• Published 14th Sep 2015
  • 11,514 Views, 3,294 Comments

Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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XCR: The Agreement

Jak sat calmly across the table from Rayn as they stared each other. Each of them drank from drinks they'd brought themselves, and no refreshments of any other sort were laid out. The room itself was small, quiet, and illuminated only by a single lamp hanging above, with only a single door to one side of the room. The table itself was incredibly plain, as were the chairs each of them were seated in. All in all, it was a very serious room.

They continued to stare at each other, measuring the other, waiting for the other to initiate the discussion. Both had maneuvered around others socially or otherwise many times, and knew all their own strategies. Eventually, it was Rayn who broke the silence, her impatience stronger as her new obligations hung heavy on her mind. "You said we needed to talk?" she demanded coolly.

"So you're now in control of all crime here in Kras City, and the City itself," Jak stated firmly. "Which, in turn, means you control all criminal enterprises on the continent."

Rayn nodded in confirmation, not wanting to actually voice something like that. "Though it does leave me wondering why it's your business," she observed calmly, not actually voicing a question as of yet. "You don't seem the type to get involved in that side of things."

"Normally I'm not," Jak admitted readily. "I'd much rather leave that side of things to those who know it far better, and can be trusted to handle things professionally...and circumspectly." He locked his eyes on Rayn's. "Of course, that's the point of this conversation, after all."

Rayn frowned as she began to piece together what Jak wasn't quite saying. "This is recruitment, then?" she asked harshly, doing her best to marshal her irritation at Jak's presumptions.

"In a manner of speaking," Jak offered pleasantly. He turned his gaze to the ceiling. "The founder of Haven City built a massive laser cannon," he spoke up, seemingly changing the subject. "Its initial purpose was to break open the Metalhead nest so they could be decimated, freeing the continent from their plague. Of course, being who he was, he overdesigned, and the lowest setting was enough to penetrate the nest." Jak smiled idly. "From what I've been told by those who know...the highest setting could wipe a city off the map with a single shot." He turned his innocent smile back towards Rayn. "Isn't that interesting?"

Rayn frowned, her hand going to her hip almost idly. "Yes, I must say it is interesting. And what might lead to it being used?"

"Well, of course such a thing wouldn't be used casually," Jak clarified. "It would, of course, be a weapon of last resort...but it is a possibility. It would, of course, be better if such things could be resolved in other manners."

"I'm certain," Rayn replied firmly. "From the sound of it, you are quite familiar with how those decisions would be made."

"That would be a logical presumption, yes," Jak admitted. "Now, are we going to discuss things like reasonable people? I don't think the six Yellow Eco shots of your micro-Blaster would even make the shields you know I can generate flicker, and I know for a fact that's the only weapon you keep on your person."

Rayn let her hand ease away from her hip. "Of course, I'd have no reason to use it on a friend," she offered readily, though wondering how he knew she had no other weapons on her, and even knew the nature of the weapon. "Tell me, Jak, just who are you, anyway?"

Jak smiled softly. "Speaking in specifics now, are we? Very well. I am Mar, son of Damas, heir to the thrones of Haven and Spargus."

Rayn watched him carefully. "Two cities under your banner already?" she asked coldly. "Are you looking to add a third?"

"I'm looking to unite the continent," Jak replied readily. "At least, for now. And of course, you see why it interests me that you pretty much run Kras City now."

Rayn frowned. "You think I'll help you stamp out my entire enterprise?" she demanded harshly.

Jak waved his hand dismissively. "You're making assumptions. I don't want to shut you down, not at all. All that would do is scatter the criminal element and leave it in someone else's control, or several someones. Far more efficient to leave you in control...if you're willing to cooperate."

Rayn's frown changed from irritated to confused. "I'm listening..." she encouraged, wanting to hear more now.

"Crime, as it is, is a disruptive element to a well ordered kingdom," Jak explained. "It's the job of a leader to minimize disruptive elements in their domain, so as to encourage a thriving community. There are two ways to do that, either elimination or reorganization. As I've already explained, eliminating crime is an exercise in futility." He chuckled softly. "No, I want to reorganize things so that instead, crime contributes to society. What would be the point of trying to stamp out thieves and assassins? There will always be more, and you never know when I might need one."

Rayn stroked her chin thoughtfully. "What exactly are you offering here?" she asked calmly.

"Legitimacy," Jak clarified. "You continue your shadow rule of Kras City, and keep me in the loop of events of significance there. Kras City becomes part of the developing continental alliance, and we work together to unite the continent." He lifted his hands. Before Rayn's very eyes, one took on a pale blue cast as it glowed with white light, while the other expanded and grew claws as it turned darker. "I, more than anyone, understand the necessity of balancing the light with the shadows, after all. Since crime is inevitable, let it be organized, and let that organization work towards the same goals as all others: stability."

Rayn stared at him for a time, then chuckled softly. "Your legacy says you're a King...but you're sounding more like a Patrician."

Jak smiled. "I imagine if I were better read, I'd find that highly amusing. I'll ask Shining if he can explain it to me later. So what's your answer?"

Rayn smiled softly. "Cooperation goes both ways," she countered. "Suppose I do have my 'Rogue Court' working for you. What does my 'Court' get out of it?"

Jak interlaced his fingers together. "At first, smoother operations as they have less difficulty working around the existing system, as that system adapts to incorporate them. Over time? Eventually, they'll be as much a part of polite society as any respected Guild, and without having to actually behave respectably." He chuckled softly. "I know I hate having to."

Rayn couldn't stop her chuckle from escaping. "My earlier joke is all the more appropriate," she admitted before extending her hand. "I think we have a deal."

Smiling, Jak accepted the handshake. "A pleasure doing business with you. I look forward to future good relations." Standing, he turned to go.

"Tell me something, Your Majesty," she called after him. "Does the incipient King have a Queen in mind?"

Jak smirked back over his shoulder. "A claim there has already been staked...and she doesn't like sharing."

Rayn sighed, knowing exactly who he spoke of. "More's the pity," she joked teasingly. She watched speculatively as he left with a laugh. "More's the pity..."

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