• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Phoenix Rises

It's 8:00 in the morning. Spike wakes up to a new day; he sees Lucy waking up as well.

"Morning, Lucy."

"Morning, Spike. Ready to go on another job?" Lucy excitedly asks.

"Yea!" Spike is pumped-up while getting out of bed.

As of late, Spike, Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Erza, Wendy, Happy, and Carla have been on a hot streak of getting work done. Throughout the past two weeks since the Ichiya Apocalypse nightmare, things have gone smoothly. Spike and Lucy pay the Landlady months in advance, so they don't need to worry about getting evicted.

Spike and Lucy hear knocking on the door. Spike goes to the door and answers it.

"Morning, Spike," Wendy hugs Spike.

"Morning, Wendy," Spike returns the hug.

"Hey, Lucy," Wendy waves from the door.

"Hey, Wendy. Good morning to you," Lucy smiles.

"Hey, Lucy!" Natsu enters the room. "We have another job to go on!"

"Yea! We're storming a town to defeat the bad guys!" Happy said.

"Hope you don't mind," Erza walks into the apartment.

"We brought breakfast along the way," Gray steps inside the apartment only in his underwear. Spike laughs. "What's funny, Spike?"

"Did you eat your clothes for breakfast?" Spike chuckles.

Gray looks down. "Damn it! Not again!" Gray puts the bags of food on the table and leaves to grab his clothes that are somewhere on the streets.

"Thanks, guys. It saves Spike and me the trouble of cooking breakfast. I'll get ready," Lucy goes to the bathroom first to freshen up for the day.

Spike sits at the table and grabs a breakfast burrito. Wendy grabs her BLT sandwich and sits with Spike. Erza grabs her stack of waffles, Natsu grabs his stack of pancakes, Happy grabs his breakfast fish, Carla grabs her bowl of oatmeal.

Lucy comes out of the bathroom to see her friends eating. Gray returns fully clothed. The two sit at the tables and eat their breakfast with their friends. After everyone eats, Spike goes to the bathroom to freshen up for the day. After a few moments, Spike comes out and leaves the apartment with his friends.

"So, where are we going?" Spike asks.

"Negura," Happy answers.

"I never been there so, I can't fly to that town," Spike said.

"Well, for us to get there, we're traveling by boat," Gray said, which causes Natsu to feel seasick and motion sickness.

"Don't worry, it won't be that long," Wendy said to comfort Natsu. "I'll use my Troia spell to wear off the motion sickness."

"You're a lifesaver, Wendy," Natsu said in relief.

"Alright, to Hargeon for our boat, here we go," Spike uses his fire breath to teleport his friends and him to Hargeon. They arrive at the pier.

"Make sure you have a flare marking at Negura when we get there. In case we have more jobs that require our assistance," Erza said.

"Will do, Sis," Spike salutes.

Spike, Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, Carla, Happy, Gray, and Erza gets on a boat to travel the seas. Three hours later, the gang arrives at Negura. Negura is a port with an uphill setting. Natsu is relieved of his motion sickness. Before the second hour, Wendy's Troia spell dissolved, causing Natsu to suffer during the ride. Spike shoots a flare marking on the pier. Now he can teleport to Negura whenever he can.

"There! I think Geese is at that fortress!" Happy points to the fortress.

"All the way up there. You think Geese would be hiding up there?" Natsu said, seeing it from afar.

"With our momentum continuing to soar, this should be easy!" Lucy confidently proclaims.

"Yea! You ready to take on some bad guys, Happy?"

"Aye, Sir!" Happy is excited.

"Let's move!" Erza commands.

"Yes, Ma'am," Everyone else says in unison.

Spike, Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, Carla, Happy, Gray, and Erza starts going uphill.

"So, these clowns called themselves what again?" Gray had forgotten the name of the guild their hunting.

"The gang's called the Bacchus Bandits. Though, according to the flier Natsu picked, we're after their leader, Geese," Lucy said. "The reward is going to be huge cause the Mayor is the one who posted the job," Lucy imagines the wad of cash when the Mayor gives it to her and her friends.

"Wow, Lucy is making a funny face," Happy sees Lucy smiling differently.

"Focus on the task at hand, you two," Carla said while flying next to Wendy.

"Hey, Erza," Wendy said.

"Yes, what is it?" Erza asks.

"I don't know, but-" Wendy's speech is interrupted.

"Ambush!" Fairy Rage warns his friends.

Bandits from the Bacchus clan start swarming the streets and cornering Team Fairy Tail. The bandits bear different weaponry such as knives, swords, maces, axes, guns, cannons, and spears.

"Sorry, punks. You've came to the wrong part of town," One of the bandits said.

"And you got here just when we were looking for someone to beat up," Another bandit says.

"These guys know how to get me fired up," Natsu gets excited.

"Don't forget. We're here for Geese," Erza reminds Natsu and the others. "He's the target. We need to capture him if we want to get the reward."

Lucy is doing a happy dance, thinking about the money the Mayor is going to pay. Happy feels confused with Lucy's dancing. He says Lucy lost her mind.

"Let's get 'em!" The bandit shouts, riling up his crew to take down Team Fairy Tail.

"Spread out!" Erza commands. She and her friends split up.

Spike is running with Wendy, Carla, and Happy. A swarm of bandits is chasing them. Carla looks back to see Happy carrying a fish.

"Natsu is your partner, you know. Should you be following him instead?" Carla asks.

"I just gotta make sure somebody is looking for you beautiful ladies. Wanna share a fish with me?" Happy politely asks.

"Definitely not!" Carla angrily responds to Happy while the swarm of bandits continues to chase them. "We ladies can take care of ourselves. Besides, we have Spike watching our backs."

Spike and Wendy turn around. "Ready?" They say in unison and nod. "Let's go."

"Sky Dragon!" Wendy conjures her magic power.

"Fairy Dragon!" Spike conjures his magic power.

Spike and Wendy hold hands while the bandits watch in confusion. Wendy's hand is engulfed with her wind aura. Spike's claw is engulfed with his Sparkling Green aura.

"Whirlwind Barrage!" Spike and Wendy press their hands forward for a unison raid attack. Sparkling Green Energy and Sky Dragon Winds circulate, creating a storm that blows away the bandits and apparently Happy.

"I'm sorry for bothering you, Wendy and Spike!" Happy cries while being blown far away.

"Whoops," Spike said.

"Whoopsie," Wendy said.

"Nice work on that unison raid attack," Carla is impressed.

"Thanks," Spike and Wendy replies. The two give each other a quick kiss on the lips.

Happy lands near another swarm of bandits chasing Natsu; Natsu uses his fire breath to scorch the bandits, and unfortunately, Happy gets amid the crossfire.

"Look out," Carla warns the love birds of an incoming wave.

"Now, would you be so kind to tell us where Geese is?" Spike asks.

"Why would we talk to a dinosaur like you?" The bandit mocks Spike.

"What did you called him?!" Wendy gets infuriated.

"Like we care about a child getting a tantrum temper," Another bandit says.

"Sky Dragon Rooooooooar!" Wendy unleashes her breath attack the second wave. Those bandits land hard on the ground and roofs of different buildings. "No one disrespects my boyfriend."

"That crazy girl got problems," Another bandit says in agony.

"Fairy Dragon!" Spike shouts while powering up.

"Fairy what!?" The third wave of bandits realizes who Fairy Dragon is after hearing rumors for years on end. They thought it was a kid in a dragon costume.

"Ice Paladin Strike!" Spike conjures ice missiles with Sparkling Green Flames inside. "Launch!" Spike unleashes the missiles on the bandits. They scream in agony and are blown away. "My girlfriend isn't crazy, jackasses."

"Nice going. Now we need to get one of them to interrogate," Carla said.

"Oh, right," Spike and Wendy slightly blush with their antics for supporting each other and giving the bandits their just desserts.

Spike, Wendy, and Carla proceed to find any more bandits in the town of Negura. The trio runs into Erza.

"Any luck?" Erza asks.

"We took care of three waves, but they were blown away," Spike replies.

"My wave slid down the street. By now, they should be by the pier. Let's see if Natsu and the others have better luck than us," Erza said.

"Right," Spike, Wendy, and Carla follow Erza.

Erza hears the screams of a bandit being scorched and frozen at the same time. She, Spike, Wendy, and Carla arrives to see Natsu and Gray tossing the bandit back and forth with their magic like a hot potato.

"That's enough!" Erza demands. Her voice scares the lights out of Natsu and Gray.

The bandit lands on Gray while Natsu falls off. Natsu slides down the icy floors to the pier. During Gray's confrontation with his wave of bandits, he created an ice floor and knocks them down with his ice lance.

"That's what he gets for turning me into barbeque earlier. Score one for karma," Happy delightfully says.

"Now, talk. Where is Geese!" Erza puts her sword near the bandit's throat.

"Near a small apartment building. He's not at the fortress!" The bandit says in fear.

"Bring him with us, Gray," Erza says.

"You got it," Gray picks him up.

Erza, Gray, Spike, Carla, and Wendy go to the small apartment where Geese is hiding. A few minutes later, they arrive at the apartment and see Geese fleeing for his life.

"Is that him?" Erza, Gray, Spike, Carla, and Wendy say in unison. They see Geese's back tattoo reads his name and shows his Bacchus Bandit Emblem as well. "That's him."

"I got this one!" Lucy says, following Geese.

"Got your back, Lucy!" Spike flies after Geese.

"Let's go," Erza, Gray, Wendy, and Carla follow Spike.

Geese runs down an alley. Lucy is catching up to Geese. The alley is a narrow pathway that ends with a dead end and a hollow space.

"You are not getting away!" Lucy declares. She sees Geese about to be cornered by her. "Sweet a dead end. Reward money here I come!"

Geese uses his magic to flatten his entire body, allowing him to go through a very narrow gap between two buildings. Spike flies in the alley and watches Lucy crashing into a wall.

"No way!" Lucy is in shock seeing Geese's power.

"Nice try, blonde," Geese runs.

Spike flies above the building and sees Geese running towards the pier. Spike lands in front of Geese.

"This is as far as you go, Geese."

"Out of my way!" Geese throws a punch at Spike.

Spike smirks and uses his fire breath to teleport Geese in front of Erza, Gray, Wendy, Carla, and Lucy. Erza catches the punch.

"Thanks for the wonderful gift, Spike!" Erza shouts.

"Oh, shit..," Geese sweats a bit. Now he's in trouble.

Erza punches Geese in the stomach, knocking him out. Happy flies Natsu to their friends. Natsu and Happy are elated to see Geese in custody. Spike uses his fire breath to teleport to his friends.

"Nice going, Spike," Gray said.

"Yea. I'm so glad you are with our team," Natsu laughs in victory.

"Now, let's collect our reward money!" Lucy cheers and claps her hands.

Team Fairy Tail heads over to the Mayor's building in Negura. They handed Geese to the Mayor as promised.

"Thank you for stopping this loose lunatic and his bandits. I wish you didn't destroy my beautiful town in the process," The Mayor said in disgust.

"With all due respect," Spike speaks for his friends. "We've kept the damage at minimum. The bandits were the ones that were careless and reckless with their magic."

"Fairy Dragon," The Mayor does a doubletake when he sees Spike the Fairy. "I..," The Mayor coughs. "I'll allow this exception if you promise me that any future jobs will not escalate my city to ruins."

"You have my word unless it's a necessary action," Spike said, finding a loophole to the Mayor's offer.

"Very well. As for your reward money, here," The Mayor of Negura gives Spike a briefcase of 4,500,000 Jewels.

"I'll take that!" Lucy grabs the briefcase. She hugs it tight.

"Before you go, Fairy Dragon. Can I have your autograph?" The Mayor of Negura gives Spike a pen and his journal.

"Sure," Spike writes his signature on the Mayor's journal.

"Thank you!" The Mayor hugs his journal. He walks to his office happily.

"Let's go home and split the reward money," Lucy said.

"Sure thing. We'll get there in a few," Spike uses his fire breath to teleport his friend and him back to the guildhall. They arrive at the front doors of the guildhall.

"Man, teleportation is way more better than riding on a boat!" Natsu proclaims. He's glad that motion sickness wouldn't be bothering him for the trip back.

"Aye," Happy concurs.

"Let's grab a table and do the cut," Spike said.

"Hey, mind if we spend the rest of the day together?" Wendy asks Spike.

"Sure, I would love that," Spike kisses Wendy's cheek.

"Young love continues to grow," Erza said. She's happy for Spike and Wendy.

"At this pace, they may get married soon," Happy laughs.

"And you'll still be rejected by Carla," Lucy teases Happy.

"Not true! Right, Carla?" Happy turns to Carla.

Carla is completely ignoring Happy by talking to Spike and Wendy. "What will you two be doing?"

"Just hanging around, maybe get a bite to eat. You know, typical boyfriend-girlfriend stuff as couples," Wendy answers.

"Nothing that'll get us into trouble," Spike answers.

"Huh, she's ignoring you, even better," Lucy said.

"Shut up!" Happy retorts.

Natsu opens the front doors and enters the guildhall with his friends. "We're home!" Natsu shouts.

Spike, Wendy, Carla, Lucy, Natsu, Gray, Happy, and Erza sees their friends celebrating and having a good time in the guildhall. Some are looking for work, and others are eating and drinking.

"Yo, Natsu," Macao calls him from the table that he's sitting with Wakaba.

"Did you get the bad guys or what?" Wakaba asks.

"Yea, Spike got him and our reward money," Natsu said.

"My beloved Gray, I'm so glad you returned," Juvia approaches Gray.

"Yea, good to see you," Gray replies.

"Oh, Gray. Every time you're away, the guild seems as empty as an ocean without water," Juvia closes her eyes for a second. It was that one second when she opened them that Gray is no longer visible. "Gray?" Juvia frantically looks around the area in search of him.

"Alright, let's do the count. Lucy, pass me the briefcase," Spike asks. Lucy gives Spike the briefcase. Spike sits down at an empty table with his friends.

"Here, I thought you may need this, Spike," Mirajane gives Spike a calculator.

"Thanks," Spike plugs in the numbers. "4,500,000 Jewels, divide by 8. Okay, Every one of us will get 562,500 Jewels each."

"Not bad for kicking bad guys," Happy said.

"Definitely worth the travel and time," Gray said shirtless.

Spike gives each of his friends 562,500 Jewels. He's keeping his cut in the briefcase and uses his fire breath to teleport the briefcase to the apartment.

Erza gets up and sits with Cana. "Is Master here?"

"He got called in some kind of last-minute council meeting. So, it's probably going to be a while until he returns," Cana replies. She drinks her barrel of beer.

"Hey, Spike. I'm heading back to the apartment," Lucy gets up and leaves the guildhall with her money.

"Alright, see you around," Spike said. Spike flies to the bar. "Mirajane, are there any cakes for today?"

"Yes. I made a chocolate fudge cake," Mirajane replies while heating some food up.

"I want a slice, please," Spike asks.

"Make that two," Wendy overhears the word chocolate fudge cake.

"Oh my, I see you two love-dragons growing stronger by the day. I'll make these slices of cakes extra special for the occasion."

"Uh, make that three slices," Carla sits on the barstool. "I am in the mood for cake, along with some tea."

"Coming right up," Mirajane said, making tea for Carla.

"Wow, Spike. You're not bothered that Carla is getting involved with what you do with Wendy?" Happy asks out of curiosity.

"No. Wendy and Carla have a deeper bond together. Who am I to say that they should separate because I'm dating Wendy. When Wendy and I get married, Carla will be living with us when we get our house. She's part of the family."

"Does that include making love?" Happy teasingly laughs. Spike and Wendy blush in embarrassment.

Carla slaps Happy. "How dare you make a bold joke like that?!" Carla is irate with Happy's antics. "Beat it, Tomcat!"

"Sorry," Happy sadly hovers away.

"Perv," Carla said. She takes a deep breath to calm herself. "Just to let you know," Carla crosses her arms. "I wouldn't interfere nor be in close range when you two do."

"Now, it's not the best time to be talking of that sort. We're still too young," Spike said.

"Yea," Wendy concurs. "I'm not thinking of that until I'm older."

"Here you go," Mirajane gives Spike, Wendy, and Carla their slices of chocolate fudge cake. She also gives Carla her cup of green tea. "So, what will your kids be like? A full dragon? Half-dragon, half-human? A human with dragon magic properties?"

"Oh great, Happy gave her ideas of what those kids will be," Carla said.

"Sorry, I think it's great Spike and Wendy are a couple. I can't help but fantasize about the future of the duo."

"We will let you know in twenty years or so. It depends on how and when we feel like doing it," Spike replies.

"Yea," Wendy takes the first bite of her cake. She falls in love with it and continues to eat.

Spike and Carla eat their cake. Then, all of a sudden, the guildhall doors burst open. Everyone turns to see Lucy with a woman and a small yellow chick bird wearing a greenish-blue shirt.

"Guys, she needs our help!" Lucy frantically shouts.

A few hours later. The woman and yellow chick bird are having a meal while the guildhall is closing down. Wendy already used her sky magic to heal the woman's injuries. Spike is sitting with his friends at one table. Mirajane, Elfman, Lisanna, and Team Shadow Gear are by the bar. Max Alors and Nab Lasaro are cleaning up the guildhall. It's their turn in the rotation of cleaning up the guildhall.

Mirajane brings a chug of juice to the woman. "Here you go."

"Thank you," The woman replies.

"Maybe she fainted earlier because she was hungry?" Lucy theorizes.

"Who knows. Sometimes, weary travels have that effect on people," Spike said.

"Who is that girl?" Natsu asks Lucy.

"I don't know," Lucy sighs a little.

"What's with that big baby bird-thing?" Elfman asks Lisanna.

"I'm not sure. It seems like it's her friend," Lisanna replies.

"It looks more like dinner to me," Droy speaks with his belly.

"Don't you dare," Jet said.

"You are very kind," The woman said with grace.

"You should be all fixed up," Lucy said assuringly.

"Thank you, but I would be fine with or without the meal," The woman said.

"Now now, you should know better to say things like that. Please forgive her," The chick bird said while bowing a bit.

"Uh, it's fine. Don't worry," Lucy responds to the apology.

"I'm Momon, and this is Γ‰clair," Momon points to Γ‰clair. She's a young woman with amber-colored eyes. Her brown hair extends down her back and is tied up at the back while her forehead is framed by several bangs. Her outfit is reminiscent of the traditional Indian Sari. "I took her under my wing a couple of years ago."

"You took her in!?" Jet and Droy shout in shock.

"My name is Lucy," Lucy shakes Momon's hand. "It's nice to meet you," Lucy tries to give Γ‰clair a handshake. Γ‰clair gives Lucy the silent treatment.

"My name is Natsu!" Natsu introduces himself to Γ‰clair. "I'm what you called a Dragon Slayer. Welcome to our guild, Γ‰clair."

Happy flies over with a half-eaten fish. "And I'm Happy. Want a bite of fish?"

"You're all very kind," Γ‰clair grabs her bag and decides to leave. "Come, Momon."

"Right," Momon complies.

Carla's future vision kicks in. She's seeing a wicked beast, a desolate house, a globe, and Γ‰clair in tears. "Wait."

"What's wrong, Carla?" Wendy asks.

"You're heading into a forest. Watch out. Great sadness awaits you there," Carla warns Γ‰clair.

"A forest?" Γ‰clair remembers the moment when someone close to her mentioned a forest. "That's right. Deep within the Boundary Forest. That's where it is."

"I don't think you want to go there," Happy said.

"Come, Momon," Γ‰clair starts moving.

"I'm coming," Momon obeys Γ‰clair's command.

Lucy watches the two leave. She decides to go after them, knowing that they'll be in grave danger heading alone. Natsu, Spike, and Happy pick up the pace to follow Lucy.

Lucy catches up with Γ‰clair and Momon by the South Gate Park. "Wait a second. Where are you going?"

"The Boundary Forest," Γ‰clair replies.

"But that place is super dangerous," Happy exclaims. "Everyone says it's crawling with monsters!"

"It is?" Spike asks Happy. He wasn't aware of the forest's inhabitants.

"Still, I must go there," Γ‰clair states. Nothing is going to make her say otherwise.

"Why?" Lucy asks.

"I don't know. It's calling to me, and I can't ignore it."

"Fine, we'll go along with you to keep you safe," Lucy said. "We are wizards, you know."

"But I'm not very fond with magic," Γ‰clair replies, shunning Lucy.

"Now, be nice," Momon says.

"Because magic brings tremendous sorrow with it..," Γ‰clair sighs and turns away.

"You think it brings sorrow?" Lucy is confused. "Well, I know it can bring joy. So let me come with you."

"Yea, me too! You're going to love magic after seeing the three of us could do with it," Natsu proclaims.

"Those monsters will run away once they see me in action," Spike said.

"Aye!" Happy says with cheer.

"We should accompany you as well," Erza arrives with Gray, Wendy, and Carla.

"Why not. We got nothing else to do," Gray said.

"You're not going anywhere without me, Spike," Wendy grabs Spike's claw.

"Wouldn't dream of it," Spike smiles.

Γ‰clair sighs while Momon reassures her that things will go smoother. Plus, they'll have much need company for the trip. Γ‰clair says to get to the Boundary Forest, they need to take the train to Rose Garden City. Natsu asks Spike about flying to Rose Garden City when Spike states that he has never been there, leaving no choice for Natsu to take the train.

The train ride from Magnolia to Rose Garden City took ten hours. Natsu suffered greatly due to his motion sickness. Γ‰clair is a bit rude on the train when she mentioned having no memories except having no care for wizards. Γ‰clair, Momon, Spike, Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Wendy, Carla, Erza, and Gray arrive in town. It's a sight to behold while feeling a ton of magic energy all around them. Spike shoots a flare marking in Rose Garden City.

"Uh, why?" Momon questions Spike's reasoning for shooting at the ground.

"It's a flare marking. I can use it to teleport or fly here without any problem."

"Cool, trick," Momon said. He wonders what else Spike can do.

"Now this place is awesome," Gray is enjoying the scenery in town. People ride on magic carpets and brooms to travel. "There's magic practically everywhere you look."

"Yo, Happy. Let's grab some grub," Natsu said. "It's chow time!"

"Aye!" Happy follows Natsu to the nearest restaurant.

"What a bonehead," Gray scratches his head.

"Now, we don't need to check-in until later on this evening. So, let's go have fun for a little while," Erza said.

"Let's go, Wendy," Spike grabs Wendy's hand and runs to go sightseeing. Carla flies beside the two.

The trio finds an amusement park during their sightseeing. "Oh, yeah. Now, it's a date!" Spike and Wendy shout. The two run, looking for a love tunnel ride.

"Young love at its finest," Carla sighs a bit. She'll be waiting at the end of the lines during their rides all night.

For two hours, Carla kept her distance while Spike and Wendy enjoy each other's company. They went on several rides, played arcade games, and entered a hall of mirrors. They made all sorts of silly faces with the mirrors viewing different body types.

"Hey, wanna go for ice cream?" Spike asks Wendy.

"Sure, and let's bring Carla. I think we had our fun."

"Sounds fair," Spike holds Wendy's hand and looks for Carla.

"Having fun?" Carla smiles at Wendy and Spike.

"We are. Now we're calling it off. Join us for ice cream, Carla."

"Sure, I'll be happy to join," Carla said.

"Thank you for giving Wendy and I space during our date," Spike said.

"You're welcome. It was the right thing for me to do. Also, we gotta be sure to get to the hotel before curfew," Carla reminds Wendy and Spike.

"I'm sure Erza and Lucy are at the hotel by now. I'll teleport us to them. Boom, instant check-in."

"I don't know what we would do without your teleportation, Spike."

"Walk," Spike chuckles, answering Carla's statement.

Spike, Wendy, and Carla see an ice cream vendor. They buy their cones and lick their ice cream out of the amusement park. A few moments later. Spike, Wendy, and Carla see Erza coming out of the store with a wedding dress. They followed her to the Hills Hotel.

Upon arrival at the Hills Hotel, Lucy, Γ‰clair, Momon, Natsu, Happy, and Gray are sitting at the lounge couches waiting for their room key. Spike, Wendy, and Carla sit together next to Lucy. Erza is at the counter, waiting to get the room keys.

"Well, Erza seems to be in a way better mood than usual," Natsu said.

"I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the wedding dress she bought earlier," Wendy said.

"WHAT?!" Gray, Happy, Lucy, and Natsu shout in shock.

"Problem?" Erza turns to her friends. Her tone strikes fear at them except for Spike.

"Nothing!" Wendy, Gray, Happy Natsu, and Lucy say in unison while waving their hands.

"What's with the wedding dress, Sis?" Spike asks.

"What? I'm not allowed to buy or wear one?" Erza's glare is one for making anyone fearful. Spike is immune to it.

"Just curious. You're not the type since you're not engaged."

"Spike, what are you doing? Don't provoke Erza," Natsu is fearful of what Erza may do to Spike.

"Come here, and I'll tell you," Erza said.

"I wish I can be brave like Spike when standing up to Erza," Lucy said.

Spike gets up and walks to Erza.

"The wedding dress is for an armor of my design. I was shopping in town, and none of the armors suited me well."

"Oooooh, so the wedding dress is customary. Got you. Here I thought you bought so you can fantasize about getting married to Jellal."

Erza blushes and hides it from the others. She glares out her blush. "That's not it. This isn't the right one I would be wearing."

"Then why buy something you weren't going to wear," Spike chuckles a bit.

Erza remains silent. She knows Spike got her good with that statement. There is no lie or excuse she can come up with. Out of everyone, she's unable to scare Spike with her stare. The desk clerk gives Erza three room keys.

"Okay. Natsu, Gray, Happy, you get a room. Lucy, Momon, and Γ‰clair. You get a room. The rest of us will get the last room."

"Yes," Spike does a fist pump. "I get to share a bed with-"

"Me," Erza said. She smirks, hoping that Spike would show a bit of fear to tease him.

"Sure, why not," Spike said, showing no fear.

"D'oh! I thought that would work." Erza imagines facepalming herself with Spike's reaction and statement.

"Uh, I'm not okay with that..," Wendy feels a little jealous of Spike sleeping with Erza for the night.

"I was joking. I didn't mean it literal," Erza said.

Wendy sighs in relief. "I am glad."

"Can I sleep with my brother?" Erza asks Wendy.

"Uh..," Wendy is unsure. "I guess so," Wendy does sound disappointed.

Spike goes with Erza, Wendy, and Carla to their hotel room. When they get in, Wendy goes to a bed and lays down on it. Erza sits down and takes her boots off. Carla sits on a chair next to the balcony. Spike takes a look around the room.

Natsu, Happy, and Gray go to their hotel room. Natsu and Happy decide to raid the fridge in the room despite the high prices while Gray strips.

Lucy goes to their hotel room with Γ‰clair and Momon. She decides to take a shower first. She wonders what's going in the mind of Γ‰clair. After taking a shower, Lucy talks with Γ‰clair a bit while covering her body in a towel. That's when an enemy appears from the shadows he's casting, shooting daggers from his hand. This enemy is wearing a dark-cloaked hoodie with a dark-plague-doctor mask concealing his face.

"Come with me quietly or feel the terrifying thrill of prey being hunted. Choose."

"What? No!" Lucy answers.

"I'm not here for you," The intruder says.

Lucy realizes this guy has come for Γ‰clair. "Run, now!" Lucy stalls for time by throwing a chair at the intruder. Γ‰clair and Momon flee from their room. The intruder takes the hit and goes after Γ‰clair. "Natsu!" Lucy calls out and jumps out the window.

Natsu, Happy, and Gray overhear Lucy's cry. Natsu uses his sense of smell to track Lucy. Happy and Gray follow Natsu.

Lucy, Γ‰clair, and Momon flee while the intruder moves at rapid speeds, shooting daggers from his hands at his target. Lucy and Γ‰clair take a turn in a dark alley and fall. The intruder looks below at his target.

"Go forth to seek her blood, oh blade of mine," The intruder unveils his sword from his arm and dives down, ready to put Γ‰clair out of commission. He sees a fireball shot at him and dodges. He dodges mid-air from the ice lance attacks.

"You guys! Thank God!" Lucy is happy to see Natsu, Gray, and Happy.

"Who the hell are you?" Natsu demands the intruder to give him his name.

The intruder sees Natsu's Fairy Tail Emblem. "No, it will not help you," He flees from the scenery. Natsu and Gray chase after him.

"Get back here!" Gray demands. He and Natsu go through a different alleyway. The intruder attacks Gray with a dropkick.

"You bastard!" Natsu's hand ignites. He's ready to deliver a Fire Dragon Iron Fist attack.

"Come forth, my starving claws. And feed!" The intruder pops his claws like Wolverine and attacks Natsu in close-quarters combat. Natsu is having a hard time delivering a blow on the intruder. Using his speed and technicality, the intruder breaks away and flees. He hops wall-to-wall to reach the rooftop of a tall building.

"Ah crap," Natsu said, watching the guy escape.

"Up we go," Gray uses his Ice Magic to elevate himself from the ground. Natsu climbs the wall to get to the top. The two meet up with the intruder.

"You're going to wish you kept on running," Natsu declares.

"Fairy Tail, is it?" The intruder uses his shadows to create a portal for him to sink into. He escapes the scenery.

"He disappeared..," Gray looks at the ground.

During the time Natsu and Gray chased the intruder, Lucy was questioning Γ‰clair. Lucy asks Γ‰clair to see if the intruder causes her to remember any bits of her past. Natsu and Gray return to Lucy.

"Hey, is everyone okay?" Natsu asks.

"What was that about?" Gray asks.

"I don't know," Lucy gets up. Her towel falls off her body. "Someone's after her," Lucy sees Natsu and Gray blushing while making an awe kind-of face. "What?"

"You feel a breeze out here? Ooo, la la," Happy holds his laughter and points at Lucy.

Lucy squeals loudly and covers herself. Natsu and Gray couldn't help but stare at Lucy. Natsu asks Gray if his stripping habits are contagious. Gray responds that it has never been the case. If it were, it wouldn't be the worse case he saw.

A half an hour later, Lucy, Natsu, Gray, Happy, Γ‰clair, and Momon return to the Hills Hotel. Erza, Wendy, Spike, and Carla, come out and check on Lucy and Γ‰clair in their room. Γ‰clair removes her neckless and thinks about why the chase. She explains little of her mission.

"I think I'm starting to remember bits and pieces of my past. I believe this half stone is what my pursuer is after," Γ‰clair says.

"He wanted that stone?" Lucy looks at it.

"I do sense a peculiar power emitting from the stone," Carla said.

"This Kalard. The name is unfamiliar to me. Rage, what's your intake of the stone?" Erza asks.

"Who is Rage?" Γ‰clair and Momon asks. They are confused.

"Look at Spike's eyes for a few seconds," Lucy said.

Spike blinks a few times. His eyes turn from green to orange. "I am Fairy Rage. An aspect of Spike with a soul. I can also speak while Spike is in control. I'm in control to show who I am." Fairy Rage blinks a few times. His eyes turn from orange to green.

"That's creepy," Momon is scared at the moment.

"I do sense immense power from the stone. However, the power is incomplete."

"Incomplete?" Everyone in the room said in unison.

"When the other half is combined, the full power of the stone could cause a devastating effect. I don't know what it is. Based on my judgments, the pursuer is tasked with taking the stone and attaching it to the other half."

"Wow, that's terrifying, and Γ‰clair has told me she has no memory of the stone's significance," Momon said. "How can Spike be accurate?"

"Give Spike a few components, and he can solve anything," Erza said.

"Well, almost. I do have my fair share of being unable to guess things through," Spike honestly says.

"My memory is blank like an untouched canvas. Just white nothing is spreading out. Nothing to remind me who I am. Or the reasons why I keep going. But lately, the image has been filling in. Slowly. This stone must be a clue to my past."

"I bet this Kalard guy knows something. We gotta go find him and ask," Natsu said.

"You know by any chance happen to know where we can find Kalard, do you?" Happy asks.

"I do, but I'm not quite sure who he is. Or if I can still see him. Even if it's too late, I must go there," Γ‰clair said.

"Now, on an unrelated note," Natsu turns to Spike. "Spike. While Gray and I were chasing the guy, why didn't you come out to help?"

"Oh.., uh.., funny thing about that..," Spike sightly chuckles.

"He was singing in the shower," Erza answers for Spike.

"Spike was singing?" Gray, Happy, Natsu, and Lucy say in unison.

A while ago, while Spike is singing in the shower.

"When I wake up in the morning, love. And the sunlight hurts my eyes. And something without warning, love. Bears heavy on my mind, then I look at you, and the world's alright with me. Just one look at you, and I know it's gonna be, a lovely daaaaaaaaaaay!" Spike uses the bar of soap and pretends to use it as a mic.


Spike sighs. "I was singing a song I want to dedicate to Wendy. I got caught up with my singing that I didn't hear Lucy's cry for Natsu."

"I was asleep while Spike was singing. I didn't want to mess up his mojo."

"Wow, I didn't know you had a song dedicated to me," Wendy said in awe.

"Actually, I came up with the lyrics and went from there."

"Anyway, let's get some shut-eye. Tomorrow, we have a forest filled with monsters to combat," Erza said.

The next day. Everyone leaves the Hills Hotel. Spike had to bail Natsu and Happy with his money since the two raided the hotel fridge. Spike paid 35,000 Jewels in total for the two with the high prices on snacks and drinks.

Two hours later. Everyone enters the Boundary Forest. A swarm of monsters comes after them, wanting to have their meal. The relentless attacks from the monsters that keep showing up made Spike agitated to a point that he increases his size. The behemoths look at Spike increasing his size into a full dragon and now know they don't have a chance against him. The monsters flee after Spike roars in fear of being eaten or stomped on. Γ‰clair and Momon couldn't help but gaze at Spike and his capabilities to increase his size.

"Spike, you can decrease your size now," Natsu shouts.

"I'm going to stay like this. I think those behemoths think I'm their King of the Monsters, now. An alpha to obey."

"Please don't step on us!" Lucy shouts.

"Wouldn't dream of it," Spike replies. He looks around to be sure that no other creature dares to attack his friends.

A few hours while walking aimlessly in the Boundary Forest. Γ‰clair, Momon, Lucy, Gray, Natsu, Happy, Erza, Wendy, and Carla find a home desolate. The ruins of the house have an open staircase.

"Spike, we found something! You can come now!" Wendy shouts.

"Coming!" Spike reverts and teleports next to Wendy. Spike was hovering in the air while keeping watch for any other monster sighting.

"Much better," Wendy smiles. She and Spike follow everyone else downstairs of the house.

The basement of the house looks deteriorated. There are books on the counters and shelves, paper rotted on the walls, tree roots sticking around the area, and a photo of two people and a younger Γ‰clair. Γ‰clair takes a look at it when a lacrima globe illuminates. It catches everyone's attention.

"Γ‰clair," A voice calls out from the lacrima globe. Γ‰clair gasps a bit. "So you come," An image of Kalard appears. "This message is in fact reaching your ears, child, then what I was told is indeed true. Many people came here searching for you. Survivors of Fire Village told me the events that transpired. It brought me great joy that you survived. However, when I think about your fate," Kalard coughs during the messaging.

"Hold on, what does he mean by that?" Gray asks.


"Oh, my darling, sweet Γ‰clair. The time we shared together blessed me with the most precious memories of my entire life. Atlas, the fate of the Fire Village needed you to serve maiden, and I was given the task of dispelling the Phoenix Stones."

"Dispel Magic..," Γ‰clair repeats what Kalard said in the messaging. "Nullification?"

"I have no doubt that you are the most spectacular maiden. My dispel magic has finally completed, but I fear I should never have the chance to use it," The lacrima globe starts cracking. "I've fallen ill. I will clutch dearly to the life I have remaining until you return bearing the stone. But, if you are seeing this, oh Γ‰clair."

"He's already gone, so sad..," Wendy feels saddened with the news displayed on the messaging display.


"I have a simple prayer. That happiness finds you, and you find people that deeply care for you. Darling Γ‰clair, my dear beloved daughter."

Γ‰clair gasps. "Father.., I'm here..," Γ‰clair extends her hand to the messaging display of her father's hand. The lacrima globe shatters, disrupting the messaging.

"Well, Rage. You were right about the stones since Kalard mentioned having the magic for dispelling the stones," Natsu said.

"Alright, start reading every book here. There have to be some notes about Kalard's nullification magic," Erza said.

"On it, Sis," Spike grabs a book.

It's 8:00 at night. Spike, Gray, Natsu, Happy, Wendy, and Carla read every book in the basement. There are no notes about Kalard's nullifying magic to disperse the magic of the Phoenix Stones. Erza and Lucy make a campfire. Γ‰clair is doing a ritual dance while holding half of the Phoenix Stone.

"No luck," Gray alerts Erza. "We looked through every book and stack of paper down there and couldn't find anything about his dispel magic."

"I see," Erza watches Γ‰clair's movements. "Perhaps the Master may have indications about Kalard."

Lucy comforts Γ‰clair by mentioning the feeling of losing a father and being unable to be there by his side. The two embrace while talking about their feelings. Everyone else watches the wholesome event, knowing that Lucy did the right thing in comforting Γ‰clair. Everyone gathers by the campfire.

"I like to make a formal request at the Fairy Tail Guild. My father spent his final days trying to rid the Phoenix Stones of the curse they carry. Would you help me to achieve it?" Γ‰clair asks wholeheartedly.

"We most gladly accept," Erza speaks for everyone.

"It's our pleasure," Natsu smiles.

"Aye, Sir!" Happy concurs.

"You have my thanks," Γ‰clair says gracefully.

"Let's head back to the guildhall. Spike if you would," Erza said.

"Sure thing," Spike eats the fire from the campfire. He then breathes fire on his friends, teleporting them and himself to the guildhall.

"Wow, that was instant," Momon said in shock.

"His fire didn't burn us," Γ‰clair said in shock.

"My flames have different uses when it comes to my thought process. I am an Energy Maker Dragon."

"Our fastest mode of transportation when its time to come home," Natsu joyously laughs.

"Hey, guys. Found what you were looking for?" Macao asks while drinking his beer.

"Hey, Macao. Seen a stone like this?" Happy asks and gives him the Phoenix Stone. He explains what he knows about it.

Macao takes it and observes it. "Can't say it looks dangerous to me."

"Hey, I have an idea. How about we try to break the stone to break the curse," Happy said.

"Yea, and maybe, just maybe, fish comes out of the broken stone."

Happy gasps. "Natsu! You hear what Fairy Rage said! Break the stone, and fish will come out!"

"I'm on it! Fire Dragon Wing Attack!" Natsu tries to destroy the stone with his barrage of flames. It does nothing for him and Happy's sake.

"Natsu, you idiot! Do you seriously call that using your brain?" Macao angrily says to Natsu.

"Moron, I was being sarcastic."

"Dumb and Dumber," Lucy said.

"Hey! We're not dumb!" Happy and Natsu said in their defense.

"If it were truly that simple to break, don't you think Kalard would have done that?" Erza angrily claims.

"Thanks a lot, Happy. You got me into trouble," Natsu said, sitting on the floor like a child.

"So, Γ‰clair. Whatever happened to the other stone?" Erza asks.

"I'm not certain," Γ‰clair replies. "But, I think that.., it was stolen in a raid by.., Veronica..?"

"Hey, I heard of that before. Veronica is the name of a country that's north of Fiore, and it's super tiny."

"It is, Happy?" Spike asks.

"Yea. We should head over there to find answers on what to do next."

"You see that, Natsu. That's how you use your brain," Macao said.

"Shut up!" Natsu retorts.

Everyone in the guildhall gets a good laugh. Then out of nowhere, the backside of the guildhall gets bombarded by cannons. The front of the guildhall gets bombarded by cannon. Everyone is covered by the rubble, Elfman used his Beast Soul and protected his friends at the bar by catching the Fairy Tail sign that was above it. Three wizards are at what used to be the front of the guildhall doors.

"Who in the hell are you?" Natsu demands. He's powering up.

"We are known as Carbuncle. The beast that bears a garnet that's lurking in the shadows. And you may call me Dyst!" Dyst has long, messy turquoise hair and narrow eyes with irises and pupils. He wears a black coat and with silver highlights, white boots, and white gloves. The coat has large triangular edges. Dyst uses his telekineses to shoot the rubble at Natsu. Natsu gets pinned to the ground and continues to suffer the onslaught by Dyst's telekinesis.

"You bastard!" Gray gets up.

"Spike wants!" Spike increases into the size of Laxus.

"The Legendary Fairy Dragon," Cannon said. He is a tall, muscular man with slightly brown skin, has brown hair, straightened up and flattened on top, sideburns, and a beard. Cannon wears a dark green sleeveless shirt and brown pants with a black belt. He also wears dark red armor on his left arm, from his wrist up to his shoulder, and a dark red fingerless glove on his left hand. His weaponry consists of several floating cannons and a cannon rifle. "Yo, pretty boy," He refers to Gray. "The two of you are in time for a hot date with the cannon."

"Why you," Juvia feels conflicted, thinking Cannon is trying to date her beloved Gray. "Water Cyclone!" Juvia unleashes her whirling water torrent at Cannon.

Cannon shoots magic bullets from his cannon rifle. The magic bullets harm Juvia. Gray casts an ice shield and gets blasted with magic bullets as well.

"Phew, phew!" Spike flies while mimicking his claws like guns shooting Sparkling Green Bullets at Cannon. Cannon's cannons intercept Spike's Flaming Bullets.

Bisca and Alzack provide cover fire for Spike but get blasted by Dyst's telekineses.

"Here comes a real man!" Elfman charges with his Beast Soul takeover.

Mirajane joins in the fray by turning into her Satan Soul.

"Too easy," Coordinator is a blond woman wearing a light blue band with an emblem on it around her upper chest as well as gray armbands and blue bracelets on each arm. She wears a set of large gray faulds around her waist, open at the front and extending down just past knee level, a black belt fastening the faulds around her waist and thigh-high leg armor. She uses her magic to dispel Elfman and Mirajane's takeover spells, allowing Cannon's cannons to fire at the two.

"Keep Γ‰clair safe," Erza tells Lucy. She requips into her Black Wing Armor. "This ends now!" Erza goes after Coordinator.

Coordinator uses her dispel magic on Erza. Erza is disarmed of her weapon and armor and lands on one knee. "It appears even Titania knows her place is to kneel before the Great Coordinator!" She unsheathes her sword and requips into her Melee Armor. Her armor is primarily purple with white clothing underneath. It consists of a breastplate that's open in the middle, a pair of gauntlets, an open white skirt with purple trimming, a gray belt with a brown buckle, and leg armor.

"She requips!" Erza said in shock.

"Bow down!" Coordinator attacks Erza at ease and defeats her.

"Take this!" Spike flies at Coordinator.

"Got something for you, Fairy Dragon!" Cannon shoots Wyvern Tranquilizer darts at Spike. Spike wails in agony, not anticipating the attack.

"Thanks, Cannon!" Coordinator says. She kicks Spike upward.

"Take this," Dyst uses his telekineses to slam Spike hard to the ground. Spike is barely breathing.

"Spike!" Wendy horridly shouts.

"No way..," Droy and Jet say in shock. They couldn't believe that Spike got overwhelmed.

"There she is," Dyst sees Γ‰clair. He uses his telekineses to lift everyone else and tosses them aside. They crash into the walls, pillars, and floors hard.

The intruder rises from the shadows. He goes by the name Chase and grabs Γ‰clair. "Let's go."

"Enough!" Fairy Rage takes control and stands up.

"What the!? How is that possible?" Cannon is confused. He shot multiple Wyvern Tranquilizers that should have put Spike to sleep for hours.

"Coordinator. Rid of the dragon's power," Dyst commands.

"Yes, Sir," She tries dispelling Fairy Rage's magic. She finds it hard to do so. "Something is not right," She turns fearfully to her leader, Dyst.

"Prepare to DIE!" Fairy Rage conjures a ton of magic power that scares the Carbuncle Guild.

"What is he doing?" Cannon asks.

"I'm not sure. It's a ton of magic for that dragon to conjure," Coordinator says. "For some stupid reason, I can't dispel his magic!" She tries over and over to dispel Fairy Rage's magic.

Fairy Rage claws are in motion. Every Fairy Tail Wizard present now knows what Fairy Rage is doing. Cannon hands Chase some Wyvern Tranquilizers. Chase goes into the shadows.

"I invoke. FAIRY LA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Fairy Rage gets stabbed in the back by multiple Wyvern Tranquilizers darts. Chase uses the shadows to pierce him multiple times around his body. Fairy Rage falls to his knees. "I'll feast on your soul, you f-" Fairy Rage passes out from the drugs. He reverts to size.

"Spike!" Most of Spike's friends shout in horror.

"No.., please.., don't take her..," Lucy said in defeat.

Natsu rises from the rubble. His body ignites and charges after the Carbuncle guild. Dyst uses his telekineses to raise the rubble; creating a dense shield to knock Natsu to the ground. The Carbuncle Guild leaves with Γ‰clair and the Phoenix Stone.

"Spike!" Wendy gets up and runs to Spike's body. "Spike, get up! Spike!" Wendy is in tears, holding Spike's body.

"Those are Wyvern Tranquilizers. They normally knock out a Wyvern for a few hours at most. Spike's been injected with a lot. It may take him a few days or so to wake up," Macao said.

"A few days! Nooooo!" Wendy uses her magic to heal Spike. "Spike, please recover quickly! Spike!"

Natsu is irate with what transpired. "Those bastards destroyed our guildhall, drugged Spike, and kidnapped one of our friends! They are messing with the wrong guild! They're gonna pay for this!"

"How unfortunate. They gave us a beating we won't soon forget," Makarov said. He arrives with Gajeel and Panther Lily a few moments after Carbuncle vanished.

"You're damn right!" Natsu responds. "So now what?" Natsu asks. He's ready for a rematch against the punks that ambushed the guildhall.

"First, we need to take Fairy Dragon to Porlyusica. Perhaps she has something to heal him and wake him up from those Wyvern Tranquilizers. In the meantime, Gajeel and Panther Lily will tell you the details of their discoveries."

"I'll take Spike to Porlyusica. I'm the fastest to carry him there," Jet said.

"See to it," Makarov said.

Jet picks up Spike's body. "Gotcha, buddy," Jet hightails out of the guildhall.

Makarov goes down to the library with Erza, Natsu, Gray, Juvia, Lucy, Wendy, Carla, Happy, Momon, Gajeel, Panther Lily, Mirajane, and Macao to discuss the discoveries Gajeel and Panther Lily made.

"There's been unusual power reported recently. So we investigated it," Panther Lily said.

"We ended up in this puny little country. It was called Veronica," Gajeel said.

"Γ‰clair was talking about that place," Happy said.

"She told us they were the ones that stole the other Phoenix Stone," Gray noted.

"The guild was attacked by Carbuncle. They're mercenaries. They were hired by Veronica's Duke, Cream. We overheard them talking about getting a large amount of money for abducting a girl named Γ‰clair," Panther Lily added.

"We also heard Veronica is throwing a 400th birthday party tomorrow. And this Duke Cream is going to make some fireworks by putting the two Phoenix Stones together," Gajeel added.

"Wow, Rage was on point about combining the two stones," Happy said.

"What did Rage say?" Makarov asks.

"Rage sensed a lot of magic coming from the Phoenix Stone Γ‰clair had and figured that combining the two would have a devastating effect," Lucy said.

"What would that do, Master?" Erza asks.

"There happens to be an ancient legend about those stones. It says when the two become one, the Fiery Phoenix will spring forth from its eternal prison," Panther Lily answers for Makarov.

"And apparently give you eternal life as a thank you gift," Gajeel says.

"It'll make you live forever..," Natsu said in shock.

"When the people of Fire Village sealed the Phoenix away many years ago, countless lives were lost. I can't imagine the havoc that demon would create if release today," Makarov said.

"All we have to do is dispel the magic one of the stones to keep that thing from coming back. That's why Kalard was so worried about being there and was waiting for her to bring him the stone," Gray said, adding the pieces together like a puzzle.

"If Cream does this, he'll have the Phoenix's power and could do whatever he wants without the fear of death stopping him," Gajeel said.

"If the Phoenix were to go on a rampage, just like what happened the last time, the Duke will survive the attack. But, he'll be the only one," Panther Lily says.

"I'm sure Spike can take down that Phoenix in one, two, three," Natsu proclaims. Makarov sighs a bit after Natsu's statement.

"Something troubling you, Master," Erza asks.

"I want to say Natsu's theory is correct if Spike can eat some of the Phoenix's power. However, with the Wyvern Tranquilizer Darts injected in Spike's systems, we may already lost a key player heading into this fight."

"I'm going," Lucy said. "I need to try and rescue Γ‰clair. She was crying, so I held her. She still couldn't stop trembling. It was so much that I was shaking too. This isn't about the stone or about the Phoenix. Γ‰clair's life is at stake. She's just a girl like me. When she found out that her father died she cried just like I did. She needs our help. We can't abandon her..," Lucy sheds some tears.

Makarov takes it all in and makes a decision based on Lucy's feelings. "I see... You can go. Erza, you choose who goes with her."

"Right," Erza nods.

"Keep it small and efficient. Veronica may not be a large country, but we can't afford to go to war with them."

"Of course, Master," Erza takes a deep breath.

"Wendy, I'm going to need your Troia spell this time."

"Yes, that means I have to go with you, Natsu."

"Then I'm going too," Gray volunteers.

"Wherever Gray goes, I will follow," Juvia said.

"Aye, Sir!" Happy volunteers to go as well.

"Count me in," Gajeel said. "I want retribution for the punks that put my brother to sleep."

"I'm going as well," Panther Lily says.

"We should hope for the best while still preparing for the worst. I will return to the Council at once to give my report," Makarov decrees. "God speed everybody."

During their conversation about the motives to rescue Γ‰clair and stop the Phoenix Stones from merging, Jet arrives at Porlyusica's treehouse. He knocks frantically.

"Keep your shirt on!" Porlyusica sounds angrier than usual. "I'm coming!" Porlyusica sees Jet. "What do you want?"

Jet flinches at Porlyusica. "Sorry that I'm interrupting, but the guildhall got ambushed by a guild called Carbuncle, and they shot Wyvern Tranquilizers at Spike," Jet shows Porlyusica Spike's condition. She gasps and takes him.

"Wyvern Tranquilizers, not good," Porlyusica brings Spike inside. Jet instinctively walks inside the treehouse.

"Is there any way I can help you in terms of treating Spike?" Jet asks Porlyusica while she lays Spike on a bed.

"Yes," Porlyusica gives jet a list. "I need you to go deeper in Mt.Hakobe to retrieve saliva of a Wyvern."

"Sa-Sa-Saliva..?" Jet stutters a bit.

"Yes. It's crucial to make an antibody to speed the process. Knowing Makarov and the others, they'll need Spike's help."

"Okay," Jet takes the list and hightails out of the treehouse. He runs and slams into Laxus of the Thunder Legion. Jet falls back while Laxus remains still.

"Hey, what's the matter? You look paranoid," Freed asks Jet.

"Sorry, I need to get Wyvern saliva for Porlyusica. Spike's got hit with many Wyvern Tranquilizers from this group called Carbuncle."

"What?!" Evergreen, Freed, and Bickslow said in shock. They couldn't believe that Spike would be taken out like that.

"Wyvern Saliva? You don't say," Laxus helps Jet up. "Well, I guess we won't be getting paid by that scientist."

"10,000,000 Jewels. Gone," Evergreen says goodbye to her check.

"All going for a better cause. Let's help Porlyusica with Spike," Freed said.

The Thunder Legion and Jet head over to Porlyusica's treehouse. At first glance, Porlyusica believed that Jet chickened out. When she saw Jet with the Thunder Legion, she believe they're here to help speed the healing process.

"Hello, Porlyusica. Jet informed us that you need Wyvern Saliva. Here you go," Freed gives Porlyusica a container of Wyvern Saliva.

"Thank you," Porlyusica heads over to her potion chamber and starts producing an antidote.

"So, what can you tell us about Carbuncle?" Laxus asks.

"Well," Jet tells the Thunder Legion about each member that ambushed the guildhall. Dyst using telekineses, Coordinator has similar magic to Erza requips and can dispel any wizard's magic power, Cannon who uses gun magic, and a shadowy guy that's similar to Rogue's shadow power. He goes into full detail about how intense the group is and what he knows so far, "So, that's all I can say."

"Bummer, if we were there, they'll be dead," Bickslow said.

"I would have turned them into stone," Evergreen said.

"We should not underestimate our opponents. Look what they did to Spike, according to what Jet said," Laxus states. He watches Spike's breathing. "Hold on, bro. We got you."

"I'll create an enchantment to speed Spike's sleep process. By the time the antibodies kick in, Spike should be able to wake up feeling better than ever," Freed gets to work.

"Good thinking. When Spike wakes up, I want you guys to head back to the guildhall. Bring everyone to stop what this Phoenix madness Jet mentioned."

An hour later. Porlyusica finishes making the antidote. She walks up to Spike and injects the antidote into his body.

"Freed, how long until Spike wakes up?" Jet asks.

"A few minutes. I sped up Spike's sleep with my enchantment. When he wakes up, Spike's energy will be restored. He'll be ready to combat anything that gets between him."

"That's awesome," Jet said.

"Indeed," Freed nods.

Spike starts waking up. He feels lightheaded. "Hey.., what happened..?" Spike looks around and groans. "Now, I remember. Those punks shot those tranquilizer darts at me during the ambush."

"How are you feeling, Spike?" Porlyusica asks.

"Hungry and lightheaded. I felt like I've been asleep for days."

"You would have been. However, my enchantment sped up your sleep hours. You were unconscious for a few hours at most," Freed said.

"Quick question. Do any of you know how to get to Veronica?" Spike asks.

"The Thunder Legion knows how to get there," Evergreen said.

"That's where Γ‰clair is. She mentioned that place a while back before Carbuncle attacked us and took her."

"Let's go to the guildhall to bring everyone," Laxus commands.

"Right," Everyone nods.

"Allow me," Spike uses his fire breath to teleport his friends to the guildhall.

"Good luck," Porlyusica said, watching them go.

"Those stupid Council," Makarov mutters while walking back to the guildhall. He gets startled when the Thunder Legion, Jet, and Spike arrive in front of him.

"Easy, calm down, Grampa," Laxus said.

"It's nice to see you too, boy. Spike, you're looking better."

"I am. I'm ready for payback. I'm flying everyone to Veronica," Spike said. "But first. Ring of Defense!" Spike puts a Ring of Defense on himself. In case anyone shoots him with Wyvern Tranquilizer Darts again. The spell will last ten hours.

"Very well. Increase your size, and I'll gather everyone," Makarov goes inside the guildhall.

"Now, I'm excited. The first time flying on a dragon's back!" Bickslow happily said.

"Well, it's not every day someone gets to ride on a dragon's back. Thank you for doing this, Spike," Evergreen says in delight.

"No problem," Spike stretches a bit.

A few moments later, Makarov comes outside. "We're ready to go."

"Yeah! Time to show how manly Fairy Tail is!" Elfman shouts.

"Time for payback!" Mirajane smirks.

"They will regret messing with Fairy Tail!" Cana said.

"We got your back," Alzack and Bisca said with their guns drawn.

"Time to teach those punks a lesson," Macao said.

"Let's get going," Wakaba said.

"Spike. There is one pitstop we have to make. Jet, I need your assistance."

"On it, Master."

"Spike wants!" Spike increases into a full-size dragon and stands on all fours. Everyone coming hops on Spike's back. "Get closer to the back and shoulder. Makarov, I need you to tell me where to go."

"Understood, Spike. Now take off!"

"On it!" Spike takes off and flies to the first pitstop Makarov wants to go.

After ten minutes at the pitstop, Spike takes off, heading to Veronica. An hour later in the flight, Spike arrives in Veronica. Everyone on Spike's back sees a purplish flash.

"Spike, get me close to Erza. I have a special job for her."

"On it, Master. As for everyone else, hop off my back. Find the others and help them any way you can. The punks of Carbuncle could be difficult for our friends to handle."

Elfman, Mirajane, Cana, Alzack, Bisca, Macao, and Wakaba hop off Spike's back first. The Thunder Legion hops off and lands on a rooftop. Jet and Makarov stay on Spike's back while he flies to Erza. In a few moments, Spike points to Erza. Spike's Flare Marking illuminates when he's near, and only he and Fairy Rage can see it.

"Thanks, Spike," Makarov and Jet hop off of Spike.

"That's such a strange glow," Erza said, seeing the purplish flash from afar the castle.

"The light of the Phoenix's Revival," Makarov says while holding the Council's box.

"Master, Jet? How did you get here so quickly?" Erza asks. She notices the box. "What did you brought with you?"

"Spike is here. He's ready to help," Jet said.

"He is?" Erza looks up to see Spike flying towards the purplish flash.

"Our upper hand," Makarov said.

"The Magic Council has given permission to use it?" Erza asks.

"Let the Council be damned," Makarov said. "I have a job for you, Erza," Makarov unveils the box. "Kalard designed this arrow. It can destroy the Phoenix. On my mark, I want you to shoot it."

"Understood, Master," Erza takes the arrow.

"Do you feel that, Rage?"

"Yea. There's a ton of wicked power from the castle. It could be the Phoenix itself. We could be in for a fight for our lives."

Spike hears Dyst from afar and pays close attention to what he has to say.

"Oh, Mighty Phoenix! Bless me with the blood that grants me life eternal!" Dyst sees the Phoenix. The Phoenix happens to be a giant, metal monster with immense power. Dyst gets on the Phoenix in pursuit of his Eternal gift. By drinking the acclaimed Phoenix Blood, eternal life is granted.

The Phoenix generates a ton of power and shoots it at a mountain. It explodes, and the people that witnessed the Phoenix's power flee for their lives. Every Fairy Tail Wizard in Veronica is in awe and horror from seeing its potential.

"That's insane!" Gray shout in horror.

"Let's do this!" Spike's eyes are a blend of orange and green. He soars after the Phoenix.

"Gray, my darling, look!" Juvia points at Spike.

"Spike?" Gray sees him going straight at the Phoenix.

"We need to help him defeat the Phoenix," Juvia said.

"For once, I agree. Let's go," Gray holds Juvia's hand and runs towards the Phoenix's location. Juvia blushes while holding Gray's hand.

Wendy and Panther Lily are fighting soldiers of Carbuncle when they see Spike flying towards the Phoenix. Wendy is extremely happy to see Spike well but becomes afraid that Spike may lose the fight against the Phoenix.

"Yo, let's help Fairy Dragon! He's gonna need all the help he'll get to defeat that beast," Gajeel said.

"Let's go, Wendy," Panther Lily said.

"What about," Wendy sees the men they were fighting run for their lives. She sighs.

"Hey," Cana shouts. "Help has arrived," She's there with Macao, Wakaba, Elfman, Mirajane, Alzack, and Bisca.

Wendy smiles. "That's fantastic."

Gajeel chuckles. "Perfect timing."

"Gotta say thanks to Spike for flying us here," Macao said.

The Thunder Legion sees the Phoenix. They go after it to aid Spike in this battle.

Natsu, Lucy, and Happy arrive at the castle to see Γ‰clair barely survive. She's scorched, and her clothes are tattered.

"She's still alive!" Happy says.

"Γ‰clair!" Lucy and Natsu grabs Γ‰clair before she fell.

"Is Momon here?" Γ‰clair asks.

"He.., flew into the fire to save you," Happy said in tears. "He tried so hard."

"What the hell is that behemoth!" Dyst shouts while riding the Phoenix, which causes Natsu, Happy, Lucy, and Γ‰clair to look up.

"Spike?" Natsu, Happy, and Lucy say in unison.

"Take this!" Spike tackles the Phoenix to the ground. He punches the Phoenix left and right.

"You cursed dragon! I won't allow you to deny me of my destiny!" Dyst angrily shouts. "Phoenix! Kill that dragon!"

The Phoenix rises from the ground and shoots energy balls of destruction. It hits Spike and other buildings around. Spike crashes into a tall building that was being evacuated.

"Lucy, get her to someplace safe," Natsu said. "Happy, Spike needs our help!"

"Aye!" Happy grabs Natsu.

"There is no safe place anymore!" Γ‰clair says. "The Phoenix will lay waste upon everything unless it is defeated. There's nothing strong enough to defeat the Phoenix!"

"Spike can," Lucy said. She believes in him.

Spike gets up and flies in the air. "Lightning Inferno Flame! Demolition Energy Blast!" Spike presses his claws, unleashes a Sparkling Green Lightning Flame Energy Blast at the Phoenix.

Natsu, Lucy, Happy, and Γ‰clair watch in awe. They see the Phoenix getting knocked down a second time. It shoots many energy balls of destruction at Spike.

"Mind if we take this!" Spike grabs two energy balls of destruction and claps. He creates a Sparkling Orange-Green Metallic Destruction Sword.

"HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!?!?!" Dyst is witnessing more of Spike's magic power. "THE PHOENIX HAS MORE POWER! DIE! DIE! DIE ALREADY!"

"Let's go, Happy!" Natsu shouts.

"AYE, SIR!" Happy takes off.

Lucy takes Γ‰clair to a safer spot in Veronica. Hopefully, the area isn't too heavily damaged.

Spike sees Happy flying Natsu. "Natsu! Think fast!" Spike shoots a Sparkling Orange-Green Fireball at Natsu.

"Thanks, buddy!" Natsu gets hit and consumes the flames. "Now I got a fire in my belly!" Natsu sees Dyst. Happy flies directly at him, allowing Natsu to strike Dyst.

"Don't interfere!" Dyst demands.

"Are you doing this so more people can die!?" Natsu angrily barks at Dyst.

Phoenix tries to strike Spike, but Spike deflects his attack with his sword. The Phoenix uses his claw to slam Spike to the ground.

"Wendy, use your dragon breath! Iron Dragon Roooooooooooar!" Gajeel unleashes his iron dragon breath attack.

"Sky Dragon Roooooooooooooar!" Wendy unleashes her sky dragon breath attack.

"Ice Cannon!" Gray shoots an ice beam at the Phoenix.

"Water Cyclone!" Juvia unleashes her torrent of water at the Phoenix.

Mirajane turns into her Satan Soul to unleash her barrage of dark energy blasts at the Phoenix.

Elfman turns into his Beast Soul and goes after the Phoenix's head to land a punch.

Wakaba uses his smoke magic to punch the Phoenix on all corners.

Macao shoots his purple flares at the Phoenix on all corners.

Cana shoots her lightning and detonation cards at the Phoenix.

Alzack and Bisca use their gun magic to shoot the Phoenix at the same time.

"Alright, babies! Baryon Formation!" Bickslow commands his Tikis to form a pentagon formation to shoot an energy beam at the Phoenix.

"Fairy Machine Gun Leprechaun!" Evergreen unleashes her torrents of energy needles at the Phoenix.

"Dark Γ‰criture Slice!" Freed moves at fast speeds, using his sword to slash the Phoenix.

"Lightning Dragon Rooooooooooooar!" Laxus unleashes his lightning dragon breath attack at the Phoenix.

The Phoenix takes all the attacks but doesn't acknowledge the pain; it barely tickles his metal skin. Spike gets up and pierces the Phoenix with his sword.

"You will die! Fairy Dragon-" The Phoenix unleashes a destructive energy blast, causing Spike to hurl away from its presence.

"Happy, let go of me!" Natsu shouts. Happy complies and drops Natsu. "Fire Dragon Brilliant Flames!" Natsu tries to hit Dyst. Dyst dodges the attack and hurls Natsu away with his telekineses.

"Why won't you die like that dragon friend of yours?" Dyst shoots waves of his telekineses forces at Natsu. "Let your Phoenix Blood spring forth! So I may be crown as new ruler for all time!"

The Phoenix, now free from Spike's attack, unleashes his destructive powers all over the country of Veronica. Multiple explosions occur and destroyed many buildings and people.

"Get down!" Elfman shoves Mirajane and Cana to the ground. Every other Fairy Tail Wizard and Γ‰clair take cover from the carnage.

"Lucy, I remember. Veronica," Γ‰clair explains her memories to Lucy. How she lived for 400 years. Veronica was built on the Fire Village that was burned to the ground, where she used to live long ago. She remembers the night when she drank the Phoenix's blood, given eternal life. As a result of drinking the Phoenix's blood, her memory was wiped clean. She walked aimlessly for centuries, not knowing why. Throughout the timespan, she drifted from what seemed like an eternity. Time is only marked by the graves she holds dearly. That is why she feels that magic brings sorrow wherever she goes during the time.

"That's why you said magic brings sorrow. I understand."

"The curse I carry was brought upon magic, and it caused me nothing but pain," Γ‰clair cries. "The Phoenix's power is too powerful for anyone to stop. Lucy, leave me and save yourself," Γ‰clair sadly says.

"I can't do that. No one in our guild will leave a friend behind. Now, let's get moving!" Lucy picks up Γ‰clair. "I know my friends will stop that beast from bringing an apocalypse.

Spike gets up. "This ends now!" Spike flies after the Phoenix. The Phoenix uses his tail to strike Spike. Spike catches it and yanks it hard, causing the Phoenix to fall back.

"Cursed dragon! I still don't have the Phoenix Blood! I need the Phoenix Blood!" Dyst yells.

"The only thing you're getting is a one-way ticket to Hell!" Natsu's body ignites. "Fire Dragon!"

"Not this time!" Dyst is about to use his telekineses when Happy strikes him from behind, causing him to lose his concentration. "Die!" Dyst turns around and uses his telekineses to shoo Happy away with full force.

"Flame Loaded Sparkling Flame Blade!" Natsu circularly swipes his arms, creating a powerful and a highly destructive torrent of Sparkling Orange-Green Flames courtesy of Spike. Dyst gets blasted with Natsu's attack and falls off the Phoenix in defeat.

"Yes!" Laxus sees Natsu defeat Dyst from afar.

"It's not over," Panther Lily sees Dyst's defeat next to Wendy and Gajeel.

"The Phoenix. Spike is still battling the Phoenix. Our magic isn't strong enough to handle it," Wendy said.

Spike rips the tail off of the Phoenix with his strength and whacks the Phoenix with it multiple times. Everyone watches Spike continuing the fight while the Phoenix continues to use his destructive magic to kill Spike.

"Happy! We need to take down the Phoenix!"

"Aye, Sir!" Happy comes back for Natsu and grabs him.

"It doesn't matter. We'll give it everything we have!" Gajeel shouts. "Lily, get me closer to it!"

"Right!" Panther Lily grabs Gajeel and takes off.

"C'mon, Wendy. Spike needs your help too," Carla grabs Wendy and takes off.

"Let's send this Phoenix straight to Hell! Lightning Dragon Heavenward Halberd!" Laxus shoots a massive, powerful lightning spear at the Phoenix. After unleashing his attack, Laxus feels strange.

"Gajeel, we have a problem," Panther Lily loses his flight magic and falls. Panther Lily and Gajeel crash land.

"Wendy, I don't feel right," Carla loses her flight magic and falls. Carla and Wendy crash land.

"Natsu, you need to lose some weight!" Happy says. He loses his flight magic and falls. Happy and Natsu crash land.

"Oh no..," Γ‰clair feels the Phoenix drawing energy.

"What's wrong, Γ‰clair?" Lucy turns to her.

"It's the Phoenix. I feel it drawing energy from everyone around it," Γ‰clair fearfully says.

"Hey, my magic. I can't feel it," Wendy said.

"I can't feel any of my magic as well," Gajeel said.

"Crap, I'm losing my magic," Gray feels like his body is getting drained of his magic energy.

"Damn." Spike pants and lets go of the tail. He reverts to size. "What's happening?" Spike looks up to see an energy ball of mass destruction.

Every Fairy Tail Wizard sees the energy ball growing wider and wider. Like an energy bomb.

"What's wrong with me? I feel weak," Lucy falls to her knees.

"It's not you. The Phoenix steals magic power. It'll take all the magic power it can to destroy the world," Γ‰clair explains.


"It's the nature of the Phoenix to be reborn. It must first be destroyed. The whole world must burn. Then it alone will rise from the ashes."

"Seriously?" Lucy looks at the Phoenix.

"That's why it must be stopped," Makarov says. "No matter what sacrifice it must be made."

"Master," Lucy sees Makarov.

"Wouldn't you agree, Ms.Γ‰clair?"

"Yes," Γ‰clair nods. "But, the people from Fire Village are gone, and their technique to seal it is lost. So how can we do it?"

"We will not seal it but destroy it. 400 years ago, the Great Wizard Kalard completed work on a magic weapon that was to be used against the Phoenix. It was called the Arrow of Evil's Destruction. It was entrusted to the Council."

"He did?" Γ‰clair smiles a bit. "Could this be the dispel magic he spoke of?"

"Yes. It is extremely powerful. It will completely annihilate the Phoenix. However, you should know that anyone who consumed its' blood will disappear along with it."

Lucy gasps. She turns from Makarov to Γ‰clair and Makarov again. "They will?"

"Erza will fire this arrow when I give her the signal."

"What?! NO! She'll never hurt Γ‰clair like that!" Lucy frantically says.

"I never disclose that fact to her. This will be my sin to bear alone."

"Go ahead. You have my blessing," Γ‰clair says.

Spike looks up and gets an idea. One that Erza would kill him for breaking a promise. "Forgive me, Sis," Spike gets up and flies onto the head of the Phoenix.

Erza requips into her archery attire and bends her bow. She aims at the Phoenix when she sees Spike flying. "What is Spike doing?"

"Hey! What's Fairy Dragon doing?" Gajeel looks up.

"Oh no..," Wendy picks up what Spike's doing.

"What's the guy thinking?" Laxus watches Spike's motives.

"Something stupid if you ask me," Bickslow replies.

"Natsu, look!" Happy points at Spike.

"Spike! What are you doing!?" Natsu shouts.

"Breaking a promise!" Spike shouts and jumps into the energy ball of destruction.

"Master! Did you tell Spike!?" Lucy frantically shouts. She saw from the corner of her left eye what Spike is doing.

"No. I didn't tell anyone, Lucy."

"Spike just enter the energy ball the Phoenix is conjuring!"

"What!?" Makarov turns to see Spike.

"Your reign ends nooooooooooooooow!" Spike starts consuming the destruction ball's magic the Phoenix is conjuring. Spike increases his size once more to sustain the magic energy flowing through him. Spike's body shines magnificently like a Phoenix. The Phoenix steps back. "I am FAIRY PHOENIX DRAGON!" Spike roars, causing the Phoenix's metallic body to crack and shatter.

"That boy is insane..," Makarov sees the unthinkable.

"Can it be possible for Spike to destroy the Phoenix without causing death upon Γ‰clair?" Lucy asks.

"I'm not sure. However, I'm deciding to allow Erza to finish the job," Makarov signals Erza to shoot the arrow.

"He broke a promise," Erza remembers the day after Spike defeated Master Hades. Just promise us you won't do anything that reckless ever again. Erza hears Spike saying promise during the time. She lowers her bow and arrow at first. Then she saw Makarov's signal and steadies her aim.

"NO! PLEASE! LET SPIKE DESTROY IT!" Lucy begs Makarov to change his mind.

"Lucy, it's for the best," Γ‰clair accepts her fate.

"It's not! How can you say that!" Lucy turns to Γ‰clair with tears in her eyes.

"I had a long, long life. I don't want it to last forever. I will always be with you. The memories we made together, those will never die. I promise. It's such a special gift. So, thank you," Γ‰clair closes her eyes. "Lucy, I know Momon is waiting for me."

"Seek out and destroy the evil!" Erza shoots the arrow at the Phoenix.

"Please, NOOOOOOOOOO!" Lucy cries her eyes out. She watches the arrow pierce the Phoenix's body.

Spike sees the arrow piercing the Phoenix. It falls to the ground in defeat. Due to Spike shattering the body of the Phoenix with his roar, the Phoenix starts disintegrating and turning into dust. As the Phoenix disintegrates, Γ‰clair disintegrates in Lucy's arms.

"Don't go!" Lucy cries her eyes out.

"Lucy," Γ‰clair's spirit appears and starts ascending into the stars. "Promise me, you'll cherish our memories," Γ‰clair smiles at her.

"Γ‰clair!" Lucy tries to grab Γ‰clair's spirit hand, but it slips through. "Don't leave me."

Γ‰clair comes next to Natsu and Happy. "I thank you, Natsu. Lucy needs you now. Help mend her heart," Γ‰clair is reunited with the spirit of Momon. She hugs him. This causes Happy to tear up for a tearful reunion.

"Goodbye, but before we go, I want everyone in Fairy Tail to know how much you helped us," Momon said. He and Γ‰clair's spirit fuse to create a fiery phoenix to create the Fairy Tail Emblem in the skies.

Every Fairy Tail Wizard, including Spike, watches in awe at the amazement of their emblem displayed in a blaze of glory. A token of their gratitude to always be remembered. Ten minutes later, everyone regroups to where Lucy and Makarov are at. They are giving Γ‰clair a moment of silence. Wendy couldn't help but cry, and Erza had no idea that the arrow would have killed Γ‰clair. Spike reverts to size after releasing the magic in his roar. Every Fairy Tail Wizard regains its magic power.

"Master, could Spike defeat the Phoenix?" Erza asks.

Makarov sighs. "After witnessing Spike's battle against it, yes. However, I wasn't sure if he could do it during the time. I'm surprised that Spike gave it a run for its money."

"I think I could have destroyed the Phoenix. It backed away a bit when I consumed the magic. However, I still think that destroying the Phoenix will still lead to Γ‰clair's demise. Like an unavoidable effect."

Lucy is having a mental breakdown. Natsu and Happy comfort Lucy and hug her. Natsu tells Lucy that magic brings all sorts of emotions especially, happiness.

"We should get going. Spike if you would?" Makarov turns to Spike.

Spike nods. "Everyone gather around. I'll teleport us back home," Spike sees his friends gathering around. He uses his fire breath to teleport everyone back to the guildhall in Magnolia.

It's 7:00 in the morning in Magnolia. Everyone Spike teleports to is in front of the guildhall. They look at the remains of the guildhall.

"Everyone, get some rest. Tomorrow, we'll rebuild the guildhall," Makarov declares.

"Hey, we're coming with you to the apartment, Lucy," Natsu said to comfort Lucy.

"Yea. You need us," Happy said to comfort Lucy as well."

"Okay," Lucy sadly says.

Spike watches Lucy, Natsu, and Happy head off to the apartment. Spike now gets a cold crept breath above his shoulder. He looks up to see Erza.

"Spike," Erza looks down at him. "You broke your promise."

"I know. It was necessary at the time. Sorry, Sis."

"Master, will it be okay for Spike to bunk with me in my room?"

"I'll make an exception for Spike being in the girl's dorm. With his teleportation magic, he may need to grab any of you if it were urgent. Only him and no other male shall enter."

Wendy smiles after hearing that ruling. Now she knows that Spike can sleepover in her room whenever he wants. Carla imagines the possibilities Spike and Wendy now have together.

"So, why am I bunking in your room, Sis?" Spike asks.

"After all that's happened, I need you to comfort me..," Erza still feels sad about taking the life of Γ‰clair.

"Hey, can we come in?" Wendy and Carla approach Erza.

"Yes," Erza picks up Spike and carries him to her room at the girl's dorm. Wendy and Carla follow her.

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