• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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S-Class Trip

It's been a grueling six days for Spike and Panther Lily. The two have been training physically and mentally. Spike gain some muscle mass, improved with his magic, and grew a foot taller. He is now the same height as Wendy Marvell. Panther Lily can extend his battle form to longer lengths of time. Spike and Panther Lily go to Hargeon to meet with anyone showing up early.

"How are you feeling, Panther Lily?" Spike asks.

"Fine, stronger than before, thanks to you. How about you?"

"Better. I think now the sword spell for your Bustermarm will last for 47 minutes. An improvement from 15 minutes."

"I'll say. Our strategies will come in handy if we come face to face with any of the S-Class Wizards. They won't know what'll hit them."

Spike chuckles. "Definitely."

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Gajeel shouts as he arrives in Hargeon with Levy.

"Hey, Gajeel," Panther Lily smirks.

"Whoa, Spike. How did you end up with Lily?" Levy asks.

Spike sighs. "Mest took Wendy, and it was my fault for not asking sooner. I thought about planning ahead, then asking later."

"Well, best of luck, Spike," Said Levy.

"Thanks. Wish you luck as well."

Panther Lily and Gajeel are eyeballing each other. They want to throw down again. Lucy and Cana show up to Hargeon.

"Whoa, Spike chose Panther Lily?" Cana said while drinking her beer.

"Spike, what happened to Wendy?" Lucy asks.

Spike sighs. "Mest asked Wendy before I can. I made the bold move of packing before asking."

"Speaking of Mest, here he comes," Levy points to Mest and Wendy walking together.

"There's Natsu and Happy," Lucy points at them, walking next to Gray and Loke.

"Hey, Fairy Dragon," Said Bickslow.

"Greetings, Spike," Freed formally said.

"Hey, you two," Spike said.

"We're looking forward to battling you when the time comes," Said Freed.

"Yea, my babies, have been dying to test their strength against you," Bickslow said. "Fairy Dragon, Fairy Dragon!" Bickslow's Floating Tikis chant.

"We'll see what happens."

"Hey, Spike, can't believe you are borrowing Gajeel's cat without his consent," Natsu laughs a bit.

"You missed his reaction Natsu, it was priceless," Spike smiles.

"Damn it!" Natsu can only imagine the reaction Gajeel had.

Wendy sees Spike and frowns a little. She should have waited a bit longer before accepting Mest's request. Spike sees Wendy and couldn't take his eye off her.

"She's so beautiful." Spike snaps back into reality when Wendy notices him staring.

"Wow, he's as tall as me now. He must have grown during the week." Wendy thought to herself.

"So, what's the holdup?" Gray asks.

"Not everyone is here yet, plus we are a bit early," Said Freed.

"That's a manly boat!" Elfman shouts, seeing the Fairy Tail Ship arriving.

"Shut it, can you quiet down with the manly this or man that?!" Evergreen said as Elfman is irritating her.

"Hey, Big Bro!" Lisanna shouts as she arrives in Hargeon with Juvia. Juvia stares at Gray's behind.

Makarov is on the ship, getting ready to make his announcement. "Now that everyone has arrived. Get on board. It's time to set sailing to our Sacred Ground Tenrou Island!" Makarov hears his children cheering in passion except for Gajeel.

Everyone boards the ship and puts their belongings away. Natsu and Gajeel are not thrilled to ride on a boat. As soon as it starts sailing, the two get motion sickness immediately. Spike goes on the deck to see the ocean's view. Wendy is next to him.

"Hey, Spike."

"Hey, Wendy."

The two look at the ocean's view. The peaceful waters and the cooling air of the sea. The two take it in, in peace. Spike and Wendy's thoughts run wild with their love for each other while feeling nervous to say to each other.

"Uh, sorry for not asking you sooner than later to be my partner, Wendy."

"Oh, no, no, I'm the one that should be saying my apologies, Spike. I did hear you say you were going to pack. I should have waited for you. That was my mistake."

"It's okay. At least we're both going to the island together."

"Yea," Wendy smiles.

"I hope we don't have to fight against each other. I would hate to fight you," Spike admittingly said.

"I agree. You're such a great friend. Everyone else is unique but not like you. You're special," Wendy smiles.

Spike blushes but hides it. "And you're kind, caring, strong, and beautiful in your own way," Spike smiles.

Wendy blushes but hides it. She can't believe that Spike called her beautiful.

It's been two days since leaving Hargeon. It's been getting hotter on the ship as most of the Fairy Tail is in their bathing suits. Due to the hot air, Wendy is drowsy. Spike is thinking of a way to cool everyone off. Panther Lily sees his antics.

"What are you doing, Spike?"

"Thinking of a way to cool everyone down. Nearly everyone is suffocating due to the extreme heat."

"How you intend on doing so?"

"Well, I'm hoping this works," Spike mimics his claw to shoot a flame bullet into the waters.

"The water dissolved it," Panther Lily states.

Spike shoots multiple flame bullets all around the waters in different sections. Spike turns around to concentrate and shoots magic bullets around the ship. Everyone is wondering what Spike is doing.

"Spike, what are you doing?" Lisanna asks.

"This," Spike blows his fire breath, igniting the magic bullets around using the water from the seas to sprinkle all around the ship. Everyone on board releases a satisfying sigh.

"Wow, that feels so much better," Said Lucy.

"Thanks for the assist, Spike," Cana said.

"Smart thinking, it was getting way too hot," Bickslow said. "Thank you, thank you." Bickslow's Floating Tikis said.

"Clever indeed," Said Freed.

Everyone on board gives a lot of compliments to Spike for helping them cool off. An hour later, Tenrou Island is in reach. Everyone gets a good look at the island, especially the tallest tree on the island.

"That tree can possibly be as tall as the Crystal Empire Castle," Spike said while gazing at Tenrou Island.

"I have to admit, Tenrou Island is magnificent from this position of view," Panther Lily said.

"Wow, so much magic power. I can feel it here," Wendy said. She's astonished to feel such power miles away from Tenrou Island.

"There's a legend about this place," Makarov gets everyone's attention. "That it was once populated by Fairies."

"Is the legend true?" Lucy asks Master Makarov.

"Nobody knows. It is of great importance to our guild, the resting place of our first Master Mavis Vermillion. Now, to reveal for the first round of your trial," Everyone gathers closely to hear what Master Makarov has to say.

"There's more than one round?"

"If any of the Master's event ever deemed simple, he'll probably keel over," Mest answers Wendy's question.

"Please direct your attention to the smoke coming from the shores. Your first task is to head over to the source. Once there, you'll choose one of the nine routes leading into the island. Each is meant for a single team only, so don't wonder and pick one! After you make your choice, you have to conquer these obstacles," Makarov uses his magic to spawn a map. The map details what each route has to offer.

Everyone looks at the description of the map. Three routes lead to three S-Class Wizards to battle. Two sets of routes for two teams to battle and proceed. Lastly, there are two serenity routes.

"Wow, talk about tough competition," Panther Lily said.

"No joke, intense combat with S-Class Wizards."

"I hope I get Erza or Mirajane or Gildarts," Spike said, wanting to face the challenge nobody wants.

"Good luck with them, no skin off my bones," Levy said.

"I hope you and Lily get one of those routes so Levy and I can pound you, Fairy Dragon," Gajeel said, his arm turns into an iron club.

"Combat routes are self-explanatory, two teams clash, but only one moves on. Use every power at your disposal. Intense combat routes are more difficult. Find yourself on these, and you'll be fighting Fairy Tail's Elite. The serenity routes, you move onto the next round without fighting."

"Why are there two serenity routes, Master?" Elfman asks.

Master Makarov smirks. "It's in case more than half of the teams happen to lose in the first round. I guarantee that none of you yahoos will be surpassing Erza, Gildarts, and Mirajane. Prove me wrong, and your chances in the second round will be higher than before."

"Make sense to us," Everyone said in unison except for Spike. He's eager to take on the challenge.

"Passing this challenge requires quality teamwork and a whole lot of luck."

"How do you test that?" Everyone asks in unison.

"You don't test it. You believe in yourself and your teammate to achieve anything."

"Well put, Spike. You seem to be one step ahead out of everyone," Makarov throws the thumb up for Spike.

"Teacher's pet," Some of his friends say.

Some are not looking forward to losing in the first round. Some are not looking forward to fighting one of the S-Class Wizards. Some are eager to fight.

"Alright! You're ready?! Your trial starts right now!"

"What?" Gray is confused.

"Wait, it starts before we get on the island?" Loke asks.

"You know what that means, pal? It's time to jet," Natsu said, looking down at Happy.

"Aye, Sir!' Happy grabs Natsu and flies.

"Looks like the first pick is ours, losers!" Natsu shouts.

"Catch you later," Happy says bye for now.

"Hey, get back here!" Gray angrily shouts.

"Losers?! You want to die!" Elfman retorts.

Natsu and Happy crash into Freed's enchantment and falls back on the ship.

"An enchantment?" Cana said.

Freed and Bickslow are outside the enchantment. "It isn't permanent. Five more minutes on that boat won't kill you."

"No! But I will since you haven't learn your lesson!" Spike snorts.

Freed cringes a bit while remembering the last time Spike gave him a beating for imprisoning him inside his enchantment and hightails to Tenrou Island's shores with Bickslow.

Evergreen laughs a little, remembering that moment. "Give him one for me if you run into him, Spike."

"Not often you see Freed panic the way he did," Loke said.

"I will, Evergreen. I'll give him one for each of you."

"Gramps! Do something!" Gray pleads. "That's gotta be against the rules."

"Chill, it's not a race," Makarov responds.

"If he gets to the island first, we're all screwed. He can cover the whole island with enchantments."

Levy uplifts Freed's enchantment. "Sorry, I only wrote for me and Gajeel," Levy and Gajeel jumps out of the boat and swim to shore.

"Not cool!" Everyone except Spike and Panther Lily says in unison. They are pissed.

Spike mimics his claw to shoot a flare bullet at the shore of Tenrou Island. "Panther Lily, let's go!"

"Right!" Panther Lily grabs onto Spike and flies.

"Wait! Where are you going?!" Natsu shouts.

"Where we need to be," Spike smiles and uses his fire breath to teleport him and Panther Lily to the shores.

"Oh, c'mon!" Everyone complains that Spike left them behind.

Spike and Panther Lily are the first to arrive by the routes. Then they see Freed and Bickslow arriving.

"Oh shit," Bickslow said as Spike is powering up.

"Wait! Can't we settle this inside?" Freed pleas.

"Fairy Dragon ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR!" Spike unleashes his fire breath at Freed and Bickslow. Everyone on the ship sees Sparkling Green Flames bursting from the shores, larger in scale than before.

"Wow, looks like Spike answered our wish on Freed. Like a real man," Elfman said.

Evergreen laughs. "Thank you, Spike."

"That's what you get for imprisoning me in your enchantment. Let's go, Panther Lily."

"Right behind you," Panther Lily follows Spike in Route I.

Freed and Bickslow are scorched with Sparkle Green Flames and on the ground.

"Bickslow, remind me not to set an enchantment on Spike ever again."

"Duly Noted."

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