• Published 7th Jan 2021
  • 11,374 Views, 7,094 Comments

Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Act VIII: Ransacked

Author's Note:

Thank you for waiting patiently. I was a bit busy in life. I'm not on a writer's block.

Characters for the play already revealed:

King Chane - Eve
Suki - Wendy
Sara - Sherria
Darkness - Rogue
Richard - Rufus
Angelina - Kagura
Skeeter - Fairy Rage
Mika - Carla
Galvin - Spike
Titan - Orga
First Narrator - Yukino
Second Narrator - Lyon

The stage curtains rise, revealing many guards on the ground in the vault room. The stain-glass windows are in ruins, and the vault door is wide open. King Chane, Suki, Galvin, Sara, and Angelina arrive at the scene to see many artifacts and treasuries scattered on the floors.

"Oh no," King Chane grabs the backends of his hair in shock and horror. He walks into the vault to check on his subject. "Who did this?"

"Milllll...." The guard passes out.

Angelina, Suki, and Sara investigate the vault while Galvin remains still. Galvin decides to use his new technique to feel for vibrations around him. King Chane continues to ask his guards for any answer they encounter during the attack. Like the first guard he inspected, the others didn't say a word. All have passed out due to the attack.

"What kind of artifact you had in possession, Chane?" Angelina asks while gripping her sword to unsheath in case the perpetrator still lurks around.

King Chane sighs deeply. "A powerful energy resource," Chane takes Angelina and the others to the broken-down safe that no longer has magic properties. "It's known as the Dawnlight Nexus. It's an orb containing a never-ending charge like a battery. Alone the relic is not formidable unless combined with a weapon to harness its power. Then, we're talking about an unending wave of power energy with no equal."

"That's bad," Angelina said in shock. Sara and Suki gasp in terror. The girls are dismayed by the info provided by King Chane.

"Guys," Galvin feels a faint movement not far from his position. "Someone is still here with us," Galvin confirms.

Angelina unsheaths her sword as Suki and Sara power up. Chane grabs a weapon from his guards in case the intruder may assassinate him.

"I see no one, Galvin," Sara said. She looks around and feels like an idiot. "Of course, you're punking us."

"Ah!" Suki felt something sharp scratching her back while moving swiftly.

Chane, Angelina, and Sara feel the same sharp pain in their backs. Then, their clothes get torn a little right before their very own eyes. They question the prowess of the intruder's quick movements when Galvin elbow-strikes the perpetrator in the gut. She falls to her sides from the impact.

"Ow, you hit hard," A woman containing an orb in a sealed container says. She's wearing a black jumpsuit with black leather gloves covering the palm and backhand only, allowing exposure on the fingers. A belt with gadgets inside wrapped around her waist. She wears no boots, allowing stealth movements without drawing much attention.

"Who are you?!" King Chane commands the intruder.

"My liege," The woman bows to show some respect. "I am Milissa. Your.., demise!" Milissa throws a shuriken at King Chane's face.

Angelina deflects the shuriken with her sword, saving King Chane's life. She directs her sword at Milissa. "You're going to hand over that orb you stole or prepare to die with dignity!"

Milissa laughs at Angelina's threat. "Bitch, please. I don't fear threats."

Galvin steps back because Milissa said a trigger word. Angelina's eyes are full of wrath. She lunges at Milissa, growling at her in anger.

"Oh, crap!" Milissa reaches for a smoke bomb and throws it on the ground. Angelina goes through, missing her target. "Sorry, but that was too easy," Milissa laughs at Angelina's feeble attempt.

"Get over here!" Angelina goes after Milissa to strike her. Milissa dodges each attack, deeming them pointless; Suki and Sara spring into action to subdue Milissa's movements.

"Gotcha," Milissa throws another smoke bomb on the floor. She moves quickly, allowing Suki and Sara to collide with Angelina. "Wow, sucks to be you three, huh?" Milissa sees the trio down and out from the collision. King Chane stands still, frightened about his fighting techniques. He's an amateur for fighting someone as skillful as Milissa or anyone. "Then, there is one," Milissa disregards Galvin. She sees him as a lucky fool despite hearing the rumors of his blindness. She knows Galvin is a skillful swordsman, but without his vision, he's a nobody.

Galvin remains motionless while feeling Milissa's movements. The vibrating movements become heavier with the pacing; Milissa is getting closer to King Chane. Galvin runs and shoulder-tackles Milissa.

"Gotcha!" Galvin has Milissa pinned to the floor. Angelina, Suki, and Sara get up and sees Galvin holding Milissa in place.

"Nice going!" Angelina is impressed by how quickly Galvin adapts to using a new sense to heighten.

"Hmm, all luck," Sara said. She helps Suki get up.

"No, skill," Suki believes Galvin is getting better with the teaching he learned from King Chane.

"That's what you think!" Milissa double-kicks Galvin's face. She rolls back and jumps out of the broken-stain glass window. She holds the Dawnlight Nexus in her hands.

"You got cocky, Galvin! Graaah, how stupid can you be by letter her go?!" Sara facepalms herself in anger.

"Cool it," Angelina angrily said to Sara. "How the hell is she your sister, Suki?"

"At times, she's not like this. Usually, she's nicer and understanding," Suki explains. She runs up to Galvin and helps him up.

"This is bad," King Chane shakes his head. "Since Milissa stole my artifact, she could be going to the other kingdoms to create the ultimate weapon."

"Which is?" Galvin asks King Shane.

King Shane has trouble breathing due to the complexity of the situation. After a few moments, he relaxed, taking deep breaths. "W.E.D."

"W.E.D?" Everyone is curious to know what it stands for.

King Chane lowers his head. "It stands for Warblade Eternal Damnation. I remember my grandfather telling me stories about the Grand War. W.E.D, when used in the hands of righteousness, can control the weather, magic, and reality. No amount of evil and carnage from the opposing side can withstand the weapon's prowess. However, using W.E.D; for too long causes mental damage. Each wielder had a limited time window to harness its power before going into insanity. After the Grand War, our ancestors divided W.E.D. relics to ensure that no one would ever use its power for evil desires. If anyone vile enough restructures the weapon, there's no saving grace from their wrath. That evildoer will dominate the wills of the entire planet."

"So far, they got two relics," Angelina said.

"The Gaia Staff..," Suki and Sara worriedly said after hearing some info about W.E.D.

"Dawnlight Nexus," Galvin imagines how devastating W.E.D. may bring upon the lands. He believes the path the angel sent him is this one, preventing a superweapon from merging by the claws of Skeeter or someone more wicked than him.

"Chane, what is the closest kingdom from here?" Angelina asks King Chane.

"One of my best friends is the ruler of Harp Citadel. You can't miss it once you hear it," King Chane gives Suki a scroll and a map. "I need you to give King Echo this scroll. I need to make battle formations and arrangements." King Chane sighs deeply. "War is imminent."

"Thank you for your time, King Chane," Suki said with the utmost respect.

"Let's go," Sara wants to leave immediately. She's eager to help King Echo and fight off whoever wants to steal the next artifact.

The stage curtains descend with Rabian coming on stage with a megaphone. "Ladies and Gentlemen. Boys and girls. Wizards from all guilds. It's the first intermission of the act. It'll last half an hour so take the time to stretch your legs or grab food from the vendors sponsoring this play. I will inform you of more intermissions and say which will be my last to announce. Thank you very much!"

"Hey, wanna sneak around and say hi to our friends? Getting a little sneak peek for the next session?" Natsu whispers in Lucy's ear.

"No way! Are you kidding me?!" Lucy barks back at Natsu's childish plan. "I am not going backstage looking for trouble!"

"Happy," Natsu turns to his friend. "Are you down?"

"Aye!" Happy gladly concurs.

"Let's go!" Natsu gets too excited and shouts, which raises suspicions from Master Makarov.

"Laxus, keep an eye on Natsu," Makarov commands.

"Fine," Laxus gets up. He walks over to Natsu's seat. "Natsu."

Natsu turns to Laxus. "What is it?"

"I'm invoking my winning from the Grand Magic Games," Laxus grabs Natsu's scarf. "You're buying me food!" Laxus drags Natsu away, preventing him from doing any espionage.

"No fair!" Natsu cries loudly while getting dragged away.

"Well, so much for that," Happy watches Natsu getting dragged off by Laxus. He extends his wings. "I'm going to buy fish."

"Uh, didn't Fairy Rage forbade you from eating it?" Lucy reminds Happy. He starts sweating.

"If Fairy Rage doesn't know about it, then I'm in the clear," Happy nervously chuckles a bit. "Who would rat me out anyways?" Happy flies to the nearest vendor.

Lucy shakes her head in disbelief. "Happy is in trouble."

"Are you going to tell Fairy Rage that Happy has been skipping out on his punishment?" Gray asks Lucy.

Lucy opens her purse. She reveals a calling card that Spike made which is still active. "He already knows."

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