• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Searching for Answers: Part 1

It's nighttime in Magnolia. Fairy Rage and Carla didn't realize when they left that it was nightfall but didn't care. Fairy Rage and Carla hold hands while strolling to the train station. They'll follow the path they embarked on when they spied on Spike. Luckily for Fairy Rage, a few people approached him and Carla to take pictures. They can see from the spikes on his head are different than Spike's. Then the train arrives, and the two board the train.

"Seven-hour ride, right?" Carla turns to Fairy Rage.

"Yeah. Seven hours of undisturbed travel and peace to be with you." Fairy Rage rubs Carla's hands. "We will find them. Someday, a new breed of Exceeds will come to fruition."

Carla blushes at that statement. Despite it being too soon to bring forth life, she welcomes the probability of becoming a mother. She kisses Fairy Rage's cheek. "Thank you."

Fairy Rage chuckles joyfully. "You're welcome." Fairy Rage kisses Carla's nose.

Natsu returns to Lucy's apartment while carrying his and Happy's mattress. Natsu bumps into Gray since the front half of the bed blinds his vision.

"Hey, watch where you're going, doofus!" Gray retorts. He's in his underwear.

"Buzz off, man!" Natsu lifts his bed to see Gray. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"

"I can say the same about you, fire-breath!" Gray angrily barks back at Natsu. "I see you're sleeping on the streets," Gray taunts and laughs at Natsu.

"Nu-uh!" Natsu protests. "Spike left the apartment with all his things, so I'm moving with Lucy!"

"Why did he leave?" Gray gets serious.

"Punks from the Preying Mantis Guild followed him and attempted to subdue him and possibly Wendy. Spike wanted to protect Lucy since the Preying Mantis Guild has a personal vendetta against Spike!"

"Where would Spike go?" Gray wants answers.

"I can't answer that question. Other members could be lurking, evading my scent with cloaking spells. There's one place I know Spike will go to sleep on any occasion. We trained there before."

Gray puts the pieces together. He remembers reading a letter about Spike's discovery during the year of training to depict a location of refuge. "Alright, Natsu," Gray turns around. "Might as well bunk with you, Happy, and Lucy for the night. Safety in numbers, right?"

"You're sleeping on the couch," Natsu said.

"Fine by me," Gray responds. He and Natsu enter Lucy's apartment.

Spike is in front of the cave, looking at the night sky. He sees comets and shooting stars. Erza walks up to him with a cup of juice.

"Something troubling you, Spike?" Erza asks. She drinks her juice.

"Pondering about the trip to the Alvarez Empire. The first time we went, we were going on a search and rescue. This time, we're searching for answers. Mom used to reside there until she became a Fairy Tail Wizard. I can't help but think how they would respond to our visitation," Spike replies.

"We won't know until we arrive, Spike. With August defeated and their forces crippled, I doubt the Alvarez Empire would pose a threat. Especially with you in the midst," Erza claims.

"You may be right, Erza," Irene interjects the conversation. "However, the empire hasn't fully healed since going to war with Ishgar. Frankly, they'll see me as a traitor for siding with Fairy Tail. Whoever is the new ruler of the Alvarez Empire may want to retaliate when they see Fairy Tail Wizards and Dragon intruding their homeland."

"We need someone to correlate on the journey. To bring peace and unity with Ishgar and the Alvarez Empire," Wendy joins the crew after hearing them talk for a while.

Irene closes her eyes and sighs heavily. "You make a valid point, Wendy. I know who to bring along on the journey. Although she is not fond of me for what I did to her..," Irene remembers the moment of horror and sadness.

"Who is it, Mom?" Spike and Erza ask.

"Princess Hisui and Toma E. Fiore, Erza and Spike. Not my proudest moment during my wicked days..," Irene detests her former self for creating strife and relishing the pain and suffering.

"Princess Hisui is a huge fan of mine. I can talk to the Princess about the trip. I'm sure she wouldn't hesitate," Spike reassuringly proclaims.

"I know she is, Spike. When I changed Princess Hisui's human self, she held onto a Spike the Fairy plush. She grasped it like her baby," Irene said. She then remembers the earache and scolding from her father.

"I can fly now and ask her," Spike flaps his wings.

"Go in the morning. And before you leave, teleport us to the guildhall so we can recruit the Thunder Legion," Irene commands motherly.

Spike nods and accepts his mother's advice. Spike yawns and is ready for slumber; Wendy grabs Spike's claw and walks to his bed. As for Erza, the bed Spike brought Irene is large enough for the two to sleep together as mother and daughter.

Five hours later. Fairy Rage and Carla wake up and ask the conductor about their destination. Due to several delays on the main track, it'll take another four hours. Carla clutches Fairy Rage's arm,

"You okay, Carla?" Fairy Rage is worried about Carla's state of mind.

"I'm fine; Just going through the emotions," Honestly, Carla is mentally preparing herself to see the many corpses of Exceeds when they walk into the forest.

"It's not your fault." Fairy Rage knows it has something to do with New Extalia's location and battlefield. He holds Carla lovingly. "I promise you; we're finding many Exceeds to reunite with the others. I won't rest until we find them all."

"Do rest when needed, Rage. I can't lose you again," Another fear Carla has is losing her Dragon for the second time in her life.

"I'm not going anywhere. We're intertwined now, Carla. You won't lose me. Not even that stupid dream Spike had will ever separate us."

"I love you, Rage," Carla hugs tighter.

"I love you, too." Fairy Rage replies. He softly rubs Carla's head, knowing it'll calm her down.

Horrid illustrations of Exceed corpses plague Carla's mind. She tries to ignore it with Fairy Rage petting her. One image scars her more than anything, the demise of her beloved Fairy Rage during the Grand Magic Games.

Fairy Rage senses something manipulating Carla that's causing her distress. He reaches for a pair of sunglasses. "VisiĂłn fantasmal!" Fairy Rage breaks the sunglasses. He becomes a perpetual spirit.

"RAGE?!" Carla sees her beloved going invisible. She figures it's another spell Death taught him with sunglasses. Then Carla sees a silhouette of a tall figure getting beaten up mercilessly.

The spell wears out with Fairy Rage pinning a shadowed man.

"AH, DUDE, YOU GOT ME! CHILL! CHILL!" Walker pleaded for his life. He has severe bruises on his body.

"WHO ARE YOU, AND WHY ARE YOU GOING AFTER CARLA?!" Fairy Rage snorts. Smoke hits Walker's projection.

"Ah, Shit! YOU'RE THE FAIRY DRAGON!" Walker realizes his fatal error. He screams in fear.

"Fairy Rage! Numbskull!" Fairy Rage hoists Walker by the druid's collar and slams him against the train doors.

The impact of the slam causes the train doors to fracture. One door breaks apart and goes flying with the wind. Walker sees the velocity of the train's movement. He pants heavily, knowing he messed with the wrong victim.

Fairy Rage reads Walker's body language, and his senses speculate about his magic power prowess. "How interesting." Fairy Rage's smirk becomes malevolent.

"Wh-W-Wh-Wh-What?" Walker becomes petrified about Fairy Rage's disturbed smile. He stutters and trembles.

"You're using shadow projections."

"WHAT?!" Carla gets out of her seat and approaches Walker. She grabs him by the throat.

"Ack!" Walker feels Carla's grip and the fire in her eyes. He knows she's pissed and may have solved his inclusion.


Walker grins. "Yes. I am an accomplice during that confrontation," He laughs as Carla's hand phases through.

"What the?" Carla realizes that Walker is toying with her and Rage.

Walker sinisterly chuckles. "Do you honestly believe I'll allow you to harm me?"

"Las Sombras Se Funden!" Fairy Rage breaks half of the sunglasses.

Walker's eyes widen in horror. He understands the language. "YOU BASTARD! THAT'S SPANISH FOR-" Many shadowed projections that Walker unleashed return to him. He's becoming solid with each one of his copies merging with him. Fairy Rage grabs his throat with his left claw. Now, Walker is choking for real.

"You better listen well, you jackass. Thanks to you, my girlfriend is mentally scarred. Now, it's time for retribution!" Fairy Rage's right claw blazes in orange-black flames.

"NO, WAIT!" Walker flinches at the burning flares of Fairy Rage's claw.

"Rage," Carla puts her right hand on Fairy Rage's left shoulder. "I want to beat the shit out of him first."

"Wh-What..?" Walker turns to Carla. He gulps.

"As you wish." Fairy Rage gut-punches Shadow so hard he falls over. The impact, for some reason, nullifies his magic power. "I'll inform the conductor about guild business, so he'll escort the passengers of this car and leave us be with this prick."

Carla maliciously smiles. Walker starts whimpering since he can't use magic to elude the punishment. Fairy Rage leaves Carla, and he hears the painful bellows echoing on the train.

It's 9:00 in the morning. Spike is getting ready to leave Eden's Forest. Erza, Wendy, and Irene have everything packed for the journey. Spike uses his fire breath to teleport his family to the guildhall. Spike flaps his wings and flies to Mercurius.

Irene, Wendy, and Erza see Master Makarov having his morning drink. Erza and Wendy search the guildhall, looking for the Thunder Legion as Irene approaches Makarov.

"So, I guess you're recruiting for the trip?" Master Makarov turns to Irene.

Irene nods. "Indeed. We need to take a few more with us for the travel. I also suspect the Preying Mantis Guild following in pursuit to torment Spike."

"These attacks are relentless," Makarov drinks his coffee. "My children are enduring new waves of hurt and pain. So, who do you have in mind for the journey?"

"The Thunder Legion," Irene responds. Mirajane is by the counter, pouring a cup of coffee for Irene. "Thanks," She drinks her cup. "We can't take Fairy Rage. He's with Carla, and she's recovering from the gruesome experience."

"Gildarts took Freed, Bickslow, and Evergreen on a job an hour ago. Laxus is here," Makarov informs Irene.

"Laxus!" Erza grabs his attention. She found him having breakfast with Gajeel while discussing going on a job.

"What up, Erza?" Gajeel turns to Erza and Wendy.

"What's on your mind, Erza?" Laxus finishes eating.

"Spike, Mom, Wendy, and I are heading to the Alvarez Empire to inquire about evidence of the Holy Knights. I humbly ask for your and the Thunder Legion's assistance."

"You don't say," Laxus is intrigued to journey. Going to the Alverez Empire could mean another battle since the wounds is still fresh from the war weeks ago.

"I'm in," Gajeel said, giving little thought to the circumstance.

"I concur," Panther Lily said. He heard the conversation.

"I'm down with that," Cana said, drinking her chug of beer for breakfast. "Juvia, you're down for the trip?"

"Oh..," She wanted Gray to come along. However, she knows better than to interrupt his rest wherever he is. She feels it's necessary to say yes since Spike carried her to see Gray during the war as owing him one. "Very well. I suppose since I got nothing better to do."

"Master, I think Fairy Tail Team B will be going with Irene and her crew," Mirajane said. To see the team connecting feels like the Grand Magic Games all over again.

"Very well, Mirajane. You go with them," Makarov turns to Irene. "Where is our Fairy Dragon?"

"Picking Princess Hisui for the ride," Irene responds.

Within the hour, Spike mentally prepares himself for likely scenarios when approaching Princess Hisui and King Toma E. Fiore. Would they be invested in creating a peace treaty with the Alvarez Empire after the war ceased or try to conquer them on an invasion of their own? Many people in Crocus see Spike on the horizon. They cheer loudly seeing the fan-favorite of possibly this year's Grand Magic Games since last year's was a letdown.

Colonel Arcadios and Defense Minster Darton see Spike coming to Mercurius. They are eager to know Spike's business if it regards the Princess after hearing their people cry in a voice of triumph.

"Hmm, I wonder what brings the Fairy Dragon to our palace?" Defense Minister Darton said.

Colonel Arcadios tries to come up with a theory. "Maybe a visitation with the Princess? Perhaps Princess Hisui sent a private notice that required his persistence?"

"Perhaps. If that's the case, I'm not fond of the Princess making those decisions without my consent," Darton said; he hates not getting involved during protection protocols.

"I wholeheartedly agree with you, Darton."

Spike lands in front of Mercurius. He sees Arcadios and Darton having a conversation and greets them. "Morning, Arcadios. Morning, Darton," Spike smiles at the two.

"Morning, Fairy Dragon," Darton replies with respect and honor for the fan-favorite Dragon of the Grand Magic Games.

"What brings you here, Fairy Dragon?" Colonel Arcadios goes straight to the point.

"I need to speak with Princess Hisui. It's imperative for private discussions."

Darton and Arcardios are stricken with the request. The Royal Guards come out to welcome their champion after hearing the news about Acnologia's downfall. The Royal Guards notify Spike about Toma E. Fiore's summoning to the throne room. Spike proceeds to enter the castle. Arcadios and Darton lead the way since they'll be present during the conversation.

Spike arrives in the throne room to see the King and Princess seated. Princess Hisui still clutches onto her Spike the Fairy plush. King Toma E. Fiore grins and is the first to speak.

"Welcome, Fairy Dragon, to our humble home. What can we do to serve you today?"

"Are you aware of the new dark guild coming out of the blue?" Spike asks. He needs to know where the King and Princess stand regarding their info about the Preying Mantis Guild.

"The Preying Mantis Guild," Princess Hisui answers.

Toma E. Fiore sighs deeply. "Those hooligans have caused nothing but trouble in Ishgar. I'm starting to believe they are worse than the Alvarez Empire invasion."

"Speaking of the Alvarez Empire, I'm going there later today," Spike said, alerting the two about his mission.

"WHAT?!" Darton, Arcadios, and Toma E. Fiore shout in horror, thinking Spike may want to dispose of them for good.

"What for Spike? Why are you going there?" Princess Hisui is interested to know Spike's purpose for traveling there.

Spike takes a deep breath. "I'm searching for the Holy Knights' Clan. Since you have formal knowledge of the Preying Mantis Guild, I'm sure this info didn't cross your minds. There's a demonic entity working within the guild. His name is Zaranos. However, he goes by the name Ajax. He possessed me and molded a body of my image."

"You're kidding," Colonel Arcadios received many inscriptions about Ajax's horrific involvement with another member named Jinx.

"That explains why he has a canny resemblance to you, Fairy Dragon," Darton remembers seeing imagery of a demonized dragon. It gave him nightmares for days.

"Also, I require Princess Hisui to join me on the journey," Spike humbly asks, bowing to the Princess and King.

"Absolutely not! I forbid it!" Darton and Arcadios said in unison. They don't want to put Princess Hisui at risk.

"Hmm..," Toma E. Fiore tilts his head slightly to the left, trying to read Spike's body language. "Why do you want my daughter to go with you?"

Spike inhales and stands up. "If the Alvarez Empire were to see Fairy Tail approaching their lands, they may retaliate, thinking we're coming for more. To weaken their unstable kingdom since King Zeref passed away. By having Princess Hisui with us, we can negotiate a treaty. Allowing Ishgar and the Alvarez Empire to co-exist in peace."

"Hmm," Toma E. Fiore smirks as a brilliant idea comes to him. Darton and Arcadios are not fond of the King's thinking wholeheartedly, knowing they won't enjoy the outcome of the King's command. "Hisui, my daughter."

"Yes, father," Princess Hisui stands up from her throne, still clutching to her plush.

"I have one objective for you to complete. Once completed, you'll be Queen of Fiore."

"Really?" Princess Hisui becomes astonished. Her eyes widen in shock. Her smile grows cheek to cheek.

"You're serious, Sire?" Darton and Arcadios say in unison. They now know Toma E. Fiore is planning to retire.

"More than I'll ever be," Toma E. Fiore replies formally. "Hisui, bring peace between Ishgar and the Alvarez Empire. If you fail, I won't retire, and you'll never be Queen."

Princess Hisui understands her task and responsibilities. She refuses to allow any negativity hinders her future. "I won't fail you nor my country. I will bring a new era of peace with Ishgar and the Alvarez Empire."

"Arcardios, follow the Princess," Darton advises, knowing that Princess Hisui needs the protection.

"You don't have to tell me twice," Arcadios says. He's mentally preparing his mind for likely scenarios upon arrival.

"Colonel Arcardios. I forbid you and Darton of following Princess Hisui. It's her task. If you want to support my daughter, have faith in her," Toma E. Fiore sternly commands with authority.

"Yes, my liege," Colonel Arcadios bows with respect. He screams internally, knowing he cannot leave the castle. Otherwise, the King will take notice. Darton is fuming.

"Fairy Dragon," Toma E. Fiore turns to him.

"Yes, Toma E. Fiore," Spike wonders if the King wants him to be Princess Hisui's bodyguard.

"I'm trusting you and your guild to protect my daughter at any cost. That is my job request since you're asking me for my daughter's hand in marriage."

"WHAT?!" Spike flinches and becomes pale at that statement. He didn't know asking for the Princess' involvement is also asking in marriage.

Toma E. Fiore bursts into laughter. "Gotcha!" He points at Spike for having a terrifying reaction.

"Daaaaad! That's not funny!" Princess Hisui sounds hurt by her father's joke. Also, it's a reminder that she can't marry Spike the Fairy.

Toma E. Fiore coughs to recompose himself. "Sorry, dear. I didn't mean to disrespect you in front of the Fairy Dragon. Please, accept my sincere apology, Fairy Dragon."

"Apologies accepted," Spike knows the King made a bold joke. His love life is Wendy and nobody else.

Princess Hisui turns back on her father. Despite being a Princess, she's still a child. She walks away and grabs Spike's claw. "We're on our way, father."

"Don't you want to pack up before you leave?" Toma E. Fiore asks his daughter.

"I will, father. I need to show my room to Spike; then we'll fly right out of here."

"I can't believe we're allowing this to happen..," Arcadios and Darton said, watching Princess Hisui taking Spike to her room.

A few minutes later. Spike is inside Princess Hisui's room. She's packing her belongings for the trip. Darton and Arcadios couldn't help but eavesdrop on the conversation outside. They needed to know how long the Princess would be away from the kingdom.

"So, how soon you'll think the trip would last?" Princess Hisui asks while carefully packing her lotions and perfumes. She's taking her luggage and backpack for the trip.

"Honestly, it can take two to three weeks of travel."

"WHAT?!" Darton and Arcadios hate the possibility that Princess Hisui will miss some festivities. They are livid.

"That includes coming back home?" Princess Hisui finishes packing all of her belongings.

"No. I'll use my fire breath to teleport us back to Ishgar. From there, I'll fly you to the castle."

Princess Hisui smiles. She learned to smile more since receiving wisdom from the Celestial Spirit King. Darton and Arcadios sigh in relief at the return trip; however, being unable to keep the Princess safe is eating them alive.

"So, are we flying there?" Princess Hisui hopes to fly on Spike today for the thrill of it.

"No. We're sailing there. But, there's a friend of mine I want to visit since he owes me one. If all goes right, we'll fly there on his ship."

"Alright. Are we flying there or teleporting?"

"I'll fly us there. My treat."

Spike and Princess Hisui leave the room. They bump into Colonel Arcadios and Defense Ministry Darton. The Royal Guards came to escort Princess Hisui and Spike outside Mercurius. King Toma E. Fiore and many servants are outside of the castle, waiting to see Princess Hisui before she embarks on her journey with the Fairy Tail crew.

"Hisui, my daughter," Toma E. Fiore smiles lovingly at his daughter with great pride and honor. Princess Hisui looks down at her father lovingly. She smiles widely, knowing what he'll say next. "I have total conviction you'll execute the peace treaty successfully with the Alvarez Empire. You are making me proud for taking this initial step forward to become a great Queen of Fiore. I wish you safe travels, Princess."

"Thank you, father," Princess Hisui walks up to her father and hugs him gracefully. The two share an embrace from what seems like a lifetime ago. "I love you, dad."

"I love you too, Hisui."

Spike steps aside, allowing the two to have their moment since it'll be either days or weeks until they meet again. Spike increases his size into a full dragon. That interrupts the heartfelt moment when people crowd and take pictures of their fan-favorite Dragon. They start chanting Fairy Dragon's name.

"Sorry," Spike apologizes; he should have known his transformation would draw attention.

"No worries, Fairy Dragon!" Toma E. Fiore accepts Spike's apology. "Well, time to go, Hisui."

"Yea," Princess Hisui lets go of her father and grabs her belongings. She walks to Spike's claw.

"Your Highness," Colonel Arcadios approaches the King. "Please, reconsider. Allow me to travel with the Princess."

"No!" Toma E. Fiore stomps his left foot on the ground. "This is my daughter's quest to become Queen. She needs to endure life outside the castle's walls. You're part of that, Arcadios."

That stuns Colonel Arcadios. "But.., Sire..," Arcadios couldn't utter another word. The King's eyes speak a thousand words about why her daughter needs to venture this without being babied. He sighs in defeat, knowing that the King is in the right and his overprotectiveness gets the better of him. "Yes, Sir."

"Be proud, Colonel Arcadios. You'll be working with the next Queen of Fiore. Have faith in the Princess for what she's about to accomplish."

Colonel Arcadios smiles. "Yes, my King," He turns to Princess Hisui. "Princess!"

"Yes, Arcadios?" Princess Hisui doesn't know what to expect from Arcadios. Maybe an apology or disregarding her father's wishes to come aboard on the mission.

"Good luck," Arcadios throws the thumbs up. "I believe you'll succeed, Princess."

"I believe in you as well, Princess," Darton concurs.

Many Royal Guards, servants, and people believe in the Princess. The people have no clue what's happening, but with Fairy Dragon in the midst, it must be crucial.

Spike safely puts Princess Hisui on his back. Then he flaps his wings. Princess Hisui waves her people goodbye for now. Toma E. Fiore sheds some tears but is proud of his daughter. He knows everything will be swell. Spike flies out of Mercurius with the Princess enjoying the sightseeing on his back, taking in the beautiful landscape of Crocus from above.

It's been an hour since Carla brutalized Walker. Walker suffered a blackeye, four broken ribs, a dislocated left shoulder, and broken ankles. Walker begs for mercy, but Carla wouldn't give it to him. Fairy Rage grabs Carla's right shoulder.


"NO! I want him to suffer for the calamity he and his guild have caused!" Carla angrily says with tears of sadness streaming down her face.

"Please..," Walker spits blood and several teeth. "Have pity.., have mercy..."

"I promise you'll have your retribution. Right now, we have someone who'll give us answers."

"A-A-Answers..?" Walker's magic still doesn't work. Even if it does, he can't move. He can't reach for the cyanide in his pocket.

"Fine," Carla rolls her eyes bitterly and sits down. She glares at Walker wrathfully.

Fairy Rage grabs Walker and drags him to an empty booth. He shoves him to his seat and has Walker sit up straight. "Why are you after Spike?"

Walker pants heavily and whimpers pathetically. "M-M-My Guild Master.., w-w-wants Fairy Tail's str-str-str-strongest.., to.., to.., to.., suffer."

"Why?" Fairy Rage's left claw ignites in black flames.


Carla's eyes widen. She becomes defensive, knowing that the guild is also targeting her beloved. She grits her teeth and growls.

"What else?! Talk, and I'll spare your life!" Fairy Rage's black flames shape itself into a dagger.

"I was in the crowd when you had that little play in Onibus Town! I used my magic to allow a brethren of mine to swap the sword prop into the relic that freed Ajax!"

Fairy Rage's jaw drops a little. "WHO'S THE SCUMBAG THAT BROUGHT ZARANOS?"

"HIS BROTHER! SLITHER!" Walker answers and bursts into tears. "He's a Changeling!"

"A Changeling?" Carla remembers what Changelings are like in the world of Equestria. She wonders if Changelings also originated here like the Dragons.

"WHAT ELSE?!" Fairy Rage deathly glares at Walker.

Walker flinches. "We've been spying and planning on hunting each of you down! I don't know why my Master wants to align himself with a demonic entity! I swear!"

Fairy Rage drags Walker to the open train door. Walker is defenseless in this situation. He endured so much pain. Carla gets up and wants to see Fairy Rage toss the scumbag.

"Wait! What are you doing?!" Walker hears the train going by a bridge with a steep drop to the waters below. "You said you'll spare my life!"

"I am." Fairy Rage gives Carla his demon-powered black flame dagger.

Carla's body is ablaze in a black flame aura, giving her the power to wield Fairy Rage's magic power. It adds like a multiplier, giving her enhanced strength and magic prowess.

"THIS IS FOR ALL THE EXCEEDS WHO DIED BY YOUR GUILD'S MOTIVES!" Carla impales Walker's heart with the black flame demon dagger. She thrusts it hard until Walker's eyes close. Then, Carla pulls the weapon out and decapitates Walker for good measure. She pushes his lifeless body into the watery grave.

Carla's anger becomes sadness. She pants heavily and falls to her knees. She wails in the sorrow of her kin's demise by wicked, sinister people of the Preying Mantis Guild. Fairy Rage comforts her and holds her tightly.

Spike arrives at the Blue Pegasus guildhall. Princess Hisui had a blast during the flight, seeing many birds and creatures flying in the open blue. Spike lowers on all fours, allowing Princess Hisui to hop off his back to revert to his size. The Trimen of Blue Pegasus returns from a job they went on and eyeballed the Princess's beauty.

"My my," Hibiki, Ren, and Eve say in unison, making their move on the Princess.

"Hold it right there, men!" Ichiya comes out with Jenny. He catches his fellow members about to flirt with Princess Hisui without him.

"Sorry, Maestro," The Trimen backed away from Spike and Princess Hisui.

Ichiya gets a little personal with Princess Hisui, smelling her parfume. "Sniff, sniff. Sniff."

Jenny whacks Ichiya on his head. "Ichiya, show some respect for the Princess's presence."

The whack causes Ichiya to have a bump on his head. "My apologies. Force of habit."

"So, what brings you here, Spike and Princess Hisui?" Jenny asks.

"We're on our way to the Alvarez Empire for two reasons; One, conducting our research on any evidence of the Holy Knight's Clan. Two, creating a peace treaty with Ishgar and the Alvarez Empire," Spike replies.

"That's a tall order. Also, I haven't located any information about the Holy Knight's Clan," Hibiki informs Spike. His guild is finding the resources to meet at least one member.

"Sadly, our investigation led us nowhere," Ren said. He's displeased with himself.

"We'll keep trying during our spare time," Eve said. He remembers what Master Makarov reported to Master Bob and the other Guild Master about the new upcoming threat Spike envisioned in his nightmare.

"Thank you," Spike graciously says.

"So, with you two here, what can we help you with?" Ichiya asks while posing masculinely.

"Can we borrow the-" Ichiya interrupts Spike's request. He understands immediately.

"Of course, you can use the Christina. Technically, you were right about Acnoloiga consuming the time rift when Anna wanted to imprison him. We owe you big for destroying Acnologia's reign of tyranny."

"We're coming. Not missing out on this adventure," The Trimen and Jenny say in unison.

"Give us time to pack up," Ichiya poses in front of Spike and Princess Hisui.

"Thank you so much!" Princess Hisui smiles at the gesture of the Blue Pegasus guild.

It's 11:30 in the morning. Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Happy are heading to the guildhall. They see their friends outside with much of their belongings.

"Erza! What's going on? Where is Spike?" Lucy asks. She's still worried about her brother.

"Should be arriving by now," Erza replies.

"You let him go alone? What if he gets ambushed by Zaranos and the Preying Mantis Guild?!" Lucy is fuming.

"We have Fairy Rage to bring him-" Laxus interrupts Natsu's speech.

"Rage is not here. Neither is Carla. Wendy went to check on them an hour ago. They're missing."

"I wonder where they went," Happy said.

"Probably for alone time since Carla is scarred for life," Panther Lily reminds Happy about the ambush.

"Oh, right..," Happy painfully remembers seeing much of his kind in pools of blood.

"Guys, look!" Mirajane points to the Magic Bomber Christina coming closer to the guildhall.

"Looks like we're flying in style," Gajeel chuckles.

"Hopefully, Ichiya fixed the lacrima that prevents motion sickness," Wendy said.

"Now, I'm coming!" Natsu gets excited.

"Hold your horses," Master Makarov comes out. He sees the Magic Bomber Christina lowering itself.

"My brother and sisters, come along. We must make haste to our destination!" Ichiya said. Spike and Princess Hisui are standing next to him.

"I know you four are eager to go, but-" Master Makarov gets silenced by Natsu's delight.

"Let's go, Happy!" Natsu shouts.

"Aye, Sir!" Happy follows Natsu, laughing excitedly to fly in style.

"Wait up!" Gray ignores Master Makarov's wishes and boards the Magic Bomber Christina.

"Sorry, Master," Lucy follows her friends.

"Don't worry. With the Magic Bomber Christina, our trip will be swifter than we'd imagined," Erza said, reassuring Master Makarov.

Master Makarov sighs in defeat. He sees Laxus, Gajeel, Cana, Juvia, Mirajane, Wendy, Erza, Irene, and Panther Lily boarding the Magic Bomber Christina. "Godspeed, my children!" Master Makarov has total conviction and belief that his children will find some closure during the trip.

"Trimen and Jenny! We're taking off now!" Ichiya alarms his crew.

"Aye, aye, Sir!" The Trimen and Jenny respond loudly. The Magic Bomber Christina lifts and takes off into the blue yonder.

"Alvarez Empire! HERE WE COME!" Natsu shouts excitedly. "I'M ALL FIRED UP NOW!"

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