• Published 14th Sep 2015
  • 11,513 Views, 3,294 Comments

Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Perfect Day, part 4

Shining sighed softly as he sat back in his dressing room, getting ready for his...wedding. So far, everything had gone exactly according to the plan he'd worked out with Twilight via Flash Sentry. Pretending that the spells - obviously mind control - that the fake Cadence cast on him were working was easy. Pretending he was oblivious to what was really happening was also easy. And Twilight had played up the irrational, overprotective paranoia perfectly, culminating in chasing the fake Cadence out of the wedding rehearsal in tears while claiming she was evil.

And then Shining had to repudiate her, and leave her behind. Even knowing it was all fake - and knowing she knew - it had hurt to say those words, and to see her react to them. It was necessary, however. Now that she had painted herself that way, it was up to him to finish the picture to set the stage...so the fake Cadence would think she could remove Twilight without anyone noticing. Still, the things he'd said tasted vile on his tongue...

He was certain Twilight could handle herself. Her skill and power with magic were enough to handle just about anything. If the false Cadence tried to kill her, Twilight would fight back, and use that to prove her arguments. If she instead tried to banish her, however, Twilight would let it happen. If the real Cadence lived and was locked up somewhere in Canterlot, there could only be so many such places. If Cadence was being held elsewhere...well, if whoever it was could teleport someone forcefully that far, there'd be no reason not to keep all prisoners there. Either way, it would send Twilight straight to Cadence.

As he felt himself starting to sink into despair from that again, there was a knock at the door. "Come," he stated quickly.

Flash Sentry entered cautiously. "A report for you sir," he brought up morosely.

Shining turned to face the Private. "Go ahead."

"Well...the Princess has been rather...snide to many ponies, but most overlook it," Flash explained. "But...I saw a couple of things that has left me convinced this is not the Princess at all."

Shining raised an eyebrow. "Bold accusation. What sort of things are these?"

"Well, I followed the Princess back into the throne room after everyone else but your sister left," Flash continued. "I stayed just outside the door...and I saw her surround your sister in green flame and send her sinking through the floor. It...it looked like she was sending her to Tartarus or something...or somewhere worse."

"Other unicorns, or the Princesses, would have felt the altered-space warp if that was what happened," Shining pointed out with a smirk. "Though that's certainly interesting. What's the other thing you saw?"

Flash frowned, his eyes going flinty. "...how do I know I can trust you? You seem happy your sister's been kidnapped!"

Shining's grin widened. "Private, off the top of your head, what do you know about the things my sister has been involved in recently?"

Flash tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Let's see...fought Nightmare Moon, wields the Element of Magic, levitated an Ursa Minor several miles while lulling it to sleep, faced down Discord..."

"Things like this are in Twilight's future," Shining stated bluntly. "She can handle herself. Believe me. Now, that other thing?"

Sighing, Flash reached up to a crystal in his helm. "I recorded this from just outside the Princess's dressing room." He tapped the crystal, and 'Cadence's voice echoed softly from it.

"This day is going to be perfect
The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small
Everypony will gather 'round
Say I look lovely in my gown
What they don't know is that I have fooled them all!
I could care less about the dress
I won't partake in any cake
Vows, well I'll be lying when I say
That through any kind of weather
I'll want us to be together
The truth is I don't care for him at all
No I do not love the groom
In my heart there is no room
But I still want him to be all mine"

Shining nodded. "Yup, that's evil alright."

"So what do we do?" Flash asked quickly. "We can't let her get away with this, right?"

Shining smiled softly. "So you're in all the way then, are you?"

Flash nodded instantly. "Absolutely. I'm yours to command, Captain!"

Shining grinned widely. "In that case, the first thing you do is go to Princess Celestia, and tell her you have a Code Violet urgent message for her. If she asks where you learned that code, tell her Chimer-Changa. She won't ask any more questions after that, other than the message itself."

Flash closed his eyes as he filed that information away. "Alright. Can...can I ask what those mean?"

Shining chuckled. "Code Violet was implemented after Twilight's entrance exam to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. It means an emergency involving her mental state."

"Why would that be a Guard code?" Flash asked in confusion.

"At the exam, she turned our parents into plants, levitated the proctors into the air, hatched a dragon egg and turned the infant dragon into a giant...and would have released even more if Princess Celestia hadn't stepped in personally to calm her down. It's why Princess Cadence was originally assigned to foalsit her. Princess Celestia felt only an alicorn could reliably contain her magic surges if they were that strong."

"Eeyikes," Flash mumbled thoughtfully. "And...Chimer-Changa?"

"Instituted after Discord's escape," Shining explained. "It means the one who sent the message won't be able to confirm it later for one reason or another, and thus names shouldn't be used."

"And...the message?"

Shining nodded. "Remind her of an 'old tradition' of an extra long wedding speech for when an alicorn gets married," he stated softly, "and that it would look bad if she let Cadence rush her through it."

Flash blinked for a bit, then grinned. "Giving Twilight plenty of time to get back with the real Cadence?" he deduced.

"Precisely." Shining turned to his chest of drawers. "Once you've delivered that message, go back to my quarters. You'll find two oddly configured swords under my pillow. Keep them hidden on you, and be within sight of me the entire time at the wedding. Don't act surprised if I act...oddly."

"Got it, sir!" Flash stated with a salute before turning to leave.

Once he was gone, Shining opened a drawer, pulling out his Precursor Alloy armor. He grinned as he compared it to the rather loose fitted dress uniform he was to be married in, which was sized to him from before his life in Sandover, Haven, and Spargus. He was a lot fitter than he was, leaving plenty of room to hide the armor underneath. He was going to be prepared for anything.

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