• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Tenrou Island: Fairy Tail vs Grimoire Hearts

"Fire Dragon Brilliant Flame!" Natsu starts attacking Grimoire Hearts soldiers with an explosion of his flames.

"Get 'em, Natsu!" Happy shouts.

Wendy, Carla, Panther Lily help drag Spike away from the conflict. Spike is immobilized due to the explosions earlier and his sickness. Wendy tries to use her Sky Magic to heal Spike, but more Grimoire Hearts soldiers come and intervene. Panther Lily fought off those soldiers but can't keep his battle form for much longer. He exerted his magic battling Azuma.

"Spike! Wake up, please! Spike!" Wendy uses her magic to heal Spike. Spike's rash isn't going away. "Spike!" Wendy becomes teary. She doesn't understand why her healing spell is failing on her.

"Wendy stop, you'll overexert yourself," Carla said.

"NO! Not until Spike is healed!" Wendy tries only to get ambushed by another wave of soldiers.

"Fire Dragon Wing Attack!" Natsu saves Wendy from the soldiers and scorches the soldiers in the process.

"You guys should take Spike and hide. Natsu and I can handle these guys."

"Very well, Happy. Wish you luck," Said Carla.

"I got Spike. Carla, take Wendy."

"Don't feel bad. You can kick back and take the load off. Leave the work to the real heroes of this story," Happy proclaims. Wendy, Carla, and Panther Lily feel conflicted. Spike belches Sparkling Green Flames and hits Happy. "Aaaaaaaah!" Happy rolls on the ground to get the flames off.

"I want to say that was karma for the way he was talking," Said Panther Lily.

"I agree. Let's go,"

One of the Grimoire Heart Soldiers shot a flame bullet at Natsu. Natsu consumes the flames and becomes reenergize. He takes out his frustrations on the soldiers due to a powerful wizard turning his scarf black.

"Enough already!" Zancrow had enough of seeing the wimps getting tossed around like flies by Natsu. Zancrow has long and spiky blond hair. He wears a yellow and dark blue skirt-like armor with a red waist ribbon that exposes the right side of his chest and his right shoulder. On his right shoulder is where the Grimoire Heart Emblem is located. "Leave him to me. I was hoping to get some exercise from this trip. I'll pound this runt in the dirt while you go look for Zeref. Judging what I've seen so far should only take a few minutes."

"So, Grimoire Hearts' goal is the Black Wizard," Said Wendy.

"And we're caught in the middle," Said Panther Lily.

"Why are things so complicated?" Carla asks.

Zancorw overhears the soldiers of Grimoire Hearts talking about Natsu's strength and kills them right then and there. Natsu sees that Zancrow uses black flames. Everyone except for Spike feels a strong magic power coming from Zancrow.

"You jerk! How could you do that to your friends?" Natsu shouts at Zancrow.

"They weren't my friends. It's not your business anyway. If I were as weak as you, I'd be careful who I run my mouth too," Zancrow unleashes his black flames at Natsu.

"What a joke. Don't you know that your fire ain't going to hurt me!"

"Natsu! Stay back! Those flames are bad news! Don't let it touch you!" Wendy warns Natsu of the danger of the black flames.

Natsu gets hit with the black flames and has a hard time consuming them. "Why can't I eat it? What is this?! You tricked me!"

"That's what you get for being so cocky," Zancrow responds. "Now it's time for the main course!" Zancrow unleashes a larger scale of his black flames at Natsu while laughing at his misery. He jumps down to confront Natsu after he took the blow. "Serves you right for trying to eat up your stature, you lonely dragon-hunter. You like my divine flames?"

"What do you mean, divine flames?" Natsu asks Zancrow.

"Exactly what it sounds like; my magic is way out of your league," Zancrow laughs sinisterly. "You're up against a God Slayer. Make peace with your own fast."

"A God Slayer?" Happy is in shock. So is everyone else.

"It doesn't matter what you are!" Natsu's body is blazing with fire. "I'm going to take this punk down. Anyone who dares attack the Fairy Tail Guild will live to regret it!"

Zancrow laughs. "Bring it on, runt. Let's see if I can scrounge a meal out of those pathetic flames!"

Zancrow reveals himself to be a God Slayer and battles Natsu. Panther Lily and Carla take Wendy and Spike out of harm's way. Wendy still needs to find a place to heal Spike so he can get back in the fight. Happy observes the battle and sees Natsu getting dominated by Zancrow.

"Where do you think you're going?" Zancrow unleashes God Slayer Divine Flames at Panther Lily, Carla, and Happy. Panther Lily and Carla lose grip of Wendy and Spike and fall to the ground. "Poor weaklings. Next time we meet, your deaths will be slow and painful," Zancrow laughs.

"You bastard!" Natsu jumps from behind, ready to use his Fire Dragon Iron Fist.

"That's no way to talk to a God, peasant!" Zancrow unleashes his divine fire at Natsu, causing him to feel pain as his fire explodes on contact. Natsu hurls down the mountain and lands hard. "This is so much fun! However, I'm not through with my prey," Zancrow maniacally laughs. He jumps down in hopes of finding Natsu.

Spike lands hard on the ground. His rash gets worse while he suffered a few bruises. Wendy looks at Spike after she got up.

"Spike..," Wendy sees Spike unresponsive to her call. Spike belches his flames, hitting Happy in the process.

"Aaaaaaaaaaah!" Happy runs with his arms up in circles for a bit. Then rolls on the ground to get the flames off of him. After a few moments, Happy sighs in relief.

"He looks worse," Panther Lily sees purple spots on Spike's body.

"We gotta get him away from the dangers," Said Carla. She's getting worried about Spike's condition.

Natsu lands hard on the ground. He's separated from the others. "Great! I can't believe he beat me!" Natsu is livid. He sniffs the area. "Wait, I know that smell," Natsu runs in the direction of the scent and finds Master Makarov severely injured.

Master Makarov tells Natsu that Master Hades is responsible for all this. He commands Natsu to gather everyone and retreat. Natsu hates the idea of running away from Grimoire Hearts. He refuses to allow the Dark Guild to get away. Zancrow appears before the two and attacks Natsu.

Zancrow and Natsu duke it out while Master Makarov is helpless to aide Natsu against the God Slayer. Zancrow engulfs Natsu with his divine flames, hoping to kill him in the process. Master Makarov enlarges his hand and grabs onto Zancrow, trying to squeeze the life out of him. Zancrow's body illuminates in his divine flames to burn Master Makarov's hand. Natsu gets an ingenious idea of emptying his magic power to consume Zancrow's flames. It works as Zancrow and Makarov see Natsu consuming the divine flames, infusing them with his dragon flames. Natsu annihilates Zancrow with a Dragon God Brilliant Flames. One of the Seven Kin of Purgatory is now defeated.

Meanwhile, Azuma has been running amuck. He's located the Fairy Tail Base Camp and has been battling Mirajane and Lisanna. The two combined are no match for Azuma's power. However, Azuma becomes intrigued after hearing that Mirajane can use Satan Soul. Azuma confines Lisanna in an explosive root with a timer, leaving Mirajane no choice but to fight Azuma. Also, Rustyrose. Another member of the Seven Kin of Purgatory has found Elfman and Evergreen and battle them. Ultear is on Tenrou Island looking for Zeref. Meredy has located Erza and Juvia. Capricorn is battling Loke, Gray, Cana, and Lucy. Kain Hikaru is aimlessly looking for food or anyone to fight.

A while ago, Yomazu and Kawazu ambushed Gajeel and Levy. Gajeel winds up battling the two on his own while Levy was searching for help. Gajeel defeated the two after proclaiming to be a Fairy Tail Wizard, and Fairy Tail never loses.

Ten minutes later. Happy, Carla, and Wendy finds Natsu and Master Makarov. Panther Lily arrives seconds later while carrying Spike. Wendy tries to heal Natsu. However, Master Makarov tells Wendy to heal Natsu's scarf first. Wendy heals Natsu's scarf, eradicating the darkness within the scarf and turning it pure. Master Makarov asks about Spike's condition. Panther Lily explains that Spike is getting worse. Wendy is teary and tries her healing magic on Spike again. Like before, no sudden changes on Spike's body.

"What's wrong with me? Why isn't my magic healing him..?"

"Perhaps you are drained a bit?" Panther Lily said.

"No! I can heal anything! Ailments, broken bones, colds, fevers.., anything!" Wendy pants as she looks at Spike.

"I guess whatever he has can't be healed," Happy said. Spike belches green flames on Happy again. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Happy flies in circles and rolls on the ground. "Why me..?" Happy said in tears of anguish.

"I should have seen that coming. However, I don't think we should be near Spike."

"What?! Why do you say that, Carla?!" Wendy is upset.

"Not to be rude or anything, child. Spike is carrying a new disease. He's a dragon, and whatever he's carrying can affect you, Natsu, and Gajeel. We can't risk you getting terminally ill."

"Terminally ill?! " Wendy is horrified to hear that possibility.

"No, no, I'm sure it's an allergic reaction. That's what he told us a while ago," Said Happy.

"Which is true. I've been around Spike the longest, and I haven't caught any symptoms," Panther Lily states.

Wendy tries her healing magic on Natsu to see if her magic is failing on her. Moments later, Natsu wakes up feeling better than ever.

"I think I need a timeout on using my healing magic. Perhaps my healing spell will work on Spike later."

A loud explosion with a surge of energy is heard. Everyone around feels the power not far off. Several explosions occur around Tenrou Island. Natsu and Wendy become worried for everyone's safety. Natsu picks up a familiar scent and runs after it. Happy follows him. Also, to get away from Spike's belching.

"What do we do now?" Wendy asks.

"We should find the base camp and bring the injured there. Once that's settled, we can continue the fight against Grimoire Hearts," Panther Lily suggests.

"I agree. We're sitting ducks for any attack by being stationary," Said Carla.

Wendy picks up Spike while Panther Lily picks up Master Makarov. Carla follows them to the Fairy Tail Base Camp. Wendy hopes to bump into Natsu for protection. Forty minutes later, The gang joins Natsu, Happy, and Lucy. Lucy is in shock to see Spike's condition.

"What happened to him?" Lucy sees Spike unresponsive.

"His condition is getting worse. We don't know how long it's going to take for him to recover. Wendy's healing magic won't work on him either," Panther Lily exclaims.

"Poor guy..," Lucy is now worried for Spike's life.

"Despite in his condition, Lucy. Spike has a belching problem," Spike belches Sparkling Green Flames at Happy. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Happy runs in agony and rolls on the ground. "Grrrrrrr," Happy gets angry and grabs a club. "It's Clobbering Time!"

"Don't you dare touch him!" Wendy viciously glares at Happy, scaring the life out of him.

Happy becomes afraid and cringes. "Sorry, Ma'am!" Happy apologizes and bows down to Wendy.

"Scaaaary," Natsu and Lucy said in unison. They have never seen this side of Wendy before.

"So, have you found any trouble?" Panther Lily asks.

"One minute I was with Cana, next thing I know I was being chased by the fatty of the Seven Kin of Purgatory. Natsu and I defeated him. Also, Capricorn was a member of the Seven Kin of Purgatory. Now he's on our side. He's a Celestial Spirit," Lucy reveals Capricorn's Celestial Key.

"Wow," Wendy and Carla said.

"Yea, the fatty used this weird voodoo dolly thing, and we used that against him," Natsu said. "Right now, that's three of the Seven Kin of Purgatory down."

"Alright, we should get moving. We gotta get Spike and Makarov out of harm's way," Panther Lily said.

"I got Gramps," Natsu picks up Master Makarov and puts him on his shoulders.

Out of nowhere, Mest regroups with everyone carrying a communication lacrima.

"The traitor returns," Panther Lily sees Mest.

"Where you run off to, whoever you are?" Natsu asks.

"That's Mest. The spy of the Magic Council," Said Lucy.

"To be quite honest, my name is Doranbolt."

"What are you doing here?" Wendy asks, unamused at the moment due to Happy's antics a few moments ago.

"You can say that I'm on a rescue mission. I can use my magic to transport your guild members somewhere safe. I'll get you as far away from this island as possible. But first, I need to know where everybody is in order to do that."

Spike belches Sparkling Green Flames at Doranbolt. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Doranbolt runs around and rolls on the ground. "Did he do that on purpose?!" Doranbolt becomes agitated.

"No! He's sick. Whatever is happening to him, he can't control it," Said Wendy in Spike's defense.

"Also, we don't need your help," Natsu said, speaking for everyone.

"What makes you think we trust anyone who's acting interest from the Magic Council?" Carla said.

"This is our problem, not yours. We're more than capable of taking care of it ourselves."

"Listen to me!" Doranbolt warns. "I guarantee once the Council finds what's going on here, they'll do whatever it takes to neutralize the threat."

Happy freaks out, thinking the Magic Council is willing to use the Etherion Blast again. Lucy and Happy explain to Panther Lily and Carla what the Etherion Blast is capable of doing. Natsu says that they'll have to take care of business before they can use Etherion. Lucy and Happy tell Doranbolt to have the Magic Council step aside. Doranbolt feels threatened by Fairy Tail, in which Natsu gives him a warning. Natsu tells Doranbolt that it doesn't matter who it is. Anyone daring to make an enemy of the Fairy Tail Guild will regret it wholeheartedly.

An hour later. Dark clouds are now hovering over Tenrou Island. Wendy looks up at the sky, wondering what's going to happen now. It starts raining, and everyone takes off looking for a place for shelter. Natsu finds a cave nearby and directs everyone to go inside. Natsu and Happy are keeping watch. Doranbolt is next to Spike and Makarov while they're resting on the ground. Lucy uses her Celestial Spirit Key to summon Virgo. Virgo gives Lucy and Wendy a new change of clothing from the Celestial Spirit World. Carla and Panther Lily decide to fly around Tenrou Island in search of the Grimoire Hearts' ship.

"Man, this sucks," Natsu said. "Why or why did Spike had to get sick? Of all times too?"

"I know how you feel, Natsu. We're going have to wait until Wendy is full of magic energy to release Spike's sickness."

"He would have definitely take down some of the Seven Kin of Purgatory on his own," Natsu crosses his arms.

"Who knows what could have happened."

"How are you holding up, Happy?"

"Fine for the most part. I have to keep my distance away from Spike. Sometimes, I feel his belching is on purpose."

"Thanks for the set of clothes, Virgo," Wendy is now dressed in her new outfit.

"You're welcome," Virgo goes back to the Celestial Spirit World.

Fifteen minutes later, Carla returns to the caves.

"Hey Carla, did you lose Lily?" Natsu asks.

"We decided to visit base camp on the way here. Gajeel and Mira are in pretty bad shape. So Lily is staying with them while they recover."

"Whoa, what happened to them?" Happy asks.

"According to Levy and Lisanna. Gajeel took on two wizards of Grimoire Hearts on his own. As for Mirajane, Azuma destroyed her in battle while trying to protect Lisanna."

"They won't live to regret for attacking our friends!" Natsu declares.

"We spotted Grimoire Hearts' ship on the east coast of the island," Said Carla.

"That's good. Let's swim over and bust heads."

"Hold on, Natsu. We need to head to base camp. We can't carry Spike and Makarov to Grimoire Hearts' ship," Lucy suggests.

"Yea. Plus, I want to heal the others that are badly wounded from today's ambush," Wendy concurs.

"Alright, let's get moving," Natsu picks up Master Makarov.

"I got Spike," Wendy picks up Spike.

"You sure? I can have one of my spirits do that," Said Lucy.

"He's mine. He protected me many times before. Now, I want to protect him," Wendy seriously states while she has a firm grip on Spike.

"Okay, okay," Lucy puts her hands up a little.

"What about me?" Doranbolt asks.

"Keep the council from blowing us up," Natsu answers.

"Listen, we don't want their help. We can take down Grimoire Hearts and Zeref on our own," Said Lucy.

"Just tell them there is no need to fire an Etherion Blast," Said Wendy.

"You think they'll listen?" Doranbolt rhetorically asks.

"Just find a way to buy us some time," Natsu starts running in the direction of the base camp.

Wendy, Lucy, Happy, and Carla follow Natsu's lead. Doranbolt mentions that no guild that faces Grimoire Hearts ever lived to tell their tale. He questions Natsu and the others to see if they have a plan. Natsu answers by saying giving Grimoire Heart everything they got.

Twenty minutes later. Natsu and the gang halts as another member of the Grimoire Hearts approaches. He slowly walks to the group.

"Who are you?!" Natsu calls out to the man walking up to them. "One of the Kin?"

"Tell me, have you learned how to fly?" He answers. "No pity," He extends his arms and stops the rain. "Then you fall," He uses his gravity magic to hold everyone down hardly.

Everyone is unable to move. Wendy screams as Spike starts smelling foul.

"Wendy, what's wrong?" Carla shouts.

"It's.., it's Spike. He doesn't smell well."

"What?!" Everyone shrieks.

"Spike. The supposed Fairy Dragon everyone talks about," He keeps applying pressure with his gravitational magic.

"Agh," Natsu tries to cover his nose. "Smells like decay," Natsu shuts his mouth.

"NO! Spike's not dying!" Wendy doesn't want to believe that Spike is dying.

The Wizard demands to know the location of Mavis Vermillion. Lucy tells him that they don't know where it's located. Then she calls Cana using the calling card. The Wizard unleashes his singular gravitational pull on everyone until he gets what he desires. Fairy Glitter. He gives them one chance to tell him where Fairy Glitter is, a light spell that's supposedly more powerful than Fairy Law.

Natsu uses his strength to overpower the gravitational pull and runs after the Wizard. Natsu jumps up to unleash his Fire Dragon Iron Fist only to be swatted away by a gravitational force. Spike wakes up a bit and feels different.

"Oooooh.., what happened?" Spike rubs his head.

"Spike!" Everyone shouts.

"The Dragon lives," The Wizard sees Spike standing and, for whatever reason, unfazed by the gravity.

"Spike, we're in deep trouble. That guy is way too strong!" Wendy points to the Wizard above. Then she gets slammed down with a brutal gravity force causing intense pain.

"Leave THEM alone," Spike demands. His voice still sounds raspy and loudly.

"Tell me where Fairy Glitter is, and I'll leave them be," He responds.

"Go get some at the flea market. I heard it's 20% off on Tuesday," Spike jokes.

"Insolent brat," He uses his gravitation magic on Spike. Spike is still unfazed. "What?"

"You're going to regret attacking my friends," Spike sounds better as he's focused on stopping the Wizard. Then all of a sudden, Spike starts turning into stone.

"Noooo!" Wendy and Lucy cry out. "SPIIIIIIKE!"

"Spike!" Happy, Carla, and Natsu saw what happened. They see Spike as a stone statue.

"It seems the sickness and my gravity turned him into stone. Oh well, tell me where Fairy Glitter is right now!"

Cana arrives to see her friends getting leveled. She also sees Spike petrified in stone and figures it had to do with the Grimoire Hearts Wizard.

"Are you the one I need to squash!" Cana shouts.

"Look!" Natsu shouts, pointing at Cana.

"Cana," Lucy is happy to see Cana.

"She's okay," Wendy smiles.

"Better late than never," Said Carla.

"Aye!" Happy cheers.

"I'm not going to let you lay a finger on my friends!" Cana throws her exploding cards at the Wizard. He redirects the cards to explode around him. "You're going down!" Cana jumps down, ready to strike. Her arm is glowing brightly.

"It can't be," The Wizard uses his gravity to pull down Cana. "Tell me what that magic is, or you die here."

The stone statue of Spike starts cracking. Everyone turns to see a bright light shining.

"What's happening?" Wendy tries to see what's going on.

"I think it came from Spike!" Lucy shouts.

"The smell, I can't smell it anymore," Natsu sniffs the air.

The blinding light vanishes and so does the Spike Statue. Everyone wonders what happened. Natsu tries to smell his scent; Wendy does the same. Lucy, Happy, and Carla try to look around.

"Explosion Cataclysm!" Spike shouts.

"What?" Sparkling Green Explosions hit the Wizard below his feet, causing his gravitational magic to cease. The Wizard looks around to see something moving fast. "Show yourself!"

"Fairy Dragon Rooooooaar!" Spike flies straight at the Wizard and unleashes his fire breath on him. He's hurled back a bit.

Cana, Wendy, Carla, Natsu, Happy, and Lucy become astonished to see Spike looking healthy and, more importantly, seeing his wings. The Wizard looks at Spike.

"Spike, think you can distract him?" Cana asks.

"Yes, I can! Spike wants!" Spike increases his size, matching the Wizard in front of him. He glares at Spike. "What's your name, bitch?" Spike's voice is darker due to his size.

The Wizard is astounded to see Spike's ability. "Bluenote Stinger." Bluenote is a tall, muscular middle-aged man with intense gravitational magic that outclasses All members of the Seven Kin of Purgatory. "Prepare to die with your friends."

The two clash while Cana powers up Fairy Glitter that she learned from Mavis' grave. Natsu and the others watch Spike going all out against Bluenote Stinger. Spike is showing some signs of having difficulty.

"Explosion Spike!" Spike conjures an ice spike on the ground, hitting Bluenote, and it explodes on contact.

"Yes! It seems I have a worthy foe," Bluenote uses his gravity to hit knockdown Spike with his punch.

Spike gets up. "Inferno Raging Fist!" Spike's claw is ablaze with Sparkling Green Flames. He punches Bluenote, but he uses his gravity to lower the flames of Spike's punch to kick him in the stomach. The Wizard throws Spike aside.

Spike uses his breath to teleport himself. Instead of crashing onto the ground, he teleports above Bluenote. "Fairy Dragon Rooooooar!" Spike unleashes another fire breath at Bluenote. This time it connects. "Gotcha," Spike smirks.

"Good trick. Not good enough," Bluenote swats Spike away with his gravity like he did to Natsu. Spike lands hard on the ground.

"Now, time to deal with the other brat," Bluenote turns around and sees Cana fully powered.

"Assemble! O' River of Light Guided by Fairies!" Cana chants and raise her arm in the air. Cana's arm shines brightly due to her Fairy Tail Emblem marking of Fairy Glitter. "This is what a member of Fairy Tail can do!" Bright yellow lights illuminate Cana and ascend into the skies. Everyone watches what Cana is doing.

"She's doing it, but how?" Bluenote ponders.

"Her spell is breaking through the rainclouds," Said Wendy.

"Sunlight with moonlight and the light of stars," Said Lucy

"Let Your Radiant Shine and Vanquish the Fangs of Wickedness! Adios you, bastard! Go! Fairy Glitter!" A ring of absolute power and light encases Bluenote tightly. He screams in pain. "For my family and friends!" Cana shouts.

"Fall!" Bluenote escapes the final conclusion of Fairy Glitter before it done severe damage to him by using his gravity on the ground below him. Then, Bluenote uses his magic to blow everyone away with his gravity. He walks up to Cana.

"Leave her alone!" Spike flies and tackles Bluenote from behind and does a german suplex.

"I'm getting sick of you, you freaking lizard!" Bluenote gets up and uses his gravity beam on Spike. Spike reverts to his size from the impact and lands next to Cana. Bluenote walks up to the two of them. "You didn't give me the fight I want, lizard. I guess now I can have some fun sending the two of you in the pits of hell!" Bluenote extends his hand to deliver the blow when Gildarts shows up to intercede the attack. Gildarts shatter magic sends Bluenote flying a bit.

Everyone is excited to see Gildarts returning to help them. Spike and Cana gets up.

"You need to get out of here. All of you!"

"What for?" Natsu asks. Then he sees Gildarts and Bluenote powering up.

"Now go!" Gildarts and Bluenote clash with each other.

Spike teleports Cana to Natsu and the others. "You go to base camp, Natsu! I'll fly around and look for any of our friends that could be fighting the remaining Seven Kin of Purgatory!"

"You got it, Spike! See you later!" Natsu picks up Master Makarov and books. Spike flies in a different direction.

"I'm so happy to see you well, Spike. When this is all over, I'm going to tell you the three words I had problems saying." Wendy thought to herself. She catches up with her friends, making their way to the base camp.

After five minutes of flying, Spike sees Erza and Azuma by the roots of the Tenrou Tree.

Azuma sees Spike flying by. "Impossible. I thought I killed you."

"Spike, you have wings," Erza sees Spike's wings.

"You attacked me when I wasn't 100%. Now, I am."

"I have no interest in you. You didn't give me a fight. I have my warrior now. Erza Titania."

"You didn't see what I'm capable of. You saw a sample of my power. Allow me to change your perspective."

"Very well. I'll fight the both of you," Azuma said.

"Sis, Azuma uses explosion magic. Be careful of your swings."

"Understood, Spike," Erza requips into her Flame Empress Armor.

"Let's see what you got," Azuma positions himself.

Spike conjures a metallic flame sword and increases his size. He and Erza nod and go after Azuma. Azuma uses his explosions to deflect Erza and Spike's flame attacks.

"Bleve," Azuma extends his hand forward at Spike. Spike's claws are Sparkling Green when he grabs hold of the explosion wave. "What?"

"Explosion Spike!" An ice spike rises from the ground and explodes on contact. Azuma feels the force of the attack.

"Incredible, you used my attack and amplified it to your power," Azuma sees Erza about to attack. "Not good enough, Titania," Azuma's magic also allows him to use the trees and roots all around him. He uses a tree root to grab Erza and fling her away. Spike uses his breath to teleport Erza. "Huh, where did she go?"

"Where she needs to be," Spike answers. "Inferno Freezing Fist!"

"Yea, right," Azuma is about to intercept Spike's punch only to be attacked from behind. "Ah!" Azuma leans back as Spike punches him in the face. His face is half burnt, half freezing.

"Thanks for the assist, Spike," Erza said. She requips into her Purgatory Armor.

"No sweat," Spike flies after Azuma.

"You made me mad!" Azuma is irate. "Tower Burst!"

Spike consumes the flames of the Tower Burst. Azuma is in shock. "Now I got a fire in my belly," Spike quotes Natsu.

"Is this a power of a dragon?" Azuma thought to himself. "He consumed my Tower Burst. The last time I used it, he was down and out."

Spike moves his arms and recreates the sword blades on his arms. Just like the Dorma Anim Black Sky.

"Whoa," Azuma said. "I'm done holding back," Azuma unleashes a barrage of explosions and tree roots to attack Erza and Spike.

Spike and Erza slash through and focus their attacks on Azuma. They two are keeping the pressure up. Azuma is having a hard time; he thought handling Erza and Spike would be no problem. Spike uses his breath to teleport Erza.

"You bastard," Azuma said. "Resorting to your cheap tricks."

"Fairy Dragon Rooooooooooooar!" Spike unleashes his fire breath on Azuma. It's denser than before.

Azuma extends his arm to implode the fire roar attack. Erza comes to his side and slashes him. Azuma is hurled into a tree and slams it hard. Erza goes after Azuma, not allowing him to catch a breather. Spike flies with Erza. Spike and Erza roar and punches Azuma in the face.

"This can't be happening. I'm unable to counter against the two. Spike is eating my magic while Titania is hitting me with everything she got. Spike is also teleporting her and some of my magic away. Is this the power of Fairy Tail?"

Azuma uses the trees to his advantage but, Spike burns them into ashes, leaving no room for a singular blow. No matter what Azuma thinks, Spike is there to burn them into a crisp. Erza is proving to be a tough opponent in close-quarter combat.

"I'm nearly all out of options. These two are giving me hell. I can't dish out anymore with Spike eating my magic." Azuma is blown with a combined attack of lightning and green flames from Erza and Spike. Erza is in her Lightning Empress Armor when she delivered that blow.

"This is for my friends in Fairy Tail! Their friendship and love give me power!" Erza is powering up. She requips into her Heaven's Wheel Armor.

"This is for what you and your guild have caused. The pain and suffering they inflicted on my friends are not acceptable!" Spike powers up.

Azuma feels the combined magic coming from the two. It's overwhelmingly powerful. Azuma then decides to do the one thing to render all Fairy Tail Wizards of their magic power, according to Master Hades. To cut off the Tenrou Tree. Spike sees the look at Azuma's face and lunges at him before Erza does. With Spike's flight, his speed is twice as fast. Spike strikes Azuma first.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Azuma screams and looks up to see Erza's attack. "Nooooooooo!" Erza attacks with her sword at Azuma, finishing him off as Azuma's body explodes. "Well done," Azuma falls to the ground. He's unable to get back up.

"I gotta say, we make a formidable team, Spike," Erza takes a breather.

"I saw what he was about to do next. For some reason, he was going to cut the Tenrou Tree. I didn't want him to so, that's why I attacked first."

"Well done, Spike. Now, we should regroup with the others."

"Natsu, Wendy, Lucy, Cana, Carla, and Happy are at the base camp. I heard while I was in a deep sleep, that Zancrow and a fatty Kin of Purgatory are defeated. Capricorn is a Celestial Spirit that was part of the Kin as well. Lucy has him now. I battled Bluenote Stinger with Cana. She used Fairy Glitter on Bluenote, but he got himself out of trouble. That's when Gildarts came and took the fight," Spike reverts to his size.

"I see. Onward to the camp, Spike," Erza and Spike go to the Fairy Tail Base Camp.

Erza tells Spike what she and Juvia encountered. Another member of the Seven Kin of Purgatory named Meredy. She also informs Spike that Gajeel defeated two Wizards from Grimoire Hearts on his own.

Somewhere within Grimoire Hearts' ship, Master Hades grows tired of his wizards falling into the clutches of Fairy Tail. He senses Azuma's failure against Makarov's children. Rustyrose, Bluenote, Ultear, Meredy. Fallen. Master Hades decides to finish the Fairy Tail Guild by himself.

Half an hour later, Erza and Spike see Gray collapsing a bit. Spike and Erza catch him.

"Gotcha, Gray," Said Spike.

"Spike, you look better and have sprouted wings," Said Gray.

"Marvelous, aren't they?" Said Erza.

"Turns out my 'sickness' was part of my transformation to grow wings. I never knew that dragons go through that process."

"Heh, that meant Loke, and I had nothing to worry about when you chased us," Gray chuckles a bit.

A few moments later, Natsu, Wendy, and Lucy meet up with them.

"Hey, guys," Lucy smiles.

"Glad we found you," Wendy is happy to see Spike once more.

"So, what's the plan, Natsu?" Erza asks.

"We're going to kick Hades' ass. You down Erza, Spike, Gray?" Natsu smirks.

"You know it," Erza, Gray, and Spike said in response.

"Follow us. We know where to go," Carla said.

Carla and Panther Lily lead the way. The rain continues to pour down with thunderous lightning. Everyone arrives to see Master Hades on his ship. Master Hades blinks to see Spike the Fairy as the rumors are true. Fairy Dragon in the flesh that's been giving dark guilds a headache.

"So you wish for the same treatment I gave your Master?" Hades looks down at Makarov's children. "Come face your destruction, Children of Makarov," Hades walks back inside his ship.

"Hey, old fart! Give us a way up there!?"

"Natsu, I could teleport us up there," Spike said, silencing Natsu's shouting.

Natsu gets a brain fart after remembering Spike's teleportation magic.

"We owe him one for Gramps," Said Gray.

"He'll answer for it soon enough," Erza said.

"Happy, I want you to head inside and find a way of disabling the ship of taking flight."

"I guess it'd be a major problem if it started moving," Happy replies. "At least for you."

"We shall help him," Carla said.

"You can count on us. Can we go in now?" Panther Lily said, covering his ears.

"Panther Lily, there is no need to be afraid of Thunder and Lightning. Think of it as playing bowling. You roll the bowling ball down the lane. When you hear lightning, it's a strike."

Panther Lily takes a couple of deep breathes to focus on himself. He calms himself, remembering the bowling technique to conquer his fear.

"Wow, Spike. I would have never thought of that. How did you come up with a tactic like that?" Wendy asks.

"The route Panther Lily and I chose happened to be a serenity route that challenges your fears. Panther Lily is Thunder. Mine was my former friends coming to get me and bring me back home," Spike answers.

Wendy, Carla, and Erza cringe a little. They imagine the fear intensifying on him during that time. Wendy casts her Troia spell on Natsu to prevent motion sickness for a while just in case Happy, Carla, and Panther Lily fail to disable the flight mechanism on the ship.

"I think we kept him waiting long enough," Gray uses his ice magic to create stairs heading inside the ship. "Let's go!"

Everyone runs up except for Spike. Erza warns her friends that Master Hades' power surpasses theirs combined. She commands her friends to hit Hades hard and fast. After a few moments, Spike flies up to aid his friends in battle against Master Hades.

Spike sees his friends fighting Hades as he dodges left and right. Spike sees Lucy summoning Scorpio and Wendy using her Sky Dragon Roar. Scorpio and Wendy do a unison raid combining their magic as a booster while Natsu's body is engulfed with flames. Natsu does a Fire Dragon Sworn Horn attacking Master Hades dead-on.

"Whoa, in a matter of moments, Hades is hurled back," Spike said.

"I often heard young people who refer to their mistakes as life experience. But, true mistakes do not yield experiences as there is no coming back from them such as the case here. Your future consists only but the grave. There will be no lesson to learn other than opposing me was the biggest mistake of your lives."

Everyone is stunned to see Master Hades has no scratch on him from the combined attack moments ago. Master Hades' power is unreal.

"Very well, now that I'm all warmed up, it's time to get serious," Master Hades starts powering up. Everyone is in fear of Master Hades' magic power. It's more powerful than Gildarts.

"Get ready," Erza commands.

"Understood, Sis," Spike positions himself.

Master Hades roars as he targets Wendy. Wendy is vaporized right before everyone's eyes. Spike's jaw drops as tears fall on his cheeks. Wendy's clothing is all that's left. Spike gets angry as a surge of energy rapidly grows. Spike's body is ablaze with Sparkling Green Flames.

"Hades." Spike angrily breathes heavily as the area around his friends starts quaking. "THAT'S MY WENDY!!" Windows on the ship shatter while Spike increases his size and lunges at Hades. Natsu, Erza, Lucy, and Gray look at Spike and notices something different in him. They wonder if his magic is now on par with Master Hades.

"Bang! Bang!" Master Hades mimics his hands like guns and shoots purple-piercing bullets at Spike. Spike grabs the purple-piercing bullets with his claws and throws them back at Hades with great force. "What!" Hades couldn't react as his bullets hit him. Hades jumps up to be gut-punched by Spike.

"Die!" Spike punches Hades on the head, slamming him on the ground.

Hades and Spike punches and kicks each other hard, trying to get the upper advantage. Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Erza notices Horologium on the ceiling. He tells them that he used his magic to save Wendy's life and won't be able to do so again. Wendy comes down with a new set of clothing, ready to fight Hades once more. However, Wendy sees Spike and Hades going all out. Wendy sees Spike's eyes and only sees malice and vengeance.

"Spike wants Hades to die!" Spike throws Hades across the room. "Fairy Dragon Rooooooooooar!" Spike unleashes his fire breath at Hades. Due to the fire breath, there's a hole on the left side of the ship where Hades stands.

"You need a time out. Formula 28!" Hades extends his arm, which causes a seal to engulf Spike in a massive dark spherical shockwave. Spike screams in agony and crashes into a wall across from the two.

"Spike!" Wendy shouts.

Spike reverts to himself after the attack and sees Wendy. "Wendy..," Spike smiles and gets back up.

"How profound. A Dragon and a kid being together. Don't worry. You'll join hands in the grave," Master Hades decrees.

"I'll dance on your grave," Spike gets up.

"Let's get him!" Natsu and his friends spring into action.

Master Hades starts shooting purple bullets at everyone in sight. Spike tackles him, but Master Hades punches his back and kicks him. Sending him flying away. Spike uses his breath to teleport himself above Hades' ship.

"Where did he go?" Hades continues to shoot at everyone.

"Inferno Blazing Fist!" Spike crashes through the ceiling hitting Hades on the head.

"You brat!" Hades grabs Spike's tail and throws him. He shoots Spike with his purple-piercing bullets. "Bang! Bang!"

"Phew! Phew!" Spike mimics his claws to shoot Sparkling Green Bullets at Hades.

"You copycat!" Hades becomes infuriated.

Spike's Sparkling Green Bullets doesn't help as Hades is stronger in magic than he. The bullets collide, only slightly changing the course of their target.

"Explosion Cataclysm!" Spike shouts. Sparking Green Explosions implode under Hades. There is smoke where Hades stood. Spike pants a little.

"Mind if I borrow that trick?" Hades walks through the smoke, unfazed by Spike's attack.

"How?" Spike asks in shock.

"I'm not one to take weak hits like that. You're quite gifted, and in the Grand Magic World I'll be creating, you'll live to be my pet. Now sit!" Hades shoots a grappling chain at Spike's throat and slams him hard.

"Stop that right now! Sky Dragon," Wendy conjures her breath attack but gets shot down quickly by Hades' bullet.

Everyone tries to destroy the chain only to be shot by Hades. Hades swings the chain around, causing Spike to feel all sorts of pain by crashing into the walls, the ceiling, and the floor.

"Stop!" Lucy shouts.

"Leave him alone!" Erza shouts.

Wendy gets up and gets shot down by Hades. Wendy cries a little as she can't help Spike. Hades releases the chain and uses another Formula 28 on Spike. Everyone sees Spike standing after the attack but has many bruises on his body. He falls to his knees, struggling to breathe.

"Spike!" Wendy runs up and hugs him. She cries as Spike is trying to catch his breath.

"You monster! I won't let you get away hurting my friends like this!" Natsu shouts.

"Don't worry, you're next after I kill the lovebirds," Hades walks past Natsu and up to Spike and Wendy.

"Don't kill them, please!" Lucy cries out.

A lightning bolt crashing into Master Hades' ship and causes Hades to cease his attack.

"What's the meaning of this?!" Hades is unable to move his hand.

Another lightning bolt strikes in front of Spike and Wendy. Hades, Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Erza are stunned seeing the figure in front of them.

"I'm here now, Spike. Time to take out the fossil that ambushed the guild," Said Laxus.

Hades sees the image of Makarov through Laxus. "The Boy?" Laxus headbutts Hades.

"You'll regret hurting Gramps and my brother!" Laxus refers to Spike as his brother.

Outside of Hades' Ship. 15 minutes ago.

Spike sees his friends running up the stairs and decides to wait a few moments before fighting Hades.

"I hope I don't get in trouble for doing this," Spike uses his magic to teleport a calling card that Laxus gave him a few months back. "Hey, if you can hear me, Laxus. We can use a little muscle to defeat Master Hades at Tenrou Island. I'm leaving the calling card outside of the ship, so you know how to get here," Spike places the calling card next to the ship and flies up to help his friends fight against Master Hades.

Present time

"It's Laxus!" Said Gray in shock.

"How did he get here?" Erza asks.

Spike lightly chuckles a bit. "Good thing he answered my call," Spike uses his magic to teleport the calling card he planted outside.

"No way! He gave you a calling card?!" Natsu couldn't believe that Laxus gave him a calling card.

"Talk about timing, Spike!" Lucy couldn't believe that Spike called Laxus.

Laxus and Hades power up. Laxus punches Hades first and moves fast like lightning. Hades is impressed with Laxus' power. Laxus uses his Lighting Dragon Roar on Hades. Hades moves left and right as Laxus directs his lightning. Hades shoots his chain grappler at Laxus but winds up hitting a large sphere. He directs the sphere to hit Laxus, but he dodges. Spike uses his breath to teleport the sphere outside of Hades' ship.

"I hate your teleportation magic!" Hades is pissed off.

"You're going to hate this more! Raging Bolt!" Laxus raises his clenched fist in the air. A large bolt of lightning strikes at Hades.

Hades jumps back and sees Laxus lunging at him. He swats Laxus back with his magic and creates another Formula 28. Laxus moves out of the way when collides on the floor and strikes Hades in the back. Laxus and Hades continue to battle each other. The two showing their dominance in power. Everyone watches and notices that Laxus is slowing down. Hades starts demolishing Laxus with his bullet magic and chain magic combo. Erza realizes that Laxus was indeed hit with Formula 28. An Amaterasu spell. Hades hits Laxus with a Grimoire Ray blast. Laxus transfers his lightning to Natsu for him to merge with his fire magic. Laxus takes the hit and falls to the ground in defeat.

Natsu powers up after consuming Laxus' lightning. Hades questions Laxus' logic of thinking. Natsu is now a Lightning Flame Dragon Slayer.

"I got a fire in my belly!" Natsu turns to Spike. "Have some!" Natsu shoots lightning flames at Spike for him to eat.

"What?!" Hades watches as Spike eats the lightning flames Natsu gave.

Spike stands up as Sparkling Green Lighting ignites on his body.

"Two lightning flame dragons," Wendy said in awe.

"Ready, Spike?"

"Ready, Natsu!"

Spike and Natsu roars and punches Hades in the face. Hades crashes into the wall.

"Fire Dragon Talon!" Natsu kicks Hades on the head.

"Lightning Inferno Flame, Lasso!" Spike conjures a Sparkling Green Lightning Inferno Lasso on Hades. "Let's see if you like it!" Spike slams Hades around the ship like he did a while ago. On the floor, on the ceiling, and the walls.

"You bastaaaaaaaaaaaaaard!" Hades screams in agony due to Natsu hitting Hades with a lightning strike after using his Fire Dragon Iron Fist.

"This is what happens to anyone messing with Fairy Tail!" Natsu and Spike said in unison. The two's fists are blazing with their flames and lighting. Tag teaming in punching Hades left and right.

"Lightning Flame Dragon!" Natsu conjures his breath attack.

"Lightning Inferno Flame!" Spike conjures his breath attack.

"ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR!" Spike and Natsu combine their breath attack in a unison raid. It becomes too much for Hades as he gets annihilated with the combined lightning flame roars. Erza, Gray, Lucy, and Wendy hurl back from the immense force and power of Spike and Natsu. The unison raid is so strong, the wall of the ship gets obliterated, and a crater is formed on the beaches of Tenrou Island. Everyone on Tenrou Island believes it to be Natsu's doing when they felt the magic energy coursing through the island.

Spike and Natsu pants after the combined unison raid. Gray, Erza, Lucy, and Wendy are astounded by the combined efforts of Natsu and Spike. Master Hades is down after the attack.

"I warned you not to mess with us," Natsu falls back, but Spike grabs his arm.

"Where do you think you're going," Spike pulls Natsu over.

"Nowhere," Natsu chuckles a bit.

"Spike is so powerful. I can't believe earlier he said That's My Wendy. He does love me." Wendy thought to herself. "There is no doubt. I have to tell him. I have to say I love you. No more waiting for the right moment."

"Another one bites the dust," Said Gray. He's impressed with Natsu and Spike.

"We won!" Lucy cheers joyfully.

"I know how we should celebrate. When we get back home, I'm making my cookie specialty."

"Oohohohoho," Natsu rubs his belly. "Those cookies you made a while back ago, Spike. I can't wait to have more."

"Cookies? What cookies?" Erza turns to Spike.

"Oh, that's right. You never tried my freshly baked homemade triple-decker nut-crazy vanilla cream cookies."

Erza's eyes beam wide open as she can imagine the flavor. Spike and the others laugh a little at Erza's reaction.

"You may have knocked me down but, I'm not out," Hades gets back up while everyone is stunned. "Well done, Makarov. You truly raised some remarkable children despite your flawed philosophy."

"There's no way," Wendy said in horror.

"I can't remember the last time someone had me tattered after a good brawl," Master Hades recovers quicker.

"How?" Lucy asks in horror.

"I recover quicker. I appreciate the entertainment, but I must get back to work. I'll be obliterating you now. Believe me. You wish I have done so sooner."

"What kind of monster can survive such a powerful attack from two dragons?" Erza asks in shock and horror.

"Devil's Eye, open," Master Hades opens his Devil's Eye. "You will now witness what you have never seen before, the abyss of sorcery. From here extends a realm that surpasses your feeble imaginations," Master Hades' power is increasing rapidly. He's creating a dark aura around everyone to engulf them in fear as his power continues to grow. Hades uses a spell called Nemesis that creates Demons from rocks.

Everyone becomes afraid as the demons and pure magic become stronger by the second. Spike looks up and senses the energy in the area.

"Everyone, forgive me," Spike said, knowing what must be done.

"Huh, what are you-" Erza's jaw drops as she sees what Spike is doing.

"ARE YOU MAD?!" Master Hades sees what Spike is doing.

Spike is consuming the abyss's energy coming from Master Hades.

"Spike no! That may kill you!" Wendy becomes worried.

"Spike..," Natsu, Gray, and Lucy said in shock.

Spike finishes eating and starts twitching. Spike looks up at Hades feeling different. His eyes are no longer green but pure black with white pupils. Spike's green spikes turn black while his purple scales turn the darkest purple. He grows in size while his claws and his teeth are sharper. His Fairy Tail emblem on his chest turns blood red.

"Hades." Spike's voice sounds sadistic. Just like Spike Knightwalker.

Erza gasps. She didn't think she'll hear the voice of Spike Knightwalker's sadistic tone. Wendy crawls away from Spike in fear. Natsu looks at Spike in pure shock and horror. Gray sees Spike as a demon from the books of Zeref. Lucy can't believe what she's witnessing. Her friend, her roommate, now looking like a monster.

"What are you?!" Hades demands to know what Spike has become.

"I am Spike. The Fairy DEMON Dragon." Spike powers up.

"Fairy Demon Dragon!" Master Hades couldn't believe that he's facing a Fairy Demon Dragon. "After him!" Hades commands his demons to attack Spike.

Spike's claws glow Sparkling Black. "Dark Energy Blast!" Spike unleashes a Sparkling Black Energy Blast vaporizing the demons at ease.


"Nothing is impossible!" Spike lunges at Hades. The two are outside the ship.

"Enough! Formula 100!" It's similar to Formula 28 he used earlier but five times stronger. Spike grabs the seals and rips them to shreds with his claws. "Unbelievable! You shredded one of my more powerful spells. The same one I used to take down Makarov."

"Fairy Demon Dragon!" Spike conjures his breath attack again. "Roooooooooar!" Sparkling Black flames engulf Hades as he screams in immense pain. Spike jumps in the air and lands on Hades' body. He coughs out blood. Then all of a sudden, Hades starts feeling weaker. He then realizes that his Devil's heart is damaged. Spike punches Hades in the face left and right. Then he grabs Hades' left arm and breathes black fire on it, and rips it out of him.

"Aaaaaaaaaah!" Hades screams as everyone is scared of Fairy Demon Dragon.

"This is for everyone you and that dark guild hurt!" Spike flies in the skies and lifts his claws. He's generating a Sparkling Black Fireball.

"Wait! I surrender!" Hades is powerless to stop Spike's terrifying power.

"Dark Inferno Wave! Hellrising Cannon!" Spike presses his claws and unleashes Sparkling Black Flames at Hades. Burning him into a crisp completely. Spike lands down, feeling sick as he throws up dark magic liquids.

"What did we witnessed..?" Gray is disturbed by Spike's power.

"Total annihilation..," Natsu said in response.

"Spike!" Wendy runs up to Spike. Spike is reverting to normal while he continues to throw up the dark negative energy he consumed and pants tremendously. Hades is down and out this time. Wendy hugs Spike from behind and cries. "Don't ever do that again!" Wendy cries loudly.

Spike takes several deep breaths after throwing up a lot. "The energy.., from Hades.., it tasted so foul..."

Erza walks up to Spike and looks down at him. "I forgive you," Erza places her hand on Spike's shoulders. "Just promise us you won't do anything that reckless ever again."

Spike nods. "Promise. I only did it because Hades was so strong. Natsu and I, our combined magic, didn't work. I'm sorry for scaring you."

"Apologies accepted," Erza smiles.

Gray, Natsu, and Lucy walk up to Spike. Lucy falls to her knees and hugs him.

"Dude, that was hardcore. I have never seen anyone pulled off what you did," Gray said.

"Don't do that again! That was reckless!" Natsu shouts.

"Says the reckless fool that ate an Etherion lacrima," Said Erza.

"I only did it to defeat a crazed-up Jellal!" Natsu retorts.

"Not to be rude or anything, Natsu. That's what Spike did minutes ago. He ate the dark energy Hades produced to defeated a crazed-up Dark Guild Master."

"Aaaaaaa-" Natsu coughs. "You have a fair point. Who am I to criticize," Everyone laughs a little.

It's a dawn of a new day as the sun rises and the dark clouds drift away. Everyone hears the cries of Happy running.

"Hey, what's happening?" Spike turns to see Happy, Carla, and Panther Lily are being chased by Soldiers of Grimoire Hearts.

"I don't have enough energy to take them on," Spike said.

"Good, this one is on me!" Natsu is fired up.

"On us," Gray powers up.

"Let's finish this!" Erza said, Requipping into her Heaven's Wheel Armor.

"Stay right where you are," Makarov and all of Fairy Tail arrive at the debris of Grimoire Hearts' ship. Grimoire Hearts Soldiers stayed in place.

"Hey, Gramps," Natsu is happy to see Makarov.

"Everyone's here," Said Lucy.

"Master's better, and so is Gajeel," Wendy looks at her friends that recovered.

"Good to see you guys," Said Gray.

"Indeed," Erza concurs.

Grimoire Hearts Soldiers see more Fairy Tail Wizards, as well as Master Hades, defeated.

"I order you to get off this island immediately!" Master Makarov demands. All of the Grimoire Hearts Soldiers flee from Tenrou Island.

Everyone celebrates a victorious victory as Grimoire Hearts is finally defeated. Spike walks away a bit as he pukes the rest of the black liquids. He doesn't want anyone to panic. Wendy walks behind him and hugs him while everyone is celebrating.

"Wendy," Spike turns to Wendy.

"Spike," Wendy smiles. "I heard what you said when you thought I died."

Spike blushes a bit. "Oh.., uh..," Spike sighs. "Oh, who am I kidding. I can't hold it no more."

Wendy smiles. "Then, let's say it at the same time."

"I love you," Wendy and Spike said in unison. Spike and Wendy shed a tear of happiness. Everyone witnessed and says aww at the same time except for Gajeel, Master Makarov, and Laxus.

Master Makarov walks up to Laxus. "I'm proud of you for coming back," Then Makarov turns a 180. "Is that what you expected me to say! How dare you set foot on Tenrou Island after I kicked you out of the guild! What were you thinking?! You're still expelled you know!"

"Gramps, stop. You'll have a heart attack. I came here because Spike called me."

"Huh?" Makarov is confused.

"The day you expelled me from Fairy Tail, I went up to Spike to make amends. I gave him a calling card if he'd ever need me. He called me, and I came to help."

Freed, Bickslow, and Evergreen sees Laxus and becomes overjoyed with happiness. The three hugs Laxus.

"Now! Let's get back to the trial!" Natsu shouts.

"No way! After what we've been through, I want to rest," Said Spike.

"Agreed. I say we should go back to base camp," Said Wendy.

Everyone starts walking to the Fairy Tail Base Camp to recover and rest. Makarov lets Hades go with a warning and tells him to leave Tenrou Island. While everyone walks to the base, Spike and Wendy hold hands on the way there.

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