silent to see this extravaganza. Jura gets some bruises on his body while he stands back up.

"Fairy Dragon! Ice Paladin Strike!" Spike the Fairy lifts his claws and conjures ice missiles from the air. They're Sparkling Green with flames inside. He spawns a hundred of them. "Launch!" Spike presses forward while the ice missiles go after Jura.

"Rock Mountain!" Jura's palms join together, creating a defensive armor golem, shielding him from Spike's attack.

The impact of the missiles gave everyone in the area chills, Chapati's wig goes flying, everyone feels the intense display of magic power.

"Spike, you are proving to be a worthy opponent," Jura said.

"So are you," Spike compliments.

"Now, it's time I end this," Jura rushes to use his strength to beat down Spike.

Spike balls his claws. Sparkling Green Lightning Flames engulfs his claws. Spike rushes at Jura. The two shout their battle cry. Jura uses all of his strength to punch Spike but, Spike uses his fire breath to teleport Jura behind him and close to a wall.

"What the?" Jura turns, and it was too late.

"Lightning Inferno Flame! Demolition Energy Blast!" Spike presses his claws, unleashes a Sparkling Green Lightning Flame Energy Blast vaporizing any usage of Jura's iron rock. Jura takes the hit and crashes into the wall. This time, Jura is down for the count.

"That does it, ladies and gentlemen! Your winner is Spike the Fairy!" Chapati yells into his mic after witnessing a great, intense battle.

"That could go down as one of the best battles in Grand Magic Games history. You can thank the crowd for chanting Spike the Fairy's name. They were right for allowing the change immediately," Yajima said.

"I'm lost for words. There is a lot more I believe Fairy Dragon is hiding but, that was an amazing battle," Jenny said.

"With this fight concluded, Fairy Tail Team B scores another 10 points. They reclaim first place to finish Day 1 of the Grand Magic Games," Chapati announces. "Here's the scoreboard that concludes Day 1 ladies and gentlemen."

  1. Fairy Tail Team B - 20 points
  2. Raven Tail - 18 points
  3. Sabertooth -13 points
  4. Blue Pegasus - 11 points
  5. Lamia Scale - 6 points
  6. Mermaid Heel - 4 points
  7. Quatro Cerberus - 2 points
  8. Fairy Tail Team A - 0 point

Spike walks up to Jura and helps him up. "You okay?"

"I am," Jura smiles. "I have to say, that was an intense matchup. Too bad we didn't go hand-to-claw. I would have bested you in close quarters combat."

"Who knows, maybe we'll have another crack at in during the Grand Magic Games. If not, I'll be glad to accept your challenge anytime, anywhere," Spike smiles.

"Good luck, Fairy Dragon. Just because I lost, that doesn't mean that Lamia Scale is out of contention."

"Hmph, you watch. Fairy Tail is winning it all the way," Spike and Jura go their separate ways while the crowd cheers loudly.

"And just like that, ladies and gentlemen. Two competitors, showing respect for each other. What true sportsmanship."

"I concur, Chapati. Those two put on quite the show for everyone to remember," Yajima claims.

"I'll remember this day for a long time," Jenny said. "Also, Blue Pegasus may be on a slow start but, we'll continue to work our way to the very top. By the end of the Grand Magic Games, you'll be hearing Blue Pegasus's name."

"And with that, ladies and gentlemen, Day 1 of the Grand Magic Games is over. Come back tomorrow for Day 2 of the Grand Magic Games."

Spike meets up with his friends. They are in awe of his performance.

"Hey Laxus, I think Spike is deserving of Fairy Tail's Strongest Wizard," Mirajane said.

"You're up there, Fairy Dragon. You want the title? You're going have to beat me for it."

"The only title I want is Fairy Tail to become the number one rank guild in all of Fiore. That's what I'm focused on right now," Spike said.

"Since you've competed twice today, allow us to pick up the slack and continue where you left off, Fairy Dragon," Gajeel said.

"Sure, I can use a rest day," Spike said.

"Tonight, we celebrated. Fairy Tail is number one on Day 1!" Laxus shouts.

"Let's meet up with the rest of the gang," Spike suggests.

Sting and Rogue are in shock. Rufus and Orga couldn't believe what they witnessed. All of Sabertooth questions the capabilities of Spike the Fairy. Lamia Scale is crying because of Jura's defeat. Ooba is spinning Sherria and Toby in anger. Mermaid Heel hopes to never see Spike participate in any event for the next while as they have no chance against his power. Raven Tail is intrigued to take possession of Fairy Rage and turn him into their Demon Dragon instead of Spike the Fairy. Blue Pegasus prays that Spike doesn't participate in tomorrow's Grand Magic Games.

Jellal decides to investigate around the coliseum and Crocus to locate the dark magic that has Zeref's presence. Lucy comes out to meet up with her friends. She looks at the scoreboard.

"Wow, Fairy Tail Team B is in the lead."

"Unfortunately for you, Lucy. You missed an epic showdown between Spike and Jura," Natsu said.

"What?! I missed Spike's performance!?" Lucy shouts.

"Indeed. It was spectacular. Spike has improved so much in his training. I wish I could have seen his training techniques," Erza said.

"I'm sure the Master wants to celebrate this joyous victory," Elfman said.

"Let's regroup with our friends and celebrate. Day one belongs to Fairy Tail," Erza said. She and her friends regroup with Fairy Tail.

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